Out of 39 Washington counties, Jefferson County rang in the new year with the dubious distinction of being the only “red alert” spot for Covid cases in the state.
We’ve reported extensively on the disinformation from Public Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry, our health department, and the Board of Health — all parroting a thoroughly discredited global narrative — and on the damage that has wrought on our community. This article will take a look at how our county is currently faring in the wake of nearly three years of a massive propaganda campaign to keep residents in a state of fear and anxiety, a campaign that shows no sign of easing up.
And we’ll compare two other counties that help flesh out the picture: neighboring Clallam County, also under the direction of health officer Berry; and Adams County, at the other end of the spectrum. Where Jefferson has the highest numbers for the case and booster metrics being tracked, Adams reports the lowest figures in the state.
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) posted the maps shown here on their COVID-19 Data Dashboard on January 11. Data is updated weekly. Numbers of Covid cases are converted to rates per 100,000 so that there is equivalence between counties.
The map above, for the period between December 26, 2022 and January 2, 2023, shows the 7-day Covid case rate in Jefferson County at the start of the new year — 127 cases per 100,000 (41 reported cases in a population of 32,190).
Contrast this with the lowest case rate in the state: Adams County. The Eastern Washington county shown in blue reported only 2 Covid cases in a population of 20,450 or 10 per 100,000 during the same week. The third comparative, Clallam County, shows a case rate of 46 per 100,000 (35 people out of 76,770).
The colors on the map’s 39 counties vary from week to week as new data is reported. But it is not unusual for Jefferson County to be a red standout and for Adams County to have the lowest Covid cases, represented in blue. Clallam County typically is yellow or orange.
Which brings us to the second of Jefferson County’s “bests”:
JeffCo’s booster rates are also highest in the state
The charts below depict the dozen counties with the highest Covid bivalent (Omicron) booster uptake followed by the dozen lowest as of 1/9/2023. (The fifteen counties in the middle are not shown.) Jefferson County again tops the list of 39 counties, with the highest jab uptake in the state for bivalent boosters. The percentage of uptake is based on county residents eligible for the booster, defined as people aged 5 and above.
Below is the state map from the DOH dashboard showing the levels of uptake throughout Washington as of January 9 by color coding.
The increasing awareness that after a brief antibody response the shots soon offer no benefit and only cause harm has led to a national uptake rate of only 11% for the Omicron bivalent boosters. Adams County, with the lowest uptake in Washington’s 39 counties at 11.1%, reflects that national figure. But again we see that Jefferson County leads the state with a whopping 47.3% — nearly half of those eligible — receiving the shot. Clallam is third highest in the state at 36.5%.
More boosters —> worse outcomes
By now everyone should know that the mRNA injections do not prevent anyone from contracting Covid. But higher numbers of infections among the vaxxed than those who declined the shot? Is there a connection between high jab rates and high case numbers?
The phenomenon of seeing more cases among the jabbed is playing out globally. Not just in more Covid infections, but greater illness in general. Reports indicate that as strains have become less virulent hospitals are treating few Covid patients, but those who do seek medical care are people who got the shots. Especially those with multiple boosters.
One recent survey of hospital workers, conducted by Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch, asked “What is REALLY going on in hospitals?” Kirsch summarized five key results (emphasis his):
- Hospital COVID wards are empty
- Emergency is not justified
- The only patients with COVID are the vaccinated
- Vaxxed doing worse than unvaxxed (< 10% disagree)
- More boosters —> worse outcomes (only 1% disagree)
The link to survey responses can be seen here.
Even mainstream media is acknowledging this problem, with headlines like these:
- More of the vaccinated and boosted landing in hospital with COVID-19
- Most people in hospital with COVID are fully vaccinated (Canada)
- Immunology professor on why data shows more COVID infections among boosted Americans
- Most people admitted to hospital with Covid-19 are vaccinated (UK)
“Experts” continue to make excuses for negative outcomes. However the public can see that they have been lied to, and their increasing rejection of the shots reflects the crumbling narrative. Less and less people are opting for boosters.
But not in Jefferson County. According to the state dashboard, uptake of the latest bivalent booster rises here with each passing week (now at 47.3%, it was 32.1% at our last reporting). All local health messaging continues to push the jabs:
“Get up to date with your COVID-19 vaccinations,” says Jefferson County Public Health (JCPH) on its website.
