Introducing Our New Letters Forum: Off Topic!

by | Nov 17, 2022 | General | 60 comments

We invite you to participate in a new feature!

We took on relaunching the Free Press in 2021 with a commitment to creating a space for uncensored conversation, discourse that other local media does not permit. Throughout that time, readers have asked, Do you have a Letters to the Editor section?  We didn’t.

And because we require comments under articles to be “on topic”, we found that readers who want to speak to other important issues, events and concerns that our small crew can’t cover don’t have a place for that. We couldn’t accommodate readers who wanted to bring up other topics, post news flashes, announce community events, or express concerns outside of the selected subjects we write about.

In the spirit of offering Letters to the Editor as a traditional platform for lively, wide-ranging conversations in the public square, we invite you to write about whatever is on your mind. As with our issue-specific articles — and unlike print media — this online format supports feedback, exchanges and debate.

How this will work:

For example, if there hadn’t been an article it related to, this post under a recent story would have been an excellent Letter to the Editor, generating its own comments. It would likely have been censored by local newspapers and deleted on NextDoor.

Submit your letter in the white box below Comment Guidelines at the bottom of the page containing the muted prompt “Enter your comment here…” Either provide your own title to the letter as a top line or we will title it for you.

To respond to a post, hit the REPLY button under that specific letter or comment you wish to respond to, as shown in the example above.

[WordPress can be a glitchy platform, and occasionally it does not properly indent comments (as it did correctly above) even though the writer hits the REPLY tab. If this happens, use the CONTACT US tab at the top of the page and let us know. We’ll get back to you ASAP to help sort it out.]

the Editors

Co-editors Ana Wolpin, Stephen Schumacher and Annette Huenke have a combined history of more than 120 years in Port Townsend. See the “About the Free Press” page for more about the editorial team.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Il Corvo

    Elections: Our Biennial Theater of the Absurd

    We have just passed through another election process and what will actually change? Whether it be on a local/ state/or national level, how many elected representatives will return to office with a strong sense of what all sides of their constituency are wanting and needing from government and then doing all they can to satisfy those needs?

    We hear during campaigns, vague promises, patriotic slogans, an elevation of our “Founding Fathers” into near deities, and the constitution as a God inspired document. Our local politicians say they will continue to protect us from a virus but have never asked our explicit permission on how to do that. Where was the freedom of “Our Body, Our Choice” with this experimental, untested vaccine? It was taken from us through denigration, discrimination, and vilification that was used to force aside our freedom and do what was mandated. All of this abuse of power without our permission.

    Politically it is business as usual but first there is the election theater of hyperbole and the worn out tropes from both sides of the aisle. What if politics wasn’t a lifelong lucrative profession but a chance for folks to serve their communities without the need to be spend half their time looking for funding for their reelection? Or how about when we pay our taxes we can designate where our payment goes rather than half of our taxes going, for instance, to a military war machine that we might object too? Point being government and politics can be rethought.

    Politics has become a profession that can pay great while you’re in office and also when you finally leave. Politicians do all they can to appease the deep pockets and placate the ordinary citizens. Money and power are the drivers that are instituting a New World Order that will make fear a new cabinet position and control of the masses a function of Artificial Intelligence.

    So what really has and will change after last week’s election? Probably very little if anything. Both parties make different promises but when they govern there isn’t much difference. The real running and direction of government is done behind the scenes by the Ruling Class who are the real recipients of government money and power. Many politicians are proxies to this Ruling Class and it is and always has been us, the citizens, who can stop this continual Game of Thrones. History has taught us that we will never gain our freedom by appealing to the moral sense of our oppressors.

    Submitted, Il Corvo

    • Dawn C Whitney

      Being elected to office is intended to be public service, not a career. Unless or until term limits for elected offices are established, the career politicians will have a stranglehold on their lucrative political careers. I also think that once out of office, lobbying should not be an option for these public service elected officials.

      As well the pensions of Congress shouldn’t encourage the career politician. These pensions should reflect the intentions of public service instead of the 2019 pension requirements:

      “As of 2019, members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five years of service. A full pension is available to members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age. A reduced pension is available depending upon which of several different age/service options is chosen. If Members leave Congress before reaching retirement age, they may leave their contributions behind and receive a deferred pension later.” (From Wikipedia)

      I would like to think that if we have any opportunity to not allow the career politician, we may have the possibility of ridding ourselves of the ruling class. The ruling class cannot exist without the career politician.

      • Il Corvo

        Well said comment, Dawn. Just goes to show that, we the people, have the intelligence and insight to see the problem and come up with solutions. If you remember after the 2008 crash, the citizens of Iceland rescinded their constitution and the people rewrote another one. Iceland was the only country that also prosecuted bankers for their crimes unlike the US. It is possible for the employers of the government, the people, to change government but it takes a commitment to do the right thing.

        • Dawn C Whitney

          I was a real estate appraiser during the 2008 housing market crash. In my opinion, the underwriters held the most responsibility, the mortgage lending companies were not far behind with their responsibility, then comes the greed of the banks who packaged these known bad loans to sell off in hopes of washing their hands of taking the loss. If it wasn’t for the underwriters approving borrowers being prayed upon by these mortgage lending companies, the majority of these borrowers would have never made it to the loan process.

          Unfortunately, the appraisers bore the brunt of the responsibility as it was determined that appraisers were in the hip pockets of the mortgage lending companies. There was congressional legislation passed that targeted appraisers. The appraisers were the scapegoat for the underwriters, mortgage lending companies and the banks.

          Sound familiar to the S&L scandal that actually led to USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) and the licensing of appraisers?

    • Ann Marie McNary

      I have always voted–first election was in 1984. From 1984 to the present day I have voted for the lesser of two evils. I have always hated that that was my choice–but to this day that has remained my choice. Sad commentary on the state of the electorate. I always was an independent voter–I always thought the two party system was a sham though I understood historically why it had (theoretically) mattered back in the day. As a student of history and a consumer of politics it is clear that money and concomitant greed corrupts all. Everyone knows this. And yet everyone throws money after and into campaigns, elections and parties. You’ve all seen the info on how much time our elected representatives spend fund-raising. We all know about lobbyists. You might as well be repairing the brakes on your car with the blown out engine. We can only have true representation if we rid ourselves of the political class. Period. Farmers and working class should spend a term in the House. No one should be there for longer than two years or 6 years with the Senate. There should be no re-elections or parties or lobbyists/special interests. And the US government should not be the nation’s largest employer. Until these things change, nothing will change, except the continued slow attrition of our identities and our rights.

