Clementine Adams Interview
Reveals Shortcomings
in Local YMCA Child Protection Rules

by | Sep 10, 2022 | General | 19 comments

Clementine “Clem” Adams finally spoke. And when he did, he revealed shortcomings in local YMCA child safety rules, the policies designed to prevent the sort of conduct that has led to lawsuits against the Y for child sexual abuse and numerous cases of sexual assaults across the country.

We’ve written how the Port Angeles Y expelled a family for reporting child pornography and sexual misconduct, and how the Mountain View pool managed by the Y is no longer a safe place for many women and girls. These reports have touched on the increasing incidence of sexual assaults against women and girls in YMCAs nationwide. Adams’ interview reveals a level of negligence that should alarm upper management and any parent who entrusts their children to inept and poorly trained YMCA employees.

A Stitcher podcast hosted by “Garrison” was released September 1, 2022, entitled, “How Transphobia Took Over a Town.” For the first time Adams gave his version of events when Julie Jaman encountered him while showering in the Mountain View women’s showers. Adams is a 19-year old male who in March 2022 said he is now a woman. He is fully male and is “interested in women” according to his Facebook profile just a few weeks ago (a screenshot saved it).

Jaman says she heard a male voice and there, close to her shower curtain, was a “man in a woman’s swim suit looking at little girls.” The girls, Jaman says, were partially naked as they took off their swimsuits to use the toilets, only ten to twelve feet away. Jaman says she asked Adams, “Do you have a penis?” He answered, “None of your business.” She then told him “Get out of here!” He refused. He said in the interview that he just shook his head, “no.”

The pool manager, Rowen de Luna, then entered the woman’s shower area, told Jaman she was “discriminating,” was being banned from future use of the pool and the police were being called. Neither he nor de Luna informed Jaman that Adams was an employee of the Y. (He was not wearing a uniform or any identification.)

Jaman’s and Adams’ accounts agree on these basic facts.

We had offered Adams the opportunity to tell his side in writing, without any editing by us — completely and verbatim — before our first report on this incident, that since led to international attention and two demonstrations in Port Townsend attended by hundreds of people. Adams has not responded.

The same invitation to de Luna also went unanswered. Instead, we were contacted by Erin Hawkins, communications director for Olympic Peninsula YMCA, and instructed not to attempt to contact any Y employees. The Y offered a few vague details and accused Jaman of a “documented” history of misconduct, but has refused to reveal those documents or tell even Jaman what that alleged misconduct is.

Adams’ FB profile pic, added 9/9/22

Now we hear directly from Adams, and what he has to say vindicates Jaman and shows that her maternal instincts were correct: she was seeing something very wrong in the women’s showers at Mountain View pool on July 26, 2022.

Adams Speaks 

“Garrison” was able to record the first interview with Adams. Just a few words about him:

“Garrison” is a man who says he has been taking hormones for about a year. He is virulently anti-woman. He expressed total disdain and contempt for women’s rights activists and feminist/women’s rights publications such as the influential Reduxx, which has covered this controversy extensively. They were the first to publish photographs of Adams. “Garrison” repeatedly called women who object to biological males in their private spaces “TERFs,” a recognized sexist slur and hate speech used to dehumanize woman and frequently justify and encourage violence against them. This man called women who disagree with him, “so-called feminists.”

Adams obviously felt comfortable talking with Garrison and his story spilled out. He said he was observing the Y’s “Rule of Three” but apparently does not understand the rule. We were informed by Hawkins that rule requires two adults to accompany any child to the bathroom. This is confirmed by mention of the rule found in the polices of other YMCAs. The presence of another adult deters misconduct and also protects the adults in the event of false accusations.

But Adams said the rule allowed him, alone, to take two young girls to the bathroom where he admits he touched one of them and saw at least one of them partially nude. He also revealed that other little girls came to the bathroom unescorted. And, to make things worse, he claims that because he was not wearing his glasses he couldn’t see much of anything, and even had trouble finding Jaman though she was but a few feet away.

Inadequate Local YMCA Child Protection Rules 

According to Hawkins, the employee manual for Mountain View YMCA employees says the following regarding bathroom procedures:

“Children who are participating in YMCA programs are not to be sent to bathrooms without a YMCA staff member present. Staff will make sure the rest room is not occupied by suspicious or unknown individuals before allowing children to use the facilities. This policy allows privacy for the children and protection for the staff (not being alone with a child). No child, regardless of age, should ever enter a bathroom alone on a field trip or at other off-site location.” [Italics added.]

