Letters Forum: Off Topic!
– APRIL 2023 –

by | Apr 1, 2023 | General | 34 comments

In the spirit of offering Letters to the Editor as a traditional platform for lively, wide-ranging conversations in the public square, we invite you to write about whatever is on your mind.

Because we require comments under articles to be “on topic”, we found that readers who want to speak to other important issues, events and concerns that our small crew can’t cover don’t have a place for that. This Off Topic! feature allows readers to bring up other subjects, post news flashes, announce community events, or express concerns outside of the selected topics we write about.

A new Off Topic! forum is posted monthly. The post is open throughout the month for new letters and your responses.

How this works:

Submit your letter in the white box below Comment Guidelines at the bottom of the page containing the muted prompt “Enter your comment here…”

Either provide your own title to the letter as a top line or we will title it for you.

To respond to someone else’s post, hit the REPLY button under that specific letter or comment you wish to respond to.

the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Stephanie Aldrich

    Miscellaneous Thoughts

    Second hand bought items should not be taxed as the item has already had tax on it when it was new.

    Also we should get rid of daylight savings, it takes a week for kids to adjust.

    Those are my comments, trivial as they are.

  2. Don

    Time to Resist Biden’s War

    A large portion of the US population was manic about the pandemic during its highest moments and then carried this fear on to the present. I struggled thru those months and years like all others. We had no choice but to carry on as best we could.

    If I was in charge of what could be called the deep state, I would use this opportunity (yes even the darkest clouds offer an opportunity to someone) to start something that I had fantasized about for decades but the correct timing had not presented itself yet. The US population, weary of struggling with the pandemic, would hardly notice if our leaders put us on the precipice of a nuclear war.

    I and my tribe, like everyone else, banged our way through the pandemic. We would find it much more difficult to bang our way thru the aftermath of a nuclear war and yet here we all are, sleepwalking further into Biden`s war with virtually no resistance or objection. Time to resist. Time to object to this small group of neocons who linger in darkness for years in their think tanks until that opportunity shows up and then tell us this is what democracy looks like as they once again sell us, with the assistance of MSM, another war. Only this one is exponentially more dangerous.

    • Valerie Hentzschel

      As a new reader I find it so refreshing to see this view being allowed in a newsreel. It goes contrary to what we see in local Sequim publications. I agree with Don. There needs to be more awareness and discussion regarding “Biden’s War.”


    • Q. Wayle

      Many of us are very vociferous against Biden’s irresponsible actions, but those behind it — the misled CNN-watchers — are oblivious to much of the war rhetoric because the Democrat-controlled mainstream media hides the information from them. You will not find a mention of the open U.S. border anywhere on the mainstream media, so most who rely on it for their “news” are in the dark. And, while conservative media exposes it constantly, the liberals will not dare succumb to “FAUX News” or other conservative “right-wing propaganda”. So, our populace is divided in two, with each half seeing the world entirely differently.

      The challenge is how to get each side to see the others’ media presentations. Billboards, perhaps? We must find an answer before more dire things happen in the world as a result of ignorance.

      • Jodi Wilke

        I agree with you. With the country so divided, ignorance abounds. We need to seek out peaceful conversations with those who think differently than us. They have been abandoned to the prison of their own minds. Let us not have the same thing happen to us!

        My suggestion is to learn to discipline ourselves to “enjoy” difficult conversations by remaining calm and right-minded. The minute we descend into any form of anger or defensiveness, we forfeit our chance to offer a different view, and relinquish our opportunity to learn something new.

      • Valerie Hentzschel

        I like the Billboard idea. Something like “Did You Know” and picking a topic to display facts, Research, Website links, Etc. Could help get out information without accusing or arguing with the other side. Just a thought.
        Great Discussion 👍

  3. Jodi Wilke

    Culture War Rages in PT

    Refuses to prosecute: Jefferson County Prosecutor James Kennedy refuses to bring charges against assailants involved in last summer’s “Let Julie Swim” press conference. At this event, multiple elder women were knocked to the ground, roughed up and ran over by violent protesters. Police refused equal protection under the law despite many calls to 911. Many victims chose not to press charges, but those who did will see no justice.

