Will Washington State Mandate Covid Shots for School Kids?

by | Oct 27, 2022 | General | 3 comments

Summer is over. The rains have begun. I am back at my desk.

While we were enjoying the fine weather, our federal and state governments have continued with their plans to protect us from Covid. Let’s play a little good news/bad news and find out what they have been up to.

Good News! On August 31st the FDA authorized the new, fast-tracked, Covid boosters by Pfizer, Moderna and BioNTech for adults and children. The fast tracking was determined to be necessary to get ahead of the constantly mutating virus because past efforts took too long to produce effective substances.

Bad News! It was only tested on mice.  Eight mice.

Good News/Bad News? They only needed to test it on mice because much of the data used to develop these fast-tracked shots came from the previous mRNA vaccines that the pharmaceutical companies, and our government, have told us — come on everybody, let’s say it together and make Allison Berry happy — are “safe and effective”.

Spoiler alert: this is sarcasm, but it is factual. I have paraphrased this information in effort to speak the truth plainly. If you think I am making this up, feel free to fact check by reading through the FDA document yourself.

We continue.

Good News for Pharma/Bad News for Parents

In what looks a lot like an end run around the many massive state-level protests against adding the Covid shot to the vaccines required for children to attend school, parents found the following in their news feeds on Thursday, October 20th.

Today, CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended updates to the 2023 childhood and adult immunization schedules, which includes incorporating additional information for approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines. CDC only makes recommendations for use of vaccines, while school-entry vaccination requirements are determined by state or local jurisdictions.

How long before Washington State’s Board of Health reverses their decision from April 13th of this year, and makes the Covid shot mandatory to attend public school, stating that they “are just following CDC recommendations”?

If you don’t think this could happen, I point you to the continued medical tyranny of Jay Inslee as demonstrated in Directive of Governor 22-13.1 dated August 5, 2022. The Governor’s emergency powers were supposed to end on October 31; not true if you are a current or future state employee.

Here is the heart of the directive (bold emphasis mine):

To address this continuing threat and ensure the health of our workforce, I am directing a permanent COVID-19 vaccination condition of employment requirement for state executive and small cabinet agencies as follows:

  1. New Employees. As a condition of employment, all new employees of state agencies must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  2. Current Exempt Employees. All current exempt employees must be fully vaccinated.

As defined by Directive 22-13.1, an employee is “up to date” with their COVID-19 vaccination when they have received all doses in the primary series and all boosters recommended for them by the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. 

Just in case loyalty to Jay Inslee isn’t enough to assure compliance, the directive also authorizes the state Office of Financial Management to incentivize state employees to remain fully vaccinated.

On September 21 the Seattle Times revealed that a tentative deal between the governor and the Washington Federation of State Employees Union includes a $1000 bonus for each state employee receiving a Covid-19 booster shot. The cost of this bonus to state taxpayers has been estimated at close to $41 million.

Back at the federal level, why was this CDC approval necessary?

Was it because the federal government was concerned for our children’s health?

Or could it be that once the Covid shots are recommended for the list of official childhood vaccines by the CDC, there is no longer any legal liability for these corporations?

Direct from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s covered vaccines webpage:

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) covers most vaccines routinely given in the U.S.

For a vaccine to be covered, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must recommend the category of vaccine for routine administration to children or pregnant women.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 created the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), a federal government managed, no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system providing compensation to people found to be injured by certain vaccines.

The funding for this program comes from an excise tax on all vaccines administered across the country.

The latest information I could find that attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of this program was from a 2014 General Accountability Office report that calculated an average time to adjudicate claims at 3.5 years. Imagine how well the program is working now with the VAERS report listing 1,442,261 adverse effects just for Covid shots?

Could there also be a profit motive involved in being approved to the childhood vaccine list, a guaranteed income stream created for these pharmaceutical companies from now until well into the future?

In what has to be pure coincidence, only hours after the CDC recommendation, Pfizer management, on a call with holders of Pfizer stock, announced a 400% increase in the price of their Covid booster. They had been charging our government $30 a dose. Now that private insurance will be paying, Pfizer will be requiring $110 to $130.

