Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You To See What They’re Promoting to Children

by | Sep 14, 2022 | General | 39 comments

Covering its tracks, lawyering up. Olympic Pride got a lawyer to demand that Port Townsend Free Press remove photos showing its interactions with children. The lawyer said it was about copyright. But the same images have also been removed from Olympic Pride’s own website and social media. What was in those photos they don’t want you to see?

Ana Wolpin’s The Dark Underbelly of the Trans Movement: What is Olympic Pride Promoting? prompted the scrubbing and lawyering up. Wolpin’s article took a close look at how Olympic Pride is sexualizing children and promoting transgenderism to kids. That means moving children towards macabre mutilations and a lifetime of taking hormones that can harm their brain development, cause abnormally low bone density and induce severe depression and suicidal ideation. The FDA recently issued a warning that puberty blockers in minors can cause brain swelling and loss of vision. The damage caused to minors by puberty blockers is no longer considered reversible — bad news arriving too late for many young and middle-aged adults.

The mutilations may involve a greedy surgeon cutting flesh from a young girl’s arm or elsewhere to make a fake penis that will be sewn onto the pubic area where her vagina and uterus once were (they’ve been scooped out and sliced away). Many more surgeries and follow-up treatments may be required. Synthetic sex identity is big business. Surgeries can cost $300,000 and up. Just 100 minors on Lupron (a testosterone suppression drug also used to chemically castrate sex offenders) produced $27 million in sales in just seven years, and a lifetime will be required to make the “transition” stick.

Joey Maiz is a woman who at age 27 underwent sex change surgery and took hormones to try to make her a man. Here she weeps for the children being sucked into the same literal meat grinder that ruined her life. [This video is still mostly available off the Gays Against Groomers Facebook page. Try this link.]


Pressure from Olympic Pride’s Attorneys:
Mayor Faber’s Law Firm

On September 13, 2022, the small company that hosts the Port Townsend Free Press website received a demand letter from attorney Sam Feinson, of Faber & Feinson. That is the two-man law firm of Port Townsend Mayor David Faber. He demanded that six images be removed from Wolpin’s article for alleged violation of copyright laws.

Most of the images showed Olympic Pride’s engagement with children, some appearing to be of kindergarten age. These images disappeared from their website after Wolpin’s article. One of the photos was screen-grabbed from a Facebook post of a person not represented by Feinson. Images posted on Facebook are not protected by copyright, particularly when they are posted to allow sharing.

But making these arguments would require engaging an attorney and exposing the web-hosting company to the costs and disruption of legal process. They would be caught in the crossfire. Wolpin took down most of the images, and will be replacing them with others to give readers an idea of what it is Olympic Pride does not want seen by an audience wider and more diverse than the one that hangs around its website.

Grooming 101 and Gays Against Groomers

What exactly is in those images that Olympic Pride does not want seen? Did they show Olympic Pride and its supporters engaged in grooming? Grooming, according to a Wikipedia definition, is “befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a minor, and sometimes the child’s family, to lower the child’s inhibitions with the objective of sexual abuse. Child grooming is also regularly used to lure minors into various illicit businesses such as child trafficking, child prostitution, cybersex trafficking, or the production of child pornography.”

Before the photos were removed you, the reader, could have judged for yourself whether the photos were evidence of grooming. Apparently, that is a judgment Olympic Pride does not want you making.

Gays Against Groomers opposes indoctrinating and sexualizing children under the guise of “LBGTQA+.” They state, “our community that once preached love and acceptance of others has been hijacked by radical activists who are now pushing extreme concepts onto society, specifically targeting children in recent years.” The featured image at the top, from a gay pride parade, is an example. Olympic Pride is the local sponsor of transgender promotion to children, and the sponsor of Jefferson County Transgender Support. Photos of transgender promotion and celebration with young children were among the photos Olympic Pride demanded The Free Press take down.