    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      Accurate assessment Mr. Crow. Ideas as old as the hills. As are some of us now. For a very long time now, I have had the image of many including friends that have powerful hemi engines for brains. But no transmission or way to get the power of their minds some traction to the road ahead. They can roar and spit flames. No traction. This does not include some journalists that provide nutritional food for thought.

      Sometimes you just need a six-banger tractor in low gear with a plan to get somewhere.

      Seems changing the world starts small and at home. Dawn who seems to use her real name points out no term limits and other things built into the system that keep things “status quo’. Locally for well over 9 years in the Mis Leader I called for term limits on City Council and an elected not appointed Mayor. I will not contribute thought or money to that controlled media anymore. They attract a much different readership, cultivated over many years.

      A women’s rights press conference was called an “Anti-Trans Rally” and was silenced by organized folk appointed Mayor Faber approved of. City council in turn approves of him. Also in the Mis Leader their mindless entertainment columnist claimed all “covid misery” was due to “spreadnecks” and folk who hesitated when big government and big pharma worked together at “lightning speed’ on a timeline with billions of dollars in profits at stake for a quick fix. Depending on the size of your engine upstairs you trusted or didn’t.
      Or mandate that others do?

      Back to traction, some will say elections are a sham. Still the theatre of individuals calling each other out for specific positions or deeds seems to be more helpful than harmful. False narratives debated in public can slowly give birth to new narratives. More honest ones.

      Let’s reelect Appointed Mayor Faber. 3 million dollars wasted on the Cherry Street project. On council long enough to share in responsibility for so much more. Decayed and ignored roads, private use of public space for mess tents and similar against public input, 1.2-million-dollar no public input plaza, not “green” or useful. The ignored FWPDA audits that came in before covid signaling real problems.

      Also Faber’s Facebook thing about being required to be a deviant and pervert to be Appointed Mayor. Is sex with live or dead chickens best he wonders? Have sex with a dog to make the perfect yam he claims. Is he up late at night worrying about those he screwed out of housing with Cherry Street? He has other things on his mind it seems. No responsibility. None. Council appointed that. Unanimously. Council is silent as he embarrasses himself and them. Perhaps council can sink no lower. No consequences. Lie at meetings to mis direct. We have people to do that. It’s like a sports team with positions. Liar, mindless voter, and team captain that is just a silly mascot. 500 words. Will do a part 2.

      • Il Corvo

        “What is your plan of action Mr. Crow? Can we hash one out here or just spit flames and roar?”
        Quote from Harvey Windle, assuming that is your real name but why would it matter if I have what’s in your head on this printed page. If you don’t like Raven or Crow then Ben will do.

        My plan is simple, Don’t comply with anything that compromises your sensitivities. That includes what you eat, how you vote or not vote, if you wear a mask, what drugs you take or have injected, if you carry a smart phone, etc. In other words, know yourself, be yourself and speak your truth. Non-compliance is our weapon and if a critical mass says basta, all of the air leaves the bubble around the Ruling Class. It all starts and finishes with you and I.

        • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

          But blackbird singing in the dead of night, didn’t I already turn to Mr. Lennon to say what you just did before you said it?
          You tell me it’s the institution
          Well, you know
          You’d better free your mind instead

          I just don’t know how you get your word out better than John did. It has been a while since he gave us his clue.

          Might also be a good backup to get some less jellyfish like folk in City Hall. Just for our little tide pool.

          Or not.

          It sure would be nice to promote a fab four as the new sound replacing crickets from city hall next election. Expect others in other pools large and small get a clue and do the same. Free their minds and City Halls and the like at the same time. One tide pool at a time.

          Or not. Is your plan handbills or pamphlets? Perhaps an album?

          Other than that, any four readers want to start a prefab four? And not monkee around?

          Perhaps we can also do the sound of crickets.

          • Dawn C Whitney

            These lyrics may be much more contemporary but Kid Rock tells it like it is:

            From “We the People” (This is for Mr Windles suggested “prefab 4”)

            “But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free
            And every human being doesn’t have to agree
            We all bleed red, brother, listen to me
            It’s time for love and unity
            We the people”

            From “Ain’t Noby Gonna tell me how to live” (This is for the County/State Government)

            “Ain’t nobody gonna tell me how to live!
            Oh, I’m gonna soar like an eagle
            My wings will carry me away
            I got the heart of a lion
            I get stronger every day”

            I don’t reside within the city limits of Port Townsend but I have resided in Jefferson County for 21 years.There has to be unity in common goals to affect change. There is no time like the present. As my Dad used to say: “The squeaky wheel gets oiled.”

            Do we want the “Ruling Class” few to continually speak for the many of Jefferson County? I think that this has gone on for far too long!

    • Q. Wayle

      Indeed. Well said. They’re just two sides of the same coin. It’s all about power and wealth, the people be damned. I totally agree with your comments.

  2. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Part 2-
    The non-qualified corruptible and compromised Sandoval and Stinson vetted city manager is another issue. Way over 500 words there alone. Council loves him.

    Craig Durgan points out in the last story about the PUD that 4 seats for city council are up next election. Lots like to show powerful hemi engines here. Can this forum come up with 4 tractors to re plow this little local field? Could be a majority. The microcosm of the macrocosm? Mr. anonymous Crow, can we organize on this small front? Not anonymously.

    I think there are giggles in ivory towers located inside bubbles. Word is some of the natives are mumbling about things again. Take a look at the blown out not usable mess tent in front of Alchemy. Taking parking on top of a manipulated culture where neighbors screw each other taking more due to laziness and greed. That new owner got a free mess tent. He had no covid damages to recover from.

    Main Street organization, now a city owned entity facilitates damage to its dues paying members. Must be some tiny little engines out there.

    John Lennon is hanging out on the other side with the Georges, Carlin and Orwell. He just whispered in my ear.

    You say you’ll change the constitution
    Well, you know
    We all want to change your head
    You tell me it’s the institution
    Well, you know
    You’d better free your mind instead

    What is your plan of action Mr. Crow? Can we hash one out here or just spit flames and roar?
    Tractors needed. Ivory tower giggles heard in the background. Keep track of your chickens and dogs. They are in peril.

