Part One of this series addressed our health officer’s disinformation about the CDC’s cover-up of alarming safety signals from their v-safe database. While v-safe was developed specifically for the Covid roll-out — a digital app designed for registered vax recipients to easily report their side effects after the shots — there is another vaccine reporting system also in place: VAERS.
VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, has been the CDC’s primary tool for monitoring vaccine safety since 1990. It was established soon after the U.S. Congress removed all liability from the vaccine industry for their products. A system mostly used by health professionals, it was the public’s way to report injuries and deaths from vaccines for 30 years (until v-safe arrived with the Covid-19 injections).
VAERS differs from v-safe in several important ways. VAERS reporting is far more complex and detailed — not a user-friendly app, but a lengthy undertaking that must be completed on-line or, for individuals daunted by the process, by phone with the help of CDC staff. It does not provide “near real time” reports as v-safe was designed to do.
But most significantly, VAERS is the system that captures deaths following vaccination. Since only a living person who got the shot submits feedback to v-safe, deaths after vaccination are not reported on that app.
Our final Halloween “Berry Dropping” takes a look at how VAERS not only has been providing evidence of damage from Covid-19 shots, but more importantly the unprecedented death count since this new mRNA technology first rolled out. And how Allison Berry (and the CDC) have misrepresented that data and tried to discredit VAERS reports submitted in an effort to deny vax injuries and deaths.
BERRY blaming anti-vaxxers for scary VAERS evidence:
“Unfortunately VAERS,
which was created by the CDC as a safety monitoring system,
has been largely hijacked by anti-vaccine groups,
who have gone in and actually started inputting false claims
into the database and then pointing back to the false claims
that they just put into the database as proof
for the lack of safety of the vaccines.”
(10-20-22 BOH meeting)
Health Officer Allison Berry stated as fact this wild, baseless conspiracy theory slandering the same people she lawlessly banned from restaurants. It justifies further oppression by accusing them of being so evil that they’d collude to make up countless detailed death and injury reports, then laboriously enter each illegal false report into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, killing folks by ginning up hesitancy about the lifesaving experimental injections.
This isn’t just a big lie — it verges on blood libel.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, so what is Berry’s evidence? Cue the crickets, for she provides none.
I’ve searched the Internet every way I can think of, and I couldn’t find any evidence of vaccine skeptics inputting false VAERS reports, much less the widescale conspiracy that Berry alleges. Here are some typical search results:
As can be seen from these results (and all others I’ve found), what’s alleged by anti-anti-vaxxers is that vaccine skeptics make false claims about the VAERS database, not that they input false claims into the VAERS database.
But it wasn’t momentary confusion on Berry’s part when she spun this tale for the Jeffco Board of Health on October 20, 2022, because she’s been harping on this canard at least since September 16, 2021 (two weeks after excluding the unjabbed from restaurants) when she told the Board of Health:
“There are groups that have started putting in false information into VAERS, and then going back around and saying, ‘I found it in a public database. See, you’re hiding it!’ And that’s a real thing that’s happening unfortunately by some members of the anti-vaccine contingent. And that is usually where that ‘data’, quote-unquote, is coming from.”
Contrary to Berry’s pipedream about vaccine skeptics blithely putting in false VAERS information, consider that everyone laboriously entering their personal documentation into VAERS gets warned by the CDC that “knowingly filing a false VAERS report is a violation of Federal law … punishable by fine and imprisonment.”
As one commentator observed, “It’s a federal crime to file a false VAERS report. VAERS verifies reports and vax-status including type/brand, date and location. You think ‘anti-vaxxers’ are getting vaxxes (they don’t want) so they can risk fed imprisonment by filing a false report?”
Cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who has filled out many VAERS reports (including for death following the Covid vax), underscores the threat of legal action for falsifying information. And the process of filing is challenging, he says, even for a medical professional:
“It takes a lot of effort [to fill out a VAERS report], it takes about a half an hour filling out multiple forms… falsification of a form is punishable by imprisonment or federal fines, very serious. These deaths that the CDC is telling us are happening after the vaccine, I can tell you, are real.”
Moreover, now that an unhinged Department of Homeland Security is classifying vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories (like Berry’s?) as a “Terrorism Threat”, DHS would hardly treat lightly any bonafide disinformation war against the VAERS system such as Berry imagines — each false report a self-documented felony.
Unlike most conspiracy theories, Berry’s would be an easy one to prove and prosecute if true, especially since it targets a demonized “terrorist” group, and pharma-funded media would have a field day with such a story — but I haven’t heard of even one lone nut accused of trying to do this, much less any widescale campaign large enough to move the needle on the millions of VAERS reports.
