Censored: Men’s Eyes in Women’s Shower Room

by | Aug 4, 2022 | General | 67 comments

Editors Note: In the Free Press‘s ongoing efforts to expose censorship by local media, we are publishing a letter to the editor written to The Leader by long-time Port Townsend resident Julie Jaman. The letter, printed in full below, was submitted on July 28th following her experience at the Mountain View Pool, a City of Port Townsend facility operated in partnership with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA. The Free Press reported in detail on the episode the letter describes. Other information outlets have since picked up the story, including The Post Millennial, The Distance, and the feminist REDUXX.

Not only did The Leader not publish Jaman’s letter, Jefferson County’s weekly “newspaper of record” provided no coverage of any kind about this significant incident. The violation of a biological woman’s right to privacy and her subsequent banning from the pool led to a police report, protests and counter-protests at the Mountain View Commons, as well as dozens of public comments at the August 1st Port Townsend City Council meeting. Rather than publish Jaman’s letter and/or a news story, however, this week’s Leader featured a public relations article promoting the Y on their front page. A call from Jaman to the editor was never returned, she says. Once again we see censorship by the legacy media in deference to local institutions and their biases.

Below is the letter The Leader chose not to print. The title was provided by Julie Jaman as part of her submission.



Men’s Eyes in Women’s Shower Room

Editor, The Leader

Showering after my swim at Mt. View Pool, I heard a man’s voice. Peeking out I saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit watching little girls pull down their swimsuits In order to use the bathroom. “Get out of here,” I said.

This is the incident that caused a Y staff person to condemn me as discriminatory and banned me forever from using the pool – the pool with binary changing areas that my family has supported and used for 35 years. I sense I have arrived at the center of this topsy turvy world.

There is no signage on the door informing pool patrons that men will be using the women’s shower/dressing room if they identify as women. There is no place at the pool for women and girls to use who do not want men watching while they shower and dress.

I spoke with a Port Townsend police detective and with the Y’s CEO, Wendy Bart. This, so far, is not a legal incident. However, the CEO provided some information of concern. Ms. Bart told me she assumes the posted “pride” signs indicating the Y welcomes all people are adequate for women to know crossdressers and men who identify as women will be using the women’s dressing/shower room. And she told me that it is the law not to discriminate against such people and that she was standing by her staff person’s decision to exclude me from the pool.

However, there is no way around discriminating against someone in this sex classification vs. gender identity issue when it comes to modesty, dignity and safety. Someone is going to be trespassed. This time it was me: the pool manager, with no inquiry for my well being or concern for what I saw and while I was still in the shower, told me I was discriminating against this man and booted me from the pool.

“Pride” signs act as a euphemism allowing men into the spaces women have always trusted as safe from the eyes of men. The Olympic Peninsula Y is remiss in not posting clear signage on the dressing room doors and for not providing a unisex or family place for those who want to mix it up.

Julie Jaman
Quimper Peninsula


Additional coverage by the Free Press is forthcoming.

the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Charlie Bermant

    It was past deadline. The Y story was breaking on Tuesday and they are stretched pretty thin. Also the letters deadline is on Friday. No excuse for misspelling “Puget” (Pudget?) on a front page headline, though.

    • Jim Scarantino

      I interviewed Julie Jaman last Friday. She told me she had already sent the letter and had called the editor with her story. Also, the contentious, rather fascinating and feisty council meeting was Monday. The Leader may be stretched “thin” as you say, but they had staff to do a softball piece benefitting the Y instead of covering some hard news that casts a less favorable light. Thanks for reading our stuff, Charlie.

    • Ana Wolpin

      To follow up on Jim’s comment, the Y story was not breaking on Tuesday, August 2nd (election day). The incident happened a week before on Tuesday, July 26, and the police report was taken that day. As noted above, Julie Jaman submitted her letter to the Leader on Thursday the 28th, in advance of their Friday deadline, and also sent it to the Free Press that day. Rather than run a letter written to another publication, Jim did a thorough job, talking to Julie, obtaining the police report, and contacting reps at the Y. The following Monday was the first protest at the Mountain View Commons, followed by dozens of public comments at the City Council meeting that night. Another protest took place on Tuesday the 2nd. The Leader had a week-old police report, a letter submitted far ahead of its deadline, as well as a follow-up phone call from Julie to the editor which never received the courtesy of a response, and the better part of a week to cover this.

      • Ana Wolpin

        One day later, and the story of Julie being banned by the Y from the city pool has turned out to be one of the biggest news stories to come out of PT in years. What was not deemed newsworthy by our institutional county weekly — the Leader choosing not only to substitute a feel-good article on a YMCA meals program for real news, but elevating that fluff piece to a front page feature — has now gone national. In addition to the publications noted in the Editors Note at top, the Free Press is getting Trackbacks/Pingbacks for their coverage from publications like Indy News, Real News out of Los Angeles. The Daily Wire, and even Arabic outlets (नग्न 80 वर्षीय अपने…). A fraction of the Trackbacks/Pingbacks to date can be seen here, at the bottom of the Comments section. And for anyone tracking these comments, while Julie has yet to receive a call-back from the Leader, she is going to be on a national broadcast of NewsMax at 4 p.m.