    Children at risk: The mantra goes, “I was born in the wrong body.” While children struggle with the normal uncertainty of growing up, the typical developmental stages defined by Piaget are derailed by an unhealthy focus on sexuality. The only solution offered is so-called affirming care. Children will be able to seek medical castration and mutilation without parental consent or knowledge. If this law passes in April – and it looks like it will, who will help these confused and lonely kids avoid a life of misery? NOT our schools!

    Same Stuff Different day: While promoting a gi-normous aquatic facility, PT leadership ignores the needs of the suffering commoners. Housing receives lip service but no action, employment remains based in service industry (minimum wage) jobs. Meanwhile, plans to “beautify” Sims Way by removing the poplars is proceeding.

    Tone deaf city council: Touts PT as a “human rights” city, a euphemism for woke virtue signaling. Meanwhile, senior women are beat down with impunity by LGBTQAI++ alphabet people, our young people struggle to build their future, reliance on pot and pharm increases (stores conveniently owned by County Commissioner). Meanwhile the only growing industry is the Homeless Industrial Complex (also conveniently employing some of our political leaders).

    Politics as a useful tool: While many rightly believe that both of our leading political parties are corrupt, we still have no other viable choice. Under decades of Democrat rule, PT is quickly “progressing” to a leftist dystopian mess. Do you want to turn it around? Help us conserve the things we love and ditch the things we cannot abide. Challenge the leadership behind the decay!

    We need better ideas, better plans, and better results: If you believe in the God-given rights of a free mind, free speech, self-protection and moral behavior upon which the law is based; if you embrace fairness and order; if you value personal autonomy and the pursuit of liberty and prosperity toward a hopeful future, please take a fresh look at what Republicans offer. Conservativism is based on these time-tested principles that establish a firm foundation for everyone, regardless of race, belief, immutable characteristics, ability or station in life.

    Can we ever solve these problems? Continue this discussion April 15, 1:00 pm at 1820 Irondale Rd. See the real face of your Jefferson County Republicans. How can we serve you if we don’t know you? We can’t keep doing the same thing expecting different results.
    Your comments appreciated.


    • Jennifer Thomas

      Jefferson County is allowing dangerous men to stalk and assault women in their county. I was assaulted and there was an attempted theft of my $1200 iphone and the theft of my shoe. It was all recorded on multiple video and supplied to the police. Alex French forcibly removed my shoe while it was on my foot, knocking me into a brick wall to do so. This assault was not without injury. I hurt my neck and it took four weeks to recover. I’m lucky, I suppose, it could have been much worse, they could have killed one of the women who came to speak about the harms of gender ideology and how it conflicts with the rights of women and girls.

      The Port Townsend police, who take to an oath to protect, stood by and watched women who just wanted to hold a public speaking event about sexism and the violation of our rights, get injured for speaking. The Jefferson County Prosecutor’s office is burying their wicked deeds. I’m disgusted.

      Women of Port Townsend, when in public travel in pairs. Stay Safe.
      I thank God everyday I don’t live there.

    • Rob Roy

      The problems cannot be solved while leaving the system intact… The system is totally compromised and corrupted,, elections are totally rigged and the justice system is exposed as pawns of the Central Bank…. The only way to fix this is to dissolve the US Dollar and the corporate government of the United States,,, Local,,, State and Federal… Start over with something brand new with all new people…

    • PamelaT

      I completely agree with you Jodi, as you know. We need to mobilize all like-minded people to stand up and fight against this ever encroaching marxist agenda. That’s what it is. Marxists have taken over the Democratic Party. Somehow we need to pull together and spread the truth via whatever means necessary. I propose we go back to the old leafletting method where we put out a message with resources that people can go look at. It has to be person to person because social media is censoring truth and the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC.

  4. John

    In reply to Don:

    Calling Deep State Progressive Liberals who actively call for war in Ukraine & Civil War with the rest of Americans, Neocons, is the most significant example of cognitive dissonance. Even Liberal Progressives Dr. Robert Malone, Matt Taibibi, Naomi Wolf, Bari Weiss, PhD Jordan Pederson, among others at Harvard, Stanford, & Oxford came to the realization that ‘their side’ is literally out to get them; by discrediting, threatening, blacklisting, censoring, etc causing them to reevaluate their positions in ideas & actions.

  5. Rob Roy

    Holy Smoke Pole Batman!!!


