How to share an evening from hell.
This is my dilemma, as I attempt to regain balance after witnessing what I’d previously considered fellow human beings descend into hate-filled and menacing nihilists who felt such righteousness of cause, any questioning of method or motive was well and truly gone.
I am rocked to my core — by the debasement of civil discussion, debasement of the female archetype, and certainly the debasement of what little is left of a democratic process. It wasn’t just the energetic pulse of angry discord and intended chaos. It was beholding advanced societal decay of the most disturbing sort.
Perhaps most heartbreaking was a palpable recognition that there is no longer a place for innocence in childhood. The formative years are and will be managed by dark and sinister forces over which we have no agency. The gains that women have made in the last century are being erased before our very eyes.

Trans activists attempt to obscure women speakers
On Monday evening, August 15th, I arrived at Pope Marine park about ten minutes before the press conference called by local women’s rights activist Amy Sousa was scheduled to begin. Various crowds were milling, it was difficult to discern sympathies of a number of groups — particularly younger (20 to 40-year-old) women — at that time.
Others’ lines were clearly drawn, through costume, signs or position. I observed that a lot of younger gals were unmasked, standing back quietly. They had no visible signs of intention, not making the ruckus that others were ramping up in aural and physical displays. Eventually, though, they did join in the chanting intended to drown out the speakers’ voices.
I and others were walking the perimeter (of what were mostly our supporters) with large umbrellas facing toward the growing crowd, attempting to block the louder shouters and hold some sort of line. A brigade of bicyclists with flags and signs wove dangerously through the thick of the supporters. Some were hit by pedals and handlebars, including Julie Jaman. Our efforts to prevent this were fruitless. The police had disappeared from the park but for one.
When Amy Sousa, the event’s organizer and first speaker, took to the microphone, the staging area at ground level was open and clear. A modest portable sound system, a small bouquet of flowers, and two Suffragette flags adorned the brick wall of the Pope Marine Park building, the site of this city-permitted gathering.
By that time, all of the police who had been milling about left the area and serious agitation began. The open ground began filling with people closing in on the other scheduled speakers and Julie’s supporters. The rainbow-clad and black-garbed agitators honked horns, blew whistles, banged noisemakers, shouted and screamed.
By the time Julie Jaman, the second person to speak, took the microphone, the crowd was growing so menacing that her supporters circled her for protection.
A masked young man wearing a tan shirt that read Discharge sat down not far from the speakers and began heeling himself around on his backside, somersaulting and reeling in circles, constantly trying to get in amongst the women’s legs. No effort to repel him was successful. A 4-minute video by Robert Zerfing captured his antics. A 10 to 12-year-old boy wearing orange camouflage pants, who stayed on his feet, was often his steadfast little lieutenant, providing cover and distraction as he darted in and out of the group.
It wasn’t long before the ever-growing crowd began to move in on us, becoming more threatening and assaultive as they did. Within ten minutes, the speakers couldn’t be heard from 20 feet away. While Julie was speaking, the crowd exploded with screaming and chants. She could not be heard outside her immediate circle at all.
As Jim Scarantino reported late Monday night, “she was assaulted when she finished speaking, with the live feed going black during the scuffle.” The Discharge shirt young man was toppling and shoving people, and Julie was left with a severely sprained ankle. She has filed assault charges with the police with identifying photos.
The videographer who posted the 4-minute clip above covered the entire event, from before it began until police escorted Julie Jaman to her car, catching a short interview with her at the end. Fortunately, he positioned himself close enough to the speakers that you can hear some of what they say.
Assaulting a tattooed bodybuilder’s vagina
What are we to make of a guy who obviously splits his time between the gym and tattoo parlor, and shows up at a trans rally insisting that we wanted to assault his vagina? What kind of toxin is in his mind to be thinking or saying such a thing? I told him “Apparently you’ve already done that to yourself. You genitally mutilated your own body.” He slithered away wordlessly. Before long, he returned with a vengeance, body-slamming me from behind. Soon after, he returned and knocked Rachelle Merle to the brick pavement.

After body-slamming me from behind, the tattooed bodybuilder knocked Rachelle Merle to the ground.
He was the loudest and most persistent, with only seconds-long breaks between shouted taunts. He marched through the crowd with a huge Pride flag, often holding the flag and dragging the stick so that it was hitting people, including Julie. He banged a noisemaker on the ground.
What are we to make of his tee shirt sporting the slogan “Hang in there, BABY!” with the illustration of a Ku Klux Klansman hanging from a tree? (See photo at top.) Is the klansman image a cover for the real message — death to babies?
The assaults ramp up.
Many of the rabble-rousers seemed to be practiced operators, setting little brush fire melees here and there. Some involved real assault, others just threatening and intimidating. A small male wearing a gator burst out of nowhere and slapped the phone out of the hand of a protector standing next to me. It landed ten feet away, the assailant was gone. One of our group sprinted after him without luck.
Gabrielle Clark, a Black civil rights worker who was one of the speakers, used her body to shield the sound equipment. Others tried to create a human ring to shield the speakers.
A number of us, myself included, ran across the street to beg the police, who had gathered at the stairs of City Hall, to come help protect us.
Serve and Protect?

Repeatedly asked for help, law enforcement hung back, refusing to cross the street and stop assaults.
The police refused to move from their positions, saying that if we didn’t feel safe, we should leave.
Here is a full report from one of Julie’s supporters:
“I observed the city police officers withdrawing from the edge of the press release/rally area until they were all clustered around the front of city hall.
As the trans support crowd became increasingly violent, I ran over to the police and pleaded for help explaining that the crowd was pushing and assaulting a number of people. The police chief responded ‘we’ve been given our directives and if you feel unsafe you should leave.’
I turned to one of the other policemen standing there that I recognized as having been at the perimeter of the rally area and asked ‘you were over there before, why are you not there now?’ And he said ‘we’ve been given our directives and I stayed as long as I could.’ (reading between the lines I believe he was implying that he had been ordered to leave).
