“I’m going to continue to mask,
I’m going to continue to distance.
It’s just not safe out there.”
Public Comment, 2-14-22 BOCC meeting
What will it take to break the mass delusional psychosis perpetrated on the public? For thousands of years humans have known safety and comfort in sharing smiles and facial expressions, handshakes and hugs. We are wired to find pleasure in open faces and physical closeness, to depend on visual cues and nurturing touch for critical social and emotional development… and to be afraid of dehumanized faces that are masked and expressionless.
Two solid years of a relentless fear campaign has worked on rewiring those innate responses. A devastatingly effective crusade by pharma-captured regulatory agencies, legacy media, increasingly totalitarian government and the healthcare industry has stripped humanity of these basic human needs, substituting shock and awe in a new medical tyranny that has turned our world upside down. In its wake is a collective brainwashing that will not be easily undone.
Draconian measures are lifting around the world as increasing numbers of U.S. states and nations recognize that masks are useless, that social distancing made no difference in viral spread, that the vaxxed are actually more vulnerable to Omicron than the unvaxxed, and that Omicron poses less risk of death than the flu. However despite the Covid narrative continuing to crumble, what psychologists liken to a hypnotic spell keeps the traumatized masses still living in terror of a virus with a 99.8% survival rate. Fear of human contact, of the air we breathe, and of other life is normalized in this spell.
Jefferson County looks to be among the last holdouts for the mass delusion.
On Monday, February 14, a Port Townsend resident demonstrated this psychosis in a public comment to county commissioners at their weekly board meeting:
“We need to do more. We need to do better. We need to bring this thing under control and take stronger measures, not loosen restrictions that are gonna just make more people sick…
“I’m going to continue to mask, I’m going to continue to distance and stay away from any kind of gathering and concentrated groups. It’s just not safe out there, and anything you do that makes it less safe, is not okay.”
Our frightened neighbor might benefit from reading the January 2022 Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Lockdowns on COVID-19 Mortality published by Johns Hopkins University. “Lockdowns are defined as the imposition of at least one compulsory, non-pharmaceutical intervention,” like masking, physical distancing, bans on public gatherings, and school closures. In a systematic, thorough review of 18,590 studies looking at Covid restrictions across the globe over the last two years, 24 qualified as meeting stringent eligibility requirements for inclusion. An analysis of each of those 24 studies concluded that “lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.” The review confirms that all the measures inflicted on global populations have been for naught:
“Lockdowns in Europe and the United States only reduced COVID-19 mortality by 0.2% on average.”
A finding of 0.2% is statistically insignificant. And the many studies demonstrating the medical, psychological, social, and economic harms from these measures turn that minuscule fraction of a positive percentage point into a colossal negative. Not only have restrictions been for naught, they have caused far more harm than good. As the Johns Hopkins review notes:
“While this meta-analysis concludes that lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
Nonetheless, those under the spell may never feel safe again unless these damaging policies—even “stronger”—are continued in perpetuity.
Dr. Byram Bridle, PhD, a Canadian professor of viral immunology, recently spoke to this phenomenon at a press conference in Ottawa:
“Once you have everybody so scared—we’ve seen the fear of Omicron, which is no worse for the vast majority of people than a bad cold… adults here in Ottawa, they’re actually scared of the snow in Ottawa. Do you know why? Because there are so many unvaccinated people that surely we must be contaminating the snow with massive quantities of SARS-CoV-2 and the snow is going to kill them. And I’m serious, they are requesting that government officials start testing the snowbanks in Ottawa.”
Sound crazy? That same irrationality is evident in our community. A Port Townsend NextDoor post worried that deer are spreading Covid. Fifteen states had documented Omicron infections in whitetail deer. There is no evidence that the animals can spread it to humans. But the brainwashed fearful sound the watch-out-for-deer! alarm, much as they demonize healthy people as super-spreaders when all evidence shows asymptomatic transmission is a myth.
Epidemiologist Dr. Paul Alexander, PhD, also spoke at the Ottawa press conference. Former Covid pandemic advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO), Alexander and a team of global scientists have published over 500 scientific papers on these policies. The WHO conducted a focused study on asymptomatic transmission. Alexander called out the disinformation that healthy people spread the virus, used to justify lockdowns:
“This issue about asymptomatic transmission—that was rare. That was a lie. We studied it, we looked at it… We knew the study out of China published in Lancet very early in 2020 that showed us that out of a 10 million sample they found that of all of the [Covid] positive persons that moved around—and they looked at all of the contacts—that there was NO asymptomatic transmission. So we understood this virus very clearly, very early on… This asymptomatic transmission was bogus.”
Dr. Bridle agreed:
“We have drilled into peoples’ heads that somehow healthy people are carriers of these deadly pathogens, they’re going to kill other people. If that’s what you believe, we are never going to be able to de-mask or stop the physical distancing ever again for the rest of our lives. And I’m afraid people are actually wanting to take us there.”
Masking is perhaps the most overt example of the psychosis that has gripped so much of our populace. Not only is our fearful neighbor at the beginning of this article “going to continue to mask… continue to distance,” he admonishes the commissioners that if they allow masking and other restrictions to be lifted for the rest of us, that “is not okay,”
Epidemiology advisor Paul Alexander expounded on masks, referring back to his experience working for the WHO:
“We looked at masking… I am considered an expert on these Covid masks. Blue surgical masks and white masks, they are utter garbage. They have always been ineffective… they have never worked. Never. And they are actually very toxic; they have toxic particles in them. Toxic to our children… I looked at 150 studies that show the masks are ineffective. They just do not work. Period.”
Corroborating assertions by Alexander and other doctors and scientists that facemasks provide no benefit, a comprehensive examination of data has resulted in the just-published “UNMASKED: the Global Failure of Covid Mask Mandates.”

