Mountain View Pool Punishes Woman For Her Gender Expression and Identity
– Part One –

by | Aug 2, 2022 | General | 127 comments

An 80-year old woman who expressed extreme discomfort and fear about a male in the women’s shower area of the Mountain View Pool was permanently banned from using the facility.

For 35 years the Mountain View pool—a City of Port Townsend facility now operated in partnership with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA—and its women’s showers had been a safe place for her. But not that day. The woman had to stand naked in the presence of the male, a YMCA employee, despite her pleas and demands that he leave. She was also very concerned that this male was watching little girls as they peeled off their swimsuits. Another YMCA employee called the police on the woman. The woman was initially instructed by a Y employee to leave, but then prohibited from exiting the building by two YMCA employees. She exclaimed, “Bullshit! I need the police!” and left to report the incident immediately to the Port Townsend Police Department.

Julie Jaman has been in Port Townsend for about 40 years. She has been swimming at the Mountain View pool for most of those years. She raised children in Jefferson County. She has been a Democratic voter. She describes her gender identity and expression as rooted in her biological sex. “I am an XX woman,” she says, referring to the chromosomal characteristics that make women women and distinguish them from men. Her gender identity and expression, she says, have been shaped by eight decades of womanhood and life experiences that implanted feelings, reactions, intuition and wisdom, strengths, vulnerabilities and preferences.  Jaman is a woman whose gender expression and identity recoil at being naked against her will in the presence of strange males and whose mothering instincts (“the momma bear in me,” she says) surfaced when she saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit looking at nearly naked little girls.

Julie Jaman’s Story

Jaman says that on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, she was swimming when the Y’s aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, told her that a group of children were going to use her lane. Julie left the pool and went to the women’s showers. There are no private showers. They are all clustered in a common area that requires users to step into and out of the showers in the view of others. The light curtains on each shower stall do not provide much of a shield from the eyes of others.  One can see out as well as in.

Rainbow flags and “pride” stickers fill the rooms and corridors of the Mountain View Pool facility, with no signage warning users that biological men identifying as women can use formerly women-only showers and toilets.

While lathered up in the shower Jaman heard a definite, low male voice. She saw a male in a woman’s swimsuit very close to where she was showering. Julie says he was “looking at the little girls as they were taking off their suits.” She remembers about four little girls being in the room.

Jaman says she was shocked. “There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me. I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now.’

Jaman then noticed that DeLuna was also there just outside her shower stall. Julie said to her, “Get him out of here.” DeLuna responded, according to Jaman,”You’re discriminating and you can’t use the pool anymore and I’m calling the police.”

Jaman remembers standing there stunned, naked and wet. “There was no concern for what I was experiencing.” DeLuna never asked “if I was okay.” Nobody explained anything to her. The male in the woman’s swim suit did not display anything identifying him as a YMCA employee. She does not remember getting dry and dressed. She exited the showers and entered the foyer to leave the building.

DeLuna was at the door and told her, “You have not abided by our principles and values.” Jaman said, “I am respectful, but I’m not a Christian and I don’t follow Christian ideology.” She told us she was referring to the “C” in YMCA which once stood for “Christian”. Jaman said she raised concerns about her loss of dignity and being stripped of her sense of safety when she was in a vulnerable state. She raised concerns about the little girls being naked in front of the male in the swimsuit. DeLuna dismissed her concerns by sharing a past trauma of her own. Another YMCA staff member then appeared and told Jaman that she could not leave. DeLuna said the same thing, either before or after this other person. Jaman said, “Bullshit! I’m going to the police right now. I want help and I need it immediately.”

The police department in the Mountain View Commons complex is just a few yards from the door to the pool. Jaman filed a complaint about what had happened and was told she would be called. Port Townsend Police Officer Marc Titterness called her and she told him what happened.

Jaman also called Wendy Bart, the CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA and left a message. They were able to talk later that day.  Bart said she had talked to her staff and stood by their actions, including banning Jaman from ever again using the pool. Bart said a staff member told her that Jaman said to the male in the woman’s swimsuit, “You’re going to stick your fucking penis in those little girls.” Jaman adamantly denies saying any such thing.

Ms. Bart told Jaman she assumes the posted “pride” signs indicating the Y welcomes all people is adequate for women to know that crossdressers and men who identify as women will be using the women’s dressing/shower room. In a written comment to the Port Townsend City Council, Jaman stated:

“The YMCA should immediately post clear signage indicating the existing dressing/shower rooms will be used by the opposite sex who gender identify differently. Also, all parents who send their children to YMCA programs should be informed that men who identify as women are allowed to accompany little girls into the dressing and bathroom areas.”

