Letters Forum: Off Topic!
– MARCH 2023 –

by | Mar 1, 2023 | General | 40 comments

In the spirit of offering Letters to the Editor as a traditional platform for lively, wide-ranging conversations in the public square, we invite you to write about whatever is on your mind.

Because we require comments under articles to be “on topic”, we found that readers who want to speak to other important issues, events and concerns that our small crew can’t cover don’t have a place for that. This Off Topic! feature allows readers to bring up other subjects, post news flashes, announce community events, or express concerns outside of the selected topics we write about.

A new Off Topic! forum is posted monthly. The post is open throughout the month for new letters and your responses.

How this works:

Submit your letter in the white box below Comment Guidelines at the bottom of the page containing the muted prompt “Enter your comment here…”

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To respond to someone else’s post, hit the REPLY button under that specific letter or comment you wish to respond to.

the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Ben Montalbano



    We usually think of power as a form of control over another. Power today carries the impression of competition, ambition, dominance and the ability to influence another. Power can also be the ability to simply act. When we act in our world, we sometimes forget or don’t notice the underpinnings or drivers that influence us to act in a particular way.

    Our range of action can be initiated by our need to be right, as in trying to influence another to act as I do. We can also act according to a moral or ethical code. This template to action is carried in our memory as a code to be then applied to each of our perceived choices. This might be exemplified by our early training in memorizing the Ten Commandments as a moral guide for the “correct” way to act. It can also guide us to choose according to a concept like nationalism, or political ideology.

    There are, however, actions that aren’t initiated by our thoughts. These actions are immediate or happen spontaneously. An example would be catching someone next to you who might suddenly trip. You do it without thinking. There are stories of a grenade being thrown into a fox hole and one soldier, without thinking, would throw themselves, selflessly, over it. Seeing something beautiful, like a sunset or a child’s face also stops thinking and can give way to the action of awe.

    Where do these actions of spontaneity originate if not from our thinking minds? If we are responding to each moment without the burden of weighing the pros and cons, is there a choice or just a simple action? What then is guiding these types of actions?

    Love, compassion or our response to beauty are not products of thought. Love is not a state constructed by thought. Is it love or sentimentality that is a product of our thoughts? The ability to understand or share the feeling of another is empathy, but compassion is a “suffering with”. Empathy is a product of thought, and compassion is a loss of self or ego so that we feel the pain of another’s suffering. The beauty of a sunset or a child’s face momentarily moves us out of our skin into a place of awe.

    Love, compassion and beauty originate in our hearts, not in our thinking minds. Our hearts seem hardwired to respond to our world if our hearts are free from overriding thoughts of “making the right choice”. Intelligence implies the ability to understand. Is it possible that Universal Intelligence is the instantaneous understanding of the complex myriad of energies that make up each moment of time? Intelligence then moves through each of us as a heart driven action. The Power of the Heart is the power of Intelligence and each of us are the emissary of that Intelligence on this earth.

    • Harvey Windle

      Ben, you mentioned the reflex of catching a person tripping, so they do not fall. Metaphorically it seems those who stand up against those abusing power are quite often acting as a reflex.

      For some I know there simply is no choice but to make some noise in opposition. Dark and light. Yin and yang. Good and evil. Right and wrong can be flipped in some minds to justify their actions. This is Wetiko as our friend Alby would say.

      No one is flawless in their part in this play. Even those who know of and come from the heart. Original sin.

      Some are tripping on power, stumbling and taking others down with them. The military reversing itself regarding punishment for those who refused to be experimented on with untested injections shows some level of righting past wrongs, even in a huge system. But only after much damage was done. Stumblers in power condone each other so it’s easy within some circles or bubbles not to get to your core and understand what you do.

      What of local PUD mandates and those who lost jobs or have side effects from injections? Right the wrong. Simply say “we are human, we made mistakes. We were frightened.” Clear the path forward for yourself and others.

