Public comment to Jefferson County Board of Health at their January 18, 2024 meeting (slightly expanded for publication):
What do you know?
When covid hit, Public Health said they knew it was caused by wet market bats, and censored anyone who disagreed. But now the FBI, Department of Energy, etc. consensus is that covid came out of Wuhan labs secretly funded by Dr. Fauci and the Department of Defense via the EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent laws prohibiting such dangerous bioweapon research from taking place in the United States.
Public Health said they knew the world needed to be locked down. But now Francis Collins, NIH Director at the time, regrets “we weren’t really thinking about what that would mean … we weren’t considering the consequences … the public health people have a very narrow view of what the right decision is … You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover from. So, yeah, collateral damage.”
Public Health said they knew everybody needed to wear masks, but Cochrane Reviews then and now show no good evidence masking has any viral effectiveness.
Public Health said they knew everybody had to stay 6 feet apart to be safe, but last week Dr. Fauci admitted before Congress that was just made up, “not based on scientific data“.
When the warp speed mRNA jabs were rushed through testing and the controls were injected just weeks later so no longterm safety data was possible, Public Health nevertheless proclaimed they knew that jabs were “safe and effective”, even though they could not possibly know that at the time.
After all, the trials never even tested for protection against transmission; as covid coordinator Deborah Birx later admitted, such promises were just based on “hope that the vaccine would work in that way“, not knowledge.
Another thing Public Health didn’t know was recent revelations that the trials were a bait-and-switch, because vaccine manufacturers couldn’t produce to scale so used different methodology to make the jabs everybody took than what was tested in the trials.
This second-rate methodology neglected to clean up all the DNA making the mRNA, so independent researchers around the world discovered that the mRNA shots people got are contaminated with random DNA.
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo asked the FDA about this contamination, and in response the FDA confirmed it but said they did not know how bad the health consequences could be and would take no steps to find out.
This know-nothing/do-nothing FDA response prompted Florida to no longer recommend the mRNA injections for ANYBODY, since the FDA does not know they are safe.
Quoting Leonard Cohen’s famous song:
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed…
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died …
Everybody knows it’s now or never …
Everybody knows the plague is coming
Everybody knows that it’s moving fast…
Everybody knows, everybody knows.
Despite Public Health messaging, most everybody knows people seriously injured or killed by the mRNA jabs, which is part of why “uptake rates on the new boosters are in the low single digits. Nobody’s taking it.”
Everybody knows — except Public Health and those they’ve bamboozled.
Following my public comment, Dr. Allison Berry responded with the kind of disinformation that has consistently characterized her tenure as county health officer. Among her most egregious statements at the January 18 meeting were continuing to urge mRNA and other respiratory virus shots on infants and pregnant women, and suggesting permanent masking to prevent flu despite proven ineffectiveness.
Berry’s dangerous narrative was roundly discredited years ago, as reported in past Free Press articles. The evidence of deaths and injuries from the shots, as well as their negative efficacy, has only increased since those reports.
Previous articles detailing local Public Health disinformation include:
Disinformation Trick-or-Treats: Be Afraid, Be Berry Afraid! — Part One —
Vax Trial Fraud Disinfo: Another Berry Trick-or-Treat — Part Two —
Bats in the Berry Belfry: Vax Efficacy Disinformation — Part Three —
Berry’s VAERS Conspiracy Theory:Bloody Lies with a Hateful Twist — Part Four —
Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.
Thank you stephen. I wish everybody did know and did something corrective about it. If they do and are, I am not hearing it or seeing it. What I mostly hear is silence on the matter and what I still see often is the same blind, fearful conformity and the same people cashing in on the compliant conformists. You’ve been a courageous ray of hope during this entire hoax or horror. It’s far from over. Carry on.
Thank you for all you do on this issue. Change may be slow and not immediately noticeable, but people are waking up and quietly making new health care decisions. Realization that we can’t completely trust our own doctors has been a huge change.
