by Annette Huenke & Ana Wolpin | Sep 13, 2022 | General
“By anyone’s assessment, traditional electromechanical [analog] meters are an amazing piece of engineering work. Refined over a hundred years, the design of a standard residential electricity meter became an impressive combination of economy, accuracy, durability and simplicity.”
– Electric Power Research Institute
A program is now underway in Jefferson County to replace existing utility meters with two-way communicating Smart meters.
You have a choice, though. Because of an Opt-Out Policy created several years ago, PUD customers can reject a Smart meter and opt for a non-transmitting analog meter instead.
According to the “Grid Modernization – Meter Replacement Process” page on JeffPUD’s website:
Utility-wide replacement of aging meters with new advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) [Smart meters] will begin on September 19th in Kala Point. Meter replacement will be done in zones over time, with full replacement projected by early-2024.
General Manager Kevin Streett reported at the PUD regular meeting on Sept. 6th that the ‘Gateways’ — a system-critical piece of hardware used for data relay between the consumer and the utility — are in short supply, thus are being rationed by the manufacturers. The speed of the county-wide rollout to 20,000 customer/owners will depend upon that supply chain, and that of the so-called Smart meters themselves.
If you know you do not want a Smart meter, you don’t have to wait until you are notified of the rollout reaching you. You can request an analog meter at any time using the PUD’s “RF Transmitting Meter Opt-Out Application” (see below).
How We Got Here
In 2017, AMI technology, more commonly known as Smart meters, was rejected by more than a thousand county utility customers on a petition titled “We Want Analogs. No Smart Meters.” Over the course of two years, a group called SMOG — Smart Meter Objectors Group — challenged the PUD’s intended Smart meter rollout.

In response to concerns put forward by SMOG, in 2018 the meter replacement plan was put on pause. In November of 2019 and 1,000 signatures later, PUD commissioners granted utility customers the choice of opting for a non-transmitting analog meter, then or at any time in the future. Since that time about 175 customer-owners have requested that their existing one-way transmitting meters known as AMR — Automatic Meter Reading, not AMI/Smart meters — be replaced with analogs.
Now that the commissioners have decided to move forward with the AMI “Grid Modernization”, unless you opt out, your one-way transmitting AMR meter will be replaced with what many critics consider a far-more problematic two-way transmitting Smart meter.

One of approximately 40 Smart meters installed to date by Jefferson County PUD. The county-wide rollout begins Sept. 19th.
The authors are two of SMOG’s co-founders (Annette continues to monitor and participate in PUD meetings), and are among the early opt-outs. This article will describe the concerns around Smart meters and why you might want to opt for an analog when the meter replacement program comes to your neighborhood.
Utility companies love Smart meters,
but are they better for the customers?

2017 SMOG information sheet
There are multiple issues with Smart meter technology that SMOG initially addressed:
- High costs for new infrastructure to support this technology that generally leads to utility rate hikes;
- Short meter lifespan, with frequent meter replacement adding to utility costs;
- Safety issues – the meters’ lack of grounding potentially causing house fires and the shorting out of household appliances;
- Questions about smart meter accuracy, affecting utility bills;
- The potential surveillance by Smart technology, gathering information on household habits;
- Control of meters remotely by the utility;
- Time-of-Use rate adjustments increasing utility bills;
- Health concerns resulting from the electromagnetic radiation emitted by Smart meters.
We won’t dwell on the first four concerns for the following reasons:
1) JeffPUD has already decided to go down this road, with a workplan budget of $4,060,000 for this 2+ year project. Cost overruns can be in the millions with these rollouts, particularly additional infrastructure expenses where there are terrain issues like we have in Jefferson County. Time will tell how this affects our rates.
2) If the Smart meter obsolescence figure of 5-7 years given in Congressional testimony in 2015 holds true, with costs shared among the PUD’s customer base, even those who opt out will see rate increases if their Smart-metered neighbors require more frequent replacements.
3) The incidence of fires following smart meter installations was alarming in the early rollout years, but not much news has surfaced the past few years. It remains one reason to choose an analog, though, if you want the safest possible tech on your property.
4) A 2017 study showed that Smart meters gave false readings from 30% too low to 582% too high. That could mean you pay more or less than your actual usage. We just don’t know. We do know that analog meters have stood the test of time, holding their accuracy within industry standards for decades.
The issues we can clearly address by opting out of a Smart meter at this point include:
Invasion of Privacy,
Surveillance and Data Collecting
A major difference between two-way Smart meter technology and our current one-way-transmitting meters is in their ability to communicate detailed data wirelessly to our utility.
An analog meter does not broadcast any frequencies at all, it is read manually on-site by a meter reader.
Our current one-way meters broadcast infrequently, sending overall energy usage to a collector, recorded by a meter reader in the field.
A Smart meter broadcasts RF frequencies 24/7, every few seconds or even faster, up to 190,000 bursts of pulsed radiation per day.
While our PUD has not added this feature to the AMI meters being purchased, one of the promises of Smart technology is its potential to not only broadcast our usage remotely to the utility, but to communicate with any Smart gadget or device — appliances, heating and cooling systems, lights, video doorbells, security cameras, door locks, an ever-expanding array of Smart tech — and send detailed information to our utility about how and when we use energy.
That is seen as a benefit by some, potentially offering the customer more specific data on their power consumption to encourage better energy habits. But that doesn’t play out in real life. As studies like this one from Keele University show, Smart Meters Have Little Impact on People’s Energy Usage Habits.
What detailed data collection does achieve is in-home surveillance, sending personal information to the “Cloud” that potentially allows your utility — or a hacker — to monitor your household’s private habits in real time. It can reveal when you are home or not, when and how much you use specific appliances, in some cases even your TV viewing habits. It’s been dubbed “the household device that spies on you 24/7.”

The data collected can be sold to third parties. Miles Keogh, Director of Research at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, warns, “I think the [smart meter] data is going to be worth a lot more than the [electricity] commodity that’s being consumed to collect the data.”
As previously stated, this information will not be available with these new Smart meters — the PUD has assured us that it is not their intent to carry out this kind of data-mining on us, or to sell it for profit. It will require an upgrade for that capability.
It is, however, a slippery slope. We take the PUD’s current management at their word, but once this technology is in place, it opens a Pandora’s box for future abuse.
Remote Disconnects, Control and
Rationing of Your Energy Use
One of the upsides for the utility in switching over to a Smart meter network is the remote disconnect feature. If the PUD needs or wants to turn off your power, no one has to physically come to your property; your service can be disconnected remotely by the utility.