      To stand up against the momentum of misinformation and manipulation is indeed in our DNA.
      But that coding can be buried deep in the tribal instinct for self-preservation. It is not always good in the long-term. That instinct says be quiet. The danger will pass. Or there is no danger. The people seeing problems are the problem.

      Most all have worked in some system or another. Make no waves. Go about your business. Lower your ceiling day by day. Pay the bills. Feed the family. Don’t become an outcast. A blue tarp in a park awaits.

      So, we arrive at the Huxley/Orwell comparison. Orwell concerned that books would be burned. Huxley concerned that there would be no need to burn books because most would not bother to read them.

      The experiment that showed a 70/30% divide between those who will not harm others because authority says to and those who won’t says not to bother burning books.

      We are all products of our environment. Programmed from birth. Shedding that and getting to the real core of love and understanding is the journey. Tough love is still love. One of many ways to catch others as they trip.

      “You can take the wisdom of this world and give it to the ones who think it all ends here”. Bruce Cockburn

      “In this game that we’re playing, we can’t win. Some kinds of failure are better than other kinds, that’s all”.
      George Orwell

      You can win for yourself. Each has to win for themselves. Then we can all stop trippin’.

      But if the play is the thing, then all parts villain and hero need to be cast.

      Who are you? Really? Best to all of us, fellow travelers.

  2. Rob Roy

    The Facebook False Flag

    Get ready for the Facebook False Flag… It already happened/is happening… The back door of Facebook/META is wide open right now,,, security is totally breached allowing criminal elements and intelligence services themselves to access accounts unlawfully… Be sure that they are planting false evidence on people they do not like or deem to be a threat and allowing criminal elements to hack your financial and other private information via the META portal…

    Once they are done setting this False Flag opp up they will announce it to the public via the media as a “Cyber Attack” committed by Russia/China… This will be a devastating attack which will warrant a counter attack…

    Keep in mind that the White House announced the launching of an investigation into the origins of COVID yesterday,,, admitted that it likely escaped from a lab or was released from a lab… Obviously they are going to blame China for that… Keep in mind that our own MIC “Military Industrial Complex” created COVID and the vaccine in a Bio lab in the SW United States,,, took it to Wuhan and released it to FRAME China…

    The virus is immunity and the vaccine is weaponry…

    WAR narrative building,,, painting the enemy via deceptive fabricated narrative… It is their escape hatch…

  3. Annette Huenke

    Low-level EMF effects on wildlife and plants: What research tells us about an ecosystem approach

    The following is excerpted from a Nov. 2022 article exploring recent research on Low-level EMF effects on wildlife and plants:

    “There is enough evidence to indicate we may be damaging nonhuman species at ecosystem levels across all taxa from rising background levels of anthropogenic non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF).

    Contrary to popular opinion, we know a great deal about how non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) affect non-human species because we have been using animal and plant models in research going back at least to the 1930’s (1). Such research may have been conducted with humans in mind but can also be extrapolated to non-human species protection if we choose to apply it that way.

    Mice and rats have been the primary animal species used in research, but also rabbits, dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, non-human primates, amphibians, insects, nematodes, various microbes, yeast cells, plants, and others. Effects have been seen in all taxa, in various frequencies, intensities, and exposure parameters. To non-human species, these are highly biologically active exposures, often functioning as stressors. This includes non-ionizing EMF in the static, extremely low frequency (ELF; 0–300 Hz) through the radiofrequency (RF) ranges used in all modern technology between 3 kHz and 300 GHz.

    Extrapolations to wildlife from carefully controlled laboratory conditions, however, are difficult to quantify due to myriad variables such as: genetic variation and mobility, weather/climate change, site/region-specific environmental aspects, duration of exposure and variations in movements across habitats, species specialized physical characteristics, animal size, and orientation toward the field source—all of which can confound precise data assessment. Sometimes controlled studies correlate with patterns seen in wildlife, e.g., genetic, behavioral, reproductive, and other effects. Where this is the case, more confidence is possible. But often effects to wildlife manifest in the negative—species simply disappear. Nevertheless, increasing evidence has found effects to different species near communication structures in studies where extrapolations to field exposure have been made (2–9).

