While the Empire’s police were busy confiscating fuel from Freedom Convoy truckers in Ottawa (photo above), last Saturday’s mini-convoy from Port Angeles to Port Townsend indeed came to pass. About 50 folks in 25 vehicles (plus more on overpasses and streets), joined the tens of millions across Canada and worldwide protesting vax mandates and lockdowns.

The Feb. 5th anti-mandate Port-to-Port Freedom Convoy drove between Port Angeles and Port Townsend, with supporters at overpasses along the way. Photos: Sue Coffman
The Port-to-Port event gave a taste of the recently announced nationwide Convoy to DC 2022, expected to start in California on March 4, driving cross-country to Washington, D.C.
Responding Monday to public comments about the trucker protests, Jefferson County Commissioner Kate Dean said:
“I think bringing up issues that are from another country and are largely politically and ideologically motivated is not especially helpful at this time, and I am frustrated by the ongoing chorus of voices saying their personal freedoms are being violated when what we see in fact is that everything is open, people are out, people are traveling, people are recreating, people are doing what they want to do. There is not a massive violation of personal liberties, people are living their lives, and the economy is strong. I don’t see the victims in this as those who are being asked to wear a mask.”
What planet is Dean living on? On our planet, Canada, Australia, New York, California, and much of the world has been locked down hard for most of the past two years, with the main victims being schoolchildren forced to mask and vax for no good reason.
As one Jefferson Healthcare social worker told the Free Press last year, local mask dictates and other lockdown measures had caused a skyrocketing of depression, self-harm and suicidal ideation among children in Jefferson County:
“We are in a mental health crisis. It’s incredibly stressful, a lot of suicidal youth. It’s a nightmare.”
A nightmare that our elected officials refuse to acknowledge or address, denying the harms that their directives have caused.
The trucker convoy is “largely politically and ideologically motivated”? The economy may feel strong to commissioners awarding themselves salary raises above $100,000/year along with $1,000 “premium pay” bonuses to all county employees using federal CARES relief funds. But for the majority of the county, the impact of jab-mandated firings, 40-year record inflation and general impoverishment of the middle class is crippling.
While Commissioner Dean is obviously familiar with political and ideological motivation, she clearly hasn’t seen any reporting from the ground in Ottawa. Far from an exercise in political ideology, these peaceful, courageous truckers are fighting for their livelihoods and the health and well-being of their families.
Amid Johns Hopkins findings that mask mandates and “lockdowns have had little or no effect on COVID-19 mortality” but “imposed enormous social and economic costs” (primarily on children and the most vulnerable), many places are beginning to shake off their mass delusional psychosis. Yet Washington State remains an outlier, one of the last three states not ending indoor mask mandates. And the final state requiring outdoor masks.
Likewise off-planet was Commissioner Greg Brotherton:
“I will say again about the protests, we locally have not created any vaccine mandates, so the things these protests are about really do not touch the policy we are engaging in at the local level, at all.”
Really, no local vax mandates? The restaurant/bar mandates spearheaded by his employee Health Officer Allison Berry were so onerous, a group of restaurateurs sued Berry over them, a challenge just settled out of court with an agreement to lift the mandates. Brotherton and his fellow commissioners were among only three counties in Washington state to enact these divisive restrictions. They remain in effect until Berry’s arbitrary date when it will suddenly be safe to allow unvaxxed diners to mix with those who obediently took experimental injections which do not prevent them from catching or transmitting the virus.
Though not Brotherton’s direct responsibility, locally Jefferson PUD risked outages by heedlessly terminating linemen and half their contractors over vax mandates, while The Leader reported “hundreds leave WSF, State Patrol and other agencies as vaccination mandate takes effect.”