  2. Craig E Durgan

    Conservatives have known for a long time how deceptive the PT Leader is. That is why it is referred to as the Misleader. It would appear that the Misleader is now misleading the liberals in the community. In the end, if no one trusts them why bother to read it at all.

  3. Stephanie

    So perverts are not a crime???
    I hope this isn’t true at the Marysville Y. I just won a family pass and am very excited about bringing my kids.

  4. Maryjo Grace

    Everyone deserves to feel safe, especially when they’re naked in public. The solution is simple really: Mountain View to do a little remodeling to provide three changing rooms: Male, Female, and Non-Binary.

    • Randy

      Maryjo Grace. That’s good common sense solution oriented thinking. Unfortunately a man who wants to shower with little girls will scream oppression, discrimination and homophobic if asked to go use the genderless or gender confused nonbinary shower room. I wish common sense and courtesy would prevail.

    • David Lewis

      No the lady has been banned for speaking out against this madness

  5. Annette Huenke

    What follows is an excerpt from this informative article —

    “A great deal of the transgender debate is unexplained. One of the most mystifying aspects is the speed and success of a small number of small organisations in achieving major influence over public bodies, politicians and officials. How has a certain idea taken hold in so many places so swiftly?

    …thanks to the legal website Roll On Friday, I have now seen a document that helps answer that question.

    The document is the work of Dentons, which says it is the world’s biggest law firm; the Thomson Reuters Foundation, an arm of the old media giant that appears dedicated to identity politics of various sorts; and the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Youth & Student Organisation (IGLYO). Both Dentons and the Thomson Reuters Foundation note that the document does not necessarily reflect their views.

    The report is called ‘Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth’. Its purpose is to help trans groups in several countries bring about changes in the law to allow children to legally change their gender, without adult approval and without needing the approval of any authorities. ‘We hope this report will be a powerful tool for activists and NGOs working to advance the rights of trans youth across Europe and beyond,’ says the foreword.

    As you’d expect of a report co-written by the staff of a major law firm, it’s a comprehensive and solid document, summarising law, policy and ‘advocacy’ across several countries. Based on the contributions of trans groups from around the world (including two in the UK, one of which is not named), it collects and shares ‘best practice’ in ‘lobbying’ to change the law so that parents no longer have a say on their child’s legal gender.

    In the words of the report:

    “’It is recognised that the requirement for parental consent or the consent of a legal guardian can be restrictive and problematic for minors.’

    You might think that the very purpose of parenting is, in part, to ‘restrict’ the choices of children who cannot, by definition, make fully-informed adult choices on their own. But that is not the stance of the report.

    Indeed, it suggests that ‘states should take action against parents who are obstructing the free development of a young trans person’s identity in refusing to give parental authorisation when required.’

    In short, this is a handbook for lobbying groups that want to remove parental consent over significant aspects of children’s lives. A handbook written by an international law firm and backed by one of the world’s biggest charitable foundations.”

    • alby baker

      “The drag queen banned by the National Theatre for making a sex joke about children in front of horrified parents has been revealed.”

      “Ms Sharon Le Grand was performing to a crowd at the free River Stage festival in South London when the performer started speaking about inclusivity.”

      “The drag queen told the audience: ‘We need to teach our children to open their hearts, teach our children to open their minds… and to teach our children to open their legs.’ ”


      Much of the “woke” agenda is about spectacle, and keeping thematic variations headlined on the front page and the screen — in order for populations to be saturated with it, especially the children.

      Mass medias & academias — including sports & entertainment, disney & netflix, even cartoons, and particularly the “educational” system — have been managing similar societal redirects for decades. It’s not called “programming” for nothing — aka entrainment & indoctrination.

      The darkside’s influence, narcissism & distortion has engineered a local & global stage, utilizing stunning amounts of moneys, “carrots”, distraction & division. Most of “the west” went along for the ride, stepped into those punches…. now our world’s witnessing the consequences.

      We can all locate the first circles of fault right in the mirror. Any change starts there.

      Turn off the spectacle/s, especially the tv. Listen & talk to each other, and return to essential matters.

  6. David Lewis

    Yes the Misleader, I was born and raised in Port Townsend. I saw alot of questionable things growing up here, I can’t believe how curropt the politics are here. No republican is even running for Sherriff, I went to a private Christian school in 1990s called Cornerstone in Port Townsend and we won back to back 2 state basketball tournaments from Idaho , Oregon and Washington and went undefeated both years. We didn’t get mentioned in the Misleader either year because we were of a Christian school, there is a massive dark energy over Port Townsend….lots of spiritual warfare going on right now…a major attack on our morals…I hope they don’t let up on this because this sickness has to stop….

