Everybody Knows
Except Public Health
Public comment to Jefferson County Board of Health at their January 18, 2024 meeting (slightly expanded for publication):
What do you know?
When covid hit, Public Health said they knew it was caused by wet market bats, and censored anyone who disagreed. But now the FBI, Department of Energy, etc. consensus is that covid came out of Wuhan labs secretly funded by Dr. Fauci and the Department of Defense via the EcoHealth Alliance to circumvent laws prohibiting such dangerous bioweapon research from taking place in the United States.
Public Health said they knew the world needed to be locked down. But now Francis Collins, NIH Director at the time, regrets “we weren’t really thinking about what that would mean … we weren’t considering the consequences … the public health people have a very narrow view of what the right decision is … You attach zero value to whether this actually totally disrupts people’s lives, ruins the economy, and has many kids kept out of school in a way that they never quite recover from. So, yeah, collateral damage.”
Public Health said they knew everybody needed to wear masks, but Cochrane Reviews then and now show no good evidence masking has any viral effectiveness.
Public Health said they knew everybody had to stay 6 feet apart to be safe, but last week Dr. Fauci admitted before Congress that was just made up, “not based on scientific data“.
When the warp speed mRNA jabs were rushed through testing and the controls were injected just weeks later so no longterm safety data was possible, Public Health nevertheless proclaimed they knew that jabs were “safe and effective”, even though they could not possibly know that at the time.
After all, the trials never even tested for protection against transmission; as covid coordinator Deborah Birx later admitted, such promises were just based on “hope that the vaccine would work in that way“, not knowledge.
Another thing Public Health didn’t know was recent revelations that the trials were a bait-and-switch, because vaccine manufacturers couldn’t produce to scale so used different methodology to make the jabs everybody took than what was tested in the trials.
This second-rate methodology neglected to clean up all the DNA making the mRNA, so independent researchers around the world discovered that the mRNA shots people got are contaminated with random DNA.
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo asked the FDA about this contamination, and in response the FDA confirmed it but said they did not know how bad the health consequences could be and would take no steps to find out.
This know-nothing/do-nothing FDA response prompted Florida to no longer recommend the mRNA injections for ANYBODY, since the FDA does not know they are safe.
Quoting Leonard Cohen’s famous song:
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed…
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died …
Everybody knows it’s now or never …
Everybody knows the plague is coming
Everybody knows that it’s moving fast…
Everybody knows, everybody knows.
Despite Public Health messaging, most everybody knows people seriously injured or killed by the mRNA jabs, which is part of why “uptake rates on the new boosters are in the low single digits. Nobody’s taking it.”
Everybody knows — except Public Health and those they’ve bamboozled.
Following my public comment, Dr. Allison Berry responded with the kind of disinformation that has consistently characterized her tenure as county health officer. Among her most egregious statements at the January 18 meeting were continuing to urge mRNA and other respiratory virus shots on infants and pregnant women, and suggesting permanent masking to prevent flu despite proven ineffectiveness.
Berry’s dangerous narrative was roundly discredited years ago, as reported in past Free Press articles. The evidence of deaths and injuries from the shots, as well as their negative efficacy, has only increased since those reports.
Previous articles detailing local Public Health disinformation include:
Disinformation Trick-or-Treats: Be Afraid, Be Berry Afraid! — Part One —
Vax Trial Fraud Disinfo: Another Berry Trick-or-Treat — Part Two —
Bats in the Berry Belfry: Vax Efficacy Disinformation — Part Three —
Berry’s VAERS Conspiracy Theory:Bloody Lies with a Hateful Twist — Part Four —