From Gays Against Groomers FB page

According to Gays Against Groomers, “The overwhelming majority of gay people are against what the community has transformed into, and we do not accept the political movement pushing their agenda in our name.  [T]hese radicals aim to restructure it entirely in order to accommodate a fringe minority, as well as seek to indoctrinate children into their ideology.”

They are talking about groups like Olympic Pride.

“There are millions of gays within the community.” Gays Against Groomers continues, “that want nothing to do with this Alphabet religion and join the fight with parents and concerned people everywhere to protect children. We also aim to return sanity and reclaim the community we once called our own. The gay community is not a monolith. Those pushing this agenda do not represent or speak for us all, nor do we want to be associated with them in any way. What we are witnessing is mass scale child abuse being perpetrated on an entire generation, and we will no longer sit by and watch it happen.”

Gays Against Groomers recently helped defeat trans ideology indoctrination in Florida schools. Their truck was photographed in Miami outside a critical school board hearing. They recognize evil and speak out against it. Raising concerns about the life-long damage done to children by the promotion of trans ideology and what it physically entails cannot be dismissed as homophobia.

Olympic Pride aggressively seeks contact and interaction with children. It sponsored the recent “Queer/Trans Pool Party,” where it occupied the entire Mountain View pool and locker rooms. It was an “all ages” event. Olympic Pride sponsors the Rainshadow Youth Collective, which specifically targets those under 19 years of age. The “Collective” (an interesting choice of a Marxist term) promoted the “Queer/Trans” all ages pool party to kids and holds a variety of ostensibly innocent events for children.

Remember Joe Camel? 

Marketing experts know how to get kids’ attention. The makers of Camel cigarettes once employed the character of Joe Camel to entice children to try its carcinogenic product. He was one cool, fun dude and everyone liked him. Food marketers use cartoons to entice kids to eat junk food. Toy companies have long used cartoons to sell their products to kids (or parents, pressured by kids). The USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism states, “Many different organizations, ranging from governmental health agencies to cigarette companies, develop specific campaigns that are designed to appeal to children. These advertisements may target youths’ interests and attention in many ways, such as through the use of cartoon figures or the promise of maturity.”

Among the images Olympic Pride demanded be taken down were the cartoons it uses to promote transgenderism to children. Their lawyer’s demand letter stated that these images were “illustrations and graphics created to advertise Olympic Pride events.” They are more than that. They are Olympic Pride’s advertising tools to reach children.

Fair Use and Facebook

Use of the images objected to by Olympic Pride’s lawyer is arguably “fair use” and not a copyright infringement. As Facebook explains, copyright “laws allow people to use, under certain circumstances, someone else’s copyrighted work [for] criticism, commentary, parody, satire, news reporting, teaching, education and research.”

That’s what Wolpin did. The images she used were already out there, and she used them for the purpose of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching and education about what Olympic Pride is up to. But being right does not end a fight with lawyers. Vindication comes through sometimes expensive and burdensome litigation. The Free Press did not want to get its hosting company or its contributors and editors consumed in legal wrangling that would distract from its mission of reporting and commenting on what is happening in our community. We think that by demanding that the images be hidden from the public Olympic Pride is telling on itself. Their attempt to erase the evidence gave us an opportunity to draw more attention to what they are up to.

Olympic Pride also demanded that photos from someone else’s Facebook page and website be taken down. Those photos depicted Beau Ohlgren, who runs Olympic Pride’s Jefferson County Transgender Support Network. Ohlgren is also director of Family Ministry at the Quimper Unitarian Universalist Church (QUUF). The photos Olympic Pride demanded be removed were Ohlgren’s head shot from the QUUF website and a photo of Ohlgren in a leotard with waist-length hair from another person’s Facebook page (which had enabled sharing). Wolpin declined to take down these photos.

Why Mayor Faber’s Law Firm?