From the book jacket:
Since early 2020, masks have been promoted by experts and implemented as mandates by politicians in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19…but a thorough examination of the data shows they’ve failed.
Looking “at data from all over the world, from the granular county level to entire countries,” author Ian Miller concludes: “Despite extraordinary worldwide compliance, the mask experiment resulted in an unequivocal failure.”
New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz writes: “Ian’s work has been essential throughout the pandemic. His charts have provided the kind of clarity sorely lacking in dissecting the COVID-19 data. Unmasked will elevate the conversation and hopefully, make sure we don’t make any of the same mistakes ever again.”
But at the February 14 BOCC meeting Commissioner Greg Brotherton demonstrated his brainwashing:
“Masks are effective… Are we going to incorporate them in the way that Asia has before this?… Masks are never completely going away, I don’t think.”
Brotherton parrots Jefferson/Clallam County Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry’s disinformation that masking is keeping us safe. In the Feb. 10 Peninsula Daily News (PDN) article “Region’s health officer warns of lifting mask mandates too soon,” Berry contends state mandates should not be lifted in early April: “If we revoke our mitigation measures too soon as a community and as a state, we will prolong this surge.” Her arbitrary pronouncements continue. We will be unsafe if we lift mandates over the next couple of months, but if we wait until her predicted time it will be “very safe:”
“If we kept masking through May for June, I think it would be very safe to revoke the mandate then.”
The third medical expert at the table in Ottawa, Cambridge-trained pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson, MD, expanded on masking and the other measures imposed on a fearful public:
“Masks – to put it in the vernacular, you cannot stop a mosquito with a chain link fence. It’s absurd.
“Social distancing – this condition is spread by aerosols, not by droplets, so it can be in the aisle at Walmart that no one else is in and you’re still going to get it. Social distancing makes no sense whatsoever…
“But more than anything, lockdowns… it has created the most incredible carnage around the world… it’s physical, it’s mental, it’s psychological, and it’s also economic. It’s affected every single person on earth for a situation basically no worse than a bad seasonal flu. Yes, some variations, obviously. But if this problem had been handled in the usual way, as we’ve done with other viral pandemics, and simply done nothing but accommodate to it in practical ways, common sense… this would have all been over within six months….”
In addition to advising WHO during the early stages of the pandemic, epidemiologist Alexander was a senior advisor to the White House at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He was an insider witness to horrifying data withheld from the public:
“I was in the administration… You saw Trump fighting daily with his own task force because he tried to open the society and open schools. Because we were getting the data to show that the lockdowns were killing people. The school closures were killing children, they were causing children to commit suicide. We saw the failures…. lockdowns have killed thousands of people beyond the virus.
“We were getting reports on a daily basis from the states and winding it up to the Oval [office]… that little children 8, 9, 10 years old were found hung in their bedrooms. They committed suicide because of the school closures and lockdowns… the legacy media decided that they would hide that information from the public.”
Viral immunologist Bridle worried that the fear narrative and brainwashing over the last two years has set us up for a short hop to accepting these destructive policies as necessary for other common viruses in our midst:
“The flu can actually kill our children in much greater numbers than SARS-CoV-2 ever will. I was using that argument to try and put SARS-CoV-2 into a relevant clinical context. I actually stopped that because I started getting quite scared that I could see what’s going to happen — they’re going to start flipping the narrative. They’re gonna start using the flu to institute all of this stuff. It’s a very small step to take in that direction… when you understand the depth of the fear that people have had drilled into their head about Omicron, it is a small step to start convincing them ‘You know what? Whoops. We never saw how deadly dangerous the flu actually was.’
“We lived with the flu. There was a certain quality of life that we accepted despite the fact that some people die with it. But now we’ve had this attitude that we can’t have any infectious disease that we don’t want to have deaths with. People can die from cancers and all kinds of other things that we’re not going to pay proper attention to right now. But all they have to do is start turning the focus on the flu…
Dr. Bridle offered a useful illustration of how we are being played:
“If we put the spotlight on the flu, it would begin to look very scary. Put on the ticker tape over the news all the time — Here’s another case. Here’s another case. Think about it. When your kids are in school, it starts out with one kid. Next day it’s three kids. Next day there’s ten. And then it’s infiltrated ten homes. And then it’s in the surrounding classrooms. It spreads like wildfire.
“Being contagious is not necessarily a problem. That’s what they’ve tried to scare us with. Omicron definitely is contagious. But it is not particularly dangerous. And this is typical of these kinds of viruses. If a virus wants to live with us for a long period of time, it doesn’t want to kill its host. It wants to infect as many of us as possible and keep us alive. Ideally the situation for a virus is that it causes no harm whatsoever; we happily co-exist. And Omicron is taking us in that direction.”
In a PDN poll, readers were asked “Will you feel safe enough to go indoors without a mask if/when the state removes its mandate?” At the time of this screen shot on February 15th, 934 readers had responded. If the poll results accurately reflect our communities, nearly half have bought into the madness, fearful that taking off the masks will be unsafe.

Will you feel safe enough to go indoors without a mask if/when the state removes its mandate?
Why do so many still buy into the narrative?
Crediting Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet and American medical doctor and psychiatrist Mark McDonald, renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough describes the genesis of the mass psychosis that continues to persist:
“A mass psychosis is when there is a group think that develops that’s so strong that it leads to something horrific—examples are these mass suicides that occur in religious cults… Nazi Germany when people walked into gas chambers and were gassed…”
Four conditions must be met:
- “There must be a period of prolonged isolation. Lockdowns.”
- “There must be a withdrawal of things taken away from people that they used to enjoy. That’s happened.”
- “There must be constant, free-floating anxiety.”
- “There must be a single solution, offered by an entity in authority.”
