Local Health Authorities Ignore Physician’s Concerns About Brain and Heart Damage Linked to COVID Vaccines

by | Dec 9, 2022 | General | 14 comments

Dr. Michael Mörz, a pathologist in Germany, has recently published an article entitled, Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19. The article is a case report of autopsy findings in a 76-year-old man who had died 3 weeks after receiving his third vaccination against COVID-19.

This case report was published by the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines on October 1, 2022 (Vaccines 2022, 10, 1651).

Dr. Mörz’s article provides compelling and sobering evidence of the potential of mRNA vaccines to cause serious harm to the brain and heart — namely, vasculitis, necrotizing encephalitis, and myocarditis. His article may prove to be one of the most pivotal articles to be published in the conventional medical literature during the COVID-19 pandemic—because of its potential to change attitudes about the safety of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.

To summarize the Mörz article, to present its pathology images in a way that might be more understandable to the general public, and to underscore the importance and implications of the article, I have written a Summary and Commentary about Dr. Mörz’s article.

Here is a link to the long version of the Summary/Commentary.

Here is a link to a shorter version of the Summary/Commentary.

The shorter version has been published on Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s website and republished on the Trial Site News website and on Dr. James Lyons-Weiler’s substack.

The shorter version of the Summary/Commentary is reprinted below.


My email to Dr. Allison Berry, Dr. Tom Locke, and members of the Jefferson County Board of Health regarding the Mörz article:

On November 16, 2022, I sent the email below to Jefferson County’s Health Officer, Deputy Health Officer and members of the Board of Health (BOH), to alert them to the Mörz article and its significance. As you can see, I asked them to respond to several important questions. I requested that they respond within two weeks (by November 30).

It is now December 8, 2022. I have received no responses from Dr. Berry, Dr. Locke, or any members of the BOH. I have not heard a single word from any of them — not even a courteous, “Thank you for sharing this information. We will respond to it as soon as possible,” which would have taken less than 20 seconds to type.

The lack of response to this extremely important article is disappointing, to say the least. Perhaps, they are still engaged in the process of studying the article and carefully discussing it among themselves and, perhaps, with outside experts. But if that is the case, the professional and courteous thing to do would be to let me know that they are in the midst of that process.

Perhaps, the article is too complicated for them to understand, making it difficult for them to respond. But that is why I wrote the Summary/Commentary and wrote it in such a way that non-physicians could understand the article and its significance. Again, the professional and courteous thing to do would be to let me know that they are working on a response.

Perhaps, they think the article does not represent good science and simply represents misinformation/disinformation. But if that is the case, the professional and courteous thing to do is engage in scientific dialogue with me, during which they could explain their criticisms of the article and we could learn from each other.

Perhaps, they do not want to challenge their long-held COVID beliefs and understandings by considering new information. Perhaps it is too difficult, too uncomfortable (emotionally and psychologically) for them to consider a reversal in their thinking and recommendations. But such rigidity goes against fundamental principles of science and medicine.

Perhaps, they concluded that this vaccine-related complication (if it is, indeed, related to the vaccine) is probably “very rare” and, therefore, “it is best not to scare the public” by mentioning it—“lest it unnecessarily frighten people from becoming vaccinated.” Such a conclusion, however, is irresponsible in at least two ways. First, they do not know how rare or not rare this complication is, nor does anyone else, because this represents the only autopsy in which a definitive test for presence of vaccinal spike protein has been performed. Second, even if this complication proves to be extremely rare (which seems unlikely to me), health care workers have a moral and legal obligation to comply with a proper informed consent process, which includes mention of even extremely rare potential side effects. Frankly, I suspect that if more autopsies are done, and if they include testing for presence of vaccinal spike protein, it will become evident that versions of this complication are common—particularly if electron microscopy is performed on the tissues.

Perhaps, they simply do not care. Perhaps, there are other reasons for their silence.

Whatever the reasons are for their silence, it is sad and instructive that the individuals who are most responsible for caring about the health of Jefferson County citizens have remained silent about such a profoundly important article.

