by Ana Wolpin | Oct 29, 2022 | General
“Jefferson doesn’t have the level of population
immunity that others do, because it did such a good job
controlling the virus before.”
— Dr. Allison Berry
Public Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry has presided over a pandemic response that boasts the most draconian mandates in the state. Primary series vaccination uptake is reported to be 80% in Jefferson County, the third highest statewide. And at 32.1%, uptake of the bivalent booster is double the state average.

The result is that JeffCo is currently identified as one of the highest-risk counties in Washington, often with some of the worst case numbers and surely the greatest ongoing fear quotient.
Wrap your head around the bizarre non-sequitur (above) of why we have the worst level of immunity statewide. It is precisely because her destructive mandates and high vax uptake were so successful, she explains, that we are now the most vulnerable.
It is absurd pronouncements like this, delivered with impunity, that make it so difficult to narrow down Berry’s disinformation statements to a short list.
Despite her mantra that the shot will protect you, we need only look at all the double-vaxxed and boosted public figures championing these leaky injections who have succumbed to the virus. Often more than once. Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Biden top that list nationally, and locally are County Commissioners, Port Townsend’s City Manager, most of the City Council, and members of the Board of Health.
Nonetheless, embracing Einstein’s definition of insanity, Berry’s response is that more of the toxic mRNA spike protein brew will fix that. Even as the two-year fear narrative dissolves in admission after admission after admission of false information perpetrated on a traumatized public, Berry still continues to push for more dangerous shots in arms and for useless masking that destroys our human connections.
As with our year-end TOP TEN 2021 Spin Doctor Disinformation Statements, four of us have contributed to this series — the editorial team (Annette Huenke, Stephen Schumacher and Ana Wolpin), plus Free Press contributor Kincaid Gould.
Part One begins with a fact-check of Berry’s inconsistent claims about v-safe.

BERRY on the CDC’s cover-up of v-safe data:
“V-safe [is] actually publicly available datasets.
Nobody had to be sued to release them because
they’re already publicly available.”
(10-20-22 BOH meeting)
The above two assertions about v-safe are outright lies. Curiously, on October 10 Berry told the county commissioners a different story: “There is an anti-vaccine group that has been suing the CDC to get access to this raw data.”
Spinning the story one way for the commissioners, then doing a complete about-face for the Board of Health (BOH) ten days later, she lied that “nobody had to be sued.”
“I think it’s important to kind of review that for folks,” Berry riffed. At that Oct. 20 meeting she insisted that v-safe data had always been publicly available. “They are public access datasets,” she assured the BOH. “You can go in right now and track your side effects related to getting vaccines.”
What is v-safe and why has the CDC avoided transparency?
V-safe is a phone app developed to “tell CDC about any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.” It was designed to monitor adverse reactions, to capture problems following the experimental shots initially identified in pharma’s trials. The American public was told that v-safe would detect safety signals more rapidly and reliably than VAERS and that all v-safe data collected would be transparent.
Contrary to Berry’s assertion to the Board of Health that these are “are public access datasets,” the opposite has been true. Not only has the CDC hidden v-safe data for most of the past two years, the agency spent a year playing legal games — dodging FOIA requests and multiple lawsuits — to keep the data under wraps.
As reported in my March 2021 Free Press article, information from the v-safe Active Surveillance system was publicly disclosed for only the first five days of America’s Covid vaccine rollout, December 14-18, 2020:
“Over those five days, more than 5,000 “Health Impact Events” immediately following injections were identified. On December 18 alone, 2.79% of people who received first dose shots—3,150 out of 112,807—used this smartphone app to report reactions so severe that they were ‘unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, [and/or] required care from a doctor or other health professional.’”
When initial v-safe reporting undermined pharma’s Safe and Effective narrative that the federal government had committed over a billion dollars to promote, the data went dark. Only one other snapshot from v-safe — titled “First Month of Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring” — can be found in CDC materials. In a 2021 “Safety Update” justifying the shots, the CDC included this table below. It showed high percentages of “local and systemic reactions” like headaches, fatigue, fever, myalgia and joint pain, the reactions health officials spin as “proof the vaccines are working.”

Those signals alone were significant enough to raise red flags. More important is what the CDC avoided disclosing. What this first-month report didn’t show were severe adverse events, emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and other serious outcomes which, as revealed below, were formidable. Following that incomplete cherry-picked snapshot, for nearly two years all v-safe information was then covered up.
In June 2021 Aaron Siri, lead counsel for the nonprofit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for release of the CDC’s V-safe data.

6/24/21 FOIA request for “All de-identified data submitted to v-safe since January 1, 2020.”
“Mandating that millions of Americans inject a product for which they cannot hold the manufacturer liable if the product injures them demands complete transparency, especially when it comes to releasing the data underlying the product’s safety. FOIA exists precisely so that Americans can obtain transparency, and, in this case, obtain the data which supports the CDC’s claims to intensive safety monitoring.”
After a response from the CDC that the data requested “could not be located,” an appeal was filed in August 2021. A second, reworded FOIA request was submitted on behalf of ICAN in September.
When that request was also sidestepped, a lawsuit was filed in December.

Page 1 of first lawsuit from ICAN petitioning for release of the CDC’s v-safe data.
The CDC continued their attempts to hide the data. A third FOIA request was submitted in April 2022, and in May another lawsuit was filed. It had been almost one year since the first FOIA request was submitted.
The second lawsuit declared that ICAN “intends to make all v-safe data immediately available to the public so that independent scientists can immediately analyze that data.” It referenced the need “to address serious and ongoing issues with the vaccine program, including waning immunity [and] adverse reactions.” Preventing independent scientists from reviewing this data, the suit argued, was “at best, irresponsible and unethical.”
CDC Ordered to Release Data
While Berry lied to county commissioners that “nobody had to be sued” for v-safe data to be made public, the record shows that it took multiple FOIA requests and two lawsuits to force the CDC’s hand. Fifteen months from the initial FOIA request and twenty-one months after the vaccine rollout, a court order required the CDC to provide the v-safe data on or before September 30, 2022.
When forced to comply with the court order, the CDC said the v-safe files would be released to ICAN, but claimed they lacked the ability to post the information on their own website. After a year of maneuvering to hide this data, the agency disingenuously wrote that they had planned to post the data on their website, but had “not yet completed the technical and administrative processes required to post data.”
V-safe files were sent to ICAN just one month ago, at 6 pm on September 30. What the CDC claimed they lacked in “technical and administrative” proficiency to do for 21 months, ICAN’s modest staff accomplished over a weekend. On October 3, three days after the grassroots nonprofit obtained five digital files comprised of initial data from more than ten million users, ICAN launched a user-friendly web dashboard allowing the international science community and other members of the public to view the data themselves and perform interactive searches on that data.

ICAN, not the CDC, is responsible for making this information accessible, nearly all of it (86% as shown above) reported to v-safe in the first six months of the rollout. The multi-billion dollar public agency charged with safeguarding our health instead used its formidable resources to block release of v-safe reports.
What did the CDC not want us to see?
Unsurprisingly, signals of damage from these shots — which public health officials like local mouthpiece Dr. Allison Berry continue to deny — are alarming. The percentage of adverse health impacts following Covid vaccination reported to v-safe over 21 months is more than ten times the 2.79% seen in the December 18, 2020 snapshot, on day five of the rollout.
Of the 10 million+ individual users who participated in v-safe after their shots:
- 71.3 million symptoms were entered, an average of 7 symptoms per user
- 6.4 million adverse health impacts were reported
- 33% (3.35 million) were unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, and/or required care from a doctor or other health professional
- 7.7% (782,913) had a health event so severe it required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization, most of those events requiring multiple visits

Contrary to Berry’s lies, the CDC not only had to be sued for access to this critical data, they spent more than a year fighting to prevent its release. Had this data seen daylight, as fanfare leading up to the rollout had promised (“this information helps CDC monitor the safety of Covid-19 vaccines in near real time“), Emergency Use Authorization of the shots could never have remained justified.
The entire story can be seen, with all supporting documents, at Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC’s V-safe Data.

V-safe data is still not available on the CDC’s website. It can only be accessed through ICAN’s interactive dashboard.
This is not the end of the story.
While incriminating enough on their own, the five files a court order forced the CDC to release one month ago were incomplete. ICAN discovered through further litigation that an important category of the reports was not included in the files they received. The agency continues to stonewall on disclosing all v-safe records. More lawsuits are pending.
The v-safe app provides simple checkboxes for symptoms experienced following vaccination, like the local and systemic reactions shown in the CDC’s first month Safety Update (12/14/20 – 1/13/21) — headaches, chills, joint pains and other symptoms that are said to be proof the shot is “working”.

The app also includes check-the-box fields for users to report if they required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalizations following the shots, as revealed on ICAN’s dashboard.
V-safe does not provide checkboxes for “Adverse Events of Special Interest,” issues the CDC knew from early trials were much more serious concerns. These “Prespecified Medical Conditions” are shown in the v-safe protocol attachment below, but omitted from the app.