What policy? What in those bare four sentences on an issue as important as protecting children from the sexual predation and misconduct that has plagued YMCAs provides privacy for children and protects staff from being alone with a child? Something is missing from what Hawkins says is the Olympic Peninsula YMCAs bathroom policy for children. The “Rule of Three” of which Adams spoke in his interview and Hawkins described to me is not there. Yet, both have stated this “Rule of Three” is a requirement regarding bathroom use by children.

I asked Hawkins if she had sent me the entire, unredacted children’s bathroom policy in force at Mountain View. She did not respond. Did the Y send us an edited version because the full policy and procedures would show that Adams and other Y staff deviated from mandatory child protection measures? We’re left to wonder.

A search of child protection policies posted online by other YMCAs around the country, from California to Kansas in our search, found uniform, quite detailed child protection procedures, far more protective of children than the scant, incomplete four sentences Olympic Peninsula YMCA is saying is their bathroom policy (but not confirming it is their entire policy). Adams and the Y’s pool manager violated even those flimsy regulations by allowing him to be the only staff person with children. His conduct also violated other child protection requirements in force uniformly at YMCAs that publish their entire policy manual for the public to see.

We found the following exact same child protection policies (even formatted exactly the same) in a number of YMCAs in different areas of the country. This is copied from the manual of the Silicon Valley YMCA:

Adams and the Y management, which permitted and has supported his conduct, violated these YMCA child protection rules as follows:

  • Without another staff person he took two little girls to the bathroom. (Paragraph 3).
  • No other staff person could see Adams when he was with the little girls. (Paragraph 3).
  • He did not stand in the doorway to grant the girls privacy, but entered the bathroom area and stood directly outside the toilet stalls. (Paragraph 5).
  • He had physical contact when he pulled up a little girl’s swimsuit. (Paragraphs 5 & 6).
  • He assisted the little girl in putting on her swimsuit without a second staff person present. (Paragraph 5).
  • Two other little girls were permitted to leave the pool and come to the women’s showers and bathrooms unattended by adult staff, and Adams allowed them to leave, again unattended. (Paragraph 5).


Adams Says He Really Couldn’t See Anything, Undermining His Credibility and Raising Suspicions About His Motives

“It might be worth noting,” Adams said in the interview, “I am prescribed glasses and wasn’t wearing my glasses, which is kind of terrifying, ‘cuz, you know, it was like a shot in the dark. I just heard a voice and I had to search around before I could figure out who was talking to me.”

Adams, according to Jaman, was just outside her shower curtain, where he could see her and she could see him. The distance from Jaman’s shower to the bathroom stalls, she says, is only ten to twelve feet.

“A shot in the dark” trying to find her when she spoke to him? His vision is that bad?

Mountain View Pool

But this is the person who was employed by the Y as a caretaker for kids in and around the pool. If he couldn’t see Jaman easily, from either one to two or ten to twelve feet away, how could he have been doing his job? He says in the interview he came directly from the pool with two children. Where were his glasses if his eyesight is so impaired that it is “kind of terrifying” to be without them?

Yet, in the next breath in the interview Adams said he was able to see “the concerned look” on the faces of two children who entered the bathroom unescorted.

This is a very strange part of the interview. Adams digressed to bring up the issue of his allegedly terrible eyesight. Why? To imply that his eyesight was so bad we should think he couldn’t see naked women and children in the showers?

Adams’ former Facebook profile photo shows him with wire-rimmed glasses with thin lenses. In another recent photo he posed without glasses and did not look “kind of terrified.”

An earlier Adams Facebook profile pic

Photo from Adams’ GoFundMe page

Adams, despite pronouncing himself a few months earlier to be a woman, is a heterosexual male. He is “interested in women,” according to his Facebook profile. Men are sexually stimulated visually, much more than women. That’s just how men are wired.

Adams’s interjecting a hard-to-believe diversion about extremely poor eyesight into his story of being in the women’s showers can only make one wonder about his motivation. It certainly undermines his credibility. As does the next part of his story.

Adams was the Only Staff Person with Partially Naked Children. Where was the Pool Manager?

He says that when two other children entered the showers and he saw “the concerned look on their faces, I just kinda told them to leave ‘cuz I didn’t want them to get involved.” He says they went “straight to her [de Luna, the pool manager] and asked her to help and told her that someone was yelling at me. Moments later Rowen entered and as she walked by I got her attentionAnd I told her, you know, there’s an older lady yelling at me to leave and I pointed at the shower stall Julie was using.”