Deeply-felt concerns over such matters drove truckers from their own localities across Canada toward Ottawa for massive non-violent protests. Our northern neighbors are now inspiring parallel freedom convoys around the world, notably in Australia, Finland, France, and New Zealand‘s capital Wellington (as vividly depicted in the last minute of this video):
Up to this point, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has flailed helplessly against the popular alliance, but now his empire is striking back ruthlessly, stealing fuel from truckers needed to heat their rigs and keep them and their families from freezing to death in sub-zero temperatures. They are illegally threatening to arrest good samaritans bringing fuel or supplies. But canny Canadians have found creative ways to confound the criminals:
In a recent press conference, Trudeau characterized the millions of Canadians opposing the mandates as white supremacists and terrorists — “anti-vaxxer mobs” launching “racist, misogynistic attacks.” His smears are echoed in Canada’s state-funded media, broadcasting the message that the Freedom Convoy is “a nationwide insurrection driven by madness.” American mainstream press repeats the spin, verbatim, and reinforces it by calling the millions of protesters “a cult.”
The cult includes 50,000 or more truckers, the vast majority vaccinated (estimated 80-90%), and many of their families, pledged to living in their rigs for as long as it takes to get the mandates lifted.
They’ve been joined by hundreds of farmers who have blockaded an Alberta-Montana border crossing with their tractors…
… and thousands of cowboys who rode into Ottawa on horseback…
… with schoolchildren writing notes of love and appreciation to the truckers, thanking them for making a stand for freedom and their futures.

“This is absolutely amazing and why we’re doing it.”
A tearful trucker describes how he “got punched in the heart” when he opened a bag with a cookie that had this handmade card attached. Inside was a handwritten note peppered with hearts: “Dear Mr or Mrs Trucker, It’s really awesome that you’re standing up for human rights. I’m only 11 so I don’t know much about it all but I believe what is happening is wrong and I know you can do it! Sincerely, Kate”
Click on note for 2-minute video
So who are the real terrorists? Canada’s ruling class is responding to peaceful demonstrators from all walks of life by not only stealing truckers’ food, firewood, and fuel, but it is reported that when a court order ruled the seizures illegal and required police to return the confiscated petrol, the fuel they returned had been contaminated.
The Ottawa police chief has been talking tough and encouraging harassment, leading to two armed officers manhandling, bruising and arresting a 78-year-old great-grandfather for honking his horn in support of the truckers, disregarding the cameraman calling out their misconduct:
Trudeau’s forces pressured GoFundMe to misappropriate $10 million donated to the truckers, then grabbed $1.4 million already deposited in complicit TD Bank. After donors promptly raised another $8.6 million via GiveSendGo, tyrant Trudeau acted to freeze or seize these newly donated funds:
Now Trudeau is pretending that he’ll get the U.S. government to prosecute all Americans contributing to the fund. The Empire on our side of the border cannot stop the support, but it can continue the smears, lashing out with typical disinformation and censorship.
The planned American Convoy to DC 2022 set up a Facebook page for truckers, and when more than 140,000 joined within days, the page was deleted. When pressed for the reason, Facebook responded: “We have removed this group for repeatedly violating our policies around QAnon.” The organizers and multiple third parties counter that no such material appeared on these now memory-holed pages.
The Empire’s desperation is palpable. The U.S. mainstream press invoked QAnon as also being behind the Canadian movement. Who are that Freedom Convoy’s organizers? The video below is a press conference with Canada’s core team—truckers, scientists, doctors, ex-military, indigenous peoples, a global humanitarian, all joining in one unified voice, asking to meet with Trudeau.
The Great Awakening is occurring right now, here and all around the world. Interviews with average working-class people on the frigid streets of Ottawa reveal a populace that is evermore aware of the true source of this tyranny. The global elites have been working on their plans for us for decades. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is no longer hiding in the shadows. In this 2017 video, WEF founder and executive director Klaus Schwab shamelessly brags about “penetrating the cabinets,” crowing, “So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau, and I know that half of his cabinet, or even more, are Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum.”
These forces are now showing their true colors … as literal bank robbers stealing the funds of peaceful protestors on the false pretext that they are a violent insurrection… as authoritarian violators of free speech and assembly and all the rights guaranteed in the American and Canadian constitutions on the pretext of endless fake emergencies… as shameless liars using their deathgrip on monopoly media to falsify a popular liberation movement whose lively, loving reality is plain to see from the living history on display from Viva Frei and other livestreamers on the scene.
