A heterosexual male is authorized by the YMCA to enter the women’s showers and dressing area at the Mountain View pool while women and girls are naked.
Clementine Adams, who also goes by “Clem,” though he wears a woman’s bathing suit on the job at the pool, is heterosexual. His Facebook page identifies him as “interested in women.” As Julie Jaman has recounted, she saw him looking at little girls as they peeled off their swimsuits. He also looked at her as she stood naked from a shower demanding he leave and grant her privacy. He refused. Jaman was banished from the pool for being “discriminatory.” She was told by another Y employee, who was in the shower room at the time of the incident, that police were called. It was Jaman who went to the police to report the incident.

Clementine Adams Facebook profile, August 8, 2022
Some may object to posting this information. But it is all public, available for anyone to see. Photos of Adams have appeared in the New York Post and other media, such as the feminist publication Reduxx, and in widely viewed tweets from feminists angry about his gaining access to the women’s showers merely by donning a woman’s swimsuit and declaring himself to be a woman.
More importantly, the information about Adams being interested in women, despite his choice of clothing and makeup, was and is available to his employer. The Olympic Peninsula Y manages the pool under an agreement with the pool’s owner, the City of Port Townsend. The Y says it is merely following state law. But no state law authorizes an employer to send men into women’s shower areas while women and girls are naked, and then banish women for objecting. As we explained in our first installment on this controversy, the state law upon which the Y relies did not grant rights to Adams. It protected Jaman. It is the Y that violated the state law protecting Jaman’s right to use to facilities consistent with her gender identity and expression.
Another reason for publishing this information and image is that women using the Mountain View pool have a right to know.
Good Men Don’t Go Into Women’s Bathrooms and Showers

Amy E. Sousa
“These policies put women and girls in danger,” says Amy E. Sousa, a Port Townsend advocate for the protection of women’s rights against oppression, appropriation and erasure by men who identify as or claim to be women. “Good men don’t go into women’s rooms. Good men stay out so bad men stand out.” Sousa is a rape survivor and says she well understands how the presence of a man in a woman’s shower area and bathrooms strips from sex violence survivors their sense of safety and can send them into panic and a state of terror.
Sousa has gained a nationwide following for her public speaking, activism and YouTube videos, such as “What is a Woman?“. Her widely followed twitter handle, “KnownHeretic” has received over 200,000 “impressions” for her reporting of Jaman’s story. Sousa has participated in organizing protests at the NCAA national women’s swim final against allowing L. Thomas, a very mediocre University of Pennsylvania swimmer who declared himself a woman (while continuing to date women) to compete against women as a woman (though he’s a man). Sousa has also protested at the United Nations against that organization’s erasure of sex-specific language and protections for women and girls. Sousa, who holds an M.A. in Depth Psychology and works as an embodiment expert, was formerly education director at Port Townsend’s Key City Public Theater.
“Our foremothers,” says Sousa, “fought long and hard for women to have sex based rights and provisions, for us to have boundaries around our bodies.”
“Our foremothers didn’t fight for us to have ‘identity’ spaces, but to have spaces for the safety, privacy, and fairness of our BODIES. It is a safeguarding failure to teach girls they have no right to boundaries around their bodies, to teach them they do not have the right of consent, that they don’t have the right to say NO to men in their spaces, regardless of the labels those men use to describe their ‘Identities.’
All men are equally physically men. And women/girls have the right to say NO to men in our spaces, this includes ALL MEN regardless of their claimed ‘identities.’ Men need to respect the boundaries women/girls have around our bodies. This includes all men.”
Sousa points to empirical evidence of the dangers of men in women’s private areas, including a longitudinal, nation-wide study done following the Target department store’s decision to allow all sexes to share dressing room areas. The study found that sexual incidents in Target’s dressing rooms, particularly Peeping Tom and upskirting incidents, very quickly increased 200% and more. The study concluded that its findings “support the theory that sex predators may take opportunities afforded by gender-inclusion policies to perpetrate sexual violence against women in public spaces.”
We will return to the extensive evidence of violence and abuse when men are allowed into formerly sex-specific private spaces for women.
YMCA: Fear and Terror is Your Problem, Rape Survivors
The Y has doubled down and declared that it will cancel the membership of anyone who “discriminates,” as Jaman did by objecting to a man standing at her shower seeing her and little girls naked. The CEO of Olympic Peninsula YMCA Wendy Bart issued a letter to all members stating the Y’s policy. Any actions based on sex or sexual orientation—and she was addressing Jaman’s situation specifically—will result in banishment. Women and girls are being told to stuff it. The best a woman can do now is scream and keep screaming, but not explain why if they don’t want to be banished from the pool permanently.
