Doctor to Health Officer Berry and BOH:
Harmful Narrative is Failing to Serve the Public

by | Feb 10, 2023 | General | 23 comments

Editors Note: The following letter was sent by Dr. Rob Rennebohm to Public Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry and the Jefferson County Board of Health on February 4, 2023.


On November 16, 2022, I sent an email to Dr. Berry, Dr. Locke, and members of the Jefferson County Board of Health (BOH – Greg Brotherton, Kate Dean, Heidi Eisenhour, Amanda Grace, AJ Hawkings, Kees Kolff, Libby Wennstrom) to alert them to an important medical article entitled, Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19.

The article, written by German pathologist Dr. Michael Mörz, is a case report of autopsy findings in a 76-year-old man who had died three weeks after receiving his third vaccination against COVID-19. The article was published by the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines on October 1, 2022.

Dr. Mörz’s article provides compelling and sobering evidence of the potential of mRNA vaccines to cause serious harm to the brain and heart – namely, vasculitis, necrotizing encephalitis, and myocarditis. In my view, his report represents one of the most important to be published during the pandemic because of its potential to appropriately change attitudes about the mRNA vaccine safety.

I attached the Mörz article in my email to the above-mentioned physicians and BOH members. I also attached my own analysis of the Mörz article to help non-physicians to more easily understand its significance. I asked the BOH a series of pointed questions about possible vaccine-related immunopathology, the informed consent process, and the BOH’s continued promotion of the COVID vaccination campaign.

I was hoping that my email would stimulate and facilitate a healthy, scientific dialogue about the safety and wisdom of the COVID mass vaccination campaign — a dialogue that would inform and benefit all involved, including the general public. I requested a response from the BOH “within 2 weeks (i.e. by Nov 30), if possible.”

Local Health Authorities Ignore Physician’s Concerns About Brain and Heart Damage Linked to COVID Vaccines

Unfortunately, as described in my article published by the Port Townsend Free Press on December 9, 2022, I never received any response from any physician or staff or member of the BOH — not even a brief email saying, “Thank you for calling our attention to this article.”

Public Comment & BOH Meeting Response

Because of this lack of response, I decided to personally attend the Jefferson County BOH meeting on January 19, 2023. During a 15-minute segment set aside for “comments from the public,” I was given 3 minutes to again state my concerns about the significance of this article and to ask the physicians and BOH members for their thoughts about the article. I pointed out that no one had responded to my email of November 16, 2022.

Dr. Berry explained that the physicians and BOH members had “briefly talked about” the article among themselves. Dr. Berry emphasized that the article represented a single case report that, “notably,” had been published “in a ‘pay-for-play’ journal, which is the lowest quality of journals that we have.” She pointed out that the article’s findings “had not been replicated elsewhere in high quality research” or “in the valid peer-reviewed literature.” In her view, these observations about the article “called into question the accuracy of the findings.” For these reasons Dr. Berry and the BOH had decided not to take any further action regarding this article.

Unfortunately, the rules of the “public comment” segment of the meeting are that the citizen making the public comment is not given any opportunity to respond to the response of the members of the BOH. In other words, actual dialogue is not permitted.

After the brief public comment segment was over, the BOH members proceeded with their business meeting. After about 30 minutes of listening to that business meeting, I decided to leave. I had considered waiting until the end of the meeting to possibly engage Dr. Berry in further discussion of my concerns. But I decided it would be better to respond in writing, rather than be perceived as “confronting” the BOH.

My Written Response to Dr. Berry & BOH

Well-trained physicians use their critical thinking skills and medical knowledge base to develop their own opinion regarding the quality, value, and significance of a published article. If they humbly conclude that their knowledge base is too limited to perform an adequate assessment of the article, they seek help from more knowledgeable colleagues.

When I initially read the Mörz article, including the methods section and a careful look at the numerous images, it was immediately obvious to me that his analysis was scientifically sound and of very high quality. As a rheumatologist who has published extensively on the neuropathology of Susac syndrome, I could easily see for myself the lymphocytic infiltration (inflammation) surrounding vaccinal spike protein in the microvasculature and parenchyma of the heart and brain.