    I hope Sheriff Brian King and the Clallam Sheriff’s Office are on this one,,, I am sure they have an open investigation going,,, looks like we have major election corruption all over the peninsula…

    I wonder if Sheriff King was elected illegally? We do not know if anyone was legally elected… Obviously nobody was in Washington State… The entire election was BUNK and rigged…

      • jodiwilke

        MJ, Rob Roy, Thanks for posting this info! Please send me an email jodiwilke@gmail.com. Let’s ask our Sheriffs about this.

        • Rob Roy

          The Sheriff is a waste of time,,, not lawfully elected,,, no interest in accountability,,, only interest in protection of corruption and continued election fraud/money laundering/bribes…

      • Rob Roy

        Reply to MJ Heins

        There ya go…

        Trumps Crucifixion this week and then in 3 days RESURRECTION… The parallel to Jesus’s path is no coincidence…

        Destruction of the Dollar in process,,, Watch OIL,,, it is the signal… its up 6.5% this morning against a weakening dollar,, its going to go a lot higher in the short term… When this kicks off get ready for $10 gasoline within a couple weeks and a hyper inflating dollar at the same time… All by design,,, Its the only way to dissolve the One World Order and the Central Bank…

        When the dollar is debased globally the fake government of the United States will attempt to re classify it as a domestic currency but it will not work,,, it will be too broken for any function… With the collapse of the US Dollar as goes the entire government and banking system,,, no more tool or control or administration,,, all contracts are cancelled and all debts cancelled… Government hands assets back over to the people and retires from its post,,, if it tries to maintain control in vain bad things will happen to those people at the hand of their constituents and closest most loyal supporters…

        The catch is we all lose our money,,, its gone,,, poof… All investments,,, all pensions all bank accounts wiped clean and balanced at ZERO…

        They will attempt to move us to the CBDCS “Central Bank Digital Currency System… Tell us that we must voluntarily agree to the terms in order for us to keep our Dollars and bank accounts…

        Little hint,,, the vaccine was a “Hardware Upload” integrates individual human beings into the Central Bank Block Chain system via 5G… Nano Tech are organic machines,,, transmitters/receivers integrated to the block chain via frequency…

        Another hint,,, their plan has already failed,,, more than 1/3 of humanity has already rejected the One World Order and the solution… You cannot force 1/3 of humanity to do anything,,, since they have used their free will to abstain total enslavement and choose Liberty/Freedom instead the entire plan is destroyed before it can even begin…

        Its already over,,, just watch the MOVIE unfold… This is a script where a superior but much smaller world wide coalition totally destroyed a much larger yet stupid entity hell bent on murder torture and world domination…

        We The People assume all the assets in reparations,,, all taxation is illegal,,, our court system is illegal,,, our government is an unlawful administrative occupation based in fraud and deception… We can do anything we need better than the unlawful government entity,,, we know how to take care of ourselves,,, police ourselves and maintain order and harmony…

        Get ready because WE/US are about to assume control of the outward situation optically… Its going to fall in our laps because it has no other place to go…

        • Bigmouth

          On March 15, 2023, the Federal Reserve announced that they’re going to launch FedNow in July.

          Here is how FedNow is defined by Wikipedia:

          “FedNow is a service developed by the Federal Reserve for depository institutions in the United States. It will enable individuals and businesses to send and receive instant payments. (…) Instant payments address most of the problems that a central bank digital currency (CBDC) would solve. However, FedNow is not a CBDC, because it is not a liability of the Federal government.”

          They began rolling over individual bank systems & stress testing for compatibility issues a few days ago. FedNow is not “technically” a CBDC by definition because it’s not “government issued” — it’s issued by the Federal Reserve (as is the US dollar).

          Funny story. I know someone who works as a higher up at a regional bank vault for a large bank. Their dream job was to work for the Federal Reserve and tap into those sweet government job benefits. They ditched their dream after realizing Federal Reserve employees are not government employees.

  6. jodiwilke

    Reply to Q. Wayle re billboards:

    The biggest billboard we have is the platform given to political candidates. With it you gain access to public venues, debates, one-on-one discussions and even the media. Of course winning would be nice, but it’s not the only outcome. Simply by running you can put forth ideas and solutions. You can educate the public and establish coalitions to help carry the message.

    A big problem we face is that nobody wants to actually DO anything, other than complain. No offense intended, but those who just want to live their lives in peace will always LOSE to those who want to win at any cost.