To the contrary, a detailed University of London analysis of early VAERS death reports found:
“Contrary to claims that most of these reports are made by lay-people … or those with malign intent … and are hence clinically unreliable, we identified … 72% authored by health service employees.
“50% died in less than 48 hours after receiving their COVID-19 vaccination. This increases to 80% when we extend to the first week post-vaccination.
“All 250 people in this interim collection were reported as COVID-19 deaths. This means that all, even those who received one or more negative test results, are erroneously counted in the officially reported national COVID-19 death tally.
“The quantity and quality of data provided by the USA VAERS dataset is capable of supporting meaningful research.”
The Elephant in the Room vs. the Naked Emperor
Why in the world are Berry and her ilk so intent on cooking up absurd storylines to discredit and distract from the plain results coming out of the FDA & CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System? The latest picture revealed by OpenVAERS is worth a million wounds:
The elephant in the room is that:
- Just 3 covid vaccines have accounted for 1,447,520 adverse event reports in less than 2 years, massively more than the 39,000 reports for all vaccines in a typical year, and 62% higher than the grand total of all other vaccines combined throughout VAERS’ 32-year history.
- 31,696 deaths reported in just 23 months from mRNA covid shots alone is more than triple the 9,655 deaths reported in 32 years from a combined list of 112 other vaccines.
- There are 150-300 deaths reported to VAERS per year from all other vaccines combined; in 2021 alone, 21,382 death reports from just the covid shots were filed.
How can this be? Either:
This rise represents a terribly-concerning unexplained safety signal that must be investigated and understood before injection roll-out can ethically continue;
— OR —
Don’t believe your lying eyes, because: “anti-vaxxers”, “correlation doesn’t equal causation”, “trust the science”, “safe & effective”, and other propaganda non-sequiturs.
The Hippocratic Oath for physicians to “do no harm”, the Nuremburg Code, and the Precautionary Principle all dictate that barely-tested experimental interventions must be considered guilty of possible harms until proven innocent, and experiments on live subjects (currently 71% of the world’s population) may not proceed without resolving potentially-deadly safety signals.
Beyond its role as a signal, the 48-hour time-to-onset in half the VAERS reports is a strong indicator of causality, confirmed by the many cases of “worsening of a side effect following repeated doses within the same individual” found by Israeli Health Ministry study of its own vaccine safety data.
Berry pretends to know that the unprecedented rise in VAERS reports is due to fraud and overcounting, but given hospital disregard and disincentives, it is far more likely that VAERS deaths are being underreported by an estimated 40 times, which matches the underreporting factor found when recently-released v-safe data was compared with VAERS.
This VAERS alarm unfortunately aligns with chilling insurance company statistics revealing “there has been a 40% increase in death rates for 18- to 64-year-old individuals across the U.S., when comparing Q3 2021 data to pre-pandemic data from the same period in 2019 … that cannot be explained simply by covid infections themselves.”
Beyond the numbers and for all to see, ever since injection roll-out there’s emerged an unending new drumbeat of athlete cardiac arrests on the playing field, boosted reporters collapsing on-camera, high-profile health failures post-injection, “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” victims, and PR efforts to normalize myocarditis in children.
In the face of all these signals and in full “see no evil” mode, Berry reported to the Board of Health on October 20 that:
“Severe side effects from these vaccines are incredibly incredibly rare, on the order of less than 10 per million doses delivered.”
Not “rare” nor even “incredibly rare”, Berry’s “incredibly incredibly rare” claim of near-zero severe effects is gaslighting the vaccine-injured by saying their experiences never happened, they are just making it up, and their million+ VAERS reports (72% by healthcare providers) were all fraudulent. Move along, nothing to see here.
There’s a great divide between Berry’s rose-colored world of 0.001% severe side effects versus the 33% actually found in the CDC v-safe data.
There’s a huge credibility gap between Berry telling County Commissioners on November 15, 2021 that “No one else has died from their COVID-19 vaccine. I believe it’s 11 nationwide” versus the 18,461 deaths underreported to VAERS at the time of her statement.
Berry is entitled to believe whatever she wants, but the problem is that Jefferson County Commissioners, Board of Health, and KPTZ Radio listeners take her fact-free pronouncements on faith, not realizing the many times she has been caught spinning outright fabrications and parroting big pharma propaganda.