Psychology professor Mattias Desmet elaborates:
“For instance, a narrative is distributed which says there is a very dangerous virus and that we should go into lockdown. If these four conditions are met then there might be an extremely extraordinary willingness to participate in the strategy of the lockdowns even when the narrative in itself is absolutely absurd. When people start to participate all together in the strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, a new kind of social bond, and a new meaning-making emerges.”
Psychiatrist Mark McDonald, MD, author of United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis, explains further:
“The fuel is fear. We cannot become mass delusionally psychotic without first being scared. The fear has been the driver behind this pandemic from the very beginning. Without fear, it all falls apart… An entire group, an entire population which is the American people, all at the same time, losing their rational faculties. Being unable to think, acting as a herd…
“It’s been the fear driven by government, corporations and the media all colluding together to perpetuate the mass delusional psychosis… The endpoint of this is the same as for every totalitarian regime throughout the 20th century—dependency on government. Once people depend on government, then they don’t depend on their families, they don’t depend on their churches, they don’t depend on their communities.”
Dr. Hodkinson describes the techniques “by which you can break even the most hardened terrorist in Guantanamo Bay”:
“You drive fear. And you keep it on. Fear, driven by the morning graph in the paper. The PCR graph with so-called cases… the vast percentage, 97% or so, were false positives. And that’s what drove fear. That’s what drove contact tracing. That’s what destroyed restaurants…
“And then isolation, otherwise known as quarantine. Keep people separated. Don’t let them talk to each other.
“You break anyone with those methods.”
Now those in our midst who are driven by fear cannot let down their guard. For them, humanity has become the virus: “It’s just not safe out there.”
They will mask and distance and insist that we need more restrictions that do not make a whit of difference against these viruses.
Directives that only serve to make us afraid of human contact, of pets and wildlife—even snow. Policies designed to create anxiety, discord and alienation. Mandates that ultimately divide us into believers versus non-believers of a false narrative.
The mass delusional psychosis demands it.
Arriving in Port Townsend in 1975 in Sherpa, her Ford van, Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
Another superb article Ana,, thank you! I have never worn a mask and will never wear a mask and I’m perfectly healthy. Just don’t buy into the hysterical narrative! But if someone wants to mask,, go right ahead.
I agree! If you feel safe wearing a mask then do so. We must each decide how we feel about masking and do what gives us peace with this virus.
Excellent article, Ana. Masking should be a personal choice, just as vaxxing and everything else. If you’re sick, stay home. If not, be free as God intended.
I wear a mask to go into a restaurant and walk 10 feet to the table where I sit down and immediately remove my mask. During the 40 or so minutes I’m sitting at my table I see others enter the restaurant. Find a table and sit down and immediately remove their mask.
So, for approximately, 5 to 7 seconds as I enter the restaurant I am “protected” from exposure to covid which is being spread by those folks already sitting at their tables. Then, I also join them in spreading covid to others….
If you think your mask prevents you from being infected simply try this simple test. Don your mask and make sure it fits correctly. Then, have a friend spray bear repellant within a few feet of you…. The bear repellant is much larger in droplet size than the virus. So, you should certainly be prevented from smelling it… right??
Once you’ve actually thought about it and made a conscious effort to accept seeing the truth that masks do not do a damn thing to keep you safe you have become aware that we, as a public, are being lied to by the medical profession and the government.
Oh, I read recently that Dr Berry asks that anyone using a home covid test and finding a “positive” result to immediately notify the health department. Why do that if you intend to isolate yourself? Why advertise your health condition if you will be home alone and not able to infect anyone else? Could it be that by notifying the health department and Dr Berry that another person has had become infected will justify more and longer covid restrictions?
Speaking of bear spray:
These marines did masks tests with pepper spray!
11:20 min
Helen Keller observed that most people don’t want to be free. They merely want to be safe.
The Freedom Convoy is a threat to all governments because they are demanding something quite different from Helen Keller’s statement. They want their birthright of freedom and are willing to jeopardize their safety for that freedom. Can we do the same? Can we put aside our fears, take off our masks, breath and smile and declare to all “I am Free”? We are living in a time of political tyranny that has nothing to do with science or medicine.
The greatest swindle in the history of mankind has occurred in the last two years, right under our noses. Of course Greg Brotherton is on board with the narrative. In addition to being a county commissioner, he sits on the Board of Directors of Olycap. Olycap was awarded CARES act and ARPA funding in both Jefferson and Clallam for homeless shelter funding and running that show on the Fairgrounds. These were big contracts. Especially the Social Distancing Center in Port Angeles. $435k got the place started (CARES) and another $800k (ARPA) kept it going through winter. I was the original Site Manager and I knew something was wrong with the money picture from day one.
Olycap financed shelter operations in both Jefferson and Clallam Counties solely off the Jefferson grants. They left Clallam unbilled until the very end of the project then they billed Clallam Health and Human Services for the whole thing and it was Berry that signed off that it was satisfactorily completed.
In Jefferson you have Commissioner Brotherton on the Olycap board of directors and in Clallam, it’s Commissioner Ozias and Councilman Schromann-Wawrin. The payola to Olycap in my estimation could have been 1.2 to 1.5 million. The billing history from both Clallam and Jefferson to Olycap needs an outside audit.
By the way, the Randall S. Johnson that is renting the land to Jefferson for the new homeless encampment is one of our county commissioners in Clallam.
It’s a conflict of interest that these politicians sit on the boards of the same nonprofits they award money to.
We keep re-electing these people. It probably doesn’t hurt that they can outspend challengers 2-1 or even 5-1.
Thank you Ana. Beautifully stated. There is nothing else I can say but thank you and the PTFP for being a voice of reason.
“of all the utterly discredited non-pharmaceutical interventions around covid, perhaps none stands as pervasive in its application and as universal in its failure as masks.
it was a flat out cargo cult belief set from the beginning and the inefficacy of this purported intervention was known and knowable beforehand and was confirmed, again and again, by all the emerging data.
the studies undertaken to “prove” efficacy were shams, lacked control groups, used cherry picked data, fraud, and methodologies so hilariously bad as to call into question the basic competence and honesty of those pushing them. the CDC has been a disgrace.”