Health Officer Berry also urges more shots at every opportunity, spouting demonstrable falsehoods:
“Thankfully we have a good vaccine… to reduce one’s likelihood of contracting the virus and passing it on to others,” Berry told the Peninsula Daily News in a story about winter cases on the rise. “The bivalent booster is still holding up strong against these variants,” she continued to misinform, “so if you have gotten yours, you are well protected.”
A study just published in December 2022 evaluating the bivalent shot in over 51,000 Cleveland Clinic employees found the opposite:
“The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 (Figure 2).”

Cleveland Clinic Figure 2: Risk of COVID-19 infections increases with number of doses.
Black = 0 doses, Red = 1 dose, Green = 2 doses, Purple = 3 doses, Orange = >3 doses
As we have documented in previous articles, the boosters not only are failing to protect — let alone protect well as Berry concocts — they create negative efficacy. The more boosters, the more likely you will elevate the risks of hospitalization and severe diseases rather than reducing them. ‘Negative Efficacy’ Should Have Stopped COVID Vaccine Recommendations in Their Tracks wrote The Epoch Times in November 2022.
Since we first reported on it more than a year ago, data has been pouring in confirming negative vaccine efficacy around the world — from Denmark, Iceland and other northern European nations to Britain, Scotland, Canada, and most recently South Africa. And with new variant XBB.1.5 (ominously dubbed Kraken) quickly overcoming Omicron as the dominant strain, any possible benefit of the bivalent Omicron booster even in the short term is completely negated.
But Berry continues to peddle the failed shot with the absurd assurance that “if you have gotten yours, you are well protected.” So well protected that our heavily-jabbed populace has the highest case rate in the state. Still, nearly half of Jefferson County’s population appears to believe her dangerous disinformation.
Is JCPH just exaggerating its numbers?
We’ve seen that Berry and our health department have ramped up fear over Covid cases at every opportunity. Is the high JeffCo case rate because our health department is over-reporting?
JCPH claims that the opposite is true — that the number of Covid cases is significantly under-reported. From their website:
“Jefferson County Public Health staff estimate that 1 in 12 COVID-19 cases in Jefferson County were reported to public health last week.”
Those reporting their Covid infections to the health department do not even come close to the actual number of cases, JCPH says. A previous estimate of under-reports was even higher: 1 in 15. From the cases that were reported, according to the JCPH website, the two-week case rate — the metric that they use for their visual risk meter — is 252 cases per 100,000 people (last updated 1/9/23).
The department’s website continues the local fear messaging it has been engaging in for nearly three years with this red alert:
Reinforcing that fear porn in JeffCo is our Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), a trio who also comprise nearly half of the county Board of Health (3 out of 7 BOH members). In October 2022, all but fawning over Berry’s autocratic pronouncements, they led the state in another dubious distinction. As Covid restrictions were dropped statewide and nationally — with Covid acknowledged as endemic and relegated to flu status — Jefferson’s BOCC was the only board in Washington state to officially extend its State of Emergency. We remain perpetually in official crisis mode, in an “Emergency Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic.”
How does Jefferson County’s messaging compare to Berry’s other jurisdiction, Clallam County, with the third highest booster uptake in the state?
And what about distant Adams County where the bivalent shot uptake is dead last, faring as poorly as the national average?
Clallam County: Notable Differences
To start with, Clallam’s commissioners reasonably discarded their emergency declarations as of October 31, 2022 — along with Washington State and every county board statewide except Jefferson.
The spell that Jefferson BOCC still appear to be under was not successfully cast over Clallam’s commissioners. While our BOCC gave Berry a bully pulpit for Covid “briefings” at every commission meeting — providing relentless bombardment of her fear narrative — Clallam’s electeds did not. Periodic “coronavirus briefings” were held in Clallam, but they were not weekly.
And the Clallam briefings were not amplified, as they were in Jefferson County, through a radio show. Not only was our young health officer’s rhetoric a constant feature at Jefferson BOCC weekly meetings, Port Townsend radio station KPTZ first elevated former health officer Tom Locke’s reports, then Berry’s, to a weekly community broadcast over the local airwaves. (The station did not air the county’s full meetings, only the Covid briefing segment.) True “programming” of the masses.
Clallam’s Health and Human Services “Coronavirus Information” webpage is far less bombastic than Jefferson’s. It offers a state hotline, a sidebar saying “Covid Cases Are Back Up!” with a link to order free at-home Covid tests, and a link to a separate Clallam County COVID-19 Dashboard.
The dashboard is also less aggressive than Jefferson’s Covid page. It provides the stats below and a couple of charts, directing people to the state DOH website for all other statistics.
