BERRY: nothing but hope for vaccine efficacy
“The biggest thing that we can do to protect ourselves
and our community as we move into the fall is to get vaccinated,
both with our Covid boosters and get our flu shot.
That’s how we protect ourselves, our neighbors
and our health care system as we move into the fall.”
(9-26-22 BOCC meeting)
By now, it is an indisputable fact that the Covid jabs don’t prevent infection or transmission. Admit it — just about every jabbed person you know has had Covid, at least once. The “vaccines” don’t protect granny or the grandkids. On the contrary, latest research shows that they degrade the human immune system and lead to negative efficacy (more on that later). One can only wonder if our public health officer has caught whatever it is that President Biden has.
Delusion and speculation have been the bedrock of nearly all Allison Berry’s pronouncements, like this one from the June 7th, 2021 BOCC meeting wherein she performs the art of magical thinking on the survival of two patients who’d just been in ICU with severe cases of COVID-19:
“In both of those cases, we think the primary thing that has kept them alive was they were vaccinated. They were both incredibly ill prior to contracting COVID-19 and very likely would not have survived if they were not vaccinated.”
Two people with life-threatening comorbidities nearly died, officially from the virus, after their jabs. But they were saved by the jabs. Uh huh.
When the spectacular failure of the new mRNA therapies could no longer be bluffed, senior players got busy reworking the script. Had it not been so tragic, it would have been comical to witness pharma apologists’ gyrations to concoct a new narrative, eventually landing on the wobbly claim that the toxic brews lessened symptom severity and the chance of hospitalization and death. None of those outcomes were part of the trial endpoints, but never mind. The controllers turned up the spin machine to convince the public that the data supported those claims.
Associate Editor at the British Medical Journal (BMJ), Dr. Peter Doshi had already revealed in an October 21, 2020 editorial that this was nonsense:
Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said, “Ideally, you want an antiviral vaccine to do two things . . . first, reduce the likelihood you will get severely ill and go to the hospital, and two, prevent infection and therefore interrupt disease transmission.”7
Yet the current phase III trials are not actually set up to prove either (table 1). None of the trials currently under way are designed to detect a reduction in any serious outcome such as hospital admissions, use of intensive care, or deaths. Nor are the vaccines being studied to determine whether they can interrupt transmission of the virus.
Five months later, US Congressman Thomas Massie publicly took the CDC to task for lying about the efficacy of the jabs, in order “to strengthen vaccine confidence.” Our public health officer spent years at university learning this stock in trade, and she does not divaricate.
The Medical School Incubation Process
Allison Berry Unthank graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2013. According to her LinkedIn account, Allison Berry is a Medical Doctor who also earned a Masters in Public Health with an epidemiology and biostatistics focus (2010-2011). Her bachelors degree was in biochemistry and music.
In 2018, while she was working for the Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe in the addiction medicine department, she was appointed county health officer by the Clallam County Board of Health. In July of 2021, authority over Jefferson County citizens was added to her plate by our BOH.
Just eight years out of university, she assumed outsized medical authority over 109,000 residents of the north Olympic Peninsula.
Healthcare provider statistics aggregator Vitals.Com (where she gets very mixed reviews) cites Allison Berry’s specialty as family medicine. They then list as proficiencies, one would imagine — weight loss, contraception, family planning, checkups, influenza and — immunization. Family medicine began revolving around “immunization” after the vaccine makers were absolved of liability for harm from their products in 1986 — just one year after our young medical marvel was born.

Note the color alert in the background: Be Afraid, Be Berry Afraid!
Dr. Berry was anointed as our new public health officer by the BOH at the July 15, 2021 meeting. Oddly, she strove to convince that nest of pharma conformists that she would somehow deliver an element of neutrality to her new position:
“I take public service incredibly seriously and I take the role as an independent scientific advisor for this region very seriously.”
“I’m hopeful that I can bring a lot of strength to the position and that commitment to scientific independence.”
Berry does not have a degree in epidemiology, thus is not an epidemiologist, as some of our commissioners have claimed. She is not a scientist, as she herself intimated in the comments above. Above all, she is not independent. Education at the Johns Hopkins University system is akin to being cultured in a petri dish. Step outside the medium and you shall perish. Berry has brought years of medical-industrial complex indoctrination to her position, not strength.