Thanks for highlighting that post, Annette. A great read and yet another insight into why the push to dehumanize using masks has been so intense. Seen through the lens of the ruling classes’ hypocrisy and selective application of these policies, it adds another wrinkle to the last two years:
“a certain class of person loved this, demanded this, needed this. no data could dissuade their desire…
masks are signs of subjugation. they dehumanize. they alienate. and this is WHY they are so attractive to so many.
this is why forcing them on kids to dominate them and force them into compliance with state over self or even parents is such a high priority goal for those that have collectivist plans for their futures. it establishes precisely who is in charge.
masks are not about public health.
masks are about hierarchy.
they not only represent a high visibility in-group/out-group tribal marker, but they have wonderous potential as a form of separating the powerful from the powerless, the nobles from the commoners, the dictators from the dictated to.
it has become the opiate of the classes.”
The full piece is at Annette’s link above.
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before. Rahm Emanuel.
Still controversy about the transmission of the virus, but it’s becoming obvious that insanity is easily transmissible.
What I’ve observed is that the elected officials and some county agencies are super corrupt with nobody watching them, look how many lawsuits the Jefferson county sheriff has had against them and they settle right away so you can’t see what they are doing…if I had a good lawyer I would sue them and still might because they have violated my rights and I have have caught them lying and can prove it….just look into the Kevin Bledsoe case in 2004 against Jefferson county…
Quote from a trucker in Canada.
“What we’re fighting against are the politicians and the media,” he says, adding, “What’s been done to them by the media is, they’ve twisted their fear, and made them think their fear is a virtue.”
Outstanding, Ana. Thank you. It strikes me that over the past few PTFP articles, I’ve seen comments from new voices/names. This is so encouraging. PTFP is extending its reach, more and more are reading, commenting, feeling empowered by the truth you are offering. Thank you. THANK YOU!
Just this past Monday, four days after her statement in the PDN about masking until at least June, Berry once again changed her “Science”- now the target date for the end of masking is late March/early April. Has the Science changed? Of course not – Berry parrots whatever she hears from her political higher-ups. I expect whatever date Inslee cites today at his presser as the “safe” end to statewide masking will be the next words out of Berry’s mouth. She is a puppet with power. It’s sickening.
Dean, Brotherton, Eisenhour would be a comedy troupe if the stakes weren’t so high. They are fools. That’s what makes them so dangerous.
But this community troubles me even more. Will these delusional residents ever be able to let go of their anxiety? Fear is a powerful opiate and Jefferson County is all in, addicted and craving constant fixes.
AJ, it is indeed encouraging to have new/more voices participating in this conversation. New subscribers are signing up weekly and I wouldn’t be surprised if that has to do with the caliber of comments as much as the articles themselves. So thank YOU and all the other readers who engage in this forum.
As I have related before, I am a person on the “front lines” running a business with lots of visitors from “near and far” from day one as Covid information and misinformation evolved and devolved. I have an irreplicable manager dealing with visitors 5 days a week. Her husband is very high risk with a heart condition. Our masking policy along with air purification pushed business up last year to a record high. To what degree this actually worked keeping mosquitos out with a chain link fence is the question. I did stay in business. I did not take a cent of government money. I did meet fascinating people with “smiling eyes” and had great conversations. Not black and white, this “soul killing” masking. I too am ready to see it end and get the point others make of the big picture socially. Eye contact is the work around.
Business being up has to reflect the mind set of our customer base, and folks in general. The stats given for
“Will you feel safe enough to go indoors without a mask if/when the state removes its mandate?” 47.11% yes 43.58% no and 9% undecided tell me that I may lose 43% plus some undecided if we immediately remove our policy. You don’t stop a freight train on a dime. I would expect the Free Press folk might question this poll and how it was conducted, as with any stats published. We should expect this for every data point.
Those with no financial or physical risk oar in the water can think as they will. Thanks to the Free Press for the education that has given many some clarity. I have always mis-trusted big Government and Big Pharma. Working together on deadlines with big dollars involved is a wicked combination. Masks are the least deadly of the big picture. So I have errored on the side of caution. I do know that as PT is corrupted so too are most systems. It’s biblical, human greed and lust for power.
I know masks make some bristle. Walk a mile in other shoes. See some grey areas. The brakes are being applied on my freight train. I have to honor another set of beliefs as well. Stopping may take a few miles or so. I digress as I often do to quote some ancient rock and roll, Uncle John’s Band by the Grateful Dead, “What I want to know is, are you kind?” Save your anger for the ones in power, playing with all of us. Forgive your terrorized frightened neighbors. Get off your high horses. Its a long way to the ground from up there.
Finally thanks to “Pogo” for the video with masks and bear spray. All customers will now be sprayed with bear spray at the door. Those not convulsing will be allowed entry. Or not.
Keep smiling. I can see it in your eyes. The freight train is slowing down. It will take time, understanding, and patience. This life is about defining and finding out about ourselves at our core. Thanks again to those answering the call from a place of understanding.
Harvey, a place of understanding might be for your manager to continue to wear a mask if she believes that it works and offers protection. I doubt that anyone would criticize her for that. (Maybe you could spring for a M17a2 mask and give her some real protection.) The 43% polled who want to continue to mask would be, and are free to do so. Nobody here that I have heard is on a high horse telling anyone not to mask. Where are you hearing that?
However, to have a policy that forces all of your customers to wear these silly things is not “kind”. It is reinforcing the fear machine that has already destroyed so much public trust and social cohesion. Sowing fear and hatred is how tyrants gain and maintain power. (What I want to know is: Are YOU kind?)