This feature is prominently displayed on the new Vision Smart meters.
And with additional hardware installed, there is also the potential for the PUD to control your power use in other ways. For example, as 22,000 utility customers in Colorado were recently shocked to discover, thermostat settings can be overridden remotely. During a heat wave just weeks ago, we saw the headline Power Company Seizes Control Of Thermostats In Colorado During Heatwave.
“After temperatures soared past 90 degrees, residents were left confused when they tried to adjust their air conditioning and found locked controls displaying a message that said ‘energy emergency’.” Utility customers discovered that their thermostats were locked in at 78 or 79 degrees. Those with heat-related health issues were unable to adjust for their comfort level; temperature regulation was completely out of their control.
Again, this is not something that will be possible with the initial Smart meter rollout in Jefferson County. But the infrastructure will be in place for increasing control and energy rationing by our utility in the future.
Current Billing Structure
and Proposed Time-of-Use Rates
At present, we are charged a flat fee (base rate) for the privilege of connection to the electric grid, and a kilowatt-per-hour usage fee (you’ll easily find these on your power bill).
It’s elementary that there are typical peak times in most households when far more energy is consumed — most commonly between 4pm and 9pm — when families get home from work and school and prepare dinner, turn on lights, televisions, computers, EV chargers, appliances etc. Power generators charge more to utilities when these peaks stress their systems.
Time-of-use billing aims to pass most of those cost increases directly on to the consumer in order to nudge them to modify their usage behavior by shifting much of their consumption to the shoulder lower-peak hours, or better yet, midnight-to-6am off-peak hours. (Some of us have been doing this voluntarily for years or even decades.)
Sounds reasonable enough, but there are caveats. What about people who are disabled, at home all day with elderly parents or small children, or underemployed and constantly juggling jobs?
A study published in Nature Energy in December 2019, titled “Varied Health and Financial Impacts of Time-of-Use Energy Rates Across Sociodemographic Groups Raise Equity Concerns,” summarized their findings in this way:
“The elderly and those with disabilities face greater increases in electricity bills and worse health outcomes under some time-of-use electricity rates. This suggests that vulnerable groups should be considered separately in time-of-use rate design, and future rate designs should be tested to ensure that they do not increase hardship.”
The paper pointed to typical hardships in lower income, rural counties like ours — inefficient appliances, leaky homes and the prevalence of rentals rather than home-ownership — which effectively prohibit the consumer from improving their comfort through increased energy efficiency. This can contribute to negative health outcomes for those who are forced to suffer through cold winters, hot summers and higher overall bills.
What I can’t see can’t hurt me.
Perhaps the most controversial aspect of this technology relates to the health impacts from the high-intensity pulsed radiation (RF transmissions) that Smart meters emit. Many decades of research have established that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) can cause profound health issues.
When Smart meters first began rolling out in the U.S., the incidence of people reporting new health challenges spiked dramatically. Former Silicon Valley engineer Jeromy Johnson is one who experienced a decline so debilitating after a Smart meter was installed that he turned EMF educator. Within a week of its installation, the meter’s impacts changed him from an early-adopter tech enthusiast to someone unable to function in his normal work and home environments.
As described in Johnson’s acclaimed 16-minute TED Talk (with thousands of corroborating comments), the most common adverse health effects linked to EMF exposures from these meters include:
- Headaches
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Tinnitus
- Heart arrhythmia/palpitations
- Decreased immune function
- Irritability
- Decreased cognitive function
Estimates of those who suffer from electrosensitivity range from 3 to 10 percent of the population. This concern was a major reason our PUD commissioners agreed to create an Opt-Out Policy. A future article will explore this issue in more depth.
Why Choose an Analog Meter?

Two styles of analog meters our PUD is using for opt-outs — the original “clock face” style that records usage on small dials and a later style with a numerical display.
Local craftsman and contractor, Sebastian (Seb) Eggert, is nearing completion of his ElectroMagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) certification with the Building Biology Institute and was a founding member of SMOG. He is the host of a semi-monthly Zoom call with other working EMRS professionals in which they discuss their cases and host guests, among them many of the most well known leaders in the field. He is hired by business and home owners to ‘survey’ offices and domiciles for the unseen presence of electrical, magnetic and radio frequency radiation (RF) as well as high frequency voltage transients emitted by wiring, known as dirty electricity (DE). He shares this primer, beginning with the beauty of analog technology:
“Electromechanical (analog) meters were the mainstay of the national electrical system for more than a hundred years. The amount of electricity used is indicated on a series of small dials or a digital display. The electrical current moving through the device constantly turns the mechanism in proportion to the amount of electricity consumed. A miniscule amount of friction in the system is the only loss of energy in the device.
If calibrated properly they are highly accurate and have been known to run reliably for as many as fifty years. They produce no other nuisance radiation of any kind, other than that created by the electricity in and moving through the wires.”
Traditional analog meters are safer, less expensive, more reliable, longer lasting and more secure than wireless Smart meters. With an analog meter there is zero chance for Smart surveillance, no possibility of the utility remotely disconnecting or controlling your energy use, no way to impose Time-of-Use rate structures, and no harmful radiation or dirty electricity is ever generated.
Unfortunately, manufacturing of new analog meters came to an end as industry’s push for ‘smart grid’ technology was prioritized. However, even according to Randy Austin, CEO of Vision Meters (our new supplier), refurbished analogs operate reliably and within industry standards for 25-35 years.
Non-transmitting Analog
or Non-transmitting Digital?
Our PUD also offers a second type of non-radiating meter as part of its opt-out program: digital non-transmitting meters. Eggert explains:
“These meters look like the new two-way transmitting [Smart] meters but do not have radio transmitters or receivers, thus — like analog meters — have to be read monthly by a meter reader. The switch mode power supply that measures the electricity used and displays it on the meter does generate some high frequency voltage transients, also known as ‘dirty electricity’, or ‘DE’. This is considered objectionable current by the building biology community and some electrically sensitive people are negatively affected by this form of radio frequency radiation.
The digital non-transmitting meters average the current used by sampling the amperage moving through the device over time and taking an average of those readings. Some engineers suggest that spikes from power surges (such as when a refrigerator starts up) can skew the average to be higher than what the usage is, resulting in higher electricity bills.”
Analog meters do not use this kind of averaging which can inflate your utility bills, nor do they generate dirty electricity — more reasons they are the superior meter choice.
Analog advocate Jeromy Johnson says, “I encourage you to do everything possible to opt-out of your Smart meter.” And with our hard-won Opt-Out Policy in place, we have that choice in Jefferson County.
Sign Up for Your Analog
Opt-Out Meter
If you want an analog meter for any or all of the above reasons, we are happy to report that our PUD has made it an easy process with a simple one-page opt-out form.

