On July 29, 2024, The Food Co-op Board of Directors removed a BLM activist from its ranks in response to his threatening conduct toward the board’s direct employee, its general manager. The board’s self-policing took place in executive session to protect confidentiality of all parties concerned. In later communications, the board emphasized that the removal was:
because of his conduct, not his ideas about equity, belonging, and inclusion. Board members must follow our policies and our Code of Conduct, which all board members agree to abide-by when they join the board. If we do not hold ourselves accountable to our Code of Conduct, we cannot lead the Co-op or fulfill our responsibility to our member-owners. This decision was not made lightly, nor without effort to rectify the problems.
This core issue — that the board was responding to a conduct violation resulting in a hostile work environment — has been obscured in the fog of a harassment campaign, now a half-year in duration. Threatened and delivered by the ex-board member and his allies, the campaign has been waged at Co-op board meetings but mostly whipped up publicly for the past six months through relentless attacks in The Leader.
BLM Retaliation
Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County (BLM-JC) retaliated on August 8 with a long letter to the board packed with ideology, accusations, and demands. “Removing Cameron Jones as a Board Member, ” they wrote, demonstrated the “systemic oppression” of “those who have identities beyond the patriarchal ableist heteronormative parameters of white-bodied supremacy.” Among the demands made by Black Lives Matter “Program Director” Jones and five other BLM directors was the removal of the general manager and board president and a requirement that the Co-op issue public apologies:
1) Replace the general manager and board president as soon as possible.
2) Publicly apologize to all employees, member-owners and board members who have been harmed.
3) Complete an overhaul of their policies and procedures through an equity lens that reflects their published values and operating principles with the guidance of an outside facilitator steeped in equity theory and praxis.
4) Provide ongoing training for employees and board members on matters related to equity and inclusion.
5) Conduct a series of listening sessions with target group members among constituent groups to identity relevant issues and actionable outcomes that will be reviewed quarterly until completed.
The letter closed with the threat that if the board did not agree to these demands within one week, they would “be forced to launch a campaign in response.”

Joining BLM-JC’s campaign were both Usawa consultants, one of whom is also a BLM-JC Director.
We’ve Seen This Playbook Before
Cameron Jones launched a similar campaign under the BLM-JC banner in 2022. A self-proclaimed BLM organizer, Jones had a history of run-ins with law enforcement. Documented incidents include being arrested for attempted residential burglary after trying to force his way into a private home, crashing into the closed Fort Worden gate on his bicycle when drunk, and conduct outside the Bishop Hotel which led to an employee calling police. (See “Black Lives Matter Leaders Generated Police Calls for Help, Investigation and Arrests.”)
These and other incidents culminated in Jones going on the offensive. On July 10, 2022, Jones sent an email purporting to represent BLM-JC to Jefferson County Sheriff Joe Nole and Port Townsend Acting Police Chief Troy Surber. His letter demanded that they pledge to realize a series of “intentions” which included disarming police officers and deputies. An email exchange with Sheriff Nole led to Jones taking his campaign to local radio station KPTZ to levy accusations of racism at Nole on a program called “The Reckoning.”
On July 30th:
“Nole endured Jones throwing at him wild, unsupported accusations such as Nole permitting White supremacy and vigilante groups to operate in the county, five Black men being lynched, and Nole imprisoning 30% of Jefferson County’s Black residents.”
An attempt to set up a Zoom meeting between BLM-JC, Sheriff Nole, Police Chief Surber, elected officials and others was cancelled by Jones, who upped his rhetoric instead. (See “Black Lives Matter Sought to Humiliate Sheriff, Police Chief.”) Jones now demanded that Nole and Surber take out a newspaper ad confessing to racism in “a direct and PUBLIC apology.” It was a classic oppressor/oppressed re-direct, trying to reframe the perpetrator as being the victim, in this case the victim of systemic racism. This saga was reported in the Port Townsend Free Press, but otherwise received little press coverage.
Jones’ attempted smear campaign fell flat when Nole and Surber refused to issue public confessions that they and their departments were racist. They also drew a line over disarming their officers.
The Food Co-op was much easier pickings. This time around, Jones and his BLM posse were abetted in spades by The Leader.
Leader Provides Unlimited Free Coverage for BLM’s Smear Campaign
August 7: The first peep appeared immediately after Jones’ removal in an unattributed 5-paragraph news brief composed entirely of quotes from Jones dissing the Co-op and saying he’d been “unexpectedly removed… without proper notice, documentation, or evidence… my removal seemed premeditated to silence dissent.”
August 14: The Leader followed up with two responses from Co-op Directors. Board President Owen Rowe explained that:
A Board member, Cameron Jones, jeopardized the working Board/GM relationship through his words and actions. From April through June, I and other Board members tried to work with Cameron. He would not acknowledge the damage his actions had done and he rejected repeated requests to repair the relationship. Instead, he continued to undermine every attempt of the Board to hold itself accountable.
By July, with the elected terms of several Board members who had witnessed Cameron’s actions coming to an end, I had determined to ask Cameron to resign from the Board — or ask those same Board members to vote to remove him…
I scheduled an executive session of the Board, giving the advance notice required by our Bylaws. Although some Board members raised schedule concerns, in the end every single Board member attended and participated in the meeting as originally scheduled. The required two-thirds of Board members approved the removal of Cameron Jones.
The lone dissenter Juri Jennings wrote that she resigned from the board afterwards because she disagreed with the decision and process, felt rushed, and wasn’t clear about the grounds for removal, saying “Cameron was a great board member” and listing several good “reasons I asked Cameron to be on the board in the first place.”