I am not sure what our next step should be. What would readers of the PTFP suggest?


Dear Dr. Berry, Dr. Locke, and members of the BOH,

As a pediatrician/pediatric rheumatologist (formerly at Cleveland Clinic) and as a resident of Port Townsend during the first year of the pandemic, I have been deeply concerned about the wisdom and safety of the COVID mass vaccination campaign, both nationally and in Jefferson County—especially the campaign to vaccinate infants and toddlers with the mRNA vaccines.

Policies regarding the COVID pandemic should be based on a deep scientific understanding of the immunology, virology, vaccinology, evolutionary biology, and the glycosylation biology of the COVID situation. This includes a deep understanding of the immunopathology that is emerging among the COVID-vaccinated—particularly the neuro-immunopathology (which was my specialty at Cleveland Clinic).

I have attached an extremely important article, recently published (in the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines) by an excellent pathologist in Germany (Dr. Michael Mörz).  It provides compelling and sobering evidence that spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccines can end up in the endothelial cell lining of capillaries in the brain and heart; that this is closely associated with CNS vasculitis, necrotizing encephalitis, and myocarditis; and that these vaccine-associated phenomena can be fatal.

I have attached the Mörz article for your review.  I have also attached a Summary (for the General Public) and Commentary on the Mörz article that I have written to help non-physicians to more easily understand the Mörz article and its significance.

I have some questions for all of you:

  • What is your reaction to the Mörz article?
  • Do you think the COVID vaccine is responsible for the neuropathology and heart pathology documented by Dr. Mörz?
  • How worried are you about the possibility of vaccine-related neuro-immunopathology occurring in some who receive the COVID mRNA vaccine?
  • To what extent do you, as the COVID health experts in Jefferson County, feel obligated to call this article to the attention of the public in Jefferson County?
  • Should discussion of this article be part of the informed consent process?
  • Do you think the Mörz article should cause hesitancy about continuing the COVID vaccination campaign?
  • Is the Jefferson County Board of Health encouraging COVID vaccination of infants and children?

I would appreciate hearing back from you within 2 weeks (i.e. by Nov 30), if possible.

Finally, would you be interested in organizing a Town Hall meeting in PT to discuss this article—so that the public could learn about the article and its significance?  I would be happy to be a guest speaker at such a meeting.

With Warm Regards,

Rob Rennebohm, MD


(Dr, Rennebohm’s article published on Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche’s website, Trial Site News website and Dr. James Lyons-Weiler’s substack.)

A Summary (for the General Public) and Commentary Regarding the Case Report Published by Dr. Michael Mörz:

Multifocal Necrotizing Encephalitis and Myocarditis after BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccination against COVID-19

By Rob Rennebohm, MD
November 10, 2022

Above is the title page of an article written by Dr. Michael Mörz, a pathologist in Dresden, Germany. Here is the link to the full article: (https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651). It is a case report of autopsy findings in a 76-year-old man who had died 3 weeks after receiving his third vaccination against COVID-19. This case report was published by the peer-reviewed journal Vaccines on October 1, 2022 (Vaccines 2022, 10, 1651).

Dr. Mörz’s article provides compelling and sobering evidence of the potential of mRNA vaccines to cause serious harm to the brain and heart—namely, vasculitis, necrotizing encephalitis, and myocarditis. His article may prove to be one of the most pivotal articles to be published in the formal conventional medical literature during the COVID-19 pandemic—because of its potential to change attitudes about the safety of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.

To summarize the Mörz article, to present its pathology images in a way that might be more understandable to the general public, and to underscore the importance and implications of the article, I have written a Summary and Commentary about Dr. Mörz’s article.

