“Jefferson doesn’t have the level of population
immunity that others do, because it did such a good job
controlling the virus before.”
— Dr. Allison Berry
Public Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry has presided over a pandemic response that boasts the most draconian mandates in the state. Primary series vaccination uptake is reported to be 80% in Jefferson County, the third highest statewide. And at 32.1%, uptake of the bivalent booster is double the state average.
The result is that JeffCo is currently identified as one of the highest-risk counties in Washington, often with some of the worst case numbers and surely the greatest ongoing fear quotient.
Wrap your head around the bizarre non-sequitur (above) of why we have the worst level of immunity statewide. It is precisely because her destructive mandates and high vax uptake were so successful, she explains, that we are now the most vulnerable.
It is absurd pronouncements like this, delivered with impunity, that make it so difficult to narrow down Berry’s disinformation statements to a short list.
Despite her mantra that the shot will protect you, we need only look at all the double-vaxxed and boosted public figures championing these leaky injections who have succumbed to the virus. Often more than once. Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Biden top that list nationally, and locally are County Commissioners, Port Townsend’s City Manager, most of the City Council, and members of the Board of Health.
Nonetheless, embracing Einstein’s definition of insanity, Berry’s response is that more of the toxic mRNA spike protein brew will fix that. Even as the two-year fear narrative dissolves in admission after admission after admission of false information perpetrated on a traumatized public, Berry still continues to push for more dangerous shots in arms and for useless masking that destroys our human connections.
As with our year-end TOP TEN 2021 Spin Doctor Disinformation Statements, four of us have contributed to this series — the editorial team (Annette Huenke, Stephen Schumacher and Ana Wolpin), plus Free Press contributor Kincaid Gould.
Part One begins with a fact-check of Berry’s inconsistent claims about v-safe.
BERRY on the CDC’s cover-up of v-safe data:
“V-safe [is] actually publicly available datasets.
Nobody had to be sued to release them because
they’re already publicly available.”
(10-20-22 BOH meeting)
The above two assertions about v-safe are outright lies. Curiously, on October 10 Berry told the county commissioners a different story: “There is an anti-vaccine group that has been suing the CDC to get access to this raw data.”
Spinning the story one way for the commissioners, then doing a complete about-face for the Board of Health (BOH) ten days later, she lied that “nobody had to be sued.”
“I think it’s important to kind of review that for folks,” Berry riffed. At that Oct. 20 meeting she insisted that v-safe data had always been publicly available. “They are public access datasets,” she assured the BOH. “You can go in right now and track your side effects related to getting vaccines.”
What is v-safe and why has the CDC avoided transparency?
V-safe is a phone app developed to “tell CDC about any side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine.” It was designed to monitor adverse reactions, to capture problems following the experimental shots initially identified in pharma’s trials. The American public was told that v-safe would detect safety signals more rapidly and reliably than VAERS and that all v-safe data collected would be transparent.
Contrary to Berry’s assertion to the Board of Health that these are “are public access datasets,” the opposite has been true. Not only has the CDC hidden v-safe data for most of the past two years, the agency spent a year playing legal games — dodging FOIA requests and multiple lawsuits — to keep the data under wraps.
As reported in my March 2021 Free Press article, information from the v-safe Active Surveillance system was publicly disclosed for only the first five days of America’s Covid vaccine rollout, December 14-18, 2020:
“Over those five days, more than 5,000 “Health Impact Events” immediately following injections were identified. On December 18 alone, 2.79% of people who received first dose shots—3,150 out of 112,807—used this smartphone app to report reactions so severe that they were ‘unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, [and/or] required care from a doctor or other health professional.’”
When initial v-safe reporting undermined pharma’s Safe and Effective narrative that the federal government had committed over a billion dollars to promote, the data went dark. Only one other snapshot from v-safe — titled “First Month of Covid-19 Vaccine Safety Monitoring” — can be found in CDC materials. In a 2021 “Safety Update” justifying the shots, the CDC included this table below. It showed high percentages of “local and systemic reactions” like headaches, fatigue, fever, myalgia and joint pain, the reactions health officials spin as “proof the vaccines are working.”
Those signals alone were significant enough to raise red flags. More important is what the CDC avoided disclosing. What this first-month report didn’t show were severe adverse events, emergency room visits, hospitalizations, and other serious outcomes which, as revealed below, were formidable. Following that incomplete cherry-picked snapshot, for nearly two years all v-safe information was then covered up.
In June 2021 Aaron Siri, lead counsel for the nonprofit Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for release of the CDC’s V-safe data.