August 21: A letter to the editor (LTE) opined, with no evidence, that Owen Rowe’s recounting was “an obvious white-washing of what really happened… the GM convinced four Board members that she no longer wanted to deal with Mr. Jones and he needed to go.” The writer Denis Stearns failed to disclose his role as Registered Agent for BLM-JC, elsewhere suggesting the motive for Jones’ removal was racism: “The board lost two people of color… based on votes of people not of color.”
August 28: The lead LTE alleged that “the only Board Member of African descent was removed because he was supporting a trans person.” The writer said he’s “collaborated with Cameron on multiple projects and he sits on my board… dedicated to racial healing.”
September 11: Two new Leader trends emerged this issue: (1) front-page coverage and teasers promoting the “Turmoil at Co-op” narrative; and (2) lengthy opinion pieces reiterating BLM-JC campaign talking points about “The Co-op debacle” penned by The Leader’s regular “As I See It” columnist Jason Serinus.
The news story summarized Rowe and Jennings’ earlier pieces with commentary from Jones, adding from Co-op Secretary Lisa Barclay that:
“It was Cameron Jones who mistreated an employee, breaking the board’s Code of Conduct. … He was removed for his conduct, not for any other reason.”
Most of this news article presented the point of view of BLM advocates. In mentioning BLM-JC’s August 8 “letter to the board with grievances,” it tried to frame the list of demands as “requests, not demands,” neglecting to report the concluding ultimatum that they would “be forced to launch a campaign in response… if these requests are not agreed to by August 15.” And indeed, eight days later on August 16, BLM-JC “launched a boycott and a petition for member-owners to sign.”
Serinus’ column described the pressure campaign’s progress, including “Multiple organizations have called for a boycott of the Co-op and demanded the resignations… at least four informational meeting have occurred… and many Co-op members have aired their grievances at Sept. 4’s monthly Co-op board meeting.” He quoted Co-op GM Kenna Eaton describing Jones’ actions toward her as “threatening”:
“I felt I had to go to my boss, the Co-op board, and say I don’t feel safe in my workplace. His actions negatively impacted my ability to feel safe…
I know my board tried to work with Cameron. He would not accept that. He didn’t want to acknowledge it. And ultimately, I think that the board felt they had a fiduciary responsibility to make the decision they did. I didn’t ask them to do it. That was their decision.”
Serinus ignored workplace safety and fiduciary concerns, concluding “the Co-op erred grievously in removing Jones, one of its most forward-looking and proactive members. A small group of white people ousted the only Black director on the board… I urge the cisgendered straight white folk who govern the Co-op to understand that when oppressed people channel frustration into anger, it’s appropriate for its recipients to pause, breathe through fear, and accept that righting many centuries of harm is a messy but nonetheless essential affair.”
It is important to note that by Sep. 11 everyone involved either knew or should have known that there existed a credible allegation of threatening workplace behavior, which the Co-op staff and board were legally obliged to handle as they did. By all accounts, the Co-op bent over backwards to work things out with Jones… the grievance against the Co-op is that they didn’t bend far enough.
In the view of BLM-JC sympathizers — including the dissenting board member and Leader writers like Serinus — whatever Jones did or might have done doesn’t matter given “hundreds of years of oppression,” while the victimized employee and board members doing their jobs should be disbelieved, blamed, and relentlessly attacked until they bow to BLM.
September 18: In an open-minded LTE, the writer confessed that he came away from Serinus’ column “feeling that I still don’t know what happened… I say this with a great amount of respect: Maybe everyone needs to step back, and avoid suggesting the board is racist or transphobic, or even merely grossly insensitive, until we know everything that happened.”
September 25: A positive “We are listening” update LTE appeared from the Co-op President and GM, along with another blast from Serinus criticizing the board for “jettisoning a Person of Color for sharing ideas in tones that express the very marginalization you pledge to end.”
Regarding the question of “threatening” behavior, Serinus talked “to Jones at length to get his side of events,” eliciting a series of recollections that didn’t directly address the issue. At no point does Jones specifically deny threatening the GM; instead he described his efforts to avoid confrontation at a board meeting and a subsequent interaction where he claimed to apologize to the GM (who doesn’t recall any apology ever being offered).
October 2: The lead LTE identifies several ways Serinus’ last column “skews the narrative, devaluing the Co-op board… The narrative focuses on Cameron Jones’ perspective, portraying him as a victim. There is no room in this rhetoric for repair or redemption, only demands and accusations.”
November 20: BLM-JC continued its campaign by packing board meetings with antagonistic public comments and picketing the store, but The Leader took an election-focused break until Serinus’ column reported that “the ongoing campaign to achieve accountability and redress wrongs” was bearing fruit: Co-op President Rowe said he, “as an individual, will be meeting privately with Black Lives Matter… that will perhaps open the door to a conversation with the Board.”
December 4: An LTE replied to Serinus that “Cameron Jones was removed for hate speech, a code of conduct violation. Period. End of story. Racial politics have no place in a community food co-op… The only thing BLM achieved was burning down black neighborhoods in major cities enticing a self proclaimed race war… Gas-lighting people for having morals and standards is shameful no matter what your political bent may be.”