Here is a link to the Summary/Commentary:

Take Home Visual images:

The above image (from the Mörz article) shows a cross section of a capillary in the heart. It demonstrates the presence of an abundant amount of spike protein (the brown material to which the red arrow points) within endothelial cells, which are the cells that line the inner wall of the capillary. There is endothelial cell swelling, and there are a few mononuclear inflammatory cells within the wall of the capillary. The spike protein was demonstrated to be of vaccinal origin, not from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

The above image (also from the Mörz article) is a cross section through a capillary in the brain. It shows prominent signs of vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessel wall). The vessel is filled with hemolyzed blood, which is normal in autopsied cases. The many tiny blue cells that are present in the walls of the vessel (immediately surrounding the hemolyzed blood) include many lymphocytes (inflammatory cells). The presence of numerous lymphocytes in the wall of this vessel means that the vessel wall is inflamed—-i.e., the vessel is experiencing vasculitis.

The importance of the Mörz article:

Dr. Mörz has conclusively demonstrated the presence of an abundance of vaccinal spike protein in the endothelial lining of the walls of capillaries and arterioles in the brain and heart. He has also demonstrated significant inflammation within the walls of these same vessels. His interpretations of the findings are accurate and not overstated. He has appropriately suggested that these two findings are linked—that the inflammation in the vessel walls (vasculitis) was most likely triggered by the presence of vaccinal spike protein in those walls.

Dr. Mörz has also conclusively demonstrated diffuse and multifocal inflammation in the brain tissue (encephalitis) and in heart muscle (myocarditis). The encephalitis was necrotizing—i.e., associated with death (necrosis) of brain cells (neurons).

The two images shown above (along with the several other images presented in the Mörz article) support the following hypothesis: When the mRNA (that is embedded in the lipid nanoparticle of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) is injected into the arm, the mRNA finds its way (via the blood stream) into distant cells—in this case endothelial cells that line the small blood vessels in the heart and brain. (The vaccine does not simply stay in the arm.) Once in the endothelial cell(s), the mRNA instructs the ribosomes in the cell to manufacture spike protein. The spike protein then migrates to the outer surface of the endothelial cell. The immune system then sees the spike protein (or fragments thereof) on the surface of the cell, recognizes it as foreign, and concludes that the endothelial cell has become infected. Accordingly, the immune system sends lymphocytes and other inflammatory cells into the walls of the vessel to attack the presumed infected endothelial cell(s). The vessel wall becomes inflamed (vasculitis) and, during this process, the endothelial cells become immunologically injured and may swell to varying degrees. Sometimes, abnormal intravascular coagulation (clotting within the vessel) may be triggered. In some instances spike protein finds its way through the blood vessel wall and penetrates into the brain (or heart) tissue, where the spike protein may trigger an inflammatory reaction in the brain (encephalitis) or heart (myocarditis).

People who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 (and those contemplating vaccination) deserve to know whether the Mörz report of probable vaccine-induced microvascular and parenchymal (tissue) injury in the brain and heart represent extremely rare phenomena or are more common than that. Vaccinees and the public at large deserve to know the prevalence of such phenomena, and they deserve to know the full spectrum of such findings. If such phenomena are more than rare, our hope would be that the abnormalities are usually only minimal, not as dramatic as in the case reported. We would also hope that the abnormalities might be reversible, possibly amenable to treatment—particularly if patients are warned to not receive any further COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.

Scientific understanding of potential serious side effects of the mRNA vaccines—including knowledge of the prevalence, spectrum, and pathogenesis of such complications, and potential treatment options for them—would improve if more autopsies were performed in situations like that of the case reported by Mörz.

Physicians, nurses, hospitals, medical centers, health departments, the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), the pharmaceutical industry, government leaders, and media outlets that have assured the Public that the COVID-19 vaccines are “very safe” owe it to the Public to thoroughly, openly, honestly, publicly, and prominently discuss Dr. Mörz’s article and its implications. To date, there has been no mention of this article by the CDC, NIH, FDA, WHO, AAP, Pfizer, Moderna, government leaders, the mainstream media, or the medical experts who routinely inform the Public. On the contrary, instead of halting the mass vaccination campaign (which is the scientifically and morally correct thing to do), the promoters of the COVID mass vaccination campaign are currently re-doubling their efforts to greatly increase vaccination rates—spending billions of dollars to maximize vaccination against COVID-19, even among infants and toddlers.

