Letters Forum: Off Topic!
– MAY 2023 –

by | May 1, 2023 | General | 13 comments

In the spirit of offering Letters to the Editor as a traditional platform for lively, wide-ranging conversations in the public square, we invite you to write about whatever is on your mind.

Because we require comments under articles to be “on topic”, we found that readers who want to speak to other important issues, events and concerns that our small crew can’t cover don’t have a place for that. This Off Topic! feature allows readers to bring up other subjects, post news flashes, announce community events, or express concerns outside of the selected topics we write about.

A new Off Topic! forum is posted monthly. The post is open throughout the month for new letters and your responses.

How this works:

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the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Q. Wayle

    Consider What Governments Are Doing Before You Vote!

    Has anyone else noticed that the government OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, and FOR THE PEOPLE is actively working AGAINST THE PEOPLE? And it’s not just in the U.S., but in most of the Western World. Justice is unequal and weaponized, 15-minute cities are being foist on people whether they want it or not. Vaccines are mandatory, as are masks and quarantines, despite ample evidence that they are ineffective. Effective therapeutics against Covid are being withheld. A proxy war, that no one wants, is being fought in Ukraine. Open borders are allowing human trafficking and fentanyl– not to mention terrorists, criminals, and mentally ill people– to flood our southern border. People are allowed to shoot up drugs and defecate on city sidewalks. Gas stoves are being banned. Internal combustion cars are being phased out, despite ferries banning electric vehicles for fear of fires. Incompetent doctors, pilots, and others are entering the workforce due to “equity”. People’s children are being taken away from the parents because an 8 year old decided that they want to change genders. Criminals are being kept out of prisons while police are defunded and the law-abiding are being disarmed. Taxes are raised and raised, while infrastructure declines. Who wants this? Are any readers here behind this? From where I sit, it appears that our governments are doing what THEY want, the voters be damned.

    I know it’s difficult to vote for conservative candidates if you are of the liberal mindset, but unless you want to see EVERYONE’S quality of life decline, I urge you to consider what your incumbents have done to our quality of life and consider, at least, voting for moderates, if not conservatives who want to restore a better quality of life.

    • MJ Heins

      Anarcho-Tyranny is a dystopian form of government where the state encourages criminals and chaos while suppressing decent people. This describes the current government in Washington State.

      I’m amazed that so many people believe that a government is justified in destroying its own people because a malevolent regime won elections. Who knew that eliminating the US and Washington State Constitutions was on the ballot along with removing the Bill of Rights and every protection from tyranny since the Magna Carta?

      Jeffrey Tucker has a good recent article on Anarcho-Tyranny.

    • Stan McClain

      Simply stated; Spot-on!

      Join the Clallam or Jefferson County Republican Party and attend their meetings to help shape our future. Start NOW!

  2. Metsa

    New City Positions to Market Port Townsend

    Saw in the PDN that the city of PT is handling its all-fronts logjam trainwreck of malgovernance and insider-clubhouse/public-sector-teat-sucking-sinecure/PC-on-crack bell-jarness…

    …by hiring a shiny new !!! MARKETING DIRECTOR !!! (yes, I’m shouting–it’s just SO EXCITING!)

    PORT TOWNSEND — Shelly Leavens is joining the city of Port Townsend as its new communications and marketing manager.
    She will begin work May 4.
    “Relationships and stories of people and place matter to me and connect this special community together,” said Leavins, the former executive director of the Jefferson County Historical Soceity.
    “Now is a great time to join the city team,” she added. “With so many opportunities to communicate on city priorities and engage our community, I’m eager to dive in and ensure we’re all working together to guide our collective future.”
    Leavens recently stepped down from her position with the historical society, an organization she led for nearly five years.
    Prior to that, she was curator and public events manager for the Gage Academy of Art in Seattle, an Instructor at University of Washington, and an independent contractor focusing on curatorial work, collections, and oral history.
    She holds a master’s in museology from University of Washington, focusing on public history interpretation and a bachelor’s in anthropology from Pennsylvania State University.
    Shelly Leavens says: “Relationships and stories of people and place matter to me and connect this special community together. Now is a great time to join the City team. With so many opportunities to communicate on City priorities and engage our community, I’m eager to dive in and ensure we’re all working together to guide our collective future.” (so incredibly moving they had to say it twice)

    Can’t wait to hear how she tells Julie Jaman’s “Stories Of Relationships And People And Place.”