Also, in my recollection, the City Police didn’t engage until the State Police showed up and went directly into the area where trans protesters were being violent towards the rally participants.”
She wrapped up with the following, which she was firm in clarifying is only her opinion and not (yet) proven fact:
“It’s clear to me that the rally/press release participants were the object of a city endorsed ambush.
My heart is broken in the face of humanity’s erosion to — once again — condoning violence against women from men — particularly that the strategy of assault was set in play by city officials.
…I’m speechless and shell shocked.”

Police Chief Tom Olson
Hmmm. “We’ve been given our directives.” By whom? Asking for a friend…
Another videographer caught police response on camera. The Chief stood back cooly, choosing to leave it to his minions to speak, as the side he’d already taken a stand for was right there behind him.
About a minute in, you’ll hear concerns from a couple of men regarding the lack of police presence near the speakers. After a stunning period of Who, me? moments, officer Kamal Sharif responds, “Please let the folks there know that if you don’t feel safe being there, you’re free to leave.”

Officer Kamal Sharif, at right, explains their current directive.
That’s nice of the PTPD, to return one of our own messengers with the message that we’re “free” to leave. Defending the cops, a woman with a Pride flag opined “It’s okay, they have to look out for themselves, too. It’s not safe for them…” as the audio trails off, becoming difficult to decipher.
This is from Chief Olson’s official PTPD webpage:
“Communication is essential towards building public trust. The Port Townsend Police Department will always strive to be open, transparent, and work together with the community to ensure our citizens are heard and valued. I passionately believe in the sanctity of life, meaning every person, no matter what their circumstances, is valued and their life is sacred.”
As Ana Wolpin observed in her last article, “All people are entitled to basic respect, but some people are more entitled than others.”
The speakers tried to carry on as the fury of the crowd intensified, along with the physical and verbal abuse. Jim Scarantino reported going back across the street to the police. “I asked them if it was their policy to do nothing. They said they wanted both sides to be able to “protest.” I told them things were getting violent. They did not move.”
He returned to the speakers and saw the assaults continuing. He recalls, “At that point I called 911 and described the escalating violence. The dispatcher said words to the effect, ‘Law enforcement is on the scene.’ I replied, ‘No they’re not. They left.’”
Within minutes, State Patrol officers filed in with some PTPD officers in tow. They went to the pier side of the speakers and hung back for a very long time, after announcing that they were going to clear the area in ten minutes. They watched along with the crowd around them as the Dispatch teenager, squatting to the ground, planted his head against the crotch of one of our defenders.
The 10-year old lieutenant courageously covered him.
An ever-present black-masked man who appeared to be in his 50’s wearing a ball cap—the only identifying aspect was a little pigtail poking out from shaved sides of his head—leaned into the inner circle behind those kids. He sported a black tee shirt with a gruesome graphic that said Capitalism is a death cult.
Why and what was he doing there? What is that man’s investment in this project? Is he a paid provocateur? Antifa?
Finally the Troopers took action, and began waving back the trans horde in a time to get going manner. I could not hear what they were saying. I was on the north side of the speakers’ circle, so didn’t see what transpired after that, but video documentation reveals some details.
Police attempted to grab the Dispatch young man, but he ran off without pursuit.
The child with the camo pants continued moving through the crowd. They handcuffed the man wearing the Capitalism is a death cult tee shirt and took him away. Did he spend the night in jail? The JeffCo Sheriff’s roster doesn’t indicate that to be the case. Did they take him down to the ferry dock and let him out of the car with a firm finger wagging? That would not surprise at this point.
Were any of these troublemakers local residents?
The tattooed bully claimed to be a local, screaming at the woman in front of him “You came to my town to protest, and you’re telling me I’m harassing you?” I’ve never seen him, nor any of the other belligerents, before.
Where did all those bicyclists come from? Do they live here? Was this protest coordinated by some Seattle or Portland trans lobby organizer? Did the mayor help facilitate it? A Public Records Request has been filed to find the answers to those questions. Do we have reason to trust the city to return truthful records requests? I wonder.
Isn’t it interesting how beneficial the last two years of mask theater have been to this particular angle of the ‘new world order’ agenda? Faceless perpetrators of criminal mischief and violence that the police refuse to be even bothered by.
As the event wound down, the ironic chant coming from the cacophonous mob reverberated throughout the entire waterfront —
Top photo: Jim Scarantino.
Additional images captured from videos taken by Crystal Cox and Robert Zerfing.
** I wish to acknowledge and thank Ana Wolpin, my co-editor and dear friend, for making this article possible. It was her idea for me to put my witnessing of this event into words at a time that I was so raw, so rattled by what I experienced that night, it was the last thing on earth I wanted to consider. That is what good editors do. She spent the better part of two days exploring various footage and taking most of the screen shots that appear in this article, as I wrote my recollections. Without Ana, you would not be reading this today. Now is also a good time for me to express my gratitude to Ana, Stephen and Jim, without whom the Port Townsend Free Press would not exist. While I’m at it, thank you all, readers. You are why we continue to volunteer to do this work. ~ Annette
Annette Huenke studied International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to heading west, she was a manager for an Auckland-based international publisher of peer-reviewed drug information journals. In 1992 she moved to Port Townsend, opening Ancestral Spirits Gallery in 1993. She is past vice president of the Jeff Co EDC and board member of The Boiler Room. She researches, writes and wanders the forests around PT.
So we see who your LE around here protects, yes there is a certain agenda here and they only want those types that will bow down to it, I suggest all the LE and coordinating agencies here in Jefferson County should wear a rainbow 🌈 somewhere on there uniform so we know who THEY serve. I don’t even have children and this is appalling, I even posted something on nextdoor about this and got my account locked for 15 days for discrimination. The masses bowing down to people who have mental problems not knowing what gender they are and such a minority they are, but look at the Agendas pushing all this. Jefferson County is the tip of the spear, first place to mandate vaccination proof to enter a bar etc… and now this. Jefferson County is so corrupt 🔥
Absolutely true. The rise of totalitarianism in our quaint little town is beyond comprehension. What next? We the people cannot allow this to continue.
