Council Watch – June 6, 2022

by | Jun 8, 2022 | General | 32 comments

The Port Townsend City Council opened its June 6 meeting by hearing new police hire Officer Chase Stanton take his Oath of Office.

In public comments, Julie Jaman spoke to the Gateway and Boatyard Expansion Project being hornswoggled by the project mantra “the poplars must go” instead of implementing the Gateway Development Plan that doesn’t envision cutting. Since both PUD and Port have indicated poplars can be worked around, the win-win solution is to remove and replant poplars as needed while pruning suckers per the Plan. Before cutting poplars around town, cost review is needed of functions provided by poplars like unique verticality, buffering, windbraking, storm survivability, filtration, and link to the seasons. Poplars are the right tree in the right place, preventing a paved strip-mall development contrary to community values. *

Harvey Windle focused on problems with the council’s temporary streateries reauthorization until December 31, covering documented damage to business recovery income, lack of notice, not following public input, being out of compliance with state law preventing gifting of public property for these “mess tents”, and aggravating parking scarcity downtown where streateries and all-day parkers make it hard for customers to find places to park.

Stephen Schumacher riffed on Cato’s famous catchphrase by saying “Port Townsend defendenda est” (i.e. PT must be defended), urging the council to stay attentive each meeting to critical police staffing issues, along with getting roads and potholes fixed that were exacerbated by Sunday’s downpour.  He reviewed latest findings from The New York Times and elsewhere about masks having infinitesimal effect on Covid spread, their unfitness for purpose since designed for bacteria not aerobic virus transmission, and their many harms especially for kids, so encouraged council to stop modeling their misuse.

City Manager John Mauro responded to public comment by noting council’s wish is to talk about parking management in the next term. Regarding police staffing, the city has just sworn in a new officer, so there is movement in the right direction.

Following staff presentation of interim Ordinance 3291 granting a 6-month extension for temporary tent encampments, pastor Scott Rosenkrans of Port Hadlock Community United Methodist Church spoke of their experience hosting their first Tiny Home encampment.  They haven’t had one problem, have enough space for another one, and host a food pantry open Saturdays 10am-1pm, and help folks transition into permanent housing. During the 18 months the tiny homes have been there, they’ve become good neighbors.

Councilor Ben Thomas asked for clarification about the 180 day effective duration of the ordinance and its potential renewal for a second 180 days. City Attorney Heidi Greenwood responded that they’d be vested so eligible for a second extension. Aislinn Diamanti moved, Deputy Mayor Amy Howard seconded, and the council passed the extension unanimously.

After completing some unfinished business adopting Resolution 22-027 for a water system cross connection control program, the council considered Ordinance 3292 to impose a $50 civil infraction for vehicles idling for more than 3 minutes, with exceptions for health or safety reasons, extreme temperatures, traffic stops, law enforcement, vehicle repair, etc.

The proposal arose from the PT High School Students for Sustainability, none of whom were present due to graduation-related conflicts. Attorney Greenwood had helped students with this, and clarified that the exception for health reasons would cover people living in their vehicles.

Thomas wished there was another way to get the same educational result without passing a hard-to-enforce law penalizing idling.  Monica MickHager praised the students’ energy, but suggested next time they learn by looking at what codes could be removed to encourage sustainability.  Howard felt that if the stated goal is education, then the written warning step shouldn’t be skipped.

Mayor David Faber felt the ordinance should be passed if it’s consistent with our community ideals, but wondered whether officers could be given discretion to issue a warning in lieu of a fine.  Heidi explained that generally discretion is always implied on the side of the enforcing officer so long as language “they will” is not there.

After an amusing delay finding a councilor to move the motion, Faber eventually stepped up, Rowe seconded, and the idle ban was passed unanimously.

The council then took up Resolution 22-027 adopting a policy for city fee waivers for intergovernmental cooperation and non-profit organizations that provide community benefits. Howard asked why waivers are limited to two times per calendar year, and Greenwood answered that the intent was to spead them out so they wouldn’t all go to the same organizations. Thomas asked why waivers were limited to non-profits, and Greenwood said this was to keep waivers further from the line where they could be considered gifts of public funds. MickHager moved, Thomas seconded, and the motion carried unanimously. 

Next up was Resolution 22-028 to join HUD’s House America initiative to respond with urgency to community homeless crises.  Mauro provided background that this came about because councilors Diamanti and Howard sit on the county Housing Fund Board, and staff recommended the city join.

In public comment, Schumacher asked council to evaluate whether anything can be done quickly with the Cherry Street Project to provide housing, and if not, sell it to get this albatross off the books so the money can be used for worthy housing projects.  During council deliberation, MickHager wordsmithed characterizing Housing First as “the most effective approach” to “an effective approach”. With that edit, MickHager moved, Diamanti seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Concerning the Major’s City Manager Evaluation, MickHager felt he did a good job so moved to approve it, which Diamanti seconded and the council approved unanimously.

In his City Manager’s Report, Mauro started talking about staff comings and going, saying it was great starting a tradition to swear in new police officers before council, feeling that’s right for the duty they provide to our community.  That’s a positive, balancing the anticipated resignation of Sgt. Garin Williams after 15 years.

