Letters Forum: Off Topic!
– FEBRUARY 2023 –

by | Feb 1, 2023 | General | 25 comments

In the spirit of offering Letters to the Editor as a traditional platform for lively, wide-ranging conversations in the public square, we invite you to write about whatever is on your mind.

Because we require comments under articles to be “on topic”, we found that readers who want to speak to other important issues, events and concerns that our small crew can’t cover don’t have a place for that. This Off Topic! feature allows readers to bring up other subjects, post news flashes, announce community events, or express concerns outside of the selected topics we write about.

A new Off Topic! forum is posted monthly. The post is open throughout the month for new letters and your responses.

How this works:

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the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Ben Montalbano


    As a youngster, one of the first books that I read was War Of The Worlds by H. G. Wells, which had to do with conflict between an alien world and ours. Closer to home we have had World War I and II, which were wars under the conceptual banner of nationhood. With the Vietnam War we had conflict based on ideology, capitalism vs. communism.

    The War On Terrorism was actually an armed conflict on the noun Terror. It was a moving dot of fear and violence that traveled from one Muslim country to another. Since then we have had wars on almost every concept imaginable. There are the wars on drugs, between the sexes, Climate Change, Misinformation, as well as Cold Wars and Proxy Wars, to name just a few. Even sports can have their wars between teams.

    To me, there is one war that effects everyone of us and has been waging for many years, but we never hear about it or read about it directly. It is the “Motha” of all wars. It is a psychological war, a conflict between our very human nature and a contrived, fabricated narrative. A narrative matrix that describes what we are groomed to see, hear and feel about reality. Through the mass media, social platforms, and “official” authoritative spokespeople, words are used to change what we thought we knew about our world. Words have the power to change our sensed reality into a fabricated authoritative story of reality.

    The Predator is the purveyor of the words and concepts that wage this war against us. This war is the WAR FOR THE HUMAN MIND. It is a war for mass control and it is waged in each of our very minds. It is the war that is at the root of cognitive dissidence, fear, mass hysteria, and group think. The Predator is a trickster that thrives on fear and can masquerade as a benevolent authority.

    The battlefield for this internal war is our thinking minds. It is our minds that tell us what we see, hear and sentimentally feel. Change the words we use to describe our world view and we then change our view of reality and consequently what we think and feel. Words are spells that have the power to change what we are seeing and thus change how we act and perform.

    The word is not the thing and the menu is not the meal. One is a mental description and the other is the actuality. As an example, “Collateral damage” and being in the presence of a bombed wedding party are two different things. The words “Collateral Damage” bring up a benign image of missing the mark, but seeing and hearing the actuality of death and destruction is abject horror.

    (To be continued next week)

    • Q. Wayle

      Well said.

      I am old enough to know the meaning of words. I still call a spade, a spade, despite rhetoric of how EVERYTHING and EVERYONE are racist. They alter context to twist their words. Suddenly Math, English, Science are racist because the fools that say it’s so spent their youth studying basket weaving and gender studies instead of difficult, concrete sciences. Meritocracy is racist because only races that study hard or work hard achieve higher ratings in it. And so on.

      So, no matter what words they twist and how they twist them, matters not to me, because I remain stoic in the truth. It IS, however, frightening as to how many CNN watchers buy into the BS and believe it. They are a danger to us and to society. How do we get through to them? They do not read our writings, nor follow truthful media. And like cultists, they are told to not believe the truth because the “other side” utters it. I could list dozens of examples, and personal anecdotes, but it would bore you all because they are so ubiquitous. “Get vaccinated to protect the unvaccinated”. “The unvaccinated are a danger to society”, and other egregious lies designed to manipulate society.

      How does one get through to the brainwashed?

      • Ben Montalbano

        Thanks for the comment Q. Wayle. How to get through to the brainwashed? The first thing that comes to mind is what does it mean to be a good listener? A good listener asks questions of clarification, refrains from arguing or judging and listens with an open mind and heart. When you feel heard aren’t you more likely to then listen when the other person shares their view? When someone tries to forcefully make you agree with them, what is your reaction? This is the battleground for the predator, a war of words that leaves out the facts and insists on compliance.