The sometimes deadly medical issues we have been seeing in unprecedented numbers — like acute myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), anaphylaxis, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome (paralysis), strokes, pregnancy problems and myocarditis/pericarditis — were known to be caused by the mRNA injections when v-safe was developed. But the CDC avoided delineating them on the app.
Instead, the only way to capture reports of those issues was in “open fields” — empty boxes where users could type in additional details. Anything other than check-the-box local and systemic reactions which generally did not result in medical intervention had to be reported by the user as supplementary information.
Despite the extra effort it took, of the ten million registered users in the v-safe database, over six million open field entries were submitted. These open field reports were not included in the data the CDC turned over to ICAN and are yet to be revealed. The further lawsuits in progress expect to obtain that information.
Berry’s tangled web of disinformation
The CDC designed the v-safe app to make it easy to report symptoms people were told to expect from the shots, but obscure the devastating outcomes that would undermine the public’s confidence in their Safe and Effective narrative. This obfuscation has supported their lie about the incidence of severe adverse events, and provided cover for health officers like Berry to parrot that disinformation:
“Severe side effects from these vaccines are incredibly incredibly rare,” she told the Board of Health during her v-safe review, “on the order of less than 10 per million doses delivered.”
After falsely assuring the BOH that v-safe data has always been publicly available, and lying that no one had to sue to get it, Berry lamented that “unfortunately, anti-vaccine groups have now gotten access to those datasets and are now using them and twisting the numbers in them to spread misinformation about the vaccines to suggest or argue that they are less safe than they actually are.”
In her erratic, loquacious web of disinformation — yes, there was a lawsuit / no, no one had to sue — she insists that there wasn’t a lack of transparency, just that the data had fallen into the wrong hands. She provides no proof that numbers were “twisted”, just blithely makes unsubstantiated pronouncements that anti-vaxxers are spreading misinformation.
Anyone can now review and analyze the CDC data for themselves through ICAN’s online portal.
And Berry’s claim that severe side effects are less than ten per million — incredibly incredibly rare — is belied by 7.7% of v-safe users reporting they required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization after their shots. That translates to 77,000 — not 10 — per million serious adverse reactions following the experimental injections.
It is the CDC and spin doctor Berry doing the number twisting. And with six million open field v-safe data entries still to come — information that shot recipients had to be motivated to report in their own words — our glib, dismissive health officer has a whole lotta twisting ahead to maintain her crumbling disinformation narrative.

by Ana Wolpin | Sep 28, 2022 | General
“I cannot sleep… and I am feeling so fatigued and muddle-brained that I can barely think straight and even have trouble standing up straight. I have literally done nothing since [the Smart meters] have been put in and feel achy all over and disoriented, slightly dizzy.”
“I have been feeling sick since they installed 16 smart meters on a panel 6 feet away from my building. I have developed respiratory problems and insomnia and anxiety and pressure in my head… My husband has also developed asthma, coughing, bloody nose, headaches.”
“We had a Smart Meter installed on our home. I got sick and two weeks ago had a mini-stroke.”
“My family recently moved into a new home which has 4 smart meters, we had wifi also initially. I began feeling ill: symptoms included a sensation of electricity coursing through my body, headaches, my blood pressure soared, the sensation of my brain feeling like it was being squeezed, and a sensation of burning on my skin and eyes. I could not find relief anywhere in my home. The symptoms of my three sons are less than my own and more vague: headache, ‘feeling sick upon waking,’ feeling a jolt type feeling sometimes.”
“[After a Smart meter was installed] our children started to exhibit health symptoms and health signs that alarmed myself and my husband [a doctor]. The children began to have fevers out of nowhere, essentially their bodies were boiling and their fevers would go from 101 to 104 and sometimes to 105… Our children also began to have problems with the inability to control their bodily fluids, our five year old began peeing and pooping herself, our four year began to display the same problems, soon many of the smaller children were all displaying these symptoms and concerns.”
“We are just miserable here. We can’t sleep at night, are dizzy, have headaches, ear pain, and more.”
“I managed to have smart meter installation delayed at my house, but suddenly became sick overnight with palpitations, chest pain, insomnia, dizziness, inability to concentrate and memory loss and fainting spells. AFTER becoming sick I found out that the day I became suddenly sick was the day the smart meter roll-out was completed in my area and the smart meters were remotely turned on from base… I can no longer drive, I can’t work (I’m a doctor).”
“Shortly after the smart meter was installed my health took a terrible downturn. I began having heart palpitations, trouble sleeping, unexplained anxiety attacks, dizzy spells, nausea and fatigue. I have been battling anxiety for months and I had no idea why. I’ve never had these types of symptoms plague me like this before. Then I found out that so many others have had the same reactions to smart meters in their homes and neighborhoods.”
“I am an engineer. I have used technology my entire adult life – cell phones, smart phones, wi-fi, laptops, you name it. I really enjoyed all of this and had no issues or fears related to technology.
Then, when a bank of smart meters were put next to our apartment, both my wife and I starting experiencing headaches, insomnia, heart palpitations and tinnitus. Within a couple weeks, I could no longer use a cell phone without the same symptoms. Within a month I could feel the microwave radiation from cell towers. I have had to completely change my life because of this.”
The statements above are among hundreds posted by the EMF Safety Network. Thousands of reports like this can be found online from people whose health was damaged following the installation of a wireless Smart meter. The last quote is from engineer-turned-EMF-educator Jeromy Johnson, who we featured in our article, Smart Meters Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
As reported in that article, having one of these meters installed at your home or workplace raises multiple concerns. While we provided an overview of many of those concerns, this article focuses specifically on the health issues that can be caused by the high-intensity pulsed microwave radiation from what the utility industry calls Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), or Smart meters.
Common symptoms attributed to Smart meter exposure include:
- Sleep problems (insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, night waking, nightmares)
- Stress, agitation, anxiety, irritability
- Headaches, sharp pain or pressure in the head
- Ringing in the ears, ear pain, high pitched ringing
- Concentration, memory or learning problems
- Fatigue, muscle or physical weakness
- Disorientation, dizziness, or balance problems
- Eye problems, including eye pain, pressure in the eyes,
- Cardiac symptoms, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmias, chest pain
- Leg cramps, or neuropathy
- Arthritis, body pain, sharp, stabbing pains
- Nausea, flu-like symptoms
- Sinus problems, nose bleeds
- Respiratory problems, cough, asthma
- Skin rashes, facial flushing
- Urinary problems
- Endocrine disorders, thyroid problems, diabetes
- High blood pressure
- Changes in menstrual cycle
- Hyperactivity or changes in children’s behavior
- Seizures
- Recurrence of cancer
It is because of health impacts like these that when Smart meters began rolling out in the U.S., utility companies were forced to provide customers with a safer meter option. Requesting a non-transmitting meter is commonly known as an Opt-Out (more on that below).
It is well-established that we are bioelectrical beings and that exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and radio frequencies (RFs) can have profound impacts on our biology. It is estimated that 3% to 10% of the population are so vulnerable to these fields — electrosensitive — that they struggle to live in the electromagnetic soup of our modern world.
Following publication of our last article, a reader challenged the assertion that electrosensitivity (aka electromagnetic hypersensitivity) is a valid medical disability. She asserted that EMFs and RFs — like the microwave radiation from Smart meters — do not impact a person’s health, that reports like those cited above stem from mental illness or are psychosomatic. The problem, she said, could be summed up in four words: “These people are crackpots.”
An obvious argument disproving that these health impacts are “all in their heads” is that when their symptoms first manifest people are often unaware that a Smart meter had been installed. Silicon Valley engineer and tech enthusiast Jeromy Johnson describes his unexpected “Wireless Wake-Up Call” in this TED Talk:
“If anyone had told me that wireless technology could have health effects, I would have thought they were crazy. But this all changed for me over the period of about one week. I started experiencing headaches, ringing in my ears, insomnia, fatigue, and a brain fog that I’d never experienced before. And I shared this with a colleague at work, and she said, you know the exact same thing happened to her husband when a wireless Smart meter was installed in their home. So I went home that evening and I checked downstairs, and sure enough we’d had a bank of wireless Smart meters installed right below our bedroom in San Francisco.”

