An 80-year old woman who expressed extreme discomfort and fear about a male in the women’s shower area of the Mountain View Pool was permanently banned from using the facility.
For 35 years the Mountain View pool—a City of Port Townsend facility now operated in partnership with the Olympic Peninsula YMCA—and its women’s showers had been a safe place for her. But not that day. The woman had to stand naked in the presence of the male, a YMCA employee, despite her pleas and demands that he leave. She was also very concerned that this male was watching little girls as they peeled off their swimsuits. Another YMCA employee called the police on the woman. The woman was initially instructed by a Y employee to leave, but then prohibited from exiting the building by two YMCA employees. She exclaimed, “Bullshit! I need the police!” and left to report the incident immediately to the Port Townsend Police Department.
Julie Jaman has been in Port Townsend for about 40 years. She has been swimming at the Mountain View pool for most of those years. She raised children in Jefferson County. She has been a Democratic voter. She describes her gender identity and expression as rooted in her biological sex. “I am an XX woman,” she says, referring to the chromosomal characteristics that make women women and distinguish them from men. Her gender identity and expression, she says, have been shaped by eight decades of womanhood and life experiences that implanted feelings, reactions, intuition and wisdom, strengths, vulnerabilities and preferences. Jaman is a woman whose gender expression and identity recoil at being naked against her will in the presence of strange males and whose mothering instincts (“the momma bear in me,” she says) surfaced when she saw a man in a woman’s bathing suit looking at nearly naked little girls.
Julie Jaman’s Story
Jaman says that on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, she was swimming when the Y’s aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, told her that a group of children were going to use her lane. Julie left the pool and went to the women’s showers. There are no private showers. They are all clustered in a common area that requires users to step into and out of the showers in the view of others. The light curtains on each shower stall do not provide much of a shield from the eyes of others. One can see out as well as in.

Rainbow flags and “pride” stickers fill the rooms and corridors of the Mountain View Pool facility, with no signage warning users that biological men identifying as women can use formerly women-only showers and toilets.
While lathered up in the shower Jaman heard a definite, low male voice. She saw a male in a woman’s swimsuit very close to where she was showering. Julie says he was “looking at the little girls as they were taking off their suits.” She remembers about four little girls being in the room.
Jaman says she was shocked. “There were gaps in the curtain and there I was, naked, with soap and water on me, and this guy, right there very close to me. I asked, ‘Do you have a penis?’ He said, ‘That’s none of your business.’ That’s when I told him, ‘Get out of here, right now.’”
Jaman then noticed that DeLuna was also there just outside her shower stall. Julie said to her, “Get him out of here.” DeLuna responded, according to Jaman,”You’re discriminating and you can’t use the pool anymore and I’m calling the police.”
Jaman remembers standing there stunned, naked and wet. “There was no concern for what I was experiencing.” DeLuna never asked “if I was okay.” Nobody explained anything to her. The male in the woman’s swim suit did not display anything identifying him as a YMCA employee. She does not remember getting dry and dressed. She exited the showers and entered the foyer to leave the building.
DeLuna was at the door and told her, “You have not abided by our principles and values.” Jaman said, “I am respectful, but I’m not a Christian and I don’t follow Christian ideology.” She told us she was referring to the “C” in YMCA which once stood for “Christian”. Jaman said she raised concerns about her loss of dignity and being stripped of her sense of safety when she was in a vulnerable state. She raised concerns about the little girls being naked in front of the male in the swimsuit. DeLuna dismissed her concerns by sharing a past trauma of her own. Another YMCA staff member then appeared and told Jaman that she could not leave. DeLuna said the same thing, either before or after this other person. Jaman said, “Bullshit! I’m going to the police right now. I want help and I need it immediately.”
The police department in the Mountain View Commons complex is just a few yards from the door to the pool. Jaman filed a complaint about what had happened and was told she would be called. Port Townsend Police Officer Marc Titterness called her and she told him what happened.
Jaman also called Wendy Bart, the CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA and left a message. They were able to talk later that day. Bart said she had talked to her staff and stood by their actions, including banning Jaman from ever again using the pool. Bart said a staff member told her that Jaman said to the male in the woman’s swimsuit, “You’re going to stick your fucking penis in those little girls.” Jaman adamantly denies saying any such thing.
Ms. Bart told Jaman she assumes the posted “pride” signs indicating the Y welcomes all people is adequate for women to know that crossdressers and men who identify as women will be using the women’s dressing/shower room. In a written comment to the Port Townsend City Council, Jaman stated:
“The YMCA should immediately post clear signage indicating the existing dressing/shower rooms will be used by the opposite sex who gender identify differently. Also, all parents who send their children to YMCA programs should be informed that men who identify as women are allowed to accompany little girls into the dressing and bathroom areas.”
“This is unbelievable,” Jaman says. She says she did not sleep for days following the incident.
The YMCA’s Side of the Story
We have asked Bart, DeLuna and Clementine Adams to state what they say happened. Adams, a first year college student, is the male who was in the swimsuit and in the shower area while Jaman was naked. We let them know that we always publish verbatim and in full every word written to us in response to questions. None of them have responded to telephone calls or Facebook messages.
Police Call Records Support Key Parts of Jaman’s Story, are Vague on Others
Officer Titterness summarized his conversation with Jaman in a police call report obtained by the Free Press. He says that “Julie,” as he refers to her, was using the “restroom” and “heard a man’s voice and observed what appeared to be a man in a female bathing suit assisting a small female child.” Jaman became “very triggered” and “had an emotional response to a strange male being in the bathroom and helping a young girl take off her bathing suit.” Officer Titterness and Jaman “had a long discussion about the complex issue.” [Jaman states she did not claim to see any touching; see author’s note at the end of the article.]
The report we obtained also records calls made by someone from the YMCA who refused to identify themselves. The anonymous caller told the police that “Clementine was in the bathroom with a child in the day camp and Julie asked if she had a penis and started screaming at her to get out.” In another call, the anonymous caller said that “Julie” has “been asked to leave and is refusing.” Another call from the same person was recorded as Julie “was screaming at employee and calling names and refusing to leave.” Nothing appears in the contemporaneous call records about Jaman saying anything like what the YMCA’s CEO says was reported to her sometime after the incident.
A Word on Words: He, Her, Trans, Male, Female, Man, Woman
What Jaman saw is what will be described here as “a male in a woman’s swimsuit.” How Adams sees himself does not alter the physical facts in the shower room on that day. Jaman was very upset at finding herself naked in front of a male in a woman’s swimsuit, and seeing this male looking at little girls in various stages of nudity. Adams was not excluded from the facilities. It was Jaman who was told to leave when she expressed her gender identity, sensitivities and vulnerabilities. State law imposes obligations upon and prohibits actions by the Y and its employees; state law imposes no duty upon Jaman to overcome or hide her concerns, fears and humiliation about being suddenly naked, without consent, in front of a male unknown to her in a place she had considered safe for more than 30 years.
