by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Oct 30, 2020 | General
As voters, are we complicit to a crime if a candidate has become compromised beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet we continue to support his campaign in an effort to secure his ascension to higher office?
Pulitzer Prize winning author David Mamet states in his book, The Secret Knowledge, “In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments, modern liberals have to pretend not to know things.” This election season there could be plenty of reasons why the voters might appear to not know things. For instance, the over the top censorship demonstrated by Twitter, Google and Facebook over the last several weeks.
If this sounds like a conspiracy theory then perhaps a review of the events of October 27th might clarify the issue. During a Senate hearing on that day the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, perjured himself while testifying under oath. He stated that Twitter was now allowing users to access the astounding story in the New York Post outlining the Biden family’s successful efforts to extract millions of dollars from foreign governments in exchange for access to a Vice President who could become a future President.
More than a curious few immediately attempted to verify Mr. Dorsey’s claims, only to discover that Twitter continued to block the New York Post expose’. Is Mr. Dorsey pretending not to know things?
This example leads me to believe that social media platforms are allowing users to see and hear only what they want them to see and hear, and that would be Joe Biden’s statement from the final presidential debate. When asked by his opponent why he had received 3.5 million dollars in a wire transfer from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Joe Biden replied “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever in my life.”
After testimony early last week from Tony Bobulinsky, the man hired by the Biden family to manage Biden Inc.’s overseas business ventures, I think I can comprehend the truth in that statement.
Records revealed by Mr. Bobulinsky show the former vice president did not take a single penny from a foreign government; indeed his family received millions from several foreign governments, Ukraine, Russia, China, to name a few. His son was used as the bagman so Vice President Biden could maintain, “plausible deniability”, the favored phrase of political elites when explaining how they get away with so much.
Why should it matter what a politician does to earn a few extra bucks? After all the Vice President makes a measly $230,700 annually, has complimentary gold plated health care, unlimited use of government limousines, jets, and helicopters, free rent at the Vice-Presidential Mansion, free office space in the White House with only eighty staffers, round the clock Secret Service protection, a government pension upon retirement, and a bust of his likeness will be carved from marble and enshrined in the Senate wing of the Capitol Building. With such a paltry compensation package one would definitely need a second job to make ends meet.
Sarcasm aside, we are just a few days away from an election and this is what has become clear to me: China owns most of the factories that produce everything Americans need or want. China owns our debt. China owns Hollywood, and now, considering Joe Biden’s statement from the first debate, “I am the Democratic Party”, China owns the DNC.
So I ask again, should we search out the truth and cast our vote knowing all there is to know, or should we pretend not to know and risk becoming complicit in the election of a candidate compromised by Communist China?
by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Oct 23, 2020 | General
After weeks of listening to the talking points from the mouths of our national leaders on the left, I sent this message to the Senators and Congressman representing Jefferson County, Washington at the federal level.
“Instead of congratulations for running a successful campaign that offers any viable alternative to the Trump Presidency, I am contacting you to register my shock and dismay with the leaders of the Democratic Party clearly signaling to the electorate that they will refuse to accept the results of the upcoming election if it is not in their favor. Joe Biden threatens the American population with continued rioting if the Republican candidate is re-elected, and through the Transition Integrity Project we learn that Democratic Leaders continue to war game for a coup to remove the president. This is not a Democratic Party I recognize or can support. Please tell me you will stand for the rule of law in the coming months. Please make an immediate public statement to your constituents that you support free and fair elections and will condemn any rioting that demands a duly elected candidate must go because a violent mob says he is illegitimate.”
I have heard nothing of any substance in return from Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, or Congressman Kilmer. I am not surprised. They are busy people.
I have struggled lately to explain to my kind, intelligent and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend why I am astounded at the general lack of interest in the recent revelations surrounding the most monumental criminal conspiracy in the history of American politics. I hear their dismay when they described how rude it was for a Presidential candidate to be interrupted in a debate, but no one seems to be able to grasp that for the last four years there has been an active and ongoing effort at the highest levels inside and outside of our Federal Government to overthrow a duly elected president. People I speak to admit to little more than just wanting to move on. I am left to think that a crime in progress, perpetrated on the American people by officials in their government, is too much for them to comprehend. They seem to think if we just pretend not to notice, all this trouble will go away, and will never happen again.
Some have described this action as a “Soft Coup”, but after researching the origins of this term I think Phil D’Agostino, writing for The American Thinker back in December of 2019, defines what we are experiencing in far better terms.