    Also, if you’d like a taxpayer-fleecing sinecure at $107-130k, consider the DIRECTOR OF PEOPLE AND PERFORMANCE (WOO HOO) job now open:

    It reports to the City Manager!
    Yay for People and Performance and Relationships and Stories and Collective Future and Engagement and all!

    Meanwhile, practicing licensed Civil Engineers with six years’ experience and a college degree can expect $83-114k.

    Though if you have zero experience building real things in the real world, or credentials other than having purchased a college degree, you can expect $67-84k

    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      I really do try to get comfortably numb. But….Please refer to the last few articles where I attempt to chip away at the carefully maintained wall of denial regarding what used to be the simple task of managing parking so business is not negatively impacted and all visitors are treated with respect. Marks and chumps that they are to Mauro and company,

      It is a kind of FIRST DO NO HARM thing. Council person Ben Thomas explained that there is simply no time or funds to deal with that which serves those who are already coming here and tax paying businesses. For 10 years in a row.

      I know first hand that plenty of visitors from near and far already come here if treated properly. But they are mocked with fake parking signage many know to ignore. For 10 years in a row.

      Of course, Main Street and the Chamber will take credit for those who do come here, many for generations. Now we are told we need more cheerleaders to pay with the cities “limited funds”. I am guessing all 3 of our cheerleaders had pep and spirit in high school, then found out how to make a career of it in college.

      Just to be clear I do a dance every morning just before sunrise to bring up the sun. At no charge. Without me you are screwed. Look up in the sky, proof of my importance. Sometimes I also do a cloud dance to save you all from sunburn. Behold my importance and power!

      The new Communications and Marketing Director it seems is important so more can be lured here to circle block after block during important times looking for parking in a no idling town. Brilliant!!!

      Mauro builds his well-paid empire and dedicated “team”. Council nods in approval of skewed priorities. The view from inside the bubble is “bubbly”. Don’t be a downer.

      The other job available DIRECTOR OF PEOPLE AND PERFORMANCE has this in the very long job description.

      “Prepares and administers department budget; collaborates with the City leadership team on City priorities and budgeting.
      Conducts internal investigations in conjunction with the City Attorney and/or City Manager”

      That last line should be Conducts internal investigations OF the City Attorney and/or City Manager”

      And others.

  3. Pamela Hall

    This process is exactly how Socialism takes root. The outcome for the west does not look promising.

  4. Don


    Listening to NPR the other day (I was up on the Skagit. There was nothing else available). Elsa and Greg were having their pre-story banter with Elsa saying she saw Greg at the pizza party last friday, Greg asked if she was going to the sock hop next week. I was immediately suspicious.
    They got into Biden announcing he would be running for Prez again and then went into his list of accomplishments. The Inflation Reduction Act, obviously named for political purposes because it surely hasn’t done anything about the skyrocketing prices; the Chips Act which gave away some $54B to the chip manufacturing industry in the US. (I thought banks were suppose to lend money for development in this capitalist economy. Must have missed that day in economics class)? There was a rumor going around that Zelensky of Ukraine actually offered to pitch in a few $B to help out. Some actually had the audacity to say this was a bribe. More Putin propaganda. Mis, mal, and dis information.
    And of course, his push for EVs and more charging stations. Probably a good idea.

    Then I started to think what did Elsa and Greg omit? Hummmm?