As she walked by I got her attention. This makes no sense. The shower area is not that large, and the space where the showers and toilets are is not on the way to anywhere else. (See featured image.) This statement by Adams makes it sound like he, not the children, brought de Luna into the room, or that de Luna just chanced to enter the women’s showers, when he got her attention.

I asked Jaman about this and she said de Luna did not enter the showers from the pool but rather from a staff lounge or office area. In any event, both Adams and Jaman agree that de Luna came from somewhere outside the showers and that, therefore, Adams was the only staff person with up to four children, in violation of even the Mountain View YMCA’s flimsy child protection policy. Jaman says all four were at some point in time in some stage of taking off their bathing suits while Adams was looking at them, close enough that he actually touched one.

Child Protection Does Not Come First at the YMCA Mountain View Pool

YMCA staff violated child protection common sense and rules left and right, yet it was Julie Jaman who was punished. She may not have acted as a shy, retiring, proper little lady when her maternal protective instincts kicked in. But her instincts were correct. Yet she is the one who received a letter from the Olympic Peninsula YMCA notifying her she would be charged with trespassing if she set foot on any Olympic Peninsula YMCA property.

The first response of the pool manager was to lecture Jaman, expel her and call police.  Where was she while Adams — nearly blind, he says, so much that it was “kind of terrifying” — was taking care of children in and around the pool? Where was she when he led two children to the bathroom then helped one pull up her swim suit? Where was she when two more children wandered from the pool unescorted to the women’s showers where, according to Jaman, they also were at some point undressed in front of Adams?

As we reported about the expulsion of a family from the Port Angeles YMCA for reporting child pornography, the Jaman case shows that when it comes to child protection and making its facilities a safe place for women and children, Olympic Peninsula YMCA has other priorities and agendas.

(Mattie Watkins contributed significant research for this article. You may read her stories on the Jaman/YMCA controversy and Mayor David Faber’s dark and, to quote him, “pervert[ed] and deviant” side at

Transcription of Adams’ Account

Here follows a transcription of Adams’ account of his interaction with Julie Jaman, excluding the interviewer’s interpretations or fills:

“I was using the women’s room, cuz, you know that works more me, and that lines up with how I feel. We went through all that (on July 26, 2022), no problem, we got the kids…the kids got changed in the stalls. Once we were out at the pool one of the kids needed to use the locker room bathroom. So I took that kid and another kid to the locker room in accordance with the Y’s Rule of Three system.

“I was waiting outside the stall with the kid being the buddy, making small talk, when Julie Jaman initiated the dialogue by asking if I was a member of the LBGTQ Plus community. I responded, uh, yes, I’m trans and she asked me if I had a penis. It kinda caught me off guard and I told her that’s none of your business. Julie asserted that I needed to leave, that I can’t be there. Then in response to her assertion I just shook my head ‘no.’ I couldn’t really leave or I’d be leaving the kids unattended and, you know, I was backed into a corner. The kid at some pointed exited the stall and had her swimming, her bathing suit wasn’t fully pulled up and she asked me for help and so I assisted her by pulling up by the straps. And there were other patrons present in the locker room at this time. As some point after the girl coming out and needing her straps pulled up Julie was back in the shower stall. Around then two more kids entered the locker room.

“It might be worth noting  I am prescribed glasses and wasn’t wearing glasses, which is kind of terrifying, cuz, you know, it was like a shot in the dark. I just heard a voice and I had to to search around before I could figure out who was talking to me.

“But any ways, two more kids came into the locker room and they overheard Julie shouting at me asked me what was going on, like, they had this concerned look on their face and then I just kind of told them to leave cuz I didn’t want them to get involved.

“”They went straight to her (Rowen de Luna, the pool manager) and asked her to help and told her that someone was yelling at me. Moments later Rowen entered and as she walkd by I got her attention and I told her, you know, there’s an older lady yelling at me to leave and I pointed at the shower stall Julie was using. Rowen kinda like posted up and stood in between me and the kids and Julie and waited for her to come out. And then Julie, you know, poked her head back out and said, ‘Get out. You’re a man.’ and Rowen intervened and said, ‘No, actually you need to leave. You’re discriminating and kind of being a bigot. So it’s actually you that needs to leave right now.’ And Julie told Rowen she was confused about gender and Julie pointed at me and said, “He has a fucking penis. He has no business being around little girls. He has a penis and he could rape someone.’