What is a woman? Adams declared himself to be a woman in March of 2022 according to his Facebook page; Jaman has been “an XX woman” for eighty years since the moment of her birth. To describe Adams as a woman would be disrespectful to “XX women” shaped by immutable biological blessings and their life’s journey, joys, struggles and wounds as a woman. Anything less implies there is nothing all that special and profound about womanhood. Uttering the word “woman” cannot change biology nor instantly give a biological XY chromosomal male the intuition, strengths, vulnerabilities, emotions, powers, and wonderous, incomparable gifts unique to those astounding and amazing human beings who are, in fact, women.
The YMCA’s Violation of Washington State Law Against Discrimination of the Basis of Gender Expression or Identity Protects Jaman
WAC 162-32-060 states that all public accommodations “shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual’s gender or expression or gender identity. In such facilities where undressing in the presence of others occurs, covered entities [like the YMCA] shall allow access to and use of a facility consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity.”
Julie Jaman’s gender expression is that of a woman in the traditional sense, the sense understood by most of her generation and all past generations until a few people have attempted fairly recently in human history to erase that identity by asserting it can be claimed by declaring oneself to be a woman. Jaman’s gender expression and identity recoils at and rejects appearing naked in front of men in public restrooms or showers, or seeing naked men in similar places, all without her consent and against her will. In this way, it is similar to a sexual assault, though Jaman has not used that terminology explicitly. For her it is palpably wrong, humiliating and threatening. This gender expression was strongly displayed when she was “triggered” and lost her sense of safety upon finding a male in a swimsuit just a few feet from her while she was naked during her shower.
This law is not a law exclusively for those humans who identify themselves the opposite gender of their biological sex. It is not so limited by its language. It is a law that protects ALL gender expressions and identities, including those of Julie Jaman. It prohibits the YMCA from denying use of its facilities to even the most puritanical, unyielding, judgmental, heterosexual, even bigoted male or female to the same extent such discrimination would be illegal against an inconsiderate male or female expressing their sexuality as other than their biological gender. Jaman’s discomfort and concerns are entitled to the same unquestioning deference and response as it would have to grant anyone asserting their gender expression or identity.
She had never before in her experience been subjected to, against her will, being in the presence of a male while naked in the Y’s showers. The first time it happened, and the first time she vocally expressed her gender identity, the Y called the police and has forever now denied her use of this public accommodation. Julie Jaman was under no legal obligation to surrender the sensitivities and preferences that spring from her gender identity. The state law applies to the YMCA and its employees, not to her.
Instead of ignoring and condemning Jaman’s gender expression, Y employees DeLuna and Adams were legally obligated to accommodate her gender expression and related preferences. They should have acknowledged and honored Jaman’s preference that Adams grant her privacy by removing himself, at least until she was dressed. DeLuna and Adams have not responded to our questions as to why they acted as they did instead of allowing Jaman to use the facility she had for decades been using in a manner consistent with traditional gender expression and identity.
State Law Recognizes the Legitimacy of Expressions of Concern and Discomfort
WAC 162-32-060(2)(a) states “If another person expresses concern or discomfort about a person who uses a facility that is consistent with that person’s expression or gender identity, the person expressing discomfort should be directed to a separate or gender-neutral facility, if available.”
This is what Julie Jaman is asking for now. The Legislature legitimized such concerns by providing a procedure for addressing them. Jaman believes that if biological males will be in the women’s shower room—where there is no privacy—then the YMCA should provide a separate or gender-neutral facility for women (or men) with gender expressions and gender identities that experience discomfort, insecurity and humiliation from as the result of being naked in front of unknown persons of the opposite sex, or being exposed to their nakedness.
I asked Erin Hawkins, who is identified as the YMCA’s person for marketing and communications, what the Y is doing now to protect the dignity and gender-based sensibilities of someone like Julie Jaman. Hawkins said such a person should do their best to wrap themselves in a towel and deploy the shower curtain while washing. She acknowledged that the shower area is not private and had no answer for how someone like Julie Jaman would be shielded from a male exposing his genitals. As for employees like Adams, she said, the Y provides separate dressing and shower facilities.
Protest and Obfuscation
Jaman and supporters held a protest outside the Mountain View pool on Monday, August 1, 2022. They argue that in 2021 the YMCA promised, quoting Y literature, “the addition of family changing rooms/all-gender bathrooms…” but instead “took over the traditional binary areas” to accommodate individuals with gender identities different than their biological gender. Jaman and her supporters want the Y to provide three separate dressing areas: men, women and gender-free.
After the protest, a large number of concerned citizens also addressed City Council that evening. Though they don’t address the state law in their list of demands, the Y could not require a man in a women’s swimsuit to use a gender-neutral room, but it would be available to resolve conflicts between gender expressions and identities. A male in a woman’s swimsuit could show respect and compassion by using the alternative area voluntarily instead of forcing himself and his preferences on non-consenting women, and vice versa. At least there would be an option to resolve conflicts.
Trans activists who organized a counter protest have been trying to tear down Jaman as a bigot, though she is only asking what the trans people they advocate for have been asking: a place that fits her gender expression and identity where she can be herself and feel safe and dignified. The activists are trying to make the question one of an attack on trans people instead of a plea by Jaman and other women with similar gender expressions and identities to have their rights equally recognized and served by the YMCA. As the sign of one of Jaman’s supporters said, “Women’s rights are human rights.”
What is becoming clear in the attacks on her, as Jaman wrote to us in an email, “It seems everything is about them. No one else’s needs matter.” The Y and the trans activists are demanding that women like Jaman surrender their gender expressions and identities, change who they are and their gender-based emotions, values and sensibilities, in order to accommodate people such as Adams.
Jaman says she is considering her options, including pursuing legal remedies for violation of her rights. As things now stand, despite the Y’s pledge of inclusivity and respect, its facilities are not a place where everyone can feel safe and assured that their dignity is being respected.
A facility like the Y must take at face value a person’s assertion of their gender expression or gender identity. Washington’s law on nondiscrimination in use of public facilities does not permit questioning the basis for a person’s preference for facilities consistent with the asserted gender expression or identity. A man dressed as a lumberjack, or in a cut off shirt to revealing massive biceps, who comes across as very macho and stereotypically masculine, may use the women’s facilities. If questioned, he need only say they are at that moment consistent with how he identifies—even if this is but a ruse so he can gratify himself by seeing naked women and children or gratify himself by exposing himself to them.