To those people who have been encouraged, pressured, even mandated to receive COVID vaccination—physicians and scientists owe a massive top priority collaborative effort to thoroughly study the pathogenesis (the causative chain of events that lead to disease) and potential treatment of vaccine-induced endotheliopathy, vasculitis, encephalitis, and myocarditis—even if these complications prove to be rare. The death of the 76-year-old man reported by Dr. Mörz should not go in vain. We need to determine how to promptly recognize and promptly provide optimal early treatment for vaccinated people who may be developing early evidence of similar complications in their brain, heart, both, and/or elsewhere.

In the meantime we should deeply thank Dr. Mörz for performing and publishing his extensive and careful study of this one patient. The scientific quality of his work is excellent. His careful article represents a major contribution to medicine and Humanity. He is to be commended for the expertise, time, effort, and courage it took to present this compelling and valuable information. He has superbly honored the best traditions of science, medicine, and ethics and has performed a great service to Humanity. We should also commend the journal Vaccines for demonstrating the wisdom and moral courage to publish Dr. Mörz’s article. Like Dr. Mörz, Vaccines has honored the best traditions of science, medicine, and ethics, and has honored Humanity in the process.

Rob Rennebohm, MD
Pediatrician and Pediatric Rheumatologist
Retired (formerly at Cleveland Clinic)

Email: rmrennebohm@gmail.com
Website: www.notesfromthesocialclinic.org

Dr. Rob Rennebohm

A former Port Townsend resident, I am a partly retired pediatrician and pediatric rheumatologist who currently lives in Seattle, Washington.

I graduated from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) at La Jolla School of Medicine. Early in my pediatric rheumatology career I had the honor of playing a major role in developing the specialty of Pediatric Rheumatology in the Peoples’ Republic of China. Sequentially, I have practiced pediatric rheumatology at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital/University of Cincinnati, Nationwide Children’s Hospital/Ohio State University, Alberta Children’s Hospital/University of Calgary, and at Children’s Hospital/Cleveland Clinic. Currently, I am Visiting Professor of Pediatrics, Department of Hospital Pediatrics, at Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

For the past 16 years I have focused on the international study and treatment of Susac Syndrome, a potentially devastating autoimmune disease that attacks the microvasculature in the brain, retina, and inner ear of young adults, causing ischemic brain injury, visual loss, and deafness.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Il Corvo

    Perhaps local health authorities lack of response to this well documented and stated letter, is political. This is a heavily Neo-Liberal Democratic town. The last commissioner to run for office was elected by an overwhelming majority. The local paper, the local radio station and Dr. Berry and Dr. Locke have kept the town in a constant state of fear. There has never been a public debate or mainstream forum with our health officials and others with opposing views. A debate would have assumed the public was mature enough to take in the information and then be able to make an informed personal heath decision. Instead the decision by our health officers and the Board was to assuage the manufactured fear with a unified authoritarian voice. Most of our town fell for it and still hold on to their belief that this is about a deadly virus and not about a flawed experimental vaccine.

    So the “perhaps” might be that the commissioners and health officials like their position of authority and will do all they can to look after their own political self interests rather than educating, supporting and bringing clarity to a fearful public.

    We all know that the very worst time to make a major life decision is when you are in the throes of fear. Politicians know this also and will do all they can to make decisions that will keep them in office and keep the community in the dark. This has been and continues to be about political power and never about service to the whole community of Jefferson County. We will never gain our freedom from those that have manipulated the rhetoric in their own self interest. Noncompliance is our weapon of choice against political tyranny.

