Have You Had the Omicold?

Have You Had the Omicold?

“By the time weekly boosters are mandated,
symptoms will be reduced to a mildly ticklish nose
& a vague feeling of being conned.”

comment below a YouTube video


I’ve just recovered from the Omicron variant of Covid. Because common Covid tests do not determine which variant a person has contracted, my supposition that I had Omicron is based on my symptoms and experience. That, and the CDC’s data tracker showing that as of early January more than 95% of reported Covid cases were due to the Omicron variant.

Health officer Dr. Allison Berry mirrors that pronouncement:

“At this point, in our community, it is reasonable to assume that if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 that it is most likely Omicron. That is far and away the majority variant that we are seeing in our region at this time.”

Based on reports from cases in the US, South Africa and UK, there are eight common symptoms of Omicron:

  • Scratchy throat
  • Lower back pain
  • Runny nose/congestion
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Sneezing
  • Night sweats
  • Body aches

Sounds like a glorified cold, doesn’t it? A flu at worst.

That’s because none of the scary deep lung issues we’ve seen with other versions of Covid occur with Omicron. “Study suggests omicron symptoms more mild due to less lung damage”:

”A consortium of researchers from America and Japan released a study last month revealing Omicron causes less damaging effects on the lungs, nose and throat.” This variant results in a lower viral burden in upper respiratory systems, “making its viral load and replication in those tracts milder and thus less damaging.”

The reality of what some are calling Omicold is so upsetting to pharma’s narrative, our health officer has had to spin a new version of her danger requires compliance tale in order to maintain her twin objectives: keeping her subjects in terror of the virus and demonizing the unvaxxed.

Unvaxxed now means un-boosted, says her latest narrative, and unless you keep topping up your shots, you will “overwhelm” our hospital, and quite possibly die. Boosted means you’re bulletproof and helping our hospital system.

Spin doctor Berry embellished her fanciful story during one of her recent Board of County Commissioner soliloquys:

“What we know about the Omicron variant is that it is incredibly infectious, it’s very, very transmissible, and it is a little bit less severe than the Delta variant…


The Omicron variant, if you are unvaccinated, is actually more severe than the original COVID virus. It is not the cold, it is not the flu. It can be very severe if you are not vaccinated. The good news when it comes to the Omicron variant is that if you are vaccinated we are seeing very, very low rates of severe disease. So the vaccines hold up really well at preventing hospitalization, at preventing death, the things that we want it to do. So if you are vaccinated, the probability that this will feel like a bad cold or the flu is high, which is important to know, because if you have the symptoms of having a cold, you need to get tested, because if you are vaccinated, that’s what Omicron would feel like. But if you are unvaccinated, it can still be incredibly severe, it can still lead to hospitalization and death, and given how transmissible it is, we are very likely to see an overwhelming of our hospital system again, just because of how transmissible it is and just the large enough proportion of our population—both in Jefferson and in our region as a whole—who are not vaccinated. So that can overwhelm our hospital systems even with a minimally less severe virus.


The other key thing to know is we are seeing a lot of reinfection. So if your only protection is prior infection, we’re seeing a lot of reinfection with Omicron and we are seeing a lot of breakthrough infection. So whereas a couple months ago if you were fully vaccinated you could feel pretty confident that you were unlikely to contract or spread COVID-19, that is no longer true. If you just have completed your series and not gotten your booster, then it is still very possible for you to contract and spread COVID-19. So the key thing to minimize that risk of spread to others is to get that booster.


The boosters are working really well. We’re seeing about 70% efficacy against any COVID-19 disease at all. So it’s a really key method for our community to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 and giving it to others. So, long story short, if you’re vaccinated, you’ve done a really important thing, you are still less likely to get COVID, and you are much less likely to get hospitalized or die, but the really key step to take now is to get the booster, to make you less likely to get COVID and to give it to others. And if you are unvaccinated, the Omicron variant is not a cold, it’s not the flu, it can be incredibly severe, it can cause you to get hospitalized or die, and that can overwhelm our system. And so we are really encouraging anyone who has not yet gotten vaccinated to do so.”

Berry’s incessant fear-mongering and finger-wagging at the non-compliant to get the shot continues. Never mind that sources inside our hospital tell us that two-thirds of those hospitalized are jabbed. According to our health officer, only if you’ve obeyed her and kept up on your shots will Omicron be no more than a pesky cold. If not, you’re in for an “incredibly severe” ride. This flight of fancy—where the inconsiderate unvaxxed are clogging up hospitals with worse-than-the-original-virus! Omicron and dying, while the dutiful fully-fully-fully vaxxed and boosted have smooth sailing—bears no resemblance to reality.

As Stephen Schumacher commented at the Jan. 10th Board of County Commissioners meeting:

“Good news! The Omicold variant is sweeping the country with mild cold symptoms and zero death so far nationwide, bestowing robust natural immunity wherever it goes, obviating any rationale for getting on the vaccine booster crazy train… some have called it God’s vaccine.”

Not a single verified U.S. Omicron death

The truth is that not a single person in the U.S. has died from the Omicron variant. Not one American fatality has been verified, vaxxed or unvaxxed, despite it being “incredibly infectious”, causing an historic spike in cases around the world. No Omicron deaths have occurred among even those in their nineties who have four, five or six co-morbidities.

While the pharma-controlled media have beaten the bushes to find a poster child in support of their desperate narrative, the report that “the first American to die of the Omicron variant was an unvaccinated Texas man,” was swiftly debunked as yet another grasping at straws. The man did not die FROM the virus, he tested positive for Omicron and died WITH it.

4-minute video putting a sharp point on the media’s lockstep with the pharma agenda to convince the public that being unvaxxed means risking death.


Where have we heard that before?

But how can drunk-on-power health authorities keep the public on the vaccine booster crazy train if the vast majority of Covid cases are now akin to a cold or flu?

Berry tells us that data out of the U.K. shows that:

“Omicron is 20% less severe than the Delta variant, but you have to remember that the Delta variant was 50% more severe than the original COVID virus. So the Omicron variant, if you are unvaccinated, is actually more severe than the original COVID virus.”

Think about those mental gymnastics. A virus that no one has died from, which generally presents as a cold, is now “actually more severe” than one that has caused tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths, depending on the narrative you subscribe to. (Even CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is now admitting that Covid death numbers have been grossly inflated by the “dying WITH Covid” sleight of hand: “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least 4 co-morbidities,” she said.)

Yes, Omicron is “very, very transmissible.” On Jan. 11, FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock told a Senate committee, “It’s hard to process what’s actually happening right now, which is, most people are going to get COVID.”

That is actually good news for creating herd or community immunity because highly infectious Omicron is generally benign. Just like the common cold. It is typically described as being a bit worse than a cold, but less than a flu. And once you’ve had it, chances are you’ve got strong immunity to all Covid variants going forward.

In the Express article “Over 70s Ten Times Less Likely to Die from Covid than Last Year,” U.K. Professor Anthony Brooks, who compiled research based on National Health Statistics reports, says Covid no longer poses a threat to “the vast majority of people.”

“Infected individuals are at dramatically less risk of becoming seriously ill or dying than a year ago… Omicron is about 4-fold less dangerous – it’s like nature’s vaccine.” [source]

Boosters failing against Omicron

As for the “boosters are working really well” claim, that’s more Berry pie in the sky.

According to the CEO of BioNTech, Pfizer’s partner in the ubiquitous Pfizer-BNT162b2 jab, “3 vaccine doses are not enough to stop the new COVID variant.” In a late December story in Euronews, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin warned that:

“We must be aware that even triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease… It is obvious we are far from 95 per cent effectiveness that we obtained against the initial virus.”

As a result, BioNTech is “already designing a coronavirus vaccine adapted to the new variant.”

They know the third shot isn’t working, the existing vax does a poor job recognizing Omicron, and at best boosters offer only a month or two of limited protection. That presents pharma with a stellar opportunity to rake in more profits experimenting on a mandated populace, liability free, with yet another new shot. The Omicron-specific vaccine is expected to be ready by March. But until then, Berry and her ilk are pushing a near-useless third shot designed for the original strain.

Pharma’s motto is that when a product isn’t working—as evidenced by infection rates rising in tandem with vaccination rates—no need to pause. Just push more doses.

One need only to look at Israel, which recently began administering it’s fourth shot—booster number two. Infections continue to rise in that medical apartheid state despite one of the most vaccinated populations on the planet. Citing “waning immunity a few months after the third shot,” the Pfizer-shackled Israeli government foresees endless boosters, shots administered closer and closer together. Scientists have long known that approach will lead to disaster.

Immune system fatigue and NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy

“Some scientists warned that the plan could backfire,” says a Dec. 28th NY Times article about Israel, “because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus.” This problem of immune system fatigue has been long-recognized in vaccinology. There are “concerns that a fourth shot in less than a year could actually weaken immunity.”

Preliminary studies on Israel’s 4th dose show the second booster is already disappointing. “We were hoping for better results,” says Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center Professor Gili Regev-Yochay. Regev shares the concern that vaccination every few months is not sustainable. “If these results bring us back to antibodies level of approximately four months ago, then it means we will need to get vaccinated every four months, and that’s not the goal.”

On January 11, the World Health Organization issued a statement acknowledging problems with existing vaccines and variants like Omicron: “a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”

But uber-vaxxed Israel seems committed to careening down the tracks on a runaway train they can’t stop. Health officer Berry is following suit.

In stark contrast to Berry’s disinformation that the triple vaccinated have greater protection than the unvaxxed, new data from Denmark, Canada, Iceland and the U.K. show the opposite. In “Has Covid vaccine efficacy turned negative?” journalist Alex Berenson says, “Data from highly vaccinated countries suggests strongly that the answer is yes; vaccinated people are at higher risk of infection from Omicron.”

“We already know vaccine protection against earlier variants of Sars-Cov-2 falls sharply within months of the second dose, as the vaccine-generated antibodies fade.

“But the new data go a step further, showing that previously vaccinated people are actually more likely to contract Omicron.

“The government of Ontario has reported exactly the same pattern. So have Danish researchers, in a paper two weeks ago, when they found protection against Omicron turned negative three months after the second dose.”

DANISH STUDY: Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Delta and Omicron variants, shown separately for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.


Negative effectiveness does not mean a person’s protection wears off, though that happens, too. It means that unboosted Covid vaccines make you more vulnerable by suppressing your immune system, accelerating infection and transmission. If vaccinated people don’t get boosted every few months, they will be at greater risk for infection than if they were never vaccinated.