It’s clear to me that a lot of these people don’t live here and were called in. I don’t like what this city is turning into – I’ve loved it here for over 40 years but now questioning if this is where I really want to be. So sad for our community – the minority are once again governing the majority.
So sad and disgusted at seeing what the once honorable professional Police Department where I worked has become. I’m so happy to be retired from law enforcement as it’s not the profession now that I gave a life to. It’s not the Officers but the woke spineless Chief. I guess what this city needs is good ‘ol fashioned lawsuit once someone is hurt by him not protecting people. Police are supposed to be pro-active not reactive, and prevent crime instead of waiting for it to happen.
We are stunned at what it has become. We left six years ago. It was so hateful, anti male, hetero phobic and the social animosity was unbelievable. Now, there is a younger group of the same demographic
who are doing this intentionally. Michelle Sandavol and others were turning the town to trash. And now it has happened. I know that no one is buying property there, there are very few good places to rent and it is very difficult to sell. 10 years ago this was not the case.
I whole heartedly agree with you in experiencing the sadness watching this happen.
Best to you. 😉
Wow! Such a friendly town. I guess I’ll have to be armed the next time I go there.
Now the people of Port Townsend have experienced first hand what the people of Portland, Berkeley, Kenosha, countless other cities have endured since 2017. That is when the nation watched in shock and horror, as cities burned and violent, hate filled, professional thugs assaulted and terrified while the police were ordered to do…nothing. A study of recent history shows the same phenomenon: the rise of nazi Germany in the 1920’s, Dictator Mao’s murderous “cultural revolution” reign of terror, many others. Everyone watching must realize…these events are like a bright hot flame…unless they are somehow quenched…they WILL spread and the entire country will be consumed in flames. YES: the entire country will be consumed in flames. Scared? Yes, we should be.
Sarah … well stated. Thank you.
For decades, the people and policies of Port Townsend created and fed this monster and now that it’s slipped the leash, they can no longer control it and they’re shocked and appalled. If it wasn’t so pathetic and horrendous, it would be almost laughable.
The insanity that is PT is off the charts and the smart ones should flee in droves. My family and I saw this coming and fled last year, after living there 30 years. We sold everything we had to get away.
There’s a bright, clean, safe world out here where people don’t wear masks and know which bathroom to use. It’s magnificent. [moderator edit]
It is impossible to learn when you stop listening. When our heads are filled with beliefs, ideologies, anger, resentment and our well rehearsed rebuttals, it is impossible to hear another or ever learn. Government and mainstream media talking points steer many of us towards a particular group, we then separate from those that don’t belong and conflict arises. Over the last few years here are some of the divisive phrases we either are accused of being or actively joining.
Black Lives Matter vs. being a racist.
Being for the vaccine vs. being an antivaxer.
Being for Ukrainian democracy vs. being pro Russian.
Being “woke” about gender identity vs. being asleep
Being pro life vs. an abortionist.
Believing in climate change vs. denying it.
This is the state of our community and the world, one group against the other, divide and conquer. The real war and the real battlefield is for the human mind. We are being led into a continual sense of civil war and we the people have everything to lose and the ruling class has all to gain. We are the majority until we allow ourselves to be divided by ideas and concepts.
It is impossible to learn when each of us stops listening. Begin to listen and you just might find the heart and spirit that has the power to heal a badly divided community and world. This is where we find our lost innocence.
I am so tired of the ignorant woke people that have incorporated all the WEF propaganda into their every waking thought. I was not aware of this event. I’d be willing to bet that if I had assembled a team of protectors for these women, that the police would have been very busy arresting us, rather than standing around with their woke thumbs up their asses.
“Trans-women are women” is a line that could have come from George Orwell in “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, along with “War in Peace”, “Freedom is Slavery”, and “Ignorance in Strength”, but alas, even Mr. Orwell could not conjure up such evil nonsense. To make such a statement is to deny that objective reality exists. It is a statement that reality is what exists in the minds of an ‘enlightened’ few, and that the rest of us must conform to that reality and deny the reality of the objective world. While the slogan “Trans-women are women” did not appear in “Nineteen Eighty-Four” its purpose is the same as those “doublespeak” slogans in the novel: to destroy critical thought and to make the population conform to the will of a few elites. This is the motivation behind the political support for this rapidly growing “Trans” movement. This explains the “directives” that the police were given.
What is the motivation of the willing participants? I read an interesting article by Substack writer Sarah Cain at In this article I learned that many “trans-women” take laxatives monthly to create cramping to simulate menstruation, some simulate blood using frozen tomato juice. She writes:
“What is it that makes these trans actors different from those who dress up as animals (“furries”) before engaging in sexual acts, or those who wear diapers for bizarre foreplay? They are all degrading actions, in which people pretend to be what they are not. They are all perversions that strip the participants of their dignity. While it seems likely that each participant has his own emotional burdens to explain his actions, that matters not. We can express compassion for the sufferings and toils of others while still being intolerant of the acts of degeneracy that they commit. It is what we must do.”
“The alternative is unthinkable — it is to encourage the acts under the auspice of compassion, thus denying the inherent dignity that they are each owed, while causing such acts to spread and proliferate. Eventually, children become the victims of our ‘tolerance’, and then we all participate in an act of evil. Even before then, innocent members of the community are made victims while the silent proclaim their tolerance.”
She continues:
“The bad actors who participate seek to grasp the ultimate prestige in a society gone awry: victimhood. There’s power in being a faux victim: to get others to bend to your demands, out of fear that you might publicly shame and destroy them. To be a real victim is to be powerless, such as Yvette Cormier, a woman banned from Planet Fitness for daring to raise her voice about a man in the women’s locker room.”
Julie Jaman and her supporters deserve praise for standing up against this movement.