He’s looking to fill other openings, including police, deputy public works directory, and city clerk.  Emma Bolin will be joining as Planning Community Development Director, helping among other things with the Evans Vista land purchase.

Mauro spoke of various adventures related to Sunday’s heavy rain downfall, which Public Works responded to quickly.  Steve King went on the bluff to look at the stability of the slope, which mostly just lost topsoil… as Mauro quipped, it was interesting to see geology happening in real time.

Mauro feels like Port Townsend is coming back after a couple of years. Rowe was at the previous Farmers Market, and councilors enthusiastically expressed their intent to have one of them appear there the last Saturday of each month to discuss people’s concerns.

Libby Wennstrom asked what our magic number currently is for police staffing. Mauro replied it’s hard to say because we’re now in flux with training. The city has an arrangement with the county as a fallback, but fortunately we haven’t had to call on them and hope to get enough officers to be self-reliant, but as Chief Olson had said, this may take 12-18 months. Other cities are likewise having problems and are down to 30-40% police staffing.

Thomas noted that Windle and others have come to him asking about taking away the temporary streateries; he doesn’t see that happening, but looking at the temporary ordinance, he wonders if they can be terminated if not used for 60 days. Faber mentioned that King had already brought that up with the new owner of Alchemy, whose streatery seems to be rarely used.

Greenwood clarified that the temporary reauthorization until December 31 doesn’t have the same 60 day abandonment clause as in the permanent authorization proposal, but that doesn’t mean the city could not look to exercise it.  In terms of process, restaurants don’t have property rights to their allowed streatery slots.

The next regular council meeting on June 20 has been canceled because many members will be out of town that day. 

*Correction:  The original version inadvertently omitted Julie Jaman’s public comment.

Stephen Schumacher

Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.

Comment Guidelines

We welcome contrary viewpoints. Diversity of opinion is sorely lacking in Port Townsend, in part because dissenting views are often suppressed, self-censored and made very unwelcome. Insults, taunts, bullying, all-caps shouting, intimidation, excessive or off-topic posting, and profanity do not qualify as serious discourse, as they deter, dilute, and drown it out. Comments of that nature or from fake email addresses will be removed and offenders will be blocked. Allegations of unethical, immoral, or criminal behavior need to be accompanied by supporting evidence, links, etc. Please limit comments to 500 words.


  1. EKW

    Stephen this is so helpful. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into it.

    Glad to hear they’re getting a bit sheepish about forwarding some of these motions. They truly should be ashamed of themselves.

    • Ben Thomas

      Stephen, that was an impressively thorough rundown of the meeting. I’ve always believed that one key part of making electeds accountable to their role as the voice of the people is to hold an undistorted mirror up to them. I think you did that very nicely here, Mr. Schumacher.

      “Sunlight is the best disinfectant,” as they rightly say, and the best public process takes place in a clean, well lighted place. That light comes from the press and the public in general. Vote us out if you don’t like how we represent you, but in the meantime, I think a lot can be done by clarifying how you would like to be represented. I’ve been surprised by how little input we receive from the public.

      I think there’s less of a fixed ideology on Council than it may appear. I’m not saying there isn’t any, since it’s hard for individuals to recognize the influence of their surroundings, much like a fish that can’t tell that the water’s wet. We all carry baggage though. In the end, representing the public on City Council is a non-partisan role and I’ve tried my best to pack light for the journey.

  2. millicent

    It seems these ideological monoliths to useless bureaucracy are nearing their end. Cause for celebration, and a call to keep working. The current council, city manager and county commissioners will all be replaced. Let’s work together to make sure they are replaced with people capable of common sense ordinances, and who are capable of standing up to nonsensical international ideologies.

  3. EKW

    Why should people continue to engage the council, when the council does not listen to us? We have documented here with great precision and effort just how often questionnaires are put out to people in the city; we respond and our responses are completely ignored.

    Furthermore, items on the agenda continue to make situations downtown worse instead of better. Half measures continue to make things worse. Idling laws? Come on, man. This is ridiculous. All of these ordinances which are being put together in the name of climate preservation are also disproportionately affecting elderly and disabled people.

    Do you know who idles the most in town besides the cruise ships? People letting elderly and disabled people in and out of their cars and on and off of buses. No one else sits and idles. There was no need for that ridiculous ordinance and it’s an insult to everyone who actually cares about the planet; who actually cares about teenagers understanding democracy and who actually cares about commonsense law-making.


    So now once again we are being blamed for bad ordinances because we allegedly don’t contact you all. Me personally I’ve been writing letters about the parking situation and other situations downtown for at least as long as Harvey has. Neither one of us ever elicited any sort of intelligent or helpful response. We were summarily ignored. Please don’t continue to blame this community for bad behavior on the council. Since there has been a well-established pattern of the council and Main Street putting out questionnaires and then ignoring all of the responses, that should be explanation enough to you, for why more people don’t engage.

    Have you seen the fraud that’s been going on in this city? Do you really not understand the corruption behind it? Do you really not understand that a very select elite few are able to waltz their ordinances across those council chambers to get their needs met, and everyone else is left hanging? This situation has been compounding for quite some time. It will end. The citizens of any given city will not put up with this type of behavior, indefinitely.