  7. Rich Germeau

    People need to wake up… Why are the local and state government protecting pedophiles??? Its not culture,, its not progress,, its none of those things… Its all about money and trafficking… Washington State is run by a shadow government of elite pedophiles.. Why do you think all of these very rich people are moving to Jefferson County??? Not for the scenery or the food… Washington State is like the Ukraine in the sense it is a trafficking hub for the black market,, mostly drugs and humans,, drugs are the cover for humans as the same networks and routes are used… The state is a regional Mafia,, Counties,, Cities and even Indian Tribes are sub MAFIA’s… What do you think Casino’s are for? What do you think the Boldt Decision was for? Infrastructure,,, money laundering,, blackmail… You do not think it was just Jeffery Epstein in this business did you??? Why do you think election fraud is so important??? CPS is a child trafficking organization… You ever heard of the Kiwanas Sex Abuse https://www.pcva.law/news/pcva-settles-kiwanis-international-sexual-abuse-lawsuit-for-9m/

    • Rich Germeau

      Maybe it is the food… These elites like to eat kids just as much as they like abusing them…

  8. Rich Germeau

    Just because the controlling entity which calls itself a government rigs the entire show,, fake elections,, fake economics,, fake math, fake history,, fake biology,, puts the people against each other,, fighting each other,, for profit justice system,,, brainwashes the people in every way possible… Now its failing,, being exposed so they try and kill as many as possible with a death injection to mitigate their crimes,, in attempt to maintain control… Everything exposed and the people are getting very pissed off,, because the vale has been removed and they are beginning to see,, no more shadows for darkness to hide in… The time to wake up is over,, the time to save yourself is over… What’s done is done,, choices matter… You are your own gate keeper… Get ready,, the end of this movie is near,,, critical mass was met long ago,, the path was set long ago… “Never interrupt your enemy while its in the process of destroying itself”… Its done…

    • alby baker

      Hello there rich germau — appreciated your commentaries.
      Nonetheless, lets check out the reach of the last statement:
      “You people have no idea what is really going on…”

      An awakening from the millennial human slavery & sleep inhabits many forms & levels. Not easy to be patient at this late dark hour, but there it is — one mind, opportunity & moment at a time. Case by case, given the fragility.

      “America” from the beginning was just another engineered multi-layered lie. “The founding fathers” were masons. “Democracy” was built on the elimination of one race, and the enslavement of others. It was always intended to be a militarized arm of the global control & predatory system, now with something like a thousand military bases in over 150 nations — perfect for drug & human trafficking. If that isn’t empire building on the backs of the enslaved & conquered, what other name shall we give it?

      Ask any Indian, it you can find one that’s still relatively intact — after centuries of genocide, cultural eradication, “assimilation” in POW camps, and the stealing of tens of thousands of native children, many who somehow wound up dead in church mass burial sites, in the states as well as canada. And all “legal”, and all in the name of god & country.


      The layers of deceit, including self-deceit, run as deep into the rabbit-holes as folks are willing to explore. Most are reluctant — the journey too difficult. The problem becomes, how to find people where they are, and then add a little?

      It’s been a loong slow awakening, but the shock troops are everywhere, in a time when EVERYTHING is being revealed.

      PT’s a crazy town in a crazy world.

  9. Jim Randall

    I’d be willing to donate to Julie to help with legal costs. Just tell me where to send the money.

  10. Jim Randall

    Here’s an email I received from Wendy Bart today. She’s doubling down. She’s got hutzpah. I’ll give her that.

    Information Regarding Mountain View Pool
    Dear James,

    I’m reaching out today as you may have read news stories around an incident at the Mountain View Pool, which we manage, as part of our YMCA of Jefferson County branch. This has caused many members to ask questions surrounding our policies and our Code of Conduct and I’d like to use this opportunity to clarify these.

    Our Code of Conduct policy states: “At the Y, we strive to provide an atmosphere free from: discrimination, hatred, derogatory or unwelcome comments, intimidation, conduct or actions of sexual nature, or actions based on an individual’s sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or any other legal protected status.” Anyone violating this Code of Conduct may have their membership revoked.

    The safety and well-being of children in our care always has been and always will be a top priority. We are committed to providing a safe environment for every person in our programs, most importantly children who are entrusted to our care. We have a series of measures in place to keep kids safe including background checks for staff; training for child abuse prevention, recognition and response; and ensuring that staff are not alone with a child at any point in time.

    As a community-based nonprofit organization, we are committed to reflecting the diverse communities we serve, and to providing a safe, inclusive environment for all. Since 2016, when WAC 162-32-060 went into effect, we have operated in accordance with the law which gives people the right to access the locker rooms, changing rooms, and bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

    I want to thank you for your support as these policies keep all Y members safe, and so that we can be an organization that is welcoming and inclusive for all.