    This year we have open non-partisan races for school boards and city council seats. Please consider running and let me know if you need some help – OR if you want to help someone else. Who do you know who has the courage to speak out?

  7. MJ Heins

    Subject: Election Donation Mules

    I’m in the process of reviving an old website to post more info on this subject. Although the posted data looks suspicious, please remember that the mules usually don’t have a clue that so many donations were made in their name. Another possible explanation – a person may enjoy making multiple small donations to their favorite cause.

    I restricted my search to ‘Not Employed’ because most mules have that descriptor for their employer.

  8. Dawn C Whitney

    Concerns About Jury Duty Survey

    I was summoned for Jury duty last week. We were all handed a survey. I was taken aback due to these particular questions asking for how I “identify”, preferred pronouns and sexual orientation.

    What would be the basis for such questions when doing one’s civic duty of jury duty? What happens with this information?

    I did appreciate the choice of ‘prefer not to answer.” However, I am bewildered by this survey. I am concerned by the necessity of it and the questions being asked. I only wish that I hadn’t left my phone in my car so that I could have gotten a picture of it.

  9. Harvey Windle

    Off topic, but actually not….

    Ben Thomas and I had a bit of back and forth in comments to the Ebb and Flow piece by Stephen. Apologies to Stephen if I hijacked his piece. Stephen has a spine of steel.

    Ben seems to think my style will get me nowhere. There is nowhere I need to get to but to speak my truth when I think it is relevant to conversations. Over the last couple of years that has been in the FP. Ben said of me “continuing to alienate everyone with strident absolutism is a narcissistic strategy, and leads to a self-fulfilling fate of angst.”

    The angst is a temporary visitor as one writes. It passes and the great aspects of one’s life and deeds that one is attempting to hold onto overshadows any angst. Be gone angst, you have no power over me.

    But then who is “everyone” that is alienated? That sounds to be absolute to me.

    Thanks to AJ for his/her comment that pointed out Appointed Mayor Faber’s embodiment of what Ben was sticking on me. It is always about being the messenger for me and speaking my truth. Ego is a known poison. Don’t blame the fire alarm. It can be an annoying beep. Even if it “rudely” shouted “get out dumbass!”, the nature and danger of the fire remains. The alarm can be of help. And annoy some.

    Synchronicity being what it is I was driving today and happened to hear Ben doing a PR piece on KPTZ on my radio. Most of the interview I heard covered his personal history. At one point he said he joined a circus. He has again.

    At the end of the interview about Ben, there was a little room to discuss current issues in PT. The one and only thing covered was…….potholes. There was a plug for public input as well. Most readers are aware of the history of public input in Port Townsend. At this point the only public input many believe will have any effect is voting. Not so off topic then is this?

    So, there was no talk about Faber, Mauro, Libby, or any sort of power core that keeps things status quo here in PT. Easy listening radio. Soothing.

    Good luck to Ben. No hard feelings. If you need to keep seeing Faber and the gang as non-toxic, you will always have a false ceiling you can never see beyond. Ben has said to me and said today on KPTZ there is no need to enter the temple and turn over the tables. I heartily disagree. In tide pools and petri dishes large and small the table is not level.

    Synchronicity ended my day as well. I came upon this, or it found its way to me. It is about limiting yourself by caring what others think. Listen to others of course, but you know what you know. Check this out if you like. It is about overriding your programming.

    For some we resume your regular programming. .


    • AJ

      Harvey, thank you for the shout-out.

      My comment was at least the third time I’ve asked Ben to address the Council’s blind-eye inaction regarding Faber and Wennstrom and he has yet to respond. His silence, like the Council’s, speaks volumes.

      I admire your tireless efforts to hold the Council accountable. Of course it’s not about the parking, that’s merely the symptom of decades of cronyism and inability to make and effect decisions. Ben offered a word salad criticism of you, the fire alarm, without any acknowledgement of how deeply alienated so many of us have become from our local government and this community because of City Council/BOCC/PDA ineptitude and self-serving legislation and virtue-signaling empty promises. Forgive me if I carry the metaphor further: It’s easy to throw a shoe at the fire alarm to stop the beeping. And then walk away thinking you’ve solved a problem. But then you forget to change the battery and the house burns down. We are, all of us who have turned to the PTFP and the HFI locally, who are forming alternative political, social, commercial, cultural constructs the world over, those burning embers.