A sidebar there has the standard Mask Up! and Get Vaccinated! messages. But significantly, there is no risk meter, no tally of weekly cases to generate anxiety.
With Berry overseeing both counties, Clallam endured the same damaging Covid orders as Jefferson, the most draconian in the state. Her two-county mandate requiring people to be vaccinated before being allowed to dine or drink indoors at restaurants and bars not only set a precedent for the state, it was the first in the nation. In Jefferson County, the BOCC embraced it with enthusiasm, and traumatized residents accepted it compliantly. But in Clallam, so many showed up to protest outside the commissioners hearing room at the courthouse, it took three hours to hear all the public testimony.
“More than 50 were against the mandate, called for Berry’s resignation or insisted she be fired by the county board of health,” according to a September 8, 2021 PDN article. And while there was no pushback from Jefferson County businesses, Clallam restaurants initiated a lawsuit, forcing the Proof of Vaccination Order to be rescinded.
The main platform in Clallam for Berry’s rhetoric was and continues to be the Peninsula Daily News, that county’s newspaper of record. Both the PDN and Jefferson County’s Leader have given her their full support, censoring letters and even paid ads that challenge the official narrative. Berry’s domination of the media and her ongoing disinformation, as quoted earlier, is surely a factor in the high booster rate in our neighboring county.
However we see less masking, lower jab uptake and fewer Covid cases in Clallam County. There are clearly more people in Clallam than in Jefferson paying attention to the actual data, rejecting our joint health officer’s fear messaging and thinking for themselves.
Adams County: Another World
As everyone who has traveled east of the mountains has noted, eastern Washington exhibited far less Covid hysteria than our side of the state.
According to the Washington DOH Covid dashboard, 68.7% of Adams County’s population had an initial jab and just 61.6% completed their primary series. While 42.3% received “any booster,” as described earlier only 11.1% have gone for the bivalent shot. Comparing those numbers to our two western counties:
Adams County – 68.7% / 61.6% / 42.3% / 11.1%
Clallam County – 77.7% / 71.6% / 65.2% / 36.5%
Jefferson County – 86.4% / 80.4% / 74.8% / 47.3%
With less initial primary series injections, and only a fraction of our booster uptake, Adams’ case numbers are also significantly lower, the correlation we are seeing worldwide. Their weekly cases are now in the single digits, two people out of a population of 20,450 at last report.
What kind of messaging about a continuing threat from Covid are Adams’ residents getting? In looking for information on the Adams County Health Department website, Covid is not even listed under their Public Health headings. You have to enter COVID-19 in the search bar to tease out three related links:
The Resources page doesn’t contain any information; it is comprised entirely of links to Washington state websites. The only local link is to the Adams County Facebook page. That page stopped reporting on Covid last summer, as is described below.
The Covid-19 Graphs page looks like this:
Nothing to see here. Literally a blank page. The yellow band at left accesses archived documents from early in the pandemic — a March 16, 2020 emergency declaration; a May 4, 2020 letter to the Governor stating the county’s compliance with state guidelines; a May 26, 2020 media release; a November 2021 press release about free Covid tests, an old booklet for phased re-opening of businesses.
The Covid-19 Update page does not have any Covid-related information.
In a general web search for “Adams County WA COVID-19” the only media coverage that comes up is a story about 43 cases tied to a wedding more than two years ago (November 2020). The county’s Facebook page mentioned above does show some case information, but it is five months old, last updated the week of August 8-12, 2022.
Since last August’s case numbers, there is nothing on any of Adams County’s websites about Covid. No graphs, no charts, no alerts. No statistics of any kind. No Mask Up or Get Your Vax messages.
Might there be a semblance of normalcy in Adams County? Based on what can be found online and what the Washington DOH Covid-19 dashboard shows, as far as Adams County is concerned, Covid is a non-issue.
As well it should be here, too, three years in. But still the hype, the alerts, the “emergency” persist.
The only statement coming out of Berry and our health department that may bear a kernel of truth is that just one in 12 or 15 people are reporting their cases. It wouldn’t be surprising if that ratio was even higher.
Why should we participate in the health department’s fear-mongering?
My household and numerous friends had bouts with respiratory illnesses in the last month. None of us tested, reported, or sought medical care. Was it Covid — Omicron, BA.2, BA.5, BF.7, BQ.1, BQ.1.1 or Kraken? Or some common cold or flu? What does it matter? The symptoms and severity are similar, sometimes identical, the treatments are the same. We all recouped at home as one would with any respiratory virus. As people everywhere have been doing for millennia.