When Chris Reykdal finally ended the mask madness that tortured school kids and set them back years, Berry insisted other Public Health officers were opposed. But in the end she was the only one public about it.
John Beaudoin, Sr. has compiled data on the harms done and has an interesting approach to get a legal foothold to hold these public health officials legally accountable for the crimes that they have committed.
Thank you, Stephen. I am so appreciative of your consistent efforts in going to meetings and holding our officials to task. And for writing this article to have as an archive and to hopefully shed light for some. Thank you.
From the minute I heard mystery virus spreading through China..I knew what was about to happen. I knew it was a lie. I knew the vaccine was crap. I knew Fauci was a I watch many around here still wearing masks. Still afraid of covid. Still believing it was what it was. I just shake my head and hope for the best for them not one drop of the poison vaccine is in my body. I never had covid. I got banned for life from what was formally called twitter. I got harassed and bullied ..people around here become flat out jerks. Saying horrible awful things about those of us that didn’t get jabbed. That resisted the masks and the stupid rules. I have my suspicions the George Floyd thing was in a way planned because what better way to get riots going then to invite a race war when tensions are high already ..covid 19 pandemic was nothing more than a money grab for a few..population and mind control on the rest..and I would bet money that it also was intended to really mess with 2020 elections to make sure the creepy puppet got in. I would say I feel sorry for all the sheep that fell for it hook line and sinker but it’s hard considering the evil bully words I endured from the mask obsessed booster shot loving Inslee worshiping virtue signalers. Some of whom wished death to my family and I. So lovely. The damage is done. The world has been changed. We are all in trouble. I would encourage people to stop listening to the mainstream and do research this election year. I don’t think there’s been a more critical election at least not in my lifetime. This country can’t survive more of the same. We can recover but people need to wake up and see this for what it was. Otherwise we are going to be witnessing the absolute destruction of the world, not just here.
Dr. Berry deserves to be removed from the Jefferson and Clallam County Governments. Personally, I’d like for her to spend some time in prison so that she can reflect on her wrong doings.
— email received through our contact form: —
I wanted to be sure I’m understanding your article correctly. Because it seems a lot of this information is the same information that was being passed along when covid first appeared in Washington state. And some of it I know was misinformation. But you’re saying that the people who got the vaccine now have something inside of them and that the people who didn’t get the vaccine are going to be healthier and everything is against the vaccine according to one person who wrote this article.
But covid is still around, not much but still. And thousands and thousands and thousands of people died because of this incident. And when it first happened, it was started by the unclean animals that supposedly were in the market. But then it was started in the lab, so it’s really hard for anyone to actually believe what is true. However it started or however it got here, it did.
I’ve gotten the vaccine every year and I am thankful that I have not got covid. I have known people that got the vaccine every year and they got covid, but not as bad as some of the other people I know that have gotten covid. But I certainly wouldn’t wish anything bad on the people who didn’t.
Wearing the mask was kind of weird, but so what we had to do it, it wasn’t a big deal. But people complain they didn’t want to get it in case someone sneezed or coughed. Okay well that’s fine that’s just being respectful. And people are wearing them now because cold and flu is going around and they don’t want to get it, so what’s the big deal if they want to wear it or not.
And also I read in your article that the vaccine is from other people’s DNA? I have to go with science when it comes to things like this. Maybe a lot in the report isn’t true — we’ll never know the truth the government isn’t going to tell us and we can’t trust anyone else. So we do our best to stay alive. But because it’s one person wrote it doesn’t mean it’s true.
— my response: —
Thanks for your good questions! Most of them are answered by the many source hotlinks I provided for every point throughout my article, so please check them out carefully.