    • chante13

      Yes! Its the third party that keeps us at war, giving us reasons to doubt and fear each other, then providing us with more propaganda as evidence for our doubts and fears to continue, arming us with weapons. It has been said that the final war will be won without a shot being fired. The predator knows our patterns better than many know ourselves. Therefore the only weapon we can cultivate is self-awareness and this will be our victory. Many of us are moving silently behind the scenes right now, like mycelium, to arise unexpectedly everywhere. It’s not the brainwashed we must get through to, but ourselves. Getting to the bottom of our own self-doubt and fear so we can bring forth that which is no longer safe to keep in our closets. “We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

  2. Bigmouth

    Washington House Bill 1333 Should Concern Us

    I’d like to make the community aware of some  troubling legislation making its way through the House here in Washington state.

    “HB 1333 – AN ACT Relating to Establishing the Domestic Violent Extremism Commission; adding a new section to chapter 43.10 RCW”.

    The bill, as written (opens as PDF)

    This legislation, if passed, would codify steps toward the creation of local, public health style boards that will use data-tracking and civil and criminal legal tools to combat “disinformation and misinformation” in the state.

    During the January 24, 2023 working session and public hearing on HB 1333, the ADL representative defined “extremist views” as those that challenge:

    *Election Fraud
    *Masks and Vaccines
    *Critical Race Theory
    *School Boards / Curriculum
    *Gender Ideology

    PBS News Hour aired a story on January 25 deeming this “Model Legislation for the Nation”.  The segment included an interview with WA Attorney General Bob Ferguson and is worth the watch.

    Video and transcript at link:

    I find it suspicious and concerning that this legislation got 6 1/2 minutes of national coverage (before it had even been through committee) and is being lauded as a “model” for the nation. There was already national-level propaganda about this bill before I’d even heard of it as a Washington resident. That doesn’t sit quite right with me.

    Jefferson County residents have first hand experience in how “Public Health” can be used as an administrative tool to override civil rights. It’s no coincidence that this bill seeks to use public health-style boards.

    Washington state, in general, and Jefferson County, in particular, had some of the earliest, most restrictive, and long-lasting covid measures in the state. County Commissioners approved emergency after emergency, long after the rest of the country had moved on. It’s not hard to imagine how the post-covid public health infrastructure, bolstered financially and emboldened by the powers conferred by “public health emergency”, could be wielded to implement this legislation at the local level and statewide.

    Furthermore, I can’t help but look back in retrospect to the Julie Jaman / YMCA incident as a litmus test for public acceptance of legislation like HB1333. In a culture conditioned to accept that ‘words equal violence’, I suppose the warped logic follows that ‘voicing dissenting opinions’ become ‘terrorism’. This should concern us all.

    This legislation is currently moving through the House. Discussion of HB 1333 was scheduled for executive session in the House Committee on State Government & Tribal Relations at 1:30 PM yesterday, January 31, 2023.

    An excellent breakdown, relevant info and links can be found at:

    • jimscarantino

      When is the next public hearing on this bill and how can one testify? We have a serious holistic problem with extremism in Port Townsend. When a group of elderly women and a few younger women sought to speak about their rights to privacy and dignity, they were attacked by radicalized young men just outside City Hall.

    • John Opalko

      Bigmouth, Thank you for the information. We see that this legislature is going after First Amendment as well as Second Amendment rights of the citizens it supposedly represents. Having read the bill, here are a few things that stuck out to me (in addition to the things you mention.)

      Invitation of the FBI and Homeland Security to participate in this Commission. Given the “Twitter Files” revelations of the egregious FBI domestic surveillance and suppression of speech, this will give Federal organizations new power to suppress free speech and attack political dissent.