The real illness in this community now is the relentless fear and anxiety that persists over normal health challenges that have been with us forever. Adams County got it right. Respiratory viruses have always been endemic and will continue to be with us in the future.
All the masking and injections in the world will not eliminate risk to the elderly, immune-compromised, and those with multiple co-morbidities. Conversely, overwhelming evidence shows these interventions are damaging immune systems and increasing risks. Having admitted a link from the shots to myocarditis in 2021, just days ago the CDC also finally acknowledged that Covid boosters are “possibly” causing strokes in people over 65.
Continuing to terrorize the public with risk meters and red alerts, telling us to test every time we have a sniffle, to mask up and get dangerous shots, is itself a sickness. What will it take to undo the brainwashing and trauma we still see all around us — most especially here in Jefferson County?

Public Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry dispensing fear
Arriving in Port Townsend in 1975 in Sherpa, her Ford van, Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
Back in 2021 shortly before the health officer transition from Locke to Berry, I hit the 91.9 button on my car radio, and heard an interview with someone from the top of the KPTZ food chain (likely the station manager) who was asked what their most popular program was. He enthusiastically gushed over how it was Tom Locke’s Monday morning covid updates. He went on to say that the station had to up its band width multiple times to accommodate the number of listeners jumping on to hear the Oracle of Jefferson County speak. They bragged about requiring the jabs and masks for employees and volunteers who came to the studio. Their listeners thanked them for “saving lives.”
When I was a kid, my sister and her best friend became addicted to watching horror movies, totally hooked on the adrenaline rush of having the bejeezus scared out of themselves. I propose that this is what’s going on here in Stepford town. On a short errand run yesterday, I saw quite a number of masked people driving, biking and walking alone. As Ana says, the spell has been cast. Stress increases cortisol levels, which hampers the immune system, which encourages illness — on top of the jab-induced systemic damage. No wonder we top the charts of the WADOH dashboard.
Great article Ana. Well done.
I have no doubt that the constant ‘boosting’ leads to a poorer immune system and higher infection rates in the “boosted” population. (Lots of data… including recently studies on IgG4 immune tolerance.)
I also suspect that the Jefferson county population not only “boosts” more, they test more as well. With all the false positives that the tests produce, the so called “cases” in our county are probably artificially higher that in those counties where people are not so Covid obsessed and they just go about their lives without needing to test themselves every time they get the sniffles.
I never understood the obsession with testing. If you are sick stay home and isolate. (And if you are smart treat yourself with the FLCC protocol.) What does the constant testing accomplish?
In South Texas I think most people in the town I’m in aren’t vaccinated. Didn’t trust them so didn’t get them. I’ve been reading the weekly newspaper for about a year. Small town like PT. I have never seen an obituary mention covid. Rarely do I see anyone wear a mask, not even in the city [San Antonio]. I rarely see vaccine ads or anything to do with covid. Why is Jefferson County so paranoid ? I dread coming back there.
Thanks Ana for a well done and informative article.
“The real illness in this community now is the relentless fear and anxiety that persists over normal health challenges that have been with us forever.” – from Ana’s article.
What our “health” officers never mentioned was what we might do to prevent or lessen the severity of a health challenge like covid besides the “vaccine”. They also never gave us a protocol that might be helpful in treating covid or the flu other than the “vaccine”. Their only solution was an unproven experimental “vaccine”, and useless masking and social distancing. Natural, time proven procedures to prevent and treat infections were completely disregarded. Our choices as stated by our officers were to vaccinate or do nothing and possibly die. What does this double bind do to our state of anxiety and stress, never mind undermining our immune system?
The real illness was and still is a health care community in Jefferson County that follows in lockstep with the national Department of Defense dictated medical protocol. We are a community without choice, debate and the ability to critically think. Our two “health” officers lead the way for the majority of physicians in our county and continue to belittle learned voices with time-proven safe alternatives. In the long run, Adams County wins and we, the citizens of Jefferson County lose.
So why compare Adams County to Jefferson? Seems pretty intellectually dishonest. Persons under 18 years JeffCo 11.7%
Adams 35.7%. Persons 65 years and over JeffCo 39.2% Adam’s 11.9%.
No surprise that we have different outcomes.