      Ben said “there is no need to enter the temple and turn over the tables”? Oh, the irony. Jesus unleashed his fury on the merchants in the temple as an ‘indictment of empty religious activity, lip service, and fruitless ritual.’ (Caroline Cobb, The Gospel Coalition).

      Empty cult/woke activity. Lip Service. Fruitless Ritual.

      Sounds like local government to me.

      • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

        Thanks again AJ-
        David Icke in the link I provided also speaks of newspeak and dumbing down of language. Wokespeak. He points out that we think in language and at some point, when language is altered enough, we can no longer think critically.

        Critical thinking. The enemy of control.

        Lockstep groupthink, the friend of control. Fear of not being part of the power core reveals an empty space in the subject. To cultivate a real sense of self beyond a group is indeed a long road. A never ending road.

        I try to always add “in tide pools and petri dishes large and small” because what we can easily see here locally, knowing players and histories, also plays out in larger and larger systems. The Orwell quote “the important thing is that we do not betray each other” is key. We can see the betrayals more and more. Those betraying locally are impacted by those in levels up doing the same thing. This is the house on fire.

        I don’t think Faber or many council members can write in real depth of their decisions and votes. The lack of remorse or responsibility Faber has for Cherry Street as he now moves as a player to Evans Vista with other key council members like Amy Howard and Owen Rowe is alarming.

        Orwell again. “We will make you empty and fill you with ourselves”. In tide pools and petri dishes large and small.

        No, it really isn’t about parking. Parking does show who the City Manager, Main Street, Council and others are NOT working for and who they damage willfully. According to the city’s own study.

        Remove Faber and Wennstrom. Fire Mauro for not stepping up from day one. A bean counter and budget organizer is not supposed to establish priorities. It is a job many can do. Council, the Sandoval/Stinson/Faber headed council of the last many years is responsible for guiding the City Manager. City managers should come and go, fresh tools and talents. This one should go after the betrayal of those he should be working for. Everyone. Equally.

        As for “us”. I am still waiting here for everyman. “Standing alone, each has his own ticket in his hand”.

        Have to go change my battery now. Been beeping a lot lately. The shoe thrown at me missed.

  10. Annette Huenke

    Weigh in on County Strategic Plan

    Jefferson County officials are seeking your input in the development of their Strategic Plan. There are a number of opportunities for expressing yourselves in open-field responses, in addition to many multiple choice questions. There is a “terms of agreement” box that needs to be ticked here and there. It reads: “This is a space for productive, insightful commentary that can help Jefferson County improve as it moves forward. While we fully expect everyone to be respectful, the County reserves the right to moderate any posts that contact profane, offensive or abuse language (including counterproductive name-calling and the like).” Here is the link to the community engagement webpage: https://berrydunn.mysocialpinpoint.com/jeffcowa/project-page

    And a few words from Dist. 3 Commissioner Heidi Eisenhour:


  11. Rob Roy

    Now you know what Easter Really is about


    A Satanic ritual of witchcraft… Its not about Jesus,, because Jesus was born and died in Afghanistan,, Is buried in India where he studied from Guru’s… Jesus found the doorway on the inside,,, the one which leads to the Father,,, self ascended via the doorway on the inside… Heaven is within,,, its a perspective,,, a state of mind…

  12. PamelaT

    An Uncensored Source for News, Videos and Commentary

    Please feel free to share my website, http://www.usandglobalnewslinks.com Since 2021 I have been compiling links and videos from various sources to help “red pill” people who only watch MSM.

  13. MJ Heins

    ActBlue Research Update

    Excellent video: ActBlue money laundering straw donor scandal – How it works – Why it matters – What you can do

    Residents from the 98368 Zip Code are credited with donating $1,051,911.43 to PACs and political causes in 2022. ActBlue was involved with more than 80% of these contributions. PACs and out-of-state political campaigns appear to have received the most money.

    Details about these contributions are available from the Federal Election Commission (FEC). https://www.fec.gov/

    To access this publicly available data, click on “Campaign finance data” on the FEC homepage then click on “look up contributions from specific individuals”.

    The Individual contributions page has filters to select data by several options including ZIP code, Employer, Occupation and receipt date range.

    Researchers nationwide have been investigating possible money laundering by ActBlue. We were advised to filter rows by selecting ‘Not Employed’ for Employer. This filter obscured the top contributors in the 98368 zip code.