“Business being up has to reflect the mind set of our customer base, and folks in general.” (Ever heard of Jim Crow?)
On the other hand excusing your support and reinforcement of the fear machine because of your financial “oar in the water” is…, well let’s say it is possibly revealing of your character and indicative of why our country is in such a bad place.
I am sorry if this offends you, but it is time we all recognize what is happening and stop pretending nothing is wrong and these are minor inconveniences. Essential listening homework: https://archive.org/details/TheGulagArchipelago
John Opalko-
No offence taken. My flawed effort was to say the transition to “normal” will vary and take time. Each in their own way. Comments here show some do want to call some “sheeple” and go Red vs Blue. Not kind. Others point out that mind set is divisive and polarizes.
The high horse.
Had a long conversation with my manager yesterday regarding mask policy and changes ahead. My business is for sale as I have mentioned. Hopefully someone like you will purchase and know what to do and how to proceed and still pay the bills. The oar in the water is always important to me as many have shallow understanding of some issues at times, sitting on sidelines.
In the end kindness is probably subjective. I’m not here to defend my “kindness”. I am most “unkind” to those in power who pay lip service to it and seem to have little of it and no rules. That is the exception.
I would love to know your background and that of others. Sheltered? Self made? Dependent or independent? Not much is black and white, shades of grey was my point. Tolerance was the point. Dialogue is good. The trauma many have experienced is real. PTSD will be with many for a long while. One can only work on one’s own perception of answers and hopefully share thoughts now and then. Thanks John.
I’m gratified that this kind of heartfelt, intelligent, respectful exchange can happen here. Thank you both.
Regarding the PDN poll, Harvey, there’s no way to know how representative those results are out of a two-county population of 110,000+ (Jefferson ~33K, Clallam ~80K). I thought it was worth including as one possible glimpse into the current fear level, but it’s a crude one — we don’t know where the respondents live or have any granular data on the makeup of those who answered.
Most folks we’ve heard from who live on the peninsula would describe Port Townsend as the WORST community in the region (and possibly the state) as far as collective fear/still buying into the narrative… they’d say the vast majority of PT residents are in this mass psychosis, that far more than 43% (likely double that) believe our safety depends on masking, distancing, medical apartheid for nonvaxers. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of our rural communities have a far lower fear level, with 43% largely a Clallam sample skewed higher by a small number of PT folks.
Recent article on Belligerence, Officials, and the Law of War from Clif High.
Former Harvard Prof. Martin Kulldorff: ‘Science and Public Health Are Broken’
“In many states, coronavirus infections strongly increased after mask mandates had been introduced. The following charts show the typical examples of Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, the UK, California and Hawaii. Furthermore, a direct comparison between US states with and without mask mandates indicates that mask mandates have made no difference. (Charts: Y. Weiss)”
Speaking of the great unmasking, alongside the great unraveling:
It gets more twisted by the day, but perhaps a quick review of recent twists & turns is in order.
“OneAmerica’s announcement that the death rate of working-age Americans (18 to 64), in the third quarter of 2021, was 40% higher than prepandemic levels is rather stunning. OneAmerica is a national mutual life insurance company based in Indianapolis. During an early January 2022 press conference, CEO Scott Davidson said:
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business — not just at OneAmerica. The data is consistent across every player in that business.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic. Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So, 40% is just unheard of.”
A purposeful holocaust known in advance —
In other words, genocide —
Stall & delay, business as usual —
Shucks, bad for biznez —
Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That ‘Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data’ May Impact Business
So, voila —
Well What Do You Know! Death From Vaccine Ruled Suicide …
January 15, 2022 / brianpeckford
“The judge stated, “the experimental vaccine side effects are publicized and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab.”
Seems the deceased would hath protesteth too much.
Bada bing, bada boom.
As much dodgy stuff out there as dodging.
Moderna stock down 70% and Pfizer stock down 19%. Investors know the clinical trials are fraudulent. It’s coming out. Wonder why Pfizer is fighting having their clinical trials made public now? Moderna CEO and executives have sold off over 23,000 shares of their stock. Follow the money not Fauci’s pseudo science.
Spot on! Comments from my neighbors are priceless. Agree or not-so glad to hear it….and I will do some reading re my mask/security blanket.
Thank you Harvey
This newsletter from psychiatrist and author of The United States of Fear, Mark McDonald, arrived yesterday. It is so a propos of our fellow JeffCo residents locked in fear: https://tinyurl.com/y9maxo5g
“With the advent of the mask craze, mental illness is no longer invisible in the public space. What was once reserved for only a psychiatrist’s ears is now on flagrant display to any citizen with eyes to see it. When I see a man jog past me with a piece of cloth tied around his nose and mouth, I don’t need to speak to him to know that he is mentally ill. When I see a woman sunbathing in the park in a two-piece bikini with a diaper lying on her face, no conversation is necessary—she is sick. To learn this is both disheartening and liberating. As I discover that 80% of the people who inhabit my city are mentally unwell, I feel sad. With that discovery comes a new freedom, though, to efficiently filter out those with limited functioning, so that I no longer waste time or suffer frustration over failed expectations of normalcy with those who simply lack that fundamental capacity to be normal. This has been a reality check, but, as I often say, to live an honest and healthy life, we must live in reality.
The mask mandates will soon end. The cowardly yet otherwise emotionally healthy will then largely abandon the despicable “face-coverings.” Others will not, at least not at first. Some may never leave their homes without them. Regardless, the mental illness and character flaws that drove this sick practice will remain. I often speak and write about the damage that masks have wrought on society, but they have also revealed a fundamental decay in the psychological health of Americans, especially those living in cities. Let’s not pretend that by tossing the masks in the garbage—where they belong—we will be solving the problem. As much as masks drive a degradation of individual social interaction and of society at large, they also serve as a visible reminder of pre-existing mental illness that we must begin to address. The end of the mandates is only the beginning of the road to recovery.”