Medical universities are largely funded by research grants from pharma and pharma-captured government agencies. Medical doctors are not educated about vaccines, nutrition or natural cures. They are taught that vaccines are safe and effective, and that deviating from the CDC schedule is verboten. They are taught to “persuade, not inform” to address vaccine hesitancy. PTFP editor Ana Wolpin provided an incisive overview of the pharmaceutical industry’s grip on medical schools in the local Vaccine Study Group’s 2017 publication, Vacci•nation, for which she was graphic designer and primary author.
Johns Hopkins is only one of those bought medical schools, but it may be the apex in terms of worldwide influence, as they have teamed up with globalist vaccine pushers like the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum to “war-game” pandemic readiness tabletop exercises since 2001, including Event 201.
Say it, say what you said, say it again
Many will recognize that maxim as a time-honored public speaking device used to hammer home a message. It’s effective. More than the mRNA jabs, by a long shot. (Sorry, that was irresistible.) Pharma mavens, including our own, have been deploying that tactic, shamelessly, throughout this charade and it’s been memorialized in various walk-it-back videos people like Fauci and Birx would prefer to forget.
Two years later, confessions reveal: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection.” – Dr. Deborah Birx, July 2022.

White House Covid response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx testified in a June 23, 2022 US Congressional hearing that she knew of Covid re-infections as early as December 2020.
Asked “When the government told us that the vaccine couldn’t transmit it, was that a lie or was that a guess?” Birx replied, “I think it was HOPE that the vaccine would work in that way.”
Now that the big foot has come off the “pandemic” accelerator, and federal and state funds are drying up, the county budget demands that Dr. Berry’s oversight of JeffCo be reduced to 12 hours a week. The Monday morning perpetual fear campaign euphemistically known as “updates” delivered at the weekly BOCC meetings for the last 2-1/2 years, broadcast to the most receptive audience one could hope for on local radio station KPTZ (it was their most popular “program”), will now happen monthly.
Seeing the Overton window closing, Berry laid it on thick at the October 17th BOCC meeting, pitching the ever more urgent need to be up to date on your boosters because another two elderly, chronically ill jabbed souls needlessly passed away because they weren’t jabbed enough. Loath to miss an opportunity to condemn the unjabbed, she tossed out one of her baseless warnings that we’re only seeing severe disease in the “unvaccinated,” then went on to un-say that and press on with her Birxian fantasy that the heralded new jabs (same contents as the old jabs plus a big puff of hot air from an 8-mice “study”) might prevent transmission. If enough people take it.
“We are not seeing a rise in severe disease at this point. It is still too early to tell what the effect will be of the bivalent vaccine on transmission, but we are hopeful it will reduce transmission, but we haven’t seen enough uptake yet. We definitely encourage more folks to go out and get vaccinated. It is really important to reduce transmission as we move into the fall.”
The 8-mouse study, on which pharma pinned its argument for approval of the new bivalent booster, was a complete failure in stopping transmission. When the mice in the Moderna trial were challenged with the Ba.5 variant which the Ba.5 booster is supposed to protect against, all eight of them became infected with Covid. Every last mouse.
The first five jabs that we pinned our hopes on may have let us down, but this next one, jab number SIX — same technology, for which once again there is zero evidence of ability to reduce transmission, only a study that says it does not — this one really really really just might work if we only can get enough uptake… if we repeat our mantra to “encourage more folks to go out and get vaccinated” enough times. So says our hopeful spin doctor.
Negative ‘Vaccine’ Efficacy
Dr. Berry and her ilk continue to attribute to Covid — with singular diagnostic proof coming from the dubious PCR test — deaths which were imminent in the chronically ill, elderly and immunocompromised people (and were most likely hastened by the jabs). Since this population-wide phase III clinical trial began in December of 2020, evidence has mounted that the gene therapies are actually weakening immune systems, exacerbating and reactivating existing or latent conditions like herpes and cancer, and causing new disease. Vaccine spike proteins have been found in shingles blisters!
The more jabs you take, the more likely you are to get Covid. The jury has returned the verdict on negative efficacy. You would think that having their “expert” noses regularly rubbed in the colossal failure of these clot shots to prevent “break-through infections” in just about everyone who has taken them would give one pause to fall back and regroup.
Nope. That would be unwise. Even the New York Times counseled against that crazy critical thinking business. Instead, dig the heels in deeper to hedge your bets on keeping the scared silly scared silly. There’s great benefit to that tactic, as that team will bat for you till the end. It’s certainly working in much of Jefferson County.