      From the bill: “Specific steps to adopt and fund a public health-style and community-based framework for PROACTIVELY RESPONDING to domestic violent extremism”. (caps mine) This is typical tyrant doublespeak. If an action is proactive, then it is not a response. Putting these two words together is meant to appease those who might be frightened by proactive acts. Proactive means: “We think you might do something so we will act to suppress you now.” It is not a response.

      The bill specifically omits representatives of the Christian community as potential commission members under “groups protected under RCW 9A.36.080”, even though the hate crime law (RCW 9A.36.080) protects all religions.

      Finally “Public health-style responses” is terrifying, given recent and historical past. Please watch “Never Again Is Now Global — A Five-Part Series by Vera Sharav” ( https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/never-again-is-now-global ) to see how the Nazis used public health to dehumanize and further their aims.

      • Bigmouth

        A resounding YES! to all of your salient points, especially the doublethink of “proactively responding”.

        I did more research today and listened to the 1/31 meeting. HB 1333 passed committee 4 to 3 and now moves onto the Rules Committee.

        Interestingly, one argument against the bill noted that the public attendees at the 1/24 online Public Hearing, 2,499 were opposed, 118 in favor. It was also noted that in the numerous emails from the public, this bill is very unpopular with the public calling it “dangerous”.

        I’ll take a look at the video series you linked. I figure forewarned is forearmed. And by that, I mean that they’re probably not going to re-invent the wheel when they already have a time-tested playbook in hand. Guess I should understand tactics from the playbook used in the past.

    • MJ Heins

      Thank you for the links and info about HB 1333. The rogue regime in Olympia intends to use the “public health model” to override freedom of speech and any other rights they choose. Loyal judges, bureaucrats and enforcers will attempt to destroy the lives of anyone who disobeys their edicts. Totalitarianism is the name for this type of governance. It is incompatible with the US and WA constitutions.

      The good news is HB 1333 makes it easy to identify the Great Reset Totalitarians, their useful idiots, and fellow travelers. Totalitarianism eventually fails. Plan to resist. Plan to survive.

  3. Bigmouth

    Love that approach, Jim.

    Short answer: I don’t see any more public hearings scheduled at this juncture, nothing on the calendar that I can find.

    Long answer:
    HB 1333 Passed in committee on 1/31/23 with 4 yay and 3 nay votes.

    Video and audio here:

    One argument against the bill noted that the public attendees at the 1/24 online Public Hearing, 2,499 were opposed, 118 in favor. It was also noted that in emails from the public, this bill is very unpopular with the public calling it “dangerous”.

    The question was also raised about whether the Attorney General, a partisan official, would be able to take a non-partisan approach, with an alternate suggestion of instead creating a bi-partisan task force in which members were appointed by the Legislature. Neither argument against git much traction.

    The following substitutions were made to the original:

    Removed ADL and ACLU members, reducing the membership of the proposed commission from 15 to 13 members.
    Specified the Attorney General will appoint the public health representative and the six representatives from groups protected under the criminal hate crime statute.”

    Now HB1333 moves to the House Rules Committee. The Rules Committee can either place the bill on the second reading calendar for debate before the entire body, or take no action.

    Rules Committee members:

    I’m unclear at what juncture any further public hearings would be held. I see nothing on the Rules Committee calendar.

  4. Rob Roy

    This House Bill 1333 is a joke… If they think its a good idea for them let them make this mistake…


    This case law is very important,,, it renders full protection of the 1st amendment to the private citizen and the media… It protects the right of the individual of being critical of the governmental entity on every level… It basically means that you can say anything you want,, true or not,, damaging or not and the government has to take it without recourse… When referring to the government under this case law it also means that any public official or employee who is working in such capacity is in-fact the government entity because their work product is the government entity and they have no right or legal protections, legal recourse when it comes to defending themselves against accusations, comments or statements of any kind… The only speech the government or representing individual serving in such capacity has protections against is “specific threats of violence” from an individual or group who has the means to carry out the specific threat and then takes a substantial step forward in doing so..