Well-trained physicians also double-check their conclusions, even when they feel quite certain, particularly when much is at stake. Accordingly, I double-checked my conclusions by sending the Mörz article to two of North America’s most knowledgeable and experienced neuropathologists. Both concluded that the article was excellent, scientifically sound, and that the author had drawn appropriate and important conclusions.

In comparison, how did the BOH and its physicians approach the article? Did they strive to develop their own independent opinion about the article? Then, if they felt their knowledge base was inadequate, did they seek the opinion of experts in the field?  Did they bother to carefully read my written analysis of the article, which I painstakingly wrote to help non-pathologists interpret the article and its images?

Apparently not.  Instead, they concluded the following (and I am paraphrasing):

It is a single case report so not much significance can or should be attached to it. It is not necessarily representative. In fact, even if the autopsy was excellently performed and the findings accurately interpreted, the pathologist may have simply stumbled upon an extremely rare event. There is no need to further address this article or Dr. Rennebohm’s concerns.

Yes, it is a single case report. But it is the one of the best-documented studies of its kind to look for the spike protein in an autopsy and try to determine whether it is derived from the vaccine or from natural infection. In 100% of autopsies that have been studied in this fashion, these abnormalities were found. That, of course, does not mean these findings are common, but it certainly means that this observation needs to be taken very seriously and absolutely warrants immediate further investigation — to promptly determine more exactly how common these findings are.

The responsible response to this article would be to double-check its excellence and significance by obtaining the opinion of objective experts in the field. If its excellence and importance are confirmed, the responsible response would be to thoughtfully and carefully share its findings with the public — out of an abundance of caution — which is our moral and medico-legal obligation as part of informed consent and human decency.

One could also argue that this single case report should at least prompt us to strongly consider stopping all COVID vaccination, at least of children and healthy young adults — until further similar autopsies are done. It is irresponsible to conclude that since this is a single case report, its findings need not concern us, need not influence our thinking about the safety of the vaccine, need not obligate us to change our message to the public, and need not modify the information we provide the public as part of our informed consent process.

Should “Open Access” Journals Be Discounted?

Regarding their conclusion that: It was published, “notably, in a ‘pay-for-play’ journal, which is the lowest quality of journals that we have.” Its findings “have not been replicated in the valid peer-reviewed literature.” These observations “call into question the accuracy of the findings.”

There is a great deal wrong with the above conclusion.

For one thing, the important question is “what is the quality of the article,” not “what is the quality of the journal in which the article is published.” The fact is, excellent articles may be found in journals that are considered “low quality” journals, and very poor articles can be found in “highly reputable” journals.

It is also important to point out that there is a considerable difference between journals that have a “low impact score” and journals that are of “low quality.” A journal that has a low impact score can, nevertheless, be an excellent journal or at least publish excellent individual articles.

Journals with “high impact scores” and reputations for “high quality” – like the New England Journal of Medicine, Lancet, and British Medical Journal – can and have published articles on COVID-19 that are of extremely low scientific quality and even fraudulent and retracted, whereas relatively obscure “low impact” journals have published articles on COVID-19 that have been excellent, scientifically sound, and extremely important (like the journal Vaccines in this case).

So, just because an article has been published in a relatively obscure medical journal that does not have a “high reputation” or a “high impact score,” does not automatically mean that the article is not of high scientific quality. Furthermore, during this COVID-19 era, it must be realized that “highly reputable” medical journals have been very hesitant to publish scientifically excellent articles, if those articles contradict the prevailing COVID narrative.

It is naïve to think that “highly reputable” medical journals have not refused to publish certain articles. If a physician or scientist submits an article that supports the prevailing narrative and its mass vaccination campaign, that article is much more likely to get published than an article of even greater scientific merit that provides sound scientific evidence that contradicts the prevailing narrative.

This is not a “conspiracy theory;” it is a reality that has been experienced by many physicians and scientists who have dared to challenge the prevailing narrative. Many scientists and physicians who have challenged the prevailing narrative have not only had their submitted manuscripts rejected, but have also been threatened with loss of employment, even loss of licensure. That is a fact.