    I would suggest for background on why people of this community are so upset and are not coming to the council meetings and are not engaging with you through city websites, read the book “Behind The Green Mask” by Rosa Koire. Even if you do not agree with one word of her analysis, I believe you need to read it in order to be able to hear what your constituents are saying to you, and why. If it’s any comfort to you, she was a lesbian and a Democrat, from Santa Rosa California. She was a real estate appraiser. I believe her analysis is correct and that she knew what she was talking about. To that end, I will say again, if you want to understand why your constituents are so upset, and exactly what they are upset about, read her book.

  4. Ben Thomas

    EKW, thanks for the book recommendation. I just ordered it from the library (they actually have a copy). I’m not expecting to agree with the conclusions, but why not learn something? Mr. Scarantino recommended I read San Fransicko, by Michael Shellenberger, and I did. I learned a lot about the roots of homelessness and how some liberal values contribute to the problem.

    I’m certainly not blaming you, or anyone else for bad policies enacted by the Council. There’s a difference in holding people accountable and doing the work for us. Both you and Harvey have given feedback directly to Council and it seems to me that has made a difference in how decisions were made and what will be considered in the parking plan. Your emphasis on how much downtown residents rely on parking will surely make a mark on the comprehensive parking plan to come.

    I agree with your take on the idling ban and perhaps I should have voted against it out of principle. During deliberation I tried to explain my disagreement with the philosophy behind laws like that, but in the end I still voted for it. I was conflicted because I’m perhaps overly interested in getting young people involved and didn’t want to come out against their efforts. In general, I’d like to see fewer rules on the books, not more.

    And I hear you on the questionaires. I spoke up about that at the time, but didn’t know enough to push harder. I was genuinely surprised by how that played out.

    Hey, I’m not trying to say everything is hunky dory. I’m just saying that I’ve seen the feedback make a difference and I don’t want people to just throw up their hands and wait for some magical future pie-in-the-sky Council to right all the wrongs. You’ve seen enough to know that it’s not going to go like that.

    If you ever want to meet in person sometime, please let me know. You’ve been bringing up some good points here and in your missives to Council.

    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      Seems I am like Beetlejuice. Say may name a few times and I have to appear.

      There is a phenomenon where people see the same thing differently, or not at all.

      My appearance before City Council on June 6 was for the record. It had as much impact as yelling at the clouds to look like mickey mouse again. These are the facts presented at that meeting and in written public comment.

      The system managed into existence creates a class system and discriminates against the majority of businesses. Using Main Street.

      According to the 2004 parking study each parking spot converted to mess tent use costs businesses $300 per day adjusted for inflation. There is a minimum of 12 lost spaces at this time. That is $3600 daily lost to businesses. Six days a week is $21,600 per week.

      There are 7 months until the end of the year. That makes $1,512,000 lost to struggling businesses by this favoritism.

      In addition, no parking plan or enforcement, by a city employee estimate, is 50 spots per day lost. 50 x $300 per day per spot is $15,000 per day lost to business as resilience and recovery in dynamic partnership is claimed to be happening.

      About 308 days per year after Sundays and Holidays is $4,620,000. Four million six hundred twenty thousand dollars per year times 8 years..

      When Mr. Mauro came on board as City Manager a council person was quoted as saying she hoped he found new “revenue streams”.

      The result was City Manager Mauro saying parking would be looked at next year. No acknowledgement of manufactured damages created by the City of Port Townsend and himself in his 2 years here. He deflected. Council ate it up.

      The next day and every day thereafter I see damage in real time. Council pretends to be oblivious. Perhaps grabs a bite in a mess tent. Hope EVERYONE has to pay for the meal, and it isn’t like free donuts to cops in NYC. Or Ithica.

      Mauro then got a stellar review from appointed mayor Faber. Council ate it up. I saw two buddies. Not professionalism,

      Previously Mauro and his law-breaking self swore in a police officer, who will be expected to ignore laws and codes. Council ate it up. I saw bizarre theatre. A criminal empire.

      My public input was stopped at 3 minutes. Another person went nearly a minute over. Not stopped. Different subject. As with mess tents some are more equal.

      Did you notice the police officers who showed up as I spoke Ben? One sits behind me for a brief moment before moving out of camera range. Probably a coincidence. You can see him in the meeting video. They left or went out of sight when I finished. Odd.

      MK White had a good point a while ago when they mentioned pollution from idling boats being far more damaging than idling cars. Roberts Rules of Order prevented me from mentioning that perhaps a power line run out to cruise ships would be a great and green investment since Council was talking about pollution and making another ordinance that will be impossible to enforce and not even attempted to be. I may have been escorted out if I spoke up. I really thought it was a good thing to consider.

      Another good thing to consider is wasted gas when people circle around looking for parking taken every day by over 50 locals encouraged to do so by the city. And lost spaces to mess tents. City council is no brain trust or think tank. Common sense would do.

      Last thing ben, and again thanks for wading in. Your education is on public display. Ask why some time ago I saw on his profile that Owen Rowe is a voting member of the Fort Worden Advisory Committee on the Council web page.

      I cannot find it now among his many positions held. The Leader edits whole articles out. Whole comment streams regarding Fort Worden twice. My name is obscured in comments in the Leader over many years. The city should avoid the appearance of editing reality. Or do it better.

      Say my name 3 times and I appear. Like magic!!!! To point out what some may not be seeing. Or dealing with at all.