Bank of Smart meters shown in Jeromy Johnson’s TED Talk.
Stories like these are common, following this typical pattern: “I — or my husband/wife, child, friend, co-worker — started having terrible headaches, feeling dizzy, couldn’t sleep, lost cognitive function… and then days or weeks later discovered that a Smart meter had been installed the day the problems began.”
But beyond the anecdotal evidence, there are now literally thousands of studies and scientific papers demonstrating the negative impacts of EMFs/RFs on people’s health.
The Science
A decade ago, an international consortium of 29 doctors and scientists produced the 650+-page BioInitiative Report 2012. They explain:
“Human beings are bioelectrical systems. Our hearts and brains are regulated by internal bioelectrical signals. Environmental exposures to artificial EMFs can interact with fundamental biological processes in the human body. In some cases, this may cause discomfort, or sleep disruption, or loss of wellbeing (impaired mental functioning and impaired metabolism) or sometimes, maybe it is a dread disease like cancer or Alzheimer’s disease.
It may be interfering with ones’ ability to become pregnant, or carry a child to full term, or result in brain development changes that are bad for the child. It may be these exposures play a role in causing long-term impairments to normal growth and development of children, tipping the scales away from becoming productive adults.
We have good evidence these exposures can damage our health, or that of children of the future who will be born to parents now immersed in wireless exposures.”
Their report presents evidence of genetic damage, immune impairment, neurological injury, effects on the blood-brain barrier, childhood leukemia, breast and other cancers, fetal effects, brain tumors, fertility damage and much more. Updates to the report just this year include coverage of RF and EMF studies from the genetic and neurological literature, studies of free radicals (oxidative damage), and electrohypersensitivity.
In 2015, 220 EMF scientists from 41 nations who had published in peer-reviewed journals signed the International EMF Scientists Appeal. Their warnings included cell phones, Wi-Fi, and ‘smart’ meter/grid technology.
“It is our opinion that adverse health consequences of chronic and involuntary exposure of people to non-ionizing electromagnetic field sources are being ignored by national and international health organizations despite our repeated inquiries as well as inquiries made by many other concerned scientists, medical doctors and advocates.”
According to these experts, public safety limits for electromagnetic and radiofrequency fields are thousands of times higher than exposure levels shown to be associated with serious health impacts.
Why haven’t our regulatory agencies and government protected us? Industry capture of the FCC and other agencies puts industry profit over public safety. “Just Don’t Bring Up Health” is one of the opening chapters of Harvard University Center for Ethics’ exposé, “Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission Is Dominated by the Industries It Presumably Regulates.“
As with so many of our public agencies, we cannot trust the FCC or any other “official” guidelines. The authors of the BioInitiative Report counter these corrupt regulators:
“The great strength of the BioInitiative Report is that it has been done independent of governments, existing bodies and industry professional societies that have clung to old standards. Precisely because of this, the BioInitiative Report presents a solid scientific and public health policy assessment that is evidence-based.”
Will a Smart Meter Harm YOU?
As noted earlier, we are swimming in invisible frequencies in today’s world, commonly called electrosmog. Chances are you already have Wi-Fi in your home, carry a cell phone, use a computer wirelessly, maybe even have a cell tower in proximity. All of this wireless technology creates oxidative stress, opens your blood-brain barrier allowing toxins to enter your brain, causes DNA damage, and alters your cellular function.
How much of these pervasive EMFs and RFs our bodies can withstand varies. Some people may be so electrosensitive that their ability to function is compromised by the slightest exposure to these frequencies.
Sebastian (Seb) Eggert, nearing completion of his ElectroMagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) certification with the Building Biology Institute, says, “I have personally interacted with over fifty people who are greatly or severely affected by the various forms of electromagnetic radiation, and at least a dozen of them live here in Jefferson County.” That was before the rollout of Smart meters.
Eggert expands on some of the people he has seen challenged by wireless technologies:
“One client was unable to have deep and restful sleep in her home until she turned off her computer, wifi, printer, portable phone and cellular phone. Another client is so sensitive she can sense when someone enters the room with a cell phone in their pocket or when a ship with a strong radar signal passes by. The only place she can escape from her splitting headaches is deep in the Olympics where the radiation is extremely low, or in rural Alaska.
Another who is a medical professional has removed all the EMFs from his office for the comfort of his patients. A naturopathic physician thought she had eliminated all RF devices from her office and treatment areas until a survey revealed that her computer was still sending a contact signal to the hard-wired modem.”
Then there are individuals like Jeromy Johnson, immersed for years in wireless tech, who don’t notice a problem until a Smart meter is installed.
Broadcasting RF frequencies every few seconds or even faster all day and night, these devices emit up to 190,000 bursts of pulsed microwave radiation in a 24-hour period. Reports show that adding that stress to an already-toxic wireless environment often causes a tipping point, pushing people over the edge to electrosensitivity. And once that threshold is breached, as Johnson learned, tech that once seemed harmless is suddenly no longer bearable.
Additional factors come into play. Eggert explains:
“Often the signs of EMF sensitivity are masked by other influences, such as multiple chemical sensitivities, mold and fungus exposure, medical interventions and deep trauma. All these things together contribute to poor health.”
Proximity to the meter(s) and levels of exposure are also significant factors in whether you will be harmed by a Smart meter.
How close is the meter to your living environment? Smart meters near bedrooms are especially dangerous. Since they operate 24/7, one of the most ubiquitous symptoms following their installation is loss of sleep. The critical downtime for the body’s rest and repair is interfered with by the constant pulsing of the RF.
Multiple Smart meters transmitting RFs multiply the danger. That’s especially true where there are banks of meters. Meter utility rooms for apartments, condos and commercial complexes massively increase the radiation levels, as Jeromy Johnson learned. Even though the room of meters for his apartment building was on a lower story, that ground-level bank of Smart meters proved to be too much for him and his wife. In that type of scenario, even those who opt out can still suffer health issues because the vast majority of other meters in their building are all broadcasting high-intensity microwave radiation.
Opting Out in Jefferson County is Easy
Jefferson PUD’s Opt-Out Program offers non-transmitting analog and digital meters that are read on-site monthly by a meter reader. We recommend the analog meter as the safest option since digital meters generate some high frequency voltage transients, also known as ‘dirty electricity’, which can also have negative health impacts.
While those of us against our PUD’s adoption of Smart meter technology argued for no-cost opt-outs as established in both New Hampshire and Vermont, there is a $5 monthly fee added to your bill here. That is lower than many utilities charge. Some utilities set punitive fees to intentionally discourage opt-outs, with a significant one-time charge for initial installation and exorbitant recurring monthly charges.
According to a 2019 article from the National Conference of State Legislatures:
“The fees can vary considerably. A utility in Rhode Island charges a one-time fee of $27, while a Texas utility’s one-time fee is $171. The monthly fees range from around $9 to $32.”
California’s state policy established a one-time fee of $75 and a monthly fee of $10, however for income-qualified customers the one-time fee drops to $10, with a $5 monthly fee.
Jefferson PUD has clearly avoided punitive charges. With all meters needing replacement in the county, our utility has waived the one-time installation fee, adding only a $5 monthly surcharge to offset the cost of a meter reader coming to your property every month to manually read your power usage. In addition to providing you with a safe meter, your $5 is supporting local jobs that are being eliminated by wireless tech.

This RF Transmitting Meter Opt-Out Application is on the last page of the PUD packet here. For more information on the Smart meter rollout in progress in Jefferson County and for additional details on our PUD’s Opt-Out Program, see Smart Meters Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
by Ana Wolpin | Sep 4, 2022 | General
“The modern trans movement does not appear to be a natural outgrowth of the feminist or even gay, lesbian, and bisexual acceptance movement. It is my strong belief that something else altogether is going on here.”
— Toby Rogers
“Pride” messaging began as a movement centered on creating equal rights for adult lesbians, gays and bisexuals — the L, G and B in the evolving acronym LGBTQ+.
As a long-time advocate for social justice, being supportive of Gay Pride, as it was initially called, was a given. Of course caring, rational people wish to see equal rights, non-discrimination, and inclusivity for all.
With the addition of the letter T — transgender — that movement has changed radically. “The trans wars,” says Toby Rogers, “are everywhere right now.”
Rogers spent a decade fighting for LGB equality as the communications director for the Presbyterian Church USA. He helped bring about a shift in the church’s position on gays nationwide, then got a masters degree in public policy. He taught gender studies. In Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues, he says:
“By 2012-2013 we had won across the board. Equal rights to marriage, employment, housing, and hospital visitation rights were becoming the law of the land in the U.S. and throughout the world. We had achieved bipartisan consensus even on the fiercely divided U.S. Supreme Court. We had science, logic, and reason on our side. It was settled law and settled science.”
And then, says Rogers, “somewhere around 2015, the movement went completely off the rails.”
A very different ideology took over the Pride messaging — denying the validity of biology entirely and centering on the social construct of perceived gender. Suddenly gender dysphoria was rampant and growing. Port Townsend today is ground zero for that shift.
John Daniel Davidson writes about our town in The Federalist. In his August 19th article, The Transgender Movement Is Not Just Intolerant. It’s Barbaric And Violent, And It’s Coming For Your Children, Davidson says:
“Hardly a day goes by now that we don’t see another appalling example of transgender ideology’s aggressive intolerance in the public square. Recently, the target of that intolerance was an 80-year-old woman in the small town of Port Townsend, Washington, who was permanently banned from her local YMCA pool after she objected to a “trans woman” — a man — in the women’s locker room.”
That “aggressive intolerance” has been documented in multiple Free Press articles. (1, 2, 3, 4) This was the face of trans activism in Port Townsend on the evening of August 15th:

Most, if not all of the violence, say readers, came from within the community, not from outsiders. We now understand that it was local trans activists who showed up to spew hate and assault peaceful supporters of a women’s rights rally on August 15th at Pope Marine Park.
As previously reported, the assaults aligned with the hate campaign initiated by Port Townsend Mayor David Faber and City Councilor Libby Wennstrom. Campaigning on her Facebook page Wennstrom put out a call to drive “TERFS OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND.”
The violent mob that screamed and knocked down elderly women was a far cry from the message delivered an hour later by Mayor Faber just across the street. As Davidson summarized, “Faber praised the mob that went after Jaman and her supporters, calling it an ‘incredible night’ that was ‘beautiful’ and falsely claiming that ‘Trans and cis-allies alike spoke love & support’.”

David Faber returns to his mayor’s seat after presenting the Trans Rights Proclamation to Beau Ohlgren.
Faber’s high praise was delivered in conjunction with an orchestrated reading at City Hall of a Trans Rights Proclamation. The mayor read and ceremoniously presented the proclamation to Beau Ohlgren, representing the Transgender Support network in Jefferson County. That network is fronted by Olympic Pride, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2018. The image at the top of this article is the banner for the Youth page on Olympic Pride’s website.
Jim Scarantino of the Free Press wrote to Ohlgren and Olympic Pride asking for a statement regarding the attacks on women from the trans community that night. They did not respond. Scarantino writes:
“Olympic Pride and Beau Ohlgren of the local Transgender Support won’t denounce hate speech against women. We asked them if they denounced the hate speech directed at women from Mayor David Faber and City Councilor Libby Wennstrom, the latter calling for “All TERFS out of Port Townsend.” They have chosen “no comment”… To what extent these groups share responsibility for the conduct of the mob remains an open question, especially if they continue to refuse to condemn hatred and hate speech against women.”
It’s All Cartoons and Rainbows
On their website Olympic Pride says they are “Working towards making a permanent place for LGBTQ+ youth and allies.” They present a much different image online than the trans activists the community witnessed on August 15th across from City Hall.
The collage that originally appeared below contained images that were taken from Olympic Pride’s public website and Facebook pages. They showcased the kind of marketing the organization is directing at kids — a rainbow promotion for the Rainshadow Youth Collective: “Come say hi at the PT Farmers Market”; rainbow flags and other attractions for children at their Market booth; a cartoon unicorn on a rainbow. There was a photo of people swathed in large rainbow banners with flags, another of children playing with rainbow bubbles at a table at Pope Marine Park, and a smiling cartoon sun behind a rainbow with the caption “Pride Line 2021 is going to be HOT! HOT! HOT!”
On September 13, that collage and other images were removed, as explained in this placeholder:

Not only did we remove their publicly displayed marketing materials, nearly all of the photos and illustrations we shared have been scrubbed from their own website and Facebook page. If this complaint was really about alleged ownership, why did Olympic Pride remove them from their own sites?
The collage below gives the reader an idea of the imagery in the original version of this article. The images have similar content and flavor, but none of them come from Olympic Pride media.