The research out of Denmark shows that compared to the Delta variant, Omicron is far more likely to infect people who are fully vaccinated and boosted than those who are unvaccinated. The study looked at 11,937 Danish households during the month of December 2021. It revealed that to keep the virus at bay vaccinated people will need injections every 30 days. “Why are we encouraging people to get ‘vaccinated’ or ‘boosted’ with a ‘vaccine’ that within a few weeks probably increases their risk of becoming infected with the newly dominant variant of Sars-Cov-2?” asks Berenson.

“If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated,” writes Steve Kirsch. “That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means.”

German government data is “showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people,” says Kirsch. “This is not surprising, since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.”

Data out of England corroborates this effect. A negative relative risk reduction for Covid infection after vaccination is most pronounced in the 40-49 year-old range, at minus (-) 140%. But every age group is in the negative.

Kirsch concludes, “The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.”

“In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative… you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.”

These repeated shots are not only likely to weaken your immune system. They compound the build-up of dangerous spike proteins wreaking havoc in the body. Heart attacks, strokes, clotting… we’ve been documenting the fallout from the toxic spikes for nearly a year.

Are the boosters more deadly than Omicron?

What is the risk/benefit of vaxxing for Omicron? Comparing deaths from the variant with fatalities from the jab is an obvious place to start a risk/benefit analysis.

Contrary to Berry’s if you’re not vaxxed it can cause you to die threat, the Omicron virus is not proving fatal. Risk of death from the variant to date is effectively zero. But deaths from the boosters are piling up. Lack of efficacy and even negative vaccine effectiveness pale in significance to potential damage from the shots themselves.

One of the many fatalities from vax-induced myocarditis (heart inflammation) came after 26-year-old Joseph Keating’s third jab on Nov. 8, 2021. The young South Dakota man died just four days after his Pfizer booster.

An autopsy confirmed the vax was responsible: “myocarditis in the left ventricle due to the recent Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine.” From what we know about spike protein damage to the heart (occurring disproportionately in young males), chances are that his cardiac injury began developing over the first two shots and the booster was the final straw.

According to his mother, a critical care nurse of 35 years:

“When the pathologist looked at the 22 segments of Joseph’s heart, it showed the vaccine inflamed and attacked his entire heart. There was so much damage… It was full multi-focal myocarditis, and it wasn’t just affecting one part of his heart, it was attacking his whole septum and ventricles.”

The CDC—which, like Berry, has swept this kind of devastating heart damage under the rug—has not investigated his death.

Berry and her fellow vaccine damage deniers would have you believe that most injuries and deaths following injection are coincidences. In one of her most incredible disinformation statements yet, she told us that since the rollout began a year ago there have been only ELEVEN deaths from all Covid shots across the U.S.: “I believe it’s 11 nationwide.” (“TOP TEN 2021 Spin Doctor Disinformation Statements”)

Here’s just a small sampling of deaths within a few days, some within hours of the jab, reported in the VAERS database. All occurred in the last few months, following the third shot, either Pfizer or Moderna boosters. (Few are in the younger age range where we are seeing increasing vax-related deaths, because most in that demographic have not yet had boosters.)

  • 66-year-old Wisconsin woman dead of a heart attack the day after her Dec. 16th Moderna booster.
    “My mother received the booster shot and approximately 24 hours later passed away from a massive heart attack. she had no known or pre diagnosed heart conditions that we are aware of.” [VAERS report 1962279]
  • 75-year-old Michigan man with atrial fibrillation and hypertension dead less than two hours after his Oct. 25th Moderna booster.
    “This spontaneous case was reported by a physician. Reporter stated that patient did not had [sic] covid-19. Patient was very active, biked 12 miles a day and roller skated 3-4 hours a day, 3 days a week, with no cardiac symptoms. Patient was not overweight.” [VAERS report 1983864]
  • Washington woman with a history of seizures, only 22, dead less than 24 hours after her Dec. 16th Moderna booster.
    “The family reported that the decedent was reported to have received a Covid19 booster vaccination on 12/16/21 at approximately 1500 Hours. Her sisters related that the decedent began to suffer from chills, body aches, and head ache around 21-2200h. The decedent was last known to be alive at approximately 0900H on 12/17/2021.” [VAERS report 1968418]
  • Two days after his Nov. 1st Moderna booster, Wisconsin man, 50, dead from severe heart attack.
    “11/1/21 received moderna booster and first flu shot ever  11/2 headache, didn”t feel well  11/3 pain in right leg – collapsed at md and couldn”t be revived. Mother describes him as healthy and no underlying conditions though clot earlier this year and pt using asa. We are told md ruled death heart attack as a result of pulmonary embolism.” [VAERS report 1857987]
  • 33-year-old New York man found unresponsive the day after his Nov. 24th Pfizer booster.
    Reported by pharmacist: “Patient and mother came in Wednesday 11.24.21 afternoon for Covid booster. Mother reported to pharmacy on Friday 11.26.21 (department closed Thursday 11.25.21) that patient had started feeling “unwell” (fever/tiredness) late 11.24.21 / early 11.25.21. Mother reported didn’t think much of it but that her son (patient) was going to rest. Mother reported that later in the day son went into the bathroom and was in there for some time. She could not get the door open. Upon opening the door, son was found unresponsive. Attempts to revive son were unsuccessful.” [VAERS report 1909570]
  • 57-year-old Louisiana woman with no pre-existing conditions, hospitalized after her husband called 911 the day after her Oct. 25th Moderna booster.
    Finding her pulseless, medics performed CPR. Hospital notes show “EKG indicated pulseless cardiac arrhythmia treated with cardio-conversion X3, intubated heart.” She died two days later. [VAERS report 1869372]
  • 74-year-old Utah man with high blood pressure had his third Moderna shot on Dec. 1st, dead two days later.
    “Left Arm pain all the way into the neck area, fever, chills, and shortness of breath. He died 2 days later unexpectedly.” [VAERS report 1932871]
  • 28-year-old Texas woman with no prior medical history, dead from cardiac arrest two weeks after Oct. 1st Pfizer booster.
    “Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2, intramuscularly on 03Jan2021 (lot number: EL0142) at 27-year-old, and the second dose intramuscularly on 23Jan2021 (lot number: EL9262) at 27-year-old for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient experienced cardiac arrest on 15Oct2021. Unwitnessed at home. When found, patient passed away already without any signs of calling 911 or rescue. No treatment received. An autopsy was performed and results were not provided.” [VAERS report 1839201]
  • 58-year-old Ohio man “received booster shot of Moderna covid vaccine on 11/5/2021,” lost consciousness that evening.
    He was “found unresponsive and asystolic,” given CPR, “taken to hospital via squad where resuscitative efforts were continued by ambulance staff and hospital staff.” He was pronounced dead the next morning. [VAERS report 1869769]
  • 77-year-old woman in Arizona got her third Pfizer shot on Oct. 28th, had fatal heart attack two days later.
    “Cardiac arrest due to suspected myocardial infarction <36 hours after receiving Covid-19 booster shot. Had previously recieved second dose of Moderna Covid vaccine on 2/24/21 without complication.” [VAERS report 1933614]
  • Four days after his Moderna booster shot on Dec. 23rd, 57-year-old man in Virginia dead from a heart attack.
    “Had cardiac arrest walking to car without exertion. Ventricular fibrillation. CPR at scene with multiple shocks and Epinephrine. Transferred to medical center where resuscitation continued but was unsuccessfull. Previously healthy without ongoing medical problems or medications. Non smoker. No illicit drugs. No history of hypertension. No family history of sudden death or Aneurysms.” [VAERS report 1988711]
  • 56-year-old California woman with no preexisting conditions in fatal cardiac arrest just hours after her Dec. 20th Pfizer booster.
    “Family heard the patient scream and complained of sudden and severe onset headache and hearing loss in the right ear, followed by a seizure and cardiac arrest. She was brought to hospital where she was resuscitated and found to have a large subarachnoid hemorrhage. She was transferred to hospital, a stroke center but it was determined that that she was already brain-dead. Family denied any family history of brain aneurysm or subarachnoid hemorrhage and also denied the patient have any history of high blood pressure or any other significant medical problems.” [VAERS report 1967509]

Coincidences or a bit of Russian roulette?

While the mainstream media works overtime to find and hype a single death from the Omicron virus, the millions of injuries and possibly hundreds of thousands of deaths from the experimental injections don’t make the news. Now and then a story that can’t be ignored—like the shots causing myocarditis in young people—is permitted in order to broadcast pharma’s spin assuring the public that it is “rare” and “mild”, two of Berry’s favorite terms to dismiss tragic outcomes.

A few local Omicron anecdotes

I am in that dreaded “high risk” demographic based on age, but have no co-morbidities… a healthy oldster who will never willfully take the dangerous experimental injection. My symptoms were that of a mild cold. So mild, in fact, that it didn’t occur to me that I possibly had Covid. What got my attention after some days of congestion, vague body aches and low energy was significant lower back pain. Then I realized it wasn’t a cold, it was an Omicold. Were it not for that back pain which I couldn’t make sense of, I’d never have known I was dealing with Covid.

Three days of ivermectin and upping zinc, vitamin C and D3, and all symptoms were gone. Was it the ivermectin that kicked it or had it just run its course? I’ll never know, but there was no down side in using a medication that has successfully treated millions for Covid worldwide. Contrary to Berry’s disinformation, and snide statements from County Commissioner Greg Brotherton insinuating that it’s not fit for human use, 75 peer-reviewed studies comparing treatment and control groups show it to have an average success rate of 70% (some trials found 96% and 100%).

Brotherton, who had “a very mild case of Covid over the winter break,” said ”I was not tempted at all… to go out to the barn and get our ivermectin, because that stuff is like horse de-wormer.” Media propaganda along with Berry’s disinformation has captured nearly all of our electeds.

My cold symptoms had been negligible, hardly noteworthy. But in fairness, my experience was worse than a common cold because of the back pain.