I have spoken with two other rape survivors who told me they would have been terror-stricken being surprised by a man in their showers. The prospect of encountering a naked man while they are coming out of a shower would be a living nightmare for them. We have also received comments from victims of child sexual abuse echoing those fears.
The Y’s policy of sending its male employee into the women’s showers requires women and girls to submit, to surrender, to feel shame and maybe even blame themselves. Mattie Watkins, a mother of four and published author, once struggled with gender dysphoria. “[T]he realization that I grew out of it is what initially brought me into the conversation,” she wrote the PT Free Press.
“Being a stay-at-home mom has put me in a position to talk about these things openly in a way many women can’t. I get messages daily from women telling me that they agree with me but that they are scared of getting doxxed, losing their jobs, losing their social support system, and generally fear a complete derailment of their lives. When women can’t talk freely and openly, the problem is undeniable.”
[The Y is now doing this to Jaman, launching a character assassination campaign against her with unspecified allegations that she has a history of bad conduct that led to her banishment. Jaman, who has been swimming at Mountain View for 35 years, says she’s never been informed of any infractions. The Y has not responded to her request for details and documentation of these alleged incidents. The Y has also not responded to our request for details to verify their claims to media that Jaman was a problem before she objected to encountering Adams in the women’s showering area.]
Watkins, like Sousa, has used social media to spread Jaman’s story, receiving about 100,000 impressions of her tweets and scores of replies. She shared with us this heart-breaking account from a survivor of sexual violence about what it is like to have to share showers with a naked man who says he is, despite an erect penis, a woman:
“Okay, please be kind here; I’m struggling to do the right thing here. I’ve been practicing yoga for two and a half years. I’m a very shy and introverted person and after going to several yoga studios, was very grateful to find one where I’m comfortable. Also their schedule and location are very convenient to me; thanks to this combination I’ve been able to really deepen my practice and I feel like it’s been a miracle in my life.
So there is a new person coming to the studio who’s also new to yoga in general. This person is a transgender woman and I warmly welcomed her to the studio. I do believe and support trans people in using whatever bathroom facilities they feel most comfortable in. Or so I thought, anyway. I was in the open shower area and she and I ended up being the last two people in there.
She is definitely very masculine. She had an erection and took an extended look at my body. I wish I had loudly said “Why are you looking at me?” or “Stop looking at me!” but I didn’t. I have a lot of compassion for the challenges faced by the LGBTQ plus community, but I also have my challenges. I was molested as a girl and this is the strongest I’ve ever been triggered as an adult. This time and another time in college when I had a guy aggressively grind against me. But her locker room etiquette was BAD to have looked at me for so long.
Now I have anxiety. If I stop going to that yoga studio, I won’t be able to do yoga before work. I could go to the owners and what??? Be a little tattletale? Be very unpopular and say I’m not comfortable with a transgender person? That goes against everything I thought I believed in; I have fought to bring kindness and understanding to difficult situations. Trust me, I do understand that me being triggered by an erect penis is my problem; I’ve intermittently been in therapy for most of my adult life. I feel disempowered and old-fashioned and vulnerable and stupid and confused. I hope nobody guesses exactly where I’m talking about and please please be kind with any feedback.“
Biological males invading women’s safe, vulnerable spaces revictimizes women who have suffered sexual violence and abuse. The Olympic Peninsula YMCA does not seem to care. Indeed, it is literally sending a man into those spaces. The YMCA in Washington state has a history of promoting men gaining access to women’s areas and has been deaf to the concerns of women who have been raped, assaulted and abused. We asked Olympic Peninsula YMCA what it has done to make survivors of sexual violence and abuse feel safe in its showers, or whether they should just stay away from the Mountain View pool. They have not responded.

Kaeley Triller Harms
One former Y employee, Kaeley Triller Harms, survived sexual abuse that started when she was in diapers and lasted ten years. Her abuser “liked to watch me in the shower.” She worked in YMCAs for 17 years but was fired for objecting to allowing biological males into women’s bathrooms and showers. That was before Washington’s access law was passed, when the Y on its own permitted the invasion. She says the trans agenda that is claiming women’s and girl’s safe, vulnerable spaces is creating a “rape culture.”
There Is Reason For Fear: Mounting Evidence That Men in Women’s Locker Rooms, Bathrooms and Showers Hurt Women and Girls
The revictimization of women and girls who have survived sexual violence and abuse should be enough on its own. Only a sick institution run by sick, malignant people would disregard their trauma and pain. But there is also empirical evidence that unisex dressing rooms, bathrooms, and showers are the sexual predator’s candy store. The Target study cited above is just the tip of the iceberg. We have aggregated a few of the reported, growing number of incidents where women have been assaulted, peeped, humiliated and stripped of their sense of security and dignity by men in women’s supposedly safe, private spaces.