Enough of Allison Berry’s evidence-free pronouncements. Show us the Science!
Our young, unseasoned public health officer instituted the first dine-in vaccine mandate in the country in September 2021. Her power was given lift by her predecessor Tom Locke, license by our county commissioners, and full support from the communities’ population they’d already managed to frighten out of their wits.
That science-free, oppressive and likely illegal diktat descended with tremendous cost. Clallam and Jefferson County restaurateurs lost tens to hundreds of thousands in unrecoverable income, their employees lost wages and endured unrelenting stress, and the unjabbed — whose first amendment rights were fully crushed — lost trust and good will that may never be regained.
As the walls come tumbling down, we can only expect a mad scramble to retain the authority they’ve wielded over the last nearly three years. We have been warned.
Annette Huenke studied International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to heading west, she was a manager for an Auckland-based international publisher of peer-reviewed drug information journals. In 1992 she moved to Port Townsend, opening Ancestral Spirits Gallery in 1993. She is past vice president of the Jeff Co EDC and board member of The Boiler Room. She researches, writes and wanders the forests around PT.
CNBC: New Covid boosters aren’t better than old shots at neutralizing omicron BA.5, early studies find
Two studies are raising doubts about whether the new omicron BA.5 booster really will offer better protection against Covid than the first generation shot. Scientists at Columbia University in New York City found the new boosters did not produce a better antibody response in humans against BA.5 than the first-generation vaccines. A separate study by scientists at Harvard essentially came to the same conclusion.
Alex Berenson: Another new study says the “Omicron-specific” mRNA Covid boosters are worthless
The new shots work no better than the original mRNA shots to produce antibodies specifically targeting the Omicron variant. And the Omicron shots are even WORSE than the original boosters in producing T-cells that target Omicron, according to the researchers, part of a group led by Dr. Dan Barouch, a highly respected virologist. This finding is of particular concern because T-cells, the second line of the immune system, keep infections from becoming too severe.
Boosters using the original mRNA formulation have been largely phased out, because – as public health bureaucrats now admit – they stop working against Omicron infection within weeks. In fact, real-world data from many countries suggest they increase the risk of infection within months.
The “Omicron-specific” boosters were supposed to solve that problem. Regulators approved them in August, despite a lack of any clinical trial evidence they reduced coronavirus infections or serious cases of Covid in people. The Federal government agreed to pay Pfizer and Moderna $5 billion for 171 million doses of them.
But both Dr. Barouch’s study and another last week from Dr. David Ho, another top virologist, found that Omicron-specific boosters work no better than the original boosters against Omicron. Both studies showed the antibodies our immune systems produce after the Omicron shot are more effective against the original and now essentially extinct version of Sars-Cov-2 than against Omicron variants.
This phenomenon is called “original antigenic sin” or “immune imprinting,” and can occur after any vaccination – or infection. But the mRNA shots appear particularly likely to cause it, probably because they stimulate such high levels of anti-spike antibodies when they are first given.
The findings help explain why so many people, including Centers for Disease Control director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, have recently tested positive shortly after being boosted.
As the researchers concluded: “Our findings suggest that immune imprinting by prior antigenic exposure may pose a greater challenge than currently appreciated for inducing robust immunity to SARS-CoV-2 variants.”
Such a polite way to say, we gave a billion-plus people mRNA shots that probably opened them to future Sars-Cov-2 infections forever.
Well that sums it up Annette, we have a Public Health Officer that is held on a pedestal by our commissioners plus many citizens and she should actually be the Public Deception Officer. The problem is, will those that make her an authority have the ability to read these three articles with an open critical thinking mind and then do the right thing? Her deception is hurting folks not helping, what more can be said.
We are in the throes of a global deception and what we are seeing in P.T. is but a local fractal of that massive deception. Big Pharma now has raised their price per shot by 400%. That also should say something.
“Coronary heart disease drugs prescribed means higher risk of blood clots & alongside immunosuppressants it can cause plasma to rise to toxic level; Paxlovid can interact dangerously with common drugs
So it is not only ‘rebound’ COVID, the impact of Paxlovid is far worse with blood clots and severe drug-drug interactions.
Paxlovid DOES NOT work, never did and is harmful, stop using it!”
So many good lines in this piece. One of my favorites, “Education at the Johns Hopkins University system is akin to being cultured in a petri dish.” So true!
Sometimes when it all seems so overwhelming, I turn to the two Georges. Carlin and Orwell. The human condition, some call it original sin, others Wetiko, is timeless.