Opt-Out Application is on the last page of the packet here.
Our utility is offering non-transmitting analog meters for no initial installation charge and only a $5.00 monthly fee added to the power bill. The $5 surcharge goes towards the cost of a meter reader coming to your property every month to manually read your power usage.
Some caveats apply. From the PUD’s website:
Net metering (solar power) customers are limited to the [non-transmitting] digital meter, and must pay a $75 installation fee.
PUD customers who rent their homes will need to have their Opt-Out applications signed by the property owner in order for the application to be processed.
You’ll find the AMI/Smart meter opt-out form here. It cannot be filled out online, rather must be downloaded and printed out, or picked up at the customer service counter at 310 Four Corners Road.
Except for a point of confusion over whether to choose the non-transmitting analog or non-transmitting digital, we’ve not heard of any snags from others who have already opted out. We strongly suggest the analog option as the safest, most robust meter available.

Analog meters are available for most customers, but our PUD states that only the non-transmitting digital option will work with solar systems.
We will be happy to answer questions in the comments below.
Top photo from PUD website
by Jim Scarantino | Sep 10, 2022 | General
Clementine “Clem” Adams finally spoke. And when he did, he revealed shortcomings in local YMCA child safety rules, the policies designed to prevent the sort of conduct that has led to lawsuits against the Y for child sexual abuse and numerous cases of sexual assaults across the country.
We’ve written how the Port Angeles Y expelled a family for reporting child pornography and sexual misconduct, and how the Mountain View pool managed by the Y is no longer a safe place for many women and girls. These reports have touched on the increasing incidence of sexual assaults against women and girls in YMCAs nationwide. Adams’ interview reveals a level of negligence that should alarm upper management and any parent who entrusts their children to inept and poorly trained YMCA employees.
A Stitcher podcast hosted by “Garrison” was released September 1, 2022, entitled, “How Transphobia Took Over a Town.” For the first time Adams gave his version of events when Julie Jaman encountered him while showering in the Mountain View women’s showers. Adams is a 19-year old male who in March 2022 said he is now a woman. He is fully male and is “interested in women” according to his Facebook profile just a few weeks ago (a screenshot saved it).
Jaman says she heard a male voice and there, close to her shower curtain, was a “man in a woman’s swim suit looking at little girls.” The girls, Jaman says, were partially naked as they took off their swimsuits to use the toilets, only ten to twelve feet away. Jaman says she asked Adams, “Do you have a penis?” He answered, “None of your business.” She then told him “Get out of here!” He refused. He said in the interview that he just shook his head, “no.”
The pool manager, Rowen de Luna, then entered the woman’s shower area, told Jaman she was “discriminating,” was being banned from future use of the pool and the police were being called. Neither he nor de Luna informed Jaman that Adams was an employee of the Y. (He was not wearing a uniform or any identification.)
Jaman’s and Adams’ accounts agree on these basic facts.
We had offered Adams the opportunity to tell his side in writing, without any editing by us — completely and verbatim — before our first report on this incident, that since led to international attention and two demonstrations in Port Townsend attended by hundreds of people. Adams has not responded.
The same invitation to de Luna also went unanswered. Instead, we were contacted by Erin Hawkins, communications director for Olympic Peninsula YMCA, and instructed not to attempt to contact any Y employees. The Y offered a few vague details and accused Jaman of a “documented” history of misconduct, but has refused to reveal those documents or tell even Jaman what that alleged misconduct is.

Adams’ FB profile pic, added 9/9/22
Now we hear directly from Adams, and what he has to say vindicates Jaman and shows that her maternal instincts were correct: she was seeing something very wrong in the women’s showers at Mountain View pool on July 26, 2022.
Adams Speaks
“Garrison” was able to record the first interview with Adams. Just a few words about him:
“Garrison” is a man who says he has been taking hormones for about a year. He is virulently anti-woman. He expressed total disdain and contempt for women’s rights activists and feminist/women’s rights publications such as the influential Reduxx, which has covered this controversy extensively. They were the first to publish photographs of Adams. “Garrison” repeatedly called women who object to biological males in their private spaces “TERFs,” a recognized sexist slur and hate speech used to dehumanize woman and frequently justify and encourage violence against them. This man called women who disagree with him, “so-called feminists.”
Adams obviously felt comfortable talking with Garrison and his story spilled out. He said he was observing the Y’s “Rule of Three” but apparently does not understand the rule. We were informed by Hawkins that rule requires two adults to accompany any child to the bathroom. This is confirmed by mention of the rule found in the polices of other YMCAs. The presence of another adult deters misconduct and also protects the adults in the event of false accusations.
But Adams said the rule allowed him, alone, to take two young girls to the bathroom where he admits he touched one of them and saw at least one of them partially nude. He also revealed that other little girls came to the bathroom unescorted. And, to make things worse, he claims that because he was not wearing his glasses he couldn’t see much of anything, and even had trouble finding Jaman though she was but a few feet away.
Inadequate Local YMCA Child Protection Rules
According to Hawkins, the employee manual for Mountain View YMCA employees says the following regarding bathroom procedures:
“Children who are participating in YMCA programs are not to be sent to bathrooms without a YMCA staff member present. Staff will make sure the rest room is not occupied by suspicious or unknown individuals before allowing children to use the facilities. This policy allows privacy for the children and protection for the staff (not being alone with a child). No child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a field trip or at other off-site location.” [Italics added.]
What policy? What in those bare four sentences on an issue as important as protecting children from the sexual predation and misconduct that has plagued YMCAs provides privacy for children and protects staff from being alone with a child? Something is missing from what Hawkins says is the Olympic Peninsula YMCAs bathroom policy for children. The “Rule of Three” of which Adams spoke in his interview and Hawkins described to me is not there. Yet, both have stated this “Rule of Three” is a requirement regarding bathroom use by children.
I asked Hawkins if she had sent me the entire, unredacted children’s bathroom policy in force at Mountain View. She did not respond. Did the Y send us an edited version because the full policy and procedures would show that Adams and other Y staff deviated from mandatory child protection measures? We’re left to wonder.
A search of child protection policies posted online by other YMCAs around the country, from California to Kansas in our search, found uniform, quite detailed child protection procedures, far more protective of children than the scant, incomplete four sentences Olympic Peninsula YMCA is saying is their bathroom policy (but not confirming it is their entire policy). Adams and the Y’s pool manager violated even those flimsy regulations by allowing him to be the only staff person with children. His conduct also violated other child protection requirements in force uniformly at YMCAs that publish their entire policy manual for the public to see.
We found the following exact same child protection policies (even formatted exactly the same) in a number of YMCAs in different areas of the country. This is copied from the manual of the Silicon Valley YMCA:

Adams and the Y management, which permitted and has supported his conduct, violated these YMCA child protection rules as follows:
- Without another staff person he took two little girls to the bathroom. (Paragraph 3).
- No other staff person could see Adams when he was with the little girls. (Paragraph 3).
- He did not stand in the doorway to grant the girls privacy, but entered the bathroom area and stood directly outside the toilet stalls. (Paragraph 5).
- He had physical contact when he pulled up a little girl’s swimsuit. (Paragraphs 5 & 6).
- He assisted the little girl in putting on her swimsuit without a second staff person present. (Paragraph 5).
- Two other little girls were permitted to leave the pool and come to the women’s showers and bathrooms unattended by adult staff, and Adams allowed them to leave, again unattended. (Paragraph 5).
Adams Says He Really Couldn’t See Anything, Undermining His Credibility and Raising Suspicions About His Motives
“It might be worth noting,” Adams said in the interview, “I am prescribed glasses and wasn’t wearing my glasses, which is kind of terrifying, ‘cuz, you know, it was like a shot in the dark. I just heard a voice and I had to search around before I could figure out who was talking to me.”
Adams, according to Jaman, was just outside her shower curtain, where he could see her and she could see him. The distance from Jaman’s shower to the bathroom stalls, she says, is only ten to twelve feet.
“A shot in the dark” trying to find her when she spoke to him? His vision is that bad?

Mountain View Pool
But this is the person who was employed by the Y as a caretaker for kids in and around the pool. If he couldn’t see Jaman easily, from either one to two or ten to twelve feet away, how could he have been doing his job? He says in the interview he came directly from the pool with two children. Where were his glasses if his eyesight is so impaired that it is “kind of terrifying” to be without them?
Yet, in the next breath in the interview Adams said he was able to see “the concerned look” on the faces of two children who entered the bathroom unescorted.
This is a very strange part of the interview. Adams digressed to bring up the issue of his allegedly terrible eyesight. Why? To imply that his eyesight was so bad we should think he couldn’t see naked women and children in the showers?
Adams’ former Facebook profile photo shows him with wire-rimmed glasses with thin lenses. In another recent photo he posed without glasses and did not look “kind of terrified.”