“This is unbelievable,” Jaman says. She says she did not sleep for days following the incident.

The YMCA’s Side of the Story

We have asked Bart, DeLuna and Clementine Adams to state what they say happened. Adams, a first year college student, is the male who was in the swimsuit and in the shower area while Jaman was naked. We let them know that we always publish verbatim and in full every word written to us in response to questions. None of them have responded to telephone calls or Facebook messages.

Police Call Records Support Key Parts of Jaman’s Story, are Vague on Others

Officer Titterness summarized his conversation with Jaman in a police call report obtained by the Free Press. He says that “Julie,” as he refers to her, was using the “restroom” and “heard a man’s voice and observed what appeared to be a man in a female bathing suit assisting a small female child.” Jaman became “very triggered” and “had an emotional response to a strange male being in the bathroom and helping a young girl take off her bathing suit.” Officer Titterness and Jaman “had a long discussion about the complex issue.” [Jaman states she did not claim to see any touching; see author’s note at the end of the article.]

The report we obtained also records calls made by someone from the YMCA who refused to identify themselves. The anonymous caller told the police that “Clementine was in the bathroom with a child in the day camp and Julie asked if she had a penis and started screaming at her to get out.” In another call, the anonymous caller said that “Julie” has “been asked to leave and is refusing.” Another call from the same person was recorded as Julie “was screaming at employee and calling names and refusing to leave.” Nothing appears in the contemporaneous call records about Jaman saying anything like what the YMCA’s CEO says was reported to her sometime after the incident.

A Word on Words: He, Her, Trans, Male, Female, Man, Woman

What Jaman saw is what will be described here as “a male in a woman’s swimsuit.” How Adams sees himself does not alter the physical facts in the shower room on that day. Jaman was very upset at finding herself naked in front of a male in a woman’s swimsuit, and seeing this male looking at little girls in various stages of nudity. Adams was not excluded from the facilities. It was Jaman who was told to leave when she expressed her gender identity, sensitivities and vulnerabilities. State law imposes obligations upon and prohibits actions by the Y and its employees; state law imposes no duty upon Jaman to overcome or hide her concerns, fears and humiliation about being suddenly naked, without consent, in front of a male unknown to her in a place she had considered safe for more than 30 years.

What is a woman? Adams declared himself to be a woman in March of 2022 according to his Facebook page; Jaman has been “an XX woman” for eighty years since the moment of her birth. To describe Adams as a woman would be disrespectful to “XX women” shaped by immutable biological blessings and their life’s journey, joys, struggles and wounds as a woman.  Anything less implies there is nothing all that special and profound about womanhood. Uttering the word “woman” cannot change biology nor instantly give a biological XY chromosomal male the intuition, strengths, vulnerabilities, emotions, powers, and wonderous, incomparable gifts unique to those astounding and amazing human beings who are, in fact, women.

The YMCA’s Violation of Washington State Law Against Discrimination of the Basis of Gender Expression or Identity Protects Jaman

WAC 162-32-060 states that all public accommodations “shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual’s gender or expression or gender identity. In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered entities [like the YMCA] shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity.”

Julie Jaman’s gender expression is that of a woman in the traditional sense, the sense understood by most of her generation and all past generations until a few people have attempted fairly recently in human history to erase that identity by asserting it can be claimed by declaring oneself to be a woman. Jaman’s gender expression and identity recoils at and rejects appearing naked in front of men in public restrooms or showers, or seeing naked men in similar places, all without her consent and against her will. In this way, it is similar to a sexual assault, though Jaman has not used that terminology explicitly. For her it is palpably wrong, humiliating and threatening. This gender expression was strongly displayed when she was “triggered” and lost her sense of safety upon finding a male in a swimsuit just a few feet from her while she was naked during her shower.

This law is not a law exclusively for those humans who identify themselves the opposite gender of their biological sex. It is not so limited by its language. It is a law that protects ALL gender expressions and identities, including those of Julie Jaman. It prohibits the YMCA from denying use of its facilities to even the most puritanical, unyielding, judgmental, heterosexual, even bigoted male or female to the same extent such discrimination would be illegal against an inconsiderate male or female expressing their sexuality as other than their biological gender. Jaman’s discomfort and concerns are entitled to the same unquestioning deference and response as it would have to grant anyone asserting their gender expression or identity.