David Faber’s selfie on Twitter, in a toilet stall

Mayor David Faber has written on his social media that, “As mayor, I am legally required to be a pervert and deviant,” and also “absolutely filthy.” He has described himself as a person who has sex with dead chickens and discussed having sex with a dog. He has written that Pee Wee Herman, who was convicted of possession of child pornography and public masturbation, “did nothing wrong.” He has embraced Vaush, a YouTuber who argues for the decriminalization of child pornography and lowering the age of consent. New York magazine contributor and former Washington Post reporter Mandy Stadtmiller, Andy Ngo and other journalists have recently dug into Faber’s troubling, creepier alter-ego.

Faber’s selfie, published on his Twitter account for the world to see, shows him wearing eye liner in a bathroom stall. What is that about? Ugh.

Feinson, Faber’s partner, is well aware of Faber’s social media revelations and has engaged with him on the same Twitter account Faber used to issue these abhorrent declarations. This has been established by Substack researcher and commentator Mattie Watkins. Her two articles are here and here.

This is the law firm Olympic Pride chose to use to demand that the Port Townsend Free Press remove photographs that may show evidence of grooming and aggressive marketing of transgenderism, and all that entails, to children. Faber has even encouraged the teenager at the center of the Julie Jaman/YMCA controversy to cut off his genitals by giving him $200 through his GoFundMe page towards what is euphemistically called “bottom surgery.”

Tweet from David Faber

Olympic Pride has helped organize and lead the protests against Julie Jaman and women who have called for safe, dignified spaces where they change, shower and go to the bathroom. Olympic Pride, as did Faber, had a large hand in whipping up the crowd (mob) that bullied and roughed up mostly older women at the August 15, 2022 press conference. Rape survivors and a Black woman pleading for the same consideration trans people claim faced a crowd screaming that they were “c*nts” and TERFS, a sexist slur used to justify violence.

Faber fanned the flames — indeed, the press conference had been organized in response to his taunting rape survivors and women’s rights activists. Faber wrote on his Twitter feed, where he makes official statements in his capacity as Mayor (including his perceived job requirements about being a pervert and deviant), that what happened to the older women, whom he has also called TERFS — was “beautiful.” Council member Libby Wennstrom subsequently called for the expulsion from Port Townsend of all women who did not agree with her that men can become actual women and belong in women’s showers and bathrooms.

Olympic Pride was asked if it condemned such hate speech. It has remained silent despite its self-proclaimed welcoming “inclusive” mantra.

Olympic Pride Doesn’t Want You Knowing Their “Pride Partners”

Wolpin’s article copied a collage of logos of the local businesses Olympic Pride says are its “Pride Partners.” Their lawyer demanded that image be removed. One would have thought Olympic Pride would want people to know about the businesses supporting their indoctrination and grooming of children so they might choose genital and other bodily mutilation and a lifetime of hormone treatments. Or maybe not. Maybe those businesses have been hearing from customers following publication of Wolpin’s article, and they’ve passed that ire along to Olympic Pride.

It’s said a picture is worth a thousand words. Olympic Pride doesn’t want us using pictures, so we’ll use words.  And we won’t need anywhere near a thousand to wrap this up. Here is a full list of Olympic Pride’s “Pride Partners,” who wittingly or unwittingly are endorsing its marketing of transgender ideology to children, which includes surgical and chemical “transitioning”:

  • Shanghai Chinese Restaurant
  • Propolis Brewing
  • Tommyknockers
  • Sirens
  • The In Between
  • The Old Whiskey Mill
  • Vespertine
  • Jefferson Healthcare
  • Newport Healthcare
  • Bunny’s Bath
  • The LI Law Firm
  • The Production Alliance
  • PT Shirt Company
  • The Food Co-op
  • Gift of Grace
  • Discovery Behavioral Healthcare
  • Corvus Crafts
  • Pride Foundation
  • Jefferson Community Foundation
  • Sugarfoot Studios
  • Bill’s Plumbing
  • Dove House
  • Chimacum Corner Farmstand
  • Bell Tower Brokers
  • Frameworks
  • MJ Photography
  • Sea Change Cannabis
  • Uptown Cutlery
  • Port Townsend Picnic Parties
  • The Washington
  • Greener Housekeeping
  • Finnriver
  • Marrowstone Vineyards
  • Oak & Well Acupuncture
  • Mad Hatter & Co.
  • With These Rings
  • Two Hooligans Cider
  • The Rose Theatre
  • Mystic Monkey Yoga
  • Seal Dog Coffee Bar
  • PT Scene
  • Zack’s Donuts
Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Sarah Schneiderman

    So it appears they know what they are doing is wrong…harmful and destructive to children, so they had attorneys threaten journalists to hide what they are doing and what they really believe in from the public. Where is that very first photo in the article from? Of the three men in dog masks talking to the little girl with the rainbow flag? Is that from the Pride website in question?

    • Jim Scarantino

      It is from another “Pride” parade, and quite alarming. That is where grooming is headed if not exposed and stopped.

      • Sarah Schneiderman

        Thank you; I wonder if the “Gays against Grooming” might be interested in being interviewed about this event here in PT and put their weight against it? “fight fire with fire”? Some politically correct “cover” to push back against the delusional darkness / mass formation psychosis??

        • Jeremy L

          Gay people have been pushing back against this for over 20 years. The rest of society is just now catching up. They need our help!!!

    • Stan McClain

      The pendulum has swung so far to the left, that it’s now swinging back and gaining momentum.


    Thank you, Mr. Scarantino and all the brave people who assist, write and research for the Port Townsend Free Press. You all are a light in this darkening time.

  3. David Lewis

    Wow, after seeing our fine upstanding mayor’s actions I can see why Port Townsend has open arms to this madness…so how did this guy become mayor anyway, did you see what he says in public I couldn’t even imagine what our fine mayor says behind the curtain…

    • Rita

      I think we need to get back to electing the Mayor – not appointed by the City Council which is what I believe happens now? This is really getting out of hand. I can’t believe what is happening to this beautiful city – time to take it back!

  4. Annette Huenke

    More from the Olympic Pride website — Books 4 Kids:
    “When a Port Townsend middle school student approached us with a request for more queer-focused books in their school library, we listened and took action! While their school had a small collection of these books, unfortunately they were frequently checked out, missing or damaged due to their popularity. With the support of the school district librarian, we purchased about $500 worth of beautiful new books for the Blue Heron Library!” [Read more at link above]

    • Ray C

      What’s going on at the public libraries, if
      the school ones are this bad???

    • Bigmouth

      Amazon descriptions of just 2 of the titles pictured in the school library (just the first 2 titles I could read, which may not even be the worst of them):

      Some Assembly Required: The Not-So-Secret Life of a Transgender Teen
      In this revolutionary memoir, Arin details the journey that led him to make the life-transforming decision to undergo gender reassignment as a high school junior.

      Middle School’s a Drag, You Better Werk!
      In this new novel from Greg Howard, an enterprising boy starts his own junior talent agency and signs a thirteen-year-old aspiring drag queen as his first client.

      **Note: Is it any wonder public school enrollment numbers are dropping like a lead balloon while homeschooling numbers surge? It’s unconscionable that 56% of our property taxes go to pay for this vile childhood indoctrination. As a parent, I consider the public schools in WA state wholly unusable.

  5. Judith Caruso

    The image at the top of the page from a gay pride parade (see paragraph 3 under the section “Grooming 101 and Gays Against Groomers”) is provided as an example of targeting children. Did you notice what the child is wearing around her neck and what is around the neck of the male she is reaching towards? Deliberately attracting a minor through her innocence.

    Superb piece. Keep digging. This very well runs deep in Port Townsend, and come what may, will be brought out into the open.