An earlier Adams Facebook profile pic

Photo from Adams’ GoFundMe page
Adams, despite pronouncing himself a few months earlier to be a woman, is a heterosexual male. He is “interested in women,” according to his Facebook profile. Men are sexually stimulated visually, much more than women. That’s just how men are wired.
Adams’s interjecting a hard-to-believe diversion about extremely poor eyesight into his story of being in the women’s showers can only make one wonder about his motivation. It certainly undermines his credibility. As does the next part of his story.
Adams was the Only Staff Person with Partially Naked Children. Where was the Pool Manager?
He says that when two other children entered the showers and he saw “the concerned look on their faces, I just kinda told them to leave ‘cuz I didn’t want them to get involved.” He says they went “straight to her [de Luna, the pool manager] and asked her to help and told her that someone was yelling at me. Moments later Rowen entered and as she walked by I got her attention. And I told her, you know, there’s an older lady yelling at me to leave and I pointed at the shower stall Julie was using.”
As she walked by I got her attention. This makes no sense. The shower area is not that large, and the space where the showers and toilets are is not on the way to anywhere else. (See featured image.) This statement by Adams makes it sound like he, not the children, brought de Luna into the room, or that de Luna just chanced to enter the women’s showers, when he got her attention.
I asked Jaman about this and she said de Luna did not enter the showers from the pool but rather from a staff lounge or office area. In any event, both Adams and Jaman agree that de Luna came from somewhere outside the showers and that, therefore, Adams was the only staff person with up to four children, in violation of even the Mountain View YMCA’s flimsy child protection policy. Jaman says all four were at some point in time in some stage of taking off their bathing suits while Adams was looking at them, close enough that he actually touched one.
Child Protection Does Not Come First at the YMCA Mountain View Pool
YMCA staff violated child protection common sense and rules left and right, yet it was Julie Jaman who was punished. She may not have acted as a shy, retiring, proper little lady when her maternal protective instincts kicked in. But her instincts were correct. Yet she is the one who received a letter from the Olympic Peninsula YMCA notifying her she would be charged with trespassing if she set foot on any Olympic Peninsula YMCA property.
The first response of the pool manager was to lecture Jaman, expel her and call police. Where was she while Adams — nearly blind, he says, so much that it was “kind of terrifying” — was taking care of children in and around the pool? Where was she when he led two children to the bathroom then helped one pull up her swim suit? Where was she when two more children wandered from the pool unescorted to the women’s showers where, according to Jaman, they also were at some point undressed in front of Adams?
As we reported about the expulsion of a family from the Port Angeles YMCA for reporting child pornography, the Jaman case shows that when it comes to child protection and making its facilities a safe place for women and children, Olympic Peninsula YMCA has other priorities and agendas.
(Mattie Watkins contributed significant research for this article. You may read her stories on the Jaman/YMCA controversy and Mayor David Faber’s dark and, to quote him, “pervert[ed] and deviant” side at
Transcription of Adams’ Account
Here follows a transcription of Adams’ account of his interaction with Julie Jaman, excluding the interviewer’s interpretations or fills:
“I was using the women’s room, cuz, you know that works more me, and that lines up with how I feel. We went through all that (on July 26, 2022), no problem, we got the kids…the kids got changed in the stalls. Once we were out at the pool one of the kids needed to use the locker room bathroom. So I took that kid and another kid to the locker room in accordance with the Y’s Rule of Three system.
“I was waiting outside the stall with the kid being the buddy, making small talk, when Julie Jaman initiated the dialogue by asking if I was a member of the LBGTQ Plus community. I responded, uh, yes, I’m trans and she asked me if I had a penis. It kinda caught me off guard and I told her that’s none of your business. Julie asserted that I needed to leave, that I can’t be there. Then in response to her assertion I just shook my head ‘no.’ I couldn’t really leave or I’d be leaving the kids unattended and, you know, I was backed into a corner. The kid at some pointed exited the stall and had her swimming, her bathing suit wasn’t fully pulled up and she asked me for help and so I assisted her by pulling up by the straps. And there were other patrons present in the locker room at this time. As some point after the girl coming out and needing her straps pulled up Julie was back in the shower stall. Around then two more kids entered the locker room.
“It might be worth noting I am prescribed glasses and wasn’t wearing glasses, which is kind of terrifying, cuz, you know, it was like a shot in the dark. I just heard a voice and I had to to search around before I could figure out who was talking to me.
“But any ways, two more kids came into the locker room and they overheard Julie shouting at me asked me what was going on, like, they had this concerned look on their face and then I just kind of told them to leave cuz I didn’t want them to get involved.
“”They went straight to her (Rowen de Luna, the pool manager) and asked her to help and told her that someone was yelling at me. Moments later Rowen entered and as she walkd by I got her attention and I told her, you know, there’s an older lady yelling at me to leave and I pointed at the shower stall Julie was using. Rowen kinda like posted up and stood in between me and the kids and Julie and waited for her to come out. And then Julie, you know, poked her head back out and said, ‘Get out. You’re a man.’ and Rowen intervened and said, ‘No, actually you need to leave. You’re discriminating and kind of being a bigot. So it’s actually you that needs to leave right now.’ And Julie told Rowen she was confused about gender and Julie pointed at me and said, “He has a fucking penis. He has no business being around little girls. He has a penis and he could rape someone.’
“After that Rowen sort of ushered me and the little girls out of the locker room and told me to go to her office. Then the other staff members found me and helped me. Rowen stood outside the lobby side of the office when I was in there and, I guess, like, after the police had been called Julie came out and engaged with her and they were yelling. But I couldn’t hear what was going on. And that’s kind the end of it.”
Several other questions arise:
If the little girl was done using the toilet and had her suit back on, and Adams could tell the two later-arriving little girls to leave, why didn’t he just leave with the little girls that had accompanied him?
As for the question that initiated the “dialogue” with Jaman, her asking him, “Are you a member of the LGBTQ Plus community?”, Jaman denied this ever happened, saying: “I can’t ever remember all the letters. LGBXYZ. No, we were not having a dialogue. He was leering at little girls.”
Jaman, as reported previously, also denied using an F bomb.
As for other patrons being present, Jaman says she did not notice a woman who may have been in the room until she had dressed and was on her way out. Jaman says that woman told Jaman that she agreed with Jaman’s actions.
by Ana Wolpin | Sep 4, 2022 | General
“The modern trans movement does not appear to be a natural outgrowth of the feminist or even gay, lesbian, and bisexual acceptance movement. It is my strong belief that something else altogether is going on here.”
— Toby Rogers
“Pride” messaging began as a movement centered on creating equal rights for adult lesbians, gays and bisexuals — the L, G and B in the evolving acronym LGBTQ+.
As a long-time advocate for social justice, being supportive of Gay Pride, as it was initially called, was a given. Of course caring, rational people wish to see equal rights, non-discrimination, and inclusivity for all.
With the addition of the letter T — transgender — that movement has changed radically. “The trans wars,” says Toby Rogers, “are everywhere right now.”
Rogers spent a decade fighting for LGB equality as the communications director for the Presbyterian Church USA. He helped bring about a shift in the church’s position on gays nationwide, then got a masters degree in public policy. He taught gender studies. In Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues, he says:
“By 2012-2013 we had won across the board. Equal rights to marriage, employment, housing, and hospital visitation rights were becoming the law of the land in the U.S. and throughout the world. We had achieved bipartisan consensus even on the fiercely divided U.S. Supreme Court. We had science, logic, and reason on our side. It was settled law and settled science.”
And then, says Rogers, “somewhere around 2015, the movement went completely off the rails.”
A very different ideology took over the Pride messaging — denying the validity of biology entirely and centering on the social construct of perceived gender. Suddenly gender dysphoria was rampant and growing. Port Townsend today is ground zero for that shift.
John Daniel Davidson writes about our town in The Federalist. In his August 19th article, The Transgender Movement Is Not Just Intolerant. It’s Barbaric And Violent, And It’s Coming For Your Children, Davidson says:
“Hardly a day goes by now that we don’t see another appalling example of transgender ideology’s aggressive intolerance in the public square. Recently, the target of that intolerance was an 80-year-old woman in the small town of Port Townsend, Washington, who was permanently banned from her local YMCA pool after she objected to a “trans woman” — a man — in the women’s locker room.”
That “aggressive intolerance” has been documented in multiple Free Press articles. (1, 2, 3, 4) This was the face of trans activism in Port Townsend on the evening of August 15th:

Most, if not all of the violence, say readers, came from within the community, not from outsiders. We now understand that it was local trans activists who showed up to spew hate and assault peaceful supporters of a women’s rights rally on August 15th at Pope Marine Park.
As previously reported, the assaults aligned with the hate campaign initiated by Port Townsend Mayor David Faber and City Councilor Libby Wennstrom. Campaigning on her Facebook page Wennstrom put out a call to drive “TERFS OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND.”
The violent mob that screamed and knocked down elderly women was a far cry from the message delivered an hour later by Mayor Faber just across the street. As Davidson summarized, “Faber praised the mob that went after Jaman and her supporters, calling it an ‘incredible night’ that was ‘beautiful’ and falsely claiming that ‘Trans and cis-allies alike spoke love & support’.”

David Faber returns to his mayor’s seat after presenting the Trans Rights Proclamation to Beau Ohlgren.
Faber’s high praise was delivered in conjunction with an orchestrated reading at City Hall of a Trans Rights Proclamation. The mayor read and ceremoniously presented the proclamation to Beau Ohlgren, representing the Transgender Support network in Jefferson County. That network is fronted by Olympic Pride, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit established in 2018. The image at the top of this article is the banner for the Youth page on Olympic Pride’s website.
Jim Scarantino of the Free Press wrote to Ohlgren and Olympic Pride asking for a statement regarding the attacks on women from the trans community that night. They did not respond. Scarantino writes:
“Olympic Pride and Beau Ohlgren of the local Transgender Support won’t denounce hate speech against women. We asked them if they denounced the hate speech directed at women from Mayor David Faber and City Councilor Libby Wennstrom, the latter calling for “All TERFS out of Port Townsend.” They have chosen “no comment”… To what extent these groups share responsibility for the conduct of the mob remains an open question, especially if they continue to refuse to condemn hatred and hate speech against women.”
It’s All Cartoons and Rainbows
On their website Olympic Pride says they are “Working towards making a permanent place for LGBTQ+ youth and allies.” They present a much different image online than the trans activists the community witnessed on August 15th across from City Hall.
The collage that originally appeared below contained images that were taken from Olympic Pride’s public website and Facebook pages. They showcased the kind of marketing the organization is directing at kids — a rainbow promotion for the Rainshadow Youth Collective: “Come say hi at the PT Farmers Market”; rainbow flags and other attractions for children at their Market booth; a cartoon unicorn on a rainbow. There was a photo of people swathed in large rainbow banners with flags, another of children playing with rainbow bubbles at a table at Pope Marine Park, and a smiling cartoon sun behind a rainbow with the caption “Pride Line 2021 is going to be HOT! HOT! HOT!”
On September 13, that collage and other images were removed, as explained in this placeholder:

Not only did we remove their publicly displayed marketing materials, nearly all of the photos and illustrations we shared have been scrubbed from their own website and Facebook page. If this complaint was really about alleged ownership, why did Olympic Pride remove them from their own sites?
The collage below gives the reader an idea of the imagery in the original version of this article. The images have similar content and flavor, but none of them come from Olympic Pride media.