December 18: The Leader ran a trifecta of opinion pieces critical of the Co-op. Angela Gyurko welcomed that “the Dec. 4 meeting’s 90 minutes of public comment… gave board members and member-owners a chance to talk to each other.” She asked for a board statement along these lines: “We understand now that People of the Global Majority and folks with differing gender expressions in the county have had more negative experiences at the Co-op than we realized… We understand now that we must change our way of doing business, and move away from the rigid bylaws that have bound us… We therefore pledge to reform our bylaws so that they can never again be used to silence dissent.”
Five folks co-signed an LTE to publicly commend Serinus’ Co-op coverage and call the Dec. 4 LTE-writer critical of BLM racial politics a racist, suggesting he be censored and undergo re-education.
Serinus’ “ongoing saga of dismissal and injustice” asked a board member about her resignation, then berated the remaining board for “the potential harm of calling the actions of a BIPOC man in our community less than civil… Are not board members aware that their action, for some, has reinforced images of the big Black boogieman intimidating a poor innocent white woman? Are they not aware that expelling what was then their only Black member has, for some Black people, invoked the trauma of thousands upon thousands of heinous murders and lynchings for perceived offenses?… It is their duty… to set things right by meeting with Jones and BLMJC/WO, making amends…”
January 1, 2025: An LTE (from this article’s co-author, Stephen Schumacher), was “grieved by the continuing series of antagonistic opinion pieces run in The Leader“, where an “internal Co-op personnel matter has been latched onto in order to create a phony scandal via flimsy charges of systemic racism, etc., against the woke Co-op, which The Leader has been credulously channeling… Is it any wonder when confusion, suffering, and resignations result from these dispiriting harassment campaigns? The Food Co-op was founded in an era when color-blindness was the ideal, per Rev. Martin Luther King saying ‘I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.’ BLM activists criticize the Co-op and others for doing just that.”
January 8: Former Co-op President Rowe wrote an opinion piece explaining his end-of-year resignation, recanting his past statements including that he was the decider who “had determined to ask Cameron to resign from the Board — or ask those same Board members to vote to remove him.” His new story was that “I was pressured to protect the staff and board from the community… now is the appropriate time to make way for a new general manager… Senior board members should follow my example and clear the way… I apologize for the harm my past actions and statements caused to Cameron Jones, Juri Jennings, Black Lives Matter Jefferson County/Well Organized, and Usawa Consulting.”
Two LTEs defended the Co-op. One praised staff and particularly GM Kenna Eaton for all the improvements and remodeling seen over the past 10 years, saying, “It is easy for all of us who shop there to take for granted our amazing selection of goods available in this small store but it requires outstanding leadership and a dedicated staff working daily.”
The other LTE likewise praised the store for “good food… support to farms and to the Food Bank… courteous, even friendly to all customers… no hate talk or political insults stain their business space.” It asked why The Leader gave Gyurko a featured opinion column pretending to speak for the “community” making demands over undefined “issues”.
A third LTE by Serinus attacked Schumacher’s Jan. 1 letter, misquoting it as having claimed Jones’ alleged abuse of staff happened “repeatedly”, when that word was not in the letter. He also attempted to discredit Schumacher’s perspective with the charge that he “failed to disclose his status as a former Co-op ‘officer'” (thirty years ago).
January 15: GM Kenna Eaton strongly disagreed with Rowe’s “misguided characterization of the Co-op’s, and in particular the board’s actions… Board members represent the interest of all our member-owners, not just a particular subset… no individual board member can act, make promises or speak for the board unless given the responsibility to do so by the board… While the board has been struggling with the criticism of some of our members (most of which has been based on rumor), things are going great at the store: We had record sales last year, gave a bonus to our team members and have $79,000 in our Farmers Fund… to help local farmers.”
She outlined steps the Co-op is taking this year for “creating a culture of diversity, inclusion and justice”:
- “Working with… a DEI consultant… on teaching effective engagement with diverse communities, creating empathy in the workplace, preventing burnout and communication strategies for difficult conversations”;
- “Working with local equity expert Beau Ohlgren, who will help us develop new training programs to make our store more welcoming and engaging for everyone”;
- “A six-session ‘Inclusion Inspiration Lab’ crafted for co-op grocery operations, looking for practical applications of inclusion in the Co-op”;
- “New staff groups for LGBTQIA+ team members… to promote belonging”;
- “Make our product selection more reflective of the changing diversity of our members… that fit our high product standards and are also more culturally rich.”
January 22: Cameron Jones’ guest column asserted “changes at Co-op don’t go far enough to address systemic change,” complained that two women “remain in their leadership roles,” and mentioned he is also part of the ItsMyCoopToo social media campaign.
An LTE expressed that “Co-op boycott ‘activists’ look… performative. There have been multiple articles by a former Co-op board member and other guests who have seemed to delight in the fact that their professional headshot and brooding language has been plastered all over The Leader for months. I attended a board meeting and witnessed white or white-passing individuals berating a board that contains two BIPOC board members… This activist group exists in an echo chamber and refuses to acknowledge the tangible work the Co-op has done in this community… Your activism clearly comes from a place of ignorance and privilege.”
Transparency Over BLM and the Removed Board Member
While the newspaper ran sometimes-weekly attack pieces, there has been NO examination of the attackers and their motives.
Black Lives Matter of JC’s initial threat to “launch a campaign” if their demands weren’t agreed to within a week was never even mentioned. What about this group that issued the August 8 ultimatum — and even attempted a boycott that could have put the store out of business — if the Co-op didn’t immediately kowtow to all their demands?
