Until a few short weeks ago, I’d never heard the slur “TERF”.
Until the story of Julie Jaman’s ban from the YMCA pool broke, I had no idea that so much trans-activist venom and vitriol had infected our community. Or that people we have invested with positions of power in local government were promoting hatred towards a large swath of our community in deference to an extremist agenda.
TERF stands for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists. Apparently, when 80-year-old Julie Jaman objected to a man with a penis who “identified” as a transgender woman roaming the YMCA pool locker room where Jaman was naked in the shower, she joined the ranks of TERFs.
If that makes her a TERF, then I must be a TERF, too… along with many, many other community members who have addressed the city and written to the Free Press about this now international story.
One of our readers alerted us to this website that graphically illustrates the violent, even vicious intent behind the acronym.
Like so much of the trans movement, inversions of reality abound. Terms like “discrimination” have been expropriated by those doing the real discriminating onto those being discriminated against. “Exclusionary” and “radical” are likewise inverted, projected onto women simply asking for basic rights when those doing the projecting are the actual radical extremists.
As noted in my previous article, in early August, city leaders betrayed public trust and hammered a wedge unlike any I’ve ever seen in Port Townsend. At the August 1st city council meeting, citizens who expressed concerns about women’s privacy rights were at the receiving end of the inversion, called bigots and trans-haters.
In his summation following public comments, Mayor David Faber joined those doing the name-calling, twisting the narrative from a request for common-sense solutions for women’s privacy in public spaces into a trans-rights call to action, grandstanding behind his mask about hate and discrimination having no place in our “welcoming” community. Those who had actually delivered the hate that night were lauded as the inclusive ones, protecting a special and fragile minority.
Faber’s flamboyant inversion of the story, perched atop his mayoral dais, shocked women’s rights advocates, provoking scrutiny of his social media history. Writer Mandy Stadtmiller is among those who uncovered a misogynistic and “creepy” persona driving our mayor behind the mask.
In her August 16th Substack Rabbitholed, she asked:
“David Faber, the mayor of the town, has been making quite a reputation for himself online since the incident went viral,” wrote Stadtmiller.
“Adding a new layer of shock, an investigation into his social media reveals exactly how disturbing Faber’s creepy online trail is in regularly objectifying and demeaning women and comparing himself to child-pornography-legalization-advocates like the gamer Vaush.”
Wennstrom joins the hate parade.
Mayor Fabor began the charge. But it was city councilor Libby Wennstrom who really fanned the flames, inciting Facebook followers to “show up” to confront the newly-dubbed “trans-haters” at the pool.
In another post, Wennstrom promised she’d be there, too. The prompts found their mark. According to reports, attacks from counter-protestors at the pool were aggressive and full of rancor, shouting down and name-calling a small group of predominantly elderly women who’d hoped to have a conversation.
But that was just a warm up. Wennstrom has now ramped up her hate campaign, escalating the attack with a prominent new Facebook post in which she “updated her cover photo” to a threat against all TERFs:
In a field of hot pink, caught between a giant wave and a steep cliff, we see a woman running for her life. The turquoise message boxing in the scene, shouts “TERFS OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND!”
Wennstrom is promoting a pogrom to rid our town of all women who do not share her ideology about sharing bathrooms with men. If you do not accept that a man with a penis who says he is a woman IS a woman, you are not welcome here.
You now are not only a hater, you’re an exclusionary radical feminist. The image and message of her Facebook graphic implies that your life is in danger if you do not hotfoot it out of town, pronto.
At the August 15 rally at the Pope Marine plaza, Chief of Police Tom Olson reinforced that message. As peaceful, elderly women were being assaulted by an angry mob, police stood directly across the street outside City Hall and watched impassively. People begging for help were told they were “free to leave” and shouldn’t expect any protection because of a “directive” from the top.
Excuses from Olson now range from we are understaffed to we didn’t have enough time to prepare (a week, with state patrol also present) to the crowd was too big. Plus, “All of our officers were primarily focused on an orderly council meeting.”
Yes, the dog-and-pony-show, Pomp and Circumstance city council meeting. Mayor Faber and the rest of council staged their own spectacle that evening, an orchestrated love fest for the trans community followed by a self-congratulatory reading of a proclamation urging “all residents and visitors to be respectful, welcoming, and kind to everyone.” Faber described the proponents for trans rights as “beautiful”.
Just across the street, less than an hour before the virtuous proclamation was adopted, those “beautiful” people were screaming hate at and assaulting fellow residents. Councilor Wennstrom’s hate campaign had drawn a more-than-willing audience. This is what our welcoming, respectful, kind community looked like:

Photo submitted by author of
Came to Listen, Sickened by Mob Violence and Hypocrisy
And this:

Screen shot from video taken by Crystal Cox
Central to this conflagration are policies that allow any man claiming to be a woman access to private women’s spaces. Not a single person I heard speak at either the August 1st city council meeting or at the August 15th rally at Pope Marine Park has suggested that people identifying as transgender should be discriminated against, let alone hated. Again, the inverse is true. As one of our readers commented under my previous article, “If some adult wants to identify as a fence post, it’s none of my concern. Just don’t indoctrinate the children with fence-post-ism.”
The issue being addressed is that all-gender policies are an invasion of privacy and an invitation for sexual predation.
Matt Osborne of The Distance estimates that “somewhere between 70 and 90 percent of men who identify as transgender opt to keep their penises.” They jump on the transgender bandwagon, but avoid surgeries that would alter their genitalia… all the while insisting that they are women who should have access to women’s private spaces. Stories abound of trans inmates sexually assaulting and even getting women pregnant when they are housed in female prisons. Studies show a sharp rise in sexual predation where dressing rooms, school locker rooms and public bathrooms are all-gender. It’s an undisputed fact that when gender boundaries blur, sexual crimes rise.
Let’s talk TERF
But according to the trans-rights narrative, we are being “exclusionary” if we object to our private spaces being violated by a man with a penis who “identifies” as a woman. As I commented in a recent exchange — because a man wants to be and proclaims he is now a woman, no one is to question that, lest we cause hurt feelings. That makes us hateful, bigoted and discriminatory. It’s even worse if we happen to be women; then we are also trans-exclusionary radical feminists. TERFs.
Local women’s rights advocate Amy Sousa explains in this video that There’s No Such Thing as a TERF. It is violent hate speech, she says, “being used to silence women who want to speak out about their sex-based rights.” The images of threatening fists and a woman hanging from a noose at the opening of this article illustrate her point.
Who is being protected is not even clear. As one PTFP reader noted:
“It seems even the definition of transgender is fluid. Buy a female swimsuit and hang out in bathrooms, lockers, and showers at your leisure. No questions can be asked… Right now, I don’t think anyone has a clear definition of what a trans person is. Fully trans after buying the swimsuit? Fully trans after removing body parts? Fully trans after some counseling? Gay trans? Bi trans?”