Her VAERS conspiracy fantasy is just a particularly telling example, since her other statements about masking, covid deaths, case testing, vaccine trials, safety, and efficacy have likewise been exposed as vacuous misinformation throughout this series and earlier PTFP articles.
Berry is not an authority to be trusted. Her emergency powers arose out of fear, but the outsized authority she claims over our county, along with the dangerous injections she pushes, are what’s really scary.
“The words of this wizard stand on their heads…
help means ruin, and saving means slaying, that is plain.”
— Gimli in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.
On multiple occasions, I’ve reminded Locke, Berry and other officials overseeing county-wide jab delivery of their legal obligation to report any serious adverse events to VAERS, whether or not the administrator believes they were caused by the jabs — “irrespective of attribution to vaccination.” We’ve been given zero reason to believe that any of these characters have ever done so.
This comes straight from the FDA fact sheets for all covid jabs:
• vaccine administration errors whether or not associated with an adverse event,
• serious adverse events* (irrespective of attribution to vaccination),
• cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) in adults and children, and
• cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death.
Complete and submit reports to VAERS online at For further assistance with reporting to VAERS call 1-800-822-7967. The reports should include the words “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA” in the description section of the report.
• Death;
• A life-threatening adverse event;
• Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization;
• A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions;
• A congenital anomaly/birth defect;
• An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above.
Excellent series! Well done. Dr. Berry’s lies and broad villainization of those who choose not to take an experimental gene therapy only gained power because our friends, family and neighbors believe the lies or ignore them just to get along. Dr. Berry and those like her will continue to hold power and propagate lies until enough of our friends, family and neighbors wake up or stop ignoring the harm being committed.
That’s why I am grateful for outlets like the PTFP that speak up and keep shining the light on these horrendous lies.
Stephen’s article plus the last three illustrate clearly that, yes Berry is lying and withholding vital information but the articles are also saying that the ones to be holding her feet to the fire of proof are both the victims and the instigators of her erroneous decrees. Our elected commissioners are implementing and enforcing her lies, distortions and misdirection. We, the citizens, have elected political officers that follow rather than question and research especially during a “community health emergency”. Surely Berry must go but what about her henchpeople? We have the opportunity to vote or call them out for dereliction of duty but we continue to vote back mindless followers. Ultimately responsibility lies with us, the citizens of PT. What then do we do with our responsibility?
voters don’t change the system
the system changes them…
into believers of political promises
as a way of avoiding the reality
no matter how they vote
or who they vote for
they end up deeper in debt
and with less individual liberties
as a legacy to their children
so political promises
becomes their drug
and in a need for validation
they start pushing that drug
more thought caught in believing
then thought freed by thinking
— John Trudell,
She is lying that is clear,, I wonder if this goes deeper. Is she being paid to keep us on this path. Wouldn’t you just love to see her off shore bank account! Sorry I digress. To every one of you this series is pure gold and certainly displays the award worthy reporting and fabulous delivery of this story of deception, lies, corruption and incredible ignorance on Berry’s part. IMHO I think there is something in this for her. Again, great series by first rate writer/reporters.
Basha, I know there is something in this for her. You don’t lie and purposely mislead without a motivation or goal in mind. My point is also, what is the purpose or motivation for the commissioners who rubber stamp and enforce her advice. The commissioners, our representatives, are charged with the last word before her recommendations are made into directives. These are the hidden persuaders that hide rather than protecting and serving their employers, the public. As the covid narrative devolves all the commissioners have to say is, “we were just following orders, she was the supposed expert”. The Banality of Evil.
II Corvo, I hear you. I think people are more tuned in than our lazy Commissioners think. They are lazy, do minimal to no research of their own and we need to start over with this gang. I can’t decide if they are stupid or just corrupt,, hummmmm regardless Marcia definitely will be a breath of fresh air.
“Berry is not an authority to be trusted. Her emergency powers arose out of fear, but the outsized authority she claims over our county, along with the dangerous injections she pushes, are what’s really scary.” Stephen’s statement could be the battle cry of all who use critical thinking and then see the truth of our current situation in PT as it regards the continual “mis-dis-and mal information” being disseminated by our public health officer and her lackeys. Sincere thanks to Ana, Kincaid, Annette and Stephen for their continuing efforts to explore and present fact based and articulate reports.
“Even Kaiser now admits multiple shots of the “vaccine” will make you more likely to get infected.
And we have other data showing that the hospitalization and death benefits are mirages as well.
So taking the shot is a good way to increase your odds of dying.”