BLM is not a justice league of do-gooders immune from investigation or criticism, but a “fuzzily applied label used to describe a wide range of protests … or a loose confederation of groups advocating for racial justice” per Wikipedia. The national Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation was founded by self-described “trained Marxists” and evolved into what CharityWatch describes as “a giant ghost ship full of treasure drifting” with no financial transparency and no documented board meetings. Its Wikipedia page details its long tangled history of fraud, scandal, and grift, partially recounted by New York Magazine in “The BLM Mystery: Where Did the Money Go?”
The local Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County describes itself as “a collectively run 501(c)3 organization which seeks to eradicate white supremacy, and ableist hetero-patriarchy. BLM-JC formed in 2020 in the aftermath of continued police brutality towards Black people in the United States and a recognition that white supremacist doctrine also manifests in a myriad of other institutions and systems which prevent economic, social, and political liberation for BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Color].“
Among feel-good bullet points like “Invest in Community” and “Economic Justice,” BLM-JC’s website promotes the 2022 campaign Cameron Jones initiated to “Divest From The Police.” That divestment continues to call for disarming the police as well as reducing the size of the police force. While the Port Townsend Police Department did not succumb to pressure to disarm its officers, its force reduced to half size in 2020 (see “PT Police Struggling Below Half Strength and Costing ‘A Lot More’“) as a result of actions by the Port Townsend City Council. The consequence was a department so understaffed, the city has had to pay the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department to cover shifts.
While demanding transparency from the Co-op, BLM communications and Leader columns have danced around the core conduct issues underlying this contretemps, being very careful to shield the person at the center from any criticism or scrutiny.
The Power of a Sensationalizing
Press to Do Harm
It is not to say there are no legitimate issues with how The Food Co-op Board of Directors handled Cameron Jones’ removal. There may well have been improprieties in the process, as alleged.
But early on, The Leader’s story ceased being about the board’s July 29 self-policing incident. Instead it became a relentless campaign to further an activist group’s ideological agenda (see “Culture Wars Besiege The Food Co-op“).
Removing a member from the board who violated its code of conduct — who happens to be a black man — was twisted to redefine the story as one of racial discrimination, once again reframing the perpetrator as being the victim. With The Leader unquestioningly supporting the ongoing attacks — and in the case of their regular columnist Serinus, even escalating them — Jones and his allies’ pressure and smears have had their intended effect.
The board president has resigned, with his requisite public apology issued in a Leader guest column. The general manager has not yet been replaced. But her obligatory newspaper apologia was full of conciliatory BLM jargon, listing all the steps the Co-op would be taking to offer more DEI training and facilitation.
And the latest news, reported in the Peninsula Daily News, is that a group of Co-op employees is attempting to unionize. Claims among disgruntled workers include a lack of workplace safety, wage inequality, and “mistreatment”. An example given was that a manager “shouted at” a worker who “said harsh words” to a customer who had “touched her without her permission.” Given such horrific mistreatment, the worker left not only the Co-op’s employ, but Jefferson County. This is the state of labor/management relations being reported.
Unionizing may be a positive step for the Co-op. Still, what role has The Leader played in fomenting staff unrest and division through its over-the-top publicity of BLM-JC’s ongoing assault? How much goodwill has been lost in our community in the process? And what has this harassment campaign cost the Co-op in real terms?
Operating on the slimmest of margins, a cooperative “Grocery & Deli” is now forced to divert precious resources to high-priced DEI consultants and legal counsel. That means less capital available for store operations.
Beyond financial consequences are impacts that can’t be quantified. For six months now, The Leader has fanned the flames of escalating factions at this small-town community grocery store.
The result? Harm against the Co-op. Distraction from pursuing the store’s actual food-oriented mission: “working together to nourish our community.” Focus redirected toward the BLM agenda. And resignations as the unending harassment takes its toll.
[Disclosure: Ana Wolpin was the first manager of The Food Co-op in the 1970s, and served on its board of directors in the late ‘90s during a period of internal upheaval that involved replacing the general manager. Stephen Schumacher was Co-op president in the early ’90s involved in reforming board/management roles confused by conflicts of interest. Neither have had any role since then except as member shoppers.]
Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize since her Ford van Sherpa arrived in Port Townsend in 1975. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.
Congratulations to Ana, Steve, and the Port Townsend Free Press for demonstrating what a REAL newspaper looks like!!! Mike Hoy, well-pleased Co-op member since 1983
DEI consultant? Local equity expert? Inclusion inspiration lab? These ridiculous hires and trainings don’t come free!
Who is going to pay for this B.S.??? The members/shoppers – that’s who. WHY did the co-op board allow this BLM gang of extortionists to pressure them into throwing away OUR money?
And, “Make our product selection more reflective of the changing diversity of it’s members…” Oh come on – what does that even mean? Absurd!
I’ve been a Co-op member for almost 50 years. Even though I’ve always loved the Co-op, how can I, in good conscience, keep supporting it?
I’m feeling disgusted and sad. Off to QFC!
I replied in your earlier comment about the consultant in the previous article, here it is again for this chapter:
Thanks for bringing this up. I just called the HR person Tuesday at the Coop about this issue. According to her this individual will be working with staff, on a temporary basis, not the board, to facilitate relations among staff. She prefers to describe the role as a “speaker”; but it sounds like a trainer, facilitator; or, as I see it, a family therapist – big family. Seems like a positive idea; it is not an unusual move within organizations. She didn’t know the cost. That was the explanation, she was enthusiastic about the move.