Women are not allowed to ask these questions, to do so makes us TERFs. And as the option of being “gender-fluid” gains traction in this narrative, your choice of bathrooms, showers and locker rooms can change on a whim. Pop star Demi Lovato recently explained our new gender-fluid reality — today I can be he/him, tomorrow I am they/them, and the next day I choose she/her. Lovato admittedly grapples with confusion over which public bathrooms to use; it all depends on how she feels in the moment.
No one has suggested that any specific trans person in our community is a pedophile or rapist. But if the violent behavior by some who attended the August 15 rally is any indication of the types this movement cultivates, that certainly gives cause for alarm.
Many Free Press readers have shared their distress over the dangerous divide being witnessed. The threat of being ostracized and even fear for their personal safety if they speak out has led many to request anonymity:
“I was there, witnessed and experienced the aggression from what seemed to be out-of-town rent-a-thugs. But there were also locals I knew and recognized dressed in antifa garb, with earpieces, standing to left side of the Cotton Building, watching like spiders. It was creepy and disturbing. As was the robotically-chanting mob. I haven’t felt a part of this place since the start of Covid. But Monday was a full-on rupture.”
“I saw four women in the speakers area pushed to the ground! I didn’t understand why a perimeter wasn’t set up so the crazed hooligans couldn’t interfere and hurt others. Surely the City and police knew this was going to be contentious or they would not have closed part of the street… Obviously, the City wanted to use this situation to bully by proxy, to crush free speech and compromise democracy.”
“I can’t imagine wanting to live here after experiencing the obvious set-up and abandonment of local elderly residents. The sight of a Port Townsend Police vehicle or a Pride flag makes my blood run cold. This was pre-meditated assault on law abiding residents.”
“Had I not witnessed firsthand what transpired, I would never have believed it possible. The behavior of the trans-rights activists — in the name of “love” and “tolerance” — astounded and sickened me… What I witnessed on Monday evening shook me to the core. The videos I’ve watched do not adequately convey the feeling of being there.”
“I also attended with the intent to observe and came away deeply troubled and sickened by the hatred and rage, violence and mob mentality expressed by my community. I don’t care where these people came from – the TRAs – if paid or invited to agitate. It’s still this community that supported the message of hate and violence under the guise of love and diversity. I don’t know where we go from here. It doesn’t seem that dialogue is possible. Or that truth matters.”
The women being told to “FUCK OFF!” on signs by masked protestors and to get out of town by City Councilor Libby Wennstrom are in large part elders who have contributed decades of their hearts and souls into this community. Many of them are long-time human rights, environmental, and — like myself — peace activists. For simply saying our needs deserve the same consideration as the fantasy of an adolescent boy who suddenly declares himself a woman, we are now undesirables.
Libby Wennstrom is on a mission to rid Port Townsend of us. Jousting and tweeting while Rome is burning, Mayor David J. Faber combines juvenile insults and pompous proclamations in a We’re So Welcoming charade. The rest of the city council seems delighted to be going along for the gaslighting ride. Chief of Police Tom Olson is accomplice, protecting City Hall, not Port Townsend’s residents.
Any woman who does not bow at the alter of the well-funded trans lobby that demands erasure of millennia-long protective boundaries is now a TERF. We are to be driven out of town. Certainly not given the same protections as the now-prioritized trans minority. Or perhaps, as illustrated in the earlier montage, hung by the neck until dead.

From the website
Documenting the abuse, harassment and misogyny of transgender identity politics
“WOMEN OUT OF PORT TOWNSEND” top graphic: @arachoid666 on twitter
Arriving in Port Townsend in 1975 in Sherpa, her Ford van, Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
Sadly I know there are transgenders that don’t want the violence and just want to live their lives. They don’t push themselves into women’s rooms and don’t call attention to themselves. The radical, violent ones are causing trouble for those that just want to live their lives and be left to themselves.
Wow, so what I’m seeing is the trans lovers are very willing to fight for their rights while the masses just stand by and watch. What really needs to happen is the next little local trans event in Pt, We the opposers need to show up in masses and show them we are willing to resist this projection of mental illness on the masses….I’ll be there if others stand with me….
The Transgenders really stepped on their dicks this time. They might just pull down the county government with their own noose. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Elizabeth Urner
Elizabeth Wennstrom
Elizabeth Vaughan
Liz Urner
Urner E Vaughan
She goes by ALL these names.
Is she also transgender???
‘Haven’t been here long enough
to know. It’s pretty scary that she’s the face of the Democratic Party in Jefferson County. If Republicans run a potato I will vote for it at this point.
Isn’t this the sort of thing leftists used to rationalize Red Flag 1984-style Thoughtcrime laws? Anybody reported all of the above yet?
Reported? Where do you think we’d report it to? City police don’t/won’t care. City Council and County members/commissioners don’t care.
State gov’t doesn’t care. Feds don’t care. UN doesn’t care. Who besides women ourselves, care enough about women ourselves to stand the ground that is our bodies? As Antifa love to chant,
We always have.
We always will.
Is what we are seeing not just hate for women but hate for the nuclear family itself? Here are some indications that this might be true.
Allowing children to decide, without parental supervision, whether they will accept an experimental vaccine.
Prodding children to question their gender identification.
Some states are allowing children to elect hormonal and surgical augmentation of their bodies.
Masking of children all day at school so they are unable to read facial expressions and see individual autonomy.
Through a propagandized mainstream internet, we are bringing our children deeper and deeper into the matrix of a rapidly changing Meta universe.
The object of the New World Order (Build Back Better, The Great Reset…pick your poison) has been since the 90’s, to change our children. The objective being, to program children to identify with the internet of things more than their parents and the nuclear family. The message being…trust the government and the emerging New World Order, as our providers, our primary source of identification. Boy/girl, Mom/Dad, Parent/Child are being morphed into a homogeneous, amorphous sameness.
The first step in this shift away from family tradition into government obedience is hate for the old and an embracing of the new. Women gave birth to ALL of us so when our politicians foster hate towards women they are destroying the foundation of the family.
Many aboriginal tribes only allowed the women to declare war because they knew that women always were seen as protectors of the children and the family. Men could align with their aggressive identity and ideology but women always saw the lives of their children as survival of all that is being in human form. Every act of a tribe was weighed against how it would effect the next 7 generations. What is the current hate and disrespect towards women saying about where this will end in the next 7 generations?
Absolutely true.
Il Corvo-:
Yes, it’s absolutely an attack on the family.
Culture and social norms are transmitted from parents/family to children. The children then carry these social norms forward. This is the way it’s always been. Cultural change, in this way is slow, a generational process.
Childlessness is a value esteemed by the left, and they are birthing significantly fewer children than parents with more traditional / conservative values. That’s problematic when the goal is to enact radical change.
Given this scenario, the most effective way to enact abrupt culture change is to hijack the process of public school education, which provides access to the minds of all children.