Yes, so well said on all counts. There is another type of person in the world who believes they are amputees. Myself being an actual amputee have had at times to block people and go to great lengths to hide myself from some of these individuals who want to talk constantly to amputees in order to further their own sense of being an amputee when actually they are whole bodied. They beg to find doctors to amputate their digits and limbs. Doctors argue they will not remove a limb from a healthy body because of a mental condition. Why on earth is that same medical care not extended to these people who are going through the same sort of mental delusions?
These people who show up at rallies all in black and looking for a confrontation are nothing more than nihilists they only believe in and practice violence, their message is always the same.
It’s time to organize and stand up against this blatant attack on our community.
A timely john whitehead essay & summation to share:
Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect Us from the Government’s Standing Army?
“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison
The IRS has stockpiled 4,500 guns and five million rounds of ammunition in recent years, including 621 shotguns, 539 long-barrel rifles and 15 submachine guns.
The Veterans Administration (VA) purchased 11 million rounds of ammunition (equivalent to 2,800 rounds for each of their officers), along with camouflage uniforms, riot helmets and shields, specialized image enhancement devices and tactical lighting.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) acquired 4 million rounds of ammunition, in addition to 1,300 guns, including five submachine guns and 189 automatic firearms for its Office of Inspector General.
According to an in-depth report on “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” the Social Security Administration secured 800,000 rounds of ammunition for their special agents, as well as armor and guns…
We have what the founders feared most: a “standing” or permanent army on American soil.
This de facto standing army is made up of weaponized, militarized, civilian forces which look like, dress like, and act like the military; are armed with guns, ammunition and military-style equipment; are authorized to make arrests; and are trained in military tactics…”
So… who & what’s the enemy? Best figure it out, with the clock running out.
(fwiw, fyi — bot = programmed)
The bot militaries occupying the globe?
The bot police & swat forces?
The bot pharma/medical/industrial complex?
The bot financial system?
The bot deep state?
The bot politicians & bureaucracies & NGOs?
The bot corp-gov institutions & agencies?
The bot medias?
The bot silicon valley social engineers?
The bot hordes & organizations funded by bot billionaires?
The bot globalists?
The bot weather wars?
The bot masonic NWO? (“ordo ab chao”)
The bot “great reset”?
And what is that all-seeing-eye glaring above the pyramid on every dollar bill?…. with everything dictated from the shadows, down through the pyramidal structures to the minions?
The ancient WTF — none of this is “new”. So just what is this insane world of recurring mass-psychosis anyway?
The thought has occurred that besides: “fighting in the streets with our children at our feet”…. waking up from this loong human nightmare and re-empowering ourselves — our only real recourse may be to step off the NWO chessboard, once and for all, and dream/imagine/create Something Else.
‘Cause we really got suckered into this one.
It may be the final risk, but we’re there anyway.
Wow….amazing essay on the dangers of a “standing army” AND…AND…the trained, organized street thugs that ravaged the exercise of free speech a few days ago in quiet little Port Townsend are the SHOCK TROOPS of the “standing army.” The nazis had the “Brown Shirts” or “Storm Troopers”, who terrorized all opposition in the streets. Dictator Mao had the “Red Guard” of brainwashed, fanatical, hated filled young people who terrorized the country for years and killed hundreds of thousands. Normally, we relied on the local police, the FBI, the DHS, to protect us from organized thuggery. But NOW…it is apparent that our billion dollar agencies created to protect US are now in the hands of the enemy and are protecting…THEM.
John Whitehead is a very brave person. Others who have pushed hard on the PBP (Powers Behind The Power) have met with suicide, accidents and murder by unknown persons. . If you are against these people you better be ready to defend yourself at a moments notice. Even then, they’ll set you up and will be successful. Be forewarned this is a war that has been going on for many hundreds of years. The list is long, including the authors, witnesses and the highest politicians including the Kennedys (however they blew it with Teddy, but, but he got the message and Jackie who married out of country to a very rich man for protection.. If you plan to fight, make sure you are armed and be aware of who your friends are and who’s setting you up for any meeting with someone you don’t feel good about meeting. If you think I’m crying “Wolf”, that’s what’s out there waiting for orders to shut you up permanently. For the record, if I die because I committed suicide, you will know it’s set up because I promised my departed wife I would not do that and I will not break that promise.. If it’s an accident or sickness, it may be set up. However, you may never know by who.. As I said, Ladies, you are in a war. The attack in front of City Hall was just the first recon to see how you would react to it They violated your Constitutional Rights and as far as I’m concerned, they are the enemy. They will be back to physically hurt as many of you that they can because you have no one to defend you from the building across the street. I’m a white male and I support you. At 79, I wouldn’t last long in a fight and I support your rights to assemble.
There was a man booked into the Jefferson County Jail on 08/15 at 6:43 PM for Assault and Obstructing a Law Enforcement Officer. (Could this be the guy w/the “capitalism” shirt & black ball cap who was cuffed at the scene?) I took the screenshots below at about 4:00AM on 08/16 because, generally speaking, inconvenient information has a way of disappearing, so I’ve noticed.
This person is no longer publicly listed on the jail roster for 08/15 when you search online.
Why was their name removed? Under what circumstances is such a public record removed from public view? Makes you wonder who the guy was…..
Can the Docket # listed provide a paper trail + more info?
Thank you. You go girl. Let me know how I can help.
Thank you Annette Huenke for this very true, accurate and chilling description of the events of Monday, August 15 in Port Townsend. The city council and mayor, in particular, do NOT represent the majority of the people of PT and have proved themselves to be misogynistic and totalitarian by not allowing the women to speak. They not only condone the violence that occurred, they’re actually encouraging it. Unfortunately, the business owners will suffer even more when citizens who are fed up will boycott. If people do not stand up against and condemn this blatant attack on our community, I for one will not spend another dime in PT.
Thanks PT free press for telling this story. I grew up in PT, now just visit my folks there once a year, but I just emailed the police chief to communicate my horror at watching elder women I’ve known for decades – women in my earliest memories at the old food coop, valued community members of decades – facing this intimidation and physical pushing/shoving without protection from the police.