This is the focus of Olympic Pride. It’s nearly all geared towards attracting kids into their Rainshadow Youth Collective. Brightly-colored unicorns dancing on rainbows. Rainbow banners and flags. Rainbow games. Rainbow cartoon characters. What could be more appealing to a child?
It’s all about the kids. Especially trans kids. When — and why — did Pride suddenly transform from a movement to secure equal rights for adults with differing sexual preferences to a marketing program enticing kids to question their gender, glorifying gender dysphoria?
Make no mistake about it, this IS a marketing campaign.
It’s colorful. It’s welcoming. It’s fun!
The next collage we removed included photographs of an Olympic Pride booth set up with games for children at Pope Marine Park, a young girl getting her face painted at the booth while other children look on, and an Olympic Pride table wrapped with local businesses’ and organization’s logos, giving away rainbow flags.

From drag queen Katrina Duall’s Instagram page.
We’ve been forbidden to show you those photos, too, so for the Olympic Pride promotional table we’re substituting another of their marketing draws — the use of drag queens to entertain kids at family events. For their “Sound of Pride 2022” at Pope Marine Park, Olympic Pride imported drag queen Katrina Duall to emcee the festivities. Most images of Duall’s performance have been removed from their website, but you can see dozens of photos on a public Instagram page.
The images below get the point across:

Wave a rainbow flag to show your Pride. Get your face painted at the Olympic Pride table at Pope Marine Park and then watch a drag queen perform. Join the Rainshadow Youth Collective and be celebrated as one of the special kids rejecting your biology and changing your gender.
How did we get here?
Beau Ohlgren, the recipient of the mayor’s Proclamation the night the trans activists attacked Jaman and her supporters, is Director of Family Ministry at the popular Quimper Universalist Unitarian Fellowship (QUUF) in Port Townsend. From the church’s website:

Beau Ohlgren at a Jefferson County Transgender Support event and pictured on the QUUF website (inset). These images were among those Faber Feinson PLLC demanded be removed as the “intellectual property” of his Olympic Pride clients. They are not. The photo from the transgender event was posted on an unrelated Facebook page by the person he is pictured with and the inset photo can still be seen at the churches’ link here.
Why is Olympic Pride claiming ownership of and trying to hide these images?
“Beau has been working with QUUF families at since [sic] 2015 and is passionate about working with each family’s particular interests, challenges, and talents to build resilient, loving, and spirited community. He lives in Port Townsend, is a licensed foster parent, and spends his free time with his family (including his godson), walking, reading, baking, and cooking. He is a member of the UUA-affiliated associations TRUUsT (Transgender Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together) and LREDA (Liberal Religious Educators Association).”
Ohlgren’s enthusiasm for promoting the transgender community has led not only to support from the Unitarian church and a proclamation from the city, but a large coalition of “Partners” among local businesses and organizations. As was seen on the Olympic Pride table wrap [now removed], familiar logos abound. Even our hospital and Jefferson County Public Health have jumped on the rainbow bandwagon.
Who could say no to flying the colorful flag of inclusion, tolerance and diversity? How can anyone criticize rainbows and hearts?
A sampling of the local businesses and organizations that have “partnered” with Olympic Pride was below. The full list can still be seen on their website at the Pride Partners tab. If that also gets removed, they can be found at the end of Free Press writer Jim Scarantino’s follow-up article, “Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children.”
What is this partnership actually supporting?
Behind the hearts and rainbows, it’s not a pretty picture. The city pool run by the YMCA is a good example.
Before the Y took over managing the Mountain View public pool in 2021, there was a large contingency of seniors who were regular swimmers, with popular group activities. Many of those regulars, especially the older women, no longer use the pool.
A local physical therapist reports that a lot of her senior clients have stopped going to the pool because they no longer feel comfortable in that environment. They claim that the pool has gone significantly downhill since the Y took over. For many older folks with mobility and weight issues, exercising in the water is their only safe option. They’re being denied access to a healthier lifestyle. Through that lens, loss of this critical modality of exercise is a form of elder abuse.
As 80-year-old Julie Jaman’s recent expulsion demonstrated, the culture at the pool has changed radically under the Y’s auspices.
A Free Press reader from Portland, visiting the city’s pool for the first time with his family, wrote:
“What struck both of us was the amount of pride flags at the Y facility… They seemed to be on every door and most walls and we commented on it… it seemed there were more identifiable pride flags than Y logos.”
From the moment you approach the outside door, the rainbow Pride signage and messaging is in your face.

The messaging is so ubiquitous that Olympic Peninsula YMCA CEO Wendy Bart pointed to all the Pride branding as the rationale for why Julie Jaman should have known there were no longer gender boundaries in the changing rooms, toilets and showers. Despite the lack of explicit signage warning that men identifying as women had access to these intimate spaces, the celebratory rainbow “welcome” was fair warning, she said.
The Pride branding throughout the facility is mirrored by the kids hanging out at the pool. A friend who went to the pool after the incident with Jaman was shocked by the facility’s transformation. “The inside of the Pool/Y complex had been redecorated into a Pride temple, with Pride stickers and banners everywhere, and all three employees wearing rainbow masks and Pride T-Shirts.”
Some are calling this a cult. At the least, it’s the branding of a Pride club, reminiscent of the hippie-flower-child allure my generation experienced in the 60’s. We had our beads and feathers and neon tie-dyes. All we are saying is give peace a chance, we sang.
But the colorful Pride signage and costuming reflects a much different ethos. Under the guise of non-discrimination, gender dysphoria is being glamorized and marketed to our children.