In 2016, rules were enacted at the federal level requiring compliance with transgender bathroom + locker room access and use of transgender pronouns to receive federal public school funds. No compliance? No federal school dollars.
The cohort of children that have grown up under those public school rules are now ages 11-24, precisely the demographic in which you see an explosion of transgenderism.This is the age group directing most of the hate towards TERFS, as seen in the social media screenshots in this article.
Currently, in WA, OR, and CA, children 13 and older have the legal right to start hormone blockers or other “gender affirming” medical procedures without parental consent. WA SB5351 bill was passed in 2021, requiring all insurers to pay for “gender affirming” medical procedures such as tracheal shaves, breast implants, and double mastectectomies if part of “gender affirming care”. SB 5888 ensures that minors aged 13-17 have privacy from parental oversight in medical decision making. Parents need not be informed by medical providers of their children’s medical decisions, and their consent is no longer required. Parents who disagree with these life-altering medical treatments are threatened with Child Protective Services.
The transgender agenda has highjacked the culture via indoctrination of the youth in schools, and parents in WA have been excluded from their own children’s medical decision making. Parents are boxed in by the educational, legal, insurance, and medical institutions so that their only choice becomes to leave the state if they disagree.
Ask yourself: WHOSE goal is this radical culture shift? It’s NOT a grassroots effiort. Many on the left object, plus the entirety of the right. I’m pretty sure whoever “they” are, they want the right to simply blame the left, but that does’t sit quite right with me. It seems like a strategy you’d employ if you didn’t want the masses to look any deeper.
Who is forcing this agenda via legal means? Where is the funding coming from? Who benefits? These questions need answers.
Thanks Bigmouth on your accurate expansion of the theme of changing the nuclear family.
“Ask yourself: WHOSE goal is this radical culture shift?” – your quote.
My guess would be that all of this is planned and implemented by A.I. and the programmers behind it have no ideological mainstream affiliation. Left, right, center, Republican, Democrat, socialist all have little meaning to the Ruling Class. Also, my guess, is that there is little or none nationalistic favoritism. The Ruling Class are simply interested in power and control and both those attributes rest on financial wealth and nationalistic extortion. Oh, by the way, we can’t forget the other Ruling Class attribute, Hubris on steroids.
They weren’t shy about this… along with abolishing private property, freedom, independence, individuality and capital, a core tenet of Marx’s murder manifesto is: “Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.”
Remember, any time you meet a hammer-and-sickle type who praises Marx, they’d happily see us all living in parentless/children wards of the state communes like in the early days of Mao’s “Great Leap” before reforms. This is part and parcel of the destruction of sex categories.
Trans activists have no problem
getting women killed. Take their
threats seriously.
Minimally, learn krav maga.
Carry bear spray.
Get your concealed weapons permits.
Lock down your personal social media.
Change your passcodes often.
Use VPNs and disposable emails.
Set up your phone to start video recording with a shortcut:
Remember your streets smarts.
Remember that in PT the cops
ain’t comin’ to help you.
I thought we weren’t wearing masks or getting vaccinated because we didn’t live in fear? And now we have to be scared to leave the house because of “Antifa” might wave signs in our faces or something? I’m having trouble keeping up.
It appears that you didn’t watch the various video footage or absorb the content of the articles written about the event, Nice Cage. Would you have a problem being knocked to the ground by a screaming body builder because you’re attending a press conference defending women’s rights? Where the police have been told to stand down because someone could get badly injured or killed?
Please don’t lean on our commenters to help you through your difficulties in ‘keeping up.’ That’s over to you, and whether or not you’re up to the task.
The Democratic Party has been infiltrated by Marxism and evil doers. It’s been happening for a very long time and now they’re on the fast track to take down the whole of society. It goes well beyond mental illness, it’s a demonic presence and it’s spreading like a cancer all over the world. Parents beware, they’re coming for our kids.
This progressive agenda will only get worse if we sit back and do nothing. The law has been in effect since 2016 to allow men who identify as women to use public restrooms and locker rooms. That needs to be changed. Vote red in November, it’s the only way we can get rid of these insane laws that protect a small minority and put REAL women and girls at risk.
Lifelong Dem voting straight RED in every election until these insane laws are off the books. They can threaten us with the handmaids tale and all of their made-up scary woo woo BS all they want. If my choice is Trump or men in women’s restrooms, I pick Trump. They have always used him as the ultimate excuse against us. No more.
They have lost me as a voter, forever.
Furthermore, their strangulation of WA/JeffCo/PT will also end. It will take some time but we will get it done. It took them 30 years to suffocate this town into the zombie state in which it now exists. It can be undone in much less time.
Democrats everywhere are slowly waking up to smell the insanity.
Excellent, Alma! We need you on board! Thanks for voting RED. We have some great candidates who will do their best to make the changes we need to get our city and country back. The “democrats” in power today are not the democrats of 10-20-30 years ago, the party has been hijacked by progressive, marxists who do not respect women or our traditional values. They basically want to bring us into the globalist Great Reset, take the children away and enslave humanity. (I’m not being overly dramatic, you can see every day what they’re doing to implement their agenda.) The indoctrination in our schools is horrendous. Please come to our next GOP meeting and bring some friends.
Please see my comment in the last story by Lee North regarding Council person Wennstrom.
In the 26 years I have been in PT I have experienced the soul being drained away and replaced by organizations and City Government. This recent manifestation and empty overstep was allowed because of the need for all your neighbors feeding off what remains of the soul to not challenge each other to maintain position or climb its shaky ladder.
They kill and eat the goose that laid the golden egg.
The Leader’s choice has always been to blow the lid off or keep it tightly on. The fourth estate. The Free Press is the Fourth Estate. Put it out there. Debate it. Brain food. Not empty sugar.
Most all readers here and beyond do nothing tangible to fight the creep. No, I don’t mean Faber. I mean the physical creep from parking to mess tents to Fort Worden and Cherry Street and beyond. Doing more than commenting in a forum does indeed take a spine. Using real names and standing up is the next level.
I am not in direct communication with anyone on the Free Press regarding much at all. Usually, it is regarding my writing style or similar. I can say I have pissed off most of the editorial staff at one time or another. So be it. I was doing my push back attempting to use the Leader long before there was a Free Press. The public pretty much slept through it. So, the “black heart” that one past Council person calls that which took over Port Townsend grew and grew.
That black heart description was some 14 years ago. My how you have grown.
This is an ambush of sorts. May or may not be realistic. I am officially moving from my 26-year location across the street from the Leader at the end of December to Port Hadlock. At this time the Free Press is all in people’s minds. What if there was a physical Free Press. What if there was a light to correspond with the dark that the Leader has become. What if that location could help with women’s (peoples) rights, open government and more and let all who visit Port Townsend see and experience some real community that evolves in the light.
I donate the first month’s rent if this can happen. You, reader need to step up as well. Now and into the future.