That’s a terrific post by McDonald. He contrasts his home turf of LA (“everyone is still wearing masks indoors. Approximately 80% of Los Angelenos still wear face-diapers while outside, even while driving alone in their car or riding their bicycle to work) with a conference in Colorado he’d just returned from of 700 mask-free attendees (“I never saw even one person there wearing a mask—not one”). He compared the two groups through his psychiatric lens: “Nearly universally, I found the maskless conference attendees to be courageous, mature, wise, kind, generous, and principled. Mask-wearing residents of my hometown, on the other hand, appear largely cowardly, callous, naïve, narcissistic, and emotionally immature.” (See AJ’s link above)
Meanwhile, in Ottawa, authorities have started mass arrests of peaceful protesters in a totalitarian crackdown designed to demonstrate that disagreeing with egregious state edicts will not be tolerated. They are freezing funds donated to the truckers as well as personal bank accounts, canceling their truck insurance, basically attempting to destroy their ability to function unless they stop their challenge and COMPLY.
Trudeau Freezes Protesters’ Bank Accounts In Authoritarian Crackdown On Truckers
Thank you for your comment, AJ. I agree 100% that much of population of Port Townsend is mentally deranged, stemming for the most part, I assume, from being indoctrinated in hard-left universities rather than educated in a traditional sense. That these have congregated here is no accident, as this type seems to prefer end-of-the-road locales (Cape Cod, Key West, San Juan Islands) where they can overwhelm long-time residents by their sheer numbers in order to capture both the dialogue and political offices necessary to control the direction and resources of that community. Leftist control of a community can only lead to backward social and economic policies, which, in time, will cause normal, productive individuals and families to relocate to areas inhabited and governed by more stable and reasonable people.
“this stage of the pandemic is really one of the more mystifying parts. if you listen closely, you can hear the popping of burning wires.
i got vaccinated.
i got covid.
i got really sick.
thank goodness i got vaccinated!
you should get vaccinated too!
i mean, at a certain point you’re thanking your lucky rabbit foot for keeping you from having lost your gold fillings on top of your wristwatch last poker night…”
I have a document that summarizes 167 studies that show that masks don’t work and worse, they are HARMFUL, especially to children. We either have incredibly ignorant or incredibly evil officials mandating these. We MUST REMEMBER THESE PEOPLE IN NOVEMBER and ensure that their political careers are over forever.
“… the killer awoke before dawn,
he put his boots on.
… he put on a mask from the ancient gallery,
and walked on down the hall….”
I have a dream… that one day humankind wakes up enough to finally realize how extensively mind-controlled, divided & conquered… then used, abused & discarded by the controlling interests of this world — over millennia, right up through this moment.
Should anyone still remember anything about history (ever written/rewritten by “the victors”, aka the PTB) — the pendulum swings back & forth between premeditated ideological cleavages — generating confusion & chaos, conflict & separation — which populations inexorably become swept up in, as if hypnotized.
Now with all the recent observations coming to light about “mass psychosis”, we have opportunities to probe deeper, find the elements within ourselves, avoid knee-jerk reactivity, then choose more wisely how we relate, and how we are here.
Engineered left/right divisions are merely recent examples of mass psychosis — as have been most ideologies throughout history, be they political or religious. Apparent conflicts are invariably weaponized — setting human against human for the most absurd justifications, in the ages-long dramas & wars.
Programming starts in infancy, becoming infantry…. in battle after battle. The cannon fodder of children relentlessly aimed towards graveyards by old men sitting armchairs in smoky rooms. Now again over the last few years i’ve continually heard talk of “civil” war between mind-controlled factions. Until this kind of madness is recognized & averted, the SOS repeats.
How long this BS goes on is the responsibility of each one of us. Know, once and for all, as far as the PTB are concerned — we have all been mere pawns on a chessboard.
Another teary case in point from our sisters & brothers up north —
It’s ALL coming to a head on a global tyrannical scale….. though now many more are putting puzzle pieces together — how majorly/eerily triggered & controlled populations & events have been all along. All in all, a dire 5 alarm — an awakening that significant portions of humans can be instantaneously turned against their own families & neighbors. Not to mention farther afield in conflicts with others they don’t even know. In aggregate, historic & current contexts demonstrating the chessboard of operations for millennia.
But to witness in our own time, in our faces, propagandized fear, divisiveness & hatred incessantly broadcast by the politicians, media & academia, day after day…..
As most here know too well, two years ago, this region — including our hometown since the 70s — literally went dark, stoopid & cruel almost overnight. This has little to do with perhaps legit “right” or “left” differences — the goal is to divide, stigmatize, weaponize and control.
What has been unfolding in canada also has little to do with apparent ideologies, as the PTB/trudeau would “explain” it, but everything to do with those who are vulnerable to mass psychosis.
There is really nothing new here…. except now we have opportunities to step away from the divides and the mind-control, if not off this mad-hatter chessboard, forever.
Free the mind, the rest will surely follow.
Harvey, we can all hasten the transition to normal by displaying some courage from wherever we are in whatever way we can. Courage and fear are both contagious. Let’s try to exhibit the former and not the latter. Fear enables the tyrants. Courage dissolves them. We agree that calling the genuinely fearful “sheeple” is not effective in giving them courage. At the same time, encouraging their fear by wearing useless masks ourselves is harmful. We should not force the fearful to give up their masks, but we should demonstrate courage. Courage to question and push back against the ridiculous mandates and propaganda that perpetuate the fear.
As for my background: I grew up behind a slag dump on the outskirts of Pittsburg. Average intelligence and abilities, but learned early the values that used to be widely taught – that hard work and perseverance will eventually yield results, and that honesty – especially to oneself – is the best policy.