I appreciate your wanting to be sure you’re understanding my article correctly. To clarify one confusing point, my article never said “the vaccine is from other people’s DNA”. Instead I hotlinked to the following article by the mRNA technology inventor:
…explaining how “Production of modRNA used in the original Pfizer randomized clinical trial (RCT) utilized a PCR-generated DNA template (Process 1). To generate billions of vaccine doses, this DNA was cloned into a bacterial plasmid vector for amplification in Escherichia coli before linearization (Process 2), expanding the size and complexity of potential residual DNA and introducing sequences not present in the Process 1 template.”
That’s the bait-and-switch I wrote about, switching from the Process 1 used in the trials to the untested Process 2 used in the Warp Speed rollout, which contains billions of residual DNA clones… not “from other people”.
The Florida Surgeon General is concerned this massive contamination violates FDA regulatory limits for DNA vaccines and “poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings.”
So read all these links and make up your own mind… I’m just the messenger! The sources I’ve just cited are from scientists and physicians of the highest caliber, far higher quality and integrity than bureaucrat wheeler-dealers like Fauci.
Consider the notorious Tuskegee experiments where for 40 years, Public Health scientists lied to and gaslighted black sharecroppers about their syphilis condition, watching as their spouses and children got infected, refusing to be honest until independent investigators exposed them in 1972:
Unfortunately today’s Public Health is more compromised by Big Pharma than it was during the Tuskegee days. I know from myself what a hard process it is coming to terms with the idea that big lies are possible and (as you wrote) it’s hard to know “the truth the government isn’t going to tell us and we can’t trust.”
Best wishes thinking for yourself, yours truly,
That the public health officials that continue to push the vaccinate meme, means one of 3 things:
1. They are as ignorant as a toadstool
2. They are paid to lie to us
3. They have evil intent.
Personally, I believe #2 to be the most likely, if not directly paid, by virtue of political aspirations. #1 could also play a role.
What this means to us is that we must be diligent in learning the truths for ourselves, in an increasingly censored environment. I’ve known of Google’s skewing/censorship of truth for several years, and used DuckDuckGo as my search engine instead. About 6 months ago, DuckDuckGo’s search results suddenly began resembling Google’s. Have they been bought off? Pressured by the Biden Administration to censor truth? Or have they become woke? So, now I use– of all things–, the Russian search engine that, so far, continues to return truth as well as lies– i.e., both sides of controversial topics. It is a sad day in America when we have to use a Russian search engine to find the truth about Covid just so we can make informed decisions on our own.
When truthful information cannot be found, trust your gut. Trust vetted experts. DON’T trust the establishment, as they lie to us repeatedly.
For prophylaxis against respiratory viruses (Covid, colds, flus, RSV) I take 10,000 IU vitamin D, 100mcg vitamin K2, 500mg quercetin, and 35mg zinc. If someone gets Covid, I have encouraged them to take the above but add 200mg hydroxychloroquine twice daily. The late Dr. Zelenko, a pioneer in successfully treating extremely ill Covid patients, said “Zinc is the magic bullet, but it has a difficult time getting into our cells; Hydroxychloroquine opens the door to let it in”. The maximum sustained dose of zinc is 50mg daily. We get 5-15 from eating meat, and most multivitamins with minerals contain an additional 11, so I supplement with 25 (splitting a 50mg tablet with a pill splitter). I have not had a respiratory virus in more than 2 decades. I am also fastidious with hand sanitizing after touching any public surface. I do not wear masks or get vaccines.
I had the same experience, awakening while verifying this article’s source links to the sad fact that DuckDuckGo was now mostly providing narrative-heavy redundant MSM “coverage” and “fact-checking”, with primary sources and alternative voices few and far between. I pushed through and eventually found enough of what I was looking for, and I still like DuckDuckGo’s clean and ad-free interface, so I’m sticking with it for now as my primary search engine. But my eyes are now open and on the lookout for alternatives like (recommended by a friend) and now your vouching for… thanks!
Re alternative search engines, Dr. Malone recommended, saying: “I really like this search engine. Jan at Epoch Times told me about it. Way better than Brave.”