So, one reason why an excellent scientific article might be published in an obscure journal with a low impact score, rather than in a highly reputable/high impact journal, is that the latter journals have been hesitant or unwilling to publish an article that raises questions about the merits of the prevailing narrative.  In many cases, the author of an excellent article may need to publish it in an obscure journal by default. That is a fact.

It is also wrong, and insulting, to insinuate that an article has been published in an “open access” journal, because the article did not merit publication in a more reputable “closed access” journal, and/or because the author needed to pay a journal in order to get the article published. Such an assertion insinuates that the author is bribing the journal to publish an unworthy article and the journal is willing to accept such a bribe. Such an insinuation is insulting to both the author and the journal.

“Open Access” Journals Provide Open Access!

A major advantage for publishing in “open access” journals is that their articles will be free to anyone (including ordinary citizens) to read. Journals that are not “open access” force readers to either have a paid subscription to the journal or pay a fee to view the article. That fee is in the range of $30-50 per article. Since “open access” journals do not receive revenues from subscriptions or fee-for-read, they have to charge the author a publishing fee to cover the journal’s costs of publication.

Some authors purposefully choose to submit their article to an “open access” journal because they want the public to be able to read their article for free. Publication in an open access journal is a more democratic way to provide information and provides greater opportunity for ordinary citizens to read an important article. Publication in a “closed access” journal discriminates against and disadvantages those who cannot afford to shell out $30-50 to read a single article.

In fact, it is cruel to insist that people who are desperately seeking health information must pay in order to obtain it. The entire concept of “closed access” goes against the concepts of “health equity” and “health care is a human right,” not to mention the concept of common decency. It is misleading to portray “Open access” journals as “pay-to-play” journals. Again, it is insulting to insinuate that authors choose an “open access” journal “because it allows them to pay a journal to publish an unworthy article.”

The above discussion points out the importance of evaluating the scientific quality of the article itself, not the quality of the journal in which the article is published. If the article is scientifically excellent and important, it does not matter if it is published in an “open access” journal that is relatively obscure and has a “low impact” score — especially, if another reason for the excellent article appearing in an obscure journal is that “highly reputable” journals are not willing to publish articles that challenge the prevailing narrative.

BOH Needs to Focus on Safety Signals, Not Journal Prestige

Did the physicians and BOH members take the above complexities into consideration when they discussed the Mörz article?  Did they focus on the scientific quality of the article itself (which is obviously excellent to anyone who knows what vasculitis looks like or bothers to ask more knowledgeable colleagues for help)?  Or did they simplistically conclude that it is not a worthy article because it was published in an lesser known journal that requires authors to contribute to the coverage of publication costs?

The facts about the Mörz article are:

  • This article is excellent. It is scientifically sound, and its findings are obvious and of profound significance and urgent importance.
  • Even though it represents a single case report, the proper conclusion is that this single report is of such great concern that it should be carefully shared with the public, should result in immediate further study, and should raise the question of whether COVID-19 vaccination should be halted until more is known — at least in children and young, healthy adults.
  • At the very least, the information provided in the Mörz article should become part of the informed consent process that physicians and health departments are legally and morally obligated to provide (but which is not being provided).

It is worrisome that the physicians and BOH members were not able to recognize the obvious scientific excellence and obvious significance/importance of the Mörz article. It raises questions about what else they may not be recognizing or understanding. Good, well-trained physicians are able to recognize obvious vasculitis, or ask for help if they are uncertain about the findings and quality of an article.

It is also worrisome that the physicians and BOH members were unable or unwilling to think of several possible explanations for the appearance of this article in the journal Vaccines, rather than in a “more prestigious” journal. Well-trained physicians consider more than one possible explanation when evaluating a problem. They don’t just think of one possibility (one diagnosis) and jump to that conclusion; they construct a differential diagnosis (carefully consider all plausible explanations).

It is worrisome that the physicians and BOH members concluded, simplistically, that they did not need to take any further action in response to this article: they did not need to share its findings with the public, or engage in dialogue with those who are concerned about the article’s findings, and/or change their thoughts about the mass vaccination campaign.