Thanks again John for your time and thoughts. My father was the son of a coal miner, my mother was raised by her grandparents. I could not suffer working for or under anyone and started on the daystalls at Pike Place Market doing simple artistic woodworking. I left there due to systemic corruption, came to PT and saw the same thing happen here. These are but microcosms of larger and larger systems everywhere. It is a basic truth I have often taken a pen to locally. When vaccines became available, I took a wait and see position, based on all I had seen from Government and Corporations. My subjective choice, I feared “them” more than covid.
Having been in the position of being discriminated against due to my vaccination status, I now must have compassion for those who may regret past choices, forced in some cases, that may have negative impacts for them. Do unto others. The author of the ‘spreadneck” piece in the Leader called names and polarized. Due to that and other specific issues I dropped my subscription and quit commenting there. On the flip side we should have compassion for those who may have made some large mistakes of their own. Compassion knows no polarity. All of us are flawed and can only try our best. Love your flaws. Recognizing them lets you grow.
If you know of the Free Press you have a tool to sort info from different sources and change your perspective. Or not. Important work. Thanks to “the crew”.
Comments to links regarding info from many are good and needed. My comments are to put a real time face on this episode of human history. It is Saturday morning, when I get to work today there will be small changes in store. The freight train will not stop on a dime. I think, more than most anyone who writes here, I have been in contact with folks from near and far throughout this “thing”. The exchanged energy is both positive and negative. Mostly positive as I speak with varied folks in an atmosphere that makes many comfortable. I will always limit the number of folks in as we were made to with social distancing. Fewer folks at a time makes for a better experience for all. Crowd mentality with too many in at a time was a problem. My space is about sharing art and craft. And taking time. Making a living happens from there.
Yesterday I had an appointment with a couple to select wood and design some custom pieces for their home. At the gallery in PT we all wore masks and didn’t really talk about it. We then went to my new place in Port Hadlock to look at some other options. Before we entered, I told the couple we could mask or not, Their choice. We didn’t mask. Later in the day I visited a friend who works with me in his shop. He is vaccinated, did so due to info he got at the time to protect his 87-year-old mother. We didn’t mask. At first, I did when I visited out of respect. I know he would not have vaccinated except to protect mom. Is he a sheeple?
It’s not black and white. Nothing is.
I think for a while I will be doing this dance of the mask. I will follow the lead of those entering my business and as I move about the West Coast as I have since and during lockdown. Monday we will talk about changing mask related signage. It’s not about the money John. Somehow that happened as this old hippie from Pike Place followed his heart to Pike Place and then PT, and then to Port Hadlock where I have met great folk not administrated to death by smiling parasites. Yet.
It is the dawn of a new day and new days ahead. This sun rises slowly. Have some empathy for those who may not have had it for you. I think all the great teachers, choose your brand, have advised that. But follow your heart and do things your way in your time.
Anybody wanna buy a business in PT?
Thanks Harvey, Having never read the Leader, I had to look up the ‘spreadnecks’ piece online. (And used up several of my 4 free articles of the Leader before a subscription is required! Though I doubt I will ever use up the remining free articles.)
I have to say I am now even more depressed about the state of affairs in this county. The level of violent rhetoric in the article and in the comments is appalling. What I read in the article and comments was close to lynch-mob mentality.
Can there be any doubt that those in authority are using fear to drive division, and to control the population by encouraging “two minutes of hate”? I honestly could not have envisioned this level of violent rhetoric against neighbors a few years ago. It started with hating Trump, then Trump supporters, and has just grown and expanded from there. Today the hate has expanded to those supporting truckers in Canada who are protesting to restore their freedoms. I pity those on the hate train; once on, it is hard to get off, and the destination is not a place anyone wants to be.
I thought your response comments to the article were admirable and a voice of reason. Thank you for having the courage to voice them. If only some would listen.
John- I was not looking forward to opening today Saturday. I think many are unsure how to get off the mask train. Many more have no problem with the ride. I decided to talk to visitors today and do a real time poll on mask attitudes.
My first visitors were asked how they felt about masks and if they worked. They were not PT “local”. Many others are.
I was told of specific studies that showed masks work, and things got tense from there. I mentioned the bear spray droplet size compared to virus size and that bear spray gets past most all masks. Things got more tense from there. The woman I was talking to is a child psychologist. I always like to know who I am talking to. I brought up that some say in kids’ development of speech and other development is impacted by wearing masks and asked if she had heard that.
I know as well that most all adults have huge gaps when they wear masks and don’t know or care. Kids probably are not more careful. Probably is what is called an understatement.
I was told in a rather curt manner that the woman would rather have a speech impaired child than a child feeling guilt for the rest of their lives for killing a grandparent. The couple left after the husband said he couldn’t wait for it to be OK not to wear masks. They really didn’t get to enjoy the surroundings or talk about our artisans. That pretty much ended my attempt to use my business as a polling place. Thanks for playing “Covid Questions” folks. This show has been canceled due to our sponsor (me) still needing to make a living.
Go ahead. Judge me.
As I said in an earlier comment, folks without an actual oar in this water can think they might do things differently, and that folks like me fuel insanity by complying with this mandate. I would advise anyone so inclined to hit the streets and do their own polling. I look forward to hearing how their education in the actual world went.
A better idea is to buy this business and change the world from here for those who know so much in theory. Seems some think it’s easy. Standing on the tracks in front of this freight train that may be slowing down is still at times a bit trickier than some not paddling like hell in this water for over 2 evolving years may think. Things are going to change. Not overnight. That is all, you damn spreadnecks!!!!!!!!! Keep smiling and pushing back in your own ways.
I appreciate you sharing this experience, Harvey. It speaks volumes about the level of brainwashing/delusion/psychosis (pick a word) we are faced with. An example in so many ways of how our lives have been degraded. It’s seen in the stress of the husband, sick of the masks. The stridency and upset of the wife, driven by her delusion. The chilling effect on your exchange just attempting to have a conversation about it. But most chilling, the hubris of the “professional” classes who believe their attitudes to be righteous by virtue of credentials. Not just any health professional, a child psychologist! She possibly represents a majority of people in her field who have succumbed to a collective trance. It’s no wonder more and more of the public are mistrustful of and abandoning the healthcare system.