      1.5 million lost to a community from now until mess tents might go away.

      A pocket full of mumbles such are promises.
      Still a man hears what he wants to hear
      And disregards the rest.

      Paul Simon was so young when he wrote that. Watch what you disregard.

  5. Ed Webster

    More opportunities to fill seats with common sense citizens who have not and will not sell us out to international ideologies.

    Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners is soliciting applications from residents to serve on the Board of Health. As a result of House Bill 1152 two positions are available. One member will be a “Consumer of Public Health”, defined as someone who has faced significant health inequities and/or has lived experiences with public health programs. The other member will be a “Community Stakeholder”, to be filled by someone representing an organization that works with populations experiencing health inequities, a current or retired member of the armed forces, and/or a representative of the business community that are regulated by environmental public health. Jefferson County residents who are interested in serving in the Consumer of Public Health or the Community Stakeholder position should submit a written Statement of Interest to the Jefferson County Commissioners Office, 1820 Jefferson Street, PO Box 1220, Port Townsend, WA 98368. You are also encouraged to visit for more information and to digitally apply. Applications are also available in person at Jefferson County Public Health (615 Sheridan Street, Port Townsend) or the Commissioner’s Office in the basement of the County Courthouse (1820 Jefferson Street, Port Townsend). Application deadline is June 24, 2022<<

  6. julie jaman

    Unreported, my comment to June 6 council meeting:
    Comments to City Council on Gateway and Boatyard Expansion Project

    The concept presented to the community and the stakeholder group “the poplars must go”, is a project mantra reflecting nascent ambitions and costly changes to the face of this community – at least along Sims Way. There is no City policy or amendment to the Gateway Development Plan that accounts for this. However, the Plan is clear that the poplars along the Flats are to remain as economic development proceeds:

    “The linear corridor quality of the poplar trees can be maintained, while enhancing views of the shipyards and the Historic buildings. Removal of “sucker” growth of the large poplars, and selective removal of the small, individual seedlings would open up views to the lagoon and boatyard. New poplars, spaced 20′-25′ apart, can be selectively planted to fill in “gaps” along Sims. Meadow grass and wildflowers can be planted as ground cover around the poplars. The area north of Sims. adjacent to Kah-Tai Park (note: land later incorporated into the Park) can be planted with willows, riparian plantings and other marsh plants to recall the lagoon’s former link with the Bay.
    Mass cutting of the poplars is an inappropriate priority. Increasing costs makes it even more prudent to implement the Gateway Development Plan as called for multiple times in the PIF grant resolution rather than pursuing the costly and intrusive project as currently described.

    The win-win could be a modified footprint for parking boats, removing some poplars as needed, pruning suckers and replanting as needed to fill gaps just as the adopted Plan recommends. Of course, the issues behind Sunrise Coffee will take particular attention.

    The PUD and Port have both indicated the poplars can be worked around and replanted as needed. The expensive concrete sidewalk idea is counter to the community’s interest in reducing CO2 emissions.

    On the north side it would be prudent for the city to implement the maintenance of the poplars along the roadside as recommended in the Gateway Development Plan.

    It is common sense to consider the functions provided by the Lombardy poplars; these functions have infrastructure and landscape value such as:

    The verticality which is unique to the Lombardy poplar species;
    Poplars act as buffers for the industrial port and to separate the nature park from the highway
    Their structure allows them to hold on in severe storms making them good windbreaks.
    They act as filters for dust, chemicals, stormwater and industrial lighting
    They provide the community a link to the seasons

    No City policy, goal, vision or priority has been adopted to incorporate such incongruent and contradictory ideas (the poplars must go) into the ‘Gateway Development Plan’. The grant money is to implement not amputate the community’s vision.

    The community’s intention in the adopted document was to prevent paved, strip mall-like development as economic growth occurs. This document represents the values and vision of the community to provide continuity into the future. It was adopted by the City council for exactly that reason.

    A big question now is just how much growth can be expected in the next 20 years given the economic conditions that are beginning to impact us all.

    Julie Jaman

  7. Wide Awake but Not Woke

    Dozens of people put forth their views about the streateries via responses to the survey, letters to the City Council, and in-person appeals at Council meetings. The vast majority were against the streateries. Only Kris Nelson spoke in favor of the streateries. All other commenters, crossing multiple meetings, were adamant in their sentiment to remove the streateries immediately.

    City Council response? An obfuscating and pointless set of motions that resulted in zero change to the status quo, complete with a condescending comment from Monica Mick Hager that “December will be here before we know it” as if the adults in the room (those community members who presented cogent, reasonable arguments to remove the mess of mess tents without delay) were first-graders anxious for Christmas break. It was a shambles, Ben. The ridiculous eyesore at Alchemy that has sat unused for months remains as a visible reminder to this city’s ineffective and frankly, ridiculous, leadership. So please don’t be surprised when we throw up our hands and walk away from Council chambers or simply don’t show in the first place.