This is the focus of Olympic Pride. It’s nearly all geared towards attracting kids into their Rainshadow Youth Collective. Brightly-colored unicorns dancing on rainbows. Rainbow banners and flags. Rainbow games. Rainbow cartoon characters. What could be more appealing to a child?
It’s all about the kids. Especially trans kids. When — and why — did Pride suddenly transform from a movement to secure equal rights for adults with differing sexual preferences to a marketing program enticing kids to question their gender, glorifying gender dysphoria?
Make no mistake about it, this IS a marketing campaign.
It’s colorful. It’s welcoming. It’s fun!
The next collage we removed included photographs of an Olympic Pride booth set up with games for children at Pope Marine Park, a young girl getting her face painted at the booth while other children look on, and an Olympic Pride table wrapped with local businesses’ and organization’s logos, giving away rainbow flags.

From drag queen Katrina Duall’s Instagram page.
We’ve been forbidden to show you those photos, too, so for the Olympic Pride promotional table we’re substituting another of their marketing draws — the use of drag queens to entertain kids at family events. For their “Sound of Pride 2022” at Pope Marine Park, Olympic Pride imported drag queen Katrina Duall to emcee the festivities. Most images of Duall’s performance have been removed from their website, but you can see dozens of photos on a public Instagram page.
The images below get the point across:

Wave a rainbow flag to show your Pride. Get your face painted at the Olympic Pride table at Pope Marine Park and then watch a drag queen perform. Join the Rainshadow Youth Collective and be celebrated as one of the special kids rejecting your biology and changing your gender.
How did we get here?
Beau Ohlgren, the recipient of the mayor’s Proclamation the night the trans activists attacked Jaman and her supporters, is Director of Family Ministry at the popular Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship (QUUF) in Port Townsend. From the church’s website:

Beau Ohlgren at a Jefferson County Transgender Support event and pictured on the QUUF website (inset). These images were among those Faber Feinson PLLC demanded be removed as the “intellectual property” of his Olympic Pride clients. They are not. The photo from the transgender event was posted on an unrelated Facebook page by the person he is pictured with and the inset photo can still be seen at the churches’ link here.
Why is Olympic Pride claiming ownership of and trying to hide these images?
“Beau has been working with QUUF families at since [sic] 2015 and is passionate about working with each family’s particular interests, challenges, and talents to build resilient, loving, and spirited community. He lives in Port Townsend, is a licensed foster parent, and spends his free time with his family (including his godson), walking, reading, baking, and cooking. He is a member of the UUA-affiliated associations TRUUsT (Transgender Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together) and LREDA (Liberal Religious Educators Association).”
Ohlgren’s enthusiasm for promoting the transgender community has led not only to support from the Unitarian church and a proclamation from the city, but a large coalition of “Partners” among local businesses and organizations. As was seen on the Olympic Pride table wrap [now removed], familiar logos abound. Even our hospital and Jefferson County Public Health have jumped on the rainbow bandwagon.
Who could say no to flying the colorful flag of inclusion, tolerance and diversity? How can anyone criticize rainbows and hearts?
A sampling of the local businesses and organizations that have “partnered” with Olympic Pride was below. The full list can still be seen on their website at the Pride Partners tab. If that also gets removed, they can be found at the end of Free Press writer Jim Scarantino’s follow-up article, “Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children.”
What is this partnership actually supporting?
Behind the hearts and rainbows, it’s not a pretty picture. The city pool run by the YMCA is a good example.
Before the Y took over managing the Mountain View public pool in 2021, there was a large contingency of seniors who were regular swimmers, with popular group activities. Many of those regulars, especially the older women, no longer use the pool.
A local physical therapist reports that a lot of her senior clients have stopped going to the pool because they no longer feel comfortable in that environment. They claim that the pool has gone significantly downhill since the Y took over. For many older folks with mobility and weight issues, exercising in the water is their only safe option. They’re being denied access to a healthier lifestyle. Through that lens, loss of this critical modality of exercise is a form of elder abuse.
As 80-year-old Julie Jaman’s recent expulsion demonstrated, the culture at the pool has changed radically under the Y’s auspices.
A Free Press reader from Portland, visiting the city’s pool for the first time with his family, wrote:
“What struck both of us was the amount of pride flags at the Y facility… They seemed to be on every door and most walls and we commented on it… it seemed there were more identifiable pride flags than Y logos.”
From the moment you approach the outside door, the rainbow Pride signage and messaging is in your face.

The messaging is so ubiquitous that Olympic Peninsula YMCA CEO Wendy Bart pointed to all the Pride branding as the rationale for why Julie Jaman should have known there were no longer gender boundaries in the changing rooms, toilets and showers. Despite the lack of explicit signage warning that men identifying as women had access to these intimate spaces, the celebratory rainbow “welcome” was fair warning, she said.
The Pride branding throughout the facility is mirrored by the kids hanging out at the pool. A friend who went to the pool after the incident with Jaman was shocked by the facility’s transformation. “The inside of the Pool/Y complex had been redecorated into a Pride temple, with Pride stickers and banners everywhere, and all three employees wearing rainbow masks and Pride T-Shirts.”
Some are calling this a cult. At the least, it’s the branding of a Pride club, reminiscent of the hippie-flower-child allure my generation experienced in the 60’s. We had our beads and feathers and neon tie-dyes. All we are saying is give peace a chance, we sang.
But the colorful Pride signage and costuming reflects a much different ethos. Under the guise of non-discrimination, gender dysphoria is being glamorized and marketed to our children.

When a small group of elderly woman went to the pool to challenge the Y’s treatment of Julie Jaman, they encountered some of the Pride-branded youth, above. There was polite conversation until a long-time Unitarian church member arrived with some other adults. We now know that the Y had consulted with Ohlgren for advice in the aftermath of the incident with Jaman and that the QUUF had put out a call for its members to counter her supporters — now dubbed transphobes and trans-haters — at the pool.
It wasn’t until that new group arrived that the scene grew ugly. They started name calling and drowning out any possibility for civil discussion. The irony of claiming to stand for respect, kindness and inclusion was not lost as QUUF members yelled absurd accusations like “Nazi” and “pedophile” at the peaceful elderly women, eventually inciting the teens to join in the attack.
Parents Weigh In
As more parents speak out about the trans movement’s hijacking — and even mutilation — of their kids, an extensive network of players comes into view.
“Transgender ideology has infiltrated public schools, hospitals, and higher ed,” says Davidson. “Its adherents are not going to leave you alone.”
In “Why did my daughter become trans?” Jo Brown describes the social and institutional influences that convinced her troubled daughter who had never shown signs of gender dysphoria to announce that she was a boy:
“It seems that a trans identity is offered to kids these days as a way out of their confusion and misery. All of us, or at least everyone that I have been close to, can remember our adolescence as difficult years. Feeling unacceptable, substandard, not cool enough. We struggled, were unhappy, but eventually found our way through. In my case it was through academic success, for my sister, sport. A close friend turned to music. What we did not have were people whispering to us in our bedrooms that our gender identity was the problem and changing it the solution.”
“What is particularly baffling,” writes Brown, “is why a mental difficulty that suddenly arises in adolescence is treated as a newly revealed truth, rather than a problem to be worked through and overcome. Many of these girls are struggling mentally, and indeed some are diagnosed with autism.”
In “Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out,” five more moms write anonymously of their children’s heartbreaking stories. So powerful is the institutionalized “gender-affirming” network that they request anonymity “out of fear of being reported to Child Protective Services and losing custody of their children.”
“When a child says he is transgender, we are expected nowadays to accept and celebrate this announcement… But there are many parents who are not celebrating. They are suffering in silence. They know their children were not born in the wrong bodies and that hormones and surgeries are not the answers to their discomfort and confusion.”
A few excerpts from distraught mothers:
“My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis)… The level of heartbreak and rage I am experiencing, as a mother, is indescribable. Why does Oregon law allow children to make life-altering medical decisions? As a society, we are rightly outraged about ‘female circumcision’. Why are doctors, who took an oath to first do no harm, allowed to sterilize and surgically mutilate mentally ill, delusional children?”
“In August of 2017, our seventh grade daughter came home from sleepaway camp believing she was a boy. She had a new vocabulary and a strong desire to change her name and pronouns… We suspect that our daughter assumed that since my wife and I are lesbians, and liberal in our politics, we would support this new identity. We may be lesbians, but we are not confused about biology. She tried to convince us with a very scripted explanation that she had always ‘felt’ like a boy. But we had never once seen or heard from her any evidence of this ‘feeling’… we are facing this ever-growing storm of a social contagion without any help from the mainstream media or the negligent FDA, not to mention the pathetic capitulation of our physicians and mental health professionals.”
“At the age of seventeen, after immersion on Tumblr and after two of her oldest and closest friends in high school declared themselves transgender, our daughter told us that she is ‘really a guy.’ Her therapist diagnosed her as high-functioning on the autism spectrum… My daughter is now twenty, has been on testosterone for a year, and has made an appointment for a consult about a double mastectomy—all this, even though she can’t legally buy an alcoholic drink. I can’t get any answers from doctors in response to my questions and concerns about the risks of these ‘treatments’. I get no answers from mental health professionals about what makes this treatment appropriate . . . or what makes my daughter different from those young women who are ‘no longer trans’ and have de-transitioned, sometimes after being on hormones for years.”
“The media glamorize and celebrate trans-identified children while ignoring stories like mine. I have written to well over 100 journalists, begging them to write about what is happening to kids. I wrote to my representative and senators, but have been ignored by their staff. My online posts about my daughter’s story have been deleted and I have been permanently banned in an online forum. As a lifelong Democrat, I am outraged by my former party and find it ironic that only conservative news outlets have reported my story without bias or censorship.”
As the transgender industry lures kids into “transitioning” to the opposite sex with irreversible surgeries and often damaging life-long hormonal regimens, stories of those struggling to de-transition are also coming out. As with the upset parents, many choose to hide their identities because of vicious attacks by the trans community once they begin to voice their regrets openly and describe how they were manipulated and seduced onto the gender-transition conveyor belt.
Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old now de-transitioning from a “nightmare” journey that led to removing her healthy breasts at 15, is one young woman who is publicly speaking out. She recently testified against California Senate Bill 107, that would shelter parents who consent to the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender transition surgery on their children from prosecution in other states that view such actions as child abuse.