Clallam resident Sue Coffman, a regional Team Leader for Informed Choice Washington, describes why she participated in the recent Port-to-Port convoy:
“My husband and I are advocates for medical freedom, informed choice, and basic human rights. We joined Informed Choice Washington years before the pandemic hit, and continue to support this wonderful & informative organization. When we heard about the local convoy in support of Canada’s efforts to remove all medical mandates, we were very excited to join the movement. It was encouraging to see this fairly small rural community raise their voices strongly in opposition to our current medical tyranny.”
The tens of thousands of truckers in Canada are using their rigs to drive home reality. We’re being had by corporate interests that don’t care about humanity or any other living beings. The Empire takes no pains to conceal their plan to commodify every inch of this once-beautiful blue planet. We’ve got news for them. The jig is up. We are the ones that we’ve been waiting for, and we have finally arrived.

Photo: Sue Coffman
It should be apparent to everyone by now– well, except for the CNN watchers– that this entire PLANdemic was political, as were the mask mandates, vax mandates, and lockdowns. We thought we were free, protected by our Bill of Rights, but all that it took was a self-declaration of “emergency”, and we lost our rights in that nanosecond that the pen tip made the period.
Yet, despite this, the CNN head-in-the-sand people will still vote for the Marxist tyrants in the next election. They are sheeple…too brainwashed to learn, unable to connect the dots, and will keep voting for them even when imprisoned. Yes, that’s how brainwashed they are. Thankfully, those that still have multi-digit IQs are flocking to the Republican Party for hopeful restoration of freedom. I hope, that a year from now when we may have conservative leadership in this state, that the miscreants be imprisoned for what they’ve done to us. And the extent of which won’t be known for years, as the vaccine side effects begin materializing.
Thumbs up, you are so right on!
Yes, Q. Wayle, it is “politicians” who are being used as mouthpieces and implementers of the corporations, but I beg of everyone to leave partisan politics out of this noble effort to regain our freedoms. Millions of us who believe everything you said in paragraph 1 do NOT happen to be Republican or conservative, and see the problem as being capitalism, which is the opposite of Marxism. Please do not shut us out; we need everyone’s voice in opposing these mandates.
Another profile in Canadian courage:
“Former Newfoundland and Labrador premier Brian Peckford is leading a lawsuit against the federal government’s COVID-19 air travel restrictions…
The suit states about six million Canadians, or 15 per cent of the population, have been prevented from traveling to help sick loved ones, to visit family and friends, to get to work, take international vacations, and just live ordinary lives.
Peckford, the only surviving signatory to the 1982 Constitution and Charter of Rights and Freedoms, argues that’s “simple discrimination,” and the courts must step in.”
The former Premier and co-author of the Canadian charter of rights in a recent passionate 10-minute address:
“Freedom Convoy 2022 – Brian Peckford Reminds us of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms”
When I saw a posting in the coop notifying the public that if the vulnerable, un-sheltered-otherwise residents of Bayside Housing did not get the experimental injection within 3 days of today they would be given 24 hours and then booted out of the shelters, I was shocked. I proceeded to do a cursory bit of research on the signers of this proclamation and came across some interesting history of one Gary Keister. A quick buzz around the internet revealed that he “was convicted of one count of conspiracy, 33 counts of bank fraud, four counts of money laundering and two counts of making false statements to a federally insured bank.” (I quote from the Seattle times article about the case). This is who Jefferson County entrusts with their handling of the homeless situation via Bayside Housing. But hey — he started https://www.wescomcapital.com/management/ while in prison. He must be such a go-getter. With a gilded tongue to boot. But seriously: how can Port Townsend leadership be so naïve? Don’t they do any research whatsoever? Or are they all in on something very, very corrupt all together? I wouldn’t be surprised.
I feel a pain in my heart at the poplars across the street as I watch the crows and hawks alight on their limbs. Sometime soon, unless something changes, these harmless trees will be felled for no good reason. Those birds will have to look elsewhere. The squirrels and all the creatures who have made those beautiful gateway poplars their home will be displaced. But for some reason that’s not important. I suspect someone is getting a juicy kickback for all that tree-felling while the potholes in the streets continue to widen and other degrading infrastructure remains unattended.