Others—from young and healthy to aging with health conditions, from unvaxxed to fully vaxxed—describe their encounters with the Omicron variant. All were in the last few weeks:

  • An unvaxxed teenage girl in Hadlock, 16, came down with with chills, body aches, a headache and was “super tired”. A home test kit diagnosed her Covid-positive. She was down for three days, dosing with vitamins C and D and zinc, and by day four had recovered.
  • Her father, also unvaxxed and in his 50s, caught it from her. He had a bit of a cough and felt pressure in his chest and also tested positive at home. He, too, dosed up on vitamins C and D and zinc. The following day he felt fine, but was hit harder on day three—he felt weak, “super tired”, had chills and body aches, a cough, a “pressure headache”. He continued dosing with his supplements and by the next day felt fine but had a bit of residual cough. He said, “It was a cakewalk compared to colds and flus I’ve had throughout my life.”
  • His two other unvaxxed children also caught it. One son, 23, had similar symptoms to his daughter: headache, sore throat, body aches, some chills, fatigue. Like his sister, he was down for three days and then felt fine.
  • It “barely grazed” his 14-year-old boy who recovered in two days. He had “a momentary sore throat,” was a little achy and had a slight headache. No chills or fatigue. Both sons were dosed with the same C, D, and zinc protocols he’d used.
  • A 65-year-old fully vaxxed Port Townsend man didn’t test, but thinks Omicron hit him recently. He had “a runny nose, headache and absolute fatigue.” After a hot bath, many naps, “a lot of zinc, vitamin C and D3,” he was fine the next day.
  • A 22-year-old Port Townsend woman, unvaxxed, had a cough, body aches, and a high fever. She upped her vitamins C and D and felt fine after about seven days.
  • After developing a cough and an unusual symptom—his skin hurt—a 50-year-old Clallam man already in ill health tested positive. He is unvaxxed on medical advice, high risk because of serious heart issues. A friend brought him a Covid kit put together by a local physician which included ivermectin. He used the kit, “took it easy” and recovered in a couple of days.
  • An entire Port Townsend family all came down with Omicron Covid around Christmas. The family matriarch, 83, double vaxxed but not boosted, tested positive after three days of fever and extreme exhaustion. Her doctor prescribed steroids which she began taking on day four. The fever was already gone by that time and her exhaustion started diminishing within four hours of starting the steroids. It took another three days (a week total) for her to get back to normal, though normal now includes atrial fibrillation that manifested after her shots.
  • Her Port Townsend daughter, 52 and unvaxxed, had “a bad headache,” cough, fever, body aches and fatigue. She upped her zinc, quercetin, and vitamins C and D. Her symptoms resolved within a week.
  • An unvaxxed Port Townsend man, 50, had a low fever, headache, fatigue and body aches. He increased his supplements slightly and felt fine by the week’s end.
  • An unvaxxed 63-year-old Port Townsend man “had a slightly scratchy throat” earlier this week, “followed by occasional mild runny nose, infrequent coughing, slight congested feeling in my head, itchiness around my eyes, some night sweats, maybe a little achiness, along with an odd fatigue and distractedness.” It was mild and intermittent. The symptoms have been resolving with little more than citrus fruit and juices.

Sounds like our typical bout with winter bugs, eh? Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary says,

“Think of this season as a bad flu season. There’s a very common respiratory pathogen called Omicron, and it causes infection which causes discomfort. And you’re out like you would be for influenza. It affects everybody differently and it’s ubiquitous… Omicron infection may actually be nature’s vaccine.”

Nature’s vaccine, God’s vaccine

The best news isn’t that another experimental shot will save us as spin doctor Berry would like you to believe. It’s that, as Stephen Schumacher said, cold and flu-like Omicron is “bestowing robust natural immunity wherever it goes.” While mRNA injections provide a single rapidly-fading line of defense against just a specific spike protein, natural infections create broad-based immunity against the entire virus.

One peer-reviewed study we’ve reported on found that while the spike protein generated by the vaccine can create five different antibodies, “infection by SARS-CoV-2 could lead to 55 different antibodies: 5 from the spike, 50 from the other viral proteins.” Scientist James Lyons-Weiler reports that with natural infections, “there are 50 ways to be immune that do not involve the spike protein.” The immune system will recognize many more pathogens, mount a response to a broad range of viruses, not just the signature spike of a specific virus.

A new study by scientists at the Africa Health Research Institute observed just that in comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed individuals who contracted Omicron. They “found that those who were infected with the Omicron variant”—but not the vaxxed subjects—”developed an enhanced immunity to COVID’s Delta variant.”

The robust, broad and durable immunity afforded through natural infection has always been far more protective than any vaccine. Johns Hopkins Medical professor Makary says,

“The data on natural immunity are now overwhelming. It turns out the hypothesis that our public health leaders had that vaccinated immunity is better and stronger than natural immunity was wrong. They got it backwards. And now we’ve got data from Israel showing that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity. And that supports 15 other studies.” [source]

Nonetheless, a full year into her divisive vax campaign, health officer Berry refuses to recognize the strong and likely superior immunity in the Covid recovered. Nor has she allowed for proof of a negative Covid test to be used for entry to restaurants and pubs in lieu of vaccination.

Despite the irrefutable evidence that the vaxxed carry and transmit as high a viral load as the unvaxxed—and regardless of the failure of her draconian policies to demonstrate reduced infection rates in Jefferson and Clallam counties (we’re at the bottom of 39 counties – see “Safest Counties Now Are Those With Least Restrictions”)—the obedient are rewarded with special privileges. A vaxxed person just as likely to spread Covid as an unvaxxed is permitted to enter local restaurants, but a Covid-recovered resident who built the best possible immunity from fighting the virus and has no use for an experimental shot cannot dine in county eateries.

How any thinking person could justify Berry’s dictates as being about public health is a head scratcher.

Omicron is seen by many experts as a blessing. In the report “Omicron May Provide Natural Immunity With Mild Symptoms,” Dr. Omar Hamada, an emergency room doctor and former U.S. Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, says, “This may be actually something good in terms of getting people immune without necessarily having to depend on a vaccine that’s not incredibly effective.”

“Though we’re seeing an uptick in number of people affected, the severity of disease seems to be minimal, so it shouldn’t really cause much of a problem. And in fact it may actually provide more immunity if the infectivity is greater, but the virulence or severity is less.”

“If you believe in a God, this looks an awful lot like a Christmas present,” says vaccinologist Dr. Robert Malone, one of the co-inventors of mRNA technology.

“The good news with Omicron is very low disease, highly infectious. It looks an awful lot to the experienced vaccinologist like a live-attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. This is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes.” [source]

The Berry Covid cult has been sold the lie that they are only truly safe among their own kind—which currently means fully vaxxed and boosted. Anyone else in their restaurants, bars, theaters, entertainment venues and other gathering places could infect and kill them with a noxious but invisible virus the non-compliant are presumably shedding all around them. Sticking with their fellow Covidian vaxxers and shunning the unvaxxed will protect them, they believe. That mass delusional psychosis has claimed a good portion of our community.

Click for 29-minute video of interview with Dr. Mark McDonald, author of “UNITED STATES OF FEAR—How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis”

The hysteria plays out throughout social media, which like local newspapers, censors comments that question the group-think. A recent NextDoor post exemplifies the mass psychosis:


If the story being told outside the mainstream media is true, how will the deluded masses reconcile that they’ve been hoodwinked and hypnotized? Science is actually showing that –

– the vaxxed are no more “protected” than the unvaxxed;

– they carry and transmit as much of an infectious viral load as the unvaxxed;

– their repeated vaccinations have likely increased, not reduced, their risk of infection;

– their blind trust in authorities has destroyed businesses and livelihoods, torn apart families and communities, compromised their own and their loved ones’ health, and saddest of all, traumatized an entire generation of children.

Turns out, as censored doctors and scientists have said all along, that it’s the Covid-recovered—especially the unvaxxed—who are safest to be around. The Omicron invasion may be our best hope of creating community immunity for bridging a way out of this mess.


“In these trying times of distrust and division,
let us remember the one thing that unites
us all, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed:
neither will ever be fully vaxxed.”

comment below a YouTube video

Two More Deaths from Heart Failure Following Pfizer Vax

Two More Deaths from Heart Failure Following Pfizer Vax

Two surviving spouses have come forward to describe their beloved mates’ deaths following Pfizer injections.

Our last reporting on heart damage from the shots focused on the increasing incidence in young people. Those mounting injuries and deaths are underscored by the local tragedy of a 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who recently suffered two life-threatening heart attacks just days after injection. The formerly healthy, active woman we called Laura is now living at great risk with acute myopericarditis. (See Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax.)

The two deaths reported here were among the earliest recipients of the mRNA shots, considered to be at high risk for the Covid-19 virus because of their age. Unlike previous contacts who have shared death and injury stories, both spouses have given permission to use their names and photos.


Paula Joanne Larson, 79

On February 18, 2021, Dean and Paula Larson of Port Ludlow both took their first Pfizer shot. Less than two weeks later, on the morning of March 3rd, normally cheerful Paula felt so unwell she told Dean, “I can’t eat. I’m going back to bed.” Minutes later, she called him for help. When Dean reached his wife, he found her fallen beside the bed, unable to get up. “All of a sudden her whole body started shaking and she stopped breathing,” he said.

Dean immediately called 911. A team of five paramedics arrived within ten minutes. “They worked on her for 35 or 40 minutes,” but couldn’t revive her. The doctor who signed Paula’s death certificate attributed her sudden demise to “heart failure.”

No one involved in this unexpected death asked about Paula’s vaccination status or even considered that the shot she had received just 13 days prior might have been the cause of her heart failure. In the heady early rollout of this experimental injection which the media and our health department incessantly promote as safe and effective, it never occurred to Dean or anyone else at the scene that the shot could be responsible.

It wasn’t until Dean had an appointment later that month with his primary care physician that a possible relationship between the shot and Paula’s death was first discussed. Unlike the majority of doctors we’ve heard stories about who insist that post-injection injuries and deaths have nothing to do with the shots—always “coincidences”—this independent physician had been doing his own research. He’d uncovered the same risks and patterns of injury being denied and covered up that the Free Press has been documenting since the rollout began.

Paula and Dean had been his patients for many years. Paula was diabetic, but otherwise healthy. Based on her medical history and what their doctor had uncovered through his research, he was concerned that the shot was responsible for her cardiac event.

“He really researched everything. He showed me articles online, how this was happening all over the world,” said Dean. “He showed me the situation in various states and countries.”

His doctor expressed frustration with the lack of autopsies being done to determine cause of death during this vaccine rollout. “That’s a problem with the medical industry,” Dean’s doctor told him.

Mayo-trained Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole agrees. Coroners are routinely refusing to conduct autopsies on those who have died following Covid vaccination, even when M.D.s order them:

“How can we do science if we’re not looking? When you do an autopsy, you get all the tissue… and you get all the answers, too.… They’re saying: Don’t autopsy that. It wasn’t the vaccine. Don’t look here… Is this science anymore? NO.”

As reported in an earlier article, it was a German report that gave us the “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2”. The researchers discovered that every single organ of the deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins as a result of the vaccine.

Dr. Cole, whose pathology lab is one of the largest in Idaho, has been sharing his findings from tissue samples and other imaging taken post-vax. In presentations at conferences like the White Coat Summit, he displays slides showing the serious damage to heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, testes, ovaries and more following mRNA injection.

In this 2-minute video Dr. Cole explains heart damage from spike protein inflammation:
“Here on the right side with the red arrows, that’s the sac that lines the heart. That’s inflammation surrounding that heart, and that’s going to cause swelling and pressure on the heart. On the left-hand side, those blue arrows, that’s the muscle, the wall of the heart. And all that white that you see on the left-hand side where the blue arrows are, that’s inflammation swelling the heart.”