Everyone should remember or learn that this EXACT same thing has been happening for over FIVE YEARS. Trained rioters started in Berkeley waaaay back in 2017. The police were ordered to “stand down”. Then Portland, and many other cities. Port Townsend has chosen to follow in the foot steps of these once wonderful cities.
Annette, thank you for this true recounting of events. The MisLeader may believe it can get away with its blatant yellow reportage, but take heart that this story and these videos are circulating and being amplified worldwide. This has exploded on Twitter and comes at a critical moment when the brutality exacted on children by drugging them and mutilating their bodies in the name of gender ideology, as well as the erasure of women’s identity and their rights, is dawning on the center-of-the-political road public.
I was there, witnessed and experienced the aggression from what seemed to be out-of-town rent-a-thugs. But there were also locals I knew and recognized dressed in antifa garb, with earpieces, standing to left side of the Cotton Building, watching like spiders. It was creepy and disturbing. As was the robotically-chanting mob. I haven’t felt a part of this place since the start of Covid. But Monday was a full-on rupture.
The right of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is under attack.when does anyone show up at their meetings and act like they do?
The fact that they could show up in town and bulldog people like this speaks volumes about your mayor and commissioners.
Holy crap,, can you say WAKE UP!!!… The Great Awakening has arrived… trickle, trickle and then the flood gates open… This thing has sprung to world wide,, this is a huge story of sanctioned governmental abuse fully supported by the administrating authority on all levels…
I attended the press conference on Monday to hear from really smart ladies about the current issue at the Y and how we make sure that women and girls are safe in the public dressing room.
I also wanted to speak with people who had different views about the issue ~ you know, have conversations for better understanding.
Evidently, I didn’t receive the memo with an attached application so I could request permission for me to walk to the Pope Marine Plaza, in my own town, to listen to others speak. I didn’t know the First Amendment, the one about free speech, had been removed from our Constitutional Rights.
Instead, I was met with incivility by individuals attempting to squash free speech. It was disgusting! Who the hell do these people think they are to try to bully others into submission?
Shame on them!
Shame on the City for not making sure the mob mentality didn’t go insane as it did. After all, a permit for the news conference was obtained. The City claimed: “we need to work together as a community and find a path forward.” Really??? All evidence to the contrary; but not surprising considering the City’s ongoing disingenuous rhetoric when they’re not in favor of something.
For people to have the temerity to act like a bunch of rabid, crazed, aggressive hooligans, is absolutely unacceptable!
I saw four women in the speakers area pushed to the ground! I didn’t understand why a perimeter wasn’t set up so the crazed hooligans couldn’t interfere and hurt others. Surely the City and police knew this was going to be contentious or they would not have closed part of the street.
Obviously, the City wanted to use this situation to bully by proxy, to crush free speech and compromise democracy.
Since 1977 I have been an advocate for the LGB community. I have been involved and supported the movement for their civil rights. I attended marches, wrote legislators, educated myself, my daughter, and friends. I learned from my gay friends and gay co-workers. The whole enchilada.
Back in the day, there were drag queens and transvestites. I’d see them at the gay dance clubs and knew some through my gay friends. I never had any problems.
I went to the gay dance clubs because it was safe for me. As a straight women, the non-gay dance clubs never felt safe because they were filled with too many predatory males.
Of course I knew the Christine Jorgensen’s story and later learned of gender dysphoria.
But now that T has been added to LGB, I can’t have any questions? I can’t have any thoughts, concerns or opinions?
Furthermore, a couple of my lesbian friends (and others) question the T and refer to the string of letters added to LGB as the “alphabet soup”. Many strive to understand why the T was added to LGB.
People are concerned with the ACCELERATED increase among children questioning their gender. I don’t have issue with why a transgender person exists, I’m concerned with rate of occurrence. I’m concerned that people can’t discuss it without being labeled as transphobic, etc.
Since when did questioning and seeking understanding on an issue become taboo?
There are more than 140 endocrine-disrupting chemicals in our environment that negatively impact our hormones – is that a cause? Is it an adolescent peer contagion by activists grooming vulnerable children to further their agenda? All of the above, or something else?
And we can’t talk about ANY of this?
Even Zoey Tur (formally Robert Albert Tur), a well known transgender women, felt that there were only a few hundred students in the entire country that were trans. But that was in 2016. Things have changed.
When I moved to Port Townsend, I met two transgender women. One stayed married to her biological female wife and is part of our Buddhist group. The other worked at a bookstore and had a biological female girlfriend. I can’t imagine feeling anything but complete acceptance for these two wonderful people.
However, females are at our most vulnerable when we’re naked. Why should we give up our privacy, our civil rights, for someone else without any safeguards to protect everyone?
The arrogant ignorance by some who have absolutely no clue how the real world works when it comes to child molestation, rape and human trafficking, is nauseating!
I for one, do not blindly accept that a male (trans or not) is not a predator, just based on group thought. Trust and verify is vital for protection.
I’d like to see our town blanketed with flyers for the upcoming workshop: Women’s Spaces in the Age of Trangenderism ~ An Honest Discussion. I’d suggest that the City host a discussion group around the workshop, but they’re just not smart enough to be proactive.
We need to figure out how to navigate this dilemma for EVERYONE!
Believe me when I tell you- charging the $10 is not so much for profit, but for discouraging trans activists who swarm the zooms. They’ll try it, anyway.
Welcome to Port Townsend, where women and children are abused by the “woke.”