It is heartbreaking what has happened to Port Townsend. It seems to be guided by grifters and thieves. But perhaps its just circling back to its original history. But somewhere between its sordid beginnings and now it was a vibrant haven of art and music, freedom and fun. Now it has completely lost its mind, wandering in a morass of masked, self indulgent narcissists who are for nothing and no-one. They nurture their woke nihilism like a precious egg waiting for something beautiful to be hatched. But there is only death within.
When the truth of this massive, military grade psyop that will have enriched big pharma to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars finally is revealed in plain sight, for many — perhaps a few of the Bayside Housing residents who will be forced to be part of the experiment or go back to the bushes and highway underpasses — it will be too late.
Good for you and your research into the con man of the moment. Putting people out on the streets? Really PT, is that what you think is a solution to anything? Janette
Sylvia- Below is an email I sent to all Council and the piece of work that is Appointed Mayor Faber. This is the only time in 8 years he or anyone has replied. His words…… farewell. This town is so broken and the ripple effects so wide that acknowledging the depth to actually fix things is past the point of no return. In addition, the brain power of those creating the problems is far too weak to fix them. Double down is the course of action.
As I move on from PT I know similar creatures lurk ahead. It is the human condition of greed and power.
One last point, the person I know that was City Manager in 5 cities said to me the first thing Mauro should have done is insist that he was able to fund all departments and laws and codes, or change them. He works for all of the people in theory, the likes of Faber and Sandoval in reality. There is no argument to be made for him and others.
Greetings to the 3 newest Council members. You have clean hands going in…. Greetings also to 4 established Council members. Year number 8 of no parking plan, education, or enforcement. You all have varying degrees of dirty hands. And denial. Congrats on the Deputy Mayor appointment Amy. Don’t make waves and you will be appointed Mayor someday.
The note in my sewer bill from “weak” “Newly-Elected Mayor David Faber” seems to seek to define what he is not solely responsible for, and all Council are. I seem to remember past appointed Mayor Stinson during a previous election claimed she alone as “Mayor” was able to deal with the Navy. Without her we would be in real trouble. Seems that was not true. Confusion was seeded but failed.
Over the years it seems the duties and responsibilities of City Manager and Mayor confuse many, even Council and City Manager. Mr. Mauro is on record telling his friends in Aukland that he personally was going to make more bike trails here than in all of Aukland. One source of confusion explained. Mauro should not be making policy. Should he? What was he thinking? Who told him he would have power he shouldn’t have? Wouldn’t a “professional executive” know the parameters and responsibilities of his job?
Mr. Mauro is responsible to fund all departments and follow the laws and Municipal Codes of the City of Port Townsend, as the City Website explains. He has failed to do so for over 2 years now, with the approval of 2 “weak mayors” and Council. He also prohibits the Police Chief he hired from doing so, and following his oath of office. What happened to the Pamela Adams Transportation Committee’s parking study as Mauro came on board? Adams was quoted in the Leader saying she thought “we” wanted fewer cars here…….and less business? Who exactly is “we” Pamela Adams? Or anyone currently on Council?
When some like myself say the City of Port Townsend is Corrupted, this is but one example.
Attorney/Mayor Faber should hold himself to a higher degree of responsibility, due to his elevated education regarding the law. Council should help him. His note in the sewer bill explains what is supposed to be in City Government. Not what is.
Attorney/Appointed Mayor Faber also explains the duties and alleged limitations of “professional executive” John Mauro. By the way, Appointed Mayor Faber, are there any “amateur executives”? Work on the sound bite “professional executive”. It sounds unprofessional, and glosses over Mauro’s short comings. Especially from an attorney like Appointed Mayor Faber we should expect better.
I myself am CEO, CFO, and President of a Corporation. Sounds good. It does not make me qualified to be City Manager. Attempting to run a business needing parking for customers in Port Townsend does qualify me to know of the 8 years long problem with parking. And corrupted City Government which spreads to Main Street, Chamber, police and others.
In the midst of writing this, a customer from Belfair, Mark Randolph, came in and complained about his inability to find parking. He spent $2,000 on a custom coffee table. I know some days people don’t come into many businesses because they can’t find parking. The City Manager does nothing, as obviously was pre-arranged when he came on board. This is corruption. Collusion to ignore laws that should keep this and any government in bounds. What does the City Attorney say? Not much.