    Please contact me should you have any questions or concerns.

    Wendy Bart
    Chief Executive Officer

    • Jim Scarantino

      That means a woman cannot object to a male in the women’s showers. Period. They must accept being naked in front of men.

      • Jim Randall

        Read the last paragraph of the statute. The Y has to offer accommodation to people who object and the Y has to post notices about the likelihood of encountering a man dressed as a woman in the women’s locker room and vice versa. Neither of which are present. Looks like the Y is in for a law suit. I hope Julie is up for it.

        • Do_the_math

          The issue is that the people of Washington need to vote out the liberal government that make these insane laws.

      • joanbest2

        A complaint to the police with the specific description of voyeuristic behavior could bring a charge. Same with indecent exposure should a man disrobe completely in the woman’s shower area in front of women &/or children.

  11. Ana Wolpin

    Laura Ingraham included this story last night in her national broadcast, with a clip of Julie addressing PT City Council.

    The Ingraham Angle 8/5/22

    “We found perhaps the most maddening story of the week…” Start at minute 3:08 for the segment about this news out of PT.

    • jeanne d.

      Earlier, a link was shared to the Medium website to a piece written by Sophie Allen. Apparently Medium has removed Sophie from their platform, for speaking out. She does have an excellent Twitter account which has been very helpful in my own investigations. I wish we could read what she had written on Medium, though.


  12. Temur Perkins

    Hi Alby, Hello from the Florida Panhandle, the Bible belt, where my daughters can change into their swimsuits safe from men’s eyes and safe from seeing penises. We really miss you guys, but this pool issue is exactly the kind of thing that made PT an unsafe place to raise kids. The public schools here are way better too. Everything woke turns to shit, swimming pools, parks, schools, the fairgrounds squatter squalor.

    • alby baker

      Hey temur — excellently timed escapade.
      On top of everything else the last few years, PT morphed into a zombie poster child for the NWO. You’d hardly recognize the place, or the peeps. Never seen anything like it — as if a sudden psycho-switch was thrown.
      The ancient WTF with an upgrade.

      Hope the fishing’s good. 🙂
      Hugs for you and the fam.

  13. Esther G. Hayes

    If you think “The Y” is bad, ya’ll should
    see what’s goin’ on at yer public libraries.
    No, seriously; just cause they ain’t havin’
    drag queen story time doesn’t mean this
    insane agenda isn’t being forced on
    Those rainbows all over the children’s
    section ain’t a science lesson about
    refracted light, mmmkay?

  14. Jay Dee

    This will go kinetic very soon.
    You cannot mock 52% of the human race and make every real female a trespasser in their own female spaces.
    I will not tolerate it for the sake of my mother, my ex-wife, my daughter and every female I have ever known.
    The entire “trans agenda” is pure lunacy and insanity, let alone deviant at best and criminal (state sponsored self-mutilation) at worst.
    Kinetic…. Remember that word.

  15. Gunny HiWay

    One word….. KINETIC
    The discontent of the average American will soon become so unbearable that their response will be KINETIC.
    Be prepared, it will happen virtually overnight.
    Carry On,


    • Rich Germeau

      You are correct… KINETIC… The ones pushing this agenda, who put this child in this position,,, created this misfit and told him it was normal planned this whole thing… They put someone with a penis in the womens dressing room just to illicit a response… They are trying to force assimilation through the back door,,, make it normal regardless of push back… Cause the incident,, control it and then move beyond it,,, if they need legal resources they have them at their disposal from the State AG… Fake rights established on unstable fake ground to super seed established criminal laws and implied intent… None of this crap can hold up.. all a failed pipe dream which is being totally rejected by the majority… Thats what these people do best,, make bad decisions and self destruct… They are now trying to bury this story,, if you have not noticed it has been pulled off all the Main Stream Media feeds…

      When your government tries to force extreme policy/agenda in the open without legal authority or official cause the response from the people must be twice as extreme…

      • Edel Sokol

        | 3 Aug 2022 | The Biden administration is spending up to 300,000 in tax d-llars to promote gay and transgender “social acceptance” in Botswana, according to a federal grant listing reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. The Department of State will give one U.S. organization or academic institution with the funds so they may “bolster LGBTQI+ community initiatives” and “build support networks and organizations” in the African country. The participants, which will travel to the country and spend up to 18 months there, will be tasked with promoting gay and transgender acceptance among “influential religious groups and traditional groups.” …”With the Biden Administration’s track record of wasteful, woke spending domestically, it shouldn’t surprise us that this Administration is using our taxpayer d-llars to spread wokeness abroad too,” Republican Florida Rep. Greg Steube, who sits on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

  16. Ben Thomas

    Just saying hey, Temur. I was wondering if you had left town or not. I came back a few years ago. I appreciate all your help years ago with Vigilance. I see you’re still supporting alternative media. Take care down there.