  6. Harvey Windle

    The Port Townsend City Council should get due credit for unanimously appointing Mayor Faber. He was simply next in line and had not rocked the leaky boat of City Government.

    The Port Townsend City Council gets full credit for not removing him after what has come to light. Some actively add to his damage.

    The proclamation Faber ordered stating that PT is not discriminatory penned by Council members is a lie. Plenty of discrimination here.

    The Port Townsend City Council is complicit not just in appointing Faber but in going along with discriminatory policies with Magic Mess Tents for a favored business class (one who benefited has 2 listings among those who support Olympic Pride), fake parking signage favoring insiders and costing millions in lost business revenue. Other deer in headlight issues are the 5 yearlong Cherry Street money pit that prohibited any forward movement in affordable housing ($2 to 3 million wasted for nothing) and ignoring Fort Worden FWPDA state audits that showed problems long before Covid resulting in the convenient meltdown that turned much of the best parts over to an insider controlled non-profit.

    Now they want to help control kids in questionable ways.

    A previous FP article also said appointed Deputy Mayor Amy Howard and Libby (the liar) Wennstrom also contributed to a 19-year old’s questionable choice to turn his sausage into hamburger and spend a lifetime on hormone drugs.

    I made some bad choices before I was 21. Any scarring is only on the inside and managable. No adults egged me on.

    Leadership? The Port Townsend City Council who plays along and enables all this and more are

    Appointed Mayor David Faber
    Appointed Deputy Mayor Amy Howard
    Libby (the liar) Wennstrom
    Aislinn Diamanti
    Owen Rowe
    Monica MickHager
    Ben Thomas

    Any and all of you could start any Council meeting moving to correct past transgressions and moving to remove the embarrassment that is the mayor you appointed, David Faber.

    Assisting in the problems are City Manager Mauro and City Attorney Greenwood.

    Credit where due. Responsibility ignored.

    Thank God we have a Police Chief with FBI training who should be able to explain all this. Right?

    Thanks Jim and FP. I would be happy to contribute to a fund for any legal or other expenses.

  7. Sarah Schneiderman

    A good article would be on WHO started this madness? Trace it back to it’s origin? Some wacked marxist professor of gender studies in some east coast university? Who pronounced this new “truth” that was then shoved down the throat of the entire world and now has the force of law??? Without discussion, debate, investigation or a vote??? Ultimately this is not just some crazed new fad…this is a deliberate mass gas lighting attack designed to create division and conflict. “Weaponizing” a tiny fringe part of human sexuality and turning into a nuclear weapon of mass formation psychosis. The fake vaxxines, cutting teen girls breasts off because her teacher told her she is a boy, wearing masks alone in their cars, all created by the same people…the same “mass formation psychosis”… like the Salem Witch trials.

  8. Ana Wolpin

    Many thanks to Jim for a masterful piece in record time responding to Faber Feinson’s demand that the Free Press remove Olympic Pride’s incriminating materials from my article – a demand which will only bring more attention to their marketing to children. That article has now been updated (and improved 😉 ) with new images and text that did not come from any Olympic Pride media.

  9. Josh

    Never mind the pictures, how about the fact that the Rainshadow Youth Collective solicits any children “under the age of 19” to provide them with not only their e-mail address, but their phone number? No lower age limit is specified. FTC regulations require parental consent for any child under the age of 13. This is straight-up illegal.


  10. Michele Gransgaard

    Really ~ Preschoolers!
    Wisconsin promotes transgender resources for preschoolers

    Rita, I agree we need the Mayor-Council form of government where we elect (and can recall) the mayor. We the people, need more say in how our city operates.

    Mayor-Council Form

    And we certainly don’t need a City Manager who has never managed a city before and gets paid more than the Washington State Lieutenant Governor whose salary is $119,353.

    John Mauro’s salary is $169,160 (this doesn’t even include the total benefit package) and his $20,000 moving expense. “This salary is 227 percent higher than average and 203 percent higher than median salary in the City of Port Townsend.”