She had never before in her experience been subjected to, against her will, being in the presence of a male while naked in the Y’s showers. The first time it happened, and the first time she vocally expressed her gender identity, the Y called the police and has forever now denied her use of this public accommodation. Julie Jaman was under no legal obligation to surrender the sensitivities and preferences that spring from her gender identity. The state law applies to the YMCA and its employees, not to her.

Instead of ignoring and condemning Jaman’s gender expression, Y employees DeLuna and Adams were legally obligated to accommodate her gender expression and related preferences. They should have acknowledged and honored Jaman’s preference that Adams grant her privacy by removing himself, at least until she was dressed. DeLuna and Adams have not responded to our questions as to why they acted as they did instead of allowing Jaman to use the facility she had for decades been using in a manner consistent with traditional gender expression and identity.

State Law Recognizes the Legitimacy of Expressions of Concern and Discomfort

WAC 162-32-060(2)(a) states “If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with that person’s expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available.”

This is what Julie Jaman is asking for now. The Legislature legitimized such concerns by providing a procedure for addressing them. Jaman believes that if biological males will be in the women’s shower room—where there is no privacy—then the YMCA should provide a separate or gender-neutral facility for women (or men) with gender expressions and gender identities that experience discomfort, insecurity and humiliation from as the result of being naked in front of unknown persons of the opposite sex, or being exposed to their nakedness.

I asked Erin Hawkins, who is identified as the YMCA’s person for marketing and communications, what the Y is doing now to protect the dignity and gender-based sensibilities of someone like Julie Jaman. Hawkins said such a person should do their best to wrap themselves in a towel and deploy the shower curtain while washing. She acknowledged that the shower area is not private and had no answer for how someone like Julie Jaman would be shielded from a male exposing his genitals. As for employees like Adams, she said, the Y provides separate dressing and shower facilities.

Protest and Obfuscation

Jaman and supporters held a protest outside the Mountain View pool on Monday, August 1, 2022. They argue that in 2021 the YMCA promised, quoting Y literature, “the addition of family changing rooms/all-gender bathrooms…” but instead “took over the traditional binary areas” to accommodate individuals with gender identities different than their biological gender. Jaman and her supporters want the Y to provide three separate dressing areas: men, women and gender-free.

After the protest, a large number of concerned citizens also addressed City Council that evening. Though they don’t address the state law in their list of demands, the Y could not require a man in a women’s swimsuit to use a gender-neutral room, but it would be available to resolve conflicts between gender expressions and identities. A male in a woman’s swimsuit could show respect and compassion by using the alternative area voluntarily instead of forcing himself and his preferences on non-consenting women, and vice versa. At least there would be an option to resolve conflicts.

Trans activists who organized a counter protest have been trying to tear down Jaman as a bigot, though she is only asking what the trans people they advocate for have been asking: a place that fits her gender expression and identity where she can be herself and feel safe and dignified. The activists are trying to make the question one of an attack on trans people instead of a plea by Jaman and other women with similar gender expressions and identities to have their rights equally recognized and served by the YMCA. As the sign of one of Jaman’s supporters said, “Women’s rights are human rights.”

What is becoming clear in the attacks on her, as Jaman wrote to us in an email, “It seems everything is about them. No one else’s needs matter.” The Y and the trans activists are demanding that women like Jaman surrender their gender expressions and identities, change who they are and their gender-based emotions, values and sensibilities, in order to accommodate people such as Adams.

Jaman says she is considering her options, including pursuing legal remedies for violation of her rights. As things now stand, despite the Y’s pledge of inclusivity and respect, its facilities are not a place where everyone can feel safe and assured that their dignity is being respected.

A facility like the Y must take at face value a person’s assertion of their gender expression or gender identity. Washington’s law on nondiscrimination in use of public facilities does not permit questioning the basis for a person’s preference for facilities consistent with the asserted gender expression or identity.  A man dressed as a lumberjack, or in a cut off shirt to revealing massive biceps, who comes across as very macho and stereotypically masculine, may use the women’s facilities. If questioned, he need only say they are at that moment consistent with how he identifies—even if this is but a ruse so he can gratify himself by seeing naked women and children or gratify himself by exposing himself to them.

If a women who identifies as a man objects to biological males sharing the same showers with her (asserting to be comfortable only around people with their same gender expression and identity or women in general), the YMCA must allow them use of a space consistent with that preference. Just as a man who identifies as a woman need not substantiate feelings and objections to using a shower or bathroom inconsistent with who they say they are, Jaman need not undergo cross-examination in the assertion of her feelings of invasion of privacy, humiliation, vulnerability and fear. In the next installment, we will, though, examine the justification for concerns about biological males in women’s facilities. These are not frivolous concerns. We will also report on an extraordinary, impassioned session of Port Townsend’s City Council where both sides of this controversy shared their views.