The editors may well have reasons not to venture into the physical world. It is however where the war is. It is where City Hall and the Leader are. And for now, you and me.
I wish the best to all of all ages struggling for a place and identity. What my generation left for our aging selves and those younger is less than nothing. Let’s move together into the light. Together. Let us recognize the wedges and black hearts around us. And grow.
Where were you
on the evening
of August 1st?
If you are referring to the City Council meeting where Julie spoke, no I was not there. I had been to and spoken at 3 previous meetings where it was impossible not to speak up contrary to Roberts Rules of Order when lies and misinformation were afoot. Libby spews lots of misinformation.
By the third meeting I attended by coincidence several police officers were present when I spoke and left after. You can see one in the Council video briefly. What I did then was to go over damage numbers regarding losses and ignored laws and codes due to mess tents and no parking plan or enforcement. I conducted myself as one would at a board meeting.
It had no impact.
I opted not to waste my time on Aug 1. Others took what they knew best at that time and are on the record. Thanks to them for all of us. One can’t be everywhere, and I think I do give time and participate.
Where I am always is on these pages, and the Misleader rarely when appropriate, on the record. By the way, what is your name?
What would you have liked me to have said to the muzzled and deaf council? Perhaps I have said it here over and over and over.
No, Harvey, you haven’t pissed off the editorial staff. What you’re perceiving is the occasional weariness of three volunteers who take immense pains to see that the comment area is fairly refereed — on topic and respectful, even in disagreement. That doesn’t mean that folks can’t speak to larger agendas in play, which our readers are generally aware of, but we ask that you get back on point asap and make an effort to avoid repeating favorite themes.
I’m quite sure our readers have no idea how much time and energy this takes. We strive for fairness, which is a struggle, as subjectivity is inherent in moderating.
With the ever-increasing popularity of PTFP, moderating is taking precious time away from our writing and researching. We do need our readers to look to our guidelines to self-police in this regard, so that we can bring you more of what you come here for in the first place. Thank you all for being here with us on this journey. Your contributions are valuable and greatly appreciated.
Thing is, if you got to the show early and know all the players and plot lines, sometimes you feel the need to let the late comers know how we got here. That sure do eat up some words at times.
So much knowledge flows into this space from so many different perspectives. Shining light on tide pools large and small. Microcosms and macrocosms. Large and small petri dishes.
Without chants.
Much respect for the work put in by Free Press volunteers and commenters. Open discussion educates and bonds.
Always look for the bridge. There are plenty of chasms and constructed wedges.
Harvey, I admire and respect the hard work and contribution you’ve made to the community as the owner of a fine art gallery and a fearless government watchdog. There are few with your courage for that work, kudos to you for all that.
We editors have expressed in our guidelines what our generous conditions are for being a welcome participant in the PTFP conversation platform. What you’re giving back to me are your conditions for your own blog.
We’ll all be watching for that, let us know when you launch (-;
To get back on point, perhaps my bridge reference was out of touch when Wennstrom and Faber and what they represent are on the other side of this particular chasm. That is indeed a bridge to nowhere. My education evolves. I was not challenging your guidelines. Wennstrom and Faber must go. Should be a focus of public input at the next Council meeting. Back on point. Much respect. Watch for the blog
The scope and frequency of changes to our social fabric seems unprecedented over the last 2 1/2 years. How do we find meaning in all of these social coincidences? There are those that believe all that has happened has and still is about a deadly virus and government/big pharma doing all it can to protect us.
And then there are those that are seeing a bigger picture, a picture of orchestrated change engineered by an amalgam of big business, local and central governments, and a cabal of international banks and moneyed interests. This group might also see the attack on women, children and the family are but steps to change the matrix of the social mind. Is the meaning of these crises du jour a simplistic answer of blaming a virus, Russia, Trump or China; or is it all tied together as an orchestrated coup? How you view the problem will determine how you respond.
Excellent article, Ana. Thanks for exposing who these people are and what their agenda is.
How. or who funded this well-funded trans lobby ?
Good question, John.
“As an environmental activist who was deplatformed from a speaking venue by transactivists, in 2013 I developed a curiosity about the power of this group to force this development. A year later, when Time magazine announced a transgender tipping point on its cover, I had already begun to examine the money behind the transgender project.
I have watched as women’s safe spaces, universities, and sports opened their doors to any man who chose to identify as a woman. Whereas men who identify as transwomen are at the forefront of this project, women who identify as transmen seem silent and invisible. I was astonished that such a huge cultural change as the opening of sex-protected spaces was happening at such a meteoric pace and without consideration for women and girls’ safety, deliberation, or public debate. Concurrent with these rapid changes, I witnessed an overhaul in the English language with new pronouns and a near-tyrannical assault on those who did not use them. Laws mandating new speech were passed. Laws overriding biological sex with the amorphous concept of gender identity are being instituted now. People who speak openly about these changes can find themselves, their families, and their livelihoods threatened.”
Follow the Money: How the Pritzker Family Makes a Killing From the Transgender Industry
And another…
“Not long ago, the gay rights movement was a small group of people struggling to follow their dispositions within a larger heterosexual culture. Gays and lesbians were underdogs, vastly outnumbered and loosely organized, sometimes subject to discrimination and abuse. Their story was tragic, their suffering dramatized by AIDS and Rock Hudson, Brokeback Mountain and Matthew Shepard.
Today’s movement, however, looks nothing like that band of persecuted outcasts. The LGBT rights agenda—note the addition of “T”—has become a powerful, aggressive force in American society. Its advocates stand at the top of media, academia, the professions, and, most important, Big Business and Big Philanthropy.”
The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement
Memo to all the mob rule true believers. If you imagine having a larger mob than the opposition will solve the breakdown of civilization – I don’t intend to make that my problem. I am not your cannon-fodder, your human sacrifice, or your martyr. The August 15 #LetJulieSwim press conference is the last public demonstration I will attend in Port Townsend or anywhere. The violence was predictable and avoidable. Anyone who was taken by surprise should work on their situational awareness skills.
Even though I knew the event was a setup, I stayed too long and came close to a seriously injuring a person (at least 50 years younger than me) who rushed me at incredible speed. I returned home to find a new van camper had settled in next door to my apartment. As I was unloading my vehicle, a car with four very ornery looking men slowed down and glared at me. I knew I was on my own now to deal with this sort of thing because corrupt local government and their police force exist to protect predators and violent ideologues. Women may need to swim or travel in groups and move if they cannot afford private security.