    Mauro claims he has experience in “climate and sustainability-related policy, research and advocacy”, I haven’t seen anything that he has ever done while City Manager to promote sustainability; one would think he’d at least use the City’s monthly newsletter to advocate for smart use of natural resources which would in turn result in fiscal responsibility.

  11. Mark Landry

    Question: if I am understanding what it is these trans people want, it is the ability for any human being to identify as any gender they want from minute to minute on any day?

    When we argue that a woman is not simply a person who wears a dress, and that a female is just as likely to put on articles of clothing that other people deem masculine, their response then is that if a male bodied person identifies as a female, he does not even have to put on feminine clothing when he walks into the women’s restroom.

    So now, what they are arranging is that a person of any body type can simply declare on the moment before they walk through the door, that they are a “woman” and they are going into the women’s restroom. They can be a man wearing jeans and a flannel and logging boots, and say they are dressed like a “butch lesbian” and they identify as a woman so they are coming in the women’s restroom or shower area.

    Am I understanding this correctly? Is this what is truly going on with them? Is this truly what our disgusting mayor and our city council are fighting for in our society??? They can’t manage this city to save their lives but they can force this insanity on everyone?

    I am a lifetime atheist and I do not believe in gods, demons, or devils. But I see clearly the presence of pure and relentless organized human evil in our society right now. These people are true believers, and they are willing to die for this madness. What an absolute tragedy.

    This restructuring of language and human beings that’s happening right now is every bit as evil as the restructuring which deemed dark skin and biological genital females as lesser-than in the first place. The fact these people think George Orwell would be on their side because he once fought beside anarchists in Spain only reflects the depths of their delusions. They are embodying and propagating the exact insanity that Orwell railed constantly against.

    • Ana Wolpin

      Mark, the “I am whatever gender I feel in the moment” isn’t trans, it’s “gender fluid”. Trans is “I was born in the wrong body.” All the kids being indoctrinated into these new belief systems are pawns in a larger agenda. That agenda appears to be the erasure of sexual dimorphism and technocratic merger with A.I.

      When a female has “gender reassignment” surgery, a hysterectomy removes all reproductive organs and a fake penis is constructed (usually by butchering the forearm – there’s an excellent description of that with photos here). When a male has reassignment surgery, the penis is cut off and there’s an attempt to “fashion” a vagina. In both cases all reproductive capacity is destroyed, and most often there is also the loss of ability to engage in sexual intercourse or even achieve orgasm. It’s all cosmetic, about perception – not functional – and actually de-sexualizes those who undergo transitions. The transitioners then require fealty to pharma to maintain their illusions in perpetuity with synthetic hormones.

      It’s way beyond Orwellian.

  12. Saltherring

    Thanks, Jim, for printing a list of businesses that support tormenting our community’s children under the false premise of “Pride”. I have yet to understand what homosexuals do that should give them reason for pride, given their beliefs and actions have all to do with evil and nothing to do with decency and accomplishment. As for these businesses, I have no idea where most of them are located and what products or services they offer, although two of them are in my neighborhood. Up until now, I have done little business with the Chimacum Farm Store or Finnriver, and from now on I pledge to never darken the door of either.

    • Nick

      I have yet to understand what homosexuals do that should give them reason for pride, given their beliefs and actions have all to do with evil and nothing to do with decency and accomplishment.<<

      While I celebrate your ability to voice whatever opinion you have I will also add that this particular voiced opinion is not helpful in a discussion building informed community against this trans insanity. There are plenty of gay people who are good and decent human beings who are fighting against this, and they really don’t need sand kicked in their face right now by opinions like yours. Is it not possible for grown folks to set aside differences in order to save our nation from this destruction from within? Is it not possible for you to withhold opinions at times, with difference and respect to your fellow Americans even if you disagree with them? There are plenty of people in these comments who disagree with one another and we are setting those disagreements aside in order to fight for the well-being of our nation as a whole. Some discernment might lead you to the notion that there is a time for disparaging homosexual people, and that time is when you are not around them. You are around them right now and they are your fellow Americans. Plenty of them are veterans and have served our society dutifully and sincerely for their entire lives.