6/24/21 FOIA request for “All de-identified data submitted to v-safe since January 1, 2020.”
“Mandating that millions of Americans inject a product for which they cannot hold the manufacturer liable if the product injures them demands complete transparency, especially when it comes to releasing the data underlying the product’s safety. FOIA exists precisely so that Americans can obtain transparency, and, in this case, obtain the data which supports the CDC’s claims to intensive safety monitoring.”
After a response from the CDC that the data requested “could not be located,” an appeal was filed in August 2021. A second, reworded FOIA request was submitted on behalf of ICAN in September.
When that request was also sidestepped, a lawsuit was filed in December.

Page 1 of first lawsuit from ICAN petitioning for release of the CDC’s v-safe data.
The CDC continued their attempts to hide the data. A third FOIA request was submitted in April 2022, and in May another lawsuit was filed. It had been almost one year since the first FOIA request was submitted.
The second lawsuit declared that ICAN “intends to make all v-safe data immediately available to the public so that independent scientists can immediately analyze that data.” It referenced the need “to address serious and ongoing issues with the vaccine program, including waning immunity [and] adverse reactions.” Preventing independent scientists from reviewing this data, the suit argued, was “at best, irresponsible and unethical.”
CDC Ordered to Release Data
While Berry lied to county commissioners that “nobody had to be sued” for v-safe data to be made public, the record shows that it took multiple FOIA requests and two lawsuits to force the CDC’s hand. Fifteen months from the initial FOIA request and twenty-one months after the vaccine rollout, a court order required the CDC to provide the v-safe data on or before September 30, 2022.
When forced to comply with the court order, the CDC said the v-safe files would be released to ICAN, but claimed they lacked the ability to post the information on their own website. After a year of maneuvering to hide this data, the agency disingenuously wrote that they had planned to post the data on their website, but had “not yet completed the technical and administrative processes required to post data.”
V-safe files were sent to ICAN just one month ago, at 6 pm on September 30. What the CDC claimed they lacked in “technical and administrative” proficiency to do for 21 months, ICAN’s modest staff accomplished over a weekend. On October 3, three days after the grassroots nonprofit obtained five digital files comprised of initial data from more than ten million users, ICAN launched a user-friendly web dashboard allowing the international science community and other members of the public to view the data themselves and perform interactive searches on that data.
ICAN, not the CDC, is responsible for making this information accessible, nearly all of it (86% as shown above) reported to v-safe in the first six months of the rollout. The multi-billion dollar public agency charged with safeguarding our health instead used its formidable resources to block release of v-safe reports.
What did the CDC not want us to see?
Unsurprisingly, signals of damage from these shots — which public health officials like local mouthpiece Dr. Allison Berry continue to deny — are alarming. The percentage of adverse health impacts following Covid vaccination reported to v-safe over 21 months is more than ten times the 2.79% seen in the December 18, 2020 snapshot, on day five of the rollout.
Of the 10 million+ individual users who participated in v-safe after their shots:
- 71.3 million symptoms were entered, an average of 7 symptoms per user
- 6.4 million adverse health impacts were reported
- 33% (3.35 million) were unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, and/or required care from a doctor or other health professional
- 7.7% (782,913) had a health event so severe it required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization, most of those events requiring multiple visits
Contrary to Berry’s lies, the CDC not only had to be sued for access to this critical data, they spent more than a year fighting to prevent its release. Had this data seen daylight, as fanfare leading up to the rollout had promised (“this information helps CDC monitor the safety of Covid-19 vaccines in near real time“), Emergency Use Authorization of the shots could never have remained justified.
The entire story can be seen, with all supporting documents, at Aaron Siri Breaks Down CDC’s V-safe Data.
V-safe data is still not available on the CDC’s website. It can only be accessed through ICAN’s interactive dashboard.
This is not the end of the story.
While incriminating enough on their own, the five files a court order forced the CDC to release one month ago were incomplete. ICAN discovered through further litigation that an important category of the reports was not included in the files they received. The agency continues to stonewall on disclosing all v-safe records. More lawsuits are pending.
The v-safe app provides simple checkboxes for symptoms experienced following vaccination, like the local and systemic reactions shown in the CDC’s first month Safety Update (12/14/20 – 1/13/21) — headaches, chills, joint pains and other symptoms that are said to be proof the shot is “working”.
The app also includes check-the-box fields for users to report if they required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalizations following the shots, as revealed on ICAN’s dashboard.