That’s fine, but some of us have to live down on the streets where the fists fly and the pepper spray floats. Not all of us live out in the county or up on the hill away from where these issues result in actual physical harm. If it takes a legion of Trumpheads to protect me and my sisters from these trans vicious predators, so be it. Not all of us have a choice about whether or not we are sacrificed to whatever god is in power in this nation. It’s been god-Money for a long damn time, and ideologues who sit pristinely encased in self-righteousness away from the rabble who have no choice, are no help to us. When the only choice is to stand with a mob in order to not be crushed by another mob, then yes, we pick which mob to stand within, to preserve our lives. The working class does not have the luxury of withdrawing into comfortable smug satisfaction. The Port Townsend City Council has made it clear they are coming for us. I have lived too long and fought too hard to just roll over and play dead for them. If they want a fight, they’ll get it. We’ll see how self-satisfied they sound and how their death-threats sound, when a very pissed off nation re-elects Donald Trump/Ron DeSantis/A Bag of Doritos just to let them know, that’s as far as this dookie’s gonna go. They have shown their true colors and flown their true flags so now we know what we’re dealing with. And we know exactly how to stop it.
Believe me, i understand — but this kind of talk needs cool/coherent heads to assess & strategize, should folks decide to step out into some kind of war footing, locally or anywhere.
Especially considering another planned “rally” this weekend in PT.
Over decades, i’ve witnessed that most americans are profoundly unaware of their own history, the actual origins of “democracy”, and the very nature & meaning of both freedom and reality itself. How to approach & sustain such foundational operating systems & possibilities — minus all the BS, abuses & empire building we should be very familiar with by now?
“Elect” trump again? — the clown/mafia/pharma-perp that delivered the vaxx to millions of his base, via “operation warp speed”? Can hardly wait.
Having come to age during an activist/dissident era in the 60s, on the heels of powerful social justice movements and the extraordinary over-reaches of gov’t — in shock over internal & foreign policies & agendas — i personally discovered an early sense of living behind enemy lines.
Over the last several years, perhaps many of us are now getting a significant taste and similar reality check — watching state sponsored goon groups such as antifa/woke/etc, spearheading for billionaire globalist social engineering agendas, while purposefully escalating civil unrest & violence. All the while, over previous decades, police and alphabet agencies have been utilized for criminal infiltration, spy, & enforcement tools by gov’t.
Draw on “woke”, good chance you’ll get the rest.
One of the current quandaries is how to exist & proceed while living behind enemy lines? Similar questions plagued the first peoples here for centuries, during systematic extermination, with those remaining herded into POW camps.
If anyone has as yet failed to fully comprehend that gov’t is THE enemy (call it what it is, ‘corp-gov’, aka fascism) — perhaps time for getting up to speed, then try to choose more wisely.
Personally, i can’t imagine “existence” entrapped in a war zone.
What are the options? Are we really prepared to be “… fighting in the streets with our children at our feet”?
Not to mention, “won’t get fooled again….”.
Zappa (from a similar time frame) — “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Here we are again at the wall. The creeps in power are planning for it. Plainly, the SOS won’t cut it.
Bucky fuller — “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
Just a thought.
Alby, I am a little older than you so I get your succinct history. I’m mostly an observer, but put my body/money where my mouth is when it will make an existential difference. Mostly its been efforts to level the playing field for women and minority and disabled and LGB[having issues with T where it conflicts with females, children].
America experiences waves of manifestations of transcendentalist and liberal ideas that waxes and wanes with counter-waves of war, capitalism, and industrialization MAGA. It like being on a long switchback trail, still moving upward but with some perilous twists such as Trump and defund the police, with the overhanging cloud of climate change whose pending deluge may wash humankind into a very steep grand canyon.
Its been an exciting time to be alive. It is all moving so fast now that the whole cycle and then some can be experienced in one lifetime.
Here’s what the city is doing about the situation…
Sadly, not all TERFs in PT have the funds
to just pick up and leave. Guess we’ll be
put into “re-education camps”.
I sold everything I had to move
here to escape a red state.
I’m a heartbroken fool.
[Moderator edit]
Now I understand the Power of Trump.
He’s literally the only person on earth
they are afraid of.
Very Well Written, Thank You for your Voice. I LOVE YOU.
“Studies show a sharp rise in sexual predation where dressing rooms, school locker rooms and public bathrooms are all-gender. It’s an undisputed fact that when gender boundaries blur, sexual crimes rise.”
You HAVE to cite some sources in this. You can’t make the claim that “studies show that” and note cite any studies. You can’t argue something is an undisputed fact when it is in fact, disputed, and the only evidence you have provided is anecdotal.
A link to our August 10 article was inadvertently missed (have now added it). It explores this issue in more depth, along with many links to studies and articles such as:
Unisex changing rooms put women at danger of sexual assault, data reveals
If you would bother to read the site you would see that plenty of evidence has been presented both on this site and in links. Try again! We didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, so no, we are not going to recite the entire site to you just because you show up and play dumb.
Okay, my bus is late, so let’s do dis fa lazy ol’ nic:
pdf file on incidents at Target stores:
More on the Target study:
Male pattern violence/criminality:
King County:
Loudon County VA:
[moderator edit]
Well said. I too couldn’t imagine what I witnessed down in my neck of the woods with political extremism and mob mentality. I hate to invoke his name, but I think when you know who was elected and the mainstream media built him up as the devil incarnate thinking he wouldn’t win, but was great for ratings, it precipitated a crisis in many liberal dems which took the safeguards off rationality and extremist rhetoric and actions when he did win.
You know who is basically the United States shadow side (in the Jungian sense) and when those who decided to “resist” aggressively they felt they were given carte blanche in how they did so. Because they of course would never act improperly if they were given immense riches and power. The moderate and silent majority of liberals feared appearing as appeasers and didn’t challenge progressives increasingly inflammatory methods and brutal methods. Months of rioting and suddenly living as semi-pro revolutionaries further radicalized many who getting a taste of extreme political sports is not something they are willing to give up now. It matters little what the actual issue is. If you don’t adopt the latest paradox of the Inquisition you are deemed a hater and must be annihilated.
Unfortunately, dueling mass movements have hatched almost solely through radicalizing people through their phones and ipads. When they come to your town it can be a little unnerving, especially if the police have been defunded and neutered. .
Read Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer about mass movements and their followers.
Some quotes below.
“Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”
“The permanent misfits can find salvation only in a complete separation from the self; and they usually find it by losing themselves in the compact collectivity of a mass movement.”
“Every extreme attitude is a flight from the self.”
“Glory is largely a theatrical concept. There is no striving for glory without a vivid awareness of an audience… The desire to escape or camouflage their unsatisfactory selves develops in the frustrated a facility for pretending — for making a show — and also a readiness to identify themselves wholly with an imposing spectacle.”
“We join a mass movement to escape individual responsibility, or, in the words of the ardent young Nazi, “to be free from freedom.”
“Self-contempt, however vague, sharpens our eyes for the imperfections of others. We usually strive to reveal in others the blemishes we hide in ourselves.”
Another fine article — thanks Ana & PTFP.
Always grateful for the terrific gumshoe reporting here, in what’s left of our commons.
The comment section, not so much, with great & honorable exceptions…. but in aggregate serving as a diagnostic.