“After that Rowen sort of ushered me and the little girls out of the locker room and told me to go to her office. Then the other staff members found me and helped me. Rowen stood outside the lobby side of the office when I was in there and, I guess, like, after the police had been called Julie came out and engaged with her and they were yelling. But I couldn’t hear what was going on. And that’s kind the end of it.”

Several other questions arise:

If the little girl was done using the toilet and had her suit back on, and Adams could tell the two later-arriving little girls to leave, why didn’t he just leave with the little girls that had accompanied him?

As for the question that initiated the “dialogue” with Jaman, her asking him, “Are you a member of the LGBTQ Plus community?”, Jaman denied this ever happened, saying: “I can’t ever remember all the letters. LGBXYZ. No, we were not having a dialogue. He was leering at little girls.”

Jaman, as reported previously, also denied using an F bomb.

As for other patrons being present, Jaman says she did not notice a woman who may have been in the room until she had dressed and was on her way out. Jaman says that woman told Jaman that she agreed with Jaman’s actions.

Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Annette Huenke

    Coffee & Covid substack author, Jeff Childers, writes:
    “September’s operation multiplier target is Christopher Rufo, who nearly single-handedly shifted the national discussion about improper premature sexualization of children. He’s driving leftists crazy; because Rufo has dared to commit most of his time to online advocacy to help kids, lefties are so outraged and appalled that they accidentally mismatched their spiked heels with their nail polish.”

    Send $2, $12, any amount that ends in 2. More details can be found here:

    Rufo’s free e-book, A Parent’s Guide to Radical Gender Theory — is here.

  2. Sarah Schneiderman

    Clem Adams testimony has opened him and the “Y” to a tremendous class action law suit. There may already be dozens of attorneys who smell blood in the water and are gathering information to sue the local “Y”, their employees individually and the national YMCA as well. The national “Y” should be panicked and should clean house fast, firing all those involved for violating their own rules and then retraining the new ones. But it may be too late. Even a single class action, combined with all the international publicity, and dozens, hundreds, maybe thousands of victims will start coming forward to add their own testimony against the “Y”. What a tragic ending for a once well respected charity organization. But…that is what the leftists want…destroy everything that was once clean, wholesome and good.

  3. Il Corvo

    A breath of fresh air. Here is an interview with Kim Iversen and Blaire White a Trans-Woman. Much makes perfect sense and answers many of the questions we currently face around this issue in Port Townsend.

    “Trans Culture War Conversation With Blaire White. Prisons, Bathrooms, Sports and Kids”

  4. Jim Randall

    Where are the parents of the little girls? Where is CPS? I find it hard to believe that the parents aren’t raising a ruckus. If they’re not raising a ruckus then they are complicit. Disgusting. I may never come to PT again for anything. I am a senior with grown kids. I can’t condone this conduct in any way.

  5. Jay

    If anyone would like to verify what has been said in this article, a relatively easy way to do so if you subscribe to Microsoft Word 365 online is to download the audio of the podcast from a podcast app, saving it as an mp3, and then creating a new Microsoft Word online document, clicking on dictate, clicking on transcribe, and uploading the mp3 file.

    You need to use either Edge or Chrome to do this

    After 10 minutes or so, a transcribed version of the podcast should appear in the document, with a sidebar linking it to precise points in the audio that can be played in word itself.

    I did this just to make sure… trust, but verify, and I found the article to be very accurate.

    I also found the many lies that Garrison told but worse, the many “inaccuracies” told by PT City Council Member Libby Urner Wennstrom.

    And for anyone who has seen the August 3rd video of the press conference it’s just bizarre how Wennstrom and Garrison spun that and dismissed all the assault seen on video by saying “no arrests were made”.

    • Jim Scarantino

      And me, I had to listen to the interview multiple times and type out what I was hearing. I would have done that any way to make sure the transcription was accurate. Jim Scarantino

    • The Editors

      Jim plans to do a follow-up article on the lies from Libby Wennstrom. He posted on the PTFP Facebook page: “This being such a lengthy article, we’ll address city council member Wennstrom’s words in another piece.”

      • Doug Edelstein

        Mr. Scarantino,
        How did you decide Clementine Adams was/is a man? Are there any circumstances, in your opinion or that of your other main contributors to this story thread, where a trans person could be accepted as their gender of choice?