  3. Dawn C Whitney

    Yes Mr Windle, I use my real name. I see no reason to hide behind a false name. I have never been one to bow to the social convention norm which leads to not having the desire to be accepted into the “in crowd.” Why be normal?? That would be boring!

    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      Dawn, regarding your squeaky wheel saying from your dad’s time in another response by you above this. Now its squeaky wheel gets cancel cultured, ghosted, and vilified. By “normal” “boring” folks.

      Thanks for the Kid Rock thoughts. As Bruce Cockburn says
      “Pay attention to the poet
      You need him (or her) and you know it”

      Sorry you are outside the city limits as I am and can’t participate on Council as part of a fab four. I only have a business of 26 years downtown that is treated like crap but is a pretty big draw. What do I know if I don’t sleep within city limits? Apparently enough to be ghosted, cancel cultured, and vilified by a group that produces nothing but the ability to take credit and deny responsibility as needed.

      • Dawn C Whitney

        Mr Windle,
        I hope that you can find solace in knowing that your wisdom and voice have not suffered from cancel culture, you are not ghosted and, as far as I know, you are not vilified within the PTFP forum. I can appreciate that this does nothing to resolve your situation that has a long storied history.

        I have to place this comment on hold for the moment. Today is my birthday and my husband is trying to rush me out of the house….

        • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

          Happy Birthday Dawn. This entire community, or those that have tried to be heard by this City Council are cancel cultured, ghosted, and vilified. The damage is done to all. I don’t need or value the approval of those who are so empty and damaging.

          The proof is in the Free Press articles regarding mess tents and special interests served, against the law taking public space for private use, and the transgender articles, which saw legitimate concerns vilified by the Appointed Mayor and many on City Council. Those sitting silent spoke volumes.

          There are 2 communities here for me. The insider one, and the one I have through what I do here of new and old friends, artisans, visitors, and customers. I have fresh water flowing in daily. The city is a stagnant stinking pool. No fresh water allowed. Clear drops entering Council get polluted quickly.

          As Appointed Mayor Faber said you have to be a deviant and pervert to do what he does. Yet he does it as did Stinson, Sandoval, and King before him. Watch for those names to endlessly serve on boards and committees into the future to keep things status quo.

          My first emails to the City Council regarding city created parking problems were friendly and straightforward. No reply. None. Eventually due to past experiences it became apparent what was afoot. Still is. Closed community of special interests and those empty vessels and souls needing to be filled with something that are the foot soldiers for the closed community.

          Used, grinned at, but not respected. Just tools.

          No pity party for me in my comment about cancel culture, ghosting, or being vilified. I would not trade places with any one of the cities tools. Not one.

          I can adapt and do. Many are stuck in servitude with the illusion of powerback slapping each other into a self-assessing stupor.

          • Dawn C Whitney

            The “foot soldiers” that allow themselves to serve in perpetuity believing that one day their servitude to the “closed community” will be rewarded will suffer tenfold in the end. These “foot soldiers” are only useful vessels in their servitude until the day that comes that their servitude has run its course. The “foot soldiers” are never immune from becoming cancelled, ghosted and vilified by the “closed community.”

            I know that you don’t wallow in pity or sorrow. If you did, those of us that are in the PTFP forum would be lacking your knowledgeable and poignant voice on so many topics.

            I am sorry that I was unable to complete what I had set out to try to convey to you in my previous reply. It’s pretty much moot now after reading your last reply. Although, I would like to say that in my opinion you are an invaluable voice of experience and knowledge for our community. I look forward to your eloquent writing when reading the comments.

            In my 21 years of residing in Jefferson County, for myself, I have long realized the benefits of “why be normal?” I very quickly saw the writing on the wall. I find solace in knowing that I will never find myself as a vessel, tool or foot soldier in any “stagnant stinking pool.” I am not concerned with cancel culture, being ghosted or vilified by voicing my opinion by any tool or foot soldier. If by chance I happen to become a target, (beyond what I have encountered on social media) nothing can change or affect who I am.

          • David Lewis

            It’s easy, everything is corrupt….where’s the $100 million missing from Jefferson County and how come we never hear anymore about it oh I know they think we’re so dumb we’ll forget…these people just are that intelligent and the light workers need to stand up and take accountability for what is going…it’s time for a BIG change…

  4. The Editors

    Editors Clarification:

    Our first bullet in the Letters Guide box above — “One letter limit per week” — may have been misinterpreted. After the first letter was submitted, for two days there were only comments to that letter. We realized that our instructions might have been understood as only allowing a single off-topic letter (whoever gets there first) and then all the replies have to key off that. This feature is meant to invite an unlimited number of letter writers, but with a one letter limit per person, per week. And any letter writer can comment under other letters.

    To help distinguish the letters from the comments they receive, letters will be titled. Either submit your own title for your letter as the opening line, or we will add one for you.

    We’re working out the kinks as this launches and have revised the introduction above to reflect these clarifications. Thanks to our smart and thoughtful readers for your participation!

  5. RIch Germeau

    Nothing can happen until the money is destroyed

    Until the stock market is crashed and the dollar debased… People have to make some kind of self sacrifice,,, give up their false idols,,, give up their fake money… In order for the spell to fully break the tool of control must be removed…

    To do it without the consent of the people would seem as if this would be forced and against their “Free Will”… That is not the case under this circumstance because the people are brainwashed and not in control of their own thoughts or decisions,,, their power source has been hijacked/stolen… The people are enslaved,, in bondage,,, body and mind is outside of their own control…

    The only way,,, the only path is total destruction of the dollar first,,, then arrest all of the bad players,,, on all levels,,, no deals,,, nobody gets away with anything,,, if they were involved in Election Fraud EVER,,, if they were involved in the administration of COVID abuse and murder regardless of their knowledge or intent,,, if they were involved in crimes against children,,, all of them need to be accountable to their choices and decisions…

    If we are not accountable to our own selves and each other soon enough the debt is too great and we all get wiped away as if we never existed as payment …

    Subversion; to subvert the constitution via the “rule of law” under the guise of “community care taking” and “collectivism” has been their strategy for a very long time and it has worked pretty well for them… This strategy has a shelf life and only can work as long as the people are distracted from knowing that they as individuals have all the power vested in them and that the government corporation is powerless on its own… When the people awaken it will all collapse…