    Wildlife exposures today are just a question of degree. Many wildlife species constantly traverse varying artificial fields in all environments with many flying species—such as birds, bats, and insects—reaching extremely close proximity to transmission sources to which humans are rarely, if ever, exposed. Some of the highest power density areas, e.g., near broadcast antenna farms, are specifically located away from human populations with the assumption that if wildlife were impacted, they would abandon such sites for more favorable ones. But because of complex avian magnetoreception, RFR-generating infrastructure may be functioning as an attractant instead. Many such exposures may simply damage wildlife and go unnoticed, likely from near-field thermal effects as well as far-field non-thermal effects, among other causes (34–36).

    It is clear that non-human species experience EMF as environmental stressors and biological effects can occur at anthropogenic levels in our present environment. This largely unrecognized variable can conceivably alter delicate ecosystems, arguably including the biosphere where all living organisms are located—and may, in fact, be doing so. Traditionally, other than in small localized situations, e.g., near powerline corridors or broadcast antennas, ELF/RFR-EMF environmental effects have not been of serious concern to regulating authorities. But this subject now requires immediate attention with 5G on the horizon, as well as a reexamination of chronic rising ambient levels across all non-ionizing electromagnetic frequency ranges today.”

    • Q. Wayle

      I would only point out that since the invention of radio, we have been bombarded by radio and television broadcasts, cordless phones, WiFi routers, and now about 5 BILLION cellphones. Whatever detrimental effects EMF has on us has been undetectable. Maybe 5G will be different as UWB 5G uses a much higher frequency signal, but I have no worries from over 70 years of exposure to EMF from amateur radio, arc welding, and much more during my lifetime.

  4. insanitybytes22

    I just want to mention that President Trump was attacked by the media when he suggested we could use ultra violet light as a disinfectant for covid. He was mocked and ridiculed and all the experts claimed he now wanted to inject people with dangerous disinfectants. Well, today I read in the Leader that the hospital has just purchased a UV robot to kill germs.

    I no longer trust the institution of medicine or public health, but I do note the fact that Trump was right and millions of us knew it at the time.

  5. Bruce Cannavaro

    Hello to all

    Being a new subscriber to The Port Townsend Free Press would like to take a moment to thank all the people who are a part of this refreshing publication. Thank you for all your hard work and time spent researching the topics you write about.
    And there is a saying that was told to me by a good friend and mentor, when I was a much younger man……My friend Lloyd said….”If you look someone in the eye and tell them the truth they will never believe you”.
    Keep up the good work and I will do what I can to help and support your efforts.
    With love and kindness,
    Bruce Cannavaro

    • The Editors

      Welcome, Bruce!
      Thank you for your support and encouragement.
      We appreciate the kind words!

    • Q. Wayle

      I am happy to report that this bill died in Committee. We’re safe, for now, HOWEVER, Ferguson is going to run for Governor and may very well be elected, so this may raise its ugly head once more after Nov 5, 2024, unless Inslee runs for a 4th term and people elect him.

      • Gigi

        So glad this bill died for the moment!
        Has anyone heard of this hopeful for governor next year?? S.Semi Bird
        Hope i copied this correctly .
        In the spirit of freedom

        • Annette Huenke

          The folks at Informed Choice WA checked on this today, March 18:

          “I talked with Karen in Jim Walsh‘s office and she confirmed that this is normal for bills that didn’t make it past the cut off date. It’s just a parking spot sometimes referred to as the X-Files where they are kept until further notice. there is no reason to believe it would be resurrected this session. But maybe next year.”