Transgender woman convicted of sexually assaulting 10-year old girl in bathroom.
Man arrested after grabbing woman in Walmart restroom
Man dressed as Barbie in bathroom attack
Man dressed as woman arrested for spying into bathroom stall
Sex offender wearing fake breast and wig arrested for loitering in women’s restroom
Five times transgender men abused women and children
University of Toronto Dumps Transgender Bathrooms
Sexual predator jailed about claiming to be transgender in order to assault women
Man caught undressing in front of girls at Green Lake locker room
Cross-dressing sex predator sentenced for assaults in Clackamas aquatic park
Women at risk in unisex changing rooms
Teenage trans “woman” raped girl in bathroom
Man dressed as woman recorded hours of video in women’s restrooms
Transgender woman violently sexually assaulted girl in bathroom
Cross-dressing man secretly videotaped women in Macy’s bathroom
Public high school closes gender neutral bathroom after student sexual assault
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.
Matt Osborne, author of the substack The Distance, sent this comment along to the Free Press this morning:
Attention, young people: the folks in your schools with the “genderbread” diagrams are confusing you on purpose. It’s a scam. Don’t fall for it.
You were born male or female. This reality was recognized and duly recorded. A gender was not “assigned” to you as though plucked from a hat. The eyeball test conducted at the moment of your birth is 99.982 percent accurate, a lower rate of error than many lab tests.
“Male” and “female” are just words to describe the reality of human reproductive dimorphism — a thing that existed before the human race invented language. It only describes your body.
Neither of the two sexes (there are only two) comes with an inherent set of colors, hobbies, interests, or activities. We used to call that sort of idea “sexist.”
Nowadays, it is fashionable to say that “gender” is some sort of inner sense of self that makes you like certain games, toys, sports, haircuts, clothes, etc, rather than others.
This is not “gender,” however. It is called “having a personality.”
No one is “born in the wrong body.” The scammers want you to become a $500,000 lifetime medical profit-center by telling you otherwise.
But we don’t have to adopt interesting new pronouns to become the people we already are.
Just be yourself in your body. Never trust anyone who suggests you are anything else.
Exactly Annette!
Couldn’t agree more! Thank you!
if I ever have the misfortune to meet Rowen DeLuna, I will ask, why should I trust Clementine? Am I not allowed to be skeptical of Clementine? Is it forbidden for me to look at the evidence of my eyes and ears and conclude that there is no evidence that this person is telling the truth? Isn’t it possible that Clementine is full of crap? Might be lying, might be delusional, might be merely mistaken with no guile, might one day change mind about identity? Might truly be mistaken about what identity even means, with no guile? But in the end it comes down to this: if you want to believe that trans women are women, there’s nothing I can do to dissuade you any more than I can persuade someone that such and such person is a deity or prophet. In the end it’s none of my business what you believe. But it does matter to me when you call me a bigot because I don’t believe what you believe. I have every right to be furious that you’re daring to call me a lesser being because I don’t believe what you believe, especially when what you believe is so new, so totalitarian, so concocted, and so evidentiarily weak. People like me are furious at these teeny boppers who want to tell me I’m a Nazi because I really doubt that a person can just wake up one day and go from the men’s room to the women’s room, and go from the men’s team to the women’s team merely on their own declaration.
@ Howie,
I wish I could have written what you wrote.
So well said.
Exactly how I feel and I know that I am not alone.
While I would never intentionally insult a person to their face, I reserve the right to NOT COMPLY with the entire “transgender/Pronoun/multiple gender” lies and intimidation.
My “pronoun” is SIR.
Carry On,
Washington War On Parents: Male Teacher Asked This Mom’s 11-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Daughter To Sleep In Boys’ Cabin
She was betrayed by the educators, therapists, doctors, and liberal politicians whom she spent a lifetime supporting.
The transgender identity was heightened when her daughter began conversing with a group of girls at school who, at ages 10 and 11 years old, also identified as some form of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender. The friends appeared to compete over who could have the edgiest, most unique identity.
“She was trying to fit in. She was trying to have friends,” Jennifer said.