        • Annette Huenke

          Doug Edelstein ~ your query to Jim Scarantino suggests that you haven’t read any of the many articles he’s written on this subject, where he’s described in plain language the reason for any rational determination of Clementine’s biological sex.

          In reply to your second inquiry of all of us, I’ll say this: sometimes the best answer to a question is a question — do you consider a woman who has undergone surgical augmentation with silicone implants to have real breasts?

          • Doug Edelstein

            Hi Annette,
            I’ve read the pieces. It would be helpful for the debate if this center piece of the whole question — the criteria for gender identification — became front and center, in explicit terms. After all, if there is no way that you, Mr. Scarantino (who I believe can speak for himself) and others will ever accept that there are any other criteria for gender identification than the equipment you are born with, there is nothing to discuss. At that point, there is certainly nothing I or anyone can say to dissuade you or expect you to honor the rights of those to whom the terms “gender” and “sex” are more complex, under the law or as human beings.

            You use the term, “biological,” as if that is the final word on the question. It isn’t. Far from it. To say that a person’s genitalia at birth determine their sexual or gender identity for their lifetime is to deny the legitimacy of the entire trans existence. Is that your position?

            Such beliefs are at the heart of the rampant violence experienced by trans people today. (Not that you have advocated for violence — and I join you in condemning any violence that has taken place by anyone on this issue in Port Townsend, including the threats represented by the presence of the terrorist group, the Three Percenters, who seem to be your bedfellows in this.)

            As for your question about silicon breasts (and, I assume, any plastic surgery — face lifts, tummy tucks, etcetera), this is a false, irrelevant and trivializing comparison. To answer your question directly though, sure. If a woman wants to change her breasts for whatever reason — restoration after mastectomy, or just for the look of it — that’s her private business, and they are as real as anything as transient as human flesh because they are part of her identity. More importantly, I’m not going to be the cruel, vicious, mean-spirited person who whispers or says out loud that they aren’t real, and publicly ridicules them. Are you?

            Just to belabor that point, I’ve got two artificial knees. They’re actually better than the originals; I’m back to doing things I haven’t done in years. You can deny that they are knees per se, but they still do everything knees are supposed to do, except suffer torn menisci. They are knees, albeit made of metal, plastic and probably duct tape. Still knees, if it matters — which it doesn’t.

          • Jim Scarantino

            I explained in the first article on the Y/Jaman controversy why I will not use female pronouns to refer to an adult human male.

          • Jim Scarantino

            Not swallowing trans ideology and aping its contortions of the English language is not the cause for “rampant” violence against people who say they are trans. You just glibly toss that off without anything to back it up. “Rampant” as compared to, what, the violence against young Black men? You might find that the violence against people who say they are trans is not so much hate crime, as it is the consequence of choosing a dangerous life style. Many of the cases involve sex workers, or the partners and liasons of people who say they are trans. Very few are random attacks motivated by a person’s presentation to the world. If you would like to have a longer discussion, I’d be happy to sit down with you rather than go back and forth here. As a general statement, you are simply wrong and off base in most of what you say. I’d be happy to explain in person and we can discuss further.

  6. Geri K.

    If you do only one thing this Sunday, September 11, let it be this. There is now less than 24 hours left:

    Proposed new regulations:

    How to leave your comments:

    An example comment:

    My name is Cathy Brennan, and I am an attorney located in Baltimore, Maryland. I am also a lesbian, and have been politically active in the LGBT community since 1989. I generally support the effort to ban discrimination based on “gender identity,” as no one should be subjected to irrational discrimination on any basis. However, the rule proposed has the effect of eroding rights for female people (what we used to call “women and girl”). I have written extensively on the topic of “gender identity;” I have a attached a letter I co-authored with another attorney in 2011 on this topic.

    Proposed Section 106.10 would expand the scope of Title IX to provide that “discrimination on the basis of sex includes discrimination on the basis of sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.” Although pregnancy is defined, the other terms are not. “Sex stereotypes” is understood with reference to the body of case law developed around Title VII, and generally means behavior, actions, dress or other conduct attributed to a person because of their status as a “man” or a “woman.” “Man” and “woman” are terms previously understood to mean “male” and “female;” with the advent of transgender theory, these understandings have eroded. The rulemaking is deficient because it does not address these absent definitions head on. Rather, it relies on reference to executive orders and guidance promulgated by the Department of Education – neither of which is subject to notice and comment by the public – to fill out what these things mean. This is not appropriate.