          • Gigi

            Thank you for checking into this,Annette!!
            Thanks to the entire team at PT FreePress!
            So much to keep up with and so many layers of deceit!!
            I pray for our Truth Warriors
            Sincerely Gigi

  6. Mike Galmukoff

    “Masks Required”, but… C’mon Man!?!

    Yesterday, I went to Jefferson Hospital for blood work.
    Masks are still required to enter the hospital, however now it is self-serve.
    No more masked assistant handing you a mask by a pair of tweezers.
    You have to pull out your own mask from a box of masks which sit vertically in a rack.
    As I entered the hospital there was a much older gentleman (I’m 68) in front of me attempting to pull a mask from the box.
    Clearly, the mask was stuck to other masks in the box as they looked like they had been unorganizedly placed back in the box in a hap-hazard way, perhaps by another person having difficulty trying to, pick just one.
    The old boy was having a difficult time trying to remove just one mask.
    After him handling the box, and by the time he rescued one mask from the box, a couple of more masks spilled out on to the ground.
    He was kind enough to offer me up one of the extra masks he had rescued from the box.
    I politely accepted a mask from him, and as he walked away I pulled a few more masks from the box to fetch me an unmolested one, and tossed the molested ones into the adjacent trash bin.
    Day in, and day out this box is handled by dozens of people from all walks of life. (don’t let your imagination panic you)
    Oh, yea… It is the same procedure across the street at the Jefferson Healthcare Doctors Offices.
    So… How many hands/fingers have molested these mask boxes, and masks throughout the course of each day?
    One has to wonder about what logic County Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry, and Jefferson Healthcare Administrators are working from?
    Just sayin…

    • Ana Wolpin

      Good observation, Mike. The nonsensical masking policies have been likely spreading disease because of contamination and, as hundreds of studies show, do nothing to stop viruses. This is performative theater to condition a more obedient public.

      Jeff Childers discusses another wrinkle in the masking madness in his Coffee & Covid today — the surge in crimes because criminals can more easily escape detection and identification:

      “Bronx cops are trying to wrestle down an outbreak of violent daylight robberies, and have asked for help from the public — particular from local business people:

      Police say they’re having trouble identifying suspects who target stores because they’re wearing masks. They are now urging store owners to be proactive in the crime fighting effort.

      “We are asking the businesses to make this a condition of entry, that people when they come in, they show their face, they should identify themselves,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said.

      “Hahaha! A no-mask rule?? First they tell us we have to make customers wear masks, then they tell us to make customers NOT wear masks. This ridiculous but totally-predictable and completely foreseeable development still caught everyone off guard. Store owners in the Bodega aren’t exactly sure how they can safely enforce such a rule, given how … um … “passionate” mask-wearers are.”

      Childers is an attorney who successfully challenged mask mandates in 2020, where in one Florida county it is now law that the mandates are unconstitutional. His post today describes his challenge, the ruling in his favor, and historical precedents that disallowed masking for this very reason.

      “Some people wonder why I’ve always been so scornful of mask wearing. It’s because I started researching all this case law in May of 2020. I could not find one single case — anywhere — that found mask wearing was a good idea. To the contrary, a lot of really smart judges had found mask wearing was a terrible idea.

      This legal “switcheroo” on masking is one of the things that absolutely convinced me in 2020 that we were riding out a worldwide mass delusion. It’s not like the experts didn’t KNOW about all these problems, problems that EVERYONE has known about SINCE THE DAWN OF TIME.

      In 2020, they already knew public masking would lead to violence and crime. They KNEW it. But they did it anyway. And — never EVER let someone tell you that mask wearing is harmless. Tell them to try arguing that to the shop owner in the ABC 7 article who said he’s been shot THREE TIMES.”