When a small group of elderly woman went to the pool to challenge the Y’s treatment of Julie Jaman, they encountered some of the Pride-branded youth, above. There was polite conversation until a long-time Unitarian church member arrived with some other adults. We now know that the Y had consulted with Ohlgren for advice in the aftermath of the incident with Jaman and that the QUUF had put out a call for its members to counter her supporters — now dubbed transphobes and trans-haters — at the pool.
It wasn’t until that new group arrived that the scene grew ugly. They started name calling and drowning out any possibility for civil discussion. The irony of claiming to stand for respect, kindness and inclusion was not lost as QUUF members yelled absurd accusations like “Nazi” and “pedophile” at the peaceful elderly women, eventually inciting the teens to join in the attack.
Parents Weigh In
As more parents speak out about the trans movement’s hijacking — and even mutilation — of their kids, an extensive network of players comes into view.
“Transgender ideology has infiltrated public schools, hospitals, and higher ed,” says Davidson. “Its adherents are not going to leave you alone.”
In “Why did my daughter become trans?” Jo Brown describes the social and institutional influences that convinced her troubled daughter who had never shown signs of gender dysphoria to announce that she was a boy:
“It seems that a trans identity is offered to kids these days as a way out of their confusion and misery. All of us, or at least everyone that I have been close to, can remember our adolescence as difficult years. Feeling unacceptable, substandard, not cool enough. We struggled, were unhappy, but eventually found our way through. In my case it was through academic success, for my sister, sport. A close friend turned to music. What we did not have were people whispering to us in our bedrooms that our gender identity was the problem and changing it the solution.”
“What is particularly baffling,” writes Brown, “is why a mental difficulty that suddenly arises in adolescence is treated as a newly revealed truth, rather than a problem to be worked through and overcome. Many of these girls are struggling mentally, and indeed some are diagnosed with autism.”
In “Parents of Kids Who Think They Are Trans Speak Out,” five more moms write anonymously of their children’s heartbreaking stories. So powerful is the institutionalized “gender-affirming” network that they request anonymity “out of fear of being reported to Child Protective Services and losing custody of their children.”
“When a child says he is transgender, we are expected nowadays to accept and celebrate this announcement… But there are many parents who are not celebrating. They are suffering in silence. They know their children were not born in the wrong bodies and that hormones and surgeries are not the answers to their discomfort and confusion.”
A few excerpts from distraught mothers:
“My once beautiful daughter is now nineteen years old, homeless, bearded, in extreme poverty, sterilized, not receiving mental health services, extremely mentally ill, and planning a radial forearm phalloplasty (a surgical procedure that removes part of her arm to construct a fake penis)… The level of heartbreak and rage I am experiencing, as a mother, is indescribable. Why does Oregon law allow children to make life-altering medical decisions? As a society, we are rightly outraged about ‘female circumcision’. Why are doctors, who took an oath to first do no harm, allowed to sterilize and surgically mutilate mentally ill, delusional children?”
“In August of 2017, our seventh grade daughter came home from sleepaway camp believing she was a boy. She had a new vocabulary and a strong desire to change her name and pronouns… We suspect that our daughter assumed that since my wife and I are lesbians, and liberal in our politics, we would support this new identity. We may be lesbians, but we are not confused about biology. She tried to convince us with a very scripted explanation that she had always ‘felt’ like a boy. But we had never once seen or heard from her any evidence of this ‘feeling’… we are facing this ever-growing storm of a social contagion without any help from the mainstream media or the negligent FDA, not to mention the pathetic capitulation of our physicians and mental health professionals.”
“At the age of seventeen, after immersion on Tumblr and after two of her oldest and closest friends in high school declared themselves transgender, our daughter told us that she is ‘really a guy.’ Her therapist diagnosed her as high-functioning on the autism spectrum… My daughter is now twenty, has been on testosterone for a year, and has made an appointment for a consult about a double mastectomy—all this, even though she can’t legally buy an alcoholic drink. I can’t get any answers from doctors in response to my questions and concerns about the risks of these ‘treatments’. I get no answers from mental health professionals about what makes this treatment appropriate . . . or what makes my daughter different from those young women who are ‘no longer trans’ and have de-transitioned, sometimes after being on hormones for years.”
“The media glamorize and celebrate trans-identified children while ignoring stories like mine. I have written to well over 100 journalists, begging them to write about what is happening to kids. I wrote to my representative and senators, but have been ignored by their staff. My online posts about my daughter’s story have been deleted and I have been permanently banned in an online forum. As a lifelong Democrat, I am outraged by my former party and find it ironic that only conservative news outlets have reported my story without bias or censorship.”
As the transgender industry lures kids into “transitioning” to the opposite sex with irreversible surgeries and often damaging life-long hormonal regimens, stories of those struggling to de-transition are also coming out. As with the upset parents, many choose to hide their identities because of vicious attacks by the trans community once they begin to voice their regrets openly and describe how they were manipulated and seduced onto the gender-transition conveyor belt.
Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old now de-transitioning from a “nightmare” journey that led to removing her healthy breasts at 15, is one young woman who is publicly speaking out. She recently testified against California Senate Bill 107, that would shelter parents who consent to the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender transition surgery on their children from prosecution in other states that view such actions as child abuse.