In Ex-transgender Teen Recounts ‘Horrifying’ Experience of Transition, Surgery, Brad Jones of The Epoch Times says “her ‘brutal’ transition from female to male was anything but the romanticized ‘gender journey’ that transgender activists and medical professionals had portrayed.”
“There is really a high comorbidity rate between gender dysphoria and autism,” says Chloe Cole. “Pretty much every transgender person I’ve ever met, especially around my age either has really bad family issues, or they’ve been sexually abused or assaulted at a very young age, and it’s really concerning that nobody really talks about that association.”
Cole blames the medical community for encouraging her transition. “They effectively guilted my parents into allowing them to do this. They gave them the whole, ‘Either you’ll have a dead daughter or a live son,’ thing. They cited suicide rates.”
She now has deformed ribs from the breast binder she wore before her surgery and “worries the puberty blockers might have affected her brain development.” After the double mastectomy—called “top surgery”— “sold” to her by what Cole now views as propaganda, she was “actually disabled for awhile.” Because it requires severing the duct that supplies breastmilk to the nipple, even if she undergoes reconstructive surgery, she will never be able to nurse a baby.
“I was 15. You can’t exactly expect an adolescent to be making adult decisions,” she said. “So, because of a decision I made when I was a kid, I can’t breastfeed my children in the future. It’s just a little concerning that this is being recommended to kids at the age I was, and now even younger. They’re starting to operate on preteens now.”
Is Jefferson Healthcare’s and our Public Health Department’s partnership with Olympic Pride telling us they support the surgical removal of adolescent girls’ healthy breasts? The castration and feminization of confused teenage boys?
What is behind the Pride marketing?
Transgender surgeries and the multi-billion-dollar industry that has grown around gender “reassignment” is big business. Under the euphemism “gender affirmation”, full surgery packages can cost upwards of $300,000. Ongoing hormonal treatments run up to $2400 a year.
In Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?, journalist Jennifer Bilek exposes a handful of billionaires who fund transgender lobbies and organizations. She notes the “explosion in transgender medical infrastructure across the United States and world to ‘treat’ transgender people.” She identifies the pharma and tech giants pushing for transgender bathrooms and funding the larger transgender project:
“The massive medical and technological infrastructure expansion for a tiny (but growing) fraction of the population with gender dysphoria, along with the money being funneled to this project by those heavily invested in the medical and technology industries, seems to make sense only in the context of expanding markets for changing the human body.”
Davidson points to the industry’s targeting of children at younger and younger ages:
“That effort isn’t being led by black-shirted Antifa thugs, it’s being led by medical professionals at some of the most prestigious hospitals in the country. In recent weeks, [people] have been posting publicly available promotional videos and other information from Boston Children’s Hospital touting so-called ‘gender-affirming care’, which includes chemical castration, mastectomies, hysterectomies, and genital mutilation performed on minors.
Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has amputated the breasts of a 12-year-old girl and castrated a 16-year-old boy in the name of ‘gender-affirming care’. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh promotes puberty blockers for children. The pediatric gender program director at Yale has admitted on camera she believes children as young as 2 or 3 can be eligible for medical intervention and treatment on their ‘gender journey’.”
Closer to home, KOMO News reports that the gender clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital provides “gender-affirming medical care” to children as young as 9 years old. Gender surgeries for teenagers include double mastectomies (with or without free nipple grafting), breast augmentation, thyroid cartilage surgery and facial gender-affirming surgery.
In “partnering” with Olympic Pride, is our county hospital signaling its participation in these medical interventions on kids? Here, too, Faber Feinson PLLC demanded their client’s graphic be removed.
On a rainbow field with their “Pride Partner” logo is a stethoscope and “Thank you Jefferson Healthcare for supporting Olympic Pride.” Why would it be necessary to hide our hospital’s partnership with Olympic Pride?

Not original graphic
Deconstructing the Rainbow Pride Flag
The architects behind this movement add new colored stripes to the Pride banners and flags every time they are able to label and co-opt a new “gender identity.” The trans industry beefs up its supposed coalition with an ever-expanding alphabet soup of ways you can be other than heterosexual (now called “cis” for some inexplicable reason). LGB is now LGBTQIA+.
But this coalition is far from cohesive, with many of the acronym’s groups — especially those who built the Gay Pride movement — pushing back against the trans activists. They say the trans agenda is destroying, not strengthening, hard-won gains.
In late August police removed a group of lesbians from a parade billed as Gay Pride when they clashed with trans groups. The British Daily Mail reports that lesbian group Get The L Out UK which carried banners reading “Transactivism Erases Lesbians“ was told to leave for their own safety. One woman replied, “I want to make sure that I understand that you’re removing lesbians from an LGBT march.”
Many lesbians are rejecting the trans takeover of the Pride movement. So are gay men. In his Newsweek opinion piece The New Homophobia, Ben Appel writes:
“There is a frightening new version of homophobia pervading the U.S., disguised as, of all things, ‘LGBTQ’ activism. For adult gay people like me, it’s clear that this activism does not advance our equality, but in fact compromises our ability to live peacefully in society. In fact, it is threatening our very existence.”
Appel asserts that given time, most of the kids who get convinced they are transgender realize they are not. He notes that in 10 major studies on youth gender dysphoria, “the vast majority (as much as 85 percent) end up desisting during or after puberty — that is, they become comfortable with their biological sex and no longer wish to identify as the opposite sex.”
He worries that trans ideology is not only an attack on heterosexuals, but an attack on gays as well. “If radical activists can convince enough people that biological sex is a farce, that ‘trans women are women’ and ‘trans men are men,’ then the path to the full erasure of gender-role-nonconforming gay people will be fully paved.”
The fast-growing group Gays Against Groomers has recently launched a campaign against the trans movement’s agenda for kids. “We are a coalition of gays against the sexualization and indoctrination of children”:
Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years.
The overwhelming majority of gay people are against what the community has transformed into, and we do not accept the political movement pushing their agenda in our name.
Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.
The activists, backed by school boards, government, woke media, and corporations, have been speaking on our behalf for too long. When fighting for equality, our goal was to successfully integrate ourselves into society, but now these radicals aim to restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.

“Mobs like the one in Port Townsend on Monday,” says John Davidson, “are merely the blunt instrument, the Brown Shirts of a much larger effort on the part of the left to sever the relationship between parent and child and reshape society in a way that allows adults, especially adult men, to fulfill their every desire — often at the expense of children.”
“The people and institutions behind this [trans] movement are not fringe, they are not the pink-haired youths and black-clad Antifa thugs screaming at old ladies in the streets. They occupy the elite heights of American society. They have real power and influence.
And they are not just angling to get between parents and their children, they are angling to get healthy girls and boys onto the operating table. They are angling to get grown men into women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, shelters, and dormitories. They are angling to get Child Protective Services to remove children from parents who refuse to go along with transgenderism.”
The fringe minority of people identifying as transgender in Washington state is 0.42%, less than one half of one percent, according to World Population Review. Washington Secretary of State city voter registration demographics shows Port Townsend’s registered voters are 54% female, 45% male, 1% identifying as other. (2022 stats) If those 1% “other” are trans, then perhaps PT’s trans population is double the state average.
If Beau Ohlgren, Mayor Faber and the rest of our electeds at City Hall, Wendy Bart and the YMCA, the Quimper Unitarian Fellowship and Olympic Pride simply want to make Port Townsend a kind, welcoming place for the possibly 1% of transgender dysphorics, why all the marketing to kids?
Why turn the community pool into a Pride headquarters?
Why all the branding with area businesses and institutions?
Why the aggressive, seductive outreach?

Page 1 of a 9/13/22 two-page “Complaint” letter from Faber Feinson PLLC
9/15/22 Update: In response to a two-page letter from Faber Feinson PLLC, images were removed from this article on September 13, 2022. The article was updated with further information and graphics on September 15.
See “Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children” for additional perspective on Olympic Pride’s efforts through Mayor David Faber’s law firm to hide images and messaging they’ve been using to lure kids.

by Ana Wolpin | Aug 25, 2022 | General
Until a few short weeks ago, I’d never heard the slur “TERF”.
Until the story of Julie Jaman’s ban from the YMCA pool broke, I had no idea that so much trans-activist venom and vitriol had infected our community. Or that people we have invested with positions of power in local government were promoting hatred towards a large swath of our community in deference to an extremist agenda.
TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. Apparently, when 80-year-old Julie Jaman objected to a man with a penis who “identified” as a transgender woman roaming the YMCA pool locker room where Jaman was naked in the shower, she joined the ranks of TERFs.
If that makes her a TERF, then I must be a TERF, too… along with many, many other community members who have addressed the city and written to the Free Press about this now international story.
One of our readers alerted us to this website that graphically illustrates the violent, even vicious intent behind the acronym.

Like so much of the trans movement, inversions of reality abound. Terms like “discrimination” have been expropriated by those doing the real discriminating onto those being discriminated against. “Exclusionary” and “radical” are likewise inverted, projected onto women simply asking for basic rights when those doing the projecting are the actual radical extremists.
As noted in my previous article, in early August, city leaders betrayed public trust and hammered a wedge unlike any I’ve ever seen in Port Townsend. At the August 1st city council meeting, citizens who expressed concerns about women’s privacy rights were at the receiving end of the inversion, called bigots and trans-haters.
In his summation following public comments, Mayor David Faber joined those doing the name-calling, twisting the narrative from a request for common-sense solutions for women’s privacy in public spaces into a trans-rights call to action, grandstanding behind his mask about hate and discrimination having no place in our “welcoming” community. Those who had actually delivered the hate that night were lauded as the inclusive ones, protecting a special and fragile minority.