Good, well-trained physicians recognize “safety signals” that warrant immediate attention and further study, even if those signals might turn out to be rare, especially when the incidence of worrisome side effects is quite unclear. Good, well-trained physicians practice “anticipatory medicine” and take potentially worrisome signals seriously. Well-trained physicians thoroughly educate the public and provide true informed consent.

BOH Needs to Invite Dialogue, Not Discourage It

Let me emphasize that a fundamental principle of science and medicine is that challenges to the prevailing wisdom should be welcomed and respectful scientific dialogue should be strongly encouraged. My November 16, 2022, email represented an invitation for such dialogue. But no dialogue occurred. The BOH and its associated physicians did not even show the courtesy of responding in any way to my email. Their only response was silence.

When, two months later, I made a personal appearance to discuss the article, there was again no opportunity for dialogue. I was given three minutes to state my concerns. Dr. Berry and the BOH had as much time as they wanted to respond to my concerns; I was given no opportunity to respond to their response.

That, by definition, is not dialogue. They had all the power; I had none. That is not equity. That is not democracy. These represent gross violations of fundamental principles of science, use of power, and practice of democracy.

If a physician:

  • is not able to recognize obvious vasculitis on their own, or does not bother to seek help to evaluate an article that they feel unable to adequately assess by themselves;
  • is unable to recognize an excellent scientifically sound, profoundly important article;
  • does not consider multiple plausible explanations for why a particular article is published in a “low-impact” journal;
  • is not able to recognize worrisome “safety signals” and/or is unwilling to act on those signals;
  • is unable to recognize medical information that must be shared with the public, or refuses to carefully share that information with the public;
  • fails to fulfill their obligation to provide true informed consent;
  • shows no interest in engaging in scientific dialogue;
  • simply regurgitates the group think narrative handed to them by the authorities;

…then that physician has either not been well-trained (regardless of where they received their public health education) or is not practicing what they were taught. In either case, such a physician is failing miserably to serve the public.

Such a physician is a danger to the public and should not be in a position of power over the public’s health.

Has Mass Vaccination Prolonged the Pandemic?

Finally, let me add this:  I was prepared for the possibility that the BOH’s response to the Mörz article would be: “Yes, the article raises legitimate concerns about the safety of the COVID vaccines, but we are convinced that the overall benefits of the vaccines, particularly at a population level, have far exceeded the risks.”

Those who make the above argument fail to understand that the mass vaccination campaign itself has prolonged the pandemic and made it far more dangerous. They fail to understand that in the final analysis, more lives will have been lost cumulatively (over the past 3 years and in the many months ahead) because of the COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign than if it had never been implemented in the first place — that is, if we had relied, instead, on the competency of the immune system.

The prevailing COVID narrative’s argument that “far more people would have died” if the COVID mass vaccination campaign had never been implemented, is scientifically and mathematically inaccurate. Far more people are going to end up dying because of the mass vaccination campaign, compared to the cumulative number that would have died if the campaign had never been implemented. The argument that “the benefits of the vaccine are so great that we must accept some ‘extremely rare’ side effects in some unfortunate individuals” is scientifically unsound.

Unfortunately, those who insist on promoting and obediently following the prevailing COVID narrative do not realize that this narrative and its mass vaccination campaign are based on a woefully simplistic understanding of the immunology, virology, vaccinology, evolutionary biology, and glycosylation biology involved in the COVID situation. The prevailing narrative and its mass vaccination campaign are scientifically unsound and unacceptably harmful — at both an individual and population level..

See the following companion articles for more information about the consequences of the misguided COVID mass vaccination campaign and why it continues to be far more harmful than helpful:

What is the Current State of the COVID Situation?

What is the Current State of the COVID Pandemic?—Part 2

Analysis of the Current COVID-19 Situation in China

Creating Social Beauty in Response to Abusive Silence

Responding to Abusive Silence by Creating Social Beauty

How Would Three of Canada’s Greatest Historical Figures Respond to the COVID Situation, If They were Alive today?