[Author’s note: The police records say that Jaman reported seeing the male in the woman’s swimsuit “helping a young girl take off her bathing suit.” That would have required some physical contact. In comments to the article Jaman says, however, she did not see any physical contact, but saw the male in the woman’s bathing suit looking at 4-5 young girls pulling down their swimsuits. The use of the word “touching” in the original posting of this article was based on the police report of the interview with Jaman. That word has been deleted at Jaman’s insistence. To her credit, she wants the story reported as accurately as she can recall events.]

Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. Bob Kern

    Jameson Lovitt.I must have missed this:”a comment promoting the erasure of Transgender human being “. From what I read it was the elderly cisgendered woman who was being bullied and having her identity erased. Do you struggle with reading comprehension or are you so blinded by your delusional agenda that you just can’t think straight?

  2. Gunny HiWay

    You did not read the article correctly.
    It is the “LGBT” movement, members and agenda that need to “grow up” and join the sane members of society that outnumber you 100,000 to 1.
    Not a good look for you “LGBT” folks considering the “Dragg Queen” controversy and “Monkeypox”…

    The majority of Americans are sick of this, not to mention 90% of the world.
    Africa, Russia, China and the middle east do not tolerate this insulting behavior.
    The whole “identify” thing was created by a known, convicted pedophile named John Money in 1955.
    You are dismissed.

  3. Gunny HiWay

    No…We are sick of your “progressive community” and have been since it started in the early 80’s thanks to transplant Californians.

  4. Non-Freak

    I’m gay and am 100% on Julie’s side. Somewhere along the line, gay rights (the right to live free like everyone else) got turned into something very different. What was done to Ms. Jaman does not, not, not in any way, shape or form represent one single thing about me or the other gay people in my orbit. Never, ever, not in a million years. Ugh!

  5. Ange Neale

    It wasn’t just John Money. A French philosopher and the ‘father’ (one might say ‘ejaculating parent’, to purloin trans’ rights allies’ semantic distortions of words like ‘woman’ and ‘mother’, and attempts to erase biological sex from the English language) of Queer Theory called Michel Foucault had both hands in all of this, right up to his shoulders.

    Foucault was also a known pedophile with a documented history of fooling around with young boys in North Africa during French colonial times, though never arrested or charged.

    I’d also add I’m one of the ‘L’s and this nonsense does not have my approval. I am a woman first and foremost, and the worst discrimination I’ve ever experienced has been because of that first, not the other. There are a whole lot of (particularly older) Ls and some Gs who are horrified by the sh*t the T and Q weirdos are perpetrating in our name.

    In the UK, Australia and elsewhere, it’s causing a giant schism – check out the UK’s LGB Alliance, LGB Alliance Australia, #GetTheLOut, etc. All that marching we did in the 1970s to the 1990s was for equal rights, and this lot want special rights, such as the right for males to go into female change rooms so they can perve at little girls.

    The LGBTQI+++ thing has become a parasitic Alphabet Swamp, and if you want to know how bad it could really get, check out the discourses around ‘MAP’ – Minor-attracted people or persons – and how there are some of these parasites who want to give them cover within the swamp.

    Oh, hell no. Just no.

    • nobody important

      Going to just get worse when they shoehorn the P into your string of letters. You’ll either toe the line or be outcast, like straight people.

      For what it’s worth I’m sorry, I do believe there are large swaths of people in your community that just wanted to be left alone to live as they wished. This new strain requires both acknowledgement and agreement or they go absolutely ape.

      I think most people just ought to ignore and avoid until the circular firing squad finishes itself and people can start over reasonable. I just minimize speaking to anyone with any of the new special requirements. Not worth tiptoeing through a minefield only to be persecuted for an inadvertent oversight of the day’s new rules anyway.


    • RGDodge

      I appreciate your and Non-Freak’s comments and perspective. I am a straight, white, male and, so, our Venn Diagrams don’t overlap. I have my views on same-sex relationships, but I generally keep them to myself, content to live my straight life without feeling the need to force others to live the same. By the same token, I’m also content for other people to live their lives, but like you and Non-Freak object to any effort to force me to accept their lifestyle choices. It may seem simplistic and naive, but I like “leave me alone and I’ll leave you alone.” We will all answer to God some day. May He have mercy on us all . . . except for those who cause any child to stumble (“better for them that a millstone were hung around their neck and they were cast into the depths of the sea” or “that they were never born”).