“As evidenced by the statements of many current players behinds the scenes who have been actively trying to fundamentally transform America, it would seem that in the 20th Century, it was determined by those committed to the transformation, that the people of the USA would never willfully throw away their freedoms and embrace some form of Marxian socialism. Therefore, in order to effect this change, there needed to be an internal use of the system itself to subvert it through legislation and regulations to become a de facto state of Marxian socialism without ever calling it such, nor voting for such.”
D’Agostino continues: “Ever since, there have been bureaucrats and presidents who have worked against the will of the majority in order to ‘overthrow’ the duly elected government and replace it with their own view of what the US government ‘should’ look like. It is a war, not a coup. They are relentless, indefatigable. They will never stop.“
He goes on to say we might think this is just about Trump, but it is not.
Any person, “Who embraces the ideals of small government, personal freedom of choice, personal property rights, and the ability to defend our ownership of what we’ve created or accumulated, will be the next target. A relative handful of people would superimpose their views as a minority onto the will of the majority because they believe themselves to be smarter, better, more correct.”
So, for my kind, intelligent, and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend this is what has been pre-eminent in my thoughts over the last few weeks. I ask that you consider the undeniable truth that is there for all of us to see if we wish to do so and ask yourself, Do you want to be ruled by people who are sure they are smarter, better, more correct and know what you need better than you do? Or do you prefer the original intent of what was given to us so many years ago, government of the people, by the people, for the people? The choice between the two has never been more stark.
by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Aug 29, 2020 | General
Start your own Antifa group. Easy peasy. As our Concerned Citizen of Port Townsend has learned, like making bombs, the instructions are available on the Internet. For those slow to recognize sarcasm, this is sarcasm. But it shows us what the people burning our cities, attacking police, exploiting Black lives and deaths and calling for ever more violence are about. Some of the tactics from Antifa’s how-to manuals are already being used here, such as interference with rallies for law enforcement, doxxing and retaliating against individuals and businesses that don’t conform to their ideology. Ironically, the businesses being targeted by PT’s Antifa wannabees and Black Lives Matter supporters are mostly immigrant minority-owned businesses. We might be writing more about that. From the Editor.
The other day I was wandering aimlessly on the web, and in a freak accident came across exactly what has been on my mind for the last few weeks, How To Form An Antifa Group, at
According to United States Representative and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler, “Antifa is a myth”, so this must be a parody website, yet the information provided is most helpful.
In a bright and positive tone the website declares, “Antifascist groups, often called Antifa, are popping up all around the U.S. and a number of people have asked advice on forming a group.”
According to the website, the first question I must ask myself is, “Why Antifa?”
I am told that the label has distinct advantages and disadvantages, primarily “brand recognition and built in credibility”, but also certain “obligations”.
Everybody likes brand recognition and credibility, obligations not so much. But, in for a penny, in for a pound. Here are the obligations as listed on the website:
- Track white nationalists, far right, and fascist activity.
- Oppress public far right organizing.
- Support other anti-fascists.
- Build a culture of non-cooperation with law enforcement.
This seems doable.
I am told to stay anonymous, and use the “closed collective” model for recruiting other members. No open meetings, no people just walking in off the street.
I should carefully manage my online presence. Use only Twitter because it limits the amount of personal information that could be exposed.
Creating a website is a good idea because this implies my group is more “legitimate”. This should be used if, and when, I want to “Dox a local fascist”.
It is also recommended that I practice martial arts, and educate myself in which self-defense weapons, pepper spray, clubs, etc. are legal to carry in my area. It is suggested that I might contact a lawyer who could help me with this topic.
For those who don’t have time to master a martial art, or contact a lawyer, the topic of guns is discussed, especially concealed carry because it is better “for fascists to try and roll on you without realizing you are armed.”
I note that if I am lacking in self-defense hardware I can buy over-the-counter assault pepper spray, military inspired weapons, and tactical pens directly from companies advertising on the website.
I skim over the sections on dealing with loose cannons, infiltrators, state repression, and political orientation except for this gem – if other organizations hesitate to collaborate with your Antifa group, approach them under a different name such as “Las Cruces Against United Racism”.
Finally I came to what I crave, the “Take Action” section. Here is what the website recommends.
- Establish an online presence – web page, twitter, etc.
- Start monitoring fascists – they are everywhere!
- Tear down any fascist posters or stickers in your community, replace with anti-fascist posters and stickers.