  2. Shelby

    Thank you for this article and your efforts at dialog with the lacking wisdom and courage powers that be. The past three years of my thirty years working as a healthcare provider have been nothing short of mind boggling. Since the vaccine rollout the following has happened to my vaccinated family and friends: bile duct/liver cancer with diagnosis and death within 6 months (61 years old), new prostate cancer (70), recurrence of remote cancers in two friends, two with autoimmune thyroiditis (Grave and Hashimotos), pneumonia, new diagnosis gout, severe joint pains, and encephalopathy with significant mental status changes that never returned to baseline and resulted in temporary placement in memory care center from living in own home. Now in assisted living. I will remain unemployed vs get vaccinated even though it is a profession I love. The fact that they still are not acknowledging natural immunity and mandating vaccination is criminal. I have deep faith and know that in the end justice will be done. Our Maker promises this. Merry Christmas and pray for a more sane 2023.

    • P. Whip

      One of the doctors you speak about was our physician. We were held hostage with our daily medication (thyroid) and would not listen when talking about our bodies and how we responded to different types of treatments. She was more interested in rules & regulations of healthcare and Medicare than helping us with our medical issues. Her mind was made up and if you didn’t do it her way, we were somehow punished. We are 60 years old & didn’t need doctor who won’t listen. We were happy to see her go to her new assignment, however it has come back around quickly.

  3. Q. Wayle

    Logical/rational thinking cannot take place when a person is in an emotional state. Try reasoning with a hysterical person or calming down an extremely irate person to see how this works. Liberals tend to think emotionally, talk emotionally about feelings, and associate with like-minded, like-speaking people. After years of this, like an unused muscle, the person actually loses some of their ability to think rationally and logically. So, everything is presented in emotional terms– fear. While we are scared, we are blinded to many other things going on around us.

    Klaus Schwab and the WEF have convinced world leaders and corporate elites that their utopia can be achieved if they kill off up to 7 Billion “useless eaters” through plandemics, social unrest, insufficient police, useless wars, starvation and chaos. Why? Because they believe we are ruining the world [for them]. They are promised untold power and wealth if they accomplish this. Covid may have been intentionally released toward this end, but the suppression of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin is definitely to kill us off. Fortunately, enough people were able to acquire these therapeutics, and the virus mutated to a less lethal form. Why did Fauci and the FDA and the CDC suppress these meds to the point of de-licensing physicians who prescribed it? Because the untested vaccines could not be used if effective therapeutics were available. Profit before lives. You can read some of the history of this in Dr. Eades blog: https://michaeleades.substack.com/i/89432429/the-best-book-yet-on-covid

    I believe Dr. Berry, et al, are disciples of Klaus Schwab and his sinister, totalitarian ways that are right out of a James Bond novel. I also detect a lot of incompetence from Berry, which suggests that she is in WAY over her head and touting only “official” propaganda because she is too stupid to think rationally and study the plethora of articles from all over the world about Covid. Dr. Zelenko treated several thousand gravely ill Covid patients, many already on ventilators, with Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Ivermectin, and only lost 1 patient. This is remarkable. Fauci knew this in 2008, but suppressed it. Doctors were delicensed for prescribing it.

    The bottom line is that a lot of politicians, corporate elites all want us dead so we won’t be using up Earth’s resources. There would be reduced CO2, plenty of fossil fuels for them to fly their jets all over the world, and plenty of steak to eat. For them. Because only 1 Billion of us are left alive to serve as their serfs. Until you realize they want us dead, you will have trouble seeing the truth among the myriad of lies about Covid.

    Yes, I know this all sounds like conspiracy theory, but it is all true. Sadly, my obsession with it to the tune of 60 hrs/week has led me to the truth, but it was a tumultuous journey. You can either take my word for it or do some searching using duckduckgo.com, because Google and other censor much of this. The information is all online. All it takes is for you to find it and read it.

    Dr. Berry is a fraud, hired to serve US– the people– but instead serves special interests. She should be recalled or impeached.

  4. Sue Coffman

    Thank you for your expert writing, Dr Rob! I encourage you to join InformedChoiceWA.org, to help us write appropriate articles to not only Agency officers, but our Legislators as well! We need to keep the pressure on, and we can do this together!