Pediatricians, Internationally, Please Call for an Immediate Halt to the Global Campaign to Vaccinate Children Against COVID

An Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part I

Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part II: A Review and Update

Open Letter to Parents Regarding COVID Vaccination—Part III: Questions to Ask Your Physician

Open Letter to Parents and Pediatricians—Part IV: The Harmful Immunologic Consequences of Vaccinating Children Against COVID

Dr. Rob Rennebohm

A former Port Townsend resident, I am a partly retired pediatrician and pediatric rheumatologist who currently lives in Seattle, Washington.

I graduated from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) at La Jolla School of Medicine. Early in my pediatric rheumatology career I had the honor of playing a major role in developing the specialty of Pediatric Rheumatology in the Peoples’ Republic of China. Sequentially, I have practiced pediatric rheumatology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital/University of Cincinnati, Nationwide Children’s Hospital/Ohio State University, Alberta Children’s Hospital/University of Calgary, and at Children’s Hospital/Cleveland Clinic. Currently, I am Visiting Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Hospital Pediatrics, at Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

For the past 16 years I have focused on the international study and treatment of Susac Syndrome, a potentially devastating autoimmune disease that attacks the microvasculature in the brain, retina, and inner ear of young adults, causing ischemic brain injury, visual loss, and deafness.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. David Wayne Johnson

    Dr. your article is excellent! Extremely well written. For me, the obvious answer to your questions and dilemma seem fairly obvious. There is absolutely no way the DOH is EVER going to admit failure or incompetence. No way. No how. We do however, appreciate and need yours and other’s voices to be heard. Thank you.

  2. Sarah Schneiderman

    Thank you to Dr. Rennebohm; there must be many more even more powerful articles and research available to pressure berry and the others. There seems to be a flood of reports from all around the world. For example, the data showing that the more shots you take, the MORE likely you are to get infected, sick and to die. If study after study could be slung their way by many people, it might start to have an impact. They are mainlining the lies and misinformation of the cdc, nih, etc.
    Thank you again for your efforts.

  3. John Opalko

    Dr. Rennebohm, Thank you for taking the time to write this article as well as bring this material to the notice of the Jefferson County BOH. I also appreciate the explanation about the different Journal types and why they exist. I did not understand the nuances before reading this.

    Your expectations that Dr. Berry would approach her job as the Public Health Officer from a strictly medical and scientific point of view is laudable. We all should expect that of her. Unfortunately, her actions, like most of our public health officials, are obviously politically motivated. There is a lot of money to be made in the MRNA injections. While I doubt Dr. Berry is cashing in herself on these injections, she must know that she is expected to stay with the narrative if she is to advance in the public health field.

    Our country’s belief in, and reliance on, “impartial experts” to develop and implement policy, while sounding great in theory, nearly always fails eventually because it does not take into account human behavior.

    I am reminded of Federalist No. 51 where Madison explains why checks and balances are needed in the Government. “If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.” We created a government with checks and balances, but when we created a bureaucracy of “experts” we forgot about human nature. We assumed the “impartial experts” were angels. Clearly they are not. The last three years have proven that conclusively.

  4. Lee Stohr

    I’m old. For the first 15 years of my life, my fruits and vegetables contained DDT, Lead and arsenic. Those were Government approved pesticides. The benefits outweighed the risks; I guess the government said. But they knew lead was very bad, not just for people but it remains in the soil for a very long time. Like in the orchards here in Washington, for example. Now the same FDA that approved DDT is telling me to take a safe and effective vaccine. Some new technology, warp speeded to the market faster than any vaccine in history? Warp Speed? What, was William Shatner in charge? Oh, it was that goof ball Trump? You know what, I think I’ll just wait awhile on this one.

  5. Q. Wayle

    Thank you for your excellent article, Dr. Rennenbohm. I would also like to bring to your attention the following article on the efficacy of vaccines against respiratory viruses: ,
    as well as , , , , , and .
    Please forgive the long list of references, but all are quite pertinent to your article and Dr. Berry’s profound ignorance.

    Apparently, Dr. Berry is unaware that she may be on the verge of a massive lawsuit, as people increasingly are learning the truth.
    She would do herself a service by expanding her sources of information.