I am an older woman who is so happy to see women looking out for the safety and dignity of other women. Many women have horror stories about how men have treated us. When we try and tell men, we consider friends, they just dismiss our concerns. They will say things like I can’t believe that good ole so and so would do anything like that. He was probably just joking. He didn’t mean it. He is a really good guy. You are too sensitive! Men need to recognize there are sexual predators amongst them in sheeps clothing. . Until we know for sure who are the male sexual predators and who are not women and girls need safe spaces when they change clothes, use the restroom or other places where they feel vulnerable to sexual violence from men. Women need good men to support our needs. This male (trans woman) aggression in women’s private spaces needs to be stopped now!
Innocence is lost – it’s in our local schools – when a male Science Teacher in Blue Heron asked the kids for their pronouns. My granddaughter was very uncomfortable. Her mom complained but it went to deaf ears.
“Often and often afterwards, the beloved Aunt would ask me why I had never told anyone how I was being treated. Children tell little more than animals, for what comes to them they accept as eternally established.” — Rudyard Kipling
Well, you all voted for these uber-libera and harmful laws and legislators.
We had ONE “BLM” mini riot here in 2020. 100 cops ended it in 10 minutes.
They have never come back.
We had ONE “drag queen story time” at our library.
1500 people showed up to protest.
They have not been back.
Spokane has changed, but we still oppose this woke agenda.
I certainly do.
“The isolation caused by the Coronavirus has been a major factor in the weakness of the left as it has limited face to face interactions and meetings and community gatherings. A greater cause of weakness of the left in the U.S. but also in the countries I visited is the growth of extreme identity politics and the related tendency to cancel people for perceived limitations in their political consciousness, often around transgender issues. Identity of course matters, I am critiquing where identity becomes destiny and the possibility of empathy across identities is denied. This expelling, canceling of people, the turning on each other is exacerbated by social media. This destructive behavior is caused by the weakness of the left, our feelings of powerlessness, and a cause of its further weakness. This problem is probably worse in the U.S. but also widespread in Europe. Transphobia is a continuing problem in the left and wider society; my criticism is how it is being addressed and challenged.” words of a socialist/leftist professor at Evergreen State and a friend of mine.
My prayers of support go out to Clementine Adams and our fellow transgender heroes.
Please don’t allow the hate & ignorance as spread by the Port Townsend False Press make you feel any less of a human being.
“Heros”? lol
You mean like Jessica Yaniv?
Lia Thomas?
Michelle Obama?
Something truly perverse is also happening with these men. Because they are attracted to women they simply claim they are “lesbians”.
When challenged with the idea that being a woman is not merely a matter of donning lipstick, wearing dresses and high heels etc., they reply, “fine, I am now a lesbian wearing jeans, logging boots, and a flannel shirt”. And they demand to be let into our locker rooms and our lives. If lesbians refuse to have relationships with them or have sex with them, lesbians are accused of creating a “cotton ceiling”. Yes, you read that correctly. So these men think and are being supported in the notion that if they simply declare themselves “woman” and “lesbian” they can walk into our private women’s spaces, as “butch lesbians”. Just pause and ponder that awhile.
They are not heros. Heros would be able to acknowledge their biological sex and shatter gender norms while respecting the sex based needs and boundaries of women and girls
How dare you! That is someone’s daughter, sister, granddaughter, aunt.. What they identify as has nothing to do with who they are.. You are an entire town full of small minded bogots and should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves. She is a child. Your ill advised moral ethics are only going to get her harassed and hurt. Is that very Christian of you? Because if I remember right, Jesus hung out with prostitutes and the people.you all thumb your uppity noses at.
He would embrace her and she would know love. Nothing worse than a hypocritical Christian.
Males are never “daughter, sister,aunt or Mother” He is a young adult male in college. Not a child. Jesus was not a violator of females and our privacy. Transgender ideology is sexist and regressive. It’s all about violating boundaries of women and children. You don’t get to speak for Jesus about this or any other issue.
Port Townsend Free Press deserves a Pulitzer Prize for coverage of this event and others like it in the US and Canada and its analysis of the cultural implications of institutions and WA laws that promote these heinous acts.
A man named Clementine or any other person who “identifies” or otherwise “pretends” to be a woman, but is really a man, to gain access to a place designated for biological women and girls does not belong in there. Period. If this continues, what’s to stop a dangerous pedophile or sexual deviant from putting on a dress or swimsuit and claiming that they too “identify” as a women to gain access to a womens/girls locker room or bathroom. This is complete and utter BS and an assault on biological females everywhere.
“Truly, whoever can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” — Voltaire*
Who would attempt to force anyone to believe that women could be manufactured by mutilating men? Power tripping totalitarians.
The remedy. At a minimum, privately withdraw your consent from these absurdities. Remember that government depends on the consent of the governed and totalitarian systems always eventually fail.