    All this talk about forming Truth Ministries and enforcement against what they deem to be misinformation is totally bogus and has no legal basis and is in conflict with all case law protecting free speech and the constitution itself… Misinformation,,, lies and pretty much everything else is protected speech as long as its not a violent threat with a means to carry out and a step forward in doing so and its not defamation of a private individual who is in a private or public capacity not serving the interests of government…

    Do not worry about these liars,, thieves and murders who serve the interests of the MAFIA corporate government,,, who gained and maintain power via fraud and are not legally serving as an elected entity… They are tyrants and are lower than the dog shit you step in at the dog park… Say what you want about them and know that YOU are the ones with the power and authority,,, they cannot do shit to you or anyone else who knows their rights and true authority granted only by GOD himself…

  5. John Gusoskey



    In 2012 the issue of home rule was brought to the ballot. The measure was popular in districts two and three and would have passed if they were the only ones voting. The voting block of Port Townsend prevented home rule from passing.

    While only registered voters who are residents of a JeffCo district are able to vote for their choice of who is to run for commissioner in a given district in the primary election, the commissioner is selected in the general election. This means the commissioner is selected by the entire county, DESPITE the wishes of those who live in the district. Thus, each district gets a commissioner chosen by the Port Townsend voting block.

    Sociologically, this means that a commissioner for more conservative areas of JeffCo are chosen by the very progressive elements of Port Townsend who control the voting block.

    Home rule would ensure that only those in district three could vote for the commissioner that best represents their interests.

    Home rule is the only way to break the stranglehold on the county represented by Port Townsend selecting all three commissioners.

    There are 7 counties in Washington state that are home rule. Clallam County, our neighbor, is one of them. Their governance has given the county a much larger industrial and economic base, including box stores and manufacturing, and that leads to prosperity.

    The trick is to break the tyranny of district one. The financial growth and improvement of infrastructure that is typically enjoyed by district one is not shared equally to the other two districts. This is prejudicial to those living in the other two districts. This is the bottom line.

    John Gusoskey, Quilcene.

  6. Ben Montalbano

    “Therefore the only weapon we can cultivate is self-awareness and this will be our victory.”

    So very true 13. We are born with self awareness housed deeply in our innocence. As innocence is acculturated out of as as we grow into adulthood, so goes our self awareness. There is an aspect of purity to innocence, the simple purity to see what is fact and what is acculturated conjecture, conclusions, blame and belief. For me, cultivating self-awareness, is our only weapon against the maturations of the Predator and finding our \way back to innocence.

    Well said comment chante 13.

  7. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Parking Lies and Empty Promises

    Off Topic on the home front, I sent 3 emails to City Council today due to full parking and lost business still going on as of 2/3/23 according to customer input. The emails document lies and empty promises over many years.

    I was amazed to see City Manager Mauro responded immediately. Well not really….

    “Thank you for your email. I’m out of the office until 3/3/23 and will respond when I return.”

    No, he won’t. He never does. Hopefully he gets some rest during his month off. Saying resilient over and over and over as you damage and damage and keeping a straight face really is hard work.

    Then I was going to post this


    As a former Police Volunteer and Parking Enforcement Officer, I wish to comment on the issue of parking in the city of Port Townsend. The root of the problem is the city council and its refusal to adequately address the problem……

    But that alone is over 500 words and would not make it here.

    So here is a reply from past City Manager Timmons promising some action. About 6 years ago. No action happened. Timmons was moved to the FWPDA at Fort Worden to clean up the crime scene there.

    I can document many parking “studies” that died and faded away. Always promises. Like now with Mauro who is resting up, and current Council.


    “If you expected a response my apologies. I was not aware one was expected from me based upon these communications. I cannot speak for anyone else either. The City has communicated via Main Street that we will update the previous parking management plan, incorporating the newest survey data and assess how best to begin implementation. This will also require us to assess new technology as a more effective enforcement tool. This work is currently under contract. I agree the current system is lacking and always has been fairly ineffective and random. We have a unique situation here and the conventional parking enforcement is not going to work and meet all the expectations people have. The survey clearly demonstrated the diverse set of opinions out there on the subject. In regards to parking during Wooden Boat Festival; any parking management would be tested to its limits to respond to every need.