    1) didn’t mention the high probability that Biden committed the largest terrorist act since 9/11,blowing up Nordstream 1and 2, thereby committing an act of war and putting us at war with not only Russia but also Germany (apparently Germany hasn’t figured this out yet).
    2) by-passed the powers of congress to declare war by secretly directing this operation without the consent of Congress. Those wonderful Dems keep telling us about the rule of law and that nobody is above the law. Shoots a big hole in their arguments for ‘Democracy’.
    3) has been actively pursuing a hot war with China
    4) the recent data dump shoots down all the lies that Biden has been telling us about HIS WAR IN UKRAINE, showing that it is going poorly for Ukraine. Not win-able. They are losing badly. But as Biden was heard mumbling as he shuffled off stage, “We’ll pursue this war to the very last drop of Ukrainian blood”. Lily Tomlin commented in the ’60 re American businessmen (paraphrasing), “I try to be as cynical as they are but it’s tough to keep up”. This seems very appropriate at this moment in time.
    a) which brings us to a secondary point: Sec of State Blinkey and Sec of Defense Lloyd Austin have been caught in egregious lies and activities. Have we now normalized this type behavior? Why have they not been fired? DemNow could now proudly announce “the FIRST person of color to be fired from a cabinet position”. Don’t think I’ll see that.
    5) Zelensky and his cronies stealing $400M (of the $120B or so given to Ukraine) per Sy Hersh. And this was only 1 incident reported. Got to make you feel good if you are an American giving away 1/8 OF A TRILLION DOLLARS so they can steal it. And what do we get from Biden? Silence. (And yes, let’s put this into TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. It puts it into perspective how big these numbers really are). And nobody got fired by Biden, again. Apparently we have now normalized corruption to where we the people don’t even notice anymore.
    6) large parts of the world are siding up with China in negotiating (a word that shall not be spoken by the Biden regime) agreements for trade, development and, unheard of, PEACE. Meanwhile Biden and TEAM WAR sit at the White House and wonder why they only get invited to NATO events. Possibly they should ask Elsa and Greg about the sock hop.

    I began to scan the frequencies, looking for another channel.

  5. BoatFixx

    Dangerous Offenders Being Released Back Into Community

    After reading The Leader today, it appears local judges are following in the footsteps of those judges known nationally who are releasing dangerous, and repeat offenders back into our community. At least until some innocent person dies as a result of such actions. Just sayin…

  6. Rob Roy

    Down Goes the Dollar

    Are you hedged against the Currency Collapse??? You had lots of time to get ready…

    No worries,,, if you did not plan ahead you will be like most everyone else who did not see the cliff approaching…

    The end is almost over,,, Collapse of the One World System almost over… Collapse of the corporate US Government,, Local,, State and Federal almost over…

    Pretty soon we will be rid of these idiots,,, once the tool of administration is gone,, as they will be…

    Remember the collapse of the USSR December 25, 1991… The dissolution happened over a few years but the actual collapse happened overnight… Same thing about to happen here… One day the money will be useful and the next it will not be… All debts cancelled,,, all contracts cancelled… The catch is you are going to lose all your money and most all assets will deflate to their real value… Your $800,000. house will deflate to its true value once the Dollar is gone,,, its true GOLD backed value…

    Accountability,,, we will have it… Once the dollar is gone there will be no more protection from a Corrupted Justice System…

    This is my last post on this platform,,, Enjoy the show,,, what is going to happen will blow your mind… Don’t have a heart attack,,, its mostly theater… Put your seat belt on and hang on tight… Do not succumb to FEAR…

  7. Harvey Windle

    Be Passionate, Get Engaged, Dig In, Says City Manager

    My goodness! Seems Rob Roy did a mic drop that stopped comments for 9 DAYS!!! Until the currency collapse and that thing of all things to be avoided by some, “accountability”, rears its ugly head, I need to acknowledge being taunted by City Manager John Mauro. Again.