Psychiatrist and author of The United States of Fear Mark McDonald would describe that child psychologist — parroting the insidious lie that masking children protects granny — as engaging in child abuse. He recently wrote a letter to all his patients banning child masking in his practice. He says it is “essentially a projection of adult fear and anxiety onto children, who have no capacity to consent to the abuse.” He identifies the refusal to relinquish masking as a “fear addiction.” He invites his patients, “Let’s agree to make 2022 the year for an individual and national recovery.” His full letter and commentary are worthy reading:
I Have Banned Child Masking in My Practice
The trauma and abuse that children have suffered at the hands of delusional adults the last two years will likely go down in history as one of “civilization’s” blackest marks. But that is another article.
Harvey and John, that “spreadnecks” column in the Leader was a prime motivator for Stephen, Annette and I to take on resurrecting the Free Press. Not only because of the divisiveness the Leader management was fomenting, but even worse, the censorship that followed. Many wrote letters calling out the hate speech and inflammatory demonization it provoked, but with the exception of one letter (“You have an opportunity to create a space for meaningful dialogue at a time when it is desperately needed. Instead you choose name calling”), over the next month they censored all critical letters submitted while printing letter after letter in support of that hateful diatribe. It was just stunning, with the publisher straight-out lying that they published all letters when one of the writers called to ask why his letter hadn’t been printed.
Some spontaneous protests outside the Leader building resulted, and our first article as a new team was published: “The Leader Promotes Hate Speech, Censors Thoughtful Community Voices.” Six of the censored letters that we were aware of are printed in our article.
Ana- I pasted the letters you are talking about from your website to the author of the spreadneck piece’s comments the next week or the week after. A work around. I don’t know if it was removed.
I also have spoken with the publisher regarding the censorship of several stories and comments. All comments from 2 FWPDA stories as the FWPDA was forming years ago under other ownership were completely removed. I got no reply from current ownership about the missing comments that showed future problems and even suggested what became Makers Place, too late.
I had saved the comments and re pasted them.
The story regarding the FWPDA director’s role in the meltdown was removed completely from the online paper after a week last year.
Then new software (I assume) made public some anonymous commenters and hid others like myself who had used actual names which destroyed the ongoing record of my comments regarding local corrupted thinking. My name was restored for the record after I spoke with the publisher, others remain a bit scrambled.
You can see in the spreadneck comments apparently the author made what he thought was an anonymous positive comment about his “work’. The changed tag is newsmann.
It is important for everyone to understand that this is a microcosm of the larger picture of censorship in most all media. Easily seen and proven here, locals are pretty much not concerned about it.
Scale it up and there you have it.
Propaganda is one sided. Free discourse should threaten no one. When big brother has to protect you from varied points of view either the population is so dumb that it is necessary, or big brother is afraid the population might become aware. The work of this paper taken in totality should show most anyone able to digest varied points of view that the current and past mainstream Covid info is as tainted as FWPDA, and parking and planning in PT.
Locally the current appointed Attorney/Mayor and City Manager according to folks sharing info with me is a disgrace to the real Port Townsend-the working people and the laws and codes set up over many years. He is a fit mascot for the corrupted version managed into existence over the last 20 years. Sorry to digress from Covid to this, but many dynamics locally and nationally are the same.
Controlled media. Sold out politics. Honesty is not red or blue, but what the masses are given to squabble over.
Well put Harvey. Thank you for pushing back against the propaganda and censorship.
For those of us who are fighting for our lives, yes we will keep wearing the damn masks. My family personally has buried three members since October, because of Covid. You all can go [expletive deleted].
Editors Note: A final statement was deleted that violated commenting guidelines prohibiting insults and profanity.
Dale- I truly am sorry for your losses. I think most all here are saying anyone should be able to wear a mask if they want. That is surely the case in my business. As my manager points out no one knows if a mask wearer is going through chemotherapy.
I am sure my manager will continue wearing one and am unsure of the timing that we will be comfortable not requiring them to accommodate customers who may leave if others in the close quarters that is my business are not wearing masks. This is the conversation as I see it.
It is not easy. Contributors here do not necessarily agree with everything others say or believe. I keep referring to grey areas.
The questions I have are what masks work, do any work, do most people wear them correctly to be effective, (I know for a fact based on real observations including today many do not).
Related is do mandates such as restaurants are under work when unmasked at tables but not walking to tables. Having to be vaccinated to eat inside seems a punishment, as it is pretty much agreed on that vaccinated spread the same as unvaccinated. That seems to make little sense. Questions are good. Your specific input might be helpful if you choose to share what caused so many in your family to pass. Were age and health a factor?
You do have a great chance to communicate what types of masks your relatives wore that failed them, assuming they did wear masks.
Another aspect is if treatments not allowed might have helped. This is where the censorship factor comes in. For me this is an exploration of facts and fallacies, any solid data anyone can contribute is welcome as far as I can see. I always stand to be educated and corrected. We all should be.
I like the quote at the start of this part of the series that COVID is never going away. It’s probably true for a couple of reasons. It is making certain people and organizations richer. It has also gotten the mass of population believing it won’t and will continue to follow people like Dr. Bury. The best we can hope for is that they’ll tone the hate down and let us live our lives. Japan has used masks for years when someone has a cold or flue. As far as I know the un effected aren’t given a lot of hate. When the sick recover they don’t wear a mask. A lot of the hate here is because they have bought the idea that we’re infecting everyone we meet. Who ever said the masses were smart should look and read some history books. Those who don’t know history are fated to repeat it.