    There is a sense in this community of those who regard your cohort with contempt and despair that you act with impunity. Why was the massive conflict of interest in allowing the town’s top realtor anywhere near city council and residential zoning laws never addressed, never challenged? This town has been remade in Michelle Sandoval’s image- she profited directly from the selling out of PT to the highest bidders, she (and her colleagues) drove up real estate prices year after year with zero attempt to mitigate the damage by pushing for greater density, lower income housing, mobile home parks, apartment complexes, ADUs. Sheer greed and the vision of the economic and political elite degraded Port Townsend, costing us our rentals, our pubs, our artists, our working class folk, pushed them out and away, until we have become a bland, soulless daytrip destination. Just look at what’s become the Town Tavern. It was once filled with humans with stories, pasts, music, beating hearts, connections to this town. Now it’s a showroom for $75 throw pillows. So emblematic of what PT was, what it now is. Even your boss has turned a beautiful building with a soul to an empty shell that serves the tourist class a few months out of the year but mostly sits empty and lifeless, a cheap temple to an oversized ego.

    Have you seen how David Faber conducts himself on social media? He is a bully to those who dare to disagree with his opinions, and immediately begins name calling and taunting. His favorite rhetorical device is to call someone an anti-Semite if they dare push back. I have watched him in council meetings shame and patronize his fellow council members; his behavior is shameful and so beneath the office of Mayor. He is not worthy of a seat in chambers. But he has his following and so he is allowed to poison this community with his behavior until folks wise up and vote him out.

    Where was city council when the PDA was imploding? There was zero oversight when there should have been plenty, under Stinson, Sandoval watches. But the gladhanding was just passed around between friends- Timmons and Robison clapping each other on the backs, and this, after Robison nearly destroyed the Maritime Center before going on to destroy the PDA. And Timmons is allowed to step in as ED? You can’t make this shit up, although this would be a good Netflix series.

    Don’t be surprised if Sandoval shows up again in some form of leadership or another with one of the arts organizations still housed at Fort Worden. The wagons continue to circle around their own.

    No one has had to answer for the Cherry Street debacle. No one. No one has had to answer for the PDA debacle, except the CFO who redirected $10K to her husband’s defunct company. Malfeasance for sure, but a drop in the bucket compared to the MILLIONS wasted by Robison and the PDA board. No one has been held to account for the months of hell on the scale of Dante’s Inferno that took place at the campgrounds in 2020-21 and terrorized everyone living in the vicinity. No one (yes, a county issue, I know, but the players all play together in the same sandbox). No one to take responsibility for the decimation of our local police force. For the spiraling mental health of our community’s youth. For the deep divisions suffered by those ostracized by mandates that were not based on science, but perpetuated by fear and by the sheeplike Covid Theater performances. And yet our city leaders flood their social media feeds with crocodile tears for social justice, with propaganda-fueled Covid anxiety (for the love of God, take off those ridiculous masks), with performative gestures to show solidarity with the “OH LOOK SQUIRREL!” cause du jour: Masks! Vaccines! George Floyd! Abortion! Ukraine! Guns! January 6! Trans! Whatever You Tell Me I Should Care About Next!!!! while ignoring the things that matter to anyone outside their bubble: Affordable housing. Public Safety. A Sustainable Local Economy.

    Port Townsend is but a microcosm of the greater illness plaguing this country; woke orthodoxy has become a religion and to question its narrative is to be labeled a traitor, a racist, a misogynist, an ingrate. Progressives, one of which I used to be, have become a cult of the intolerant, of totalitarianism, anti-freedom, pro-elite, obsessed with dogma of identity, where to speak to truth (you know, like people with penises are not women) is to be an enemy of the state. We are in a post-truth era that would make Orwell blanch in horror- beyond anything his rich imagination could conjure. Progressives are destroying this country. It’s likely too late for PT.

  8. Dave B.


    MON JUNE 13 2022, approx 1PM

    J Mauro and B Thomas observed walking around Union Wharf. Perhaps a shore power consolation prize is in store. Which would be hilarious after all these years of them wailing about the necessity of caring for the eelgrass, while they let cruise ships, all spring and summer long, idle right over top of that grass.

    It would be so nice if we could get some actual commonsense solutions to the challenges facing our city. So tired of the ugly tourism-bait (mess tents, “art”,) and the performative politics.

  9. RMH

    If its any consolation, when types like our appointed-not-elected-mayor are criticized for their behavior by other Jews, they say we have “internalized anti-semitism”. These are immature human beings who are simply incapable of handling the perceived narcissistic injury of someone disagreeing with them. Don’t be frightened by their constant whinging. Just know it’s there because they’re terrified of losing power, which is happening for them at a rate they simply cannot comprehend.

  10. Gene Norman




    These ELITE COLONIZERS are participating
    First a “parklet”. Then a whole closed street.
    Bulbouts. Tables, chairs, and A-Frame signs,
    all chained together to serve THE TOURISM PLANTATION.

    We the people of this city, want our LAND BACK.

    Funny, one of those dumb eat in the street things, stands just yards from where the first white settlers marched right into this indigenous city and built the first settler house, thus heralding the tolling bell of doom for those who were not white settlers.

    Now, the very same type of ELITE COLONIZERS who claim to have so much love for the downtrodden and abused, are using the same old LAND GRAB TACTICS to FORCE THEIR WAY OF LIFE on all of us. We have no choice in their opinion. It’s conform or die. We are the New Heathen. We are The New Unwashed Masses.
    Their righteousness and intelligence naturally make them better than us, so they MUST colonize
    us to save us from ourselves. We must be made
    useful to their righteous endeavors, or be disposed of with neglect.