  7. Jim Scarantino

    My public comment for the March 6, 2023 PT City Council meeting and the Annual Police Department Report:

    “Thank you for the always informative annual police department report. The summary, however, appears misleading. The summary states: “Crime is down from 2020 and 2021.” Yet the statistics show crime, particularly serious crime, is up significantly. Total cases for 2022 were 502 versus 465 for the preceding year. The city saw 30 more assaults, for an increase of 47.6%. Burglaries were still at a high level, and increased 8.3%. Kidnapping was up 30% (kidnapping in Port Townsend?!), and motor vehicle theft increased 15.4%. Yes, sex offenses dropped from two to zero (good news) and we had one robbery versus two in 2022. But those were already low frequency categories of criminal conduct in Port Townsend, so those impressive statistical declines are not that impactful overall.

    “On the next page of crime stats, we see that forgeries increased 20% and weapons violations doubled. Violations of protective orders, a very serious offense as it often precede acts of domestic violence, more than doubled, increasing 155.5%.

    “That 85.7% whopping decrease in drug/narcotics offenses is not due to Port Townsend’s large population of addicts either finding sobriety or leaving town. We are in the midst of a fentanyl crisis, and meth use is as bad as ever in Port Townsend. That decrease in drug/narcotics offenses is due to the fact police can no longer do much about those crimes—even to help addicts—because of the effective decriminalization of drugs by the Washington Supreme Court and the legislature’s failure to untie law enforcement’s hands to tackle rampant drug trafficking and its human toll. We are still seeing overdoses and I personally have met dozens of active addicts residing on the city’s Evans Vista property, the Mill property or Kah Tai Park. I have seen drug dealers delivering their product on our city streets. Cheap, mass-produced fentanyl is abundant and easily accessible in Port Townsend, though the crisis is being ignored by city and county leaders, and, sadly, even the Public Health Board and Public Health Officer.

    “The annual report fails to reveal how many cases were cleared: how many arrests were made and what was the conviction or other adjudication rate? These statistics can indicate a department’s level of training and skill, investigations prowess and its performance during prosecutions. It is one thing get calls about crimes; it is another to take criminals off the street. The report completely fails to show the results of the deployment of Port Townsend’s law enforcement resources in 2022.

    Jim Scarantino
    Port Townsend Free Press”

    • Harvey Windle

      What did the police department (Chief) say regarding ignoring municipal codes covering parking laws and signage and standing down at the direction of the City Manager who is directed by the City Council and City Attorney Greenwood? Going on 10 years now. Nothing? Did he take an oath of office to enforce all laws equally? How does this muzzling impact police morale? What message does this send to officers? Having spoken with many over the years I know. I also know corruption when I see it.

      Thanks to those officers in the field who care. Especially those who left.

      I withdraw the question(s).

    • Rob Roy


      What about Death Rates since 2020,,, just generalized numbers for the City of Port Townsend??? It does not look like they are keeping track of vaccine deaths or categorized them properly as homicides as they should be…

      Seems as if keeping track of how many people die in each City,,, County and State would be pretty easy… Its almost like [they] are hiding it on purpose,,, do not want the people to be aware of the unnatural death rate increase since 2020…

      You know,,, coming from a Law Enforcement Background,,, I have a lot of experience with communicating with suspects of crimes and criminal actors in general… Generally the only people who want to hide information or statistics are people who fear consequence or liability because of the information they are hiding… Generally actions like this have evidentiary value in criminal investigations and criminal court proceedings and help to show/prove criminal intent in a prosecution…

      • Bigmouth

        It’s very difficult to find information, especially at the county level. The DOH website, which should be displaying this data by county, has not posted new data charts since 2020.

        I found a workaround to get at least some numbers, via the PDF linked below.

        The uptick in crude death mortality statewide is noteworthy. Crude death mortality is straight up deaths per 1,000 population.

        Washington State had a stable  crude mortality rate in the range of 7.09 – 7.69 for years 2000 through 2020 (including 2020).

        Then a sharp increase:

        8.41 in 2021

        9.02 in 2022

        Could this simply be a matter of the increasing age of the population combined with lower birth rates? I don’t know – we don’t have enough data to say.