V-safe does not provide checkboxes for “Adverse Events of Special Interest,” issues the CDC knew from early trials were much more serious concerns. These “Prespecified Medical Conditions” are shown in the v-safe protocol attachment below, but omitted from the app.
The sometimes deadly medical issues we have been seeing in unprecedented numbers — like acute myocardial infarctions (heart attacks), anaphylaxis, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome (paralysis), strokes, pregnancy problems and myocarditis/pericarditis — were known to be caused by the mRNA injections when v-safe was developed. But the CDC avoided delineating them on the app.
Instead, the only way to capture reports of those issues was in “open fields” — empty boxes where users could type in additional details. Anything other than check-the-box local and systemic reactions which generally did not result in medical intervention had to be reported by the user as supplementary information.
Despite the extra effort it took, of the ten million registered users in the v-safe database, over six million open field entries were submitted. These open field reports were not included in the data the CDC turned over to ICAN and are yet to be revealed. The further lawsuits in progress expect to obtain that information.
Berry’s tangled web of disinformation
The CDC designed the v-safe app to make it easy to report symptoms people were told to expect from the shots, but obscure the devastating outcomes that would undermine the public’s confidence in their Safe and Effective narrative. This obfuscation has supported their lie about the incidence of severe adverse events, and provided cover for health officers like Berry to parrot that disinformation:
“Severe side effects from these vaccines are incredibly incredibly rare,” she told the Board of Health during her v-safe review, “on the order of less than 10 per million doses delivered.”
After falsely assuring the BOH that v-safe data has always been publicly available, and lying that no one had to sue to get it, Berry lamented that “unfortunately, anti-vaccine groups have now gotten access to those datasets and are now using them and twisting the numbers in them to spread misinformation about the vaccines to suggest or argue that they are less safe than they actually are.”
In her erratic, loquacious web of disinformation — yes, there was a lawsuit / no, no one had to sue — she insists that there wasn’t a lack of transparency, just that the data had fallen into the wrong hands. She provides no proof that numbers were “twisted”, just blithely makes unsubstantiated pronouncements that anti-vaxxers are spreading misinformation.
Anyone can now review and analyze the CDC data for themselves through ICAN’s online portal.
And Berry’s claim that severe side effects are less than ten per million — incredibly incredibly rare — is belied by 7.7% of v-safe users reporting they required medical attention, emergency room intervention, and/or hospitalization after their shots. That translates to 77,000 — not 10 — per million serious adverse reactions following the experimental injections.
It is the CDC and spin doctor Berry doing the number twisting. And with six million open field v-safe data entries still to come — information that shot recipients had to be motivated to report in their own words — our glib, dismissive health officer has a whole lotta twisting ahead to maintain her crumbling disinformation narrative.
Arriving in Port Townsend in 1975 in Sherpa, her Ford van, Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
“Our strategy should be not only to confront empire, but to lay siege to it. To deprive it of oxygen. To shame it. To mock it. With our art, our music, our literature, our stubbornness, our joy, our brilliance, our sheer relentlessness – and our ability to tell our own stories. Stories that are different from the ones we’re being brainwashed to believe.” ~ Arundhati Roy
To Ana and the Free Press, Thanks for your “sheer relentlessness” in providing us with the information necessary for us to tell our story, a story different than the lies we’re being brainwashed to believe. Empire is the political, medical and corporate structure that we all live under. It is the medical bureaucrats and politicians that think that their power is beyond reproach even as they lead us into a maelstrom of deceit, lies and irreparable harm. Think coherently and act as if your life depended on it because it might.
Kudos for the sentiment Mr. Crow. Better to rage against the empire with a real name attached. Just sayin;. When formula communications get no response send satire. Mock the dull tools doing the heavy lifting. On mute.
Perhaps we could discuss the brilliant closing graphic. What does Rotty Mc stink Corpse represent? What are the “treats” being reached for? Are the treats stupid or do they know what they are dealing with? Does this art form speak to you at a level beyond words? So many ways to see.
Finally, because all things and topics here are connected, two FP women have the biggest “pair” of anyone around. No matter the pro noun chosen.
Question authority one day may interrogate authority.
Houses of cards. Tangled webs. Dull tools.
Just sayin’
Thank you all for a great article. Look forward to more droppings. She is so terrible. I sent this article to the board of health requesting they fire Berry. I am sure they will read it and do the right thing. Also sent to school board. Requested they stop promoting the jabs to the children. Again, I am sure they will protect the children. Argh. Keep up the fight. Thank you for incredible reporting and detail. May the truth prevail.