Let’s end with some good news.

On Friday, October 21, the day after the CDC recommendation, the Informed Consent Action Network, ICAN, announced they will fund a legal challenge to any state that mandates the Covid-19 vaccine to attend school. That same day the governors of several states — and just in case you are planning a move, let me list them here: Florida, Virginia, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, Iowa, Alabama, Tennessee, Missouri, South Dakota, Montana, South Carolina, Ohio, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho — announced that regardless of recent CDC recommendations, they will not be mandating Covid-19 vaccines for school attendance.

Now is not time to sit back. Chris Reykdal, Washington State’s Superintendent of Public Instruction has been clear in his statements that he wants to mandate the Covid-19 vaccine for school attendance. He has been clear that this will be a statewide decision and no district can opt out.

Keep talking to your political representatives, find them here. Keep making phone calls (360-236-4110) and sending emails to the State Board of Health. Make it clear that the October 20th CDC recommendation changes nothing. If there is even the slightest doubt in their mind that this shot might not be safe and effective for our kids, then they have a moral obligation to keep the Covid-19 vaccine off the list of Washington State’s requirements for attending school.

—  UPDATE  —

This promotion was sent to PTSD parents after 10pm on Thursday, Oct. 27th.  This is how desperate they are.  Back in the day, our parents taught us to never take candy from strangers…

Brett Nunn

Brett Nunn has spent the last two decades in Port Townsend's Uptown, raising a family, volunteering at local schools and wandering the outdoors. He writes about survival, community and culture. He is the author of the book, "Panic Rising: True-Life Survivor Tales from the Great Outdoors."

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  1. Il Corvo

    Do most of our politicians live in a bubble where all that comes in is the political narrative? When making a health decision concerning our children, are they seeing for themselves the facts of that decision or are they just seeing what they are being advised to see? These are our children, they are our human legacy. Where are the parents fighting for the health and safety of their children? Has the government become an extension of the family system? Have we and the parents of our young children forgotten our guiding responsibility?

    There are no upsides to this mandate to vaccinate all of our children. The protection in the face of a child’s natural immunity is negligible if not nonexistent, and the downside is unknown in its severity, so why is this even a question or a movement for legislation? In my opinion, we are witnessing a cataclysmic takeover of the family system by government medical authorities, the possible destruction of a child’s immune system, the possible interference of the child’s future ability of ever having children, and the possible premature death and harm to the children themselves.

    Thank you Brett Nunn for an informative article. This is an urgent matter and needs immediate action by those who care about our children. The bubble that most politicians sit in serves their party and their political future. The bubble shields them from seeing facts and their sworn responsibility. If we, the citizens don’t wake them up…who will? Are we hoping that they will just realize their mistake and make restitution? For that matter, how many times have you heard a politician accept responsibility and apologize?

  2. Harvey Windle

    Thanks, Brett, for your time and effort.

    Why would not all RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUALS not want to fully understand the unprecedented rise in all cause death rates before experimenting on children, or anyone?

    Perhaps life inside the bubble on so many levels for so many is just too good. The bubble does not protect from realities outside the human constructed narrative.

    People in white lab coats and bubble inhabitants have created quite a few problems in the long term.



  3. Sarah Schneiderman

    Thank you, Brett, for the informative article! I just saw a recent interview with Dr. Pierre Kory of the FLCCC who stated that the integrity of the world’s major medical journals has been destroyed by corrupt big pharma and the government agencies that are controlled by them. I also saw a recent interview with Dr. Harvey Risch, senior professor of epidemiology at Yale, saying he has “ZERO” trust in any thing that comes out of the CDC or FDA. He says they turn out “garbage study after garbage study after garbage study” with deeply flawed methodology and outright fraud. Robert Kennedy Jr. documented in his book “The Real Anthony Fauci” this next of corruption and also states that the world health organization is controlled by bill gates. Yet it is exactly those corrupted groups that alison berry, the media, all the “useful idiots” base their decisions on, to force US to go along with their dangerous, delusional programs. We can only continue to try and spread the word and resist…thank you again, Brett!


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