“There’s no such thing as ‘mild‘ myocarditis,” says Dr. Cole. “When the heart is inflamed, that is a serious condition for a long time.”


Our second story is more complex, involving a pre-existing heart condition and far more time elapsed between the shots and heart failure.

James Makinson, 68

Just-retired chef Jim was “in great health—active and strong,” according to his wife Michele. He was delighted to have the time after retirement to focus on projects around their property in Kingston. He ate a healthy diet, didn’t drink, and had only one medical issue, a heart arrhythmia that led to getting a Pacemaker two years ago. The device was faulty, not functioning at all when the experimental mRNA shots were rolled out. Jim decided to wait until after he got the jabs to have it replaced.

He got his first Pfizer shot in January and the second in mid-February. Then, at the beginning of March, Jim got his new Pacemaker, one of the best available. “The surgeon [who replaced the faulty one] said his heart was in great shape,” Michele told me. “He said Jim had another 20 or 30 years,”

It wasn’t until July that something seemed off to Michele. “His skin tone changed; it was gray.”

The photo above was taken three weeks before Jim died.

Then in early August, he began sweating profusely. On the morning of August 8th, Michele found him laying on his side in bed, unresponsive. He had died in the night.

“I’m totally haunted by his death happening so unexpectedly,” Michele wrote. “What a shock.”

Like the Larsons’ doctor, Michele had also been doing research on the experimental injections. She herself had suffered from adverse reactions following her Pfizer shots. Echoing stories we have heard from others, an old injury was reactivated after the jabs. By June, she began to have painful arthritis in her hips. Her hip pain progressed so rapidly that by July she needed walking sticks. As doctors and scientists have warned, damage from the toxic spike proteins produced by the shots may be far worse over time than the immediate reactions so many are reporting.

While the couple resided in Kingston, Michele has commuted to Jefferson County for work and continues to use health practitioners here. With help from a Port Townsend acupuncture clinic for her adverse reactions, as well as beneficial supplements, her issues have diminished but have not resolved.

Jim was not so lucky. His unexpected death, six months after the Pfizer shots, didn’t make sense to Michele. With a new Pacemaker and no other health issues, why did he suddenly die in his sleep? Michele’s primary care physician insisted the shots had nothing to do with it. So Michele took it upon herself to get an autopsy. She paid $3500 to find out what caused her husband’s death.

It took three months to get the results. The autopsy confirmed Jim’s overall good health and concluded that he had suffered a heart attack: “This 68-year-old man, James Makinson, died from an acute myocardial infarction.” It identified atherosclerosis and an “enlarged heart” as the culprits. The Pacemaker was intact and functioning.

Could his Pacemaker have caused this? Older-style devices have been known to cause heart failure. But they do not cause the heart to enlarge or the arteries to narrow. According to his surgeon, Jim’s heart was not enlarged when the device was implanted five months before his death. With no cardiac issues other than arrhythmia, and that function restored by his new Pacemaker, the surgeon foresaw decades of solid performance ahead for Jim’s heart.

Did the shots cause his enlarged heart and artery constriction? As described by Dr. Cole above, evidence is mounting that the spike proteins generated by the mRNA shots are causing severe inflammation in blood vessels and organs—especially the heart—leading to clotting, swelling, scarring and irreversible heart damage.

The slides below show heart tissue damage due to inflammation. “That’s scars starting to form, and that scar [remains],” says Dr. Cole. “It messes up conduction pathways, can cause chronic heart failure over time.”

These slides from Dr. Ryan Cole show inflamed heart tissue leading to scarring:
“Heart doesn’t heal with new heart cells, it heals with scar. On the left-hand side, all those blue dots, that’s inflammation and all the pink, those are the fibers of the heart… All that blue-grey, that’s scar healing.”

The recent study featured at the American Heart Association’s annual conference found that risk of heart attacks and other coronary problems more than doubled within months after mRNA injections. The abstract noted: “At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose.” How far out they persist is still unknown. This global experiment is still fresh; the worldwide Phase 3 clinical trials foisted on the masses won’t conclude until 2023.

While a heart attack occurring months after the shots does not offer as clear an association as those within days like Laura’s or Paula’s, many doctors and scientists are warning that the toxic spike proteins can continue to damage organs and blood vessels over months, possibly years. They say that the real fallout from this unprecedented medical experiment will likely not be determined for some time.

Jim’s untimely death may be a harbinger of delayed reactions to the shots that we are just beginning to see.

Another example of such a delay happened to a healthy 72-year-old Port Townsend man who I spoke with recently. He received both Pfizer shots in March, and he, too, is now facing medical issues that didn’t start manifesting until this autumn.

“I had an EKG in October 2019, which was 100% normal. A subsequent EKG during 2021 after having received the Pfizer jab flagged a rhythmic irregularity.”

Six months after his shots, he began experiencing palpitations and neuropathy. His doctor decided to take another look at his heart.

“In the fall of 2021, an Echo-Cardiogram (ECG) was ordered, which revealed an enlargement of the right ventricular heart muscle. No prior indication of that outcome.”

He had no heart issues before the shots and now his ventricular muscle is enlarged. He feels its affects. “The association with the Pfizer jab is circumstantial, but in my opinion, it definitely seems related.”


Paula and Jim were both elderly, their deaths easily dismissed by skeptics as casualties that happen due to age. But even in the young, post-vax injury and death is being normalized. Since our last reporting, heart damage from the shots in young people has continued to rise, most shockingly in pro athletes in peak physical condition.

The number of athletes collapsing and dying post-vax has climbed to 335 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 190 Dead, After Covid Shots. Prior to the vaccine rollout it was a rare occurrence for one of these uber-healthy competitors to suddenly collapse on the field, let alone die. As seen in the graph below, the incidence of these adverse events has grown with each passing month since the shots were rolled out.

Athlete collapses and deaths chart to December 15, 2021.

The website linked above provides a regularly-updated month-by-month compilation of every athlete reported to collapse, with all information known about their vax-associated injuries/deaths. Most have suffered cardiac arrest, but injuries also include blood clots (or thrombosis), stroke, irregular heartbeat, and neuropathy. More than half of these athletes, including teenagers, have died. Those deaths include a 12-year-old Italian female tennis player, a 13-year-old male football player in Nevada, a 15-year-old male German goalkeeper, a 12-year-old male basketball player in Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old male hockey player in the Netherlands, and most recently a 15-year-old male wrestler and football player in Ohio.

Nearly unheard of pre-2021, since this mRNA experiment began, youthful heart issues and deaths are becoming commonplace.


Even more damning than the new report showing heart attack risk doubling post-vaccination and the growing list of athletes collapsing, are Pfizer documents just obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) was formed specifically to “obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.” On August 27, 2021, four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, this nonprofit organization (comprised of public health and medical professionals, scientists and journalists) submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file.

When no response was forthcoming, on September 16th PHMPT sued the FDA for the information. The lawsuit “asked that this information be disclosed in 108 days – the same amount of time it took for the FDA to review and license Pfizer’s vaccine.”

In a response that beggars belief, the FDA first requested until 2076 to release this data—not to analyze it, but to simply release it. Then in a brief last week, the FDA extended that time line to 2096, a 75-year delay. They disclosed that the documents they ostensibly reviewed before approving the shots amount to 451,000 pages.

An initial 12,000 pages have been released by court order. Within those pages are the results of the first three months of Pfizer mRNA vaccine trials.

Pfizer’s internal adverse events data from December 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021 reveal:

  • Of 42,086 adverse event cases in that initial 3-month period, 13,104—31%—either died or had a long-term, permanent side effect following injection from which they hadn’t recovered.
  • In that group of 42,086, there were 1,223 deaths.
  • Of 274 pregnant women who reported adverse events, 75 of them—27%—were significant, including miscarriages and stillbirths.
  • Of 133 breastfeeding mothers, 13% of their babies had an adverse event from exposure to the injection through breastmilk.
  • 34 children under the age of 12 inadvertently received the injection (that age group was not supposed to be included in the trials). 24 of those 34 children—70.6%—had serious side effects, 13 of them “unresolved”.

“This is irrefutable evidence from Pfizer themselves that this shot is dangerous,” says Alberta doctor Daniel Nagase who presents the above trial data in an interview with the Canadian Western Standard.

What will the other 439,000 pages reveal over the next 75 years?

In 1976, trials of a new Swine flu vaccine were halted in nine states after three people died. At 32 deaths, the program was dismantled nationwide. Pfizer’s own reports documenting 1,223 deaths over three months following the Covid mRNA injection were released to the FDA and other regulatory agencies on April 30, 2021. Incontrovertible proof of its dangers were known last spring, but not shared with the public. Rather than put an immediate halt to this travesty, the FDA then approved the shots for 5 to 11 year-olds in a unanimous vote (with one abstention), and are now going after the 6 month to 5 year-olds.

In 1976, there was no shortage of corruption in government, regulatory agencies and media. Over the last half century pharma’s capture of these groups—along with medical schools and the health-care industry—is complete.

In October 2021, after supposedly having access to the damning Pfizer data we are only beginning to get glimpses of, and after many hours of cautionary “these shots are dangerous, don’t do this to the kids” testimony—the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted to approve the jabs for our children.

They ignored testimony like that of Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, who asked: “Why are kids dropping like flies after getting vaccinated? Why didn’t the highly unusual causes of deaths in these kids raise any red flags? How can a kid who was in the Pfizer 12-15-year-old trial be paralyzed and not have that reported in the trial report to the FDA? Why are there no autopsies for death after vaccination? How many Americans have to die before you pull the plug?… Of the over 1,200 comments that have been posted against the vaccines in kids, I found only one in favor.” (4:23:12)

Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose testified: “Within eight weeks of the Covid-19 rollout for 12 to 15-year-olds, there were nineteen times the expected cases of myocarditis reported over background rates in this age group… What will happen in children aged 5 to 11? Where is the safety data?” (4:30:00)

Most of the 18 “experts” on the committee who voted to inflict this shot on our children have deep industry ties. One of them summed up the committee’s attitude before the vote: “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it.” (6:34:46)

How have we come to this? Over these nearly fifty years, propaganda techniques have been perfected to create what Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet calls “mass formation”—a kind of mass hypnosis/psychosis. Advances in propaganda delivery through new technologies, combined with total media control, have enabled pharma to create false narratives that completely saturate public perception and eliminate critical thinking.

But for those breaking free of the hive mind, it’s getting increasingly hard to trust our industry-captured regulatory agencies, our local health authorities who parrot their lies, and our politicians who rubber-stamp their edicts.

Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax– Health Department Lies and Disinformation –Part Two

Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax
– Health Department Lies and Disinformation –
Part Two

“In the very rare occasions where myocarditis occurs as a result of the vaccine, it is most commonly mild and generally resolves without treatment.”
– Jefferson County Public Health

“The blood test for heart injury with the vaccine myocarditis elevations is ten to a hundred-fold HIGHER than the troponin we see with natural infection. Vaccine induced myocarditis is a big deal…”
– Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough


Which statement above is true? How prevalent and how serious is myocarditis (heart inflammation) caused by mRNA injections? What poses a greater risk to your heart—the virus or the shot?

Following our publication of the story of a 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who suffered two heart attacks in the week following her second Pfizer injection, leaving her with acute myopericarditis, Jim Scarantino posed this question on Jefferson County Public Health’s (JCPH) Facebook page:

“What is the Department’s and Public Health Officer’s response to this report of a very severe, very tragic adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine? This happened here in Jefferson County. I am not pushing an anti-vax agenda. I have been vaccinated. But this is a true case and deserves a response from officials requiring people to run this sort of risk.”

As discussed in other Free Press articles—and in readers’ comments below them—health institutions, global to local, which the public has long relied upon to protect us are now in lockstep with Big Pharma’s propaganda designed to force experimental injections into every man, woman, and child on earth. The narrative, at all costs, is to keep people terrified by overstating the danger from Covid infections while downplaying risks from the shots.

Our own health department demonstrates this strategy perfectly in its response to Scarantino, a response riddled with deflection, denial and disinformation.

“Because of rules protecting private health information, we at Jefferson County Public Health cannot speak to the veracity of individual reports of possible vaccine associated outcomes for any individual patient. We can confirm that in the entirety of our vaccination effort, there has been one reported case of myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccination in Jefferson County. There have been no cases of long term disability or death associated with a COVID-19 vaccination in our county. 48,600 doses of the COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered in Jefferson County.

Myocarditis is a very rare possible side effect of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, occurring at a rate of approximately 40 cases/1 million doses delivered. Myocarditis is 11 times more likely to occur as a result of COVID-19 infection than after a vaccine, occurring at a rate of 450 cases/1 million diagnosed infections. In the very rare occasions where myocarditis occurs as a result of a vaccine, it is most commonly mild and generally resolves without any treatment. This stands in stark contrast to the myocarditis caused by the COVID-19 virus, which frequently leads to long term disability and even death. Jefferson County Public Health continues to work closely with our local healthcare partners to monitor the vaccine effort and assure the safety and effectiveness of all vaccinations delivered in Jefferson County. Read more about COVID-19 and myocarditis here: https://www.cdc.gov/…/vaccines/safety/myocarditis.html”

Let’s take a look at these statements

JCPH: There has been one reported case of myocarditis after a COVID-19 vaccination in Jefferson County.

FACT: Not an overt falsehood, this is lying by omission. There is only one reported case of myocarditis here because these injuries are not being reported. Like all agencies under CDC auspices, Jefferson County Public Health’s mission is to promote the safe and effective mantra. Acknowledging damage from these shots undermines that mission. Was Laura’s recent case the one that was reported, or was it another? We are aware of multiple heart issues that were never reported, usually denied to be related to the shots. We know that the acute—not mild—myocarditis diagnosed following Laura’s heart attacks was not reported to VAERS by either Jefferson Healthcare or by the second hospital that she was sent to. Both medical facilities, in violation of CDC requirements, acknowledged her heart damage was caused by the shot but told Laura SHE could report it if she wanted to.

JCPH: There have been no cases of long-term disability or death associated with a COVID-19 vaccination in our county.

FACT: Like injury reports, county deaths following the shots are being covered up, denied, and/or re-labeled. Earlier Free Press articles describe in detail one of these vaccine-induced deaths. A woman with no kidney issues before the Pfizer vax sent her on a death spiral, was labeled on her death certificate by a Jefferson Healthcare doctor as having died of renal failure. In another death following the vax that I was alerted to, “A med provider who lost a patient from injection, was dictated the response required to make.” [See “Death by Injection?” and “The Truth That Must Not Be Spoken.”] The majority of county deaths with COVID-19 have also been deaths with vaccination, at least one a “profoundly immunosuppressed” woman falling ill less than a week after being given an “ineffective” second vaccine.

JCPH: Myocarditis is a very rare possible side effect of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines occurring at a rate of approximately 40 cases/1 million doses. Myocarditis is 11 times more likely to occur as a result of COVID-19 infection than after a vaccine.

FACT: These numbers use data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), acknowledged by a Harvard study to capture less than 1% of actual adverse reactions. Will we ever know what percentage of actual adverse events have been reported by our health department? 1%? 5%? 10%? As discussed above, none of the vaccine-induced deaths or heart injuries we are aware of were reported to VAERS by local health personnel. Our own hospital’s refusal to report adverse events exemplifies the reality of extreme under-reporting.

Numbers aside, how dangerous is heart injury from the vaccine? The health department would have you believe that it is the natural Covid infection you should fear, not the shots. Vaccine-induced myocarditis is “mild”, they say.

JCPH: In the very rare occasions where myocarditis occurs as a result of the vaccine, it is most commonly mild and generally resolves without treatment. This stands in stark contrast to the myocarditis caused by the COVID-19 virus, which frequently leads to long-tern disability and even death.

FACT: This statement goes beyond a misstatement, cover-up or just plain denial of reality. It is a total Orwellian inversion of the truth. Top cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who has been seeing heart patients throughout this crisis, says there is indeed a stark contrast and it’s just the opposite of JCPH’s claim: damage from vaccine-induced myocarditis is often severe, while that from the virus is generally “inconsequential”:

Dr. Peter McCullough Explains How Myocarditis Differs When Caused by Natural Infection vs Vaccine.
Click image above for 1-minute video.

“The myocarditis that occurs with the natural infection is very different than the myocarditis we’re seeing from the vaccines. The myocarditis from Covid-19 is mild, is inconsequential, and is largely a troponin elevation.

“I don’t want anyone thinking that the myocarditis we’re seeing from the natural infections is anything like what we’re seeing from the vaccines. There are pre-clinical studies suggesting that the lipid nanoparticles [in the vaccines] actually go right into the heart. The heart expresses the spike protein, the body attacks the heart. There are dramatic EKG changes, the troponin—the blood test for heart injury—with the vaccine myocarditis elevations is ten to a hundred-fold HIGHER than the troponin we see with natural infection. It’s a totally different syndrome.

“When the kids get myocarditis after the vaccine, 90% have to be hospitalized. They have dramatic EKG changes, chest pain, early heart failure. They need echocardiograms, medications to prevent heart failure. Vaccine induced myocarditis is a big deal, and in children it is way more serious and more prominent than a post-Covid myocarditis.” (video clip above)

Vaccine-caused myocarditis certainly isn’t mild for young Laura, who now has an 80-year-old heart courtesy of Pfizer injections she was pressured to take against her better judgment. Jefferson County Public Health makes sweeping misstatements based on the false pharma/CDC narrative, with no transparency about actual local data.

As Dr. McCullough points out (and as described in my previous article), the vaccine has now been shown to travel directly to the heart where the billions of spike proteins it generates attack heart tissue. We invite any county residents who have myocarditis resulting from a Covid-19 infection to share their story. We would be most interested in comparing their heart damage following a bout with the virus to what Laura and others in Jefferson County have suffered from the shots.

My previous article closed with the recent report presented at the American Heart Association’s annual conference, MRNA COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning. This robust study showed that risk of heart attacks and other severe coronary heart problems more than doubled within the months after Pfizer and Moderna vaccination. British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra discusses this report and describes additional research confirming the same findings:

Report reveals increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine
Click image above for interview with UK cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra

“A few days ago, after this was published, somebody from a very prestigious British institution, a cardiology department researcher, contacted me to say that researchers in this department had found something similar, within the coronary arteries, linked to the vaccine—inflammation from imaging studies around the coronary arteries. They had a meeting and these researchers at the moment have decided that they’re not going to publish their findings because they are concerned about losing research money from the drug industry. This person was very upset about it….

“I have a lot of interaction with the cardiology community across the UK and anecdotally I have been getting told by my colleagues that they are seeing younger and younger people coming in with heart attacks.”

The more than 8,000 comments following Malhotra’s 4-minute interview affirm his perspective. How long will YouTube allow this video and its comments to be posted? These are the voices being censored by social media and mainstream news:

  • A good friend of mine here in Australia 🇦🇺 has told me practically the same information. She also works in a hospital over here for 30 years. It’s affecting our young high school students. A cluster in South Australia, about 15 students from one school.
  • From the moment I had the vaccine I have felt unwell with cardiac type symptoms. I am 30
  • Four days after the second shot, my husband died of a sudden heart attack. He was 59.
  • My sister has a leaky valve in her heart. Symptoms started as soon as she had her first vaccine and was first diagnosed with an inflamed heart. The doctor says it’s not related and she would of had it for years. She’s 45. Ok doctor 👌🏻
  • The same things happened to heart. I used to be healthy sportsman. The problems started after second dose of vax. Heart arrhythmia
  • Since I got this effing shot I have had palpations and an increase in my resting heart rate and a dramatic decrease in my exercise tolerance. WTF. Now this!!
  • 10 times more cardiac arrest in the last 10 months than the last 10 years according to some A+E staff.
  • Four weeks ago I had my first Pfizer vaccine, 6 days later I had a stroke. Previously in good health with no underlying health conditions.
  • I’m a very fit late 40s male. Since my double Pfizer jab I’ve had issues with breathing and chest pains. Biggest regret of my life was taking this vaccine.
  • After the first dose: My 40 year old friend had a heart attack and was resuscitated, my neighbour has now blood clots in the brain, my father went into anaphylaxis, another friend has severe palpitations, hypertension and now is being monitored by a cardiologist …I’m just saying, all fit and healthy

Obfuscation is the new standard of care

In response to our health department’s Facebook statements, Jim Scarantino posted this comment:

“Thank you for answering. It is not clear if the woman in the article is the case in your answer. Either way, the permanent damage she has suffered probably far outweighs the minimal risk she faced of a severe COVID infection that would produce the same heart damage. Somebody in her age group and as healthy as she was, emphasize was, never really faced much risk with COVID. At least recognize her sacrifice and loss, which was forced upon her by government coercion. What does she get out of this other than a lifetime, a shortened lifetime, of regret and poor health?”

Their response? Continue to avoid the hard questions, just reiterate misleading data to divert the focus. So Scarantino tried a third time to get a straight answer about Laura’s devastating heart injuries:

“At least acknowledge that forcing people to get vaccinated could result in serious, permanent harm to some. That woman’s injuries are not insignificant, and far worse than the COVID symptoms suffered by most people who were infected, particularly young people.”