        There are some Jeffco numbers in the document as well, fyi.

        2022 Population Trends – Office of Financial Management


        • Annette Huenke

          Thank you for this important document, Bigmouth.

          I asked Allison Berry at the Feb. BoH meeting about the lagging death stats at the state level, and if JeffCo and Clallam are delivering county data in a timely fashion. She claimed yes to the latter, no clue to the former.

          • Bigmouth

            Hope it’s helpful, Anette. I’m a research bug. 🙂 Love a challenge

            So, if Jeffco is reporting in a timely manner to BOH, but BOH isn’t reporting them on their dashboard, we know the reports exist. Theoretically, could you FOIA (or do an open records request, I don’t recall the term) Jeffco Public Health for their monthly reports to BOzH January 2021-present?

            Those reports are public property, right?

  8. leeriviera

    Ana, do you have links to your comments on the mask removal requests? My friend writes for FOX wants to know.
    Thank you.

    • Ana Wolpin

      Follow up in today’s Coffee & Covid — Jeff Childers reports on a New York Times article yesterday headlined, “Mayor Adams to New York City Shoppers: Drop That Mask.”

      “To prevent robberies, Mayor Eric Adams is telling shopkeepers to bar customers who refuse to lower their masks when they first enter stores.”

      The NYT quoted the mayor, who isn’t asking for ongoing face-nudity, just a brief face flash when ENTERING a store:

      “We are putting out a clear call to all of our shops, do not allow people to enter the store without taking off their face mask,” the mayor said in a radio interview on 1010 WINS on Monday. “And then once they’re inside, they can continue to wear it if they so desire to do so.”

      The mayor ran on a “tough on crime” platform, and his suggestions were provoked by news of a 67-year-old Manhattan deli employee, who was shot and killed on Friday night by an unidentified robber in a dark face mask and a white, full-body Tyvek suit.”

      While the ridiculous restaurant mask mandates we were subjected to required diners to mask when entering and leaving a restaurant, but said it was safe to remove them when sitting at a table, this plea reverses that guideline — you should unmask when you enter a store, but can put it back on while shopping inside.

  9. Harvey Windle

    Brilliant Overview on Covid

    Forgot to thank Jim Scarantino on his work regarding the police dept report to City Council above. You can’t shower enough after attending a Council meeting.

    The main reason for this post is this…….


    Robert Malone gave an impressive overview of the Covid situation from US to world governments, prohibited use of early treatment, masking, WHO and national sovereignty and the whole dirty ball of wax in Mexico City.

    At the bottom of the page is a full transcript.

    It is hard to explain for many of us in conversation the tangled web.
    This does it brilliantly by a true hero. I do not use that word frequently or lightly. Thanks to the Free Press for staying the course and providing so many links. This includes so many readers and contributors.

    Malone has reminded us “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

    And as always Orwell-

    “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”

    “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

    ‘If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’

    “Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.”

    “Intellectual honesty is a crime in any totalitarian country….

    “Sometimes the first duty of intelligent men is the restatement of the obvious.”

    Even from MSN today-


    • leeriviera

      I remember so well my posting on NextDoor in the very early days of Covid years ago. I was writing about Malone and his reported wish that he and his daughters had never taken the vaxx. Someone replied that Malone had no believable credentials or proof of its harm. I was subsequently kicked off NextDoor. Like many other reports, stating for example, the horrors of Covid and its resulting lockdowns, masking, distancing, businesses closing, etc. It continues today in our town the fear and uneducated.

  10. Mike Galmukoff

    The Port Of Port Townsend – Fish Farming Or Cranberry Bogs?

    You may have read where the Port Of Port Townsend is buying a farm out in Center Valley, a piece of ground which remains flooded nearly year round, but not quite.

    The Port amongst other properties owns what is known as the “Herb Back Marina” in Quilcene. Have you ever been there?