Something to note: the bullies demanded that the Co-op hire a DEI consultant. Just so happens that one of bullies is a DEI consultant. She was hired by the Co-op to appease the oppressors and continues to be a Co-op adversary demanding even more. (“Oppressors” refers to the BLM shakedown artists, not the Co-op employees and the GM who was the recipient of Cameron Jones’ aggression.)
Maybe BLM should contribute to the CO-OP to help with their consultant’s fees. Just a thought. Placating this request is not helpful.
Even The Atlantic has perceived the disfunctionality that catering to “. . . justice league[s] of do-gooders immune from investigation or criticism . . .” leads to:
“The Democrats Show Why They Lost”
Speaking to the Democratic National Committee, which met to select its new leadership this weekend, the outgoing chair, Jaime Harrison, attempted to explain a point about its rules concerning gender balance for its vice-chair race. “The rules specify that when we have a gender-nonbinary candidate or officer, the nonbinary individual is counted as neither male nor female, and the remaining six officers must be gender balanced,” Harrison announced.
As the explanation became increasingly intricate, Harrison’s elucidation grew more labored. “To ensure our process accounts for male, female, and nonbinary candidates, we conferred with our [Rules and Bylaws Committee] co-chair, our LGBT Caucus co-chair, and others to ensure that the process is inclusive and meets the gender-balance requirements in our rules,” he added. “To do this, our process will be slightly different than the one outlined to you earlier this week, but I hope you will see that in practice, it is simple and transparent.”
The Democratic Party, at least in theory, is an organization dedicated to winning political power through elected office, though this might seem hard to believe on the evidence provided by its official proceedings. The DNC’s meetings included a land acknowledgment, multiple shrieking interruptions by angry protesters, and a general affirmation that its strategy had been sound, except perhaps insufficiently committed to legalistic race and gender essentialism.
https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2025/02/dnc-meeting/681548/ (paywalled)
I’ve been going to the coop my whole life, I’m 49 now and my grandmother started taking me there when it was up by Aldriches just a hole in the wall. It’s been a awesome non political place for so long now politics is going to ruin this place ….now they are going to be unionized, isn’t that everything the coop was against?? I guess we will need our club card and our weekly digital coupons now just like all the others….Or I guess it’s time to fight for the coop and leave it organic, the workers get treated great. High wages I think some of the best in the county, new work place…the coop is about the members too right?? All the workers will have to be drug tested when they become unionized right??
The Co-op should stop apologizing and attack the Leader for using ritual defamation to destroy an important community resource and source of local employment. Although it’s difficult to believe a community is so backward in 2025 that these accusations would sell newspapers, we can all learn from Cameron Jones who demonstrated classic ritual defamation to perfection.
Grok AI Explains Ritual Defamation
Ritual defamation is a term often used to describe a specific type of character assassination where an individual or group is publicly defamed, not based on factual evidence, but rather through a process involving exaggerated, false, or misleading claims, often with the intent to ostracize or discredit them. Here’s a breakdown of how this process typically unfolds:
Selection of Target: The target is usually someone who challenges established norms, institutions, or power structures, or someone who holds dissenting views on significant issues. This person is often portrayed as an outsider or enemy to the community or society.
Fabrication or Exaggeration of Accusations: The accusations against the target are either entirely fabricated or grossly exaggerated. Common accusations might include moral or ethical breaches, criminal behavior, or extreme ideologies. The nature of these accusations is often tailored to incite maximum revulsion or fear among the public.
Amplification Through Media: These accusations are then spread through various mediums, including traditional media, social media, or word of mouth. The spread is often characterized by sensationalism to ensure it captures widespread attention.
Moral Outrage and Groupthink: The public or specific groups are encouraged to feel moral outrage. There’s often a call to action, where individuals are urged to denounce or shun the accused, leading to a mob mentality where questioning or defending the accused can lead to being accused oneself.
Lack of Due Process: Unlike legal defamation, ritual defamation often bypasses any form of due process or opportunity for the accused to defend themselves in a neutral setting. The court of public opinion moves quickly, and the damage is done before any legal or formal investigation can take place.
Long-term Effects: Even if the accusations are later proven false or exaggerated, the reputational damage can be long-lasting or even permanent. The retraction or correction of misinformation does not spread as virally or quickly as the original defamation.
Purpose: The aim can be varied but often includes silencing dissent, enforcing conformity, or protecting interests (political, economic, or ideological). It’s a tool for social control, where the fear of being similarly targeted can discourage others from speaking out or acting independently.
Ritual defamation can be seen in various contexts, from historical witch hunts to modern-day cancel culture phenomena. It raises critical issues about free speech, the ethics of public discourse, and the mechanisms of social control in both democratic and authoritarian settings.
Thanks to all of you above for your comments!
For anyone interested, the monthly Co-op board meeting is apparently this Wednesday. Curious that there is no in-person gathering any longer, only virtual meeting:
February 5, 2025 (6:30pm) Board Meeting Virtual Only
Member-owners can request to attend the virtual meeting of The Co-op Board of Directors by emailing boardassistant@foodcoop.coop or fill out the online registration form no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday, 02/05 to have a the virtual link sent to your email.
Please also note in the Agenda that member-owner comments will happen in the last 30 minutes of the meeting.
An Executive Session for board and staff members only will precede the business meeting at 5:30 pm.
Re your noting: “Curious that there is no in-person gathering any longer, only virtual meetings,” I asked about that and was told the board tried in-person again the last 2 meetings, but comments went on for “hours” and the board felt harassed (presumably by BLM campaigners). So meetings are going back to virtual comments, while board members will gather in person.