Surely there is something that we, the people, can do to oust her, or at worst, neutralize her edicts. Is she elected or appointed? Can we mount a recall effort or can we impeach her?
Berry is appointed by the county. The county can fire her if they so choose. If not, then the county commissioners can be unelected or recalled
need anymore reason to vote for Marcia Kelbon? She is whom we need desperately to get involved in our county commissioners
Totalitarianism always fails because it does NOT work. Found this quote from Kiwi Max Waters in my social media feed this morning. Substitute medical totalitarianism for communism in Max’s statement and it becomes obvious why our local quack-ocracy will fail.
“This is the fatal flaw of Communist states – No one can tell the truth about anything. This eventually makes it impossible to respond correctly or quickly even to an existential threat. The ability to respond and adapt appropriately to objective physical reality is the core survival skill of both individuals and systems. Without correct signals, this is impossible and it’s just a matter of time until reality kills you.”
Until the regime is finished crumbling, we are on our own to deal with COVID-19. I’m on DAY 16 of this affliction. All my generic remedies were legally acquired by prescription from pharmacies in Washington State. Tests are negative now. Much gratitude for an Internet connection and a credit card.
“Unfortunately VAERS,
which was created by the CDC as a safety monitoring system,
has been largely hijacked by anti-vaccine groups,
who have gone in and actually started inputting false claims
into the database and then pointing back to the false claims
that they just put into the database as proof
for the lack of safety of the vaccines.”
Just for the heck of it, I tried to do my own internet search on supposed antivaxxers hijacking VAERS. My search came to the same conclusion that Stephen found regarding Dr Berry’s multiple false claims. Surprisingly though, this search actually produced a MULTITUDE of wide ranging websites claiming that the VAERS system is unreliable to deduce any causation from the jab data due to that “anyone” can make a report. Considering that, as stated by Stephen in this article, 72% of reports made to VAERS are from those in healthcare. As well, anyone making a false report will face penalties of prison or fine for falsely reporting, how could this not be an intentional attempt to create public distrust of the VAERS reporting system.
This article was the most disturbing I read and makes me wonder if this is a source of information that Dr Berry uses to cite her obvious lies to not only the BOH and BOCC but more importantly, the residents of both Clallam and Jefferson counties.
Posts continue to misrepresent VAERS COVID-19 vaccine data
By The Associated Press September 23, 2022
Dawn: Yes. Stephen’s “dropping” is perhaps the most disturbing because Berry goes even beyond her false script coming from the puppet masters at the top with this one, she has ad-libbed, as fact, her own completely fabricated conspiracy theory. And, as Stephen noted, it’s a narrative that makes the “anti-vaxxers” — who she has previously made clear in her draconian directives are the “enemy” — now criminals.
In this video of Dr. Peter McCullough on a Joe Rogan podcast, he describes a paper prior to covid that showed that 85-86% of VAERS reports “are done by doctors, nurses or other healthcare providers… only about 14 or 15 percent are done by the patients themselves.” Based on the research Stephen cites, that number doubled with the mRNA shot’s massive death toll, but is still a minority of reports. In talking about how authorities knew right at the beginning of the rollout the severity of the death count, he mentions a whistleblower (who I wrote about early on) from the FDA. A lawsuit was filed “using CMS [Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services] data. CMS knew who got the vaccine and when they died. And it doesn’t depend on self-reporting, because CMS knows when people come off the rolls,” McCullough explains. CMS data showed that VAERS was under-reported by at least four to five times. Long-term data has now showed that under-reporting is ten times that.
As Harvey says below, those of us pushing back against the lies are circumspect in the information we present. We check and double-check our sources, we vet each other for accuracy. Berry and her ilk riff evidence-free, and the electeds who appointed her not only don’t question her wild pronouncements and fantasy narratives, they listen starry-eyed, practically fawning over every word. One of the most shocking things I’ve heard from recent BOCC meetings is Heidi Eisenhower telling her fellow commissioners that when she saw Berry at the latest vax clinic (for the bivalent booster that not only does not stop transmission, but makes you more susceptible to covid), she felt like she was in the presence of a rock star. Wrap your head around that one.
This young rock star has put on (and continues to perform) quite a show, with a mesmerized BOCC and BOH giving her carte blanche to label vax deaths covid deaths, to destroy local businesses with unfounded edicts, and to foment persecution of those who do not bow at her perverse altar.
All of them have blood on their hands. Will any be held accountable?
I have often pointed out to friends that those following the script, the narrative have the motivation to keep jobs and social position.
Those who have become trusted by many going against the script and narrative have everything to lose. Everything.