    They are the new TAR AND FEATHER EVANGELIZERS for The United Nations Way.
    They have declared themselves the chosen people to usher in the new age of domination by GREEN FASCISM. They are using the same tactics every colonial settler ever used. While at the same time bashing colonial settlers.


    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      “BEETLEWINDLEJUICEHARVEY” I am summoned? Thanks for the link. Could cost tens of thousands of dollars to try to use it to get rid of the mess tents. The damage they will do the community is 1.5 million through Dec. Plus 50 or so approved parking hogs. Ka Ching.

      First a nod to “Wide Awake but Not Woke” a great stand alone “Hidden History” of Port Townsend. Thought a couple of times I wrote it. But not so. The facts are contagious.

      Seems another “improvement” rather than filling chuck holes is in the works. Mauro has a team on it.,83759

      “Our team is continuously finding innovative ways to deliver value and make our community safer and more active,” said John Mauro, city manager. “With a long history of steadily developing the bicycle and pedestrian network, Port Townsend is ripe for testing new and cost-effective approaches like edge lane roads.”

      You Gene Norman and others are “ripe” and ready for picking. Or is that harvesting? You need to be “more active”. Throw that walker and cane away those of you who are “not active”. Europe has arrived in the form of an Aukland low level fake.

      Mr. Mauro, whose qualifications as a City Manager are……non existent…. has a plan for you. Don’t forget who Sandoval and Stinson brought here. I heard Faber call him “Johnny” at the last Council meeting. Faber likes institutional continuity, even when it blindly damages most everything it touches.

      “Your” public input regarding “temporary” mess tents didn’t fit the agenda that benefits an insider and harms all visitors and business. It was faulty and not worth consideration apparently.
      Mess tents until the end of the year also tested to see if more than just a few were still paying attention. Seems they are still reading the Leader instead.

      There will be public input on this edge lane plan as well. Ha. Ha Ha. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

      The Orwell quote is, “turn the other cheek and the next slap will be harder”. Most of the community doesn’t know it’s turning its cheek.

      Mr. Mauro is just getting started. The Council individually could not possibly answer direct questions regarding the damage they do. Within the Roberts Rules of Order altered reality the aggregate mind follows the lead of the person who wants far less cars and gets over $5,000 per year for a car allowance. How does that make sense?

      Moody Blues time………..
      Some try to tell me
      Thought they cannot defend
      Just what you want to be
      You will be in the end.

      I did some work on my new place in Port Hadlock today. Too bad about Port Townsend. And Fort Worden. Almost criminal. Strike almost.

      • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

        As of June 17 2 parking spaces in front of the Silverwater are now fenced off with tables and chairs added. Next to it was an all day parker who has been costing parking places and $$$$$$$ for many years. What’s the difference? Its not a mess tent.

        The Silverwater was vocal about not being in favor of the favoritism of mess tents. Seems times and attitudes change on the slippery slope greased by Mauro and Council.. What eatery is next to park tables and chairs all day? Police are understaffed and busy with other things. No tickets for parking of any sort in PT. Tables or Teslas, chairs or Chevys.


          • the ghost of tom joad

            They legit just make up awards to give to each other to “legitimize” the destruction of our democracy. What a bunch of
            gilded turds.

        • Captain Jack

          Just trying to help out with the weird software blip so we can all read each other’s words easily. We’re fighting for our lives out here, so we don’t want to miss anything important.

          <<As of June 17 2 parking spaces in front of the Silverwater are now fenced off with tables and chairs added. Next to it was an all day parker who has been costing parking places and $$$$$$$ for many years. What’s the difference? Its not a mess tent.

          The Silverwater was vocal about not being in favor of the favoritism of mess tents. Seems times and attitudes change on the slippery slope greased by Mauro and Council.. What eatery is next to park tables and chairs all day? Police are understaffed and busy with other things. No tickets for parking of any sort in PT. Tables or Teslas, chairs or Chevys.


          Thanks Harvey

          • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

            This sent to City Attorney, City Council, and City Manager Saturday morning 6/18/22 Sorry I can’t attach the photos that they got.

            City Attorney, City Council, City Manager-

            For the record once again, and expecting a reply, please see the attached photos of 2 parking spaces in front of the Silverwater which suddenly have been blocked off with a picket fence and tables and chairs set out.

            Can we expect more to follow? Should the police be contacted regarding parking spaces taken. Signage has been covered and a new handicap spot marked to replace the one taken. Still a net loss of 2 spaces.

            Having attended 3 past City Council meetings, it seems these are not covered in the much opposed temporary extension. The Silverwater did come out in opposition of any mess tents because they create community friction and create a special first class of business. There are many more reasons these are damaging, which Council was advised of repeatedly by many different individuals.

            The buzz word resilience is thrown about by those creating situations which require resilience to rise above and simply survive against. City Government obstructs fair recovery from Covid related losses.

            So much more could be said.

            Please do reply. This email will be shared.

            Harvey Windle
            Forest Gems Gallery
            Since 1976 and in PT since 1996

    • GdGW

      Ohhhhhh WOW


      Everybody needs to sit up straight in their chairs, right now.
      This is how it always begins. We ’bout to get COMMUNALISM’ed!!!