      • Jim Scarantino

        I was going to say pretty much the same thing as Nick. Gays Against Groomers is showing a lot of courage and integrity and getting a lot of hate for standing up for kids.

    • Lee North

      Just another note on “pride.” I think it is not intended as a boast of achievements, but as the antithesis of “shame.” Until 1962 all 50 states actually criminalized same-sex activity. From that point on it was a long road to acceptance and equality. The last “anti-sodomy” law wasn’t struck down until 2003. If you consider how many people were in the closet and made to feel ashamed, it’s easier to understand what “pride” means.

  13. insanitybytes22

    Well done, well said. This is clearly aggressive grooming behavior and the exploitation of children. It makes no difference whether you are exposing children to heterosexual pornography or assorted homosexual kink at gay pride events, it is all grooming designed to break down barriers, confuse children, and make them more vulnerable to predatory behavior. It all makes me feel sick to my stomach. It’s really wrong.

  14. John Deboer

    Those guys in the dog masks aren’t exactly Barkley on Sesame Street.

  15. Les Walden

    I think this is bigger than what it seems. I think this whole thing is supported by people with a lot of money. Why are they supporting this is to bring the world’s population down? These kids that take the poisoned apple can’t have children. This will take some time, but the money is in for the long haul. COVID was just the first step that will come back with more sickness to keep people focused on a longer run rather than having this generation of kids who cannot reproduce.
    But wait, there’s a secondary plot that’s happening now. It’s to devalue money. Right now, this country is spending money that isn’t backed by anything more than paper. The idea is to get all financial transactions computerized and do away with money as we know it Don’t worry, they will take care of you and you will be happy (they say). We’ve had gasoline shortages with higher prices. Why? Because the wells have been shut down and tankers can’t unload and we pay the higher price or convert to an electric car to save the planet. There is a cost. It’s black children in Africa who mine the material to make those batteries and pay for it with their lives. But who cares, we’re saving the planet. You can bet that those kids and their parents do, but big money doesn’t and if they don’t think those lives matter, why do you think your children’s life doesn’t matter?

    • David bird

      They are getting rid of what they are afraid of. Men usually are the fighters and protectors of their family and communities.

  16. David bird

    He was given his position by the same council members promoting this behavior. Port townsend has turned from a artsy hippy town to a liberal dumpster fire!

  17. Lee North

    Homosexuality is too often conflated with transgenderism (see Trent Diamante’s remarkably ignorant LTE in the Leader a couple weeks ago). Homosexuality is same-sex attraction. It is not gender fluidity or gender dysphoria. Gays and lesbians sought first decriminalization, acceptance and then equality. They, as a movement, have not sought to make homosexuality an ideology. Similarly, pre circa 2008, the number of transgender people was relatively small. A few individuals seeking acceptance. How did transgenderism become a movement with its own ideology? Many people have written about this far better than I can, and its worth investigating. Men insinuating themselves into women’s spaces—physical, intellectual, emotional—probably for a whole variety of motivations, but it seems to me to be rooted in power.

    Now we have a full-on ideology embraced and amplified by the Left, otherwise known as the “Woke.” In order to galvanize their ideology, they polarize the factions. Anyone who may have liberal politics in general but opposes this ideology is thrown into the other camp—the alt right. This is a powerful and clever tactic, as people who have fought bigotry their entire lives, people who genuinely support tolerance, who want to be on the side of equality and justice, are now commonly associated with Nazis, the KKK and homophobia.