    Again, thank you for your excellent article.

    • David Brown

      I want to stop Berry et. al. I am thrilled to hear of a pending “massive lawsuit.” For what damages will this lawsuit be seeking relief?

  6. John Deboer

    This is no different than when they were pushing lobotomies.

  7. Harvey Windle

    Submitted for your consideration, two Doctors, Dr. Rennebohm and Dr. Berry. They seem to serve different masters in the Twilight Zone of overlapping realities. It seems that as new valid information came to you sir, you considered it and adapted. Science. You are lacking political pressure and special title. Double down and do not engage is not seen in the oath below that one assumes both doctors swore to. The ability to engage and debate separates these two doctors. And others.

    Even in the mainstream press the narrative is falling apart. Double down can only go on for so long before it is criminal. Why is the overall death rate globally up to levels beyond explanation? Work backwards from there. But not at “warp speed” with no course corrections allowed..

    The Revised Hippocratic Oath
    “I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:
    I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.
    I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.
    I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.
    I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.
    I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know.
    Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty.
    Above all, I must not play at God.
    I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.
    I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.
    I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm.
    If I do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with affection thereafter.
    May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.”

  8. David Brader

    I would ask our public officials to volunteer to be injected with the specific BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination batch cited in the study so we can see the results are indeed totally safe.

  9. Rob Roy

    Dr, Rob Rennebohm,
    Thank you for your sense of duty and dedication to the service of others…

    The people you refer to as the BOH are beholden to the money and their contracted obligations to the agenda… They are trapped,,, trying hard as they can to maintain the shadows so they can hide from the TRUTH and their own demise…

    The ROOT of this investigation is the overall death numbers,,, numbers and statistics which will surely incriminate the BOH and all other administrators of these injections and the overall agenda… Statistics which are kept away from the people under lock and key since 2020,,, systemic conspiracy to hide the evidence of the MAFIA governments criminal intent and conspiracy to commit MASS MURDER against the FREE citizens of this country and world… How many government officials in Jefferson County are members of the WEF???

    The US Military is experiencing an HIV epidemic right now,,, 500% increase in positive cases… This reality is being censored because it mirrors what is happening in the general population…

    This vaccine does what the decent people of this world are incapable of,,, it destroys this criminal MAFIA from within,,, its an insurance policy… They got set up with their own demonic plans to destroy themselves from within,,, a poison pill that already got ingested and cannot be taken back…

    They cannot hide from this nor mitigate it,,, it will be their own people/friends/family and constituents that end up tearing them to pieces over this,,, literally tear them to pieces… Not us,,, not the true victims who are the not injected,,, we are the ones who were abused and discriminated against because we chose to think critically,,, trust our own instincts,,, because of this we were punished…

    Do not worry for the ones who chose to self inject,,, they will be the ones to do the dirty work for the rest of us… Lies can only be maintained with more lies which carry a very high price with much liability,,, at a certain point the debt becomes too great and can no longer expand… The TRUTH is FREE and liberates… the TRUTH is the most powerful weapon the world has ever known,,, its a SMART weapon,,, TACTICAL and PRECISE and only exerts as much force as necessary…

    These injected people are set up for advanced weaponry,,, Frequency weapons can be used to change environmental conditions to make them deadly for people who are in a compromised position,,, weaponry targeted at these specific people via remote receivers such as their smart phones which receive, conduct and transmit frequency…

    Time is running out,,, the shelf life on this LIE is short… Not much more time to wait…

  10. Ben Montalbano

    “You can not think and believe at the same time” John Trudell

    In Dr. Rob Rennebohm’s excellent article he is voicing a thoughtful, coherent position on opening a dialogue around a scientific article raising questions about the safety of continued MRNA injections. The BOH and Drs. Berry and Locke are immersed in the belief that what they have done for the last 3 years is service to the public health of Jefferson County. There is no debate, discussion, options or public dialogue. The BOH and Dr. Berry do not quote or reference scientific articles they just quote the Washington, DOD, NIH, CDC narrative and then advise and mandate. No science just justification and repetition.