    You know with the level of deception we are going through,, the intentions of the acts committed against humanity,, that this is super serious and an end game scenario even… Whatever it is,, what comes on the other side,, we don’t even have the capacity to understand at this point,, no context for it in fact… We do not understand the full picture because we have not seen the playbook… We know the people who are allegedly in control,,, most of us here are aware… We know these people,,, we know their actions and intentions,, but what is also clear is that,, if you have the “discernment” and “knowing” then you know they are not to be feared,, that they have no power and are not in control of anything… Someone else is the master controller and that agenda is unseen, unknown,, the playbook is secret… We know where this is headed,, we know that “change” is coming… What exactly the outcome is,, well we do not know that,,, the details we do not know… Its those people who hijacked those navy ships a few years ago and “Evergiven” more recently,,, turned the power off in Israel and 10 other countries at one time,,, Stopped the voter fraud in 2016,, told you about it in 2020 but then let it happen… Those are the people who are running this show… Trump works for these people,, his actions and statements have purpose… Trump is sinking his own ship right now,, destroying his base for a reason,, “Timing is everything”… Stay tuned because the movie is taking a twist/turn,, the plot is changing at least for our perception anyways… What makes a good movie? What makes a movie worth watching?

    “arrogant idiocy” has infected much of the world… You can thank the educational system for the brainwashing and indoctrination of the children… You can thank the fake news media for feeding daily doses of stupid to the people of this world… People live to eat up the stupid,, especially the brainwashed ones,, the arrogant idiots… Have you ever seen so many idiots who are proud of their stupidity???

    The Government on all levels throughout the entire world “Its the same entity everywhere”,,, its only solution to all its problems and our problems is to lie about everything…

  6. Harvey Windle

    Remembering the homeless in the Fentanyl Forest

    I would like to keep Michael McCutchen and his work with the homeless highlighted. The term unhoused is sterile, all deserve a place to call home.

    Some, not all struggle with drug and alcohol abuse. Imagine waking up in a damp tent on a freezing morning like this and trying to stay clean in a couple of ways. Pain killers are the only option for some.

    A few people mentioned to me this week about a “vaccine” to prevent the effects of fentanyl. No one mentioned cause and effect. Cause being hopelessness. Poverty to the point of living outside. Extrapolate that pain and suffering to countless communities. When did we become India with the invisible class living on the streets? Or in the case with PT hidden in the woods?


    There was no info in the FP Fentanyl Forest story regarding where to drop off clothes or checks to help. The FP did give me a contact number for Michael, and a check and box of warm clothing was picked up by Michael at my business. There were 2 warm jackets I almost didn’t include. I thought they would be dirty and not used within days.

    Last night leaving work it was frosty cold. I laughed at myself for thinking the jackets would be better off hanging clean and unused in a closet. Silly me.

    Perhaps a way to contribute could be added here in comments. Happy holidays, and every day. There but for the grace of God go you and I.

    But angels do walk among us. Please help those who walk that walk.

    • Dawn C Whitney

      Mr Windle,
      Unfortunatly, the homeless are an industry that provides a more than modest income to most of the so called advocacy groups. The false flag of advocacy to end homelessness is the creation of the homeless industry and is the necessary evil to keep the industry profitable. And all the while, the problem will never be solved. The profit that is and will be made off of the homeless is too lucrative to give up.

      A few years ago, it was reported that approximately $1,000,000 per homeless person was what the city of Seattle was expending towards the homeless problem. I for one, would like to think that if this money actually went to each individual homeless person, the majority would no longer be living on the streets, in make shift tiny home encampments or temporary/transition housing.

      I sincerely appreciate what Mr McCutchen and the volunteers are doing to provide what they can to those who are in the Fentanyl Forest. I imagine that it is a difficult undertaking.

      I can’t help but wonder how the profiteering advocacy groups look themselves in the mirror knowing that their livelihood is made off of the backs of those that they have no real intentions of advocating for nor doing anything of significance to attempt to solve the problem of homelessness.

      • Harvey Windle

        Locally we only need look at the Cherry Street project and all players. One fool was appointed Mayor. No responsibility for wasting near 3 million dollars doing no due diligence on actual costs or condition of the toxic box he and others imported from Canada. Where did all the money go?

    • Marna S.

      “The term unhoused is sterile, all deserve a place to call home.”

      People who are pedophiles do not deserve a place to call home. People who refuse to follow any rules based on basic human decency do not deserve a place to call home. People who bring nothing but chaos, sew confusion, violence, and destroy everything around where they live, do not deserve a place to call home.

      There must be basic guidelines for behavior, if housing is going to be created for the homeless. Otherwise, the only thing that happens is society spends the money of working people on people who refuse to work, and the money is wasted.

      • Harvey Windle

        Marna S-
        Thanks for using your real last name and being proud of what you say here. The S family is well known and respected.

        “People who are pedophiles do not deserve a place to call home”.
        Thanks also for taking the time to be around the folks in the forest here and understanding what percentage pedophiles are.

        “People who refuse to follow any rules based on basic human decency do not deserve a place to call home”.
        Thanks also for understanding what percentage of the forest folk qualify in that category and what percentage have mental illness and struggle daily to find a balance.
        I had an employee that became a good friend that had severe bouts of depression. I witnessed a person who became nonfunctional suddenly and more frequently as medications were tried on her. I finally had to get other help. She is dead. I suspect suicide but was only advised of her passing past the point of getting any real information. “The authorities” didn’t really question finding her dead. She had an advocate, me. I could not really help. She struggled to be self-sufficient. Many like her slip off the edge of being able to afford rent. May they all suffer greatly shivering in the forest if they try to self-medicate in desperation. Right Marna S?

        “People who bring nothing but chaos, sew confusion, violence, and destroy everything around where they live, do not deserve a place to call home.”
        Don’t folks like that deserve controlled housing through a court system that understands that no sense of consequence breeds more and more chaos?

        The Fairground articles in the Free Press and comments cover much of this. Look back to those.

        Or group many individuals into one convenient package and shovel blame on them all equally. It’s much easier than understanding how the system fails over and over and over.

        In memory of Ann Speaker. Love you Ann. Sorry I couldn’t find answers for you.