Wow! great reporting. It needs to be disseminated widely. Thank you for this valuable reporting.
The COVID vaccine does not give you mucosal immunity. The vaccine gives you serum immunity. The immunity is in your blood, not in your sinuses. This is no secret, it’s basic science. I know I’ve heard talk about developing a nasal spray COVID vaccine that would give you mucosal immunity, but apparently no success. I’ve not seen it anywhere close to market.
Natural infection, with the virus hitting your airway, getting into blood or trying to, would give you serum and mucosal immunity.
So a vaccinated individual challenged with COVID would get a head cold, but not the systemic illness. That’s the idea.
Total COVID numbers don’t tell me what I want to know. I’m interested in COVID hospitalizations, ICU population, and death.
You don’t shut down an economy or mandate masks and all that, just because of a pandemic of head colds.
So I am a bit confused – isn’t this horse dead yet? Are there so few stories to report on that reruns of the same need to be run? I have had two initial doses of Phizer plus four boosters and I have participated in V-Safe each time. I have reported things like some fatigue for a day or two and injection site soreness. So, OMG! – I have reported SYMPTOMS after an injection! What shall we do? This kind of reporting – dead horse whipping – is a great part of the great dividing of the nation, in my opinion. Once upon a time, we all got polio vaccines and MMR vaccines without raising a stink – I miss those days! SO maybe I am the conservative here. Just saying…
Steve Moore, did you ever do mortality statistics on Covid19 during the days of terror….the lockdowns, school closures and all of the other governance tools which the declaration of an emergency allowed Jay Inslee to and people like Fauci and in microcosm, Berry, to abuse?
Raw statistics are kinda interesting. The mortality rate from covid as of October 2022 is ~0.003%, or three deaths in every 1000 of our population.
Because they continue to impose restriction on the unvaccinated solely for that reason, despite that it does not prevent infection nor transmission. Additonally, the state is working to IMPOSE the vaccination as part of school admission. A vaccination unlike any ever. It will not prevent spread. It will not prevent infection. So why vaccinate the most unaffected population with a “vaccine” which to date, has not improved the lives of any children. The studies to warrant child injections were harm studies, not studies to measure efficacy. Harm studies have an acceptable threshold. So they studied how much harm will come from child vax…not how many will be saved, which is none, compared to what their bodies already provided. That’s why we are still talking about this. That’s why this isn’t a dead horse and Berry remains an influential voice who so far has Not used science to influence the board of health, she has used fear and opinion. It has been a year and we have yet to see a SINGLE piece of evidence to support the banning of unvaccinated from restaurants last year. I personally wrote her and asked for that. No response. When cases and hospitalizations increased during that time, vaxed cases increasing rapidly? Not a word…..it is wrong to continue to have someone in charge who cannot speak the truth. City council meetings are still virtual in PA while in the room next to Council chambers? Regular public and private events take place, no masks, no vax required……and those same council people attended broad and large public events themselves. Not holding council meetings purely because of County (Berry) directives…..🤔
I have heard people say that the vaccine will make the symptoms a lot less severe. How can they actually think this? How can it be proven? If you have covid without the shot and then get the shot and have covid again? We have a great capacity for rationalization.
You don’t reliably get mucosal immunity from the COVID vaccine. You get humoral and cellular immunity. The vaccine protects the bloodstream. The nose, sinuses, upper airway is not reliably protected by the vaccine. So a vaccinated individual gets a head cold, but the virus does not spread through the body to cause more widespread damage.
You would do well to remember there are people who post here who would lose their ability to make a living if they used their real names. Back off of that sentiment. There are people who work for the city, county, state, etc. who are not at liberty to speak their mind vis-à-vis their jobs. Or did you not know that?
I had a conversation with someone just this week regarding many who work for the very systems and entities that are so damaging, not being truly free.
The cost of their short term security is silence. Hiding true feelings. Thoughts. What would happen if so many tools of these systems simply began speaking their truths, willing to find other employment or a different sense of security. The sound of blowing whistles would be overwhelming.
No real danger of that happening. Most live in fear of that great unknown.
Not so easy to live “I’d rather be a free man in his grave, than living as a puppet or a slave”. Easy to sing along but harder to walk the walk?
So many evolve their lives and sense of security within damaging systems, serve them, and delude themselves that they are not a part of the problem. It is a culture of denial.
So, I do “know that”. I also believe there is a bigger question for each individual. Evil empires are made up of individual neighbors doing the work that allows and enables negative outcomes.