Regarding masks. Dr. Berry came into my business and was not wearing a mask or social distancing (stood right next to me as I assisted her) the day after she had been on KPTZ saying that covid cases were up and everyone should mask up. I was not wearing a mask or much concerned with distancing. Was the visit a gift to me from the universe of direct evidence? Thanks universe!
Question is what does Dr. Berry believe? Based on my personal experience what should my perceptions be regarding masks and Dr. Berry? Perhaps she is into self harm and public self shaming. Probably the best defense for her moving forward. What are the odds that someone from KPTZ would ask her about the seeming inconsistency live on air? Fear not Dr. Berry. That will not happen.
Ask yourself why not. Misinformation is in the eye of the beholder. It’s agents have varied degrees of comprehension. The best defense for most of them moving forward.
My understanding of the big picture of masks evolved based on looking beyond just one narrative. I have good friends that have not changed the belief that masks and double masks protect. To paraphrase Joni Mitchell, I’ve looked as masks from both sides now. Seen my personal belief system flip. It creates empathy for those who can’t adapt to new data and depend on sources with questionable motives.
When I see people wearing masks with gaps a fruit fly could get past I simply cannot grasp what they think they are accomplishing. I suppose a child with a security blanket doesn’t question the actual protective properties of the blanket. It just provides a sense of security. Real or not.
As to actual covid case numbers, Stephen has been a true warrior regarding the PCR testing and cycle numbers allowed to find a positive result and presenting well researched facts to the Board of Health. The inventor of the test said before his untimely death that it was not designed to test for viruses and did not work regarding virus testing. Yet the test is used.
Deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole you can go. If you can handle the truth, or at least an alternate reality that holds water.
Orwell again and again. “The important thing is that we do not betray each other”.
It would appear that some folks “each others” might be different than yours or mine. In so many systems that engulf all of us. From Davos to PT city council.
Decide for yourself it this link provides any relevant information as you build or reconstruct your sense of what is real and what is not. Collateral damage seems to be everywhere these days.
Harvey, your in-store experience of Allison Berry without a face nappy, not concerned about distancing, was not a one-off. She was also observed approaching a restaurant in Sequim back in 2021, where she looked directly at the “Mask Required” sign on the door, then entered without a mask and proceeded to stride over to sit down with her husband. According to wait staff, her Clallam health department had been hounding that establishment for weeks for not enforcing the mask mandate.
Few of these imperious parrots believe the rubbish they peddle. It’s just more “rules for thee but not for me.” The audacity is breathtaking. It seems their days are numbered, however. The cratering of legacy media in this country is a direct reflection of the cratering of trust in authority. Grab your popcorn, folks. Make it an extra large.
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The Editors
I was given information regarding the book written by Kary Mullis who was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on PCR testing. I have been binge reading it after finding it online. The link below lets you choose different formats. At the top of the page is a reader. I found the single page format was easily readable after trying other formats. See what works for you if you like. The cautionary chapters regarding govt controlled and funded science are powerful and relevant it seems.
When Orwell and Carlin whisper in my ear from now on they will be joined by Kary Mullis. What a sad thing to lose his voice just before his process was used as it has been by the system he cautioned us about.
All the response to COVID19 at the government level was done deliberately. Why it was done that way is not clear. This development and release of COVID19 was deliberate was the beginning to what will become a new type of warfare where China and others will release even more dangerous pathogens on us. Current reporting is that China is developing a much more lethal virus. The questions to be asked is whether our government will stop the coverup and appropriately counter this type of warfare.
This just in: The Strength of Evidence for a Lab Origin by Alex Wasburne, which concludes:
“With information in the public domain we already have enough evidence to justify probable cause… preponderance of evidence in civil suits … and beyond-reasonable-doubt confidence that SAR-CoV-2 emerged from a lab even if we don’t know who held the pipette. I’ll let lawyers figure out if bypassing biosafety safeguards and accidentally killing 20 million people constitutes negligence, if causing a global pandemic is a crime.