*Link for Voltaire deniers
Thank you for giving Amy Sousa a platform. She’s a hero to many women. She has been fighting this regressive anti-woman ideology for a long time now. Love her!
Traditionally, a transgendered male was considered male until he was surgically altered. The standards of care required a transgendered person to engage in a year of counseling and dressing/functioning in the psychological gender before being surgically altered. Transgendered people, during their transitionary period were usually accommodated with a separate restroom (often one stall) for changing clothes, defecating, or urinating. Since the frequency of transgenderism is roughly 1/30,000, individuals so afflicted were accommodated as described and there were no problems.
Allowing a pre-op male to be in the same locker room as females was a non-starter. I see no reason why these principles can’t work today, instead of putting their rights above everyone else’s. I am unaware of any problems caused by providing a separate facility for them to use. Surely, an organization the size of the YMCA can find a separate bathroom for this individual and apologize to the 80 year old woman banned for stating the obvious. One can be kind and accommodating to transgendered people without taking it to absurd levels, especially by an organization. I would have thought more highly of the YMCA until now. Are they run by idiots?
Lmao who are you talking about? The full grown male who calls himself Clementine?
Biology is not bigotry. The PT YMCA has revealed itself to be biophobic, contemptuous of biology, and has acted in a disgraceful and cowardly fashion. My best wishes go out to the brave 80-year-old woman. She is like the boy in the fable “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” #BiologyIsNotBigotry
Funny story. My family and I from Portland went up to Pt. Townsend to get a break from the growing squalor, violence and naïve/extremo politics the week this happened. We ended up going to the Mt. View pool during open swim because the hotel we stayed at pool was is disrepair (it is the hotel near the harbor). I’ve tried to piece together what day it was and it was either the same day or the day after this incident. Our swim was fine and uneventful but what struck both of us was the amount of pride flags at the Y facility. We’re obviously use to seeing pride flags everywhere and are fine with it, but it was noticeable and unusual the amount of pride flags at the Y. I believe they also had something about welcoming “everyone”. They seemed to be on every door and most walls and we commented on it. I thought it was possibly a hold over from Pride Month but it seemed there were more identifiable pride flags than Y logos. In retrospect my guess is the Y staff saw this possible incident coming with their staffer at some point and the pride flags were put up so prominently as forewarning and insurance. A few weeks later and I see this story in the national news.
A few words of advice from a city that has already gone off the rails and is struggling to get back on track. If you start catering to fringe extremists to pacify them, the fringe quickly becomes the norm and you are soon busy defending the old status quo. Standards and conventions that have taken decades, even centuries to build up can be eroded in a short amount of time and those responsible will double down on “solutions” that either contribute to the problem or are the problem. Assuming common sense and the obvious right thing to do will carry the day is sadly naïve. The latest trending twitter slogan can be frothingly shouted from mobs made up your previously rationale neighbors to destroy property, light buildings on fire and assault people. Ironically, what they claim to be championing, more freedom, equality, tolerance, empathy, harmony, etc. is the opposite of the effects of the supposed “reforms” they are pushing.
Yes -there are an inordinate amount of pride flags – to me it looks like an in your face tantrum from a bunch of juveniles.
There are no “tourists”. Only visitors from near and far. How easily we use terms that enforce the them and us. This sense of things comes from speaking with tens of thousands of visitors from near and far regularly over many decades. All “types”. There is so much in common and so much wisdom passing through and often settling here.
There are other influences that have taken hold. Thanks for the cautionary from Portland. We have our own version of de stabilization here from magic mess tents to botched housing projects and ignored laws and codes.
There is a foggy recollection for me that was years ago, it must have been pre-1980. John Lennon was talking about the song and idea that “Only women bleed”. It was about his reverence and understanding of the vulnerability and special place earned by women in society.
A fragile and sensitive man can be mistreated and even raped as well. But he cannot and does not bleed. Not in that way. He, they earns his, their sense of self and finds his, their way. The longer and more difficult the journey the greater the reward. It is a tragedy when one cannot find peace and ends his, their own life. Hopefully he or they have friends who love him or them for his or their amazing and fragile self. Friends do have a habit of coming and going. You will always be stuck with you. One can make more friends that appreciate who one is. Internally. Externally is a temporary shell.
I am not a big Chistina Aguilara fan but her song Beautiful, is.
But no male bleeds. Not in that way. You cannot take from others a birthright. You can dress and act as you like in both directions. No judgement. But males do not bleed. Not in that way. You cannot take from women the blessing and curse they are born with. A strong woman is a thing to behold. I can think of so many locally.
And many other types of women as well have influenced this and other places to their benefit. The mask of greed. There are many kinds of greed and envy.