Just made the mistake of checking out the Leader’s first mention of this situation. It was an “anti-trans” event apparently. Story is sanitized for some folk’s protection. I pasted some links and advised to do one’s own research. However not expecting great results. Because “They could be made to accept the most flagrant violations of reality, because they never fully grasped the enormity of what was demanded of them, and were not sufficiently interested in public events to notice what was happening”
Seems as if the city turned that event into circus side show of epic proportions,,, they wanted to show everyone who actually was in control by inviting a few hundred of their friends… I wonder if their plan all along has been to turn Port Townsend/East Jefferson County into some type of recruitment area for the Circus folk,, where they can be molded into the perfect side show attraction prior to joining the traveling grooming parade of recruiters… [moderator edit]
We’ve pronounced it a circus in this household as well, Rich. There is a screaming silence on the part of Seattle media, as ever, about the billionaire technocrats, bureaucrats, pharmacrats, moneycrats, mediacrats, and others behind these PR-agency/foundation shock-and-awe operations. All we get to hear is screeching about Orange Man.
PT’s sad situation calls to mind the circus starting on November 9, 2016, at The Evergreen State College. The memes there were BLM and race…but it strikes me as very similar in the patterns of the development of the memetic fever and the establishment sociopolitical autoimmune overreaction. (Those in power seem to be overreacting to everything lately.) Watching that get displaced and diverted…then completely shut down with the “covid” operation a couple years later during the crisis in TESC leadership–yikes.
The Barnumesque nature of all this surely can’t have escaped everyone, which is why I read PTFP. I mean–Bulgy Man in his KKK-meme shirt struck me as a walking meme IED. The KKK-meme is absurdly jarring, perhaps deliberately so: completely out of place in what looks to be a psy op of classic gaslighting and trauma-based mind control around that deep evolutionary impulse: sexual reproduction/function. There’s a reason sexual victimization has been the tool of despots forever. So what is that guy saying? That he’s turned on by asphyxiation homicide? That he’s asphyxisexual?
It’s creepy watching the biological bedrock of sexual reproduction getting translated into more psychological operations for political gain in this way. Hurt people, install memes in their brains as buttons you can push later, twist reality, twist all sense of reality. Continue to traumatize and hurt and confuse them, because that’s the surest way to keep power, and restore control when it’s threatened. Turning the volume up and up and up.
Cough cough [midterms] cough. People digressing from what they’re told to think and who they’re told to vote for IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TO OUR DEMOCRACY (TM).
They just can’t imagine that Americans can free ourselves from that, or want no parts of their mind (soul) hacks. Or they can imagine it, but don’t want to loose their own strangling neckropes of tech-professor-engineered/tech-billionaire-sustained hegemony. Letting leadership emerge from the roots? HELL NO WE’VE GOT DOUGH.
I and the barbeque posse were talking the other night about how, at the brain chemistry level, trauma-based mind control using media input and reinforced by local chaotic street riots functions nearly identically to, say, the use of chemicals and electric shocks a la MKULTRA (McGill and Yale professors’ mind control projects, inflitrated by CIA). It hurts to see you all exposed to this in PT. Pushing back against it, or just standing ground, is deeply traumatizing itself.
On the other hand, if one little octogenarian gal standing up for her viewpoint can pose THIS much of a threat to their power, and can set them off THIS badly…that seems noteworthy.
Well said Harvey. Critical, coherent thinking sits on the shoulders of diverse, verifiable facts. When facts are changed or censored, thinking becomes skewed. The words are not the thing, words are representative that can closely reflect the thing or change the thing into what is desired. Words can’t change the thing we are trying to describe but change our perception of that thing. Propaganda can change how we see the world, thusly changing how we act in the world.
Ironically me and my family had recently visited Pt. Townsend from Portland to scout it out as possible location to move to hoping to escape from such insanity! Nope. International is looking good now.
(As I noted in a previous story about the Y we went to it for open swim the day of or day after this happened because the hotel we stayed at pool was broken. Although we didn’t see the precipitating event we took note of the many, many pride flags, and thought their number and being posted was a little off/bit much.)
Sadly, these recent events I think just affirm that this is happening in most liberal places or have the potential to be the next powder keg if a local story dealing with these societal conflicts is picked up by the state or national news. The hardcore activists don’t swarm conservative places because they will meet serious push back from both well funded/esteemed police departments and their citizens who don’t equivocate about law and order. I say this as a 90’s liberal radical/hippy which in 2020’s is basically a moderate Republican today. You may think you are liberal/progressive/radical but once you see neighborhood streets taken over and arsonists trying to burn down the police station or police union building nightly then you realize that like it or not you are “conservative”, as in you want to conserve societies basic norms and Western Civilization because it is actually kind of neat thing compared to ad hoc guerilla police states and tribunals.
The internet is the eye of Sauron and if it should fall on your town for some flashpoint in the cultural war you are in for trouble. Non-locals and locals who have been radicalized by the internet for years and conditioned in forums to dehumanize people who simply don’t agree with them are ready to go to war with people who simply want to exercise free speech or stand there and not take a knee. I think people need to realize some peoples whole identities revolve around not their chosen gender and expressing it – as in “this is me, leave me be and I just want to live my life like you” but “I am this sex and if you don’t believe me then you are the enemy and need to be cancelled”. And not to be alarmist, but I could see in a few years depending on how things swing, “being cancelled” could escalate to “liquidating” or “exterminating”. For many of these activists they think anything less than complete affirmation is “erasure” for them, and since “silence is violence”, if you are not a vocal “ally” then you are not a comrade and need to be dealt with. Many of these people and their ilk have frustrated, empty lives and the drama of being historical agents of change instead of cashiers and baristas are not going to ebb once they’ve gotten a taste of righteous indignation. The actual cause is immaterial and just an excuse. Last year it was racial justice, this year it is trans people in locker rooms, next year it will be something else, probably abortion.
I’ve seen the virtues of tolerance be perverted in Portland over the years to where many liberals have become a silent majority which has allowed leftist extremists to destroy civic norms and institutions as the heads of these bodies have actively and passively cheered them on. Even when it is clear by almost every metric doing so is a complete failure and your city has become an archetype of a failing west coast liberal city awash in sectarian violence, political extremism, rioting, declining business, people moving away, gun homicides, growing homeless encampments and their attendant problems they bring, still people will double down on the doublespeak, soft-pedaling denialism and virtue signaling.