Given what’s at stake (us), and keying off “a tourist”, and several other excellent commentaries, i offer these perspectives, with the risk of repeating myself:
The invariable left/right polarized weaponized divisions & distractions are sure signs of an ongoing mental illness (aka “mass psychosis”), and/or the dearth & death of any innate natural intelligence & discernment remaining in the species.
Governments, bureaucracies, taxations, etc, are all scams, as is the circus tent of political clowns, elections, & promises. Regardless, being historically blind & amnesiac, most will show up to vote it all back in next season anyway.
People — we’ve been scammed & skinned just like the first peoples here — upon which “democracy” was founded, atop the genocidists’ graveyards & enslavements. Endless empire building & exploitation ensued hastily thereafter in the name of “god, country, and progress”.
In short, all d/riven by ideological “mass formations”. “Woke & trans” are just the latest subdivisions… along the fast train to the globalistas’ trans-humanism.
As the original locals noted, the reasons for their cultural erasure & extermination — “we knew the difference between freedom, and the illusion of freedom”; and that these others (the perps) “are as far from themselves as a hawk from the moon”.
If we really are determined to choose freedom, mend fences, make amends — then the first essential hurdle is waking up out of these trapping illusions, and the perceptual prisons that have kept us there. Not to mention, divided, we’re screwed.
(sound of torrential gunfire throughout indian country)
Geronimo (shouting): What do you think, Crazy Horse, is it the left or right shooting at us this time?
Crazy Horse: Not sure, they all look alike.
G: Could just as well be the lib/con mutual arms society.
CH: Two wings, same damn bird. Either way, determined to rub us all out.
G: Hoka hey, old horse.
…And women are raped by all of the above. The divisions among men and unities among men have never helped us.
Consider that, please.
Has anyone printed out the docs from these links and sent them to our biased city council? Will they even take the information into consideration?
The only thing that shocks me about that article, is that she doesn’t live in Port Townsend.
I am honored to have started the platform that has provided a megaphone for Ana Wolpin’s eloquent voice of reason.
Great job to all at Port Townsend Free Press. Many thanks for giving the people of East Jefferson County an objective and honest news source and sounding board, being conservative folks have no voice in our government or in the Misleader.
And my gratitude back to Jim, who not only birthed and nurtured this platform for years before Annette, Stephen and I took the reins, but who continues to maintain the Free Press Facebook page, a significant undertaking. That space, too, has been exploding with content often above and beyond what you see on these pages, and recently passed the 1400-followers mark. There appears to be some overlap among commenters, but many participate there only, not under our articles. So you’ll often find very different conversations taking place on that page. Just today Jim posted this update:
“Olympic Pride and Beau Ohlgren of the local Transgender Support won’t denounce hate speech against women. We asked them if they denounced the hate speech directed at women from Mayor David Faber and City Councilor Libby Wennstrom, the latter calling for “All TERFS out of Port Townsend.” They have chosen “no comment”… Ohlgren was the recipient of the city’s “Trans Rights” proclamation, declaring Port Townsend to be a community where everyone is encouraged to be “respectful, welcoming and kind to everyone”… To what extent these groups share responsibility for the conduct of the mob remains an open question, especially if they continue to refuse to condemn hatred and hate speech against women.”
In my mind there’s no doubt that City Hall is approving what happened. There’s also no doubt in my mind that City Hall created this attack on the ladies Constitutional Rights of assembly. As far as the police goes, I would recommend a change in their uniform leaving them blue with a big yellow stripe down the back. They obviously only are puppets to City Hall to let this happen without stepping in. In Port Townsend you only have to follow the money to know they only support who pays them the most. To say I’m appalled by what happened is an understatement. The Port Townsend I knew and loved is gone. I wouldn’t raise a family here for anything. Good luck ladies. You probably haven’t seen the last of this bunch of Nazis.
I am so grateful for the PTFP and the hours you are all putting in to bring reality to the table. This is all part of the Mass Psychosis which leads to the totalitarian rule all supported by the masses. These people think they are free and instead are enslaving themselves and their children and grandchildren, with exuberance. I am so very concerned for the future of our humanity. The important thing to remember is we MUST SPEAK UP. Just a simple I do not agree will do. Silence and hiding will only continue the madness. We must be brave. Thank you Ana, Annette, Stephen…. and Jim for starting the PTFP. You are so brave. With Peace and Respect. May the truth prevail.
I too VERY MUCH appreciate what the PT Free Press is doing and has done as Beth M Oneal said. Supreme gratitudes.
Amen, agree to all of the above. Thank you PTFP staff! We need to stay vigilant if we want to save our town and country.
Any male thinking he’s a woman is using our spaces. Wake up.
My thanks, in return, for the support and engagement of a growing readership. As expressed in other articles and comment sections, the small group of us involved in this publication were motivated to provide an uncensored platform for local issues when the PT Leader and PDN began wholesale censorship of our own and others’ views that challenged institutional narratives. The role of legacy media as the in-house mouthpiece for government and other entrenched institutions has grown ever-more blatant in controlling the narrative over the last few years—the opposite of a watchdog press.
Recent examples of twisting the narrative are the Leader‘s reporting on the pool incident, where not once have they mentioned that Julie Jaman was NAKED in the showers (a not-so small omission). Their efforts to excuse our police chief for not protecting local residents is especially embarrassing. Peaceful speakers in a city-permitted event were attacked by an out-of-control mob right before PT law enforcement’s eyes and now the Leader is attempting to spin that story, too. Numerous readers, including Lee North (previous article), tell us the Leader has censored their letters on this issue.
One of the wildest elements of taking on this Free Press journey has been the label that we—and the PTFP—are “conservative”. Clearly many, if not the majority, of our readers would identify as Conservatives, Republicans, Patriots, etc. Anyone who has known Annette, Stephen and myself over the many decades we’ve been in this community would have probably called any one us progressive or liberal just a few short years ago. I don’t care for labels, but if you had to label us, we are committed to being non-partisan and egalitarian.
Just today this piece by a previously self-professed “progressive” got my attention, quite the interesting read:
Conservatives Are the New Cool Counterculture: My Year on the Right Part I
We can take solace in knowing that our articles on Julie Jaman’s case, from the intial report (almost 47,000 page views) to Ana’s latest excellent piece are being read more than the grossly inadequate coverage in The Leader. How can one write two front page stories on what happened with Julie Jaman and Clem Adams in the Y’s women’s showers and not mention that Julie encountered Clem when she was naked?
I read that substack with tears running down my face.
I was one of the lesbians who sat with my gay brothers as they died in the 80s and thought people like Lindsey Graham for the rest of my life.
And now the Port Townsend City Council is telling me they want me out of Port Townsend.
But as someone else said and as I am realizing from others around me that for the politically self-reliant, one becomes aware that Donald Trump is a Trojan horse. The politically orphaned in this nation are furious and rightly so.