    It could be a jewel of a facility if it weren’t for its present state of condition. It has a fuel dock, waste pump out, permanent & transient (guest) moorage with shore power, restrooms & showers, a public boat launch, RV parking with electrical hook-ups & cable! It also has a day use picnic area, and dry storage.

    Such financial resources of the Port, tax (your $) dollars perhaps First should be allocated to a full restoration of this dilapidated Quilcene Marina, a Port owned property which has great potential if it were not such a mess. Such a property restored, and aggressively marketed could easily become a destination marina and RV Park for many. If this Port’s inclination is to keep their present less than eager approach to the Quilcence Marina (Herb Beck Marina) as status-quo, then perhaps they should sell it in order to subsidize farming in the county. Then, there is the issue of ongoing infrastructure costs (and some deferred) at the Boat Haven, which at some point may very well be an order from the EPA to pave or asphalt over the entire boatyard areas to further mitigate boatyard pollutants. Just sayin…

  11. Q. Wayle

    Global Warming Video is Spot On

    Check out this succinct and humorous 5-minute video on Global Warming. It’s hilarious and spot on– what we all know, but what Al Gore is conning us with. Caution: If you’re easily offended, the speaker uses much unnecessary vulgarity, but if you ignore that, he makes a good point. This is the biggest scam perpetrated on the world in history:

    Read about Milankovitch Cycles, or Antarctic ice cores. Note, BTW, that Climate is measured in 10,000 year increments. Just sayin’.

  12. Rob Roy
  13. Harvey Windle

    How Banking Works… Or Doesn’t

    Submitted for your consideration. This from 2016 explaining in simple terms how banking works. Or doesn’t.

    He stands to be corrected.


    For god’s sake do not look at any of his other “connect the dots” presentations. They lead to “you can’t handle the truth”
    conspiracy theory bullshit.

    According to some.

    You think you think outside the box. The box you think outside may be the smallest box in a kind of Russian doll construction. Always bigger boxes to consider.

    Or not.

    Link from “conspiracy theory” Icke website. The truth is like a lion………….


  14. Bigmouth

    History Doesn’t Repeat, But It Sure Rhymes

    Dutch Farmers protesting mandatory reduction in nitrogen emissions
    US legislation against “gender affirming” care for kids,
    Twitter Files #19 covid censorship revelations….

    What do these current headlines have in common?
    Seemingly disparate topics have a common thread woven through them, and that thread can be called:

    LYSENKOISM – deliberate distortion of scientific facts or theories for purposes that are deemed politically, or socially desirable.

    Trofin Lysenko’s bogus agricultural policies and pseudoscience caused the Holodomor and widespread famine that killed 3.5-7 million people in Ukraine in 1932-33.

    Modern Examples of Lysenkoism

    Climate change (distortion of data, policies reducing carbon & nitrogen emissions)
    “The Science” of Covid
    “Gender Affirming” medicine (puberty blockers, hormones, and sex change operations) for kids

    “Gender affirming” care for kids is increasingly being referred to as “medical Lysekoism” by critics. And while we’re on the topic of history repeating, did you know that the first Sex Change operation was performed in 1930 at Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Research in Weimar Era Germany? There’s a fantastic documentary on YouTube called “Sin Cities Berlin” that details the events in an historical context.

    Did you know that the current “critical theory”, which gave us Critical Race Theory and Gender Ideology, is largely inspired by the Critical Theory of The Frankfurt School in Frankfurt, Germany, 1923? Little known fact.

    If this interests you, you can do a browser search for terms like Lysenkoism, Frankfurt School, or Critical Theory + “substack” and find excellent writings from a diversity of authors.

    There’s inherent power in having a name for something so systemic & seemingly overwhelming. The name for many of our problems today is Lysenkoism .

  15. Annette Huenke

    Bigmouth, the ‘reply’ button under your last comment is nowhere to be found, so I’m forced to drop this inline as though it’s a new comment. WordPress can be so frustrating.

    You are a good researcher! ICWA could use your help!!