    When the safety and health of a community is at stake much more thoughtful dialogue is a necessity not the wishful thinking of a fear ridden board and a “Doctor” who lacks references to peer reviewed studies and just finds fault based in a memorized belief.

  11. Ana Wolpin

    The dramatic increase in all-cause mortality following the jab rollout is underscored in today’s post from Steve Kirsch:

    What funeral directors know that you don’t

    “In 78 years, they never had a 15 year old who died from a heart attack. In December 2022, they had 1 a week for three weeks straight. Nobody is talking about it publicly.

    Stillbirths up by over 10X post-vax rollout.

    Pilot deaths are up by 6X or more.

    Young people (such as 15 year olds) dying of heart attacks are up by over 100X above normal.

    The mainstream medical community will continue to remain silent in order to keep their jobs… Basically, the medical community believes that we need to keep the data hidden and kept from public view; otherwise, they would be fired (or lose their medical license).”

    We see glimpses of this reality playing out locally with the recent sudden, unexpected death from heart failure of Modest Mouse’s drummer, and this week’s obits including a 42-year-old cardiac fatality. The fact that WA state has not updated its all-cause mortality data since 2020 tells the tale all by itself. They post granular covid jab, case, hospitalizations and death data county-by-county every week, yet claim all-cause annual mortality numbers have not been able to be processed for two years. Why not?

    For anyone interested in going down a very deep rabbit hole, over recent weeks there’s been significant information exposing the jabs as a military operation.

    Katherine Watt discussed the ongoing emergency use rollout of bioweapons being marketed as Covid vaccines at a January 24, 2023 press conference:

    Sasha Latypova’s Talk from Lakaruppropet Conference, Stockholm, January 21, 2023 dovetails with Watt’s research:

    • Bigmouth

      I stumbled down this rabbit hole myself this past week and my head is swimming with the implications. Can I check my perception and conclusions against yours?

      The covid shots were NOT manufactured by Pfizer, Moderna, et al., but rather were manufactured via contracts with DOD contractors. Good Manufacturing Practices were not adhered to.
      Pfizer, Moderna, et al. serve as the front “public face” to give the public the impression that these shots were pharmaceutical products, when in actuality, they were manufactured by DOD contractors (who presumably slapped pharma company labels on them?).
      Since a Public Health Emergency for Covid was declared nationally in 2020, the US pandemic response has been under the control of the DOD in partnership with HHS.
      Laws, regulations, and administrative code has been altered and corrupted to avoid liability or accountability, to the extent that it will be functionally impossible to get legal remedy against any of the individuals or organizations responsible.
      Our best option is to begin creating parallel systems / parallel society that minimizes or eliminates the need for individuals to interact with the components of the current system.

      Does that jive with your understanding?

    • Ana Wolpin

      Good summation, Bigmouth, though my sense is that pharma WAS involved in manufacturing, but without ownership, within a military, non-regulatory framework. Documents obtained through FOIAs show clear control of the pandemic response — the shots (which as others have said are NOT vaccines), tests, masking, etc. — all being an operation under the auspices of the DOD (Department of Defense). RFK Jr. points to 138 companies involved in manufacturing the shots, all military contractors. “Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project.”

      Documents show that DOD was in charge of design of clinical trials, manufacturing and production, safety monitoring, reporting, data security, legislative affairs and more. Katherine Watt takes the genesis much further back, but in present time we had our first whiff of the military element when development of the shots was coined Operation Warp Speed. Because of the organizational structure with DOD in control, no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these products (re-framed as military “countermeasures”). All previous regs, good manufacturing practices and safeguards were scrapped, liability coverage was expanded and FDA and other regulatory agencies were subsumed by DOD authority, with the DOJ (Justice dept.) defending them. Sasha Latypova documents what she refers to as the resulting government-pharma-military cartel.

      Pfizer and other pharma companies were “folded” into the government security complex through invoking of a defense production act. They were contracted with by DOD to front the operation; about 400 DOD contracts are now public record. Pfizer, Moderna, et al may have been involved in (and profiting billions from) manufacturing, but they are acting with full immunity from damages under orders from the DOD.