    We will be updating our efforts soon via a Main Street discussions this fall and winter. I am hoping to have a plan ready for implementation next spring”.

    David Timmons

    Note that he says, “This work is currently under contract” What happened to that money spent?

    Main Street got involved according to Timmons. Main Street is bought and paid for with city tax money. Nothing happened.

    I wish you could see the police volunteer throw City Council under the bus for his bosses. They have to keep their jobs.

    Too many words though. Maybe another time.

  8. Ben Montalbano


    The words “Deadly Pandemic” brings up a feeling that might have nothing to do with the actuality. Most people’s chance of dying from the “Pandemic” have been under 1% and yet the “ counter measure” (the vaccine as described by the DOD) harms 1 in 800. So we hear about the deadly pandemic every day in the mainstream news, it generates a life or death fear in us and we then look for an authority to tell us how we might survive. The “authority” is imbued with the charisma of status much like a president, a doctor, a scientist, or a religious leader. A controlled press parrots the narrative from the authority, a frightened public then “believes” what it is being told and then subsequently follows the directives. Critical thinking is pushed aside in favor of blind belief. To critically think one must put fear aside but if we become “infected” with fear then our ability to see the actuality becomes a mute point.

    There are now, released FOIA documents which describe how this Pandemic and the response by government was planned before 2019, not by big Pharma, but by the DOD. They employed the pharmaceutical companies, controlled the CDC and NIH and influenced the censoring of information. The “Pandemic” and the response was not orchestrated by medicine for our health but by government and military bureaucrats whose intent was control. Who better to wage war than the military? The Predator can only function in our lives when it goes unobserved as an aspect of who we think we are. It is the ultimate Trickster, a construct made of words that must be believed rather than seen for what it actually is.

    In my mind, the “War for the Human Mind” is fought on six fronts, some of which I have mentioned. These are: developing charismatic leaders, identifying national enemies, consolidating power, altering or reinterpreting the constitution, suppressing the press and cracking down on opposition.

    I have briefly tried to show how there has been an ongoing war for the control of the human mind. I have not mentioned trans-humanism, AI, surveillance, or the destruction of our view of marriage, family, gender or the natural world. That might all be a future book for someone else. My point is simple. Recognize what part fear and group think has in the construction of your world to view. Be aware that for you to critically think you must be free of fear and most importantly to be aware of your thoughts and feelings. Awareness is not judgement, it is wordless observation and when we observe our thoughts we can notice both the menu and the meal and the difference between them. For each one of us to win this war for our very Being, we must recognize the roots of our fears, see how words color our world and to have the courage to act according to our nature as a Being in human form.

  9. Harvey Windle


    Seems we are saying the same things from different backgrounds. This is from the Jan 16 Vaccine comment from me. What I called the machine you call the predator. Most it seems cannot begin to alter the set of beliefs that hold individual worlds together. It is a long journey with many obstacles. Orwell and others were seeing the predator machine long before our time. Always the same dynamics. Different tools these days.

    I am always fascinated by comparing our contaminated little PT tide pool or petri dish with larger and larger corrupted systems. A common factor are empty souls and dull tools ready to do most anything for money and or social position.

    I have posted this Orwell quote before. “It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”

    The importance of that can’t be minimized. Responsibility.

    I have come to understand how such large systemic corruption is possible by looking at local players and imagining them in larger and larger systems. Perhaps they themselves are a virus. Ready to adapt and survive in any system. Corrupted files in the machine, leading to corrupted actions.

    Q Wayle in the LTE section posted this link that provides some insight from a person who has been paying a high price for speaking out regarding something he is quite qualified to discuss.

    Shedding Innocence – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)

    One of the things Robert W Malone says is “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose: it will defend itself.” Censorship decides what truths you are allowed to explore on your own.

    Orwell said “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
    However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing.”