If a women who identifies as a man objects to biological males sharing the same showers with her (asserting to be comfortable only around people with their same gender expression and identity or women in general), the YMCA must allow them use of a space consistent with that preference. Just as a man who identifies as a woman need not substantiate feelings and objections to using a shower or bathroom inconsistent with who they say they are, Jaman need not undergo cross-examination in the assertion of her feelings of invasion of privacy, humiliation, vulnerability and fear. In the next installment, we will, though, examine the justification for concerns about biological males in women’s facilities. These are not frivolous concerns. We will also report on an extraordinary, impassioned session of Port Townsend’s City Council where both sides of this controversy shared their views.
[Author’s note: The police records say that Jaman reported seeing the male in the woman’s swimsuit “helping a young girl take off her bathing suit.” That would have required some physical contact. In comments to the article Jaman says, however, she did not see any physical contact, but saw the male in the woman’s bathing suit looking at 4-5 young girls pulling down their swimsuits. The use of the word “touching” in the original posting of this article was based on the police report of the interview with Jaman. That word has been deleted at Jaman’s insistence. To her credit, she wants the story reported as accurately as she can recall events.]
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.
Unreal, poor lady I hope she gets Justice!
Due to the Crippeling effects of Mental illness – individuals need their Gender identity Expressions respected – even if they do not coincide with their Biological Placement – this problem is ageless and has troubled countless societies from at least the time of Ancient Egypt to present Times – many ways have been tried to accomidate the cross gendered Persons and it is usually at the cost of an additional expense to the Society – trans genedered people should commit to useing a facility in common to their condition rather than intermixing with naturally Breeding hetrosexuals, at least untill Cloning is the preffered conception Method – the main concern is of course, a secure reproductive Enviroment – at least for the weaker sex who are ALWAYS Vulnerable.
Sometimes leftists get a taste of their own medicine and a look at the future if they don’t get their minds right. The Normal-American Community has been trying to warn you, Julie!
Now, where did I put that popcorn maker……….
All the support in the world to Julie! This has gone too far women and girls deserve to have their sex based boundaries recognized, and protected
sissy boys in dresses placing bets at the track, fine. woman carpenters taking my ticket for the game, sure.
same sex changing areas, bridge too far.
This what you get when you allow the minority to dictate to the majority.
Look in the mirror Commie liberals – You are the problem not the solution.
Comments from “joe” / “jim” / “supply-chain”:
Where you hail from?
And what’s this? — the li’l chub hatred club?
I’m sure julie jaman can hold her own, always has. I may not agree but she has my respect, especially as longterm community watchdog/bulldog. Whereas so far i have zero/zilch/none for three vitriolic commenters.
Instead, why not highlight what your ideologies are for PTFP, then others can take a measure, and/or cheap-shots, potshots, depending.
A shame, and a rigged game — the ever-engineered left/right divisions. Looks like divide & conquer remains the oldest most effective science on the planet.
“The only thing we learn from history is that we do not learn”.
Yep. Same as it ever was.
Good reporting! I stand behind the mama bear trying to look out for the young ones, and for her right to express her own gender with safety and dignity.
One reason why trans advocates are not fighting for the right to use the men’s room instead is because it usually isn’t safe, something life experiences teach women born women. We develop a lifetime of triggers, a keen awareness that we are vulnerable to predatory men, and therefore we need boundaries in place to keep ourselves safe. Women, children, and sexual assault survivors, should not be forced to disregard their own safety, security, and sense of well being, just to accommodate someone else’s feelings and social agenda.
I am in full agreement with insanitybytes22.
At age 87 I, like Julie, have lived through the whole range of acceptable behavior and laws regarding sex, gender, and approved, permitted and denounced human sexuality and sexual activity:
As a small child I preferred to go without clothing all together without any sense of shame. About the age of 10 I asked a passing classmate if she wanted to play naked in the barn with the other kids and was met with disapproval expressed the next day in school. In 1950, at the age of 15, late for school [walking because kids had to walk if they lived less than a mile from school], a stranger offered me a ride to the school, still a half mile away. I accepted and he took off in another direction to a wooded area, “molested” but not raped me, and returned me to school. I told the principal and he called the cops. In less than an hour they’d picked him up, a known rapist. There was a two day trial and he was convicted of a misdemeanor. A few years ago I discovered he had appealed his conviction on the basis that I had not shown enough “shame” to be considered innocent and chaste. [It was not a crime unless I was innocent and chaste]. . The Washington supreme court decided “creating a sense of shame on the part of the prosecuting witness is not an element of the crime of taking indecent liberties.”
In 1970 my my husband, two teenaged sons, and I decided to go skinny dipping in a creek about half a mile from but visible from the highway. A police officer drove over the narrow country lane from the highway to the creek to confront us for indecent behavior. The four of us came out of the creek, stark naked, to discuss the matter with the fully clothed and embarrassed cop, who decided not to arrest us after a 15 minute discussion about the matter. For at least the next 20 years skinny dipping at agreed locations was permitted and enjoyed.
In 2000 in Bremerton, a man married a woman with a two year old son. For the next two years he regularly sodomized the child, to the point of permanent internal damage. When the child was 4 he told his mother she called the police. The man was arrested and admitted the crime. He was sentenced to serve six months of a 68 months sentence for first degree child molestation with the rest suspended on the condition he’d undergo three years of sexual deviancy therapy which he completed.
The boy was angry and in pain. His mother did not know how to care for him and he became a ward of the state, living mostly in lock-down group “therapeutic” homes before he came to live with me in 2012. In 2017, when he was 19, visiting his biological family home, his 15 year old sister and her 15 year old friend, who was attracted to the young man started texting him about their having sex. He was gaming, but interrupted his game to respond, on line in another location, to the sex talk. The friend’s mother saw the texts and called the police. He was arrested for communicating with a minor for immoral purposes, two counts, since there were two girls who participated in the email exchange [RCW 9.68A.090]. There was no physical sexual touching at all. Because it was online communication it became a felony. He was convicted and continues to be required to register as sex offender. In most states this would not have been a crime.
My point:
Sex. Gender. Permitted behavior. Changes and changes again. Transgender feelings and experiences are real and need to be acknowledged. I have a cousin who is transgender. A loving and peaceful person.
However, many of us have experienced sexual assault of one kind or another at the hands of another person, often a stronger person, usually a male person. Children are particularly vulnerable. Those experiences must also be acknowledged and adjustments made.
It ain’t easy and no place to be glib. Listen to your elders. It takes years of experience to understand the nuance of sex, gender, permitted behavior.