Faber’s flamboyant inversion of the story, perched atop his mayoral dais, shocked women’s rights advocates, provoking scrutiny of his social media history. Writer Mandy Stadtmiller is among those who uncovered a misogynistic and “creepy” persona driving our mayor behind the mask.
In her August 16th Substack Rabbitholed, she asked:

“David Faber, the mayor of the town, has been making quite a reputation for himself online since the incident went viral,” wrote Stadtmiller.
“Adding a new layer of shock, an investigation into his social media reveals exactly how disturbing Faber’s creepy online trail is in regularly objectifying and demeaning women and comparing himself to child-pornography-legalization-advocates like the gamer Vaush.”
Wennstrom joins the hate parade.
Mayor Fabor began the charge. But it was city councilor Libby Wennstrom who really fanned the flames, inciting Facebook followers to “show up” to confront the newly-dubbed “trans-haters” at the pool.

In another post, Wennstrom promised she’d be there, too. The prompts found their mark. According to reports, attacks from counter-protestors at the pool were aggressive and full of rancor, shouting down and name-calling a small group of predominantly elderly women who’d hoped to have a conversation.
But that was just a warm up. Wennstrom has now ramped up her hate campaign, escalating the attack with a prominent new Facebook post in which she “updated her cover photo” to a threat against all TERFs:

In a field of hot pink, caught between a giant wave and a steep cliff, we see a woman running for her life. The turquoise message boxing in the scene, shouts “TERFS OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND!”
Wennstrom is promoting a pogrom to rid our town of all women who do not share her ideology about sharing bathrooms with men. If you do not accept that a man with a penis who says he is a woman IS a woman, you are not welcome here.
You now are not only a hater, you’re an exclusionary radical feminist. The image and message of her Facebook graphic implies that your life is in danger if you do not hotfoot it out of town, pronto.
At the August 15 rally at the Pope Marine plaza, Chief of Police Tom Olson reinforced that message. As peaceful, elderly women were being assaulted by an angry mob, police stood directly across the street outside City Hall and watched impassively. People begging for help were told they were “free to leave” and shouldn’t expect any protection because of a “directive” from the top.
Excuses from Olson now range from we are understaffed to we didn’t have enough time to prepare (a week, with state patrol also present) to the crowd was too big. Plus, “All of our officers were primarily focused on an orderly council meeting.”
Yes, the dog-and-pony-show, Pomp and Circumstance city council meeting. Mayor Faber and the rest of council staged their own spectacle that evening, an orchestrated love fest for the trans community followed by a self-congratulatory reading of a proclamation urging “all residents and visitors to be respectful, welcoming, and kind to everyone.” Faber described the proponents for trans rights as “beautiful”.
Just across the street, less than an hour before the virtuous proclamation was adopted, those “beautiful” people were screaming hate at and assaulting fellow residents. Councilor Wennstrom’s hate campaign had drawn a more-than-willing audience. This is what our welcoming, respectful, kind community looked like:
And this:

Screen shot from video taken by Crystal Cox
Central to this conflagration are policies that allow any man claiming to be a woman access to private women’s spaces. Not a single person I heard speak at either the August 1st city council meeting or at the August 15th rally at Pope Marine Park has suggested that people identifying as transgender should be discriminated against, let alone hated. Again, the inverse is true. As one of our readers commented under my previous article, “If some adult wants to identify as a fence post, it’s none of my concern. Just don’t indoctrinate the children with fence-post-ism.”
The issue being addressed is that all-gender policies are an invasion of privacy and an invitation for sexual predation.
Matt Osborne of The Distance estimates that “somewhere between 70 and 90 percent of men who identify as transgender opt to keep their penises.” They jump on the transgender bandwagon, but avoid surgeries that would alter their genitalia… all the while insisting that they are women who should have access to women’s private spaces. Stories abound of trans inmates sexually assaulting and even getting women pregnant when they are housed in female prisons. Studies show a sharp rise in sexual predation where dressing rooms, school locker rooms and public bathrooms are all-gender. It’s an undisputed fact that when gender boundaries blur, sexual crimes rise.
Let’s talk TERF
But according to the trans-rights narrative, we are being “exclusionary” if we object to our private spaces being violated by a man with a penis who “identifies” as a woman. As I commented in a recent exchange — because a man wants to be and proclaims he is now a woman, no one is to question that, lest we cause hurt feelings. That makes us hateful, bigoted and discriminatory. It’s even worse if we happen to be women; then we are also trans-exclusionary radical feminists. TERFs.
Local women’s rights advocate Amy Sousa explains in this video that There’s No Such Thing as a TERF. It is violent hate speech, she says, “being used to silence women who want to speak out about their sex-based rights.” The images of threatening fists and a woman hanging from a noose at the opening of this article illustrate her point.
Who is being protected is not even clear. As one PTFP reader noted:
“It seems even the definition of transgender is fluid. Buy a female swimsuit and hang out in bathrooms, lockers, and showers at your leisure. No questions can be asked… Right now, I don’t think anyone has a clear definition of what a trans person is. Fully trans after buying the swimsuit? Fully trans after removing body parts? Fully trans after some counseling? Gay trans? Bi trans?”
Women are not allowed to ask these questions, to do so makes us TERFs. And as the option of being “gender-fluid” gains traction in this narrative, your choice of bathrooms, showers and locker rooms can change on a whim. Pop star Demi Lovato recently explained our new gender-fluid reality — today I can be he/him, tomorrow I am they/them, and the next day I choose she/her. Lovato admittedly grapples with confusion over which public bathrooms to use; it all depends on how she feels in the moment.
No one has suggested that any specific trans person in our community is a pedophile or rapist. But if the violent behavior by some who attended the August 15 rally is any indication of the types this movement cultivates, that certainly gives cause for alarm.
Many Free Press readers have shared their distress over the dangerous divide being witnessed. The threat of being ostracized and even fear for their personal safety if they speak out has led many to request anonymity:
“I was there, witnessed and experienced the aggression from what seemed to be out-of-town rent-a-thugs. But there were also locals I knew and recognized dressed in antifa garb, with earpieces, standing to left side of the Cotton Building, watching like spiders. It was creepy and disturbing. As was the robotically-chanting mob. I haven’t felt a part of this place since the start of Covid. But Monday was a full-on rupture.”
“I saw four women in the speakers area pushed to the ground! I didn’t understand why a perimeter wasn’t set up so the crazed hooligans couldn’t interfere and hurt others. Surely the City and police knew this was going to be contentious or they would not have closed part of the street… Obviously, the City wanted to use this situation to bully by proxy, to crush free speech and compromise democracy.”
“I can’t imagine wanting to live here after experiencing the obvious set-up and abandonment of local elderly residents. The sight of a Port Townsend Police vehicle or a Pride flag makes my blood run cold. This was pre-meditated assault on law abiding residents.”
“Had I not witnessed firsthand what transpired, I would never have believed it possible. The behavior of the trans-rights activists — in the name of “love” and “tolerance” — astounded and sickened me… What I witnessed on Monday evening shook me to the core. The videos I’ve watched do not adequately convey the feeling of being there.”
“I also attended with the intent to observe and came away deeply troubled and sickened by the hatred and rage, violence and mob mentality expressed by my community. I don’t care where these people came from – the TRAs – if paid or invited to agitate. It’s still this community that supported the message of hate and violence under the guise of love and diversity. I don’t know where we go from here. It doesn’t seem that dialogue is possible. Or that truth matters.”
The women being told to “FUCK OFF!” on signs by masked protestors and to get out of town by City Councilor Libby Wennstrom are in large part elders who have contributed decades of their hearts and souls into this community. Many of them are long-time human rights, environmental, and — like myself — peace activists. For simply saying our needs deserve the same consideration as the fantasy of an adolescent boy who suddenly declares himself a woman, we are now undesirables.
Libby Wennstrom is on a mission to rid Port Townsend of us. Jousting and tweeting while Rome is burning, Mayor David J. Faber combines juvenile insults and pompous proclamations in a We’re So Welcoming charade. The rest of the city council seems delighted to be going along for the gaslighting ride. Chief of Police Tom Olson is accomplice, protecting City Hall, not Port Townsend’s residents.
Any woman who does not bow at the alter of the well-funded trans lobby that demands erasure of millennia-long protective boundaries is now a TERF. We are to be driven out of town. Certainly not given the same protections as the now-prioritized trans minority. Or perhaps, as illustrated in the earlier montage, hung by the neck until dead.

From the website
Documenting the abuse, harassment and misogyny of transgender identity politics
“WOMEN OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND” top graphic: @arachoid666 on twitter
by Ana Wolpin | Aug 12, 2022 | General
“Wow! Why are trans rights and trans feelings
more important than any woman’s?
Why are women and children not worthy of protection?”
– Comment from Port Townsend Free Press Facebook post
Dozens of citizens filled Port Townsend City Council chambers and joined by phone Monday night, August 1st, to address the council about the banning of 80-year-old resident Julie Jaman from the city’s public swimming pool. The near-hour of emotional and often impassioned public comments underscored a deep cultural divide in the Port Townsend community.
Jaman’s story, which went viral nationwide and then internationally following the Free Press‘s detailed coverage, involved her shock of hearing a man’s voice in the women’s locker room while she was naked in the shower after a swim at the pool. When she looked out from the thin plastic shower curtain and saw a biological man in a women’s swimsuit, she became upset and demanded the person leave. Rather than de-escalate the situation, the pool manager who intervened told Jaman that she was guilty of “discrimination” and that because of her objections she was banned from the pool for life.
The 60-year-old Mountain View Pool is at the center of this controversy and of a community complex, the Mountain View Commons. The former school campus also includes the Port Townsend Police Department, the Food Bank, and local radio station KPTZ. The Olympic Peninsula YMCA began operating the city-owned pool in 2021 in partnership with the City of Port Townsend. The city is ultimately responsible for all the public spaces at the site and for policies established at the pool.
After the distressing incident, Jaman wrote a letter to the Port Townsend City Council and state reprepresentatives. At the council’s August 1st meeting, she read from a follow-up statement during the 3-minute public comment period.