JCPH’s response was yet another “clarification” that didn’t address the main issue he raised, completely ignoring concerns about the significant harm to some, “particularly young people,” for no benefit.

In the same Facebook thread, county resident Lea Falkenhagen quoted the conclusion of the report cited above, warning that the mRNA vaccines “dramatically increase inflammation… of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”  In light of all the heart risk being documented, she asked some questions we deserve answers to:

“I am curious how many heart attacks have occurred in Jefferson County since last spring and how many were post vaccination? Who is tracking this information and is it being reported to the public? If not, why? Are people getting handed this info before choosing to be vaccinated? If not, why? Are people with heart conditions being referred to their cardiologists before JCPH recommends they get a jab? If not, why?”

None of these questions have been answered.

How is our health department serving its public? Officials discount tragic local evidence of an experiment gone horribly wrong, refuse to acknowledge the severity of cardiac damage from these shots, and parrot the broken record that Covid vaccines are safe and effective when it is increasingly obvious that neither assertion is true.

Dr. Malhotra joins fellow cardiologist Dr. McCullough and the many thousands of other doctors and scientists worldwide warning about this dangerous push to force these shots on people around the globe.

“I think now it’s high time that policy makers around the world put an end to the mandates—because I think if this signal is strong, and if it’s correct, then history will not be on their side and the public will not forgive them for it.”

How many Lauras will it take before Jefferson County Public Health, Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry, our Board of Health, and our elected Board of County Commissioners heed this warning?

Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax– Health Department Lies and Disinformation –Part Two

Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax
– PT woman, 27, now has heart of an 80-year-old –
Part One

One day after Laura—a healthy, athletic 27-year-old Port Townsend woman—received her second Covid mRNA injection, she began having significant adverse reactions. Pressured to take the experimental injection for employment, within days of the shot her body aches and chest pain intensified to the point where she couldn’t get out of bed.

When Laura called the local pharmacy where she received the shot about her adverse reactions, the pharmacist told her that her reaction was “normal”. When her chest pain continued to escalate, she called a CDC vaccination hotline where she was advised that she should wait 24 hours before seeking medical attention. She nonetheless drove herself to Jefferson Healthcare’s ER in what turned out to be “heart attack mode.”

Not listening to “expert” advice assuring her that her intense chest pain and other troubling reactions were normal, telling her she should wait it out rather than seek medical care, likely saved her life. “The [ER] doctor said he didn’t know how I was still alive.”

Following Laura’s heart attack, Jefferson Healthcare (JHC) ran a battery of tests, identifying pericarditis resulting from vaccine damage. She was transferred later that day to a Silverdale hospital. There she had a second heart attack. Her ultimate diagnosis was “acute myopericarditis with elevated troponin.” She learned that her heart was now functioning at 30% capacity, told by the cardiologist it looked liked that of an 80 year old.

Myopericarditis is a combination of two types of heart damage: pericarditis, inflammation of the heart lining, and myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle. Doctors have been warning since 2020 that spike proteins produced by the mRNA shots are toxic pathogens and that the heart is especially vulnerable. Nearly a year ago, UCLA pediatric rheumatologist Dr. Patrick Whelan sent a letter to the FDA about this problem, with links to studies demonstrating that:

“it appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney.”

This warning has since been confirmed through autopsies of those who died post-vaccination and by an unreleased Pfizer biodistribution study obtained by a Japanese freedom of information act request (see my previous article). In June JAMA Cardiology published two reports of “Myocarditis detailed in 30 patients after mRNA COVID vaccines;” in July PubMed posted “a cross-sectional study of 29 published cases of acute myopericarditis;” and in August the New England Journal of Medicine reported additional cases of “Myocarditis after Covid-19 mRNA Vaccination.”

Troponin, shown to be elevated in Laura’s cardiology notes, is a group of proteins found in the heart that regulate the function of cardiac muscle fibers. They can be found in the bloodstream when there is heart damage. Elevated levels are indicative of a heart attack. “They are released into the blood when the cells of the heart are injured and not getting enough oxygen and nutrients. The more severely damaged the muscles of the heart are, the more that is leaked into the blood.” (source)  Laura’s troponin was fifteen times safe levels.

None of the personnel at either hospital reported the vaccine injury to VAERS, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. While at JHC, Laura had been pointed to the VAERS website and told that she could file a report if she wanted to. The medical team in Silverdale confirmed it was her “choice” to report her vaccine injury.

As described in my previous article, CDC guidelines require medical practitioners to report these adverse reactions to VAERS. The national data system established to collect and analyze vaccine damage is not intended to be a “choice” foisted on the injured. The CDC defines it as “an early warning system… that depends on healthcare professionals to report any health problems of clinical significance that may occur after vaccination.” But feedback from around the country indicates that hospitals avoid reporting injuries and deaths following the shots as the rule rather than the exception.

Despite significant under-reporting, a search of the VAERS database brings up nearly 18,000 reports through November 12, 2021 for the cardiac issues from which Laura suffers following her shots. [As of this Dec. 2 update, 1200 new reports have been added since posting the original article.] The greatest percentage of reports is in Laura’s age cohort, although now that shots have been rolled out for the kids, those injury numbers are growing. It is recognized that heart damage is occurring disproportionately in children and teens.

We know this is a fraction of actual injuries, given that medical personnel who are seeing these patients generally deny that the shots are responsible. In my earlier article I described numerous heart injuries in Jefferson County directly following the shots, none of them reported. And as seen in Laura’s case, even when health practitioners do acknowledge the vaccine caused the damage, they avoid reporting to VAERS, passing their reporting requirements on to patients and their families who are typically daunted by the long, difficult and complicated process. It’s easy to see how the more than 19,000 cardiac injuries now in the VAERS database associated with Covid vaccines would represent just the tip of the iceberg.

Laura’s adverse reaction brings to mind the career-ending injuries and sudden deaths of young athletes all over the world following these shots. Alternative news sites have compiled lists of world class athletes, some of them publicly collapsing on playing fields and courts from vaccine-induced heart damage like Laura’s.

Click on this image to see a compilation of stories, including those listed below.
“A mere 18 months ago, multiple world-class athletes dropping dead on the field in front of fans and live TV audiences would be the top news story on every station across the entire world ­ yet now we face exactly that situation and the news media is silent.”

Athletes like these:

  • 31-Year-Old Gold Medalist Speed Skater Diagnosed With Pericarditis After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 27-Year-Old Professional Baseball Player Died 5 Weeks After COVID-19 Vaccination
  • 29-Year-Old Professional Footballer Suffers Myocarditis After COVID-19 Vaccine
  • 38-Year-Old Volleyball Player Developed Pericarditis After Her Second Pfizer Vaccine
  • Professional Mountain Biker Suffers Several Health Problems After The Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine
  • World Record Holder In Static Breath-Hold Freediving Developed Myocarditis and Pericarditis After Pfizer Vaccine
  • 27-Year-Old Two-Time Olympic Archer Died 10 Days After Pfizer Vaccine

Athletes in these articles tell a story the mainstream media will not share:

“Yes, the vaccine ended my season. One thousand percent. I was fine up until I took the vaccine. I got sick and I never quite recovered from it.” – NBA player Brandon Goodwin was told: “not to say anything about it, not to tell anybody.”

“I am not anti-vax but I have never been convinced of taking this vaccine and now I understand why. I have had and still have post-vaccine pericarditis. Who pays the price for all this?” – Francesca Marton, volleyball player

“Since I had my vaccine (between the Olympics and the US Open), I have a problem. I am struggling. I can’t train, I can’t play. In my head, it’s difficult because I don’t know how long it will last. For now, my season is over and I don’t know when it will resume.” – Jeremy Chardy, tennis player

“Damaging healthy people to preserve the health of the weakest, a choice of backward logic. I would not get vaccinated if it had to be done again.” – Antoine Méchin, triathlete 

Professional mountain bike racer Kyle Warner describes a common response by medical personnel to vaccine damage. When he started having strange reactions in his heart following his second shot, he was told in the ER that it was just an “anxiety attack.” He was then referred to a psychiatrist for a “psychotic episode” by the ER doctor. Such is the medical system’s brainwashing that these shots are so safe, and injuries so rare, that adverse reactions are often dismissed as being mental delusions. Warner was ultimately diagnosed with pericarditis and a tachycardia syndrome. He, too, had to fill out his own report to VAERS because no doctor would do it for him. It took him 45 minutes to complete.

“People are being coerced into making a decision based on lack of information. Real lives are being affected by ‘not so rare’ consequences.”


Laura’s story is becoming more common as younger age groups are receiving these shots. “Bad news about the dangers that mRNA vaccines may pose to the heart and blood vessels keeps coming.”

A report recently presented at the American Heart Association’s annual conference is described by journalist Alex Berenson:

“A new study of 566 patients who received either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines shows that signs of cardiovascular damage soared following the shots. The risk of heart attacks or other severe coronary problems more than doubled months after the vaccines were administered, based on changes in markers of inflammation and other cell damage…”[full article here.]

Part Two:

– Health Department Lies and Disinformation –


This article was revised on December 2, 2021 to remove information that could compromise the anonymity of the woman we’re calling Laura. Laura had shared her harrowing medical crisis in detail in the hopes of saving others’ lives.

We don’t know when or if the full original article will be able to be re-posted. This abbreviated version nonetheless speaks to the increasingly prevalent heart damage she suffered within days of her second shot, without the earlier details of her personal story.

The Truth That Must Not Be Spoken

The Truth That Must Not Be Spoken

Do you know of local people who have been injured by
(or died from) the Covid injections?

You’re surely not hearing about vaccine injuries or deaths from any other local media. Obituaries about previously healthy residents who died following their jabs never mention that significant detail. Their obits simply say “passed unexpectedly,” or their deaths are attributed to contracting the Covid virus after being fully vaccinated.

Take the 60-year-old woman who died in May, only a week after she got her second shot. Her passing was denied to be a vaccine death by our county health department and instead claimed as a Covid death from the virus (see “New Wrinkle in Jefferson County’s ‘Fourth’ COVID Death“).

In the winter of 2021 I wrote about the vaccine-induced death of a friend’s aunt (“Death by Injection?“). Previously in good physical health, from the day she was vaccinated with the Pfizer experimental mRNA shot she rapidly began to lose her ability to function. Within a few days she was “having trouble sitting up straight,” and by day seven “she no longer could feed herself.”  Day eight, “she was unable to get up anymore, loss of control of torso and legs.”  On day nine, “we called the ambulance because we could not get her up.”  Once hospitalized, “she was unable to eat or swallow.”  Jefferson Healthcare couldn’t stop this downward spiral; my friend’s aunt died in the hospital.