I can’t say it better than this cat has:
“i want to be clear here: this is not about self-identity. if you want to see yourself as a man, a woman, a 27 gendered “other,” or an internet cat, knock yourself out. that’s your business. pursue your happiness. i hope you catch it.
but nothing gives anyone the right to force others to accede to their self-image. that has to be earned, not coerced. compelling it does not make it more likely that others will believe you. it makes them less so and it marks you as that most odious form of bully — the “crybully….”
this is what makes it such a potent selector for generating the right sort of rank and file and ensuring ideological purity. those who disagree wash out. those who remain are either the sorts of “woke” ideologues you prefer or those who will play along to get along. free thinkers and free speakers are expunged.
selecting for people anxious (or at least willing to knuckle under to) such bullying selects for those sufficiently dogmatic or pliable to fight to impose these wokeshevik ideologies upon “domestic foes” that “oppose the revolution.”
(and btw, i LOVE the word “woke” because it began as a self-descriptor meant to show status and in-group signaling but as the rest of the world got a look at the toxic tenets of wokedom it became an epithet they now desperately seek to disavow. their “brand” wound up branding them as self-serving pernicious pestilence. the allegory is a perfect fractal to stand for the whole: self similar at every scale and desperate to avoid real recognition.)”
“… She has been a Democratic voter. …”
Then why is she complaining now?!? I believe this is exactly why the phrase “reap what you sow” was invented. Enjoy the society you voted for, Jaman.
I took my grandchildren – when they were much smaller – to the pool on a daily basis – they also participated in school sponsored swimming lessons which I chaperoned in the female dressing room. Never – ever did I see a male or female employee help any little girls dress or undress – that included me. (NO Touching!) I would have had exactly the same reaction that Julie Jaman had. Rightful Outrage!! Bravo for this courageous woman and I must say that politically we are absolutely totally opposite. Equal rights doesn’t mean special rights. Having male sexual parts – pretending to be a woman and then asking me to pretend too that these male parts don’t exist is forcing me to enter a psychological dark hole. Biology does not lie.
I’m not a prejudiced person – I am for live and let live – none of my business what goes on between two consenting adults. However, Don’t suck me or my grandchildren into your sexual fantasy – your perceived reality or your psyche. By the way – I used to have a B&B and unbeknownst to me hired a transgender as a live-in Innkeeper. He/she came out when I asked directly – he was told by his psychiatrist to live as a woman for a year before being surgically castrated. He/she worked for me for a year. Respect and privacy was given by both sides. I expect privacy from any male gender in any public place designated for women.
Equal Rights does not mean Special Rights.
Edel, I wondered about that, and why it was the male in the woman’s swimming suit helping the little girl get out of her suit and not the female Y employee who was right there.
I want to clarify what I saw while standing in the women’s shower. I first heard a man’s voice, then I saw a man in a womans swim suit standing a few feet from me watching maybe 4 or 5 little girls pulling down their swims suits in order to use the toilet. I did not see touching. My instinctive sense was this is not right. I told the man he needed to leave.
Julie, I used that word based on the police report. Perhaps the officer misconstrued what you told him. Regardless, I have adjusted the article consistent with your wishes to have your account reported as accurately as you can recall it.
My sister-in-law and I wanted to somehow send you a letter of support. Wasn’t sure how we would find the information to do so but I am so glad you have commented here. You have our full support from Seattle.
Women and girls deserve sex based protections and we stand with you.
Julie, let me butt in here for a moment, i will try to be brief – your thinking screws may be a bit rusted – consider – the Womens bathing suited possible Male , may be an investigator who goes about womens shower areas doing his thing, watching young girls disrobing to determine if they really are young girls and not young boys as often happens nowdays – the boys are often prettier because they try harder to be pretty so as not to be discovered and sent bact to you know where – shhhhhhhhh – not a word to the police – has anyone seen Kyron Horman?
There’s far more to be explored & said about the globalist social engineering of “woke” & identity politics, gender fluidity & sexualization of children agendas — but let’s cut to the local chase.
So sorry & sad to hear what an 80 year old community member was put through.
Have the parents of the children, who were ‘helped’ by this Y employee, been identified & notified of the incident? Did the parents, any parents, give permission for their children to be touched in dressing & washing areas by staff? Did the children ask for assistance? Were the children asked or solicited?
How is it that a city facility, a public pool paid for with taxpayer dollars, has become a marketing platform for sexual & gender politics, festooned currently with related ideological banners?
What “consenting adults” choose in private is their own affair. In public, and especially in consideration of the historically vulnerable, it is an entirely different set & setting which necessitates care & vigilance.
Our current world is witnessing more child abuse & trafficking than ever before, alongside vast human enslavement… across the board and all demographics.
At this late dark hour, trust must be earned, not casually offered. Safe conditions for the innocent & vulnerable are priorities.
There is no such thing as “Transgender”.
I’m genuinely curious how this counts at serious discourse.
Jim, care to explain how a comment promoting the erasure of Transgender human being does not count as an instance of insult, taunting/bullying, or intimidation?
Transgender people are among the most courages and brave in our culture.
Between the ongoing Covid conspiracies and now this borderline transphobic drivel (er, I mean reporting!) the PT False Press is at it again attempting to stick a wedge in our progressive community.
To be truly progressive and brave would be able to admit one is still male despite their dress or spiritual sense of self and to look to other males to make room for them rather than the regressive idea that a dress and a feeling makes a woman
There is no such thing as transgender. Rather, what is taking place is narcissistic wishful thinking with chemical and physical self-mutilation. It’s an unhealthy mind. Men cannot be women and visa versa. This is a simple biological fact. To think otherwise is denial and delusional. Wanting something unnatural to be a fact, and stating it’s a fact, does not make it a fact. This is simple commonsense. This WOKE, globalist trans and gender queer agenda cannot be sustained and will backfire because it’s a forced lie. The truth always prevails eventually. What is sad is the tremendous damage that has, is and will continue to occur against actual biological women, children, and the LGB community as a result of trans/gender queer agenda. It is setting women’s and the LGB’s hard fought for rights back by 50 years, and is utterly destroying our children, our society, and our nations future. It’s sheer insanity.. p
It’s shocking what Mountainview YMCA has done…before, during and after the Jaman incident. It’s despicable! The Y and it’s staff should be ashamed of themselves. And it should consider taking the ‘C’ out of YMCA and replacing it with a ‘W’ for WOKE!!
No you saw a young transgender woman who has been working at the YMCA, background checked, and doing her job. You traumatized her and publicly accused her of being a pedophile, voyeur and a danger to children and you violated WA State Law and were abusive to her in front of children who were upset by your comments. What you are saying is dangerous to transgender people and hate speech. I am disgusted by the things that were said. That is why you were asked to leave. Take responsibility for your own actions and find some compassion in your heart. Don’t lie and project your own issues onto others. Do some research. Not expecting much from this always hate-filled publication but please realize the damage YOU have caused by your actions and choices. There were different ways of handling this and at your age I would think you would have found some kindness in your heart, and acted differently. This is more important than saving a poplar tree, this is a real and vulnerable person.