Thanks for all the hard work to all at the FP. That horse looks pretty healthy to me. To those who see a dead horse, the lens of your terror is understood. And taken advantage of by some.
It’s frightful that people who are so ignorant should have so much influence.
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.
However much you deny the truth, the truth goes on existing.
We are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right.
Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself silenced with surprising effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing.
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
In a time of universal deceit – telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
The people will believe what the media tells them they believe.
A society becomes totalitarian when its structure becomes flagrantly artificial: that is, when its ruling class has lost its function but succeeds in clinging to power by force or fraud.
It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.
Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
Governments don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.
Keep in mind, the news media are not independent; they are a sort of bulletin board and public relations firm for the ruling class-the people who run things. Those who decide what news you will or will not hear are paid by, and tolerated purely at the whim of, those who hold economic power. If the parent corporation doesn’t want you to know something, it won’t be on the news. Period. Or, at the very least, it will be slanted to suit them, and then rarely followed up.
Some people have no idea what they’re doing, and a lot of them are really good at it.
Harvey hope you don’t mind me adding to your list:
When you are dead, you don’t know that you are dead.
It is difficult only for the others.
It is the same when you are stupid.
Don’t mind at all Mr. Crow. I am sure you know that old “first do not harm” thang. Stupid is no excuse. Ego can play havoc with responsibility, and can be played like a fiddle.
What meaning does that “first do no harm” oath have? Always good to remember that power flows through you. Not to you.
There are some out there that suffer the slings and arrows and continue to speak the truth. Great men and women.
Deep bow to them all. Caw caw caw.
Stupid is “a great lack of common sense.” If making or having sense was so common, why is it so rare? Stupid isn’t an excuse, it is a state of mind that has become oh so common. How can one do no harm when they have no common sense? As John Trudell has said, “you can’t think and believe at the same time.”
Ignore her, en masse! Nullify. If she mandates stupid, risky, or unconstitutional actions, ignore her. EVERYONE. They can’t arrest everyone.
Define culpability; responsibility for a fault or wrong; blame:
“a level of moral culpability”
Define conspiracy; a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful:
“she served five years in prison for taking part in a conspiracy to sell stolen art works”
Define criminal; a person who has committed a crime:
“these men are dangerous criminals”
At what point is it reasonable to believe a group has knowledge of their culpability and actual involvement in a criminal conspiracy? Its reasonable to believe this when they continue to administrate it even after people are dying and getting sick and when they conceal evidence or information which would lead any reasonable person to believe something causes risk of death or injury…
concealing is the same as not telling… Do you think its reasonable for government officials to inform the public when twice the amount of people are dying from all causes? Do you think they have a handle on that data by now in Jefferson County and should inform the public of the statistical information? Why would they not inform the public and at the same time continue to administrate the one big change in circumstances which is the likely cause of excess death? Because they have knowledge of their wrong doing and rather to admit they made a mistake they double down on the mistake,,, that is criminal intent,,, that is culpability…
Thank you . I have sent all of the three articles to the BOH in Jefferson and Washington state. And to Port Townsend School Board. So glad to have such well-cited pieces and well written ones to send off. Thank you Ana, Annette and Kincaid. Hoping folks will be brave and do the right thing. You all are my heroes. Thanks for your courage and intelligence. May the truth prevail.
I second what he said although I only posted a link on Gab… Hero’s indeed… You have thrown a few Molotav cocktails their direction… “Timing Is Everything”…
If we actually have an election they are going to have to cheat their ass’s off 10 times harder than 20/20… If they are that stupid do not get in their way…
I just heard on the radio today that over the past month there has been a 26% swing in party preference with suburban women… Every poll shows a Republican advantage,,, even the democrat polls… Its not as if Republicans can fix anything,,, its too late,,, they are no better,,, everyone is a slave to the dollar,,, nobody will give up a buck to do the right thing… You cant mitigate everything,,, you cant continue to have ZERO accountability…
Carlin again- “Don’t just teach your children to read… Teach them to question what they read. Teach them to question everything”.
At some point questioning what seems to be criminal and makes no sense became socially criminal in the 14 years since George left us. We must always remember what great stuff he left us and make sure we aren’t part of the problems he so often spoke to, with a grin.
He knew “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.”
So, when do you think Allison Berry will be asking for a “COVID pandemic Amnesty” for her actions?