    • Ben Thomas

      (Not sure why comments don’t always indent under the comment one tries to reply to.)

      • Annette Huenke

        We editors have the same problem, Ben. It’s a WordPress glitch. Try it again, it usually works the second time, and we’ll delete this one that’s out of place. Thanks!

  17. Harvey Windle

    Here is a link to the City Council Meeting with public comment starting at 6:55 Your Appointed Mayor and City Manager comment after public comment starting at 55:20


    Back in the day, 1976 I lived off Hollywood Blvd, going to school related to the industry there. I then sold at Pike Place Market for over 2 decades. All “types” were friends and neighbors at both places. All are individuals within those types. Flamboyant to reserved and all in between. Considerate and inconsiderate. Self-absorbed and thoughtful. Some with empathy, some with none. All learning as we all do daily.

    I think as some have noted here that we have an infrastructure problem in this case. Nonbinary is complex to many, and as with so many things lead to many realities and beliefs. Simply needing only to announce that you are at any given time a certain sex has built in problems some will surely exploit.

    Hell, with vaccines simply claiming religious reasons not to vax was not enough in many cases. “Proving” who someone really is, or thinks is a slippery slope. So perhaps locker rooms need to evolve, as some feel the need to be who they feel they really are. Judge not…..

    Personally I think those with male muscles and strength who “win” over binary females win very little. Bless you. Love you. Ain’t fair.

    About the locker room.

    In my case going into junior high at age 12 or 13, all of a sudden, I was supposed to feel comfortable with giving up privacy that I had learned was “normal”. Suddenly 2 ex-marine gym teachers were being fairly abusive in my mind and treating all of us like little recruits. Perhaps not your experience. Definitely was mine. It was the Vietnam era. It felt like boot camp to me. Being nude along with the class bullies and the full spectrum of varied classmates didn’t feel right to me. Neither did being pushed around by adults who seemed a little too macho. It still would not.

    So, I refused to participate. A little dweeb junior high conscientious objector. Even at that age I was not going to be treated as less than who I felt comfortable being. That didn’t make me mentally ill. I didn’t do gym from the second day on through high school. I wasn’t right for me. I suppose some would say its where my independence started or became apparent. You go ahead. I won’t. Did not feel right for me.

    I think communal locker rooms are a matter of economic reality rather than human reality. Given the choice and not being indoctrinated as most are starting in Junior High, I think most would prefer some privacy.

    Binary boys in the traditional Y locker room are potentially subject to what the girls were in this incident from binary men of certain “types” or sub “types” within a “type”. But no one here in ol PT has ever had an issue with that. Stories of that and boy scout abuses are well known. This situation focuses on a specific problem that archaic locker rooms are prone to incubate. It’s really just a matter of economics that most are indoctrinated into. Most don’t really even think about it. Or many other things. Good brain washing leaves little evidence to the washed.

    Suicides happen due to some feeling that there is no place for them. Some judge and call names those who they do not know at all. Black and white is easier. A lot of black and white here, and enough lack of empathy to go all around.

    No easy answers. There are costly infrastructure answers that would allow no one to be put on the spot or feel out of place. Private showers and dressing rooms. But we can’t even afford housing for many.

    Seems some say there were options in this case. Seems no one bothered to make them known.

    So here we are.

    What a world. What a World. Dropped into insanity and expected to make sense of it. Alby might tell you that the tribes recognized nonbinary. Or not. Best to ALL. Here’s to empathy all around.

    • Annette Huenke

      Harvey, I can’t speak to Indigenous peoples’ historical ‘recognition of nonbinary’ people, but my decades of close relations with hundreds of them, primarily from this region, revealed tribal struggles similar to Europeans’ with acceptance of homosexuality. Gender roles (based on biological sex) were quite defined for most ancient cultures, including Natives of this continent. The men were the hunters, the women typically the gatherers and overseers of the children. Threats to the safety and well-being of their circles were banished.

      Pacific Northwest tribes discouraged or forbade women from carving wood until very recently.

      One thing I can say with certainty is that their traditions would not have allowed for outright encouragement of questioning ones biological sex, nor the removal and addition of body parts and the accompanying hormone-altering drugs. Their concepts of the sacredness of the whole as delivered by their notion of ‘the creator’ is in direct conflict with such behavior.

      Seven Generations are obviously not the concern of those promoting trans ideology.

      • Harvey Windle

        One of my favorite masks in my collection is a “Two Spirit” mask which is displayed with a Forest Woman and Greed mask by the same artist. I just Googled the subject, as anyone can. Obviously, there are distinct differences of expressing this today vs in the past. Of course, the information presented from any search result will vary with the author and tribe. Conversations can lead to better understanding.