WOW. This Article is Incredible. Nice Job Free Press.
Sounds like he is just playing the race card. I have seen real racism, and the people at the Food Co-op, quite the opposite. To claim racism in this town is very serious. it would libel an important local business and its very loyal employees. It is an honor to serve on the board of directors, and if he is disrupting operation of this business he needs to leave.
Five lynched Black men by white vigilantes — does Jones wear a tinfoil hat, because I am 72 years old and grew up here and in all of that time there was seldom more than 5 black men in PT and if any of them turned up missing it would be known. As far as the East Jefferson Vigilantes go, they tend to be what the FBI likes to classify as antigovernment Constitutionalist and not particularly racist.
So, BLM is still around, I thought they went out at the same time as Covid passports that we used to have to show during Covid.
Stephen, Jim Scarantino reported in the article we linked:
“[Jones] suggested that somebody had lynched five Blacks in Jefferson County. Yes, Sheriff Nole said, over a number of years there have been five Blacks who died by hanging in different areas of the county. Nole said each sad, tragic case had been investigated and no evidence of any malicious activity had been found. These were suicides.”
“Jones also didn’t offer any evidence – not a single specific instance – of any activity by ‘white supremacist and vigilante groups operating in Jefferson County.’ Who are these groups? I emailed Jones to ask what information he had on them and what they had been doing. This is something law enforcement, city, local, state and federal should know about. He did not answer my questions.”
Thank you Ana, thank you Stephen and thank you PT Free Press. In a world which seems to have gone totally mad I am so grateful for your clear reporting and showing how crazy this all is. The perpetrator is the victim. The victim the perp. True gaslighting.
Wait. You mean THIS Usawa Consulting?
Great catch, O sharp-eyed reader! You are indeed correct that the Usawa Consulting who joined in BLM-JC’s smear campaign were the same ones who pocketed a questionable county grant. It’s hard to know where to stop in telling a story like this; there are so many layers to the grift. Early on we decided to remove a digression about the Usawa grant to simplify the tale, so we’re glad you pointed it out! That 2022 article you linked has lots of interesting details, smart reader comments, and lively discussion:
Thanks for working on and sharing that impressive chronicle of this spectacle. A couple things really struck me reading this. The first is just how much water The Leader has carried for the bullies, whether intentionally (attempting to promote the underlying ideology, or to sensationalize the issue) or unintentionally (because so many people bought into the Jones/BLM narrative and they felt the most like sharing their perspectives). It’s truly disheartening.
The next thing that stands out to me is the banality of the nihilistic, reductionist, race-baiting attacks from the DEI crowd. Their unrelenting, and almost unchecked attacks have sort of become normalized through repetition. If you value Liberalism, as I do, you need to push back on the illiberal philosophy underpinning this movement. I want to highlight that statement you referenced in this piece from Jones/BLM in response to his removal from The Co-op board:
“Removing Cameron Jones as a Board Member, ” they wrote, demonstrated the “systemic oppression” of “those who have identities beyond the patriarchal ableist heteronormative parameters of white-bodied supremacy.”
This nasty bit of word salad is an excellent example of the Identitarian viewpoint and highlights one of their key tactics. One characteristic of an illiberal ideology is the devaluation of the individual. Identitarians like Jones/BLM deliberately shift the focus away from individual agency and onto group identity. Secondly, the Jones/BLM narrative creates a dichotomy between two groups of people and applies its dominant ethos (oppressed/oppressor) to establish their relative worth. It is important to track these moves.
The first move Jones/BLM attempts is to absolve Jones of any personal responsibility for his words and actions by downplaying or denying the importance of individuality. The fact that Cameron Jones broke Co-op codes of conduct is erased.The fact that Jones refused to work within the framework provided by the co-op board to reach a resolution is erased.
The second move Jones/BLM makes is to shift the focus on two distinct groups which are evaluated on the basis of their historical relationship to one another. One group has been historically oppressed and marginalized by the other, and that is all you need to know about the conflict at the co-op. It offers no other evidence and asserts a moral imperative to side with the oppressed as their moral superiority has hitherto been established by their group identity.
Boiled down to its essence, the Jones/BLM statement asserts two propositions:
Jones being black/bi-racial, has been wronged by his removal, irrespective of his actions which violated the code of conduct.
White board members, as a condition of their whiteness, insist on preserving patriarchy, ableism, heteronormativity and white supremacy. These are apparently inherent to a white person’s character and are evidenced by the removal of a black/bi-racial person irrespective of that person’s actions.
Liberals should reject an ideology that devalues the individual, and which attempts to boil all issues down to conflict between different groups. This is the Jones/BLM playbook. Time to wake up, Port Townsend. Illiberalism is banging on your door. Literally, at times.
Cameron Jones’ track record — the aberrant and abhorrent behaviors that have led to his arrest and run-ins with law enforcement, his steadfast refusal to take responsibility — offers a gauge to evaluate Jones’ proclivity for aggression, lying and serial denial.
We’ve linked Jim Scarantino’s earlier reporting on Jones and JeffCo BLM multiple times, but many readers don’t have time for that retrospection, so I will reprint some salient paragraphs for your edification [link]:
“A Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County organizer was arrested for attempted residential burglary on March 15 of this year [2020]. A resident of Polk Street called 911 to report that a man was trying to open their front door and would not leave. The homeowner had felt the need to arm himself. This person kept banging on the door and demanding to enter, according to the transcript of the 911 call, for a full 5 or 6 minutes, even when told police had been called. He left the porch as police approached and was stopped about half a block away. He matched the description in the 911 call and was positively identified by the homeowner who had been looking directly at him through the front door window as he tried to get in. The BLM organizer said the homeowner was lying and he had just been riding his bike past the house. A police officer confronted him with the fact the house in question was at the dead end of street, at the edge of a cliff, so there was no way he could have been “just riding by.” He was known to the police from prior incidents (described below) and lived on the opposite side of town.