- Start Doxxing – identify fascists, publish photographs, home addresses, phone numbers, social media, and employment information. Get them fired. Make sure your “Intel” is correct because you can, “lose credibility and create unnecessary enemies” if you have bad information.
- Shut down events – “pressure venues to cancel racist or fascist events”.
- Self defense training, again – “a good way to increase confidence and meet new people.”
- Throw benefits and table at events – “important in cultural scenes where fascists are recruiting.” Don’t forget to donate to the International Anti-Fascist Defense Fund,
- Organize mass demonstrations – if this is too big of a hurdle, recommends combining efforts with “other demonstrations such as Black Lives Matter”.
It’s time for action Port Townsend! Who’s in?
by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Aug 13, 2020 | Politics
On Friday, July 24th the citizens and businesses of Seattle were told by their police chief Carmen Best that because of Seattle City Council decisions, they would be without law enforcement protection if a peaceful protest/riot occurred in their neighborhood.
“City Council Ordinance 119805 Crowd Control Tool goes into effect this weekend on Sunday, July 26th, 2020,: Chief Best told the city. “This ordinance bans Seattle Police officers the use of less lethal tools, including pepper spray, that is commonly used to disperse crowds that have turned violent. Simply put the legislation gives officers NO ability to safely intercede to preserve property in the midst of a large violent crowd.”
If you remember news reports from the “peaceful” protest held the following Sunday, several construction trailers at the site of soon-to-be-built youth justice center were torched by arsonists, a Starbucks was smashed and looted, a neighborhood was trashed.
Are we laying out an open invitation for the same to happen here as the Port Townsend City Council rushes to virtue signal to the mob in their efforts to defund our already bare bones police force?
The media tells us that these “Mostly Peaceful Protests” are either in support of Black Lives Matters, in opposition to the oppression of federal law enforcement, or possibly, a new uprising against generations of systematic racism.
What more than a few of the “protesters”have said during interviews with the handful of journalists brave enough to wade into the fray is very clear: “We need to burn the whole thing down”
I have heard this phrase repeated many times in the video feeds that have allowed all of us to witness this national catastrophe as it has unfolded in Democrat run cities across our county.
While searching for answers I came across this observation:
Critical race theory’s adherents appear to believe that the only way to fix societal injustice is to burn everything down and start over.
Critical race theory emerged from academia in the 1980’s, has its roots in Marxism, and is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica thusly:
Law and legal institutions are inherently racist and race itself, instead of being biologically grounded and natural, is a socially constructed concept that is used by white people to further their economic and political interests at the expense of people of color.
These peaceful protesters that want to burn everything down are not fighting for equal justice under the law or freedom of the individual from an oppressive government. They have been educated to believe that everything we have today needs to be destroyed so that their vision of what our country should be–and that would be a country completely under their control–can be built upon the ashes. They are speaking the language of Cultural Revolution.
“Cultural Revolutions are insidious and not just because they seek to change the way people think, write, speak and act. They are also dangerous because they are fueled by self-righteous sanctimoniousness, expressed in seemingly innocuous terms such as “social activism”, “equality” and “fairness”. The ultimate aim of the Jacobin, Bolshevik, or Maoist is raw power – force of the sort sought by Hugo Chavez or the Castro Dynasty to get rich, inflict payback on their perceived enemies, reward friends, and be perceived as saviors. Cubans and Venezuelans got poor and killed; Woke Chavezes and Castros got rich and murderous.” Victor Davis Hansen,, July 19, 2020
When a mob, a movement–a cultural revolution–is telling us what they want, we need to believe them.
[Editor’s note: Carmen Best, Seattle’s first Black police chief, resigned 8/11/20. The Seattle Council resolution prohibiting police from using non-lethal crowd control tools was temporarily enjoined by a Federal court and is in litigation. Crime of all kinds, from murder to vandalism to sexual assaults, is soaring in Seattle at the same time that City Council has unanimously voted to cut the police force in half and disband key crime prevention units, such as the Navigation Teams that brought the chronically homeless population in contact with social services and cleared out homeless encampments posing dangers to occupants and neighbors.]
Also by this author: “Wondering About Black Lives Matter”
by A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend | Jul 15, 2020 | Politics
The other day in Port Townsend as the Black Lives Matter march passed through Uptown. I saw many people I know, good people, thoughtful people, marching with this group. I wondered to myself why these people would show their support for an organization whose name leads us to believe that lives matter, but then openly uses violence and intimidation that often destroys the communities they say they support.