      We’ve seen numerous mileposts along the way of the wholesale abandonment of public protections:

      • The resignation of two of the highest ranking regulators in the FDA when ordered to approve Emergency Authorization of the shots without adequate safety data.
      • The FDA and the DOJ fighting to keep the trial data from the public for 75 years when original pharma trials showing significant injury and death were FOIA-ed.
      • And the CDC’s year-long effort to keep V-safe data from being released (which I wrote about in October.)

      All this explains why when whistleblower Brook Jackson brought a case against Pfizer for fraud and manipulation of data in the clinical trials, the government sealed the case for over a year. Kincaid Gould’s October Free PressBerry Droppings” article about trial fraud describes that case, with Pfizer filing a motion to dismiss the case and the federal government supporting that motion. As Latypova describes it in my link above, Pfizer’s legal defense for avoiding fraud charges amounts to: “We did not defraud the government, we delivered the fraud that the government ordered.”

      The level of corruption and damage, supported by our local institutions, is off the charts. I am in full agreement with you that “Our best option is to begin creating parallel systems / parallel society that minimizes or eliminates the need for individuals to interact with the components of the current system.”

      • Lee Stohr

        Not hard to believe the ‘vaccines’ fall under DOD control. Frightening to imagine why? Suppose WWIII will be fought with bioweapons, not old nukes. That’s why the US builds biolabs on Russia’s border. Suppose it’s already begun? and the mRNA tech will be necessary to quickly develop vaccines to prevent mass death. Terrifying stuff. Madmen playing with extinction of the entire human species.

      • alby baker

        Well said PTFP & friends, per usual.

        We seem to be staring down the (DOD) barrel at the ultimate look-in-the-mirror moment. Pray it be useful.

        A primary question has arrived: if we’re not in kansas anymore, where are we?

        Backing up the kaleidoscopic lens of ideologically driven chaos & control over many centuries — were we ever in kansas, or was “kansas” just another black-bag psyop?; aka “limited hangout”? ‘The normalization of awful’ was something americans traditionally fell asleep to, both here & abroad.

        Speaking of sticky wickets & illusions: “The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn”.
        Or, as the old irish might remind, “A false sense of security seems to be the only kind there is”.

        How much of all this has been self-inflicted? Like the shots themselves, with something like 5.6 billion taking the kool-aid?

        Given ongoing predicaments at this late/dark hour, sitting atop endless historical repeats & question marks — are modern “civilized” humans capable of creating (“parallel”) truly sovereign systems & institutions? Or will these merely mimic what got left behind?

        Thus an ultimatum question presents itself. How is it that the species in question, in aggregate up against The Wall, remains indelibly blind, enslaved. & mired? Susceptible to not just the machinations of the state, but all controlling institutions peddling authoritarian beliefs & savior-isms?

        The evidence has accumulated that the vast majority still eschew personal responsibility & empowerment in favor of someone/something else’s authority & control over them. A bad habit to say the least.

        Authentic transformational change can only begin inside each of us. At this point that’s become one heckuva house-cleaning project. Doable nonetheless.

        The previously genocided inhabitants of the western hemisphere would like to know. Or are we all american indians now?

  12. MJ Heins

    “We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements – transportation, communications, and all other industries, agriculture, medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment, and even the key democratic institution of voting – profoundly depend on science and technology.

    We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.” – Carl Sagan

    How many local officials are capable of evaluating Dr. Berry’s scientific expertise? Winning elections and receiving government appointments do not confer knowledge or magical super-powers. The inappropriate and dangerous Covid medical interventions are the result of unspeakable evil combined with profound ignorance – not a combination easily defeated by a three minute public comment.

  13. Rob Roy

    You know who reads these articles and comments more than anyone else in this community??? Its the public officials themselves and government employees…

  14. Rob Roy

    “…Ed Dowd released the Society of Actuary’s (SOA) excess deaths numbers for the 4th quarter of 2022. In December the SOA found a 43% increase in excess deaths than what was expected for those under 45.

    This is a stunning number and it is significantly higher than in October when the number was 13% for those under 45 years of age.”


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