      • Emmett Kelly

        Being trans is not a lifestyle choice. It’s how a person’s brain was programmed in utero. Just as our sexual orientation (who we’re attracted to) is programmed and not a choice, who you feel that you are (gender) is the same.

        Having said that, something doesn’t add up here.

        I’m MTF trans. I have not had surgery. I work very hard to not attract attention, and am most happy when I move through the world behind the scenes.

        I use the rest room and changing rooms where I have the least potential to attract attention. Once, I was dressed in men’s jeans, a men’s polo shirt, and construction boots due to some work that I had to complete, and I was evicted from the Costco men’s room by a custodian, who kept telling me that I was in the wrong room.

        When I use a woman’s facility, I go out of my way to avoid conflict. I change behind curtains, in stalls, or behind a towel. I never look at any woman’s body, and never stare. I don’t linger, and get in and get out as quickly as I can. And I would NEVER show my male appendages to anyone, never mind a female child. In fact, if there was a female child in the facility, I would move away from that person to avoid any issues.

        Since most trans people are incredibly aware that they are at risk of harassment, assault and even murder for merely existing, most trans people would never intentionally cause a problem in any location. I’m guessing that Ms. Jaman somehow identified the trans person, and freaked out, disturbing the peace, and threatening those around her. Considering how she’s made this a federal case, and gone out of her way to play this out in the public realm, she does not appear to be a calm, reasonable person.

        In most cases, trans people share very personal spaces with cis-gendered people without incident, because most escape notice. They choose to create this reality, because their very lives depend on it. Out of control cis people are dangerous when they get triggered.

        I know the right wing press, who have mostly publicized this news story with nary a mention in any mainstream publication, have crafted the narrative as this pervert molesting children, and naked elderly people, but I have a feeling that the real story involves a disruptive, unreasonable, right wing activist, who wishes to blow this into something that it’s not.

        The reality is that regardless if someone is cis or trans, if they are causing trouble in a bathroom or locker room by gawking, touching, saying crude things, or molesting, they can be removed, arrested and prosecuted under existing law. It is true that unbalanced people (on the cis AND trans side) have acted unreasonably in these personal spaces, and in most cases, have been dealt with under the current legislative system.

        Please set aside your preconceived notions, and biases, and keep an open mind here. Ms. Jaman was banned from the property, not for her concern about children, but for being out of control, unreasonable, and for disturbing the peace.

        • Jim Scarantino

          Rather misogynistic. How exactly should Ms. Jaman have behaved as a nice little old lady when she found herself naked, against her will, close to a man in a women’s swimsuit? He would not leave or even turn her back. Should she have begged, said, please, wept and asked for pity? Instead, she grew agitated and angry, had a strong visceral and emotional response. For that she was punished and her rights and interest subjugated to those of a rude, inconsiderate male who abused his job status and claimed gender identity to cause her trauma. Also, pleased don’t post under “Emmy” as well as “Emmett” and make it look like another person is agreeing with you.

        • Lori

          If you are going to comment, reading the story is the bare minimum. You don’t have to guess Julie’s motivations, they are all right there. She asked the trans identified male to leave because he was watching young girls undress.

        • Carol Dansereau

          Emmet, I wish you a happy and fulfilled life, but there is a major flaw in your analysis. You believe yourself to be a woman, based on believing you have a female brain somehow. The actual science on human brains has been shamelessly distorted by those presenting it to kids and adults uncomfortable with their sex, as part of the Gender Identity narrative. Having examined the actual studies frequently cited, I can vouch that they do not establish that there are female brains and male ones, and that somehow some men end up with female brains. Not even close. Moreover, the concept of male and female brains has been used for a long time to tell women we don’t have the brains to do certain jobs, etc. Many of us who fought the female-brain sexist ploy years ago are appalled to see it back in force.

          But the bigger problem with your analysis is this. Even IF men could somehow mysteriously have women’s brains in their heads, it is entirely irrelevant to the question of sex. Reproductive anatomy, specifically a person’s primary sex organs at birth, is what determines whether someone is a male or a female. And we women (Adult Human Females) have won through hard struggle, spaces of our own, sports of our own and much more. When you claim that it’s fine for you to enter women’s spaces, because you do it as quietly as possible, you are assuming everyone wants to go along with your redefinition of female and of woman. We don’t. Nor should we be asked to do so. Nor should we be required to do so. It doesn’t matter how low key you are when you enter women’s spaces you are violating our right to sex-based privacy.