Julie Jaman leads off public comments about discrimination at the city pool at the August 1, 2022 Port Townsend City Council meeting. Click on this image to watch the archived meeting. Jaman’s comment begins at minute 7.
In measured tones, Jaman asked for “respectful and inclusive” policies for all pool patrons:
“There is no signage informing women the shower room is now all-gender. Have parents been informed of what they can expect with these policies? The Y has not provided any dressing/shower room options for women who do not want to be exposed to men who identify as women.
It is unconscionable that the YMCA would instigate these new policies without clearly informing pool patrons and parents. Although in 2021 the Y reported that they were adding family and all-gender dressing and bathing areas, they’ve not done that. Instead, they’ve usurped the binary designations… with no choices. The staff seems to have received little professional training on how to handle reactions to such a radical cultural change — particularly for the most vulnerable, older female patrons, and children who may be exposed to inappropriate behavior… the dignity and safety of unsuspecting women who have trusted to use these facilities for many years.
This is not right. The YMCA, the city, the police and sheriffs, the parents, the professionals who assist victims of voyeurism, peeping toms, pedophilia and assault need to come together to figure out how to make the new policies work for all pool patrons, not just one group.”
More than 20 people followed Jaman, participating both in person and by phone in a heated comment session.
Half who spoke agreed that allowing biological men to use women’s facilities creates comfort and safety issues, and asked for a third shower and changing area to accommodate trans/non-binary individuals.
The other half believed that trans individuals should have access to whatever facilities they choose as their gender identity. Some went so far as to say that the people who don’t accept that are bigoted, hateful and deserve to lose their Y membership if they can’t get in line with trans ideology.
Some commenters tried to find a middle ground, also asking for additional facilities at the pool to accommodate the divide.
THE MANTRA: Trans Women Are Women, Trans Men Are Men
The reach and saturation of the trans narrative was no more evident than in the parroting of slogans by a small child who came with his family to address the council. The self-described “9-year-old non-binary person” stressed that it is not fair that people didn’t accept that a person is whatever gender they say they are.
At the podium, the nine year old explained through a mask:
“Since I’m so young people don’t often take me seriously. And they will use my pronouns, but I can tell that they are not really respecting me and they don’t actually think that a child can make this kind of decision. But I believe—that imagine this—that you know what gender you are, that’s the gender you are. And if you know you are not in the gender you are born, you know that’s a mistake. You are not someone who identifies as female, you are someone who IS female. I believe that if you know what gender you are and you get sent into the pool and somebody gets mad at you because you’re not in the bathroom they think you should be, then that is not fair. You know what gender you are and if someone else says, Well, sorry we think you should be in this bathroom, how would that make you feel? It’s not fair that we don’t count these as the same as us, these are the same kind of people and I don’t believe that we should be treating them like someone who identifies as someone else. That is not fair.”
Andre Wilson reinforced that assertion. “I am a transgender man who identifies as non-binary. I lived a miserable life as a transgender child.”
“Transgender people are the person they identify as. So when a trans woman says they are a woman, they are a woman. When a trans man says they are a man, they are a man. There is no question about that.”
Washington state law affirms that contention, Wilson said, emphasizing a second time: “Trans women are women, trans women [sic] are men, non-binary people are non-binary. That’s it.”
Variations on that refrain were repeated by speakers throughout the comments. Asserting that a biological male identifying as a woman IS a woman, they championed their right to equal access of formerly binary bathrooms and showers.
Rebecca Horst announced that she had spent three hours in traffic driving from Sequim to get there. “This individual is NOT a man identifying as a woman, this individual IS a woman,” she said referring to the biological male in the swimsuit who had shocked Jaman.
Another person who chanted the trans mantra was Megan Doherty, “a lesbian who grew up in Port Townsend.” After saying how “brave and strong” the trans community was, she concluded her comment with:
“All that I heard today from the opposing side was ignorance and hatred and bigotry… If you don’t like it, you can choose to leave the pool and go somewhere else. But you do not have the right to pick and choose who gets to use the pool based on your own bigotry and your own ignorance. Trans women are women, trans men are men.”
A curious re-direct of the issue — neither Julie Jaman nor anyone else who spoke had ever suggested that trans people shouldn’t be allowed to use the pool. It was Jaman who had been banned from using the facility.
Speaking to the appropriation of the town’s community pool as a “Pride” agenda headquarters, Alby Baker said,
“I just have one question: Why would a public pool be turned into a marketing platform for sexual preference? And I’d like to get an answer from you guys.”

Facebook invitation:
Come down to Mountain View pool from 11-1 this week
to support Trans youth and the YMCA!
Mayor David Faber replied that responses would be given during the council’s discussion following comments. They weren’t.
Lema Constria (this name is hard to make out on the video capture and could not be clarified by the city) said she lives in Port Townsend with “my wife”, and identified herself as one of the counter-protesters at the picket that had taken place outside the pool earlier that day. She, too, said that the people who were standing for biological women’s rights to a private space were bigots. She repeated the falsehood that people protesting Jaman’s treatment were asking for trans people to be banned from the pool. Constria took the victimization a step further, protesting: “Trans people are people, they deserve human rights.”
It was a shift of focus that took place multiple times during the comments, painting the trans community as the ones being maligned in this discussion. No one had ever said or even implied that trans people didn’t deserve human rights; Jaman was appealing discrimination for being banned for a reaction to what she felt was a violation of her privacy as she stood naked in the shower.
“We are accused of hating trans people, of being Christians…”
Alison Hedlund had also been at the Monday afternoon action at the pool. Hedlund expressed surprise over the attacks she experienced from the group of counter-protesters, at the twisting of the story being told:
“The protest at the Y today… was full of rancor and accusations and insults by the people who showed up on the other side of this issue. We are accused of hating trans people, of being Christians at the Young Men’s Christian Association… and when we laughed, that we must be cultists… and then that we must be pedophiles.”
Annette Huenke, who had also attended that protest in the hopes of having productive dialogue, wrote of her experience. It started out, she said, as a civil conversation with 5 or 6 young people:
“The discussion was respectful until a couple of older women arrived and began to ratchet up the tone with raised voices and name-calling. We were accused of saying things we had not said. We were anti-vaxxers, eventually we were pedophiles, rapists, even Nazis.”
As more counter-protesters trickled in, wrote Huenke, the possibility for conversation came to an end:
“Julie’s friends left in frustration, leaving just the two of us. One of the older women began hectoring us, yelling that we needed a hobby… The slanderous name-calling continued. Some younger folks began joining her, creating a non-stop barrage of loud voices intentionally making it impossible for she and I to hear each other.
This is a common bully tactic used by trans proponents, the goal being to shut down reasonable debate and shut out the opponent. It is highly uncivil and undemocratic.”
The anger and rancor perplexed Hedlund. In her public comment, she asked council:
“But what about our needs as women? Do men transitioning to be women understand discrimination and violence are part of being a woman, and that we DO need protection from predators? Do women transitioning to being men understand that they are also vulnerable to male harassment and violence? I would think so. There is absolutely NO privacy in the women’s locker room, which means we are vulnerable.
I haven’t been there for years because of the lack of privacy… When men can decide that they are identifying as a woman, walk in, display their private parts, have the freedom to ogle or harass or assault anyone there, we have seen what can happen when pedophiles or rapists can and do populate careers and locations where they have easy access to women and children. Anxiety and PTSD is not uncommon when women feel vulnerable around men. Women’s concerns about our safety and privacy are and always have been legitimate, and we have long been accorded the natural right to these public facilities…
Locker room facilities should be upgraded to accommodate the safety and privacy needs of EVERYONE, instead of declaring that we now have a free-for-all to enter any bathroom or locker room.”
What became clear over the course of the comments was that the group asking for a shower/changing area that allowed traditional women to feel safe was seen by transgender advocates as an attack on Clementine Adams, the 19-year-old transgender employee who Jaman had told to leave the room while she was naked — and, by extension, an attack on the entire trans community. They were on the offensive to protect their right to use whatever facilities they chose. They were the ones being discriminated against, they said.
Those supporting the all-gender open policy repeatedly shifted the conversation to how oppressed and fragile trans people are.
“I am a transgender man myself,” phoned in Mo Wolfe from Brinnon.
“I have had surgeries, I have done hormones for years, I have a beard and I appear fully as a man. To say that people should go into the facilities that align with their biological sex can cause trans people extreme amounts of violence… Trans people have extreme high rates of suicide and violence. People should go to the restroom that they feel would be safe for them.”
But what about the sensitivities of elderly women? Where is the shower room that they will feel safe in?
Can we speak of pedophiles?
The mention of pedophilia held the biggest charge of the night.
The concern expressed that when men claiming to identify as women are granted intimate access to children, such access attracts pedophiles and other sexual predators, caused Constria to angrily retort: “People objected to being called bigots but are calling trans people pedophiles. Trans people are NOT pedophiles!”
“Calling and comparing trans people to pedophiles is absolutely disgusting,” said Mo Wolfe. A phone-in comment from former mayor Michelle Sandoval added, “People who are expressing fear need to get ‘pedophiles’ out of their language.”
IS there any cause for concern that pedophiles and rapists will use trans-inclusive laws to “identify” as women and gain access to vulnerable women and children? In her letter to the city, Julie Jaman wrote:
“Nationally, women continue to lose their personal rights to choose; they, along with little girls, forced to use non-binary facilities, are experiencing increased encounters with peeping toms and assault in shower, dressing and toilet rooms – at schools, gyms, prisons and now, potentially, at Mt. View Pool.”
But that could never happen here. Or could it? An increase in sex crimes when gender-free access is allowed in formerly gender-binary facilities is addressed in the Free Press article, Mountain View Pool No Longer Safe for Women and Girls. It presents “empirical evidence that unisex dressing rooms, bathrooms, and showers are the sexual predator’s candy store.”
Phoning in from the county, Mary Bond used her three minutes to attack previous speakers who had criticized the Y. She’d taken down their names: “I’m horrified to hear the bigotry quoted by [lists seven names] and others… They are bigots and I am ashamed, embarrassed and horrified. Trans women are women. Trans men are men,” Bond chanted.
Finally, almost an hour in, soft-spoken Addy Thornton, saying she had not planned to comment, carefully summed up what prompted her to speak:
“What I’ve heard is a lot of projection, that those of us who feel discomforted… that feel that decency and morality has been somewhat altered… we’re just hearing things that we’re not doing. The issue at hand is that there is not a place that can be separate, so that everybody is being allowed to be who they are.
Those of us who have grown up for however many years and have never encountered this until just recently—just the past few years where there is this agenda that has been foisted down our throats… I can’t help but feel that this is politically driven, that we are being not asked—but coerced—into accepting that which is impinging on our rights, our freedoms, our ability to operate in a situation where we feel comfortable…
There’s a mantra going on… and just because somebody says so many times that a trans woman is a [woman]… doesn’t make it real. It’s not scientific, it’s biological. So why don’t we agree to disagree… but we have to put conditions into place… for the majority of people.”
The City’s Response
Following public comments, Mayor David Faber opened the council discussion:

“I’m not going to speak to the particular incident that happened a few days ago, I think that the state law on that is very clear.
What I’m going to speak to is that Port Townsend is a welcoming community, and hate and discrimination has no place in this community. LGBTQ people, trans people in particular in this case, are entitled to basic respect. And they have not been receiving that in much of the commentary tonight, calling them pedophiles and rapists and predators. Given the rise in harassment and bigotry that trans persons have experienced recently, it’s important that cisgendered people like me speak out in support of our trans community.”
City Manager John Mauro then reiterated that the Y was following state law, an assertion that has been contested and may result in a lawsuit. He said there were conflicting reports about what had taken place and that the city’s agreement with the Y allows it to ban whoever it wants.
“I couldn’t sit here and say that we are not behind the Y’s decision based on abusive behavior and for the respect of every individual.”
End of discussion.
Faber and Mauro had made their declarations. Evidently, a response had been pre-determined. Circle the wagons.
The script:
- Avoid addressing the treatment of Jaman, question her story;
- Reinforce the Y is “just following state law” excuse;
- Dismiss the outcry for separate changing rooms as trans-hate;
- Focus on pandering to the transgender community.
No other council members spoke up.
Had a meeting been held that the public didn’t know about? Once again we saw the citizenry given their three minutes for public comment to satisfy legal requirements, but the city’s position had already been decided. Sitting through an hour of comments was a formality that had to be tolerated… barely tolerated, as you listen to Mayor Faber’s irritation increase throughout the hour.
Readers are encouraged to listen for themselves to the full public comments. Decide for yourself if you hear bigotry and discrimination from the community members being labeled bigots and trans-haters. Without exception, not a single commenter who appealed for separate public shower/changing areas free from biological men denounced, let alone expressed hatred for, trans people. As Sebastian Eggert said. “I have no problem with alternative lifestyles.”
But he and others drew the line at allowing biological men in women’s private spaces. They voiced fears that biological women have held for millennia and in response were told that their discomfort and fear made them anti-trans bigots.
Jaman challenged this reverse discrimination in her letter to the city:
“The YMCA policies on gender identity use “pride” as a euphemism to prevent discrimination against one group of people but at the expense of another group – women who don’t want to use all-gender bathing/dressing areas.”
As Addy Thornton had put it, “The issue at hand is that there is not a place that can be separate, so that everybody is being allowed to be who they are.” The council never responded to that simple need that had been voiced by every speaker except the few demanding all-gender access.
People had simply asked that their needs be given the same consideration as the trans community.
So where did all that “hate” rhetoric come from?
“The trans-haters are planning to show up at the Mountain View pool…”
Not only did our mayor characterize valid fears as trans-hate, dismissing public outcry in deference to catering to the trans community, Port Townsend City Council member Libby Urner Wennstrom set her own example of how to be a city leader. Her social media posts fanned divisiveness, mirroring the hate language spewed by the counter-protesters who attacked Hedlund and others during pickets at the pool and at the city council meeting.
The day after the meeting, Wennstrom encouraged people to confront the “trans-haters” who were protesting the Y’s treatment of Jaman and the pool’s policy. On the Y’s Facebook page Wennstrom posted:
“The trans-haters are planning to show up at the Mountain View pool picketing again today (Tuesday 8/2) from 11-1.
If you feel that hate has no place at our public pool, and want to support the Y in creating a safe welcoming place for EVERYONE, show up today!”

The Y is meant to be “a safe welcoming place for everyone”… except women and their families who are uncomfortable sharing once-private spaces with biological males. They don’t get a color in the festive rainbow Pride banners permeating the Y. Those people, in Councilor Wennstrom’s words, are trans-haters. Haters who will be put in their place with a new statement forthcoming from the city council.
While no meaningful city council discussion followed public comments, in the final minutes of the August 1st meeting (at 2:41:40), long after the public had left the chambers, Wennstrom requested additional council action on the pool controversy.
She proposed adopting a statement opposing “discrimination against transgender people and to formally support the Y and its staff in their efforts to assure that everyone feels welcome to use our public pool.” She made a motion directing the council’s newly-formed Culture and Society Committee to draft this statement. The motion passed unanimously with no council discussion.
Free Press writer Jim Scarantino attended the August 10th Culture and Society Committee meeting for the drafting of the city statement. The committee is comprised of three council members — Owen Rowe, Monica Mick-Hager and Ben Thomas. Scarantino’s thumbnail report:
“The entire Port Townsend Police Department, minus one officer, provided protection for 9 citizens in the audience, 3 city councilors and 2 city staff at today’s City Council Culture and Society Committee. I observed 4 uniformed officers, one officer in plain clothes and the police chief also in plain clothes. Nothing happened. Only 1 comment. Safest place in Port Townsend. As for any 911 calls going unanswered this afternoon, or police taking a long time to respond, I suppose you will need to talk with City Manager John Mauro, one of those surrounded by superb law enforcement protection, at taxpayers’ expense. I wondered if they were paying the Sheriff to cover the city while the force was in city hall trying to stay awake. Totally boring. The Committee adopted a resolution in support of undefined transgenders, and was struggling with how to define cisgender, too. Supposedly some definitions will be in the resolution when it is presented to City Council at their next meeting, 8/15/22… Mauro was shaking with anger at Julie Jaman’s KIRO interview.”
The callous, abrupt and abusive treatment of a community elder who had been a pool patron for 35 years is not an issue for our city leaders. But the negative press she is bringing to the city is.
It’s all about damage control now.
What was originally called a statement has now been elevated to a special “Proclamation” from the mayor, formalizing the city’s fealty to the transgender community. As backlash continues to grow, the city is doubling down on its support of the Y’s abysmal handling of this charged and sensitive incident.
Protest planned against Mayor Faber at City Hall – “Zoopity boop.”
Jaman’s ban, the city’s inaction, and the council’s choice to focus its time and attention on a transgender “Proclamation” instead of listening to its broader constituency, has led to a planned protest outside City Hall. Amy Sousa, a nationally-known feminist living in Port Townsend, organized the event.
According to an exclusive in The Post Millennial, Sousa and at least 50 others plan to hold a press conference outside of city hall prior to the August 15th city council meeting. In a recent series of tweets between Sousa and Faber, Sousa posted notice of the mayor’s proclamation.
Faber responded by calling her and others who have issues with the proclamation, “transphobes”.
“The mayor of Port Townsend doesn’t seem to think my concerns deserve respectful consideration. I think women/girls deserve the sex based provisions that our foremothers battled for centuries to attain, privacy, safety, & dignity for our BODIES,” Sousa wrote in response to Faber’s tweet.
Mayor Faber’s reply: “Zoopity boop.”

Sousa described the mayor’s response as “juvenile”.
In the new “gender-fluid” reality, intrinsic fears and discomfort held by traditional women no longer matter. Jaman’s shocked outburst was “discriminatory” and per the YMCA’s “code of conduct” warranted an instant expulsion of her on the spot.
“It’s not fair that this woman here was judged to the extent of being banned from the pool for LIFE in the span of however many seconds it took her to react the way she did,” said Peter Robinson in his public comment. “We need to take into account that a lot of elderly people have lived through a lot of binary years and all of the pressures that society put on them back in those days.”
Much like Orwell’s Animal Farm—where All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others—terms like “inclusivity”, “non-discrimination” and “everyone” appear to be selectively applied in Port Townsend.
All people are entitled to basic respect, but some people are more entitled than others.
Community elders who raise their voices because they feel violated don’t make the cut.
I did not vote for the T [in LGBT]… They lumped us all in without us involved. They are using LGBT and PRIDE to oppress, gaslight and bully people. They want more rights not equal rights. Trans women have more rights in today’s society then biologically born women. We fought for equal rights, not to take away the rights of others.
— #LGB
Only a woman who has children or has had children understands this response. That “Mama Bear Instinct” or the feeling of “I will do absolutely anything for the good of my children” can happen anytime… anywhere.
You know the feeling… it’s an emotional rollercoaster that can leave a mom shaking with fear or anger. I have been there!
— Edel Sokol
I know some Y employees who think the Y acted wrongly but they can’t/won’t speak up for fear of losing their jobs plus having to deal with the “mob mentality” that would tear them apart. So much for inclusiveness. Sounds like a hostile work environment to me.
— Nonsensical
It’s good to know somebody cares about how women might feel, especially as abuse survivors. True story, hardly anybody does care about what women experience and there is zero sensitivity. Sad too, because our compassion is often exploited, so we are shamed into remaining silent and putting the needs of others before our own.
— Gabrielle Guthrie
Gender Identity Ideology is a hoax. It masquerades as civil rights and compassion and science, and is the opposite of each of these. It is outrageous that men now declare themselves women, and are allowed to destroy women’s sex-based privacy, sports, etc. It is appalling that “progressives” applaud this misogyny. It is horrific that children are being fed to Big Pharma under the guise of this toxic ideology. See Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Transgender Galaxy for details.
– Carol Dansereau
(A few of the 300+ reader comments
posted under previous Free Press articles in this evolving story)