    Journalists stop writing for fear of losing their careers (great article by Sarah Hepola in the Atlantic Monthly). In polite liberal society, one doesn’t object or point out that the emperor has no clothes unless they are prepared to lose friends, jobs or entrance to swimming pools.

  18. Les Walden

    Hit them where it hurts, advertising. Do not patronize any business that has an ad supporting the people who want to get kids to change their birth sex. If they want to know why you’re not supporting them tell them to look it up on the PTFP. If enough people do this, businesses will drop their ad, which will mean that bunch of blankey, blank, blank, blanks will have to find a new advertiser. Be sure to tell anyone to go to PTFP. That way you will avoid any face to face food fight. Be sure to tell them that you’ll be back when the ad is gone.

  19. Jay

    I wish you folks had a good 1A lawyer on retainer

    I’d think your use of the Olympic Pride photos would fall under fair use, criticism of the photos, criticism of their website and of the Olympic Pride itself.

    I’d think that it’s very sketchy for the Mayor’s law partner to be working to remove photos from a newspapers website, seems like a huge conflict of interest if not an outright First Amendment Violation.

    I really would like to see the PT Free Press investigate who gave the order to the police chief to stand down. I would think it would have to be the Mayor, the Manager, or at the behest of the City Council. I wish you’d investigate that and get a few FOIAs if you could

    Also, I wish you would stop using Gravatar logos, to get Gravatar to work, Gravatar and your WordPress template place a unique identifier based on the email address on each page. This actually lets people find and track what wordpress blogs or other users of gravatar any commenter comments on

    • Ana Wolpin

      Jay, we agree there is no case there, that what we published was fair use, and that Faber’s involvement in this does not look good, to say the least. As Jim said in his article, we chose not to put our time and energy into a legal challenge because the fact that they even tried that bully tactic and removed many of those images from their own sites spoke to Olympic Pride’s acknowledgement that their promotional materials were damning.

      Jim’s article has brought even more attention now to their marketing to children and to an Olympic Pride-Faber connection, the exact opposite of what their demand was designed to achieve. And the revised images in my updated article tell the story just as well as using their own images did. Better, in a way, because the story of their complaint letter is now integrated into that article, too. Plus, it gave me the opportunity to add Olympic Pride’s use of drag queens at family events, which I hadn’t noted in the original article. That is one of Gays Against Groomers major callouts re how trans activists are sexualizing and indoctrinating our children.

      Faber Feinson’s ploy has backfired on them, bringing more readers to our site, a significant spike of new views to my article, and increased outrage in the community 🙂

  20. Jay

    Oh, add to the FOIA list demographics of the Mt. View Pool over the past five years. Have they experienced a decrease in women? In elderly women? In all seniors?

  21. B Weintraub

    My husband and I checked the libraries this weekend. Yes, there are “trans” children’s books in our public libraries.

    It’s pitiful but to be expected I suppose, how very little religious or conservative material of any kind is on display at the libraries, but Hadlock is better than PT in that regard. PT is just so ill as a city, now. Much of what was good and pastoral and solid about the Pacific Northwest has been decimated. It’s hard to have hope for future generations, but that’s the thing about faith; it has to be in things hoped for but not seen.

    My husband suggested we begin visiting the library regularly and checking out as well as asking for, conservative and religious items. They won’t carry them if we don’t ask for them; why would they? I think that’s a great idea and I’ve always enjoyed libraries so that will be our little bit of activism for the future. We laugh and say it will be our weekend date to the library. We could do worse, and it’s free! :0)

    • Ana Wolpin

      B, would you contact us through this link, please!

  22. Annette Huenke

    Blogger el gato malo explains clearly why Olympic Pride needs to hide its own behavior…

    “if having your own words and images shared seems like an attack upon you, precisely what are we to conclude about the nature of your activity?

    the desperation of a tribe to prevent its own core messages and practices from becoming known and attacking and seeking to cancel those who simply bring them to prominence smacks of manipulation and mendacity because so much of what they are selling is rancid.”



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