          Ms. Jaman has every right to request that a male leave the female locker room. Based on your self-serving interpretation of how it’s really not a big deal for women to forfeit our rights based on your beliefs, you conclude that she must have been out of line. This is entirely offensive. I also assure you that I personally have challenged the presence of men in a women-only space, in the most polite way possible, only to be told that I was belligerent and obnoxious. That false declaration about me was based entirely on defining any challenge of Gender Identity Ideology as violent and harmful.

          You have the right to believe whatever you want, and I fiercely defend that right. You do not, however, have the right to impose your beliefs on others. Please rethink your approach. Please respect women’s spaces, and the long years of struggle we went through to secure them.

          • Jim

            Very well put, Carol, and I wholeheartedly agree that people can within their own head believe any obvious untruth or fantasy they wish (and have to live with the consequences), but trying to impose a belief in untruths or fantasies upon other people is always wrong, often obnoxious, can result in pushback and is sometimes unlawful.

            One of the best ways I’ve ever heard it put is from Ayn Rand as I recall and is pretty simple: “You can ignore Reality. You cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring Reality.”

  6. Erwin

    There is only one encouraging aspect in this entire fiasco. Port Townsend, the mecca of liberal progressives is finally getting the medicine of its own making. Welcome, enjoy the view, this how it looks when ideology of virtue signaling matures to full bloom. Oh, you don’t like it? Suck it up!

  7. Benny O

    You are such in the minority here and within the world. Your reference to a Poplar tree says it all. You may be dangerous to yourself.

  8. Benny O

    Not on Donald Trump’s watch. (moderator- don’t be like Twitter)

  9. Dave Huff

    Anxiously awaiting the cull…..

  10. Chris Brown

    I can remember when Port Townsend used to be a wholesome, safe community…..

  11. jbrickley

    This will really rub your fur the wrong way:

    The YMCA was founded on 6 June 1844 by George Williams in London, originally as the Young Men’s Christian Association, and aims to put Christian values into practice by developing a healthy “body, mind, and spirit”.

    How’s that for an infiltration and utter corruption?

    • US

      The last place this was done was Germany. Learn the truth.

    • Craneboy

      Same was done to “Boy Scouts” and “Cub Scouts”

  12. Tom SteChatte

    So Jaman does not identify as a Christian? Well neither do the trannies, hon. You can’t have it both ways: you can’t demand others adhere to morality rooted in Judeo-Christianiy if you don’t believe in it yourself And you “good” atheists wonder why the world has become a cesspool?

  13. Billie Jean Queen

    Can you please do away with the “cis”? She’s a biological woman who lives as a woman, in other words a woman. The “erasure” of a person because not everyone else wants to pretend with them to the point of being nude little children of the opposite sex/gender. There just has to be some limitations to it. This is hurting the women’s movement and LGB rights that have been gained over the last several decades. Transphobic is not a real word. It’s used to howl at people who disagree with anything pertaining to transsexuals. Enough is enough.

  14. Nightflight

    Common sense died a horrible death and it was recorded as C19 for the extra cash.

  15. John D Markley

    The issue is moral courage, or even just courage on the part of elected representatives, especially at the local level. And what are these officials afraid of exactly? Being called bad names? Being voted out of office? Cyber harassment? This particular issue is so simple.

    • Kenji Fuse

      The issue is not simply moral courage, but also badly thought out and worded human rights legislation about gender discrimination. These laws are very real, and the erosion of sex-based rights and protections caused by them is very concerning – what is happening to women like Jaman is not an isolated incident, it is a consistent occurrence.

  16. Maximus

    This is a direct result of leftist infiltration at all levels of society. Their goal is to destroy the normal family structure and our country.

    My brother and his hippy wife moved from California to the Peninsula in the early 80s. They’ve spent 40+ years talking about how stupid and backward the residents of Washington are. Then they bred a litter of kids and raised them as leftists. Now WA is stuck with them all. They, and people like them, ruined WA just as they ruined OR, CO, etc.

    I moved from CA to a deeply red state specifically because of the conservative values, low taxes, minimal government regulations, religious outlook, etc. Sorry to say, people like my brother are the problem across this country. They brought you the trans lunacy.

  17. ed

    This is just going to bring about a swift and strong backlash. I don’t have any more patience for the alphabet community. They all hate each other anyway, they’re no “coalition”. Just a bunch of mental ill whiners that the rest of us have been treating with kid gloves for a decade. It’s over.

  18. Danimal28

    Yes, sadly, your movement is being used to promote trans ideology and you folks need to push back on this stuff. Good luck!