Despite the indisputable temporal relationship to vaccination, despite no other reasonable explanation for her rapid decline and death, and despite the same pattern being seen in significant numbers of elderly around the world post-vaccination—Jefferson County’s doctors, hospital, and health department refused to acknowledge that her “unexpected” demise was caused by the vaccine. Contrary to CDC requirements for healthcare providers, they did not report either the initial adverse event or the death to VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.

The cause of death listed on my friend’s aunt’s death certificate was “renal failure”. No mention of the Covid injection that began this cascade of events. A week before her death there had been nothing wrong with her kidneys. Why, after being hospitalized, would they suddenly fail, killing her?

When my friend questioned the attending physician about filing a VAERS report to document an association to the Covid shot, the doctor said she had not reported it. Her rationale was “How can we prove it?”

It is not their job to prove it. The CDC website states:

“Healthcare providers are REQUIRED [their emphasis] to report
to VAERS… adverse events [AEs] after COVID-19 vaccination…
regardless of causality…even if they are not sure if vaccination
caused the event.”

So in a long and difficult process, my friend reported the death to VAERS herself. She then sent a thoughtful email to former health officer Tom Locke, detailing the entire experience with her aunt and Jefferson County’s medical system, cc-ing the doctors involved and several others at Jefferson Healthcare. In her letter, she expressed concern “at the lack of interest in the potential causation or adverse effect the vaccine may have caused.”  She noted:

“The instructions for providers giving out any covid shots is they are required to report ANY adverse effect whether or not one can prove causation. As we should all know, these shots are still experimental, hence, the EUA. The very idea that people are racing through drive-thrus to get experimental shots and there seems to be no follow through in reporting adverse or possible adverse effects shows that there is really no scientific methodology happening here. At least at JHC from what I can tell.”

She then described feedback from others she knew who had gotten the shot. Nine out of ten had experienced adverse events—“from extreme pain, aching, headaches, bone infections, diabetic complications, heart decline to death”—and none had been reported to VAERS. Dr. Locke’s response, in part:

“As you correctly note, there does not have to be a proven cause and effect relationship with the observed adverse reactions. Without access to your aunt’s medical records, I am unable to comment on the possible causes of her rapidly progressive illness and death… I think your submission of a VAERS report was the right thing to do. I am not forwarding your note to the Jefferson County Board of Health since investigation of adverse vaccine reactions does not lie within their authority or responsibility.”

In other words, We are going to ignore this.

Our medical professionals at Jefferson Healthcare and the Jefferson County Health Department are out of compliance with CDC requirements. But it is clear that Locke had no intention of correcting the hospital’s failure to report adverse vaccine reactions or to even inform the health board of their lack of compliance. In the campaign to convince everyone to get their shots, public health officials certainly are not going to admit that any county resident was actually harmed, let alone killed by these injections.

Could Jefferson County Public Health’s leadership possibly get worse?

Enter Jefferson County’s new health officer, 36-year-old Dr. Allison Berry. On August 19, 2021, Berry participated in her first official Board of Health meeting. Responding to well-documented Covid vaccine safety issues raised during public comments, she called facts presented “a slurry of outright falsehoods, which is dangerous.”  In the inverted narrative being foisted on the public, she herself then spewed what many experts would describe as a stream of misinformation. (See “Health Enforcers Catch Misinformation Fever“)

Insisting that these experimental injections are safe, Berry said with a smile: “There have been no documented deaths due to the Covid-19 vaccine in either of the counties that I oversee.”

Of course there have been no documented deaths here. As with my friend’s aunt, adverse reactions, injuries and fatalities from the shots are being covered up, denied and re-labeled.

Another Jefferson County death directly after the shot that I was alerted to involved a medical practitioner who was instructed to intentionally attribute the death to other causes. “A med provider who lost a patient from injection, was dictated the response required to make,” said an email I received. No surprise that the provider was unwilling to come forward.

There are two consistencies in all the stories you will find here:

1) Vaccine adverse events are rarely, if ever, reported to VAERS.

2) Those talking about these injuries and deaths request anonymity.

Our local heath providers avoid reporting to VAERS to keep the “safe and effective” narrative afloat. Their job is to deny deaths and injuries from the shots, and demonize the healthy unvaccinated to pressure them into “compliance”. Some in our health care system admit privately that this is the narrative they are expected to follow, but they fear losing their jobs if they speak out in public.

Sad testimony to the medical tyranny we have descended into, forbidding transparency… where truth can only be whispered in private.

What is the reality in Jefferson County?

In addition to these deaths, I know two vaxxed people hospitalized for severe clotting, both sent to larger hospitals for treatment, neither acknowledged to be related to their shots. I’ve heard multiple stories about county residents who have been in constant pain since their vaccines, who regret that they succumbed to pressure and media propaganda.

One friend was told by a masked employee at a store checkout that he didn’t want the shot, but got it because he’d been promised he’d be able to work without a mask if he got vaccinated. He was anxious to remove his mask because it gave him severe migraines.

Since his shots, “All of my joints hurt, all of the time,” he said. My friend asked, “Has the pain been getting better over time?”  “Not at all,” he said. And now he’s required to mask again, causing him not only to suffer once more from the migraines, but from relentless joint pain from the shots, too. He’s angry—angry enough to complain to a random shopper about the bait-and-switch and about his vaccine injury.

A private healthcare practitioner described a rash of patients coming in post-vax with a range of troubling symptoms. “These symptoms include weeks of unrelenting diarrhea or digestive upset, flares from musculoskeletal conditions like plantar fasciitis, swollen painful joints and nerve pain, headaches and fatigue.”

A doctor told me, “I’ve seen a lot more people having to go to the ER with high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation—enough that they are in danger of having a stroke.” Another contact described a woman who has been having heart issues post-vax. Her heart began racing soon after the shots—tachycardia. She is now on drugs in an effort to keep her heart rate down, with a medical team that doesn’t know what else to do.

An email from a practitioner reported, “A huge proportion of my vaccinated patients had severe side-effects – let’s call them injuries or damage – immediately following vaccination.”  Of this large group who experienced injuries, these two gave him permission to be detailed here:

Another local practitioner told me she’d seen four patients with serious adverse effects after their shots. One told her, “I have had a migraine headache ever since I got the vaccine—unrelenting, all day, every day—and the doctors can’t do anything about it.”

The other three, all seen in the same week, had heart emergencies after their shots. One of them, a “perfectly healthy” woman prior to vaccination, had a heart attack. Another had breathing and other lung complications in addition to heart problems. As described below, damage to heart tissue is permanent and is being seen disproportionately in youth receiving the injections. Doctors are concerned that over the next few years many will die from the cardiac stress these vaccine injuries are placing on their hearts.

Among Jefferson Healthcare workers who will not speak publicly for fear of being fired is a hospital employee who in August admitted that HALF of the people they were seeing at the hospital with Covid were fully vaccinated. Data was being manipulated in order to claim that “nearly 90%” of the Covid cases were unvaccinated. (See “Health Enforcers Manipulate Data to Stigmatize Unvaxxed“)

Clotting, blinding headaches, joint pain, bleeding, neurological issues, cognitive impairment, exhaustion and other long-term injuries are being experienced by people who our medical system is at a loss to help. Mental health crises have skyrocketed. And open discussion about this fallout is not allowed.

Two written personal accounts from local residents received:

After a single shot, a second Port Townsend woman wrote, “My symptoms include headache, brain fog, blurred vision, body aches & arthritic pain, and skin sensations like insect bites but nothing there.”

In a follow-up conversation, I learned that she had chosen the J&J vaccine to avoid having to get a second shot. She immediately started experiencing neuropathy, aches all over her body, and extreme fatigue. Her physician prescribed anti-inflammatory medication and she tried numerous detoxes and other interventions. While all these efforts helped some, four months later “none of my issues have totally gone away.”

Just across the inlet on Whidbey Island, a nurse of 35 years shared the denials and cover-ups that are going on there:

“Eight to ten percent of the people I see who got the shots
are very sick or died. Severe reactions—paralysis, heart
issues, miscarriages, clotting, terrible chest pain…”

She has asked many people, “How did you do with the shot?”  Some told her they did just fine, didn’t notice any problems. A large number, however, responded, “I regret it. I never felt the same.”

Like Jefferson Healthcare, Whidbey General is short on staff and, therefore, hospital beds. “Staff have all left who don’t want to vaxx,” this nurse said.

The spike protein is a pathogenic toxin – “We made a big mistake.”

In two articles last winter (1) (2), I described mechanisms of damage from these experimental shots that censored doctors and scientists were warning about. Since those articles, even more damning information has come to light.

A bombshell study by researchers at the Salk Institute was published at the end of April showing that the Covid spike protein alone, without the rest of the virus, is a pathogen—toxic. And unlike natural infection which may involve breathing in hundreds or thousands of virus particles, injections directly entering the bloodstream cause the body to produce billions or even trillions of those toxic spike proteins, potentially creating worse damage than contracting Covid naturally.

Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph in Canada, worked under a government grant to develop a Covid vaccine: He is not only pro-vax, but a vaccine developer. He sounded the alarm in May when he saw the findings of a biodistribution study done by Pfizer. Not released to the public, it was obtained by Japan’s regulatory agency through a freedom of information act request. This research showed that the shot does not remain localized at the injection site as anticipated. Instead, spike proteins are distributed throughout the body, damaging the vascular system, causing strokes, heart inflammation, clotting issues and more.

“We made a big mistake. We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin… The spike protein gets into the blood, circulates through the blood in individuals over several days post-vaccination. It accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, the bone marrow, the liver, the adrenal glands… in quite high concentrations in the ovaries… it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.” [source]

As of October 22, the vastly under-reported VAERS database shows over 800,000 adverse events and 17,619 deaths. That is nearly double all of the reported deaths from every childhood and adult vaccine combined in the 30-year history of VAERS.

A CDC fraud expert says that number of deaths is at least five times, and possibly ten times higher. In July, a whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) revealed that their data showed 48,465 people died shortly after receiving their injections. The lawsuit filed against the Department of Health and Human Services which includes the whistleblower’s declaration can be read here.

What have all the autopsies for deaths caused by the Covid shot shown us? As the agency responsible for guaranteeing the safety of this new experimental technology, you’d think that the CDC’s first order of business would be investigating how and why the vaccine was killing people. But the CDC has instead avoided autopsies that would shed light on on post-injection deaths. It took a German scientific report, published in June 2021, to give us the “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2”.