Mark, are you suggesting the jabs don’t protect the elderly? If not, please explain why 1270% more cases — “different outcomes” — is no surprise in a county with more over-65s when that population is shot up to the gills with a potion they are being assured will “well protect” them.
Global data demonstrates that it’s the repeated jabs, regardless of age, affecting these case numbers and “different outcomes”. Negative efficacy (higher risk of infection/more cases) is just the tip of the iceberg. Pushing these shots which are now well-documented to cause myocarditis and other heart problems, strokes, clotting and more is beyond dishonest. As others here have commented, it is criminal.
No I am not suggesting that the vaccines do not help the elderly. Quite the opposite–studies that compare outcomes for populations with similar ages suggest that there are some benefits to being vaccinated.
What I am saying is that Adams County has a far younger population that is less likely to experience hospitalizations and death from covid per capita than JeffCo. I imagine they have fewer heart attacks too. This is expected given that they are younger. When an author compares outcomes this way they are being dishonest with the readers. It makes me wonder what else they are distorting in order to make their point.
Anyone calling these experimental mRNA injectables a “Vaccine” is being “dishonest with the readers.”
I am the author, Mark, and thank you for reading my article! Ironically, I just responded to another commenter who challenged the information I am presenting with the opposite argument to yours. He contends that my conclusions are faulty because Adams County, with a much younger demographic, had greater hospitalization and death numbers than Jefferson. Please refer to the exchange with Eric below.
The “some benefits to being vaccinated” for the elderly has been far superseded over the course of the mRNA rollout with all the data regarding negative efficacy, heart damage, clotting, immune suppression, etc. The evidence of how dangerous the shots are mounts every week, but the entities behind the “safe and effective” narrative (including local players) cannot acknowledge their massive wrongdoing. There are two very different narratives in play, and many of the studies used by the mainstream vax pushers have been roundly debunked by professionals who are not allowed a voice in a controlled media. Cracks have been appearing, though as the evidence becomes so overwhelming, it cannot be contained. The latest CDC announcement about the shots causing strokes in the elderly is an example of that.
Here is a recent example of the kind of analysis you are not seeing in the mainstream media, discussing a Lancet preprint study:
Yet Another Study Showing Negative COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness
Calling an experimental mRNA injection a “Vaccine” is a lie all by itself. Calling it “Safe & Effective” is just compounding the lie. The lipid nanoparticles encasing the mRNA, are by themselves TOXIC to humans. They were originally designed to allow injectables to pass the blood/brain barrier and were limited in their use. The mRNA tricks your body into manufacturing a “NON-HUMAN FOREIGN PROTEIN”. Another TOXIC element of the jab. The only conclusion we can draw from the ever increasing overwhelming evidence of harm is that someone is trying to kill us. Anyone promoting the jab should be charged and tried for Murder.
“A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves.” -Edward R. Murrow
“There is no safety for honest men but by believing all possible evil of evil men.” – Edmund Burke
EXCELLENT article, Ana! I have been preaching the same to anyone who listens and to about 1000 followers of my blog. I consider myself a Covid expert at this point, based on hundreds of hours of reading about it. I am unvaccinated, unmasked, and like to hug my friends. Every day, I take 30mg zinc, 500mg quercetin to get the zinc into my body’s cells, 2000mg vitamin C, 15,000 IU vitamin D (fat people need a bit more than slender people and Washingtonians need far more than Floridians– your doctor can test for serum levels which ideally are in the 60-80ng/ml range). I also take 1000mg Lysine, 250mg lactoferrin, and 1000mg sunflower lecithin to amplify the anti-viral synergy. I have not had a cold or flu since I can remember– at least 10 years and likely closer to 20. But, enough about Covid.
What do we do about a sinister or incompetent BOH? This cannot go on. The entire world is waking up to the fact, as Ana pointed out, that the vaccines are damaging our immune systems. There is absolutely no excuse for Berry and the BOH to not know this. If they don’t, they’re idiots and should be recalled, fired, run out of town on a rail, or whatever recourse we, the people, have. If the DO know, they are evil and should be indicted and imprisoned. Doing nothing just perpetuates the BS, the public dangers, and the loss of lives. Either way, we need to ignore them EN MASSE.
Again, Ana, thank you for this excellent expose.
Thank you for this great article. I appreciate your work in bringing this information to the free press. I will never understand how our county commissioners are not being investigated for fraud by claiming we are still in an emergency because they want the money. That is what was stated by commissioners in the meeting. It would be like me claiming my car is totaled so I get insurance money but I never crashed my car. Fraud.