    • J Paul Callahan

      Look up:
      Magdalen Berns
      Cathy Brennan
      The history of what happened to the
      Michigan Womyn’s Festival

      Do also read the work of:
      Dr Janice Raymond

      Especially women in the gay community have been fighting back for quite a long time. Woman after woman has been silenced and destroyed. Don’t blame gay people for this crap. It was forced on them. Even they don’t know where the hell it came from.

  19. tacitustalks

    Too many anecdotes of “males” declaring themselves women exploiting women. In Ohio, a transexual got women pregnant in a woman’s prison. Seemed that woman in a man’s body was utilizing the MALE EQUIPMENT to its full potential. Same thing happened in Virginia, a “trans” raped two girls in 2 schools with the administration covering it up. Bathrooms, Dressing Rooms, Sleeping arrangements, Teams, Changing Rooms and who is able to use them MUST be determined by the BIOLOGICAL realities of the person. If they were born with a penis, that is reality and it should be the goal of legal authorities to prevent disturbance of the peace. Maybe mental health experts can pander to fantasy and delusion but it is the purpose of political authorities to keep a society operating efficiently and without controversy. ALLOWING MEN in areas restricted to women does NOT promote harmony and safety in a society. It creates chaos.

  20. Suzanne P.

    It’s refreshing to see those who are normally silenced able to voice their opinions about this affront to common sense. How far will things have to go before the lefties realize how damaging their agenda is? As a public school teacher, I would recommend that everyone who is concerned about their children being indoctrinated into this bizarre point of view, get their children out… NOW! It’s too late once they’ve convinced the young that this nonsense is true and that Christians and others who have traditional morals and values are the oppressors. The LGBTQ community is the oppressor and I’m glad to see Julie stand up for herself and those girls in the locker room.

    • Jim

      Suzanne, you make a good point about removing the precious kids to safety. Government “schools” are becoming indoctrination centers verging on child abuse, in addition to failed curricula that just excretes arrogant dullards into society with fake passing grades and a sense beat into them that because they exist they are racist, sexist or some other synthetic “-ist”. I have had the misfortune to have hired a few in the past and was shocked at fundamental incapacity to think, perform age-appropriate basic tasks or even a desire to learn something new to them, like coherent speech and basic math.

      It’s getting scary out there and heading beyond Orwellian, who only envisioned two minutes of hate on a regularly-scheduled basis.

  21. Jim

    August 8, 2022

    Democrats Reject Amendment Confirming Only Women Get Pregnant

    Over the weekend, Senate Democrats rejected an amendment to a bill that confirms only women get pregnant and that there is no such thing as “pregnant people.”

    Senator Marco Rubio proposed the amendment to ensure that funding for federal pregnancy programs goes only to biological females. But Democrats, who care more about their leftist ideology than women, rejected the amendment to protect funding for women’s health care.

    Looks like you’re out of luck, ladies; the democRat party radical insane leftists say you have to share with imaginary womyn having imaginary pregnancies. As a man, I think it’s sort of great that men are now the authority to determine what a woman is, even if it’s only by pretending, playing dress-up or from mental illness. I don’t make the rules, but I’m enjoying these because it’s more entertaining than Netflix.

    To be fair, the Normal-American Community DID try to warn you. All that remains is buttering the popcorn, then sitting back to watch the show.

    • Edel Sokol

      Someone said “in many ways nonsense is a more effective organizing tool than the truth. Anyone can believe in the truth. To believe in nonsense is an unforgeable demonstration of loyalty. It serves as a political uniform. And if you have a uniform, you have an army.”

      • Nonsensical

        I know some Y employees who think the Y acted wrongly but they can’t/won’t speak up for fear of losing their jobs plus having to deal with the “mob mentality” that would tear them apart. So much for inclusiveness. Sounds like a hostile work environment to me.

  22. Carol Dansereau

    Gender Identity Ideology is a hoax. It masquerades as civil rights and compassion and science, and is the opposite of each of these. It is outrageous that men now declare themselves women, and are allowed to destroy women’s sex-based privacy, sports, etc. It is appalling that “progressives” applaud this misogyny. It is horrific that children are being fed to Big Pharma under the guise of this toxic ideology. See Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Transgender Galaxy for details:

  23. Joe Casey

    Akin to Weimar Germany in 1930s that led to the rise of the Nazis.

    • Jim

      It seems to be everywhere now, including news sites, blogs and even national radio programs and podcasts. Good; PT leftism has been able to hide in the shadows for far too long. Maybe nationwide mocking and laughter will help right the ship after a while. Went Woke and Failed. Remember In November, normal Americans.