“The forensic scientific case of SARS-CoV-2 origins is like the case of a close network of friends who were all in a room together in which someone died, we have a proposal by these friends to kill that specific person with the specific bullet, in that specific room, at that general time when all of these researchers were in the room together. … It’s past time for impartial investigations that force the retention of documents by all parties found at the scene of the crime.
“We can separate this research-related incident from our society and from all of science only once we separate the scientists & their funders and compel them to provide a full account of their activities in Wuhan in 2019. Only then can the world have truth, reconciliation, and hope for proper regulation of risky research and the scientific systems that made a lab-created pandemic possible.”
Per Dr. Malone: “This is an absolutely brilliant analysis and synthesis of current knowledge concerning the origins of SARS-CoV-2. At this moment in time, I consider this the definitive summary of the case against a zoonotic origin and in favor of a lab origin, which is the theory of the case which I subscribe to. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have.”
I just had covid and wore a mask to do something no matter how small to stop myself from possibly spreading it. I feel no shame for wearing a mask and I am not afraid of Covid. It took me years to finally get hit I don’t want it again.
Hi Tony, this is not about shaming, it is about exposing the lies that the CDC has promulgated — reinforced by the government, health care system and mainstream media — which continue to divide us and actually damage our health and relationships.
Many decades of studies prior to covid demonstrated that masks are ineffective against respiratory viruses. When covid hit, a narrative of interventions was devised to alienate people and induce fear. These included the 6-foot social distancing rule which has been admitted was made up out of thin air, and the mask directive which never had solid science behind it. Meta-analyses have analyzed hundreds of studies, which we’ve previously reported on, and a new investigation shows that, as with social distancing, the CDC knew the mask narrative was bogus as well:
CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for COVID — But Agency Recommended Them Anyway
The recent independent investigation details the CDC’s shifting narrative and their attempt to sidestep the results of an 80-page systematic review and meta-analysis that the agency itself commissioned in 2023.
Even worse than showing N95 masks are every bit as ineffective as surgical masks,
“The review also found numerous symptoms reported by N95 mask users, including: ‘difficulty breathing, headaches, and dizziness; skin barrier damage and itching; fatigue; and difficulty talking.’”
You are not protecting yourself or anyone else by masking, not even in a small way, you are only potentially harming your own health.
It is hard for me to believe that you are not any more safe when near me if I sneeze while having Covid and am wearing a mask as opposed to not wearing a mask. It is just seems like common sense.
I’m curious, Tony. Do you commonly go out and about buying groceries, etc, sneezing and coughing while you’re sick—with anything? Common sense says, as it always has, to say home if you are unwell or think you may be contagious.
Would I be wrong in guessing that you haven’t checked out a single link offered in this article or the comments?
We’ve known each other for a long time. I imagined you to be one who questions authority rather than bowing to it without reservation. If you want to follow the science, good man, follow the silenced.
I hear you about “common sense”! You’d think masks would help somewhat to block viruses, but that’s forgetting they’re designed to block dust, pollen, bacteria, etc., whereas viruses are MUCH smaller and easily pass through.
Even with bacteria, all surgical masks are designed to do is prevent spitting germs into an open wound during surgery, but have no value keeping germs out of the airborne soup we all breathe, since the mask blockage just reroutes the air and germs around the sides and eyes following the paths of least resistance. See this masking demonstration by Dr. Byram Bridle from 1:08:00 through 1:24:00.
Dr. Bridle demonstrates how most all the air goes through the paths of least resistance, namely up through the “blowholes” and back through the “gills” formed by masks, with practically no air going through the mask. Then he demonstrates with an audience member that if you form a circle with your fingers to hold double-masking tight around your mouth to force the air to go through the mask, it becomes nearly impossible to breathe… especially for athletes or anyone doing hard physical work. Instead mask-wearing is just for show, as breath flows around a mask instead of passing through it.