A Wolf, for the record, neither Ms. Jaman nor anyone else has accused the male in the swimsuit of being a pedophile. What she has said is that she saw that person looking at little girls as they were pulling down their swimsuits. The police report states she saw that person, the biological male in a women’s swimsuit, helping a little girl take off her suit. Ms. Jaman was not warned to expect a biological male in the showers and requested he leave her presence. That did not happen. She was told to leave and told the police were being called. That is in violation of state law, as the article explains. That young staff member owed her a legal duty to accommodate her gender expression and preferences, which was not to be naked in the presence of a biological male against her consent. I hope you read the article before attacking Ms. Jaman and our publication. But, maybe not.
How dare YOU attack this woman! She felt violated by a biological MALE in the womens locker room! Opening the door to males being allowed in womens spaces is dangerous! Women who identify as males hardly use the mens spaces because of this as well. Men have physical advantages over women and children and the fact that you don’t mind sacrificing women and children to the POSSIBILITY of physical harm is utterly disgusting. I’m not saying this young man is a predator, but it opens the door for predators to have access to women and children while vulnerable. Now men dressing up as women need to be protected more than biological women?? You have this completely backwards.
awolf & friends —
It’s a very crazy world at this point, difficult to negotiate for anyone, let alone find a safe/sane place within it. And that’s especially the case for the young & vulnerable.
Everyone i know has dealt with fairly severe traumas, as well as intensive social conditioning — which often combine into a painful double bind. Making some kind of “normal” out of all that is awkward, if not improbable. Tough to know what to do, how to be.
Truth be told, i’ve always felt as an outsider in this era & culture — but, fortunately, never identifying as a victim. The native peoples here were as close as i found to honest, honorable & wise societies — who were completely betrayed, then systematically eradicated by the europeans. We literally “live” atop their graveyards. Fortunately for us, somehow, part of their world & cosmology remain intact.
In late teens, in an attempt to preserve life & soul, i was impelled to make a break for it, then try to discover some place in the local universe of perceptions, possibilities and lifestyles that was a fit. Much got tested along the way, including my own capacities.
The extended/flexible gender community may turn out to be that fit for you & others, or maybe not. Only time, experience & awareness will tell.
As an elder who cares, i might suggest that it’s a tiny tiny universe you’ve selected or constructed (or consider perhaps that it has been prompted & engineered for you). It’s both fortress & echo-chamber, where most everyone else outside those reverberations & identifications is suspect, bigoted, racist, hateful. Few are allowed to enter the clubhouse/fort that do not share the same perspectives.
Problem is, this world is far more complex, impossible to contain or define with a handful of buzzwords, generalizations, or epithets. Until it’s negotiated over the decades with a reasonably open heart & mind, it’s too easy to fall into simplistic cul de sacs, ideological traps, etc.
A cautionary — one cannot expect others to see & inhabit your particular world of choices the same way, then make them the enemy if they don’t.
One way or another, we are asked & tasked to share this world, and not just with humans. The original peoples of north america in their wisdom teachings referred to Earth’s entirety as “all our relations”.
It’s a terribly difficult time…. but to be human & humane amidst all of sacred life here is to be part of a whole, not separate & disconnected from it in little bits & pieces. It’s a practice.
I made my own niche, but also able to listen, chat & relate to just about anyone. Just underneath the pain, confusion and indoctrinations…. we’re all humans.
What say we steer an open course with that?
Then the Y needs to reflect on the position this person holds. If they are visibly male, the role of helping young girls in the bathroom should go to someone who is female. Heck, they can be trans identifying females…but female is the part that matters for the safety, comfort, and dignity of the young girls.
Hey A Wolf: Are the chicks safe? The woman was packing a sausage in the midst of an oldish real woman and real little girls. Because (s)he decided 4 months ago to announce that he is a woman now, at least until camp season is over. Then he’ll pull a Demi Lavato. You Democrats have jumped the shark. The normals get to vote on y’all in a few short months.
It’s sad you can’t see things for how they truly are. The young man should never have been in that locker room with elderly women and little girls. PERIOD!
No, what was seen was a boy playing dress-up and pretending to be a girl, trying to bully others into agreeing with his fantasies and freaking out actual females.
When you can figure out how to change you DNA and chromosome composition, then maybe we can talk about “transgender”. This is dress-up.
(Your Majesty / His Majesty)
The Mountain View violated Washington State LawThis YMCA is discriminating against Mrs. Jaman and should be prosecuted: The YMCA’s Violation of Washington State Law Against Discrimination of the Basis of Gender Expression or Identity Protects Jaman
(WAC 162-32-060) as well as the trans community (who are notorious for being identity bullies) It’s about equal rights not special rights.
Sometimes , A Wolf in sheep’s clothing is akin to a male in drag. You sound like a heterophobic this elderly woman was asserting her right to the same accommodations offered to trans people. EQUAL RIGHTS do not mean SPECIAL RIGHTS.
Related, in terms of more issues being forced on us.
Be careful what you ask for, you might get it! There are many that have not thought out the ramifications of trying to change society by political means. It does not matter how many laws, court decisions, RCWs, WACs and so on that you can claim are on your side. If society does not come along for the ride you are wasting your time and likely will end up hurting your cause.
Society is coming along for the ride, it’s you who are not, and no surprise as the etymological basis of conservatism is to “conserve.” Meanwhile, the basis of progressivism is to “progress” or, put another way, “to come along.” The State legislature and the vast majority of voters and citizens are on the side of the current state law and the Y. Society and culture are defined by change. Our laws reflect the changes in society, they do not spur them on. It must be difficult to accept that your beliefs are now so fringe.
The legislature enacted a law to ensure access for all gender expressions and identities, including that of Ms. Jaman, to facilities consistent with her gender expression and identity. A facility that exposes her, naked, without her consent to biological males, and vice versa, is inconsistent with her gender expression and identity. Presumably “progress” does not seek to traumatize elderly women or victims of sexual violence, who are not only made extremely uncomfortable, but also put into a state of fear and shock upon finding a male who will not leave their presence while they are naked.
I would encourage you to review the following document, and draw your attention to the second paragraph on page 4:
Q: What can an individual do if they do not wish to share gender segregated areas in a situation that makes them uncomfortable?
A: If you are uncomfortable because of another person’s inappropriate behavior or actions, immediately report that behavior, either to the managers of the facility, or, if it is criminal behavior, to the police. You do not have to deal with inappropriate or illegal behavior from anyone. If you are uncomfortable because of privacy concerns, whether you are transgender or not transgender, you will have to make your own decision about what to do and what decision might be within your comfort zone, while allowing the business to comply with the law.
This is settled law, Jim, no bogus lawsuit for ya here, sorry!