        So far, my research shows no YMCA or locker rooms in pure native cultures. 🙂


    • alby baker

      Well-said, harvey.
      Given the atmosphere, may cooler heads and warmer hearts prevail.

      And in the meantime, a cautionary or two.
      Let’s not lose sight of bigger pictures — context is everything. Simultaneously being wary of broad brush strokes, tarring indiscriminately. It’s a practice, threading that needle.

      Nonetheless, it’s plain we’re not dealing with mature coherent minds amidst the “woke” folk, who’ve fallen prey to out-of-control institutionalized brainwash & agendas. Orwell’s 2 + 2 = 5.

      This world remains chockfull of sexual predators, just as throughout human history & institutions (church & state) — where these types are not only allowed, but sequestered & shielded. Well, why is that?

      Regardless, it’s a no-brainer — the innocent & vulnerable deserve our vigilance & protection. Why should the Y’s ideologues be allowed to be complacent there, as well promoting sexual ideologies? After all, our public pool, not the Y’s.

      As ever though, it’s an incomplete story without historical perspectives.

      Contentious (weaponized) ideologies have wreaked havoc throughout recorded time. It matters little whether the “identity” is social, political, religious, economic, etc…. and/or sexual, as is currently somehow the case. Populations — endlessly exploited, programmed & redirected by the-powers-that-shouldn’t-be — have been repeatedly prompted to see most every other ideology or outsider as a threat (aka “the barbarians at the gates”). The last several years being case in point — certain groups weaponized against others, often via scapegoating. A classic.

      Such repetitive patterns have become devolutionary.

      The vast grey areas, as well as nuances, are lost amongst the black/white squares of the rigged rigid chessboard. Sadly, as is typical of ideological hierarchies & structures, the rank & file generally have little idea how they’re being played.

      It’s been decades since i “identified” with right/left or religious ideologies. One can set calendars & clocks by the blinkered denial & contentiousness therein — which serves only those in power. I pray that one of these days that ‘divided & conquered’ utterly fails as the oldest science of conquest on the planet…. which of course includes longterm gender exploitations & divisiveness.

      Even as women & men had their basic roles, some tribes maintained an honored place for ‘the different ones’. These quasi-outsiders were often uniquely wired with insights to see beyond social/psychological conditioning & conundrums — with the capacity to humorously challenge the oft-stuck rigidity of “normal”.

      Native/elder wisdom cultures held the foresight to disable wrongful individuals from becoming divisive forces or sects within their communities.

      The ptb have had no such compunctions. “Woke” is a local & global agenda precisely aimed at further rifts & divisions, as well completing the institutionalized ROT process from within. These tiny factions have quite suddenly been granted significant resources, public media bullhorns, and the political clout to create fiefdoms, without constraint or accountability. Ditto with local councils & boards, who are not only absurdly out of touch, but out of reach.

      If involved, you’ve no doubt witnessed some of these rather childlike/reactive individuals & groups, often unable to hold civil discourse, unable to see past their tiny bailiwicks, and content to remain historically ignorant — places they would try to contain others. Scratch the surface, get a tantrum.

      If the no-nonsense persuasion of protection for the historically vulnerable somehow fails to register, then these few can be invited to create their own clubhouse.

      “Y” not?

  18. rchrd brl

    This trans gender, Public Facility use issue, is something that should be decided by popular vote and put into law – Public Safety should be the first consideration for adults who vote – other concerns are usually tainted with idiosyncrocies and learned fantasies that must be acommidated as popular beliefs – – however, let me caution you that – transgender people often hold the MORAL High ground due to their freedom from guilt concerning – ABORTION Issues.

    • Do_the_math

      It should be decided by common sense. Communal spaces that involve undressing or potential for nudity should be designated to biological sex. This is for the safety and comfort of women and children. Period.

      There should be separate spaces for those that do not identify with their biological sex. They are entitled to their privacy and only their privacy. They are not entitled to subject themselves on others of the opposite sex.

      This is common-sense and considers the needs and safety of the majority while providing privacy to the minority. Any laws or ordinances that are contrary need to be challenged in court as a violation of a women and children’s right to privacy, safety, and decency.

  19. Non-Freak

    The really fun part, if I could call it that, was the YMCA’s attempt to insulate itself from the public by removing contact information from its website. Nothing disappears. LOL

  20. Ben Thomas

    Harvey, I appreciate your thoughtful and nuanced comment here. I agree especially with this:

    “I think communal locker rooms are a matter of economic reality rather than human reality. Given the choice and not being indoctrinated as most are starting in Junior High, I think most would prefer some privacy.”

    • Harvey Windle

      Ben- Ran this by a couple of people of both binary sexes and got responses that they had never thought of it but agreed before putting it to print. Funny how most people will often fall in line because everyone is doing it. This is a rather archaic practice if we have the leisure to think of alternatives. We are herd animals in many aspects. True on City Council as well. Groupthink dysfunction.