The BLM organizer, according to police reports, “was obviously intoxicated by the way he spoke” with “the strong odor of intoxicants coming off him.” Police took him first to the hospital emergency room for clearance. The BLM organizer did not understand why he was under arrest “and did not seem to understand that trying to get into someone’s home was a crime.” He demanded that his “mom and dad” be brought to the hospital, was told he could call them from jail, then insisted that he had the right to have his parents there. The officer told him that, as this individual was over 30 years old, he had no right to have his parents brought to him, but did have a right to an attorney.
He began telling the officer he was “a dick” and “a piece of shit” and refused to stand up. The officer needed the assistance of hospital security to get him to his feet, at which point the BLM organizer told the officer, “you know what’s funny? You’re a piece of shit.” The interchange was recorded by the officer.”
(to be continued)
This attempted forced entry into an occupied house involves Cameron Jones, for clarification.
“On August 5, 2020, a 911 call from a woman living across the street from Fort Worden State Park reported a crash and a man stumbling at the front entrance. The 911 log reflects concern that this individual was injured and may have a broken knee. The Fort Worden Ranger did not respond and State Highway patrol was not available, so a Port Townsend police officer went to the scene. He found a bicycle crumpled “like a soda can” and the post that secured the front gate dented and pushed back, causing a rut in the pavement at its base. A Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County organizer was bleeding from a knee and hand and smelled of marijuana. It appeared to the officer that he may have urinated on himself. This person gave a fake name and only truthfully identified himself when the officer assured him he would not be arrested for DUI on a bicycle. He made up a story about a phantom car side-swiping him. A witness to the accident said there had been no car present before the crash. It was clear to the officer what had happened: this individual who smelled of marijuana had been traveling at a high rate of speed down the Cherry Street hill and ran head on into the closed gate. A tire mark on the damaged stop sign on the gate showed the point of impact. The area was dark, without any overhead lights. He was not wearing his eyeglasses and did not have a front light on his bicycle.”
Those are just two examples. Jones’ pattern of zero accountability for unacceptable behavior continued at the Co-op:
Owen Rowe: “From April through June, I and other Board members tried to work with Cameron. He would not acknowledge the damage his actions had done and he rejected repeated requests to repair the relationship.”
Kenna Eaton: “I know my board tried to work with Cameron. He would not accept that. He didn’t want to acknowledge it.”
How is it that this disturbed young man is on the board of directors of anything? Maybe references and background checks are racist, too.
Jason Serinus has done his best to rehabilitate Jones’ reputation via The Leader’s megaphone with the tiresome DEI cry-bully tactics of self-glorification, misplaced history-guilting and intimidation. Is it working?
This perpetually offended, anticipating-the-next-micro-aggression Cult is getting precariously close to their Jonestown (no pun intended) moment. We see through the charade, and we’re not falling for it.
The pillars of the Port Townsend Progressive Movement are crumbling like our city streets. In the race to the bottom, who gets there first: The PDA, The Coop or the Faber/Mauro city government?
Steve, what a pithy summation in just two sentences! Dark humor may be all we have to hold onto these days. Thanks for the smile.
The Fort Worden PDA has won this race. Bankrupt and in receivership, dragging Kitsap Bank with it. It was a real team effort to win the top position and blue ribbon at the losers podium. Names engraved on the trophy include but are not limited to Sandoval, Timmons, King, Robison.
In this game team members are often traded or loaned. Revolving door.
A common factor in the Co-op and City inner workings is Owen Rowe who is on the city council. Owen would say his job was to stand for members of the co-op.
This is where I lose most of you and why I left town. If some folks took a significant percentage of parking at the co-op, damaging access to members, it seems Owen would take action as required by his newly vacated position as chair. On the city council he ignores parking issues and “didn’t like my tone” when polite just didn’t have any effect. Owen is just a worn gear in that failed machine that is unable to self assess its fatal flaws. Team players only please. Parking just an indicator of broken gears in the machine. Ignore laws and codes you are sworn to uphold.
My takeaway was “please remain respectful during you and your customers’ long screwing. Your cries of discomfort and distress are not the brand we want to portray.” So I finally left town after experiencing part of the race to the bottom that no amount of public input can slow down due to the team work of Mauro/Faber and dull tool “team” members like Owen.
Owen has resigned from the Co-op and apologized. He still sits on council. My bet is the City is next to tank officially, well on the way unofficially. No apologies will be forthcoming. Excuses being worked on by Mauro’s PR person.
What have we learned today, class? Dull tools exist on both sides and levels of many organized disasters, with a stockpile of new ones ready to enter the fray for whatever personal gain can be culled by doing the bidding of players just out of sight. That includes the very important fourth estate. The captured press. Misleading all the way. For years. Like a women’s rights rally being headlined as “Anti Trans”.
In tide pools and petri dishes large and small the dull tools think they really matter to the ones “above” just out of sight. But there is a shed out back full of dull tools ready to perform. None really matter individually.