One more thing. The law under discussion did not apply to Clementine Adams. The legislature did not pass a law that requires an employer to allow men to enter women’s bathrooms or showers to fulfill their job duties. E.g., it does authorize a woman going into the men’s showers to hang up posters or make announcements or vice versa. It would not permit a male to escort little girls into the women’s room. Nor does it authorize a male who may or not be transgender (the Y has not said anything on that, it has been assumed) to be in the women’s shower area for his job and not leave when a naked, shocked woman tells him to go. Clementine Adams was not there to shower or use the toilets. In short, the Y broke the law as it pertained to and protect Julie Jaman. This would be an interesting case and I don’t see how the Y wins.
“The law protects all gender expressions and gender identities…” The Washington Human Rights Commission makes clear right up front. That means Ms. Jaman. The Y owed her a legal duty to provide a shower facility consistent with her gender identity and expression, which they had been doing up until that point. But on that day an employee of the Y invaded her privacy and broke the law by denying her rights under this law, and then another employee told her to get out because she complained. The law in this case protected Ms. Jaman, not the Y’s employees. Ms. Jaman had no obligations to leave the shower room or shut up and stuff it. Those employees also refused to honor her request that the male leave, at least until she was dressed. Instead they called the cops. The male Y employee could have followed the section you said, and left the room for a little bit, or, out of consideration, courtesy and respect for an old woman naked in the shower, waited until she was done before going in. Ms. Jaman today told me she is reaching out to a law group that handles cases like this all over the country. You might try using a real name if you want to call me by name, by the way.
There are well known physiological reactions that can occur when a person perceives a threat. The reactions are very real even if the threat is not.
I once encountered a well dressed young male as I stepped out of a restroom stall. As I bolted to the door, the male appearing person assured me that I was safe. S(he) was very kind and rightfully concerned about my well being. I’m an older person and my heart rate was through the roof. It took me about 2 hours to calm down enough to drive.
A person in this state cannot easily turn off the adrenaline and physiological changes because they are inconvenient or offending someone.
I was the caregiver for my paralyzed by stroke mom for years. She needed help in the bathroom, needed to be wiped and cleaned and helped on and off the stall. I am a male. What should I have done those years? Have her shit herself, Because you might be triggered in the bathroom? The people I know that have been raped at school, church, or the military never happened in a bathroom. And usually by powerful large cisgendered toxic men, not teenage trans women. All this protect the children stuff is bull crap, all the dog whistles and insulations on here. Now when you die (most that read or contribute to this, sooner than most) google will immortalize your backwards comments and these will be the first results when they search your name. You will look as flattering as the groups cheering on when people were lynched. What a legacy. This really is just “whites only” 2022. Exact same wordage just a different minority this time.
Quite the collection of hyperbole you got there. This is an issue of the sexed body, it is not similar to race or to the struggles of racial minority groups. None of these groups have had to experience their oppressor claiming to literally be them.
You cared for your mother, but any woman receiving intimate care should be able to control who provides that care and who they share their space with. It isn’t saying that men can not be caregivers but that women need to be able to say no.
Truly -you are compassionate.
“Blessed are the compassionate,
for they shall receive compassion.”
Merriam, no doubt you believe yourself to be mainstream. Society is composed of those people that are not liking what you feel is valid. Just review the comments. You are in the minority on this issue,
Alby, that was beautifully put. Thank you.
I appreciate Merriam Webster providing the Washington Human Rights Commission’s document regarding gender-segregated facilities, which I quote throughout [I tried in italics but format does not allow so I separated by spacing]:
However, Merriam is not referencing the important part of this document. It states:
The rules include a provision that transgender individuals cannot be required to use a gender segregated facility that is inconsistent with their gender identity. The rules do not give protections to anyone who accesses gender segregated facilities under false pretense, nor do the rules protect anyone who acts in an illegal or inappropriate manner.
And further:
Anyone, regardless of their transgender status, who is behaving inappropriately in a restroom or locker room, can be required to leave. Law enforcement should be called whenever criminal behavior is observed or suspected.
The kind of relevant criminal behavior under the current circumstances described at the Y pool is found at RCW 9.12 OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC DECENCY and RCW 9A.44 SEX OFFENSES, including specifically indecent exposure, voyeurism and child molestation. Ms. Jaman saw a biological male in a woman’s swimsuit observing and perhaps assisting young female children undressing in the woman’s shower/dressing room at the Y. She observed behavior which fits the definition of voyeurism and child molestation. She stated that she believed the behavior was inappropriate and requested that the transgender person leave and then, as the law directs, she reported the situation to law enforcement.
The Y staff’s handling of this matter has placed the young transgender person, Clementine Adams, in legal jeopardy. The same WSHRC document states:
Businesses are encouraged to provide private areas for changing or showering whenever feasible.
Jim Scarantino reported that Erin Hawkins, YMCA’s person for marketing and communications, stated “As for employees like Adams, the Y provides separate dressing and shower facilities.” That is exactly what the WSHRC suggests employers do. They provided the separate facility but then allowed Adams to be in the female only facility where s/he was subject to suspicion of criminal behavior. I suspect that Adams, who has apparently been presented to the world as male most of her life, is not aware of the subtleties of danger-triggers recognized by most biological women by the time they are adults when men are encountered in “female-only” places, and was unaware that her presence [perceived as male by the biological women present] in the shower room might trigger fear in the biological females she might encounter there. Depending on how the police and the prosecuting attorney office handles the matter, the biological male may be charged with a sex crime. Proof of transgenderness and no prior history of inappropriate behavior may result in a not guilty determination. Or it may not. Best not to be in a place where such misunderstandings could occur and such charges could be brought. The Y staff needs some serious training and the city of Port Townsend needs to consult counsel about appropriate response for the Y and the police handling of such matters before court action becomes the defacto response.
In emphasis the WSHRC statement says:
If you are uncomfortable because of another person’s inappropriate behavior or actions, immediately report that behavior, either to the managers of the facility, or, if it is criminal behavior, to the police. You do not have to deal with inappropriate or illegal behavior from anyone.
Bravo, Joe. Traditional liberal Dems have been crushed by their Marxist party-mates. But while they do get what they deserve, that is a mistaken strategy. This is a time where we could have a genuine realignment, where the remaining, normal Dems would move to the Right, seeing how dangerous Dems are now. 100% of woke people are Democrats. So let’s be kind to those joining us, even if it is tempting to rub their nose in it. They have seen the light and should be welcomed in. And this brave woman should be on Tucker Carlson. She rocks.
Speaking as an old-school leftist who deplores the Democratic Party’s recent embrace of gender voodoo . . . I will hold my nose and vote for a straight ticket of the looniest woke cultists in the country before I’ll cast a single vote for the party responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade. I’ll take the clowns who call women “uterus owners” over the Christo-facists who think that the state owns women’s uteruses. I’ll take the dangerous stupidity of expecting preteen girls to get changed next to grown men over the downright sadism of expecting preteen girls to bear their rapists’ children. (Of course, my ideological objections to the Republican platform don’t end there: “pretend it isn’t happening” isn’t a viable response to global warming and “poor people die” isn’t an acceptable health care system.) In short, fix your own extremely broken party before you bother setting up a welcoming committee for political refugees.