I wish I had some advice or solutions to give. But even if a town had the majority of its citizens and civic government unified in respecting all peoples rights regardless of where they stand on certain hot button issues it would be a hard and nasty battle. And from what I’ve read it doesn’t look like Pt. Townsend has that. And reading on NextDoor it seems many Pt. Townsend neighborhoods, at least with those posting, are in the kneejerk lockstep of “Yuck, who knew people in Pt. Townsend could be so hateful and not respect peoples identities”, etc.
As an interesting side note, a new development has emerged after Julie was on the Dori Monson show regarding our Port Townsend Mayor’s numerous Twitter posts-
And here’s the article mentioned in the My Northwest article-
Take a step back and look what really happened here… Now you know how effective the free press is and that you are watched very closely… That entire response by the city and police was planned/created based on the intelligence gathered from this media outlet and the comments attached to the articles… They made that investment for a reason,, to see who showed up and gather intelligence on them,, Geo Track their phones and start building case’s against the ones they deem as trouble makers… Keep in mind that if they like they can plant geo tracks on your phones as well as fake search history… They can totally set you up with false evidence… A little advanced for local police but federal agencies can do it easily…
The phone/phone plan is personalized to the individual as recognized by the courts,, not so with other devices which are considered more public… Very dangerous to carry a smart phone,, have a phone plan,,, even a burner phone is not good and easily can be connected to the user… AI is always watching…
Make no mistake the FBI was hiding in that crowd…
Rich would not mind you knowing he was a police officer and detective. He went to the FBI with lots of evidence regarding a superior that he felt he could charge with several felony counts. He was made an example of. He was shown further and further up the chain he had nowhere to turn. Nowhere.
That would have an effect on anyone that survived it. There was never any guarantee he would as he was fed back to the people he was trying to report.
One of the reasons I speak of this is in recognition of the PT police officer who is assisting filing some charges according to the most recent Free Press Facebook page. He wishes to remain anonymous.
To all others including the Chief. To protect and serve refers to the public.
Every level of corruption in every public and private institution depends on individuals not making waves and just going along. Some are for sure more responsible than others. Reality is, if you work for the evil empire, you are the evil empire. Do not fool yourself.
So, all things come down to neighbors betraying neighbors. It is the basic human level of things.
So aside from all the great insight these comments and articles give, it all comes down to you. You are part of the aggregate. Until the majority of the aggregate from law enforcement to corporate to political in tide pools large and small take responsibility for their contributions dark and light, there will be no real change.
It all comes down to you. You are but a cell in this organism we call human consciousness.
Sounds airy fairy to some. Different beliefs and religions explain it in different ways.
Orwell put it this way……
It’s not so much staying alive, it’s staying human that’s important. What counts is that we don’t betray each other.
It really is that simple in the end.
Harvey & All —
Thanks for the rich contexts (all so complicated). Good job rich.
As p.floyd sez — “careful with that axe, eugene”.
AND the excellent invocations & reminders.
Old orwell’s coming in mighty handy these days.
Now, about integrating those human/e changes:
How about we quit workin’ fo’ de man;
quit workin’ fo’ de gubmint, and its betrayal ma-chine (ask any indian);
quit chasing the almighty dollah around the squirrel cage (cue Earth Screaming);
quit making our very own personal & collective prisons;
quit inhabiting systemic propagandas;
AND quit reinforcing the control system’s shuck & jive & evils….
’cause it’s all a do-over.
Just don’t recreate the SOS.
M.twain knew — “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it…” What’s changed?
Shine up the mirror so we can see real good…. ’cause reality’s just a bad habit.
Thanks in advance.
Rich, thank you for your insights! Do you mean that if someone has a phone in their pocket or purse in that crowd, agencies can implant geo tracking DIGITALLY? They have a scanner somewhere near, pick up the phones on their screen, then download or implant a digital tracker remotely…wirelessly?
They would have that technical ability after the fact or in real time I guess… The truth is they really do not need to unless you are a real pain in the ass,, there are enough foolish people out there that say stupid things online,, make threats online,, already have search history and contacts which are suspect enough to twist things into what they would need.. Look at January 6th,, then look at 2000 mules,,, see what is happening? They see money transactions,, they see purchases,, they see research,, they see communications,, then add in that they can just contact you in the internet, on social media as a regular fake person,, confide in you,, build a rapport,, get you to talk plainly and incriminate yourself.. And then you show up at an event they are in control of,, with all the evidence/circumstances against you in the phone without the person even knowing what they are doing… Its a dangerous world,, the phone is the tool used against you… The phone knows everything about you and its not private,, all the information on it can be purchased by anyone who wants to buy it…
I see you all over the Internet, filling it with every sort of conspiracy theories somehow alleging it’s all real just because you were former law-enforcement? I would like to know how all of what you are saying right now benefits women in defending their lives against incels in dresses. I’d like to know what you think you are actually adding to this discussion by talking about all this crazy stuff. It seems like maybe you need some help. I’m sorry for what happened to you when you became a whistleblower, but you’re not actually helping women right now with all of this. Maybe some discernment is necessary at times?
Where are you seeing me? It likely is not me as I am mostly kicked off the internet… Anybody can claim to be anybody on the internet,, there is no way to know who is who unless you have access to this program…
Finally, some SANITY
Pruiett said he’d seen video of the event and that elderly women were being assaulted. He blamed the lack of a police response on state legislation curtailing police powers.
But Port Townsend Police Department Chief Thomas Olson disagreed that legislative restraints had any impact on police response to the protests, instead citing inadequate preparation time.
One can now see why they hand-picked Olson.
A lying snake like all the rest of PT authorities.
They had plenty of preparation time because a permit had been given for the press conference. If they perform this badly due to “lack of preparation time” I hate to think what they do with 911 calls.