It is so clear to see the insanity in our town and so sad people are still running scared. I will send this article to the BOH , as I have other articles from the Free Press, asking for them to fire Berry. Maybe this one will break the camel’s back. If they even look. One can wish for miracles.
Thank you. Such great analysis and information in this article.
“Jefferson County Public Health staff estimate that 1 in 12 COVID-19 cases in Jefferson County were reported to public health last week.”
… or 1 in 15 or whatever. There probably isn’t any good way to estimate how many people have Covid. The public health geniuses forced Covid testing and treatment into the shadows. There is the threat of isolation combined with remedies limited to expensive, sketchy anti-viral offerings from Merck and Pfizer. Not worth getting involved.
Test at home and treat with generic drugs as necessary. My legal prescriptions came from a compounding pharmacy in a nearby county. Other options used locally are horse paste, pet meds and over-the-counter imports from less totalitarian jurisdictions.
Thanks for the well written article. I am over 80, and have been “vaxed” with one booster, which will be my last. It seems like all I can do now is keep taking my daily Vitamin D, then Zinc and C when I start to feel “strange”… and hope for the best.
Thanks again for the discussion PTFreePress.
What is your rationale of waiting until you “feel strange” before taking the zinc and C? Our daily maxima of C is 50mg, and we get about 10 from food, mainly meat. I’d think taking the C, zinc, and quercetin to get it into your cells would make more sense, so that you hopefully will never “feel strange” in the first place. Quercetin is a healthy flavonoid that is a good antioxidant. It is derived from apples.
John,, there are some things you could do to stave off the effects from the DNA altering and parasite infested concoction you were misled to willfully inject into your body… BORON/BORAX it mitigates the spike protein and also regulates RNA and mRNA DNA messaging,,, very possible could be the antidote for this… Also L-lysine,,, Oregano Oil,,, Arnica,,, Ivermectin… You need to be taking anti parasitics… There are many things that can help you survive this and live a full life after the injections,,, but you have to maintain the treatments because your DNA has been altered… Start with Boron/Borax please read this article… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4712861/#:~:text=Boron%20plays%20an%20important%20role,impact%20bone%20development%20and%20regeneration.&text=Boron%20influences%20the%20production%20and,calcium%20loss%20and%20bone%20demineralization.
I have been speaking about the fear mongering that just won’t stop here in Jefferson county to anyone that will listen for some time now. This fear mongering really needs to stop, however I am not going to hold my breath.
We need to do what is best for us as individuals, not “worshipping” the Board of Health, Dr Berry nor the Board of Commissioners. This is not what is in the best interest for any of us. Thinking for ourselves shouldn’t be the way of the past.
Jefferson County’s average age is almost double that of Adams County residents. Over the course of the pandemic Adams County’s rate of hospitalizations and deaths is double that of Jefferson County. If vaccines are ineffective, how do you explain this?
Eric, I see double the hospitalizations (355/177) on the state dashboard, but not double the deaths (45/34). But it’s a fair question, one that I don’t think can be answered without more information, especially without knowing WHEN those deaths and hospitalizations took place. The state dashboard only gives cumulative stats from the start of the pandemic as well as the current week’s data.
The vax was not available the first year of the pandemic and during that time few deaths attributed to Covid occurred in Jefferson County. Most of them occurred after the rollout and most of the people who died here were vaxxed. There is an argument to be made that many of those deaths were actually caused by the shots, but that is another article.
In Adams County, we have no idea how many of their hospitalizations and deaths took place post-vax or if nearly all of them occurred before the shots were even available. We do know from the one outbreak I could find that there were 43 cases attributed to spread at a wedding before the vax rollout that were serious enough to make the news. How many, if any, of those people died?
This article is speaking to our current reality — how the repeated shots, especially this last bivalent booster, are impacting our populations now. Significantly, the current data gives an opposite picture to the cumulative one you are referencing. For the 7-day period the article covers, Adams has a rate (per 100,000) of 0 hospitalizations / 0 deaths. Jefferson has 3.1 hospitalizations / 0 deaths. Clallam has 2.6 hospitalizations / 2.6 deaths. So for the present snapshot in time the hospitalization and death data mirror what we see in the case rate metrics. (Clallam’s cumulative numbers, btw, are 805 hospitalizations / 199 deaths.)