    It is always up to each individual to establish who and what to trust, and in many cases locally and beyond if you are for sale.

    Orwell again-
    The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
    The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.
    Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.”

    Regarding calling the experimental mRNA a vaccine-

    “There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language.”
    “He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” Lots of altered faces around here, it always comes down to the very needy ones betraying others. So, we are back to-

    “It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”

    And that leads to the big question, What’s it all about Alfie? Why are you here?

    The information lions are loose. It is never too late for critical thinking. Perhaps more difficult for those who did not hesitate or were forced into taking a magic pill, or in this case injection.

    Care. Gratitude. Understanding. The lens of some people’s terror is understood, Denial regarding growing amounts of information predictable. The machine knows you. Know and understand the machine.

  10. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Off topic? Not really. Bad taste? I hope so. It’s national limerick week. That’s a lie. But we are all used to lies by now. This is the least of them. Laugh sometimes or you might cry all the time.
    Limericks have rules. Unlike Port Townsend. I give myself a B- on this one. Add a verse if you like.

    This one’s for Johnny-

    There once was a tool named Mauro
    Who found a corrupt place to go
    They paid him quite well
    To administrate hell
    And step on the little folks toes

    Vetted by socialites two
    He agreed to do as they do
    From City Hall they’re now gone
    But Mauro still stays on
    Trained in guiding the Council of fools

    The Council are bobble heads seven
    New mayor’s mind set eleven
    He loves dogs going poo
    And posts the chickens he’d do
    Council nods to his fantacy heaven

    Groupthink sets in pretty fast
    Play along or you surely won’t last
    All hail to Mayor McSleazy
    Are council palms greasy?
    If not, what explains this whole cast?

    Now Mauro is off for a month and a week
    If he is smart a new job he’ll seek
    Run Johnny run, away from this place
    What was learned from the ethics he faced?
    Perhaps Johnny likes all the havoc he wreaks

    But it matters not if Johnny comes back
    Other dull tools are in the tool shack
    Spare parts await, sound bites in hand
    Souls are for sale all over this land
    Sad those who betray, we surely don’t lack

    In tide pools and petri dishes large and small. Happy fake limerick week. Happy fake everything.

  11. Rob Roy

    We are at WAR… Train derailments,,, vaccines,,, attacks on the food supply,,, air and water…

    Billions of people murdered by the One World Order…

    A reasonable way to deal with Traitors,,, Mass Murderers and Pedophiles???

    we need solutions…

    Reasonable Solution??? The people will accept nothing less than this,,, hopefully it happens under an organized and lawful way,,, hopefully this system is able to right itself and have accountability… If not,,, if no accountability and no justice then I fear the people will be pushed to the point that they take matters into their own hands and that would not be a good thing,,, vigilante justice is not an acceptable or reasonable solution… Total destruction of life as we know it is not an acceptable solution… The People need to ultimately just terminate the employment of all government representatives/employees,,, balance all the books to ZERO and liquidate all assets,,, form a new representative governmental entity and a new system of services and support,,, under a new system of law,,, with new money on the path to no money,,, by the people for the people…

    Oh,,, I almost forgot the most important part,,, release the PATENTS,,, the Quantum Electrical patents,,, Free Energy Patents and put them into production and use ASAP… Break Humanities enslavement to the Central Bankers and Fossil Fuels,,, wireless electricity,,, zero point “ETHER” electricity not on a meter,,, not on wires…

  12. Ana Wolpin

    GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your chance of dying

    “This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER.

    In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:

    1. The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely
    2. The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal)

    3. The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.”

    This headline, subhead and intro are from Steve Kirsch’s latest article. We have previously written about the clear danger signals from the mRNA injections in the CDC’s VAERS reporting system, the cover-up of injuries and damage shown in V-safe data, as well as an early whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service showing massive deaths of people shortly after receiving their injections. Now new Medicare data that regulatory agencies have also tried to keep from the public proves unequivocally that the shots increase risk of death.


