Will Washington State Board of Health
Listen to the People or the Politicians?

by | Apr 26, 2022 | General | 10 comments

Two weeks ago I gathered with a few friends in what will remain an undisclosed location in Port Townsend to watch, via Zoom, the Washington State Board of Health (SBOH) vote on whether the COVID-19 vaccine should be added to the list of shots required for public school attendance. It certainly wasn’t the Super Bowl, but for those of us invested in the health of our children it was the culmination of several months of grass roots lobbying of our state public health officials.

I played a very small part in the effort. As a group it appears we overwhelmed the systems of a state agency that was used to operating under the radar, debating issues that rarely caused any controversy. I mentioned in a previous article one early Zoom meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), set up to assess the criteria for adding the shot to the required list, had 7,500 people sign up to make a public comment.

For this final meeting, where the SBOH would vote on whether to adopt the recommendations of the TAG, over 1,500 pages of emailed comments were received and entered into the record. The SBOH didn’t state how many people signed in to speak at this final meeting, but the comment period was expanded to an hour and a half, with two minutes per comment. Even with the extra time, fewer than fifty people were actually heard. No one supported the COVID-19 shot for kids.

Like many, I was hopeful, yet ready to be steamrolled by the bureaucracy. As you have probably heard by now the SBOH voted unanimously to not add the COVID-19 shot to the list of required vaccines for kids — for now. The option to reconsider in the future was left open. I will consider the decision a victory against the forces of medical tyranny. In a conversation I had recently with Gerald Braude, a writer for Informed Choice Washington, he describes the decision as a strategic withdrawal. I fear he may be right. You can read his in-depth article about the April 13th SBOH meeting here.

Screenshot of April 13 State Board of Health Meeting

At least for the moment we still have the choice, if only at the public school level, on whether we want the COVID shot for our children. Regrettably, this does nothing for families like mine with older children heading off to our state colleges, also public schools, but at this point offering no choice regarding the COVID shot other than applying for a religious exemption. We may have begun to turn the tide. We must not stop here.

When government does something bad, we have a right to redress of grievances. When government does something good, which has been admittedly rare over the last few years, we should let also let them know, as well as address any concerns they may have expressed during the decision-making process. Here is my letter sent to the Washington State Board of Health after their unanimous vote on April 13th:

To the Washington State Board of Health. Thank you for your hard work over the last two years, and for your latest decision to not add the COVID-19 shot to the list of requirements for children to attend public school. You have made the right choice. It seems a few fragments our democratic system may yet be working.

One of your members mentioned the loss of public trust as being her primary concern in this process. I heartily agree. As a citizen of Washington State, I have lost all trust in my public officials.

This loss of trust began with the Governor seizing power through an emergency declaration and then forcing illogical and arbitrary mandates on me. More than two years have passed and Governor Inslee refuses to give up these powers. His latest reasoning in a long list of ever-changing excuses, the need to keep federal dollars flowing into our state, does nothing to rebuild my trust.

I also lost trust with my state representatives who have looked the other way this entire time, aiding and abetting our tyrannical governor.

The loss of trust continued with the Superintendent of Public Instruction, who clearly stated he was pro-COVID shot, while threatening any disloyalty to his COVID orders with defunding of non-compliant school districts. When asked, State Superintendent Chris Reykdal stated the COVID shot requirement would be made on a statewide basis, undermining the authority of school boards, and therefore eliminating both school administrations and most importantly concerned parents, from the decision-making process.

Finally, public trust was lost by you, the State Board of Health specifically, through continuing to promote only the vaccines for treatment despite the VAERS data showing tens of thousands of deaths, and well over a million injuries to Americans from the COVID-19 injections.

Will the SBOH ever examine whether the vaccines you would be forcing on our children, formulated for the original strain of COVID-19 way back in March of 2021, even be effective against the current mutations? (We can see they aren’t. Why can’t you see that?). Will the board ever discuss the data that clearly shows that children have a much higher likelihood of injury from the vaccine than from the disease? Please look over the latest study from Children’s Hospital in Seattle published March 25th, 2022 in the Journal of Pediatrics. Has the board reviewed the benefits of natural immunity, or other options including the clear success of the Dr. Peter McCullough protocols advocating early treatment with safe, inexpensive, and readily available antiviral medications?

If you were to ask me, I would tell you the restoration of public trust will begin when you give up the mantra of “These vaccines are safe and effective”, and start having a transparent and truthful conversation with the people, not the politicians, of this state. The thousands of comments from thousands of well-informed parents should be evidence that you are not in possession of all the information.

I understand the extreme pressures you are under to support the official government narrative. Yet someday, in the not-too-distant future, we will look back and see this pandemic vaccination program for what many of us believe it to be, a crime against humanity. In the end, I would want to be remembered for supporting the freedom of choice for the individual citizens of this state, and not in support of a governor who puts billions from the Federal Government before the rights of his constituents.


Brett M. Nunn

I expect my suggestions will fall on deaf ears like just like all of my attempts to pull back on the “safe and effective” curtain here in Port Townsend and to start conversations with our public officials. In watching the SBOH debate this issue, a few of the members seem to be asking the right questions. We need to keep speaking to them until the message finally gets through. I will be presenting this information to the Port Townsend School Board in the following weeks just to make sure they have heard the good news as well.

Brett Nunn

Brett Nunn has spent the last two decades in Port Townsend's Uptown, raising a family, volunteering at local schools and wandering the outdoors. He writes about survival, community and culture. He is the author of the book, "Panic Rising: True-Life Survivor Tales from the Great Outdoors."