      That ringing in your ears is not tinnitus. It is the spirit of freedom begging you to please wake up.. No matter what part of the political spectrum you come from, please, for the love of human freedom, do some reading on the UN AGENDA FOR THE 21st CENTURY.

      It’s not a conspiracy theory. It’s not alarmism. It is factual.
      There are paper trails. There are receipts. This is really happening. Democracy is being subverted.


      Even if you think you’re awake, if you don’t understand what this really is, you’re only dreaming you’re awake.

  11. B Wiggins

    My grandparents born in the late 1880s.
    My parents in the early 1900s.

    All of them talked about extreme heat and extreme cold in their lifetimes. As well as flooding, hurricanes, and earthquakes. They talked about the human difficulty in surviving that weather. At the same time, there IS valid and peer-reviewed research and documentation that human activity is making the natural fluctuations of the planet, more intense. Clearly, we need to begin working on making engines and motors more efficient, regardless of the kind of power they use. We are capable of this. And we are capable of getting through the politics to make the changes that are necessary.

    We also need to stop blaming individual human beings for using the wrong sort of toothpaste, or idling their car too long, or any of the myriad ridiculous accusations on individual persons for the state of the planets climate. Corporations and manufacturing need to be held accountable and encouraged to invest in new technology which is more efficient than what is currently being used.

    What we don’t need is a bunch of grifting opportunists like “John Mauro and The Faberville Mess-Tent Bunch” and the people who have driven the city into the ground for the last 20 years, using the excuse of climate change to force a communal way of life on us that is not our choice. They can call it communalism if they want, but anybody who has made even the most novice and fleeting investigation into the political mechanics of communism knows exactly what this is. All of these hierarchical committees which are being funded and populated by these green fascists, are taken part and parcel from the way communist countries function. This is not a conspiracy theory. Go look up the constitutions of the remaining communist countries and look at how their governments function. It is the exact same carbon copy of what these green fascists are doing to us. And they are using the excuse of climate change and Covid to force it on us. If you don’t start pushing back now, you will have lost your chance for generations, if not forever.

    • Harvey Windle

      Thanks B Wiggins, true thoughts.

      I will compare myself to some making careers out of advising and controlling others. My priority has been to purchase and protect old forest for numerous reasons. I currently am responsible for 60 acres near Chimacum. I also put up 4 affordable housing units with minimal impact to the land. They helped offset some expenses and provided nice clean affordable homes for others.

      Banking and county regulations prevented me from doing more.

      What I didn’t do, such as travel, and new endless toys was worth it for me personally. My dilemma now is finding how to protect this land when I am gone. Nonprofits seem rife with corrupted individuals and egos. I am considering returning the land to a local tribe. We will see what sense of mother earth spirit still exists there.

      Politics aside I always say in conversations with the thousands of people I have spoken with is look at photos of earth. What was and what is. We are simply parasites. We can individually do more or less to mitigate the damage we do.

      As was stated here, bigger systems are the key to real global change. That seems a long shot at this time. Side shows locally and those profiting from being little more than carnival barkers barking “resilience” “sustainability” and the like often talk the talk but don’t walk the walk.

      A $5,000 automobile allowance per year for Mr. Mauro is an example. Will he buy some forest land to protect? Will he donate that to another cause of his choice? Who knows? Perhaps he has and takes the bus to locations he can’t ride his bike to.

      Flim flam men and women surround us. Make your own little contribution as you see fit. Thousands and millions of people doing that responsibly on local levels add up. Global plans with no local understanding and those eager to serve for a price are here.

      Obviously things cannot go on as they have been. Many saying they are the answer simply are not. What has been done up until now on housing and conservation fronts?

      Lip service and being a carnival barker can pay well in cash and power. Show me accomplishments.

  12. Peggy S

    ON THE POPLARS?!?!?!

  13. Ed Webster

    ‘Saw the tables in front of Silverwater this morning.
    Really sad to see ppl give up and say “Can’t beat ’em join ’em.” The levels of both apathy and arrogance in this city are shocking. One truly wonders what is going on in the heads of most voters in PT. They seem too apathetic to learn anything new and two arrogant to believe they don’t know everything there is to know, already. So sure of themselves they can’t understand the light at the end of their feel-good Save The Planet With Eco-Fascism tunnel ACTUALLY IS an oncoming train.

    Also? We will never eat at the Silverwater, again. Or The Starlight Room, either. Homey talked a good game, but in the end, just went with the flow of sewage decisions that is downtown PT, currently.

    Tourists are noticing:
    * trash everywhere
    * “art” the locals hate
    * no parking
    * potholes, potholes, potholes
    * lots of stupid little marker signs in the street that
    no one reads, but no traffic signs to tell anyone new to town how to get anywhere.
    * mess tents in the streets, full of NO ONE

    “Creative Book-keeping District” is what’s
    REALLY going on. All for Magical Mess Tents.

    • Harvey Windle

      Sorry to be so full of comments but this town is so full of “it”. Just getting ready to send photos again to City Council of overflowing trash in front of my business. The “rain garden” is really a trash pit. I am forced to pay over $50 per month for garbage service we don’t use. We recycle and take away daily what little non-recyclable is generated home. Very little is taken home and then to the transfer station.