Dirty hands syndrome doesn’t acknowledge one’s own dirt. Clearly seen on the City level here. Clean hands simply don’t last long.
And to another comment, the horse is far from dead. This story is about new information, cover ups, and evolving fact and evidence. For critical thinkers.
Scary stuff indeed. Just sayin’
It seems perhaps the part you didn’t know is that many of the people who are working for local government entities and who have signed contracts which include public comments on social media as part of the contract… Many of those people are working the entry level jobs and they are younger people. They don’t have the income to be the sort of activist you are suggesting. Some of them are young families. They can’t risk putting their livelihoods in danger.
My guess is that most of the higher ups in these government organizations are all Democrat through and through, of the UN agenda/WEF types. They winnow out the “Deplorables” as the salaries go up. You can count on that much.
You can also vote some of them out.
Brian W
The functioning negative aggregate is made up of countless individuals making individual choices. Not easy to strike out naked and alone in the wilderness at any age. The fear and growing reality of living under a tarp is seen daily by most. So, the lesser of two evils is chosen. Just an observation. Judgement is not part of it. Another way to put it is……
“You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”
― George Orwell, 1984
As such some can see a perfectly healthy horse gaining strength galloping in a field and declare it dead.
And there is this I posted before just to consider as one looks around
But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell’s dark vision, there was another – slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley’s vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.
Just thoughts. No threat or judgement intended. Individuals will make individual choices.
As always, the PTFP is not only in the vanguard of those protecting the people of Jefferson County from malfeasance in office, they are carrying the battle flag with honor.
We have a simple choice for county commissioner on November 8th, Marcia Kelbon…..or more enslavement to those who refuse to relinquish emergency powers for fear of losing control of the masses. Greg Brotherton is right in the middle of this. As county commissioner he is an avid supporter of Jay Inslee’s scheme to turn Washington state into Beverly Hills North. He works for his own self interest against the best interests of District Three. Many of his decisions regarding financial support of OLYCAP are receiving scrutiny.
Steve Moore: Your comment underscores what seems an unbridgeable chasm in our community now. For many of us, it is Berry’s crumbling, false (CDC/pharma) narrative, embraced by our electeds, that has divided this nation like nothing we have ever seen.
An exposé spanning two years — on the CDC promising transparency, but then covering up public data from the biggest medical experiment in human history (and fighting multiple lawsuits to prevent its release) — is far from “beating a dead horse.” Not a rerun. Why should we care that our local health officer just flat-out lied about that (and many other things) in public meetings? In the spirit of Halloween, we could chalk it up to her being batty. But it’s no joke when an appointed bureaucrat with the power to dictate how we live our lives twists (to use her own word) the truth to serve a dangerous, divisive agenda.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us. You are fortunate to have only experienced a few mild symptoms after your shots. The millions who reported severe reactions to v-safe, which led to multiple hospitalizations and possibly worse, were not so lucky. Not only should that critical data have been transparent from day one, but the public should have access to the open field data still being covered up. Perhaps what you had to say in those open field boxes wouldn’t interest us. But I suspect there’s a wealth of significant information in aggregate, telling a story which would give many continuing to buy the narrative pause for thought.
For those who are “true believers”, continuing to get shot after shot despite incontrovertible data about negative efficacy and safety, there may be no way to convey that they are the dead horse beaters (or horses being beaten to death?). But uptake numbers decreasing with each mRNA brew offered is evidence that more people are waking up to having been sold a bill of goods. We write in support of those with ears to hear.
The CDC contracted with tech giant Oracle for the development of V-safe. Investigative journalist Whitney Webb shines a light on Oracle and its ties to other tech giants and to the military:
“During an interview with the Wall Street Journal published last Friday, the “captain” of Operation Warp Speed, career Big Pharma executive Moncef Slaoui, confirmed that the millions of Americans who are set to receive the project’s Covid-19 vaccine will be monitored via “incredibly precise . . . tracking systems” that will “ensure that patients each get two doses of the same vaccine and to monitor them for adverse health effects.” Slaoui also noted that tech giants Google and Oracle have been contracted as part of this “tracking system” but did not specify their exact roles beyond helping to “collect and track vaccine data.”
The day before the Wall Street Journal interview was published, the New York Times published a separate interview with Slaoui where he referred to this “tracking system” as a “very active pharmacovigilance surveillance system.” During a previous interview with the journal Science in early September, Slaoui had referred to this system only as “a very active pharmacovigilance system” that would “make sure that when the vaccines are introduced that we’ll absolutely continue to assess their safety.” Slaoui has only recently tacked on the words “tracking” and “surveillance” to his description of this system during his relatively rare media interviews.