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  1. Craig Durgan

    Excellent article.

    • Andrew j Chivers

      Now in the news children around the world getting serious liver disease some dying some receiving transplants “they’ say it’s not the death jab but how honest about anything have “they” been. Is this just the begining of something horrible? I get sick to my stomach at the little sheep trancing around gloating about being vaxed. This strange divided society that is very obvious here. I will never get this poison. There needs to be more reporting of truth like this because unfortunately the available information that is easily accessible is what so many believe and trust. I got banned for life on Twitter for speaking out against the vaccines . Maybe with the new direction Twitter is going lol. Things will change their but it’s been a problem mainstream media and social media wide. As intentional assault on free speech and speaking a different opinion and questioning the lies b weing fed to us daily . This is mass murder in my opinion..I amor as y the guilty will be held by to account for their involvement..

  2. Alison Hedlund

    Thank you, Brett, for this astute coverage of the BOH’s meetings and decisions, as well as the complicity of the governor, legislators, and SSPI in this crime of the century being foisted upon us and our children. Your letter to the BOH was spot on. The rhetoric we’ve had to listen to from the bureaucrats is mind-numbing in its repetition of false evidence, lies and prevarications. I was incensed by the implications in their decision that we, the parents, could somehow be won over and “buy into” the vaccine if they could only find the right words to build our trust, when there are no right words for toxins and poisons and damaging restrictions that have harmed many thousands of children and adults already, many in our own community. Trust is always earned, and not by medical-ese sweet talk and bogus graphs and charts. I am disgusted with these purveyors of lies promoting human sacrifice for their profit-driven agendas under the guise of “Health Care.” Which we have seen is primarily “Sick Care” and “Death Care.” I agree with you that “…someday, in the not-too-distant future, we will look back and see this pandemic vaccination program for what many of us believe it to be, a crime against humanity.”

  3. marieyoussefirad

    I could never imagine requiring a medical procedure;this vaccine changes the chromosomes in ALL that are vaccinated, that has DEATH as a side effect!

  4. Polli Jo Weaver

    Hear, hear!

  5. Q. Wayle

    The problem, as I see it, is that a handful of vocal activists (and I hate to use that loaded word) accurately and articulately express our concerns to SBOH or any other governmental entity, but the conversation is one-sided. We never hear their rebuttals or direct response to our concerns, or their reasoning is orthogonal to our arguments. It’s like we’re talking AT each other, but no one is listening. BUT, We, The People, have the power. You may be old enough to remember when Lech Walesa, the Polish head of the Solidarity Union, defied the Communist leadership by motivating ALL the people to strike against the government. It worked.

    Our problem is that we are divided. The CNN watchers believe everything is hunky dory and that we’re boors for wanting to avoid the vaccines, so maybe we need to get the message to that half of the populace to make them realize that they are being duped. They won’t watch our media and we won’t watch theirs, though we are exposed to enough of it to know. How do we get the truth out to the ignorant masses so we ALL can unite about an issue? Billboards? Brochures? Public rallies? I don’t know the answer, but I DO know that if we dig in our heels EN MASSE, that We, the People, have the power. We MUST unite against these freedom-destroying mandates and refuse them if we do not wish them. Class action lawsuits may help. And, although we are, collectively, law-abiding, there are likely dozens of illegal things that can be done if all else fails.

  6. Tracy McCallum

    Thank you!!!

  7. brett nunn

    As an addition to this article I am posting my comments to the Port Townsend School Board from the April 21 meeting following the SBOH decision so you can follow the conversation and be inspired to make a few comments of your own. We need more voices at our community meetings.

    Comments to the Port Townsend School Board, April 21, 2022

    Good Evening

    Let’s start with some good news. As you probably have heard the State Board of Health, after receiving thousands of emails, letters and public comments in opposition to forcing the shot on children, voted unanimously to not add the COVID-19 vax as an entry requirement for public schools. This was the right decision. The board mentioned that this topic would be revisited in the future and that there was a need to get the public to “buy into the decision for their kids to get the shot”.

    In discussions during the April 13th meeting, it was mentioned that at least one board member had spoken with many school superintendents who were concerned with the many parents who stated they would pull their kids out of school or move out of state. It was estimated at least one third of parents would take this action. This fact played a significant role in the decision. Speaking from experience, this mindset among parents will not change in the future.

    We have emerged from the pandemic, and I hesitate to bring this up because I want to remain positive, but the vaccine related deaths continue and we need to stay informed.

    The latest Vaccine Adverse Events report from April 1st lists well over a million injuries, close to 150,000 hospitalizations, almost 27,000 deaths associated with the COVID19 shot here in the U.S..

    On February 3, in Washington State, a seven year old boy with no pre-existing conditions, died from cardiac arrest fifteen days after his first Pfizer shot.

    Tell his parents that the vaccine is safe and effective.

    As I have said in the past, and we need to remember this now and into the future, if there is the slightest doubt in any of you minds that this shot might not be safe and effective, and there should be, you have a moral obligation to protect the children of this community and say no to State Superintendent Reykdal to ever making the COVID19 shot a requirement in public schools.

    Thank you for your time

    • AJ

      Both of your letters are brilliant, Brett. Thank you for sharing, and for speaking out.

  8. Annette Huenke

    On behalf of Informed Choice WA, I filed a PRR for the comments from the meeting with 7,500 attendees. The SBOH is giving themselves until the end of the year to provide them. Sounds a little like the FDA with Pfizer data, doesn’t it?


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