Someone once said-“ The USSR made problem people its bitch by running them through a series of public denouncements of varying solemnity and severity. This worked pretty well.
Our system is even more refined. It makes women its bitch by literally getting inside them and making them actively aid the State in the murder of their own children on the altar of Equality.
And that’s how you get blue-hairs wearing “I ♥ abortion” t-shirts.”
Julie, you are a hero. Your actions may save actual, real lives. Thank you. And just FYI…….100% of people opposed to you on this are Democrats. Your party has left you. The party of JFK and FDR and Truman is no more. Even HILLARY got scolded by her daughter Chelsea for laughing at the idea of a burly lumberjack using the women’s restroom on the mere statement by him that he is, at that moment, a woman.
Skepticism is not bigotry. Clementine made this identification and declaration in March. On what basis must we believe this claim? Is it truly the case that credulity is a civil right? Is it truly the case that anytime a person makes a claim we must Believe it, or we are bigots?
Clementine claims to be a woman, but the evidence is not apparent to an 80-year-old woman who has a vast history of personal experience by which to judge veracity. This fractured law gives every liar, or every deluded person, or every mistaken person, a right to be believed despite evidence to the contrary. No, credulity is not a civil right. If I don’t believe you, that’s my business and I’ve every right to say so. You do not have a right to be believed. I also find it interesting how this is the one claim that a white man can make that seems to be unquestionable. Thus it seems to be truly a case of male privilege.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Assertions made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.
Well said.
The YMCA and their woke BS – This is just encouraging rapists and pedos.
I appreciate your reporting on this, and being so direct. I am neither a lawyer or gender expert, just a (fairly ?) well-informed layman.
I have never seen anyone on any side of this suggest that part of gender expression is some expression or requirement that other people have to abide by that person’s privacy rules. I suspect you’re over your skis on that one.
I am very sympathetic with Julie’s plight and believe the Y has completely bungled this in their lack of providing information or alternatives and especially in their banning Jaman, an 80 year old 40 year long swimmer from the premises.
The Mountain View pool is Port Townsend property, and Julie’s speech is protected speech. It is a horror the Y would ban her for that, and possibly unconstitutional.
But that said, the City has also bungled things if their partnership with the Y does not give the City final authority on decisions like who can be banned or otherwise punished.
The Y bungled this, but I feel the pool, being city property, must abide first and foremost to the City.
Julie should be able to appeal this ban to the City, and preferably in a timely and non court manner.
To clarify, as not a lawyer I think her speech is protected not due to the YMCA management of the pool, but due to Port Townsend ownership of the pool.
That said, perhaps there is some way they can claim her loud speech violated some policy of decorum or was considered harassment of the trans person.
I’d still be shocked and upset that a 45 second expression of her views with the demand the person leave would be considered harassment offensive enough to require banning, and not just require a good conversation between Jaman and YMCA personnel about policies and behavior she must abide by and resources the Y can offer to help her to swim while retaining her privacy
Julie Jaman’s gender identity is that of a traditional, as she says XX woman. That gender identity is based on biology, and the life experiences that come with life as a biological woman. A shower area consistent with that gender identity would be for biological women only. It is inconsistent if biological men are allowed in as it then becomes an unsafe and very uncomfortable place for her. it’s that simple. It’s the way it has been in that shower area for 35 years. But that space has been denied her and other traditional women, whose rights are as worthy of protection as any man who thinks he is, somehow, a woman. The law says “all gender expressions and gender identities” are protected. All. Including what Julie Jaman says her gender identity requires. The gender identity of “trans women” includes a privacy claim; so does Julie Jaman’s. A “trans woman” doesn’t want to be in a shower room with men; Julie doesn’t, either.
I have commented before the P.T. City Council in support of Julie Jaman. I had occasion today to visit the YMCA on an errand not involving the pool, but had to ask directions at the pool entrance. I was very surprised to see Pride signs all over the lobby. Why is the local YMCA promoting the pride agenda over their own stated mission? “The Y is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body FOR ALL (my emphasis). Guided by our core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility, the Y is dedicated to giving people of all ages, backgrounds and walks of life the opportunity to reach their full potential with dignity.” If pride has full billing, what about black pride, youth pride, woman pride, man pride, health pride, elder pride, and others? I would like to see the YMCA promote their own mission and goals.
Many don’t realize that being Gender Critical is not a Left or Right Political Issue. It is a scientific, evidence based, intelligent, rational and common sense issue. XX or XY is in every cell of the body and no amount of surgery or hormones can change that. I think most compassionate people have not wanted to speak out and respectfully criticize trans persons, as Trans activists and trolls pile on with accusations of “TERF or Transphobes” shutting the speaker up and to the detriment of the speakers reputations. ( Look what happened to Germaine Greer and JK Rowling.) Just now in UK the Tavistock Clinic promoting surgery and hormones to minors without adequate mental health assessment has been shut down and Gender Critical Women are suing their employers for being fired if they are using respectful Gender critical opinions. IMO if adult Trans want to self identify and change their bodies and the language to describe themselves, that is their choice and they should be free from discrimination for making that choice. But others in society should not have to accept their belief system and language as their own. I respect the rights of Mormons, Jehovah Witness etc:, but I do use their jargon or belief system. Medals of honour should be awarded to those who are now speaking up, against all odds including Ms. Jaman.
Very good reporting. Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy in laws such as these- it does protect Julie and other real women too. We should be very suspicious of this man who’s only been declaring himself a woman for five months, and is now openly gawking at little girls removing swimsuits. There are dozens of new stories out there of men claiming trans identity and then turning out to be predators. That the YMCA would immediately side with this man whose behavior Has dozens of red flags pointing at it is extremely troubling.
The idea that transgender people are the most oppressed and must be given deference everywhere they go is extremely dangerous. Our society has essentially created a category of men Who are now Sacroscent and beyond question or criticism.
Does that really sound like a good idea to anyone?
Do the parents of these little girls know what happened?
I’m a mom and I’d be furious if my daughter was one of these girls
Julie, I will be following your story and supporting you anyway I can
Created by groomers,
People have many conspiracy theories about why trans women’s rights have trumped the rights of biological females, but the most obvious to me is that it isn’t a centralized movement. Look at the expanding porn industry. Studies show that the more you consume porn, the more novel content you need to see in order to respond. One take is, there are a lot of men out there who would rather say men can be women than admit that they are gay, since “gay” has been used as a put-down and slur among men for so long. Some men get hooked on transsexual porn and feel a need to defend the attraction without sacrificing their identities. I would venture to guess the rapid growth of this movement correlates with the growth of online porn. Sexuality has always driven a large part of social morality in any corner of the globe, and porn is forming perspectives on sexuality and as a result, influencing our morals. Imagine a nation whose morals are based on random pornographic images and not philosophy. Those are different parts of the brain.