All things these days can be turned into product and built into a wedge. Some will always want what others have. We have what we are born with. The physical and the emotional. Do not let others draw you into disliking or even hating your physical. Your emotional can be fluid and grow, and never stop.
But not in a women’s locker room. If you open that door, you become a destroyer because others will follow with bad intent. The destroyer is usually seen as a male trait. Even if done in short sighted ignorance. Your physical is your temple. The mistake is in thinking the external makes the internal complete.
You’re beautiful. Don’t let others tell you anything different. Short sighted paths may not sustain. Honor your mother and sisters. Only they bleed. Honor you. Its ok to be a crazy mix of all kinds of things. We’re here to sort it out.
Or not.
SQ: Jesus “hung out” with sinners to encourage them to repent and renounce their sins in order to be free of eternal judgement for those sins and instead receive the free gift of eternal salvation in the kingdom of heaven. The Bible calls homosexuality a sin, along with adultery and fornication, and commands people to repent and refrain from sinning. Jesus loves all people while hating our sins. For reference read John 4:1-26 and Romans 1:24-32. May God bless all those who seek Him in the spirit of humility and reverence. Hebrews 4:14-16
Amen!!!! You are spot on! Thank you for speaking the TRUTH!!!
Leaving aside religious dogma about “sin,”, let’s dispel the notion that this incident has anything whatsoever to do with homosexuality. As the author explains with plain language, Clementine Adams is a heterosexual male. Further, academic scholarship shows that the great majority of males who claim to be women are heterosexual autogynephiles: males sexually aroused and otherwise titillated by their fantasies of being, and masquerading as, women.
People need to realize what this is all really about… Its about normalization of pedophiles in the open… This kid who was brainwashed is nothing more than cannon fodder,, the method or tool used to get the door open so pedophiles can groom victims in the open and nobody can do anything about it… The local government thinks they are just going to do this anyways no matter what anybody thinks or says… Look what happened to the 45th president the other day??? Things are upside down,,, the MAFIA is exposed,, they are not even trying to hide their criminal acts anymore… This entire show is “Fruits Of The Poisonous Tree”… Neither [they] or the people know how close we are to total collapse of the corporate government and complete exposure of all NSA records… They have it all on everybody and they are going to burn everybody… Every electronic communications and transaction,,, they have it all,, texts,, emails,, bank records and transactions,, all social media records… Under the Patriot Act,, they have legal access to all this information,, they know everything… What is the main purpose of the US military??? Domestic Defense… What agency currently has a massive clandestine opp going,, physical assets to gather real time intelligence??? The US military,, DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency]… These agents are everywhere,, embed’d to protect the Republic… They are cops,, civil servants,, taxi drivers,, garbage men,, carpenters,,, they moonlight in those jobs,, those jobs are a cover… They are watching everything… Everything is going to be fine,,, things are not as they appear… The people you think are in charge are not in charge… Everything is happening so that this system of corporate government and central banking can destroy itself,, pushed a little,, controlled fully and thinking they are actually in control themselves… Do not worry,,, “Hold The Line” do not resort to violence,, do not engage in violence… Keep your frequency HIGH,, stay in that mindset,, do not be angry,,, just watch the show,,, this is a scripted movie,, no joke,, just watch it happen…
infowars rotted your brain?
Oh, I thought you all didn’t engage in personal insults? Welcome to the land of free speech, where people are allowed to say what they think and believe, without censoring.
If you would like to have a discussion about biology versus fantasy, we can do that. But if you’re just here to hurl insults and make fun of people, you’re simply showing your own true colors.
“Suicide weekend” is coming… Events will unfold in the near future which will show people what is really happening,, who is really in charge and the direction things are headed… The Corporate Government will attempt to destroy the entire above ground world to protect themselves and maintain power but they will fail just like they fail at everything else… They are fully controlled and outmatched…
Here we go over the falls
Wake Up… “Deception is a fair rule in play under the law of God and the Natural World”… You are being deceived to keep you trapped in the matrix…
Deandra. Transgender human beings are real people with real feelings. They are not criminals, they are not out to harm children, they are not the perverts of your imagination.
Please, please stop attempting to “Other” two-spirit people when you clearly have no nuanced understanding of their inner landscape. Your logic, Deandra, is dangerously childish. Yes, you read that correctly.
I will say it again:
Despite the best efforts of the Port Townsend Free Press to brush all transgender people with a single hate-bloated brush, I believe Clementine Adams and those like her are the heroes our youth need.