      While I could pick up the trash, that is enabling, and would hide a problem. Pretty sad. When the garbage can is dumped into a truck, they will not clean up around it.

      To “recover” while shut down for Covid, rates had gone up almost double. There was no offer of suspending charges when everyone was closed and generated no trash. No advocate for those struggling, is this “resilient” city manager. Add lost parking and its Millions lost.

      Go ahead just try to “Engage Port Townsend” or Enrage Port Townsend as many call Mauro’s catchy suggestion box to nowhere.

      It took over a year of emails and pictures of some of the well over a dozen trapped cars sent to the city council to get a post installed in front of the trash pit/tourist trap on Washington and Adams to stop people from pulling forward and getting stuck in it. Good for the tow truck industry. needless use of big trucks in this “green” town.

      Yesterday’s email to City Manager and City attorney questioning the Silverwater tables and chairs with picket fence got auto responses. Apparently, its vacation time again.

      There are several places to eat I won’t send people to any more. Community? Really?

      Council member Ben got back to me and was unaware of the grab. He was going to ask the Silverwater owner what up. Seems there should be a way for him to ask those in City Government who allow this what process allowed it. And get a fast response. Other council is silent.

      My 3 visits to council meetings showed me a back slapping love fest between staff and Council. Its just easier that way.

      Busses and long trucks cannot get around the mini round abouts on Washington without completely getting into the marked walking area.
      The “edge lane road” experiment (generated by who?) creates a one lane game of “chicken”. What can go wrong as people learn on the fly the “rules”. Like trash pit traps and mini round abouts, expect problems that just won’t hit home to some. The cost of re marking roads could perhaps be spent on maintenance everyone but those responsible know is needed all over.

      If you hired someone to purposefully cause problems and ignore others, could you do better?

      Broken-down town. Enrage Port Townsend. What’s next?

  14. C Burke

    “Best Of” voting has begun.

    Please remember which restaurants downtown
    put up magical mess tents and which refuse, even
    now, to remove them. Also remember the rogue
    restaurant which added one, afterward.

    Vote accordingly. ALWAYS

    • Harvey Windle Collateral Damage

      A new best of the worst contest. There is no authority to hold this contest. This reflects how PT city government works.  Vote often as you like. As with Port Townsend government, actual public input is not considered. All results are pre determined.

      1) Best of the worst appointed Mayors. 

      Total points include damage done in various boards, committees. and covens served on and with before and after being appointed mayor by fearful new incoming council members and “converted” members returning to the chorus line.

      a) David King
      b) Deborah Stinson
      c) Michelle Sandoval x3 !!!
      d) David Faber 

      Best worst neighbor grabbing parking spaces for personal gain.

      (In the Me First, Screw You category).

      a) Tommyknockers
      b) Old Whiskey Mill
      c) Cellar Door
      d) Alchemy
      e) Silverwater (late entry, in your face land grab extra points?)

      Best of the worst manipulation of minimal public notice for permanent mess tent ordinance. 

      (Oh— that water bill newsletter we didn’t use).

      a) David Faber
      b) John Mauro
      c) Entire Council who had no problem with it or giving public property to private interests

      Best of the worst visually offensive magic mess tents. 

      Flimsy fences and chairs and tables in parking spots, and Mauro sanctioned back alley land grabs not included). Cheater alert- both magic mess tents were placed by Kris Nelson, but one was sold to a new owner. Did that increase the sale value of Alchemy? Don’t ask questions. Vote.

      a) Old Whiskey Mill
      b) Alchemy
      c) What’s the difference? (This is not the name of a trendy new eatery with gutter dining, it’s a rhetorical question).

      Best worst quote or reference by a Council member regarding Mess Tent Madness

      a) Libby Wennstrom for “Ithaca”. (Can’t we just try something new like closing down business access?)
      b) Monica Mickhager for “Christmas will be here before you know it” (So never mind the 1.5 million dollars lost to businesses until then due to Council Approved mess tent parking hogging).
      c) David Faber- appointed fearless and clueless leader for “I may have been a bit myopic about the public wanting lots of permanent mess tents”. (Don’t limit your myopia. It’s much larger than that and seasoned with arrogance and incompetence)

      Best most dangerous Mess Tent to chow down in.

      Toxic fumes and physical danger from old drivers. student drivers, drunk drivers, and those who are parking challenged included in this category.

      a) Tommyknockers
      b) Old Whiskey Mill
      c) Cellar Door
      d) Alchemy
      e) Silverwater (late entry, trust that the picket fence will protect you from tight parking all around. As with all in street dining and loitering, please sign a waiver before downing your magic grub and note a next of kin to be notified when the unavoidable happens),
      Best worst and most often use of the word “resiliency”.

      a) City Manager Mauro
      b) Jeffco Together website
      c) May be a trick question, Jeffco Together sounds and reads just like Mauro.Word salad with no substance. Plenty of pie in the sky promises and “visions” for all.

      Best worst train wreck ever with insiders looting the best parts of the wreckage
      a) FWPDA
      b) FWPDA
      c) FWPDA

      Make up your own category and post if you like. So much material. Have fun. Vote often. Cheat as you like. It’s how it’s done in Fascist Friendly Smiley Face Port Townsend.


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