In Ex-transgender Teen Recounts ‘Horrifying’ Experience of Transition, Surgery, Brad Jones of The Epoch Times says “her ‘brutal’ transition from female to male was anything but the romanticized ‘gender journey’ that transgender activists and medical professionals had portrayed.”
“There is really a high comorbidity rate between gender dysphoria and autism,” says Chloe Cole. “Pretty much every transgender person I’ve ever met, especially around my age either has really bad family issues, or they’ve been sexually abused or assaulted at a very young age, and it’s really concerning that nobody really talks about that association.”
Cole blames the medical community for encouraging her transition. “They effectively guilted my parents into allowing them to do this. They gave them the whole, ‘Either you’ll have a dead daughter or a live son,’ thing. They cited suicide rates.”
She now has deformed ribs from the breast binder she wore before her surgery and “worries the puberty blockers might have affected her brain development.” After the double mastectomy—called “top surgery”— “sold” to her by what Cole now views as propaganda, she was “actually disabled for awhile.” Because it requires severing the duct that supplies breastmilk to the nipple, even if she undergoes reconstructive surgery, she will never be able to nurse a baby.
“I was 15. You can’t exactly expect an adolescent to be making adult decisions,” she said. “So, because of a decision I made when I was a kid, I can’t breastfeed my children in the future. It’s just a little concerning that this is being recommended to kids at the age I was, and now even younger. They’re starting to operate on preteens now.”
Is Jefferson Healthcare’s and our Public Health Department’s partnership with Olympic Pride telling us they support the surgical removal of adolescent girls’ healthy breasts? The castration and feminization of confused teenage boys?
What is behind the Pride marketing?
Transgender surgeries and the multi-billion-dollar industry that has grown around gender “reassignment” is big business. Under the euphemism “gender affirmation”, full surgery packages can cost upwards of $300,000. Ongoing hormonal treatments run up to $2400 a year.
In Who Are the Rich, White Men Institutionalizing Transgender Ideology?, journalist Jennifer Bilek exposes a handful of billionaires who fund transgender lobbies and organizations. She notes the “explosion in transgender medical infrastructure across the United States and world to ‘treat’ transgender people.” She identifies the pharma and tech giants pushing for transgender bathrooms and funding the larger transgender project:
“The massive medical and technological infrastructure expansion for a tiny (but growing) fraction of the population with gender dysphoria, along with the money being funneled to this project by those heavily invested in the medical and technology industries, seems to make sense only in the context of expanding markets for changing the human body.”
Davidson points to the industry’s targeting of children at younger and younger ages:
“That effort isn’t being led by black-shirted Antifa thugs, it’s being led by medical professionals at some of the most prestigious hospitals in the country. In recent weeks, [people] have been posting publicly available promotional videos and other information from Boston Children’s Hospital touting so-called ‘gender-affirming care’, which includes chemical castration, mastectomies, hysterectomies, and genital mutilation performed on minors.
Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, has amputated the breasts of a 12-year-old girl and castrated a 16-year-old boy in the name of ‘gender-affirming care’. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh promotes puberty blockers for children. The pediatric gender program director at Yale has admitted on camera she believes children as young as 2 or 3 can be eligible for medical intervention and treatment on their ‘gender journey’.”
Closer to home, KOMO News reports that the gender clinic at Seattle Children’s Hospital provides “gender-affirming medical care” to children as young as 9 years old. Gender surgeries for teenagers include double mastectomies (with or without free nipple grafting), breast augmentation, thyroid cartilage surgery and facial gender-affirming surgery.
In “partnering” with Olympic Pride, is our county hospital signaling its participation in these medical interventions on kids? Here, too, Faber Feinson PLLC demanded their client’s graphic be removed.
On a rainbow field with their “Pride Partner” logo is a stethoscope and “Thank you Jefferson Healthcare for supporting Olympic Pride.” Why would it be necessary to hide our hospital’s partnership with Olympic Pride?

Not original graphic
Deconstructing the Rainbow Pride Flag
The architects behind this movement add new colored stripes to the Pride banners and flags every time they are able to label and co-opt a new “gender identity.” The trans industry beefs up its supposed coalition with an ever-expanding alphabet soup of ways you can be other than heterosexual (now called “cis” for some inexplicable reason). LGB is now LGBTQIA+.
But this coalition is far from cohesive, with many of the acronym’s groups — especially those who built the Gay Pride movement — pushing back against the trans activists. They say the trans agenda is destroying, not strengthening, hard-won gains.
In late August police removed a group of lesbians from a parade billed as Gay Pride when they clashed with trans groups. The British Daily Mail reports that lesbian group Get The L Out UK which carried banners reading “Transactivism Erases Lesbians“ was told to leave for their own safety. One woman replied, “I want to make sure that I understand that you’re removing lesbians from an LGBT march.”
Many lesbians are rejecting the trans takeover of the Pride movement. So are gay men. In his Newsweek opinion piece The New Homophobia, Ben Appel writes:
“There is a frightening new version of homophobia pervading the U.S., disguised as, of all things, ‘LGBTQ’ activism. For adult gay people like me, it’s clear that this activism does not advance our equality, but in fact compromises our ability to live peacefully in society. In fact, it is threatening our very existence.”
Appel asserts that given time, most of the kids who get convinced they are transgender realize they are not. He notes that in 10 major studies on youth gender dysphoria, “the vast majority (as much as 85 percent) end up desisting during or after puberty — that is, they become comfortable with their biological sex and no longer wish to identify as the opposite sex.”
He worries that trans ideology is not only an attack on heterosexuals, but an attack on gays as well. “If radical activists can convince enough people that biological sex is a farce, that ‘trans women are women’ and ‘trans men are men,’ then the path to the full erasure of gender-role-nonconforming gay people will be fully paved.”
The fast-growing group Gays Against Groomers has recently launched a campaign against the trans movement’s agenda for kids. “We are a coalition of gays against the sexualization and indoctrination of children”:
Our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years.
The overwhelming majority of gay people are against what the community has transformed into, and we do not accept the political movement pushing their agenda in our name.
Gays Against Groomers directly opposes the sexualization and indoctrination of children. This includes drag queen story hours, drag shows involving children, the transitioning and medicalization of minors, and gender theory being taught in the classroom.
The activists, backed by school boards, government, woke media, and corporations, have been speaking on our behalf for too long. When fighting for equality, our goal was to successfully integrate ourselves into society, but now these radicals aim to restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.

“Mobs like the one in Port Townsend on Monday,” says John Davidson, “are merely the blunt instrument, the Brown Shirts of a much larger effort on the part of the left to sever the relationship between parent and child and reshape society in a way that allows adults, especially adult men, to fulfill their every desire — often at the expense of children.”
“The people and institutions behind this [trans] movement are not fringe, they are not the pink-haired youths and black-clad Antifa thugs screaming at old ladies in the streets. They occupy the elite heights of American society. They have real power and influence.
And they are not just angling to get between parents and their children, they are angling to get healthy girls and boys onto the operating table. They are angling to get grown men into women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, shelters, and dormitories. They are angling to get Child Protective Services to remove children from parents who refuse to go along with transgenderism.”
The fringe minority of people identifying as transgender in Washington state is 0.42%, less than one half of one percent, according to World Population Review. Washington Secretary of State city voter registration demographics shows Port Townsend’s registered voters are 54% female, 45% male, 1% identifying as other. (2022 stats) If those 1% “other” are trans, then perhaps PT’s trans population is double the state average.
If Beau Ohlgren, Mayor Faber and the rest of our electeds at City Hall, Wendy Bart and the YMCA, the Quimper Unitarian Fellowship and Olympic Pride simply want to make Port Townsend a kind, welcoming place for the possibly 1% of transgender dysphorics, why all the marketing to kids?
Why turn the community pool into a Pride headquarters?
Why all the branding with area businesses and institutions?
Why the aggressive, seductive outreach?

Page 1 of a 9/13/22 two-page “Complaint” letter from Faber Feinson PLLC
9/15/22 Update: In response to a two-page letter from Faber Feinson PLLC, images were removed from this article on September 13, 2022. The article was updated with further information and graphics on September 15.
See “Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children” for additional perspective on Olympic Pride’s efforts through Mayor David Faber’s law firm to hide images and messaging they’ve been using to lure kids.