    FOIAs are for federal agencies. States have their own versions whose monikers vary from state to state. Generally, they are known as Open Records Acts. To access WA state records, one files a Public Records Request (PRR). The caveat is that if no “record” exists for what you’re asking for, your request will be denied. Agencies are not required to create a new “record” from data they have on hand in order to fulfill your request. If that sounds like a built-in kick-out clause, it’s because it kind of is.

    Our Public Records Act (PRA) is part of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW). Oversight for PRA adherence is handled by the Attorney General’s Office. I’ve requested local death records, but have been denied on the basis that all county death data goes to the state for compilation. I know of several people who are being stonewalled by the state for more specific records than what you’ve found in that OFM document. They can only hide it for so long. The longer they do, the more suspicious it looks.

    • Bigmouth

      Thanks for explaining all that, & I’ll check out ICWA.
      That’s some skeevy behavior between the local Public Health Dept and the BOH. It looks like the BOH’s new “Data Sharing Agreement” makes this data impossible to access.

      They have the 2021 death data by county in excel format (I’m sure you’ve seen)


      Interesting, the file does not provide number of deaths for Jeffco in age ranges <1, 15-24, or 25-34. It uses “**” in the field instead of numerical values. Without those numbers, the total deaths for 2021 equal 448.

      I emailed the BOH to get clarification on what “**” indicates and asked if this specific data is available elsewhere on their website. Their auto-reply stated that responses will take 2-5 business days, but that there’s a “12-15 week turnaround time on Data Sharing Agreement requests”.

      It’s interesting that they omit the data for those younger age ranges (where you would not expect to see higher death rates). They have the numbers – they have to. But a large uptick in deaths in those age ranges would certainly be a red flag to the public.

      Just spitballin’ here, but since Operation Warp Speed (vaccine procurement & administration) was under the Department of Defense (military), I wonder if those numbers are purposely omitted as a matter of “National Security”, as they may cause vaccine hesitancy? I think that’s why they were able to do everything that was revealed in the Twitter Files #19 a couple of days ago (imo) No idea where we’d find that info; it would likely be classified, I bet.

  16. Harvey Windle

    Thanks to Bigmouth and all the FP gang for MAKING the time to research.

    Some take the journey without a specific destination. The path leads where it leads. Some take paths that lead to desired destinations, no detours allowed. For some the destination they desire and lead themselves to has short term rewards.

    They even more than any of us are not free people. They must remain silent.

    The bigger and bigger picture distorted by those like them in bigger and bigger tide pools and petri dishes cannot be processed by them, or their small worlds shatter. Some are merely parts or components of that bigger and bigger dark picture.

    Back always to Orwell. “The important thing is that we do not betray each other.” We may simply see some betraying “us”. The larger picture is that they betray themselves and loved ones as the foot soldiers of a broken system or machine bent on control. In fairness each individual as a steward of our shared existence have not all been good stewards.

    Bigmouth’s last post reminds me of the Port Townsend Main Street project and signs that lead people around a limited version of PT’s “Hidden History”. History is as recent as yesterday or an hour ago. If people only knew the important hidden history that surrounds them. In tide pools and petri dishes of all sizes.

    For me the links contained inside the first web address below have continuity and are full of those who will not betray. No matter the cost.
    The web address also can lead to perhaps a different understanding of what, where, and who you are. It can be a difficult path. Don’t pack too much baggage.

    When the path leads to things you cannot fathom as real, would you have believed the mind control we have seen over the last few years could be real before it unfolded before your eyes? And the betrayal by a relative few of so many?

    Put on your best hiking boots. Forget what you think you know. Or not.


    Below is but one of a myriad of links. And one only one chapter in a series called Covid Lies.


    I leave you with a clue that has been with us since most of us were young.

    Cold hearted orb that rules the night
    Remove the colors from our sight
    Red is grey and yellow white
    But we decide which is right
    And which is an illusion.


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