Since you were ill, your mask prevented sputum from coughing or talking from spreading to nearby surfaces, so that was somewhat helpful– thank you. I am of strong belief that our PRIMARY vector of contagion is from touching public surfaces (money, door knobs, doors, ATMs, store counters, restaurant menus, etc) and not through the air.
The moisture droplets containing the viruses quickly evaporate in the mask and free the viruses to sail through the air, though our immune systems usually fight off the few viruses we may inhale. The viral load from surfaces is much greater and can overwhelm the immune system when hand-to-face contact occurs.
So, nothing to apologize about– you were sick and you reduced the spread. But, healthy people get no benefit (and likely a slight added risk) from wearing masks. Thank you for doing your part.
From a brilliant midwestern doctor:
“Public Health” has transformed into a global racketeering operation where it is very difficult for legitimate science which advances humanity to see the light of day (hence why groundbreaking innovations in science have largely disappeared despite us now spending far more on our scientific apparatus). The public face of this operation are Hotez and his compatriots, while the private (and actual) face of this operation are the oligarchs that fund it. Beyond being the largest of its kind in history, what makes it so unique is the fact that it’s very hard to see because it’s been meticulously cloaked behind a lot of doublespeak that seems like something only a good person would support (e.g., who doesn’t want poor people to be healthy?).
Story at a Glance:
•The upper class has gradually shifted to controlling the populace through economic enslavement, the fear of an ecological disaster, and the fear of a disastrous pandemic which must be stopped at any costs.
•An immensely profitable industry has been built around these fears. Many notorious career scientists (e.g., Fauci and Hotez) depend upon this grift. Worse still, those fears have been used to create the justification we need to perform an endless amount of bioweapons research to “prevent” the next pandemic.
•That research is extremely dangerous and regularly leads to disastrous lab leaks which sicken and sometimes kill those exposed to the pathogens. While COVID-19 was the most consequential lab leak, many more preceded it, and prior to the pandemic (where everything got censored), the lab leak issue was widely discussed within the scientific community.
•Rather than acknowledge the problem (and stop the lucrative bioweapons research), the industry has doubled down on the importance of their research. This is analogous to how they actually discovered ways to treat these diseases with existing technologies (e.g., hydroxycholoroquine for SARS), but threw all of that to the wayside so more lucrative therapies could be sold to the public once an actual pandemic (COVID-19) started.
•Since the public is gradually becoming aware of what the COVID cartel has done to us, they are switching to far more totalitarian methods to ensure they can continue their grift.
A great solution to all of this is getting RFK Jr. into office-
Interested in helping to make that happen— go to
Tell anybody and everybody who’s interested!! Let’s DO THIS!!
The week of the lock down I was committed to drive to Northern Cal. Seemed odd to me that if things were as claimed gas station pumps up and down interstates and highways would be an efficient and major cause of spread via hand to hand transmission.
There never was any effort to deal with that. Just more government incompetence?
Past is past but in the now these two links, one from a legacy news source in San Diego are extremely concerning regarding overall death rates. Notice how Dr. John Campbell and his guest Major Tom Haviland engage in critical thinking, truly attempting to get at the truth while walking on egg shells.
The sources for the doctor in the link below are military and insurance statistics regarding overall death rates.
Health officials recommending masking who don’t follow their own advice pales in comparison to those still advising mRNA shots for healthy and very young alike.
The scope here is hard to fathom. Luckily for some………
“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled” ~Mark Twain
Think or this as watching a fusion of Marcus Welby MD and Murder She Wrote. Here is a fresh breakdown of excess deaths by countries by Dr. John Campbell. Usually fairly good at hiding his livid contempt for those who cause and hide “excess deaths”. Not an “abstract concept” to him.
You will hear mentioned that In Great Britain there seems to be an issue with Midazolam and morphine causing “covid deaths” in hospitals and rest homes.
Orwell once again. “The important thing is that we don’t betray each other”. Answered with “I was only following orders”. Folks down slippery slopes surround us all. In tide pools and petri dishes large and small.