  5. Crystal Cox

    This is an Awesome Article, thank you so much for this Truth, and for standing boldly against the Lies. Love It.

  6. Oz

    Supreme gratitudes for this wonderful article. It shows yet even more truth in the face of so many lies.

  7. Ana Wolpin

    A comment from the Free Press Facebook page:

    Andrew Sheldon
    This should be shocking!
    There are those of us that have known this from the beginning and were aware of the criminal negligence/blind obedience of our unelected health authorities. Most of the population in our county have swallowed the kool aid and are incapable of taking on any new information.
    Only 10% of US population have taken the new booster. I bet that # is much much higher in Jefferson county.

    In response to Andrew’s last sentence, at today’s BOCC meeting, Allison Berry complained that ONLY 45% of Jeffco has taken the booster. She also noted that her father has a heart problem.

  8. John Opalko

    Excellent article. Please keep speaking out. Don’t expect any response from Dr. Berry or the County Board. They are politically secure and will not feel a need to respond until the majority of voters demand it. It is only through articles like yours, in conjunction with witnessing these effects in real life that the voters may begin to demand change.

  9. Elaine Noel

    The Covid shots, or poisonous death shot, as the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/ referred to them, exists to decrease the population. People are dropping like flies from heart attack, cancer, stroke, and fetal demise has increased exponentially, all due to the damage caused by the shots. That’s why Jefferson county health doesn’t want to talk about it. They’re not stupid, they’re complicit.

  10. Kincaid Gould

    Dr. Rennebohm, thank you for your article.

    If you’re available and willing to comment, it would be wonderful if you could press for answers from Dr. Berry either in person or over Zoom at the BOH meeting this Thursday, December 15, at 2:30 (https://www.co.jefferson.wa.us/545/Board-of-Health). It could be as simple as reading your email out loud. It’s easier for them to weasel out of responding to emailed comments than those given during the actual meeting. The board has a tendency to disregard public commenters who don’t have any medical credentials (when the comments are critical), but it would be more difficult to do that in response to you and your statement (which explains why they have opted for the tactic of evasion in regard to your email).

  11. Rob Roy

    Totally trapped and spotlighted but they do not know it yet… Talking about the ones who administrated or facilitated mandates and vaccines… Lets be truthful,,, they did not actually mandate and administrate to coerce the public into taking vaccines,,, they actually facilitated and administrated mass murder against their own neighbors and they did it for money…

    No need to mention how they have hidden the truth from the public,,, taken steps to hide evidence and circumstances of reality so that people will still continue to get injections… They did that and are doing that currently,,, trying to keep the public unaware of the threat and danger…

    Justice System totally compromised… Local Police and Sheriff an extension of the FBI and DOJ… They work to protect the system,, the order of things and ultimately their own pocket books… Your local law enforcement are the worst offenders because they take advantage of the faith and trust… They are responsible to protect and defend but instead they allow the threat of their force as the tool of coercion and manipulation… People have died,,, been murdered are still being murdered at the hand of the medical authority,, local government administration and most importantly Law Enforcement…

    There is no escape from these actions,,, no defense and no excuse,,, it is what it is and the piper will indeed get paid…

    Its coming much sooner than people think…
    This horror show has a purpose to expose and awaken the public…
    Tot totally disband and destroy this corporate MAFIA we call a government…
    Money is holding everyone back at this point,,, it is the control mechanism,,, the [spell]…
    Soon enough the money obstacle will be removed and everyone equalized so they can see clearly…
    Not everybody in government is a bad person,,, many good people caught up in this crime spree,,, but its important for them to recognize when its time to “jump ship”,,, probably already way too late…
    We are way beyond our own MAFIA government proving that they are complicit in these crimes…

  12. Rob Roy

    mRNA past studies and trial 2013… 200,000 participated only 5 are still alive today… [They] knew because they had already had a practice run where everybody died,,, it was deadly enough to kill 99.9999%


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