    After downloading all 2022 data, I discovered the top $ contributor had 768 transactions totaling $58,344.84 for 2022.
    Employer – NONE
    Occupation – NOT EMPLOYED

    A self-employed realtor topped the total transactions list with 1,727 contributions. Their total for 2022 was $33,920.39, for #2 top $ contributor.
    Occupation – REALTOR, REAL ESTATE.

    • MJ Heins

      And one more update about my analysis of 2022 FEC data for the 98368 Zip Code: The results of a few simple queries suggest that ActBlue was involved in 80% of the transactions and raised 60% of the money. Most of the ActBlue transactions are for small dollar amounts.

  14. Dilbert Dallforth

    Sound familiar?

    “Have you ever been to a densely populated, unfamiliar city and struggled to find a parking spot? It happened to me today when I visited a nearby college town for a “Mom’s weekend” when parents of all college students descended there. Parking was so hard to find!

    If the World Economic Forum gets its way, you will have trouble finding parking every day, everywhere! ”


  15. Jerry Ludke

    Local Newspaper Goes Woke

    In the Sequim Gazette’s otherwise fine article on Clallam County’s first Poet Laureate (https://www.sequimgazette.com/life/meet-clallam-countys-first-poet-laureate/), I was sad to see the use of personal pronouns they/them.

    Is this the new standard of woke journalism?

    Individuals can no more pick their pronouns than their adjectives, adverbs, or conjunctions.

    The Sequim Gazette is essentially giving credence to a falsehood.

    Everyone knows there are only two sexes, zero genders and an infinite number of personalities.

    The use of personal pronouns makes about as much sense as me insisting that I am a 29-year-old, 7-foot-tall Chinese woman.

    In poetry as in life, we should pursue the Good, the Beautiful, and the True.

  16. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Tangled Web

    First, I acknowledge the work of others in this forum that cover larger issues than PT parking. I also contribute there. However, the ongoing purposefully created parking problems reveal glaring problems with city council, city manager and city attorney. So, after 10 years of pushing back I stay the course.

    Acknowledgment to Ben Thomas who continues to follow up with me via emails after a somewhat heated back and forth. Hang in there Ben. Voice concerns on the record at the start of every meeting. Make motions that will likely fail. Show who is actively in favor of damaging policies.

    Ben asked what I thought the motivation was for the ongoing policy that parking simply does not exist. Answer was everything from real estate special interests benefiting, to destabilization of this town, like mess tents. Perhaps some influencing policy that foresees and wants 15-minute cities sees no need for parking in the long term. Every city council in New Zealand has voted to begin relocating for 15 minute cities.

    But I reminded Ben that premeditated murder or careless manslaughter. produce the same results.

    I covered in some detail for Ben what was going on as city manager Mauro was coming on board. The leader under an editor that actually wrote editorials that challenged the status quo put parking issues in the Leader almost weekly at election time. That is where the telling comment from the police volunteer came from. I really looked like the tides were turning.

    Status quo Stinson was voted out and a working-class person was in!

    This is big picture relevant. Editor Dean Miller also wrote a wonderful editorial warning of the protected special class using Mary Jo Kopechene and Teddy K to illustrate special justice for special folk. That seems to have vanished from Leader archives. A few years later his concerns were made real as a local tool, Executive Director of the Fort Worden PDA was protected as they managed into existence failure on a grand scale with mishandled Kitsap Bank loans included.

    People now speak of Covid on a larger scale covering for insolvent governments. True in this little tide pool, Makers Square and glamping couldn’t fly in the best of times. Past city manager Timmons now in charge has commented that the multi-million-dollar Makers Square was ill planned and designed. It never opened. Have not seen any coverage of that.

    Back to Dean Miller, who questioned the process to hire Mauro. Timmons replacement. Dean left abruptly very soon after. Very abruptly. No room for more details here.

    I gave Ben more history regarding parking and players. My final advice? Take a good hard look at who is sitting on Council and who they represent. Not our customers or business in town. Am I rude? I reflect rude back to the source. Council Owen Rowe doesn’t like the “tone”. Could he possibly explain himself? Faber? Mauro? Olsen? Greenwood? Most of Council?

    Look to them Ben. Old articles show patterns. Now is now.


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