    • Ana Wolpin

      I spoke with Jim Scarantino to find out how people can contribute to Michael’s efforts. Checks can be made payable and mailed to:

      New Life Church
      1636 Hastings Ave.
      Port Townsend, WA 98368

      Designate the funds: for Reachout

      Jim stressed that Michael gets no compensation for this work. 100% of the donations go to food, clothing and other needs for those he is helping.

      • Harvey Windle

        Thanks for the address, Ana and Jim. Michael picked up my donations at my business when I was not there. My manager said he was thankful especially for warm jackets. To maximize potential donations aside from cash, can people drop off clothing at
        New Life Church
        1636 Hastings Ave.
        Port Townsend, WA 98368
        and if so what hours or days is someone present to receive them? If not I would be happy to be a drop off point at my business.

        Jim mentioned a sliver of light in the form of a woman from the fairgrounds who got help and is doing much better. Proof some can overcome.

        I firmly believe that just giving food and clothes can be enabling and may be part of what Marna S has issues with.

        I understand logistics may be difficult, and this is where our wonderful city could assist, but what if to get food or clothes you had to exchange trash bags of trash generated. Allowing the growth of purpose and dignity by allowing and expecting anyone needing assistance to contribute what they can and at the same time clean up areas can be part of healing.

        Above that rewarding with other perks those that go beyond the minimum could for a few at least start the process of seeing positive cause and effect. And end or lessen the trash problem. I would contribute to that and hope others would if results were seen.

        I am forced to pay over $50 per month for trash service we really don’t need. We produce minimal waste than I can easily handle myself, and I was never even a sustainability person in government like our City Manager claims. I would rather be allowed to have my cans or bags near the forest on my dime to be filled and picked up. Perhaps our wonderful City Council could figure a way to contribute service as well. Of course, that would require acknowledging the situation in the Fentanyl Forest exists.

        Oh crap. Never mind.

        • jimscarantino

          Winter clothing is what is needed and requested. The most requested item is gloves. Donations (winter clothes only, please) may be dropped off during business hours at New Life Church, 1636 Hastings or the other locations participating in the winter clothing drive (I think the Co-op is one). Happy Thanksgiving. I will be spending my Turkey Day greeting, delivering and serving meals at the Tri-Area Community Center, something my wife and I do every year. We’ve met great people, both the volunteers and the folks coming by for some company and terrific food.

          • Annette Huenke

            Thanks for that, Jim. What are the business hours of the church?

  7. jimscarantino

    Annette, I believe someone is at the church by 10 a.m every day of the week until about 3 p.m. or so and always Sundays starting at 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.

    • Ana Wolpin

      A quick search for the church brings up their website (they also have a Facebook page). Their home page features a weekly program every Thursday night called CELEBRATE RECOVERY and also promotes their WINTER CLOTHING DRIVE. It asks for “winter coats, hats, hoodies, scarves, socks, and thermal underwear in all sizes — new or used but must be clean and in good condition.” The main drive ended on November 13th, but clearly there is still a need for additional clothing (as Jim said above, they especially need gloves). Their phone number for any further clarification is 360-385-7717.

  8. Ruth Berge

    Women Won’t Weesht –

    I don’t live in Port Townsend but read about the YMCA controversy in the Seattle newsrag called the Stranger. I then sought out a different viewpoint on the issue and came across the Port Townsend coverage. That controversy is part of a larger current, unnamed and thoroughly dismissed movement by women to allow us to be women. I write because the Scottish parliament is voting on the issue of how people can easily change their gender identity soon. The Icelandic government recently made it very easy for a person to change their gender identity simply by declaring it. The United Nations has a policy on transgenderism which says it should be easy for people to change their gender identity at will.

    Washington State has laws that allow boys to compete as girls in any school sponsored (and possibly more than that having not closely read the regulation) sports event. The news media generally has divided us up into those who support transgenderism and those who don’t. The Stranger is stridently on one predicatable side of that issue but so was President Obama who undid Title IX during his administration by saying that boys who simply “identify” as girls can compete in sports.

    Although recently the comedian who had a daily spoof news show- I can’t remember his name-, covered this issue and claimed he was showing scientific proof that men can easily become women…he didn’t. All he had was a biased small study claiming that sometimes DNA might change. I asked the group that made the policy for Washington state about the “science” behind their point of view and they never answered. Instead they just told me it is the law that boys are girls if they say so. I looked at the UN policy and it has this sentence “…lack of disaggregated records by national authorities makes it difficult to track the true extent of violence, reports suggest …” in regard to a key component of the transgender line which is that they must be protected from violence and discrimination. There is evidence of violence against women all over the world and all through time by the way. There is no evidence that boys simply become girls by saying so.

    It is clear to me that transgender activism has succeeded in removing femininity. As a woman, I no longer exist. Any man can speak as “woman”, act as a “woman”, participate in sports as a “woman” (or girl). The young man in the YMCA pool is probably on the legally correct side of this argument. As a woman, who has a unique physical, social and mental perspective that no man or boy could ever understand, I am again voiceless. As a woman, I have a different perspective than men (and am not trying to speak for men who can make the equal claim for women who claim to be men). As citizens, I believe we need to be careful to respect that people are different but those differences shouldn’t allow them to take over the identity of another group at will. We should protect people from harm but not when doing so harms other people. On this Thanksgiving, people might remember that many of the people who established the 13 colonies were themselves discriminated against in their home countries. They came here to escape persecution and they also caused irreparable harm to the people and lifeforms who were already here.

  9. Annette Huenke

    Giving Thanks

    I worked at the Philadelphia Zoo for several years as a docent in the early 1980’s. My love of non-human animals led me there, despite my angst over witnessing so many beautiful, sentient beings locked in cages. Nearly all of the occupants exhibited bizarre behaviors developed over years of terminal boredom, something that simply doesn’t happen in the wild. Obsessive pacing by animals who would travel many miles in a day in their natural habitat was particularly hard to watch. Polar bears can cover 5,000 miles in a year, whales far more. Birds pluck their own feathers until they’re naked as a baby. Giraffes have stress-induced heart attacks. Zoos are truly heart-breaking institutions.

    Author Henry Beston elucidates my sentiments about this topic far better than I am able with this piercing revelation:

    We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth.