If the left thinks that they are really going to use Donald Trump and abortion as a way to force us into their agenda, they couldn’t be more wrong.
Silence still equals death and so our city Council is trying to silence us and disappear us. We will fight for our lives and the lives of our sisters. This is the hill I die on and if it means voting for Donald Trump and standing amongst the flames of this dumpster fire of a leftist fascist nation, I will.
By the way, did they not make a slur for gay men who also need sex-based rights??? They really only made a slur for women, hey? Interesting.
Yup. A slur only against women. Created by men who think that by putting on make up and a women’s bathing suit they gain entry to all women’s private, formerly safe spaces, and women must shut up about it or just stay home if they don’t like it.
Thank you for reporting on what is happening to women.
Breaking news!! A great report from Rebel News’ Katie Daviscourt. She interviews Julie, Amy Sousa and a glowing example of Port Townsend’s woke community. After viewing, please sign and share the embedded petition.
PETITION: Let Julie Swim!
Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old woman, was formally banned from a YMCA in Washington for asking a trans woman to leave the female change room. If you agree that the YMCA should reinstate her membership, sign the petition.
Jim, Ana, Annette, Stephen and all who contribute and make PTFP possible:
Thank you. As one whose political beliefs are far from binary—classical liberal with regards to civil liberties (freedom of speech and freedom of body are no-exception fundamentals and my driving principles); adamantly anti-war; recovering woke-aholic who is both pro 2nd A and pro sensible gun legislation; in other words, a flexible libertarian with nuanced beliefs — I am so grateful for this smart, curious, edgy space. I might roll my eyes when commenters go on “leftists are the root of all evil” rants, because I’m simply exhausted by the red/blue, left/right, D/R dead-end discussions, but I read their thoughts and I learn from everyone here. You have maintained a space that feels welcoming to all (respectful) voices, directly and indirectly securing common ground amongst those who are not so obviously affiliated at first, superficial, glance.
PTFP is one of the reasons I’ve survived this dark time of Covid mass hysteria in Jefferson County with my sanity intact – knowing there are others in this community who have taken the time to question, research, analyze and arrive at well-reasoned, informed conclusions instead of accepting that what we’ve been told and sold is the truth. I’ll admit I don’t have a lot of hope that our local politicians will ever, or even kinda sorta, reflect common sense and critical thinking – we’re going to need a barnful of Ben Thomases for that to happen- but I don’t have the luxury of picking up stakes and moving on – not with a job I love, a family to consider, and a home I’ve worked so hard for. But PTFP has proven there are many more of “me” out there than I would have thought possible, and I believe we are a growing, powerful group of voters – we common sense conservative liberals or liberal conservatives or libertarians, Independents, whatever label gets smacked on people who don’t fit the left/right mold. Maybe I do have more hope than I thought…
Keep on rockin’ the truth to power. You are making an enormous difference.
And if there is any doubt that TERF is a slur, no matter if it has been reclaimed reasserted as a defensive deflection by those it has been slung against, here is a website dedicated to documenting threats, abuse, and violence directed at feminists who would assert their right to claim their biology and safe, private spaces free from men: https://terfisaslur.com/
kkknights of the woking dead:
The zombie apocalypse right on schedule…. the next chapter of global mass psychosis.
Inject ‘em, then set ‘em loose.
Strange times & intersections — the puritans meet 1984. Same as it ever was, i guess. Only the costumes & nomenclatures are changed.
“The American wit Gore Vidal once observed that, in the 17th century, the Puritans left England for America ‘not because they were persecuted for their religious beliefs, but because they were forbidden to persecute others for their beliefs’…
The great progressive crusades of the 20th century — from women’s liberation to civil rights for black and gay people — sought to increase the span of human dignity by making sure the same rules applied fairly and to everyone.
But as I pointed out in the book I published last year, Welcome To The Woke Trials: How Identity Killed Progressive Politics, the woke movement — that censorious, high-minded mob trying to force everyone else into following their narrow worldview — has nothing so liberal about it.
Instead, it has far more in common with the hysterical witch-hunting of the Middle Ages.”
There is a new video/movie out – which I haven’t seen yet but will now for sure – which surfaced after a Supreme Court Nominee could not answer the question “what is a woman” (movie by the same name). Admittedly, if I was asked that out of the blue I would first think “hey, is that a trick question?”. Anatomically? Characteristically? What is our frame of reference here? But now, all I would do if asked that question is hold up a photo of Julie Jaman. I don’t know Julie personally but she clearly embodies “what a woman is”; beauty, dignity, strength, grace, wisdom. This woman is the epitome of “earth mother”. This is the woman who every grandchild wishes was their grandmother. This is the woman who would protect any child; throwing herself in front of a car or an attacking tiger. You couldn’t illustrate “mama bear” energy any better than this incident in which she conducted herself so courageously. I am so proud of and so grateful for Julie. I hope the parents of the two little girls are too. Julie deserves a medal for bravery.
To the sick and twisted city council who placed faber on his pathetic little throne (because we didn’t vote for him – he was appointed): you did this, you caused this, you brought this shame on our town. Wennstrom initiated and incited violence at the press conference (this is someone who hates our town, this is the poster child of What a Woman is NOT) and faber; your resignation TODAY are the only words I can muster in light of your absolute nauseating and despicable behavior. (Check out their social media feeds because I can’t repeat in polite society what they said). I feel so sorry for your mothers and grandmothers.
To the confused young biological man in the woman’s bathroom; life can definitely be confusing at times. Especially at 19. I hope you can ride this out and sort out your feelings without doing permanent damage to yourself. I wish you strength in this crazy mixed up time.
Thank you PTFP for your reporting on this issue. Fabulous job.
Just to clear up a generally held misunderstanding: David Faber is an elected member of the the 9 member city council. He was elected in 2020. The council chooses who among them should be designated as the “mayor.” The council could rescind that appointment. Council members can be recalled by the voters as defined in the RCW.
Sorry, I got my numbers wrong. Should not have relied on memory. There are 7 people on the PT city council. David Faber was elected in 2015 and reelected in 2019. More information can be found here: https://cityofpt.us/citycouncil
People with gender dysphoria deserve compassion. But because, like gender identity, the condition of dysphoria an Invisible and internal characteristic, to afford anyone with the claim of dysphoria complete license to access any opposite-sex space is a direct violation of Women’s rights to privacy and safety.
I’d like to suggest that in any and all online and in-person discussions of gender identity, gender ideology, etc., that we clearly call out that we’re discussing gender dysphoria. Is there a gender dysphoria community? What are gender dysphoria rights? Does a male having a diagnosis of gender dysphoria mean that you can enter the women’s showers and observe naked women and girls and somehow be safer than before your dysphoria?
Can anyone tell me why exalting and exacerbating dysphoria is better than treating it or contending with it?