As always Orwell– “the important thing is that we don’t betray each other.” Owen and all council betray their oaths and constituents. And regarding newspapers… Orwell again:
“Early in life I have noticed that no event is ever correctly reported in a newspaper, but in Spain, for the first time, I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that never happened. I saw, in fact, history being written not in terms of what happened but of what ought to have happened according to various “party lines.”
News is that the swimming pool will be in Port Hadlock, close to my new location. Seems the County Commissioners looked at the city resume’ and decided not to Cherry Street the pool.
This kind of BS is over,, The President has defunded it, any state or local that tries to continue it will be severely punished…
Fortunately, the vast majority of us is safe from the musings of the current president, as he does not do well before actual judges when making his threats and pronouncements.
[Editors Note: Further comments on this specific thread will not be accepted as this has gotten off-topic. Other comments related to the article which follow our Comment Guidelines are always welcome.]
Kenna Eaton outlined steps the Co-op is taking this year for creating a culture of diversity, inclusion and justice. I would suggest that merit-based hiring is a logical approach for a successful business. Likewise if you follow the science there are two genders, Male and Female.
I attended the Feb. 5 Co-op board meeting (Zoom-only to the public). The board was led by new President Rufina Garay and VP Monica Le Roux, who did their best to move forward and project positive energy. Rufina started the meeting talking about how DEI is being cancelled all over the country, and the Co-op would not let that happen here.
Public comments began with Jason Serinus bemoaning that day’s Leader published a letter to the editor which he called a “racist screed”, and emphasizing that no one should be allowed on the board who is friendly with GM Kenna Eaton. Another commenter lamented that the board had not yet apologized after all their harm to both Cameron Jones and to the larger community.
Aside from me and an Israel-boycott advocate, all other commenters seemed to be speaking from the BLM-JC campaign playbook, with the addition of praise for Co-op worker unionization.
But there was less hostility than in the past, perhaps because the new board were giving BLM-JC their desired DEI and meetings, even if not apologizing and purging staff as fast as demanded by their ongoing campaign (the reality of which was mentioned only in my public comment referring people to this Free Press article for details).
I was left wondering whether what I saw at that meeting was truly representative of the wishes and interests of the Co-op member-shoppers at large, or instead progressive capitulation to a pressure group staging a hostile takeover.
Post by Ari Hoffman on X (Twitter) 2-13-2025. WA State recently gave $127,250 to BLM Jefferson County. See comment from user Fireweed about details of WA State Agriculture grants to BLM for 2023-2024.
Interesting. A search on the Washington State Secretary of State Charities registration website reveals there is no BLM of Jefferson County registered as a 501(c)(3) and the one-time EIN 85-1545102 that belonged to BLMJC doesn’t come up with anything, either. Looks like the last time they filed an annual report with the state was in 2022. So where did this money go? How was it used? Which organization or entity received it?
Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County
Facebook page last updated December 9, 2024
Info from Internet: The EIN of Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County, which is located in Washington State, is 851545102.
The organization’s leadership includes Ashley R Hunt as Grant Manager, Annie Lovato as Treasurer and Board Member, and Cameron Jones as Secretary and Board Member.
Washington State Agriculture Resiliency Grants 2024-2025 Apparent Awardees
Organization: Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County
Apparent Awards: $150,000
Project Description: Nourishing Beloved Community – Food Resilience by PGM for PGM
Source: https://cms.agr.wa.gov/WSDAKentico/Documents/FSCS/FoodAssistance/RG-Final-Grantees.pdf
AJ – Thanks for your research! However WA Secretary of State Corporation Search does show BLACK LIVES MATTER OF JEFFERSON COUNTY has an active registration until 7/31/25 under the same nonprofit EIN 85-1545102. The registered agent is Denis Stearns, and governors are Annie Lovato, Sam Krell, and Sasha Marshall.

Per their Well-Organized.org website,a number of interlocking groups are being run “under the Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County 501(c)3 umbrella”.
Stephen and MJ- Many thanks for the correction. I was searching under Charity/Fundraiser instead of Corporation. I appreciate you setting me straight!
Black Lives Matter received more than $100,000 from Washington State during the same time period that individual BLM members were attacking the Port Townsend Food Co-op. Did these Agriculture grants enable attacks on the Co-op?
Dates for WA State Agriculture grants to BLM for 2023-2024 are in comment by user Fireweed to Ari Hoffman’s post on X (Twitter).
Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is the grant for Black Lives Matter of Jefferson County.
This document describes funding objectives in 3 categories: Food, Operations/ Equipment and Client Services.
Washington State Resiliency Grants
As we reviewed the Leader letters (LTEs) for this article, our sense was that BLM-JC was behind the onslaught of attacks — but NONE of the letter-writers, not one, openly identified their affiliation with Black Lives Matter. Now we’ve uncovered that the first published letter after the story broke and BLM-JC launched their smear campaign is from their WA State Registered Agent, Denis Stearns. Accordingly, we have amended that entry:
In his lengthy letter promoting BLM’s racial discrimination narrative, Stearns presents himself as an expert in these matters (20 years on various boards), but conveniently conceals his affiliation with BLM. While this group decried lack of transparency on the Co-op’s part — and even more ironically, columnist Jason Serinus tried to discredit Stephen Schumacher by saying he hadn’t disclosed in his LTE that he was a Co-op officer thirty years ago — none of these BLM players were transparent about their roles in that organization. As this filing shows, Stearns is not a PAST agent, his status is the “Active” Registered Agent of BLM of Jefferson County. And his Port Townsend mailing address is the “Principal Office Address” for the organization.