Know what is coming next? A Wolf and those who agree with him accuse this women of hate speech (when what was said seems to be in dispute). Next they are going to argue this 80 year old women should be jailed for her crime of hate speech. If this community allows this women to be banned from the Y, that will be the next step. A Wolf considers (himself/herself) to be compassionate and kind but has no problem with this women being banned from the facility. If she continues to disagree, what else can they do to her? She must comply! Arrest her and then maybe jailtime or a re-education program. If your community doesn’t fight this, that’s where this will go.
Joe, she did not vote for permission to be given to biological males who self-ID as female to use females’ changing rooms.
That depends, did your mother consent to having you near her in a state of undress? Then it was fine. If your mother insisted she only have females nearby while she was unclothed, you should have honored her wishes, otherwise, that would be a violation.
This is a massive child safeguarding issue. There is a very good reason single sex spaces were created globally. This man should have respect for others and not enter the female changing facilities.
I read this article with disbelief. I stand in full support of Julie, and I commend the PTFP for reporting a well written and balanced piece. I especially like the inference that the the irony of the trans community viewpoint is to condemn and mock those who simply do not agree with the viewpoint, as well as push their personal agenda on people. As a former teacher, how many times have we told kids, if you are uncomfortable with a situation, please say something. The same guideline has been on the social books for adults too…so stating feelings of discomfort now has limitations and conditions?
Although I simply do not understand transgender, identifying as something outside of your realm, is your business, but please understand that your physicality can only be altered so much, and chromosomes; never.
I would absolutely want to know if a transgender woman was in the locker with my daughter, and if the locker room I was using was open to transgender women. Also, I found it interesting that those women who identify as men are not included in the locker room discussion. I can see it now; wearing their swim trunks in the men’s locker room to go out onto the pool deck! Why isn’t that allowed?
I learned to swim at the Y in the 1960s, and my own daughter learned at the YWCA, I truly hope that this institution will be around for a while, but please, stop being so selfish and hypocritical.
Well there goes another piece of the neighborhood all in the name of being woke and weird.
I couldn’t agree more! People want to complain about how things are after it becomes that way or they become the victim of their own vote. If they’d do some research before election day and truly look at the “Long Game” that can (and almost always will happen) is the many ways new laws can and will get bastardized to the point of giving up freedom for the population to cater to a small group to advance political careers. The perfect example was Affirmative Action, yet they didn’t learn how to research who they voted for after that one was constantly twisted to help politicians who that needed to baffle people into voting for them. They got what they voted for and now they get too live with it, maybe they’ll use their heads next time before they color in the ballot!
The whole thing is sad. Is this old lady saying any dad who brings his young daughter into the mens locker room is ogling her, or is every male in there doing it? Perhaps no men should be allowed to use the mens locker when a little girl is in there. Some of you people need to grow up.and give the inane hysteria a rest.
No, she is not saying that. Immediate family is a totally different thing.
Absolutely correct and great answer. Case in point is the mayors of DC and NYC complaining and whining about illegal aliens being brought in. Everything is just fine and peachy, until it affects you personally. The results of voting without an educated opinion, is the most paramount reason this country is now slipping into a 3rd world status.
Stating that Julie was expressing her “gender identity” is the biggest reach. Come on, literally no one buys that. The YMCA stated that she has a long history of disruptive and disrespectful behavior against staff and this was the last straw. Imagine being entitled enough to ask another adult what their genitalia is. It does sound like the YMCA should invest in more private showering equipment though.
Ms. Jaman says this is the first she’s ever heard about any prior problems. The Y has not informed her of what that is, nor have they said anything about what she is alleged to have done in those prior 35 years. Why isn’t a gender identity of a traditional, biology based woman a gender identity? It has much more of a foundation in reality than saying that a man identifies as a woman. Exactly what is a woman’s identity that can be appropriated like that? It is a reach to say that biological woman are not a gender identity. They are the majority gender identity of humanity.
Are you kidding me? So a guy with a penis in a woman’s bathing suit is staring at little girls half undressed and you wonder why she’s upset? Good grief this is off the charts ridiculous. She had every right to be upset. We have to protect our young people and I don’t care whether you’re trans or straight or what you are, but people with penises need to be outside of the women’s dressing and showering areas.period.
I agree! People going too far with all this identifying themselves as thing. If you have a biological penis youre a man .Period.
Yeah, and they have yet to support that claim. When asked they have not been able to say what sort of “disruptions” or when
Don’t know what you’re talking about. In this case, Ms. Jaman was naked in the shower when an adult man came into the women’s room without warning and without her consent.
You clearly didn’t read the article. A male was in the female shower area. Ogling little girls. While she was showering naked… In your dismissive language calling her an old lady you tell everything we need to know about your misogyny.
Quite a while back Gaia discovered that the maturing of her perfect planet went a lot faster when she abandoned increase by duplication and developed life with two alternate expressions for every species that could mix up all the variations of being so much faster by being exponential instead of linear.
Life developed aggression and nurturing, protection of the young and hundreds of offspring sent on the wave while still defenseless eggs. Life developed penises and uteri in beetles and whales; humans and birds; the male seahorses and emus take care of their young so mom has more time to create more life; salmon make a great trip to a safe place to lay and fertilize their eggs as their last living act, leaving their bodies to feed the fellow creatures and fertilize the land.
Gaia has caused raucous laughing appreciation for her ingenuity in populating this planet with such abundance of wonderous life.
What may seem like slipups may be tentacles reaching for alternatives.
Sometimes beings with penises feel as though they were meant to have a uterus. Why?
They are driven to express that experience by altering their appearance. But people with uteri do not share the feelings or the needs of the faux woman. Thus man>woman feels sorrow and anguish, loss and despair. Move past that. Learn and be Gaia’s purpose for creating man>woman. It is NOT to play the part of woman. You will never be able to do it as convincingly as a Woman with a womb. Find you purpose. It is NOT to scare woman and children that are reasonably afraid of penises in the wrong places. [Removing the penis will not change the man>woman energy you send into the world.]
You do have purpose and place. You are a trailblazer in discovery of that purpose/place. Go in peace, all Clementines, and become. Don’t push yourself in where you are not wanted. That feels very penisey.
You will be welcome by the rest of life if you come in a wombly, loving way to find your centered selfhood: man>woman, it will not be easy to take, peacefully and not demandingly, your place among us.
Lol where did that come from