      Locker room issues is just another infrastructure issue on one but not all levels.

      From showers to parking tolerance. Everyone is doing it, must be ok.

      In this YMCA case shallow thinking Government at higher levels created something that divides more than it has to. Cost effective for some. Damaging for others.

      The Y really should have thought this through. Clementine surely should have a position and place. What position right now has created more negative blow back than was necessary. No shame, but empathy is a two-way street. Staff may be a little tunnel visioned.

      What are the odds that Julie, a vocal activist happened to be the one “ambushed” by this event.? This sure is turning out to be a test case.

      Interesting to see comments by Appointed Mayor Faber and City Manager Mauro flanked by the City Attorney saying they had to follow the law. Yet they ignore some of their own. No parking planning and ignored administration causing social conflict and monetary damages come to mind. Groupthink in the face of known damage. The comment you had about Mauro not being direct in conversations is the result of having to do things you can’t directly answer to. You for the record say it’s all worked out.

      Not for all.

      Best to all.

      • herepog2

        Re: “Interesting to see comments by Appointed Mayor Faber and City Manager Mauro flanked by the City Attorney saying they had to follow the law.”

        Indeed, let’s follow the law.

        It appears from WAC 162-32-060(2)(a) that if, this being at the local level a democracy, i.e., we could vote on this individually and not defer to our local “representatives,” if the majority of women who

        “express[es] concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with the person’s gender expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available”

        demonstrate that they are “discomfort[ed]” by a male who thinks he’s a female, this majority should be directed to use the current designated female locker rooms and the tiny minority who have the legal right to enjoy a “gender-neutral facility” should be provided with that as soon as possible.

        The reality we live in dictates that response in a genuine democracy.

        See: National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) (https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics)

        See: “Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women,” U.S. Department of Justice (https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/183781.pdf)

        Therefore, Mayor Faber and City Manager Mauro ought to follow the law and proceed to begin the process of getting those facilities for that minority put in place as soon as possible.

        WAC 162-32-060

        Gender-segregated facilities.

        (1) Facility use. All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity.

        In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered
        entities shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual’s
        gender expression or gender identity.

        (2) Cannot require use inconsistent with gender expression or gender
        identity. A covered entity shall not request or require an individual to use a gender segregated facility that is inconsistent with that individual’s gender expression or
        gender identity, or request or require an individual to use a separate or gender-neutral

        (a) If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who
        uses a facility that is consistent with the person’s gender expression or gender identity,
        the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral
        facility, if available.

        (b) Any action taken against a person who is using a restroom or other gender segregated facility, such as removing a person, should be taken due to that person’s actions or behavior while in the facility, and must be unrelated to gender expression or gender identity. The same standards of conduct and behavior must be consistently applied to all facility users, regardless of gender expression or gender identity.

        (3) Provision of options encouraged. Whenever feasible, covered entities are
        encouraged to provide options for privacy, such as single-use gender-neutral
        bathrooms or private changing areas, that are available to any individual desiring

        [Statutory Authority: RCW 49.60.120(3). WSR 15-24-071, § 162-32-060, filed 11/25/15,
        effective 12/26/15.]

        • Jim Randall

          Hear, hear sir! See my comment above. The Y apparently took the “if available” to mean providing alternate bath/shower is optional. I hope the Y is disabused of that notion and soon. Short of a law suit could civil action by the citizens of Pt Townsend make the city council make the Y make the changes? Or should they wait for a law suit? I am a resident of Sequim who attends the Y there. Please make an example for the YMCA all over.


          Pretty clear points Pog. In this case the person who made a binary female uncomfortable was placed in the shower/locker room by the Y staff assisting female children.

          As a thoughtful and respectful human, should this wonderful 2 spirit (see links to Native American ideas on this) person not wish to more gradually introduce themselves to the people who use the Y facilities. Should staff not be more aware? Do they believe they must proceed with this as they are to be legally correct?

          On one hand a warning saying a person of color or certain religion at the door would not be allowed.

          Many might have different views if not force fed this sudden change and gradually got to know the person and other persons.

          Alternatively, the opposite could occur. We don’t know.

          There is a wide spectrum of things this documented situation brings forth. Respect is a two-way street. Forcing oneself on another or others is a decidedly male trait to many. Both sides have rights under the law. Not just one.

          I would love to interview Clementine for the Free Press. There is another side we are not allowed to hear from. A human side. Automatically painting them as a pedophile or male seeking to spy on females is convenient for a polarized argument. Now that lawyers are bound to be involved, we will be left with 2 one dimensional poster children.

          Looks like Mauro and Faber along with Heidi Greenwood the city attorney have some work cut out for them. Follow the laws or change them. Follow public input. What a concept.

          thanks Pog

  21. Linda Germeau

    You are completely correct

  22. The Ghost of Major Tom

    There is no such thing as a person being non-binary.
    There are only people who express their binary
    in ways most comfortable to themselves.