Update 1/19: The data for hospitalizations/deaths over the new 7-day period on the DOH dashboard continue to show worse outcomes for our two counties than Adams (per 100,000):
Adams – 0/0
Clallam – 2.6/7.8
Jefferson – 3.1/0
Mark, Ana’s article does not compare hospitalizations and death between the two counties. She shares public data on booster uptake and covid “case” rates between the two counties. You are constructing a strawman argument and falsely accusing her of being dishonest.
I’ve seen other videos posted here so I hope you don’t mind if I post one. I’d actually like everyone to see this but especially Mr Brotherton and Ms Berry. When Brotherton had Covid there was a story on the front page of the Leader about it. He was quoted saying he had to resist the urge to go out to the barn to get the “horse paste”. I don’t understand why he’s still in office. People say they want to vote him out but they didn’t. I think a lot of voters in Jefferson County don’t want anyone to know they actually want to keep him in his position. As for what he said, if it was a joke it certainly wasn’t funny. If he was serious then I’d say he’s done NO research and is ignorant. Why would anyone want to keep someone like that in a position of local government? How is he helping the people of this county?
I thought this was a good video. https://rumble.com/v1ifh87-ivermectin-the-truth-from-the-creators-of-plandemic.html
Thank you, Laverne. That 13-minute video is indeed a masterful exposé of the lies used to quash effective off-patent Covid treatments, make way for pharma’s devastating global experiment and generate billion$ in profits. The reason Brotherton was re-elected is the same reason Jefferson County has the highest bivalent booster uptake in the state (and still climbing). The level of brainwashing here surpasses our wildest imaginings — as Annette framed it so well, we are in Stepford town. Most of those you see commenting here are in the minority. The vast majority of JeffCo’s population blindly follow mainstream propaganda and seem to have lost the capacity for rational, independent thinking.
Given all this, does anyone REALLY think the medical establishment is unaware of this? Then WHY are they pushing the vaccines???
To answer my own question of WHY all this is going on, despite the information being freely available to the BOH, I just read the explanation: https://thegoodcitizen.substack.com/p/wtf-world-technocracy-front-gathers
Well, the Covid Jab’s Handmaiden of Doom, Jacinda Ardern (who, incidentally, bears a striking resemblance to our own Handmaiden, Allison Berry) is resigning as PM of New Zealand, effective almost immediately. Either a hopeful sign the narrative is collapsing or a more likely attempt to memory hole the destruction. I’m sure sane Canadians hope Justin Trudeau isn’t far behind.
DATA UPDATE posted 1/18/23 on WA DOH dashboard:
Jefferson County bivalent booster rate –
47.9%, increased by 0.6% in one week.
Clallam County bivalent booster rate –
38.8%, increased by 0.3% in one week.
Adams County bivalent booster rate –
11.2%, increased by 0.1% in one week.
Jefferson County continues to be the only county in the state with cases in the red zone, though our data has either been intentionally mis-reported by the health department or the DOH erred when the case rate was entered into the dashboard. The county website shows the current cases at 43 with the same red alert on the risk meter as in the article, but the state’s dashboard erroneously lists cases at 23.
Great article!!!
Now we need to know what the death rate statistics are in Jefferson County,,, Clallam and Adams counties currently and prior to the vaccines… How much they have increased since the introduction of the injections all types of death compared currently to before… That is the statistic combined with their efforts to hide or not inform which incriminates the administrators meaning local government and medical authority including the Sheriff… Hiding clear and present dangers and threats to the public’s safety and welfare in order to give them a false context of reality, so they do not perceive danger or threats to their safety and overall welfare while at the same time making effort to get them to continue taking injections intentionally harming and killing them proves criminal intent on the part of the local government…
The local government and government proxies are way beyond demonstrating their criminal intent regarding these issues… They do not know it yet,,, but they will not get out of this nor recover from this… This is not a recoverable situation for them,,, it will totally destroy the current governmental system and structure,,, they have totally and utterly destroyed themselves beyond any possible recovery… They have little time,,, way less than anyone can imagine…
We have almost reached the end of the denial phase,,, constructively its already over and the panic phase has already begun,,, its only because of the courtesy of the not injected and the desire of the injected to continue living in fantasy land that things are functioning at all still… Pretty soon the vaccinated are going to realize that their timelines are much shorter now and they might as well spend the rest of their time being on vacation and having a good time,,, that is after they get finished being angry and taking it out on the people who convinced them it was a good idea to take experimental/homicidal injections…
Most of the doctors who got censored and banned from social media for warning people said that,,, at the two year marker from the initial injections the horror show would begin and the death wave would really start to hit… That is where we are at now, on the cusp of,,, in the beginning or the mass death phase… Its already hitting China and the United Kingdom,,, its already hitting here in the United States as well but the local government authorities and media are working very hard to hide reality and making lots of excuses,,, telling lots of lies to hold off the PANIC and RAGE…
Thank you for being a voice of reason, as the years go by we all will see what the truth is.