You are free to believe whatever you want to believe. You are also wrong. When society collapses completely, where are you gonna get your hormones from? Drinking mare piss? Look around you. In the midst of your insane creation of laws that will not survive natural order, your society is about to explode into violent chaos. Keep playing your Disneyland fantasy games. You don’t have much time left.
James, the least you can do before you comment here is read the article. There are 16 links to examples of trans people assaulting females. That is a partial list. Your claim that the Free Press is brushing ‘all transgender people with a single hate-bloated brush’ is utter nonsense, not at all supported by our content. Furthermore, the young man that Julie found in the locker room professes to be interested in women, according to his facebook page. I guess you didn’t read that either…
Yes they are real people with feelings but that doesn’t change the facts. What happened was wrong. A man (no matter how he identifies) was in the women’s area watching two little girls take down their bathing suits, utterly unacceptable. Another women in the shower asked him to leave which was the right thing to do. Do you realize the future danger this puts those young girls in? They need boundaries and know to never, ever undress in front of males like that. Stop the gaslighting.
@James Lovitt – Obviously you have not read any of the links accompanying this article.
There are hundreds of examples of “transgender women” (men in drag) who have assaulted and peeped on women and girls nationwide.
Everything you wrote is a fallacy.
This Transgender BS is nothing more than a weapon to divide society, make us weak, and eventually make us slaves. Question of the day: Why does the IRS need 87,000 new armed agents and a sniper school?
First, let me say that this could all be settled by simply pointing out that what the M in YMCA means. In short no women. I believe that there is also a YWCA for women. The problem here is the city allowed the YM”CA in the door. The city should be running it with their own set of rules. We all know that it would end up in another loss of money and probably a shutdown. Until then, this could be set up that the date and times it would be open to men at certain days and hours and women at certaindays and hours. It would also include the staff. Also, I’m a man and am old fashioned. When I went to school I always used the girls advisor if I had a problem and it didn’t mean I was gay. I didn’t date in highschool and my mother asked me once, “are you queer?? I said, ‘”What?* She told me that my stepfather thought I was. In truth, I like to be under control of myself and knew I could loose that control with the hormones raging. Also I was having good times street racing and drinking with my buddies. So, everyone should settle down and push for a set of rules for both men and women . The other option would be for the city to open a second pool so both side could live in harmony.
Annette, my sweet summer child. Just browse these comments and read the hate your publication has inspired. Your comment alone exemplifies how little perspective you possess on the matter!
Transgender people, like you and I, can choose who to love.
To think they must conform to your idea of a transgender person tells me that you, Annette, and like many others showing their hate-filled heart here, align as a narcissist.
If I find 16 articles of a woman named Annette assaulting children, does that mean you assault children, Annette?
Because that is mental gymnastic underlying the logic you are utilizing.
I, again, state with love:
Transgender people are heroes.
Choose love, Annette. Choose love.
I’m not interested in entertaining your condescending circular arguments, James. Holding a different perspective does not constitute hate. Provide specific examples of your claims, or you will be removed from the conversation.
James, you say that “transgender” people are heroes. Please tell me what deeds they have performed that would cause you to consider them “heroic”.
Trans-identifying males don’t belong in women’s spaces. There’s no such thing as feeling like a woman, and accommodating the sexual fetish of these men, who literally want to inhabit the skin of women in order to dominate them, harms the rest of us.
@ R Taylor – Plenty of censorship on every article on this site.
My comments get posted, then removed all the time.
I write things that every other commenter writes, yet my view gets censored.
We are not free.
Carry On,
Gunny – The reason why some of your comments get removed is because they are clear violations of the site’s commenting policy quoted below for your reference… regardless of whether other marginally-violating comments squeak through due to judgment calls or inattention. Please say what you have to say without the insults in accordance with these guidelines:
We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter and drown it out. Comments of that nature will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc.
@ Stephen, Thank you sir.
I will re-read those guidelines and endeavor to not cross those lines.
Your reply is MUCH appreciated.
This topic really bothers me.
My daughter died at 20 in 2013, so she missed out on most of this indoctrination and my 33 year old son does not remember high school being like this either. Let alone Jr. High or Grade school like today.
Be well,
USMC E-7 Ret.
#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013
Gunny – Thank you, sir, for your touching reply! We do appreciate commenters not crossing these lines, and I very much respect where you’re coming from now that I understand better. – May you and yours be well as well, Stephen
@ Cheryl,
As a father of both an adult son and adult daughter, I can tell you that both sexes can be violent and predatory.
Women can be especially mean and violent towards other women.. They have made many movies about this.
Mean Girls for one.
We cannot turn this into “Hate every MAN” because most real men like me support you in this.
Interesting stat I just looked up.