If [they] want to spy on a US citizen without FISA, legally they use this treaty,, Canada is who they would likely use for this area;
Too bad I have to add Port Townsend to my “be very careful in” list. Living in Chimacum, I’ll still, using the straight in straight out approach, use the Hospital, the Cup, and Papa Murphy’s on a strictly necessary condition.
What sort of politics orders the police department to “stand down” in this circumstance? What sort of police officer would obey a stand down order when bullies are perpetrating assault? And the most perplexing question to me is what sort of citizenry would stand by while the authorities (politicians, city police) behave in this manner?
Reply to John C. Hall comment: There were very few Port Townsend or Jefferson County residents at the August 15 event. Many residents will learn about it from their trusted sources – the narrative engineers at the mis-Leader, the police and elected officials. I can’t imagine wanting to live here after experiencing the obvious set-up and abandonment of local elderly residents. The sight of a Port Townsend Police vehicle or a Pride flag makes my blood run cold. This was pre-meditated assault on law abiding residents. A broken hip in an elderly person could result in permanent disability or death. So let’s add a attempted murder to the actions of this rogue government against its subjects.
There were hundreds of PT residents at the event. I’ve lived here 10 years and recognized countless residents in every online video I’ve seen.
Soon there will be no gay people.
How is that “diversity”?
It’s truly amazing to see Port Townsend police blame women who organized this event, for the attacks against the event. It seems the people with authority in Port Townsend are dedicated to systematic dereliction of duty to their constituents. One wonders how long the people of Port Townsend will continue to put up with it. Is there no one with a spine beyond these few brave women?
MJ Heins,
It is not accurate to say “There were very few Port Townsend or Jefferson County residents at the August 15 event.” I’ve lived here for 30 years, raised a family, and I saw many, many known and familiar faces on the Plaza and in line at the Courthouse. And I can only assume others were locals I just didn’t recognize. I know that outside agitators were brought in and were likely those creating the most havoc and violence, the screamers and the men strong-arming the speakers. But the crowd was made up of many locals.
Including former PT City Council candidate Cameron Jones and middle school girls soccer coach Rob Canty, who were dressed up in black bloc- the antifa costume. Canty was also fully accessorized with helmet and baton, and who knows what else he had in his bag- I wonder if they sell an antifa kit on Amazon? As far as I could tell, Jones and Canty did not join in the melee- they stood back and watched. But they had earpieces, so who know who they were taking orders from.
Remember when some folks got together to celebrate their appreciation of Trump, and it was a Port Townsend liberal who punched one of them in the face? The liberals of Port Townsend are out of control and have experienced very little pushback up until recently. Their tantrums do not surprise me. They do not believe in freedom of speech nor democracy. They believe they are the only people on earth who are correct and compassionate, and they will accept no opposing viewpoints to their prejudices. I feel sick every time I drive into the city. Unfortunately I still live in it, but I am making every effort to get out. When we moved here we were center left. There’s nothing better to change a persons mind than living amongst a bunch of unhinged liberals. It’s almost like the city has become a republican generator. Hah! Unexpected consequences!
These people are NOT Liberals, BvU, they are leftists…HARD LEFTISTS. They hate our country, its history, its constitution and its traditional moral values. And nothing is likely to change their minds, given our sock puppet ‘president’ and his handlers have done everything possible to destroy the United States of America during the last 19 months. The greatest evidence of the local left’s unwillingness to listen to truth and reason is that Jefferson County still regularly votes 75% Democrat, while witnessing the horror and evil that they and their RINO pals have unleashed upon our once great country.
Wrong. The people from Portland were leftists. The people in Port Townsend are liberals. They are Democrats. Libby Winstrom is a perfect example. They are all perfect examples. They say the Pledge of Allegiance before they rape the city each Monday evening. Don’t get it twisted. Liberals and leftists walk hand-in-hand. Liberals have no problem using leftists as attack dogs when it suits them. In PT it suits them, constantly. Green fascism is a liberal agenda, worldwide; sometimes Republicans participate when it puts money in their personal coffers. Leftists support it. Please don’t pretend like a liberal and leftist represent some big difference in ideology. Liberals like to posture as anti-communist, while they enact a specifically communist-based agenda on the planet via the United Nations.
In the same way that Republicans have often hid behind and made use of varoius white supremacist groups, Democrats don’t mind when the black bloc shows up. That is, until the newspapers start talking about what the black bloc is really up to, and then Democrats pretend to have nothing to do with them in the same way Republicans pretend to have nothing to do with people like the three percenters. It’s a stupid game that hurts us all. So, making distinctions between liberals and leftists and Republicans/RINOs and white supremacists is a fool’s errand.
For all the talk of “diversity” in Port Townsend, there are vast factions of voters who live outside the city limits who live beneath an iron fist of liberalism and have no representation whatsoever. That will change.
Enjoy your delusions, Tony. There are more hard left Leninists per capita in Port Townsend than perhaps anywhere this side of the U District in Seattle. More cop haters, anti-capitalists, sexual perverts and God-haters than you will find most anywhere. I was offered more middle fingers while driving through this town in the “Back the Blue” parade…by everything from little kids to old women…than I’d seen in perhaps my entire 70 years up to that point. So much for ‘liberals’…..
Nothing to divert from a conversation like straining at gnats!
Anybody know what the final total was on the peninsula daily news trans bathroom poll? Last I checked it was overwhelmingly against men identifying as women etc., being able to use women’s restrooms. But then suddenly the poll disappeared. Interesting…
Looks like to me you didn’t even read his comment, bud. Y’all are arguing the same argument. Anyway, Libby Wenstromm Facebook comments are so twisted and disgusting. That is a seriously satanic-liar brain at work in that head. It’s so bizarre when women are misogynists.
Okay, good people — that’s as much as we’re going to entertain the leftist vs. liberal to and fro. Political labels are too subjective to be allowed to dominate such an important discussion. We’ll be editing any more of that out of the comments. Thank you for reading and engaging with the Free Press!
I have new Officer Cam Footage of Ryan S. Harris’s arrest. he is the guy in the Death Cult Shirt. Also incident Report.