While Slaoui himself was short on specifics regarding this “pharmacovigilance surveillance system,” the few official documents from Operation Warp Speed that have been publicly released offer some details about what this system may look like and how long it is expected to “track” the vital signs and whereabouts of Americans who receive a Warp Speed vaccine.”
“In the OWS document entitled “From the Factory to the Frontlines,” the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense (DOD) stated that, because Warp Speed vaccine candidates use new unlicensed vaccine production methods that “have limited previous data on safety in humans . . . the long-term safety of these vaccines will be carefully assessed using pharmacovigilance surveillance and Phase 4 (post-licensure) clinical trials.”
It continues:
“The key objective of pharmacovigilance is to determine each vaccine’s performance in real-life scenarios, to study efficacy, and to discover any infrequent and rare side effects not identified in clinical trials. OWS will also use pharmacovigilance analytics, which serves as one of the instruments for the continuous monitoring of pharmacovigilance data. Robust analytical tools will be used to leverage large amounts of data and the benefits of using such data across the value chain, including regulatory obligations.”
Thank you PT Free Press for once again seeking truth in your reporting. If Steve Moore isn’t interested in this type of reporting, he is essentially saying he would rather follow the accepted narrative than be informed as to the underlying story because truth creates division.
It sure as hell does.
You either believe everything the drug companies tell you or you don’t believe everything they tell you.
Safest bet is to not believe anything they tell you, do your own research and keep some antibiotics and other unmentionables around to self administer just in case.
This is all a really bad situation,,, if you want to get down to the grit of the matter… They lie because its all they can do at this point,,, it takes more lies to cover up old lies and then you have to maintain the lies,,, it gets complicated…
We have criminal acts committed by elected and appointed officials,,, administrated by lower level civil servants,,, under the passive threat of Law Enforcement force… Lots of money involved,,, lots of liability involved and a really bad image… At this point all they can do is continue to lie and to hide statistical information regarding the increase in all types of death and sickness in every community…
[moderator edit]
The liability is huge regarding employment terminations forced by the mandates… The New York case has started an unraveling… Consider that every employee who was terminated by government,,, must eventually be re instated with back pay… Imagine when it gets to the medical employee vaccine mandate, which will indeed be overturned, all of the terminations that will have to be re instated with back pay both private and public… Who will be on the hook for all the damages and back pay??? Federal Government, State Government and local Government will be on the hook for Trillions of dollars… It will bankrupt every city and every county,,, every state and the entire Federal Government…
There is no money to settle anyone out let alone everyone, there is no money to hire them back and to pay everyone 6 digits in back pay…
You cant print money to bail everyone out when you are in a fiscal tightening cycle,,, you have to liquidate assets to pay liabilities when the price tag is too big for insurance and you cant print money… Personal assets of the criminally liable and the assets of the government itself must be liquidated, damages and liabilities must be paid…
The COVID 19 vaccine is the largest medical experiment ever.
No offense Craig but I think the actions by our public officials, and medical industry suggests that none of this was an experiment… When you are conducting an experiment you do not hide vital information that suggests the experiment is deadly or dangerous to many that participate… They did that and are still doing it,,, the very people who swore oath to protect and serve,,, act in the very best interests of their local communities did and are doing the exact opposite because lots of money is involved,,, lots of liability is involved… One thing government is good at,,, well trained at is covering their bad actions up,,, unfortunately for them this time everybody is watching,,, people are dead and injured or now living in even more fear because they believed lies and took poison injections that never stop being poison…
Another one we must put in our liars’ receipts file comes from an Emergency Mgmt. meeting in Clallam on Aug. 13, 2021.
Berry said ‘the vaccine is safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, and it has no effect on women’s or men’s fertility.’
Annette,,, “Berry said ‘the vaccine is safe for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, and it has no effect on women’s or men’s fertility.”… Coming from Berry’s position of authority and expert opinion that would be considered premeditated murder,,, a capitol crime… She said that even though she knows it dangerous… How we know she knows??? Because her hands are in the cookie jar,,, [moderator edit] That is the demonstration of knowledge and intent… Never forget that she also took payment for her crimes…
So, there is talk of a “COVID pandemic amnesty” over the many……..well, STUPID……things that were done by our government and our health “experts”. The excuse “we didn’t know any better”. Well, yes we DID know better (Great Barrington declaration).
So, who’s ready for a “COVID pandemic amnesty”?