I am always fascinated by comparing our contaminated little PT tide pool or petri dish with larger and larger corrupted systems. A common factor are empty souls and dull tools ready to do most anything for money and or social position.
I have posted this Orwell quote before. “It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”
The importance of that can’t be minimized. Responsibility.
I have come to understand how such large systemic corruption is possible by looking at local players and imagining them in larger and larger systems. Perhaps they themselves are a virus. Ready to adapt and survive in any system. Corrupted files in the machine, leading to corrupted actions.
Q Wayle in the LTE section posted this link that provides some insight from a person who has been paying a high price for speaking out regarding something he is quite qualified to discuss.
Shedding Innocence – by Robert W Malone MD, MS (substack.com)
One of the things Robert W Malone says is “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose: it will defend itself.” Censorship decides what truths you are allowed to explore on your own.
Orwell said “In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing.”
It is always up to each individual to establish who and what to trust, and in many cases locally and beyond if you are for sale.
Orwell again-
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.
Real power is achieved when the ruling class controls the material essentials of life, granting and withholding them from the masses as if they were privileges.”
Regarding calling the experimental mRNA a vaccine-
“There is no swifter route to the corruption of thought than through the corruption of language.”
“He wears a mask, and his face grows to fit it.” Lots of altered faces around here, it always comes down to the very needy ones betraying others. So, we are back to-
“It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”
And that leads to the big question, What’s it all about Alfie? Why are you here?
The information lions are loose. It is never too late for critical thinking. Perhaps more difficult for those who did not hesitate or were forced into taking a magic pill, or in this case injection.
Care. Gratitude. Understanding. The lens of some people’s terror is understood, Denial regarding growing amounts of information predictable. The machine knows you. Know and understand the machine.
They are pushing it because they are under contract to push it,,, they took and continue to take large payments of money to push the vaccines and keep the people under control… Same with the rest of your local government who signed a contract to administrate the vaccines for cash…
And now this, by our State Board of health! They must have their heads where feces inflitrates their nostrils to take this position, else they are INTENTIONALLY denying effective therapeutics and peddling their dangerous and worthless vaccines.
How could they not know? They should be charged with Murder! https://www.theepochtimes.com/state-brings-charges-against-dr-ryan-cole-for-prescribing-ivermectin-covid-19-vaccine-comments_5001082.html
https://doh.wa.gov/data-statistical-reports/washington-tracking-network-wtn/death/county-all-deaths-dashboard Nothing available after 2020,, still in process according to the office of death and birth statistics for Washington State… Counties and funeral homes have a gag order and refer to the state… They are hiding the rate increases because it incriminates them,,, everybody is in on it because of the liability and the money involved…
Just speculating but based on the scanner and the overall picture I suspect that Jefferson County is at around 2x to 2.5x normal death rates right now,,, so instead of 350 deaths a year they are probably at 700 to 1000 deaths per year right now… Nobody would notice accept for the medical sector and first responders and of course Coroner/funeral homes… Unless the Sheriff or health authority informed the public of the excess death which would cause panic,, nobody would notice at 2.5x the normal rate of death per 30,000 gross population in Jefferson County… Keep in mind that generally death rates are consistent with a 1 to 2% deviation over the long term we are probably 100% to 150% above normal right now…
The level of deception,,, concealment and misdirection is staggering right now regarding the death rate increase,,, if you dig into this you quickly are referred to the state of Washington as the only source of information on this issue and they have the statistics in perpetual incomplete status beyond 2020 so that they can keep them concealed…
You may find this interesting: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/new-peer-reviewed-study-217000-americans
I know I sound like a broken record, but this is the kind of information being revealed daily. I wonder of Berry and Inslee live under rocks. Covid vaccines are shortening people’s lives.
No, they do not live under rocks. They are part of the WEF controlled cabal that is attempting to kill us.
Its not just an attempt at killing people they are highly successful… Its very simple,,, they hide the death rate/general numbers beyond 2020 because its clear incrimination of them… That is the prima facie evidence,,, with it being hidden they can continue to lie,,, once its in the open,,, no more lying…