  24. Linda Simmons

    This is the most sickening thing I have read in a long time. I’m tired of our rights being taken away for just a few people who can’t decide who they are. If my grand daughter had been there you can bet I would have made and even bigger commotion. This world is being destroyed by all this crap out there. Praying for our country!🙏🏻

  25. Linda Simmons

    Suzanne P. Loved your comment. More people need to home school. Thanks

  26. Torchy Blane

    Exceptionally well-written, well-researched investigative article. Thank you for not paywalling your work.



  1. Report: Naked 80-Year-Old Protests a Biological Male in Her YMCA Shower, Gets Banned for Bigotry - […] From the Port Townsend Free Press: […]
  2. 80-Year-Old Woman Banned From Community Pool For Complaining About Cross-Dressing Man Watching Little Girls Undress In Locker Room – Indy News - […] After swimming at the YMCA’s Mountain View pool on July 26, as she has regularly for 35 years, 80-year-old…
  3. Naked 80-Year-Old Protests a Biological Male in Her YMCA Shower, Gets Banned for Bigotry – RedState – The Insight Post - […] From the Port Townsend Free Press: […]
  4. नग्न 80 वर्षीय अपने वाईएमसीए शावर में एक जैविक पुरुष का विरोध करता है, कट्टरता के लिए प्रतिबंधित हो - […] से पोर्ट टाउनसेंड फ्री प्रेस: […]
  5. YMCA in WA State Expels Non-Woke Granny - Victory Girls Blog - […] of Life? In Port Townsend, Washington, a YMCA expelled an 80-year-old grandmother. Her offense? She objected to a man…
  6. Rantz: Watch 80-year-old defend privacy rights in trans locker room controversy - West USA - […] Jaman retreated to the locker room after swimming laps at the Mountain View pool, which is managed by the…
  7. Laura Ingraham: Only ‘Certain Liberal Women’ Get Respect in Women’s Dressing Rooms – LibertyWire - […] praised what police called the banned senior citizen, Julie Jaman’s, “emotional” response to “a strange male being in the…
  8. Laura Ingraham: Only ‘Certain Liberal Women’ Get Respect in Women’s Dressing Rooms – Christian Truth Radio Network News - […] praised what police called the banned senior citizen, Julie Jaman’s, “emotional” response to “a strange male being in the…
  9. Rantz: Watch 80-year-old defend privacy rights in trans locker room controversy - NW USA Live - […] Jaman retreated to the locker room after swimming laps at the Mountain View pool, which is managed by the…
  10. YMCA pool bans 80-year-old woman after she demands transgender staff member leave locker room where little girls are undressing – Indie Media - […] Jaman, a resident of Port Townsend, Washington, told the Port Townsend Free Press that she was asked to leave…
  11. YMCA pool bans 80-year-old woman after she demands transgender staff member leave locker room where little girls are undressing – Patriot Headline News - […] Jaman, a resident of Port Townsend, Washington, told the Port Townsend Free Press that she was asked to leave…
  12. Rantz: Watch 80-year-old defend privacy rights in trans locker room controversy - West USA Live - […] Jaman retreated to the locker room after swimming laps at the Mountain View pool, which is managed by the…
  13. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  14. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area | Down Right News - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  15. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area | The Daily Wire - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  16. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area – Real News (LA) Los Angeles - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  17. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area – True News Hub - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  18. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area - Vancouver Times - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  19. ‘Out Of The Pool Forever’: 80-Year-Old Woman Says She Was Called A ‘Bigot’ After Saying Man Was In Women’s Shower Area – Lafayette Paper - […] told a local outlet, the Port Townsend Free Press, that she then asked the person to […]
  20. 80-year-old woman booted from YMCA for asking male to leave women’s locker room - The Lion - […] to the Port Townsend Free Press, on July 26, Julie Jaman, a 35-year member of the YMCA, was in…
  21. YMCA Bans 80-year-old Woman for Reporting Man in Ladies Changing Room, Ruth Inst. Outraged – Ruth Institute - […] 80-year-old woman in Port Townsend, Washington, has been permanently banned from the local YMCA for objecting to a man…
  22. Meanwhile, in the 9th Circuit of Hell.. | See, there's this thing called biology... - […] you want some good journalism and plain facts about the matter, here is who originally broke the story. There…
  23. 80-årig kvinne utestengt for ikke å godta biologisk mann i kvinnedusjen – Samlivsrevolusjonen - […] Jaman hørte en mannsstemme i garderoben da hun dusjet etter en rutinemessig svømmeøvelse 22. juli. Hun snudde seg og…

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