    Though it is impossible to know which species suffer the greatest in captivity, the primates provided the mirror I felt most matched a reflection of the homo sapiens experience. This precious video highlighted by journalist Celia Farber in a blog post today is one of those “pictures worth a thousand words” — and tears. For this, today, I am giving thanks.

    • Harvey Windle

      Each and every should be a thanksgiving, and is for some. Boundless thanks to those that feed other’s bodies, minds, and spirits.

      ……..and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

    • Dawn C Whitney

      I happened to see this video on Facebook a few days ago and the video I watched was obviously manipulated. I am in disturbed that someone or some entity would manipulate this original video.

  10. Jim

    The only topic Derek Kilmer ever mentioned in mailings to me, and in incessant YouTube ads, was how much he wanted unborn babies to die. THAT is what he sees as his mission to be returned to office, and of course he was returned, like all the other democRats.

    Disgusting and disheartening. Thank God he’s at least in the minority from now on, which should minimize any further harm to the nation he intends to pursue; it’s just sad that WA and especially Jefferson County played no part in that achievement.

    Thanks to all those who expended the massive time and effort needed to contest these cretins at all levels, even though victory was elusive.

  11. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Recent Letter to City Council

    The attached picture is of something you all must be aware of, being members of the insider “community” that made sure it and others can exist. It is the blown out mess tent in front of Alchemy, made official by a last minute bundle of several items at a Council meeting and has sat this way for weeks. It now grows black mold.

    The new owner of Alchemy had no covid losses. I did and many in town also did. The new owner of Alchemy got free additional seating when he purchased. Did Kris Nelson make a little more on the sale due to that? At public expense?

    This Monument to special interests in City Manager Mauro’s “sustainable” town wasted energy with heaters and added to lost parking that your studies show cost millions of dollars over many years.

    Sustainable indeed.

    A neighboring business my manager spoke with is very irate over the Alchemy tent as most all who see it are. The pissed off neighboring business folk park all day in public space damaging all business access as so many do. Seems they only see what they want to as does the Council of Shame.

    They spoke to Mari Mullen of City controlled Main Street Association that assisted in tweaking negative public input. She said something to the effect that it was allowed until January, and that would be here before you know it. Sounds like what Monica MickHager said when community input pushed back against the special interest parking losses.

    Yesterday, Thanksgiving I was at my business hanging our lights outside. I donate a connection that powers the Main Street lights in the area. I have an outside extension that powers my lights I allow to be used and pay for electricity for what passes as a community.

    The installer used my plug and didn’t provide a splitter for my lights. Last night the block was dark, I chose to light my lights as I am obviously not part of any community but my own that I have cultivated over 26 years. Street lighting will continue to be dark until the Monument to your short-sighted special interest stupidity and greed is removed.

    It is frightening that Council, unqualified and compromised City Manager Mauro, and City Attorney have any control of the Evans Vista project.

    The Carmel house at Cherry Street is your resume. Appointed Mayor Faber is on record saying he would not change a thing as it sat and sits for years end costing millions and housing for some. It is Faber’s and your legacy Council. Along with a laundry list of other groupthink bad decisions, many under the “leadership” of Sandoval, Stinson, King, and Timmons. Now doing his magic at Fort Worden with King on the board.

    Here is hoping Faber can think of something to talk about in the next City Newsletter. He said he was unprepared and couldn’t think of anything last time. That pretty much predicts PT’s future.

    Happy Holidays.

    • Dawn C Whitney

      I wish I could see the photo. A picture is worth a thousand words.

      • Ana Wolpin

        Dawn, an article is in the works that will provide multiple photos, worth thousands of words 🙂

        • Dawn C Whitney

          I will look forward to the article! Thank you for the heads up!

          • Harvey Windle

            Full disclosure. I think it is important to note that I had to edit my letter to editor here to meet the 500-word maximum. Some of what I had to edit was the first paragraph–“For the record Council, please forward to Mari at Main Street. My emails are usually blocked with “disreputable” sender tagged as they are returned. Time to look in the mirror for some.”

            Mari and Main Street clearly manipulated data and Faber and Mauro clearly limited public notice to slide a permanent mess tent Ordinance through with help from Council disregarding public input vastly in opposition of law breaking taking public space for private special interests..

            Regarding parking over the years, I arrived at fixing responsibility where the buck should stop. At the top. That is the City Council and City Attorney that ignores Municipal Codes and the figurehead mayor they appoint. Seems always unanimously and automatically no matter the carnage the next in line has left behind, along with Council.

            As anyone who took a class in civics knows, some residents and businesses will take advantage and damage. What was a community where police chief, mayor, fire chief and others greeted us personally when we arrived in 1996 is no more. As the song says, “Those days are gone forever, over a long time ago.”

            Important not to become Siamese fighting fish. Remember who is supposed to be in charge of the tank and who manufactures damage, problems, and strife. All FP articles on the mess tents are valuable to see what occurred here that leaves us with the predictable wasteful and senseless greed we see today with much lost business access.

            And clearly identifies what businesses are not community oriented.

            The team of “chefs”, council in this case cannot cook. Most all meals of all types prepared by this “team” will suck big time.

            Eager to see that new article as many are, as snow is forecast to limit business access on top of other constructed obstacles over the Summer, Fall and Winter. As Libby Wennstrom said, “can’t we just try something different?”

            How did that work out, Libby, Faber, Mauro, and “team”. Do you even have a clue?

          • Dawn C Whitney

            Mr Windle,
            I have read all of the previous articles regarding the mess tents. I haven’t seen them for myself in person. I don’t venture into PT very often.

            I find it curious that the elected city council, appointed city manager and appointed mayor believe that the municipal codes do not apply to their “pet projects.” As I see it, these are decisions made that clearly do not represent the majority of the residents of Port Townsend.

  12. Jim Drummond

    A Bit of This and That

    A most interesting Substack. Boy, is this one a treasure-trove!!!

    What are they doing to the poplars?
    Readying them to take down?

    Why is there still a homeless tent along the road between coon plumbing and the first roundabout? We gonna have two tent cities again? One with rules to follow and then the de facto county fair property mess loosely spreading out around the mill property? Everybody just gonna pretend its not happening until somebody dies and then we get another smith and jones village?

    Harvey if they get upset at you just tell em you’re lowering their carbon footprint for em. Tell em you’re practicing some dark sky anti light pollution activism. Wink.