    How is that you ask? Thanks for asking. This is how and where he mercilessly taunts us all.

    “I firmly believe that a more informed community is a stronger, a more resilient, a better community. Thanks for doing your part to stay up on what’s happening!” (How did I know he would use the R word?)

    Johnny continues his taunting with…..

    “The invitation is this: find something you’re passionate about and let’s work together. There are many ways to get informed and engaged in our community.” ……….. “I am deeply motivated by making a difference and I know the City team is too. Like many of those around us, dig in and you can make a difference.”

    I think I have been pretty “engaged”. I think I have been “passionate”. I was recently told by City Council member Ben Thomas that I dig in too deep. I think many others before and after Johnny came to town have been “staying up on what’s happening”. If you need to catch up, please read through some past Free Press articles and comments.

    For example, it seems that no one but a few wanted street gutter dining, and many business owners complained about purposeful parking chaos causing lost business and screwing with community goodwill.

    But Johnny is resilient and has moved on.

    Johnny is also “thrilled to announce the selection of Shelley Leavens as our first Communication and Marketing Manager.”

    How we have managed without that position on Johnny’s “team” I will never understand. Ok I do understand. Another layer of high paying “communication” to buffer Johnny from realities like….. you know.

    I think Port Townsend needs no marketing. Today Saturday parking is scarce for some and abused by many. Perhaps call the new position Doctor of Spinology? Dr. Spin? Spin Doctor. I knew I would get it right. Just had to be resilient.

    When is the accountability in tide pools and petri dishes large and small starting, Rob Roy?

    • Pamela hall

      Port Townsend needs a Marketing Director to keep voices like yours and mine quiet and in their place.

      • Harvey Windle

        I don’t think you can keep common sense quiet, seems lots of it is circulating these days outside of the power core. In tide pools and petri dishes large and small.

        Feeding local mainstream media Mauro approved tasty sound bites that the distracted majority will swallow is the job that Shelley, the new official “story teller” (Mauro’s words) takes on. Shelley was previously Executive Director of the Jefferson County Historical Society. A proven team player.

        Shelley agrees to be the mouthpiece for a corrupted city government that purposefully damages business access and created a culture of me first, with magic mess tents and more. Good gig. Seems Mari at Main Street and the Chamber are already spending tax money on marketing and other things. Is Main Street, funded with city tax money, failing to do the job? Are more city resources needed? Is this a priority? Do we need more people who can’t find parking? Apparently so.

        Does anyone want to remind Council and Mauro that PT has a population of only 10,452 people to tax and pay for Mauro’s growing “team”? Are there not more than 10,452 potholes?

        Spin that, Shelley. “Potholes sure are resilient! Historically potholes and bad roads harken back to the earliest days of Port Townsend, are historically accurate, and a green answer to traffic calming. Remember that current city government has been hugely successful with controlling horse and oxen manure on the streets”.

        Bullshit seems to still be an issue.

        Elsewhere in the Newsletter was a mention of this “award winning” team founded to recover from Covid.
        Parking and business access is seemingly not on the radar. Nothing that more marketing won’t fix. Right?


        And don’t forget the info in this Free Press article about a man and his agenda, vetted by a couple of council members with their own agendas.


        That one never gets old and explains quite a bit. Spin it, Shelley!

  8. Q. Wayle

    Greenpeace Co-founder Confirms Climate Change Hoax

    Does anyone know that Climate Change is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on humanity? Al Gore confused correlation with causality and the grant whores jumped aboard for grant money and have been perpetuating it ever since. Climate change is measured in million-year increments, not a couple of hundred years like these duplicitous “scientists” and their faulty models suggest, and is caused by wobbles in planetary and solar orbit as our entire solar system travels through the galaxy. Read about Milankovitch Cycles.

    Now, the co-founder of Greenpeace confirms what many of us have known all along: https://gab.com/Jalapeno/posts/110361909803296239


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