This from Stephen’s article “Moreover, now that an unhinged Department of Homeland Security is classifying vaccine misinformation and conspiracy theories (like Berry’s?) as a “Terrorism Threat”…
Stephen turns the conspiracy theories back on Berry. The Free Press authors in this series place themselves in the line of fire if “the system” decides they are the conspiracy theorists.
Not a lot to gain for the Free Press folk who headed down this road, wherever It led them.
Lots to gain for some to place as many roadblocks as possible.
What I have observed from FP writers is the understanding that any questionable data dilutes your validity. Careful folk.
Berry, it seems, not so much. An actor playing a part. Following the script writers and producers feed her. And so many like her.
As others have pointed out, the system has specifically worn gears. Anyone wishing to mesh with the system must also be worn down appropriately.
In tide pools and petri dishes large and small.
The Orwell quote about not betraying each other is very important. In tribal subdivisions of the big tribe some folks “each other’s” don’t include you and me. Collateral damages occur. How do some become so inhuman as to ignore the created death and suffering? Must be some pretty big perks in some tribes.
“It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.”
Contradicting Berry’s 9/16/21 Health Board claim that “there is no evidence of fetal deaths, of premature births, or of any pediatric complications related to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines”, see how miscarriage reports have gone through the roof for the covid injections:
Per Steve Kirsch, “When the top graph was slightly elevated in the past, the vaccines responsible for the increase were pulled from the market. However, as you can clearly see, the COVID vaccines are much worse but they are untouchable. The adverse event rates are sky high in comparison to previous vaccines and nobody is going to say anything. Any physician who shows this data to women will be fired and, if they are in California, also lose their license. … In fact, the COVID vaccines appear to be underreported by a factor of 5.4X relative to other vaccines. So the reality in terms of the difference between the COVID vaccines vs. other vaccines is 5X worse than shown above. In any normal world, these vaccines would be pulled from the market.”
Stephen- What is the reason that the graph shows “problems” at the above 3500 range in 2021 but just over the 1500 range in 2022? Obviously the ’22 numbers can’t be for the full year.
Has something else changed? Not to dismiss the exponential rise in “problems” even at the ’22 numbers in the graph.
I’m asking for the County Commissioners in 2 Counties. I’m sure they want answers. Questions are allowed, correct?
I do not have a PHD so perhaps I am missing something.
Is this a curved highway with cliffs to negotiate or a bullet train track from A to B?
The ghost of George Carlin won’t leave me alone. He met up with Orwell on the other side and whispers in my ear….
“They’ll get it all from you sooner or later ’cause they own this f**kin’ place. It’s a big club and you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head with their media telling you what to believe, what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard-working people: white collar, blue collar, it doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on.”
Or what wing of the same bird, as I heard two great native Chiefs discussing here in the FP.
The drop on the graph? We can’t discuss the rise. If we are elected by the people.
Harvey – Good question, and I was wondering that myself. The drop in adverse events between 2021 and 2022 seems to be correlated to the drop in covid injections between those two years. This graph shows 615 million doses in 2021:
…but only 276 million in 2022 (after deducting the 615M in 2021 from the 891M total as of October 26, 2022):
So the (3700-1600)/3700 = 57% drop in miscarriages you noticed is comparable to the (615-276)/615 = 55% drop in covid injections from 2021 to 2022, which makes sense given that the vast majority of VAERS events are reported within a week of injection.
Thanks Stephen-
Seems a logical explanation after applying critical thinking. You will never work for the government.
The future is not plastics. It is keeping your head down and repeating the words “safe and effective” and similar, and learning to master the shredder to process public input and data that does not support the end goal.
Pretty simple, as luckily some folks willing to pretend to serve are.
In tide pools and petri dishes near and far and large and small.
And there it is. Wow. Thank you Stephen for spelling this out so clearly. Wow. She has been using misinformation for two years to terrify our town and shut down businesses and constitutional rights. She needs to be fired immediately. And the county commissioners should be held accountable for their unending blind support for this spin doctor. Thank you so much for all the work you all put into this information. A tedious job of going over the meetings and digging for the evidence, which clearly does not support Berry’s false claims. Over and over. It was so hard to listen to and I am impressed you all went through it again to get the truth out. Thank you so much.
I just came across your Port Townsend Free Press website today and was very impressed with your organization, discipline, clarity, focus and moral compass so lacking in society today. Thank you for lighting the path with truth and a bright beacon of inspiration! Keep up the good work. We all need you in these challenging times.