  23. Pamela Scharaga

    Having been an Early Childhood educator, I do not believe that gender identification is a choice.Only pedophiles are made by other pedophiles and any sort of rape is about power and control not sex. LGBTQ does not =Pedophile Our American culture predisposes us to modesty. In France, even though I knew to expect non gendered bathrooms it still made me quite uncomfortable.I think Gender neutral areas or even Gender neutral times (if budget or space is prohibitive) is the best solution. Fathers can accompany their daughters and mothers their sons. However,I am appalled at the lack empathy given an Elder of our community. Having been a mandated reporter of child abuse I may have reacted in the same manner.People are too quick to label people as woke or fascist, If the employee was supervising they should have had ID very visible identifying them as such and what is wrong with turning your back to the nudity if someone is uncomfortable? When will civility and loving kindness become the norm? Especially here in our little bit of Eden.

    • Do_the_math

      I do not concur. Locker rooms and bathrooms should continue to be segregated for safety, privacy, and decency. Private spaces should be provided for trans people and “non-binary”. Men should never be permitted to invade a woman’s private space. It is harassment and puts women at risk as well as creates discomfort. A man that insists on having access to women’s spaces is suspect at best. Women have fought for eons to obtain the rights we now have, and are not about to give up one inch to indulge male fantasies.

      Gender dysphoria used to be extremely rare, and most would outgrow it by adulthood. What is happening now is a social contagion of mental illness that is indulged instead of treated. If a person identified as a horse, they wouldn’t be placed in a barn, fed hay and alfalfa, and taken out for daily rides. If someone identified as Joan of Arc, they would not burn the person at the stake. Normal people witnessing such folly would not be required to pretend a person was a horse, Joan of Arc, or Batman.

      This ideology and intrusion is a war on women. As to children, they need to be left alone. Schools need to stay out and allow children to develop normally and stop trying to push this agenda.

  24. Bob Kern

    Looks like the “LEADER” is the “LOSER” in this instance.

  25. Bob kern

    This story and PTFP’s coverage got me doing some research on my own. Here’s an interesting article I came across:
    “Although long heralded for providing a safe haven for children, the YMCA has faced accusations nationwide that there are child molesters within the organization who coached and tutored youngsters, providing them an opportunity to groom and prey upon the children in their care.”. https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/sexual-assault-abuse/ymca-youth-organization-sexual-abuse-overview/

    • Jim Randall

      Thank you Bob for finding this article. It puts to shame the letter sent out to Y members by Wendy Bart about how safety is so important to the Y. Whose safety? Employees safe from having their feelings hurt?

  26. John DeBoer

    A castrated man is not a woman. He is a eunuch.

    • Leroy H

      OK, but you missed some thing here. These people don’t feel they need to be castrated to “become women”. They will tell you their penis is female. It’s a whole nother level of woke insanity.

  27. joanbest2

    Today the Peninsula Daily News has the Jaman v YMCA story on the front page. So far The Leader has mentioned nothing, not even in the Police report notes. In 2019 Julie Jaman and David Goldman did the research and championed saving the pool in an article in the Leader [different ownership] found here:
    Leader, how about covering all of the PT news, even stories published by the PT free press first. I subscribe to all three papers. I am sure many others do, too. Somebody on the Leader staff should be covering ALL of the PT/Jefferson news.

    • joanbest2

      Better late than never.

  28. cohoman

    “Over the last few years the Olympic YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association), known as the Y, has proposed that the community build a debt-burdened luxury facility with rooms and pools galore” Julie Jaman PT Leader 2019 against the Y building a “luxury facility with rooms galore” Alrighty then. It’s never acceptable to attack an employee in front of children, especially using sexually provocative language. . If she felt she needed to do something..she could have asked the people who are in charge, which is not her. Completely inappropriate. The Y gets to choose it’s policies and there are laws to follow. One does not get to go around in places of business asking people whether or not they have a penis or not. That has never been acceptable behavior folks. I get some want to make this a thing..but the reality i9s Julie was completely out of line here. You take up things with management.

    • Edel Sokol

      Only a Woman who has children or has had children understands this response. That “Mama Bear Instinct” or the feeling of “I will do absolutely anything for the good of my children” can happen anytime…anywhere.
      You know the feeling… it’s an emotional rollercoaster that can leave a mom shaking with fear or anger. I have been there!

    • Clarion Call

      Welcome. It would be helpful if you would actually read the articles and the comments before commenting, so you have some understanding of what you’re actually talking about. Instead you’re just parroting liberal talking points which are not based on either science or fact. The hilarious irony is that most of you who come here, think we are the ones who are brainwashed. And yet, all of you arrive and spew the same wrongheaded propaganda relentlessly without ever taking the time to read and understand the details of what is being discussed. Your dismissive arrogance is your downfall.


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