  13. Harvey Windle

    Reply for Dawn C Whitney asking why Council does not represent “the residents”. I hope this is placed correctly, there is no reply button after your question. Below is the last comment from the Uptown Streaterie article that had 114 comments…

    Fact is Dawn “the residents” of Port Townsend have shown that they are pretty passive. I was not willing to spend time and money on something most here don’t see a problem with. So, problems grow and grow. Google “who is John Gait” for more background on this comment below. I was not going to be John Gait. Have been in the past and found no one really understood.


    Who Is John Galt? on June 8, 2022 at 6:19 pm
    To report nonprofit fraud with the State of Washington:

    Pretty much everything you need to know about things like people granting permission to put mess tents in historical districts, and those same ppl giving large donations to the very same foundation seeking the mess tents… is all documented in this treasure trove of info, above.

    You know what to do…

    • Dawn C Whitney

      This link leads to the IRS and I didn’t see any treasure trove of info. It was a search engine. Am I missing something? I am all about doing my own research however, I am at a loss with this link.

  14. Bill Chandler

    New Campaign Promotes Vax to Jeffco’s Spanish Speakers

    Remember how we read that our county was going to spend money to try to market COVID-19 vaccines to Spanish-speaking people in our area?

    It has begun.

    This is the company they are using:

    My understanding is that they are going to be offering something like grocery gift cards to get people to fill out the surveys. They are going to especially seek out our Spanish-speaking population. I haven’t seen details on the cards but will share more when I know more.

    My Spanish isn’t very good, but I wish we could meet their campaign with information about things like the movie “Died Suddenly”.

    • Dawn C Whitney

      Radical collaboration with governments…. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation…. Most of their work is in Africa….

      This is scary and makes my stomach turn. The horror stories alone that are known about the vaccine injuries to not only the children of Africa but India as well by the Gates foundation should preclude this organization from operating any health care operations within Jefferson County.

      I wish that I retained the Spanish from the classes that I took from my 7th grade year of Junior high to my senior year of high school. I can only hope that this organization isn’t able to coerce ANYONE!!

    • Dawn C Whitney

      I was able to watch the full documentary after viewing the trailer that was provided in your commentary.. EVERYONE needs to see this!!!

  15. Mark Lamb

    In regards to the supposed revitalization of downtown Port Townsend by regulations that reduce vehicle street parking and said to be patterned on the success of Ithaca Commons project, that is ridiculous modelling as Port Townsend doesn’t have 30,000 college students up two hills as does Ithaca where I attended.

  16. Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

    Edited Letter to City Council

    Happy Merriness Mischievous Elves of the Council-

    A few things to update. The Alchemy mess tent has new lights along the picket fence as of Monday Dec 5th. The picture is tagged PIG WEARING LIPSTICK. There was time and motivation to do that, but not disassemble the moldy unused eyesore. Double down and F U to everyone by the newest member of your tweaked “community”. Another Faber/Council/Mauro failure. Or success?

    Hope your tree lighting went well next to the moldy roofless mess tent monument to your dysfunction. So many other examples around. I saw the Appointed Mayor go by my darkened corner in the Choo Choo. What a wonderful person for kids to look up to. He loves dogs and chickens kids. Don’t ask for details.

    Back to Mess Tents, attached is a picture tagged MAIN STREET SUCCESS. This angle would not be featured anywhere. For Mari, Director of Main Street here is a DISTORTED WORD ON THE STREET to explain away this embarrassment.

    “Our artistic installation of a homeless Streaterie was successful beyond our wildest delusions, I mean dreams. Look at the picture of people lined up to tour the installation and sit at the Licorish wall table. (Picture tagged LICORISH WALL TABLE) Some evil people have put out the misinformation that the black Licorish paint we hired local artists to artfully apply is dangerous black mold. That didn’t stop our huge success that you can still visit today in spite of naysayers!!! Now with festive added lighting atop Santa’s aging picket fence.”

    At the Council meeting I attended when there was discussion of non-use removal of parking space tables and tents, I had to stay quiet, good ol Roberts Rules of order. Also had to stay quiet as Libbie lied and lied.

    What I could not point out is that there was no mechanism to establish when the last use of any tables or tents taking parking space dining was. The time frame to remove would never be enforceable. Obviously, this moldy embarrassment and others are not used. Still, they stay and take parking but more importantly show Faber/Council/Mauro short sightedness and inability to enforce most anything but what they select.

    What a legacy Faber/Council/Mauro. Lucky the Leader isn’t paying attention. Ever.

    Yesterday Monday after going dark and not supporting any aspect of Main Street
    I decided to overlay the Man Street homogenized white lights I provide power for with my own multicolored lights on 2 trees in front of my building. A bit of a protest against groupthink without shooting self in foot. It is a dark sidewalk.

    Also occurred to me that the white lights everywhere in this Proclamation verified inclusive town were racist. Where are the lights of color? Pic of one of my trees with rainbow lights attached tagged ANTI WHITE SUPREMECY TREE LIGHTS.

    There was a bit more, but 500 words….

  17. Sue Coffman

    Sue Coffman, 12/9/22

    Everyone has that moment when things become clear that our usual way of life has forever changed. It could even be a series of “moments” that when looked back upon makes you aware of how you have become enlightened. How you have forever changed your views about life, liberty, and your pursuit of happiness.

    That might sound like I’m going to talk about the American form of government, but I am actually talking about Informed Consent, Medical Freedom, and the pursuit of Scientific Integrity. These three pursuits for human livelihood are the groundwork for Informed Choice Washington, an advocacy and educational state-wide organization.

    Informed Choice Washington is an organization of parents, families, medical professionals, educators, and Washingtonians from all walks of life, who believe in healthy immunity, personal freedoms and individual choices, including health care choices. We believe the right to make those choices without coercion is fundamental to our civil liberties. We endeavor to share this information through Education, Legislation, and Community.

    I am the Team Leader within InformedChoiceWA for Legislative District #24, which includes the counties of Clallam, Jefferson, and a portion of Grays Harbor. We strive to identify, support, amend, and suggest bills submitted by our Legislators, as well as remind them of basic human rights that we all share in this country. Making our voices heard by those who represent us is a fundamental responsibility we all have toward maintaining our Freedoms.