“Between 1976 -2018, for every 100 men that killed their wives, 75 women killed their husbands.”
Humans are violent. Humans are APEX predators.
We have a sprawling, homeless tent city here in Spokane with over 7000 people stuffed into 2 city blocks of open space.
I wonder how much violence is going on there every day.
Word here is to “Stay Far Away for your Safety”.
We have so many more pressing issues than “transgender problems”.
My gas, food, insurance etc has gone through the roof.
People are mad and stressed.
This issue needs to be put to bed now.
Enough already.
I say we need to keep biological men out of women’s spaces.
Best Regards for you and yours,
Spokane, USA
#GardasilKilledJessica ~ 12/16/1993-12/24/2013
Man what a mess this is when is the YMCA going to step in and turn this situation around for the better.
Why do you think I showed up on this forum when I did,, #1 because I knew this story was going to go national and lots of eyes were going to come here from around the country to see what is happening here… #2 because Law Enforcement especially the FBI is dirty… Its not every day that the government makes themselves look this bad on purpose… Notice that the Police are crickets on this one??? Sex crimes in the open and they act like its not happening… That should scare you more than anything but not as much as the FBI showing how corrupt they are again in the open… I hate the FBI,,, I have personal experience with their corruption from 2009… Tried to report criminal conduct to them regarding on duty cops,,, I was a cop at the time… BLOCKADE,, the FBI set this whole corrupt compromised system up,, its their baby,, they plant the seeds and cultivate them… The FBI are corruption farmers… How do you think False Flags get done??? The FBI owns every police Department and Sheriffs Office in the country,, they are the gate keepers,, they all take the money and cannot refuse…
lizard people, moloch, sasquatch, crooked hillary, satanic pedophile cabal, gangstalking.
these things are real.
Well the God of the Bible destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah just for exactly this type of behavior..Lots wife turned into a pillar of salt just for looking back at it. Historically they know this truly happened as they have found the remnants of it. So I would say these folks don’t have anything good to look forward to. Got news for you too…we all know how the Bible ends and it ain’t satan who wins this battle. Just sayin….
Transgender and lesbian are not mutually exclusive. My mother’s neighbor Todd transitioned to Tara, a trans and a lesbian. More publicly, Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn Jenner. Her only partner(s) have been women.
They’re heterosexual men, not lesbians.
I wonder, Jessica — do you consider a woman who has silicone breast implants to have real breasts?
I think this line from A. Sousa is brilliant, and I hope she doesn’t mind if I borrow it. Listen to these words, James.
“Good men don’t go into Women’s rooms. Good men stay out so bad men stand out”.
FYI: Adams now using this situation to promote his transition (aka: mutilating) surgeries: https://www.gofundme.com/f/srsforclem
Girls volleyball team banned from locker room after trans teammate complaints:
It’s everywhere…. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/girls-volleyball-team-banned-from-locker-room-after-trans-teammate-complaints-report/ar-AA12yuEa?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=6f229ebbdf4b401f8f969dfbc5ebec4e
A Governor that protects children from the hysterical
Trans movement. What’s the rush to surgery of no return?
February 22, 2022
The Honorable Jaime Masters
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services 701 West 51st Street
Austin, Texas 78751
Dear Commissioner Masters:
Consistent with our correspondence in August 2021, the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) has now confirmed in the enclosed opinion that a number of so-called “sex change” procedures constitute child abuse under existing Texas law. Because the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) is responsible for protecting children from abuse, I hereby direct your agency to conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of any reported instances of these abusive procedures in the State of Texas.
As OAG Opinion No. KP-0401 makes clear, it is already against the law to subject Texas children to a wide variety of elective procedures for gender transitioning, including reassignment surgeries that can cause sterilization, mastectomies, removals of otherwise healthy body parts, and administration of puberty-blocking drugs or supraphysiologic doses of testosterone or estrogen. See TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.001(1)(A)–(D) (defining “abuse”). Texas law imposes reporting requirements upon all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children who may be subject to such abuse, including doctors, nurses, and teachers, and provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse. See id. §§ 261.101(b), 261.109(a-1). There are similar reporting requirements and criminal penalties for members of the general public. See id. §§ 261.101(a), 261.109(a).
Texas law also imposes a duty on DFPS to investigate the parents of a child who is subjected to these abusive gender-transitioning procedures, and on other state agencies to investigate licensed facilities where such procedures may occur. See TEX. FAM. CODE § 261.301(a)–(b). To protect Texas children from abuse, DFPS and all other state agencies must follow the law as explained in OAG Opinion No. KP-0401.
Greg Abbott Governor
TERF’ isn’t just a slur, it’s hate speech!