    • Ben Montalbano

      The Milgram Experiments in the 1960’s showed that 30% of the participants stop giving higher voltage shocks to a subject when ordered to by an authority figure. Approximately 30% of the population questioned the covid shots. There is the greedy, controlling, authoritative evil intending Ruling Class and then the 70% who follow no matter what the order. The greater the fear the more compliance. Education level, status, and income have little influence. A minority are able to critically think no matter what the circumstances and a majority will follow orders while self righteously shaming the critical thinkers. Is this an aspect of herd mentality, a genetic propensity, a predatory meme or a quirk of human nature? Point is Ana, some will see Steve Kirsch’s article and categorically dismiss it (the 70%) while others (the 30%) will read it and then question the official narrative.
      And so it goes.

      • Rob Roy

        Ben,,, conditions have been artificially maintained in order to give mouth breathers the advantage in current society… It allows for “arrogant idiots” to succeed where under natural conditions they would not survive…

  13. Harvey Windle

    I won’t name any names here. Figure it out. Here is the latest from the Jefferson County Public Health website.

    “2/21/2023: The two-week case rate is 243 cases per 100,000 people. The risk of COVID-19 transmission in public, indoor places is high. At that level, it’s strongly recommended everyone wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask in crowded, indoor settings.”

    There is obviously someone at the top establishing these guidelines or suggestions.

    I have a business with many visitors daily. This weekend a person came in that was not wearing a mask. Most these days do not. Some still do. As you wish. I gave up thinking masks made any difference some time ago. Thanks to critical thinking and sources like the Free Press linking many sources. Life is an ongoing education. Science adapts and changes as individuals should. Real science loves debate and welcomes correction if it has incorrect data. As in Steve Kirsch’s work.

    There can be up to 10 or more people in a 1200 square foot space at my business. The maskless person needed some assistance with an item, so I went with them to a display and helped in selection of an item. I also was maskless. This resulted in standing next to the person and talking and moving things about for several minutes. The person had no concerns with that. A six-foot distance was not considered. We were very close together and talking a bit with no masks and no masks considered. I did know who it was. I didn’t let on. The name on the credit card receipt confirmed who it was without any doubt.

    I now know firsthand that people establishing official damaging policy and advising the public to mask and distance do not do so themselves. At least in this case. After sharing this with others I was told of the same person doing the same thing some time ago during what was claimed to be a time to mask and distance. So, my experience was not singular with this person.

    This person also advises old and very young and you and I to get vaccinated as often as is officially suggested. The scientific data raising red flags in a life and death scenario is dismissed. The narrative is the paycheck and the social position. The narrative seems to kill old and young.

    “Do as I say, not as I do.”

    I have seen it firsthand. Pretty simple data for me to process.

    Damaging out of control systems require foot soldiers and generals. There has to be responsibility. In tide pools and petri dishes large and small. Crimes are crimes. Murder is murder. Please correct me if I am missing something. I stand to be corrected.

    I have seen clearly the perky face power to ill advise. It blends in quite well.


  14. Rob Roy

    The Facebook False Flag

    Get ready for the Facebook False Flag… It already happened/is happening… The back door of Facebook/META is wide open right now,,, security is totally breached allowing criminal elements and intelligence services themselves to access accounts unlawfully… Be sure that they are planting false evidence on people they do not like or deem to be a threat and allowing criminal elements to hack your financial and other private information via the META portal…

    Once they are done setting this False Flag opp up they will announce it to the public via the media as a “Cyber Attack” committed by Russia/China… This will be a devastating attack which will warrant a counter attack…

    Keep in mind that the White House announced the launching of an investigation into the origins of COVID yesterday,,, admitted that it likely escaped from a lab or was released from a lab… Obviously they are going to blame China for that… Keep in mind that our own MIC “Military Industrial Complex” created COVID and the vaccine in a Bio lab in the SW United States,,, took it to Wuhan and released it to FRAME China…

    The virus is immunity and the vaccine is weaponry…

    WAR narrative building,,, painting the enemy via deceptive fabricated narrative… It is their escape hatch…


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