    My journey toward informed medical rights began as I became involved with childbirth education and labor support, which branched out to vaccine safety awareness, and then encompassed organic nutrition and the non-GMO movement. I realized over the years that our medical organizations and agencies were not advocating for patient rights or informed consent, and were mostly interested in the bottom line for their shareholders. The horrendous governmental overreach during the pandemic of the past few years only confirmed my beliefs.

    My husband and I moved to WA state just over 6 years ago, and we love the natural beauty of this portion of the state. Keeping ourselves healthy through proper nutrition, exercise, and non-pharmaceutical supplements is our main goal in life, and finding Informed Choice WA was a natural progression for us. We hold regular local meetings about various ways to creatively persuade the legal & legislative system, share our stories, and maintain fellowship. We have truly enjoyed the people we have met, and cherish their friendships.

    The website for ICWA has news articles, educational resources, and advocacy information.
    We are also proud to announce that our future plans include becoming part of Children’s Health Defense as a State Chapter. CHD is a worldwide non-profit organization, whose mission is to end childhood health epidemics by working aggressively to eliminate harmful exposures, hold those responsible accountable, and to establish safeguards to prevent future harm.

    I invite you to join the ICWA Team today!

    Sue & Ron Coffman are residents of Port Angeles, and retired here from southern California in late 2016. They taught childbirth education together as Bradley Method instructors, and Sue was a childbirth labor support doula for 20 years. They have two children and two grandchildren, and they wholeheartedly support a better world to come for the next generations. A world where people remain free, parents have complete control over their children’s health & education, and governmental control is limited.

  18. Mark Stanton

    Attention: you are now paying for the healthcare costs of pt city council members. Monica MickHagar the only NO vote.

    As per Mis Leader.

    Vomit bags, all around.

    • Gene H

      Dori Monson said something about that collection
      of representative reprobates passing a law that gives orca human rights or something? Didn’t the supreme court already rule on this recently in the case of an elephant? Are they really just trying to act stupid now? Details???

  19. Dawn C Whitney

    Sorry Mr Windle, I did not see this reply until just now. I did try to research John Gait but only came across a character from a book of John Galt. I will look at your link and reply again.

    • Gregg Norman

      I missed the conversation you were having about this subject so I’m not sure what the whole question is, but yes, if you are wondering about the character John Galt, he is from the novel “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand.

      It’s an interesting book to read, in the midst of today’s society.
      A good companion book to read afterward is another of her works titled, “The Virtue of Selfishness: A New Concept of Egoism”.

      Traditionally, when one is faced with the basic tenets of Marxism as they are often forced on us in this city and county, one of the best rocks to stand on from which to push back, is the thinking and writing of Ayn Rand.

      It’s quizzical though in the world of things that there is another RAND which figures quite profoundly in what’s going on around here these days. That is the Rand Corporation. No relation to Ayn, whatsoever, and diametrically opposed, in philosophy. This is the Rand Corporation which devised the type of surly enforcement via shaming we have been seeing from our city and county officials. The sort of enforcement where they make a show of asking us our opinions on things, and then go ahead and do what they were going to do, anyway. The system where you only have two minutes to talk about the things that will change your life exponentially forever. That whole process of humiliation and coersion through derision was devised by these people:

      And so, the answer to dealing with the RandCorp social pogroms of The Great Reset, is to amplify and extol the spirit of John Galt. Which begs the question:


      • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

        Thanks for the explanation for Dawn and all Gregg. The Uptown Streateries Story

        ended with a link to report fraud and the literal reference Who is John Gait? The article had 114 comments and together with the other mess tent mayhem articles in the Free Press illustrate that public input has no meaning, some council simply lie and misrepresent facts while others are lost in space, and proper and timely notice of a City Ordinance change by Faber, Mauro, and Mari at Main Street was purposefully avoided to minimize public push back against the special interest change to permanent mess tents.

        It seems no one reported the fraud explained below. As Orwell said, turn the cheek and the next slap will be harder. Streateries were not the end, then we had police standing down by order of Maruo and Faber as old people were being assaulted. We also have abandoned moldy mess tents and useless street seating taking up parking and causing rifts in whatever community is left here. As Mari of Main Street cheers and takes city money.

        Council, Mauro, and Faber can’t even get abandoned tents removed.

        Or simply won’t. They wrote the rules.

        The slaps will continue as Faber ponders sex with dead or live chickens and dogs while issuing proclamations as council sits mute but approves proclamations. Power is abused and used against the community. It isn’t over. Next slap?

        Some might think it is a slap for Council to be awarding itself health insurance for all the good work, as so much else needs to be done here.

        From the Uptown Streaterie article. Last comment to date………

        Who Is John Galt? on June 8, 2022 at 6:19 pm
        To report nonprofit fraud with the State of Washington:

        Pretty much everything you need to know about things like people granting permission to put mess tents in historical districts, and those same ppl giving large donations to the very same foundation seeking the mess tents… is all documented in this treasure trove of info, above.

        You know what to do…

  20. Dawn C Whitney

    There is a special meeting tonight at the EJFR that is virtually only at 5 pm. If anyone can attend please do! Here is the information:

    Public Notice
    Special Meeting/Public Hearing
    Jefferson County Fire Protection District No. 1
    Board of Fire Commissioners
    Tuesday, December 13, 2022
    5:00 PM
    Changed to only a VIRTUAL MEETING
    Access Code: 837-374-949
    United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
    A. Levy Lid Lifts and Associated Resolutions
    B. Public Comment
    Action may or may not be taken.
    This information provided in accordance with RCW 42.30.080

  21. Q. Wayle

    Something Isn’t Kosher in Denmark

    When electric vehicles were being touted as green, I was skeptical. Considering the massive energy that goes into mining lithium and cobalt, manufacturing, and then disposing of green energy infrastructure, and the fact that energy is energy, whether remotely generated or internal to your car engine, it is clear that this is a hoax. Now the truth comes out:

    You know those electronic dog fences to keep your dog within the confines of a loop of wire? Well, this is what Klaus Schwab and his followers are planning to do to us, under the guise of safety, ecology, and green energy. Already it is illegal to drive more than 15 minutes from your home in Oxford. In France and the Netherlands, they’re building high rise tenements to confine people to their digital prisons, just like the electronic dog fences

    You will have nothing and like it is the new Fascist mantra, as they turn us into neutered serfs to toil for their power and wealth.



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