“Researchers from Germany conducted the world’s first-ever postmortem study on a corpse that had been vaccinated against Covid-19 prior to their death. They discovered that every single organ of the deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins as a result of the vaccine.” [source]

Coroners are routinely refusing to conduct autopsies on deaths following Covid vaccination. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently lost a patient to the Covid shot. When he ordered an autopsy, the order was denied. Families with loved ones killed by the vaccine are reporting the same experience. One woman’s death less than 24 hours after her first shot was listed as “failure to thrive/heart failure.” Her doctor also requested an autopsy and was refused. So her bereft son paid for one himself. The report confirmed her death was caused by the vaccine.

In a doctors’ roundtable, Dr. Ryan Cole, a pathologist running one of the largest clinical labs in Idaho, noted he was seeing a marked uptick in diseases among the vaccinated: “Post-vaccinated patients are having diseases that we normally don’t see at rates that are considerably alarming.”

Vaccinologist Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA technology, and a colleague of regulatory agency scientists, confirmed Cole’s observation of disease uptick:

“The FDA is aware of this. This is the kind of thing I find most shocking. The FDA is fully aware that these data exist and yet they’re not disclosing them to the public… Both CDC and FDA are no longer respecting their own rules and laws.”

Out of ethical concerns, Malone, who took the shots himself, has joined the growing number of experts warning that the technology he helped develop is unsafe.

Malone, Bridle, Cole, McCullough, and every other expert exposing this information are under systematic attack by the control system to defame, discredit and silence them.

Now they’re going after the children

Many groups of medical experts around the world are urgently calling for an immediate halt to this experiment, describing it as a crime against humanity. Thousand of doctors and scientists, like Doctors for Covid Ethics, are warning that “Hapless and defenceless children are now becoming victims of the blasphemic and negligently regulated vaccination agenda” (Open Letter and Notice of Liability from Doctors and Scientists). Their scientific papers note that Covid vaccine dangers include “blood clots and leaky vessels,” immunological problems like “enhancing the severity of wild coronavirus infection,” and “flying under the immune system’s radar with the vaccine’s genetic code.”

Still, the pharma/medical/industrial complex presses on, with a constantly-changing narrative designed to stress and confuse, incrementally pushing ever-more oppressive dictates. Now because of the vaccine’s dismal failure to provide any protection at all after only a few months, all the previously “fully vaxxed” need boosters. These boosters will possibly offer a few months of antibodies to the original Covid virus, which is no longer in circulation. It does not protect against Delta or any of the other variants emerging in the vaccinated.

Pressure is ramping up not only to inject all adults, the kids are in the crosshairs. In August, on its Covid-19 webpage, Jefferson County Public Health featured the banner “VAX TO SCHOOL.”

Parroting CDC propaganda, our health department called for children 12 and older—who have statistically zero risk from the virus—to get the shots. The pitch on the website assured us that “COVID-19 vaccines are safe and very effective.”

As illustrated by volumes of data which the industry-captured CDC and FDA are not showing you, both claims are not only false, but inversions of the truth.

Data disclosed from early Covid vaccine trials on children showed that 85% experienced adverse reactions from mild to serious. Damage from those trials was kept under wraps, as with 12-year-old participant Maddie, whose family took to social media to describe her massive injury. “It has been a frustrating 1.5 months to be told 7 out of the 8 times we took her to the ER, that every test is normal and this is all in her head. Like she can stop the excruciating pain she is in, numbness in her legs and hands, fainting, dizziness, major gastrointestinal issues, fuzzy mind, memory problems, rashes, ulcers and more.”

Maddie, a previously healthy, energetic, straight-A student, was reduced to crippling, scream-inducing pain that landed her in the emergency room within 24 hours of her second Pfizer trial dose. She told her family, “It feels like my heart is being ripped out through my neck.”

Stephanie de Garay testifies about her daughter Maddie’s vaccine injury, June 29, 2021

In a press conference five months later Maddie’s mother, a “pro-vaccine and pro-science” electrical engineer who also volunteered her two sons for the trials, reported:

“Over the next two and a half months her abdominal muscle and nerve pain became unbearable. She developed additional symptoms that included gastroparesis, nausea and vomiting, erratic blood pressure, and heart rate, memory loss; she mixes up words, brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fainting, and then seizures… She developed verbal and motor tics. She had loss of feeling from the waist down and muscle weakness, drastic changes in her vision, urinary retention, and loss of bladder control, severely irregular and heavy menstrual cycles and eventually she had to have an NG tube put in to get nutrition.”

Pfizer tried to cover up the injuries first by calling Maddie a “mental patient,” then denying her problems were related to the vaccine, eventually reporting to the FDA she had “functional abdominal pain” (a stomach ache). Nine months later Maddie is still in a wheelchair, ignored by Pfizer, the FDA, the CDC and the NIH, who are all exempt from liability. [source]

Maddie’s mother asks, “Maddie volunteered for the Pfizer trial, why aren’t they researching her to figure out why this happened so other people don’t have to go through this?… She was totally fine before this. She did the right thing trying to help everybody else and they’re not helping her.”

A mass vaccination event for schoolchildren in Australia—in which parents were denied entry—resulted in at least two children dead, two in comas, and an unknown number of other casualties. In an August 24 interview with Dr. Peter McCullough, he says data from Australia shows that more patients are dying from the vaccine than the virus by 100-fold or more.

Formerly healthy American teens, many of them top athletes, are being hospitalized after the shot for heart damage, and deaths are mounting.

Doctors & Lawyers Issue Dire Warning to High School, College & Pro Athletes
August 8, 2021

On August 8th, medical experts joined sports coaches and an attorney in the webinar “Doctors & Lawyers Issue Dire Warning to High School, College & Pro Athletes.” Top cardiologist Peter McCullough explained (start at 9:07):

“We have about 3,000 certified cases of myocarditis or heart inflammation that have occurred—that’s what the CDC has confirmed. We have no idea how many more thousands of young people have been affected like this. The vaccines all have a dangerous mechanism of action where genetic material is taken up into the heart. It manifests by chest pain, the development of heart failure, EKG changes, abnormal blood tests showing the heart’s being injured, and then it progresses to heart failure or cardiovascular death in some people. I’ve seen these patients in my clinic… It doesn’t look like the vaccine is safe and it doesn’t even look like it works to prevent Covid-19.”

Nuclear cardiologist Dr. Richard Fleming agreed (start at 16:40):

“These viral cardiomyopathies or weakness to the heart, this inflammation and blood clotting occurring with these vaccines, are causing permanent damage to the heart… by and large, once that damage is done, it’s going to be permanent. You’ve got drugs that aren’t having any beneficial effect, but they’re having consequences. The facts in the EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] show these vaccines do not work.”

Former Chief Scientific Advisor to Pfizer, Dr. Michael Yeadon added (start at 34:45):

“All of these products home in to the ovaries and testicles. It’s not benign, it’s going to be harming those tissues. And there’s a second hit—[women’s bodies produce] antibodies against their own placentas when pregnant women are vaccinated with one of these vaccines. It’s just appalling. [There are] also reproductive health risks to males in that they concentrate in testicular tissue. I’m very concerned that they may not be able to have children.”

Putting a final nail in the coffin, pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole described the inability of the current shots to provide any protection at all against prevailing variants (start at 54:25):

“With Delta spreading quickly and being almost 98% of SARS-Cov-2 cases in the US now, this vaccine is out of date, it doesn’t work. The shot does not work against Delta. We’re giving a shot that can do extreme harm to the body, to the brain, to the vesicles, to the heart of these young individuals, and it’s for something that is out of date already.

“You have to realize that more than half of these youth have already had Covid and it is a triple risk for adverse reactions if you give them this shot… to put them at risk for something they don’t need. A broad natural immunity is far better than a vaccine immunity. We know that 17 years later those who have had SARS-Cov-1 still have T-cell memory and immunity. A broad natural immunity is a lifetime immunity.”

As the mainstream narrative about Covid crumbles, we witness increasing desperation to keep the public traumatized and to demonize the Americans who are seeing through the lies. And as more and more people lose faith in our medical system, government and media, pressure continues to ramp up to get dangerous experimental shots in every arm on earth.

It looks like the 5- to 11-year-olds are next

In the May 10 International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, MIT Senior Research Scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, co-authored “Worse Than the Disease?,” an extensive review of unintended consequences from the Covid shots. So disturbed by the science emerging about these vaccines, she has focused her academic research exclusively on this subject over the past year.

Dr. Paul Thomas with MIT scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, Episode 020, 10/13/21
Click on image and scroll to breakout interview

In an October 13 interview with pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas, Seneff describes the effects of “monster messenger RNA” and “neurotoxic spike proteins”:

“The spike protein is neurotoxic… The brain and the heart are really sensitive to this vaccine. This myocarditis [heart inflammation] is really disturbing because the kids are getting a much higher rate of myocarditis… if you’re young you have zero chance of dying from Covid-19. And that vaccine can really mess you up — it can give you permanent heart damage…

“I think the reproductive system could be at great issue here, I think we could be causing a massive infertility crisis in the future generations—especially when we start vaccinating 5-year-old kids. I cannot believe that we’re saying fine, let’s roll it out for the kids… I’m in such a state of shock about this.”

In Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark, Moderna shots have been suspended for young people due to increased risks of heart inflammation. Iceland halted the shots for all ages. Norway opted not to give 12- to 15-year olds second dose shots from any manufacturer because of the incidence of pericarditis and myocarditis, “especially among young men and boys.”

In September 2021, Nobel prize nominee Dr. Vladimir Zelenko co-authored “THE VACCINE DEATH REPORT – Evidence of millions of deaths and serious adverse events resulting from the experimental COVID-19 injections.”

The authors ask, “Why do some people die, or become disabled for life, while others seem just fine after being inoculated?”  They point to evidence that “some people get a harmless substance injected, while others get a shot with 5, 10, 20, or 30 micrograms of mRNA… in the booster shots some vials contain as much as 100 or even 250 micrograms of mRNA.”

Among the concerns documented in the report are large amounts of graphene oxide found in vaccine vials which can alter our electro-magnetic field and disrupt the normal functioning of organs, permanently altered DNA modifying the human genome, and dramatic damage to blood cells following injection.

Healthy red blood cells are smooth and spherical, non-clumping,
even in color, shape and size.

Micrograph of live blood cells 24 hours after the mRNA vaccine shows crystallized red cells called Heinz bodies, large symplasts of graphene oxide crystals center and Orotic acid crystals in the upper right hand corner.

“We reveal the real risk of an unprecedented genocide… The data suggests that we may currently be witnessing the greatest organized mass murder in the history of our world.”


What if doctors and scientists who are being censored are right?



Do you know of local people who have been injured by
(or died from) the Covid injections?

If you have a vaccine injury or death story to share,
please send it to vaxinjury@porttownsendfreepress.com