    Proposed Section 106.31 provides that “(i)n the limited circumstances in which Title IX or this part permits different treatment or separation on the basis of sex, a recipient must not carry out such different treatment or separation in a manner that discriminates on the basis of sex by subjecting a person to more than de minimis harm, unless otherwise permitted by Title IX or this part. Adopting a policy or engaging in a practice that prevents a person from participating in an education program or activity consistent with the person’s gender identity subjects a person to more than de minimis harm on the basis of sex.” The first sentence – which suggests there may be circumstances where a male person who identifies as a female may be excluded from some educational services – is completely eviscerated by the second sentence, which states that the mere act of adopting a policy or practices that exclude a male from participating in an education program or activity intended for females. Further, this language removes the ability of a finder of fact (e.g., a court) to determine that there may be some instances where the inclusion of males in females spaces cases harm to female students. Examples of services that are often provides on a single sex (meaning male or female) basis include locker rooms and bathing facilities.

    I would encourage the Department of Education to reconsider these rules considering the serious negative implications for women and girls (i.e., female people).<<

    Please share this info far and wide, today.

    • AJ

      Geri, this is an outstanding resource- thank you! I researched templates today and landed on WOLF’s, but Katherine Acosta’s article is first-rate. I’m working on my comments now, following her best practices. According to Candice Jackson, the volume of comments received on this proposal has already broken all records for public engagement on an Education Department regulation. Let’s do this!!

      Thank you, Jim, for an excellent article.

  7. RG

    More on the “trans as religion” theme:

    May or may not be of use:

    This foul rude ridiculous person has way too much access to our children. Is this person “Vaughn Urner” transgender also??? Did this person groom half the members of the city council? Don’t they all have TheBoilerRoom in common? Aislinn, DJ FilthyFaber, Amy Howard, ad nauseum et al?????

    Didn’t Harvey one time mention in the MisLeader about a trial in PT involving a pedophile being given a slap on the wrist?
    Has this town become a grooming factory?
    Isn’t the state itsself rather uncomfortably famous for gruesome sexual behavior? Just the sort of people you would expect to be “joking” about having sex with dogs…

    May God Have Mercy On Us All

    May Goodness And Decency Prevail


    Here is my answer to this problem. I’m letting corporate headquarters know loud and clear that they have a serious problem out here, won’t you join me in letters and calls?
    YMCA corporate headquarters
    101 North Wacker Drive
    Chicago, IL 60606
    1-800-872-9622 or 1-312-977-0031
    Let’s flood them and get LOUD! This is unacceptable.

  9. Doug Edelstein

    Murders of trans people, whether “random” or in the world of the sex trade or in relationships, are nonetheless murders, and disqualification of them as hate crimes because of their context is victim-blaming of the first order. And I did not say that
    dehumanizing of trans people by categorically denying the legitimacy of their gender identity contributes only to random hate crimes, but to violence against trans people in general. Denial of their identity is a step toward legitimizing discrimination against them, with more dire consequences — violence, suicide, etcetera — cascading from that.

    Violence against young Black men is indeed rampant, and unacceptable. So is violence against trans people. I don’t know why you brought up the other issue — its existence has little to do with the trans issue, except perhaps that trans people of color are disproportionately victims of violence. The problems exist side by side — to care about justice in one issue doesn’t mean you don’t care about the other. That’s a deceptive technique of argument.

    As for taking this debate off the website and meeting personally, sure. But the above guidelines say that PTFP exists to promote serious discourse. You seem to cut off discourse when it suits you. Fine — it’s your site. But you should not pretend you are seeking discourse or diversity of opinion.

  10. Bob Kern

    Bill Maher has an interesting (and somewhat humorous) take on all this: Bill Maher has said that more LGBTQ+ people are coming out because it’s “trendy” and that “we will all be gay in 2054”, while insisting that the US is “literally experimenting on children”.

    In the ‘New Rules’ segment at the end of his show Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday (20 May), the political commentator and comedian referenced a recent Gallup poll which showed that more Americans than ever before (7 per cent) identify as LGBTQ+, with 21 per cent of Gen Z saying that they were queer.

    Maher said: “Broken down over time the LGBT population of America seems to be roughly doubling every generation… If we follow this trajectory we will all be gay in 2054.”

  11. Arthur

    Blaire White is a man.
    There’s no such thing as a trans woman.


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