It’s in the name really. No decent person could oppose the concept that Black Lives Matter. I can’t. But there is that pesky voice in my head. What is really going on here? What does Black Lives Matter really want? Who is behind this organization?
The story is complex and convoluted to say the least. I cannot do it justice here. Yet understanding the origins of an organization can lead to clearer view of what the heck is going on. I leave it up to the reader to make their own conclusions.
From the Black Lives Matter website:
Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc. is a global organization in the U.S., U.K. and Canada whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted in Black communities by the state and vigilantes. By combating and countering acts of violence, creating space for Black imagination and innovation, and centering Black joy we are winning immediate improvements in our lives.
Patrisse Khan-Cullors founded Black Lives Matters with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi in 2013.
In 2015, while being interviewed on Real News Networks, Ms. Khan-Cullors stated, “We actually do have an ideological frame. Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.”
Here is a brief definition of Marxism from “The state throughout history has been a device for the exploitation of the masses by the dominant class and that the capitalist system, containing from the first the seeds of its own decay, will inevitably, after a period of dictatorship of the proletariat, be superseded by a socialist order and classless society.”
According to Brietbart News, Cullors is also the protégé of Eric Mann, an accomplished California based community organizer specializing in Black militant groups, and a former agitator for the Weather Underground domestic terror organization who spent 18 months in prison for an attack on a police headquarters in New York State in November of 1969.
In North America, Black Lives Matters is physically represented by fifteen chapters in the U.S. and two in Canada. Black Lives Matter does not have a central office or 501(c)(3) designation, but is incorporated. They describe their organization as a decentralized network of activists with no formal hierarchy. Black Lives Matter explains their situation is not unusual for an organization that is applying for non-profit status, but has yet to receive that designation.
I have not been able to confirm if they are actually applying for non-profit status. I have not been able to determine why an organization founded in 2013 has yet to receive non-profit status.
Black Lives Matters currently “borrows” the non-profit status of another organization whose name is Thousand Currents. It seems this is allowed under IRS regulations. Thousand Currents is self-described as providing grants to organizations led by women, youth and indigenous people.
If you donate to Black Lives Matters, the money is initially processed through another non-profit named Act Blue. Act Blue is self described as “an online fundraising platform available to democratic candidates and committees, progressive organizations and non-profits that share our values for no cost other than a 3.95% processing fee on donations.”
Once collected, Act Blue transfers the donations, minus their fee, to Thousand Currents. Thousand Currents, according to IRS rules, designates where the Black Lives Matters funds are directed.
When I visited The Thousand Currents website recently, I could find very little information on the organization. Yet thanks to an article written for the Daily Caller by Andrew Kerr on June 25, 2020 we have recently learned that the Vice-chair of Thousand Currents, one of the main people in charge of distributing Black Lives Matters funds, is convicted terrorist Susan Rosenberg.
“Rosenberg’s involvement with the May 19th Communist Organization, which carried out its bombing campaign to create a contrast to former President Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America” campaign promise, earned her a spot on the FBI’s most wanted list, according to The Washington Examiner. She was arrested in New Jersey in 1984 while unloading 740 pounds of stolen explosives and a sub-machine gun from a truck.
Rosenberg was released from prison in 2001 after having her sentence commuted by President Bill Clinton on his last day in office. She served 16 years of a 58-year prison sentence.
U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White lobbied aggressively against Rosenberg’s commutation at the time noting that she had allegedly been one of the getaway drivers in the 1981 Brink’s robbery, which resulted in the deaths of two police officers and one security guard.”
Let me be clear. I am not judging. I am not story-telling. I am repeating facts revealed through research I did for myself to better understand what the Black Lives Matter Movement is all about. I share this with the hope that the good people, the thoughtful people I know here in Port Townsend might gain a better understanding of what it might mean to be involved with Black Lives Matter.
I leave you with a couple of quotes from an article titled, The Complex Funding and Ideology of Black Lives Matter, written by John Howard for Brietbart News, June 2020.
“Many people think, “Black Lives Matter” is a slogan, an ideal, or a grassroots movement, not a political organization with eight figures of funding and a hardcore left wing agenda….Many of BLM’s donors are signing on to a new social contract with a great deal of fine print they should read more carefully.”
[Editor’s Note: The author of this article, fearing retaliation for raising questions about Black Lives Matter, requested that it be published as authored by A Concerned Citizen of Port Townsend.]