If some male tells me they feel like a woman– why is that expression of dysphoria suddenly a requirement on me to have complete credulity? Is credulity a civil right? What if that male is a liar, or delusional, or likely to change his mind, or just plain mistaken? Why is this never to be questioned? How is it bigotry to doubt an outlandish claim?
Reply to Howie C. – Subject: Women’s rights to privacy and safety
The so-called law that allows men in women’s dressing rooms is WAC 162-32-060. The WAC accomplishes its social engineering goal by using gender instead of sex. Gender is a social construct. Sex is biological as in XX chromosomes and obvious female genitalia at birth. WAC 162-32-060 does not recognize sex based rights.
Fortunately, WACs are not really laws. They are rules written by bureaucrats to administer laws. There is nothing about gender rights in RCW 49.60.120 referenced by WAC 162-32-060. This awful WAC has been around since 2015. I won’t ever forget my encounter with a male appearing person in a women’s restroom. The adrenaline kicks in. Heart rate goes through the roof. Women are wired that way to survive.
This document from the Washington State Human Rights Commission demonstrates a shocking lack of concern for biological women’s privacy and safety.
Edit to previous comment. There apparently haven’t been any biological sex based rights in Washington State since 2006.
(14) “Sex” means gender;
19 (15) “Sexual orientation” means heterosexuality, homosexuality,
20 bisexuality, and gender expression or identity. As used in this
21 definition, “gender expression or identity” means having or being
22 perceived as having a gender identity, self-image, appearance,
23 behavior, or expression, whether or not that gender identity, self-image, appearance, behavior, or expression is different from that
25 traditionally associated with the sex assigned to that person at birth;
What we need to push for in the legislation is quantifiable clarity. From the link you shared:
“Q: Can men now go into women’s bathrooms or locker rooms? A: No. Only females can go into women’s bathrooms or locker rooms in a gender segregated situation. This includes transgender females who identify as female. The rules do not protect persons who go into a restroom or locker room under false pretenses. For example, if a man declares himself to be transgender for the sole purpose of entering a women’s restroom or locker room, then the rule would not protect him.”
Oh, well that’s ok then, as long as they’re not ‘false,’ it should be real easy to spot the liars. <– sarcasm
The nebulous qualification appears to be personal declaration. It’s not on them to prove legitimate transgender status, apparently, and there’s no mechanism for lie-detection, so there is no bulwark against risks.
So, let’s hold the legislature to account. Let’s make them own this!
They called out the risk right there, in the human rights comms: some males can lie, in fact this document pre-supposes that we should expect there to be males who will try to gain access falsely. False pretenses exist.
Let’s make Olympia give us, the ones dealing with this, a means whereby we can know with confidence who is a transgender “female” and who’s there ‘under false pretenses.’ Give us the plan.
Can this be determined a priori? what’s the test? Will we be protected from consequences applying this test? Are we safe to express incredulity and scepticism, as the human rights commission clearly believes is appropriate in some cases?
How do we fight against a charge of discrimination if the male can keep the false pretense going through a court case after an incident?
Thank you for posting this. The transgender lobby has wormed its way into Washington state law in a number of ways in the past few years, mostly by enacting laws that effect children and then creating WACs that are more extreme, as they did with the human rights commission, as you pointed out. The Washington legislature enacted laws regulating departments of education, health, veterans, employment and corrections. They put out summation documents for education and health. Here are the locations [all state documents, not commentary]
Department of Education summary: https://www.k12.wa.us/policy-funding/equity-and-civil-rights/resources-school-districts-civil-rights-washington-schools/gender-inclusive-schools
RCW 28A.642.080; RCW 28A.405.170; RCW 28A.300.535; RCW 28A.600.477
These were all passed in 2019 in one bill: Substitute Senate Bill 5689 titled Public Schools- Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, and Transgender Discrimination Act.
This act directs the Superintendent of Public Instruction to come up with rules and regulations. The final rules go into effect NOW, the 2022-2023 school year. I could not find Port Townsend public schools response to these rules on its website. Who could be against bullying?
I will provide the references to the new transgender laws that are administered by the Washington Department of Health and others in a separate post. They will blow your mind.
In 2020 the legislature passed the Sexual Health Education Act, Senate Bill 5395 which is codified as RCD 28A.300.475. Transgender is not mentioned in this bill but references are made within it to protected class status under chapter 49.60 RCW [Human Rights Commission law].
Failed to mention: The Sexual Health Education Act was referred to a vote of the people by the Republicans in Referendum Measure No. 90, approved, November 3, 2020. I can’t find an attachable copy of Referendum 90 in the voters’ pamphlet for November 2020 as to what people thought they were voting for, but we do know that the word “transgender” is not in the bill.
Continuing regarding the Washington state transgender laws:
In 2020 added to Veteran Affairs a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Coordinator, Senate Bill 5900, RCW 43.60A.240.
So here is the big one: In 2021, effective July 25. Second Substitute Senate Bill 5313 the legislature passed the Health Insurance – Gender Affirming Treatment Act which requires all health insurance companies and the state Apple insurance to cover the surgery required to make a boy look like he is a girl and a girl look like she is a boy. Described in sickening detail in the following: RCW 74.09.675, RCW 48.43.0128, RCW 49.60.178, RCW 41.05.017, WAC 182-531-1675, WAC 182-501-0050. WAC 182-531-0100.
The details as presented the state health department:
Given that today (saturday) there’s another planned rally at Pope Marine Park, which has attracted the attention of “the authorities”, including possibly the FBI — this article has timely local relevance & import.
Folks need be fully aware of the shenanigans, and not just here in PT. We can be sure that the violence at julie & friends’ press conference was organized & paid for by deep state agencies.
The deep state “security” state has been in place for decades. It comprises massive unelected bureaucracies, institutions, NGOs, agencies, & agents… which transcends and also contains mainstream medias (including the news, entertainment & sports complex), both parties, “elections”, politicians, administrations, as well surpassing national boundaries.
So, one is impelled to ask — what then is “america”?
Two essays within this link:
“Security state agencies must justify their existence.
“There are 1,271 counter-terrorist, homeland security, and intelligence organizations; 1,931 private sector analogues; 10,000 locations of these organizations; and ~ 854,000 people with top-secret security clearances as of 2010.
“To make matters worse, the line between private and public is obscure in this industry.
Central to the mission:
Stop ideas (censorship)
Force other ideas (redirection)
Justify this control (propaganda)
“The think tanks that refer to themselves as “counter-violent extremists” (CVEs) are America’s proxy government responsible for censoring, shadow banning, ad feed tampering, search result manipulation, and “racism/extremism” deception.
“CVE programs are most effective when they are tailored and focused, often at a hyper-local level.”
“Meanwhile, the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFA) states that the top terrorist threat “is domestic rather than foreign,” yet Far Right extremism in North America causes less deaths than lightning strikes.”
Keeping in mind:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” – William Casey, CIA Director 1981