Perhaps it’s time to remember you have a planning commission. Stinson was credited with preventing a review of many aspects of City laws and codes by them. How could that be with a “weak” mayor system? Stinson and Sandoval have claimed to be “strong” when it suited them.
The City of Port Townsend is far out of bounds. With a newly minted Appointed Mayor. Attorney Faber.
Today it is a Saturday in February, and many coming in comment about the number of people in town and tight parking. Full up parking happens throughout the year as I have communicated for years now. To the sound of Crickets. Studies are stopped and or ignored, and planning is nonexistent. According to Mr. Faber it is the fault of all of you on Council, past and present. He does his weak part. There seems to be no brain.
This week I began moving into a new location in Port Hadlock. I will transition there to do custom work with a customer base from my 46 years as an artisan. The Gallery in Port Townsend is for sale, I have talked to potential buyers. A 26-year history here is going away.
Well paid folk will talk of the town’s “soul” as it seems it is vanishing into a Disneyland version of what many knew. New owners of my space will take things in their own direction over time. Perhaps they and employees will park on the street all day. They might join Main Street and the Chamber to spend money to bring more folks here. Many “professional executive directors” doing this for years here are quite insane. And Corrupt. And well paid.
So, welcome to the new Council members. Don’t rock the boat. There is no captain according to Mr. Faber and his sewer notes. Appointed Mayor Faber should have the most knowledge of laws and codes but ignores them.
To paraphrase Jackson Browne, “Don’t confront him with his failures, he will not acknowledge them”. Like Sandoval, Stinson and King before him, those paying attention know what he’s all about. The record is clear, from Cherry Street, to the 1.2 million visitor Center “park”, to failing roads, to ignoring warning flags regarding the FWPDA audits going back years, to hiring a City Manager not remotely qualified that will not follow his job description, as arranged. Corrupt systems need compromised people to serve. In tide pools large and small.
To also paraphrase a country song I just heard, Port Townsend isn’t pretty, it just looks that way. A sad, incompetent, weak but powerful bunch are in control. Except of course the 3 new Council members with
clean hands. So far.
Harvey Windle – Collateral Damage.
Forest Gems Mill and Gallery.
Yes I have been viewing every video available with Peckford speaking. I believe his gravitas will lend to a positive
outcome. He has wisdom and experience. God Bless him!
The TD Bank Group of Canada is a World Economic Forum Partner. Let’s make it our business to connect these criminal dots. https://www.weforum.org/organizations/td-bank-group
Like the videos and commentary, perfect.
As Catherine Austin Fitts has said, the Great Reset is the greatest transfer of wealth in human history —
“Larry Fink and WEF Great Reset
In 2019 Larry Fink joined the Board of the Davos World Economic Forum, the Swiss-based organization that for some 40 years has advanced economic globalization. Fink, who is close to the WEF’s technocrat head, Klaus Schwab, of Great Reset notoriety, now stands positioned to use the huge weight of BlackRock to create what is potentially, if it doesn’t collapse before, the world’s largest Ponzi scam, ESG corporate investing. Fink with $9 trillion to leverage is pushing the greatest shift of capital in history into a scam known as ESG Investing. The UN “sustainable economy” agenda is being realized quietly by the very same global banks which have created the financial crises in 2008. This time they are preparing the Klaus Schwab WEF Great Reset by steering hundreds of billions and soon trillions in investment to their hand-picked “woke” companies, and away from the “not woke” such as oil and gas companies or coal. BlackRock since 2018 has been in the forefront to create a new investment infrastructure that picks “winners” or “losers” for investment according to how serious that company is about ESG—Environment, Social values and Governance.”
Bravo to the truckers! BOO to GoFundMe– never another dime through them.
Spot on! I left PT because I also felt it has “lost it’s mind”.
As I’ve said before, follow the money. Last night I watched The Constant Gardener. Steven King hit the nail on the head before COVID. I thought I was watching the powers to be with this Damn Panic we have been putting up with for a couple of years. It does make me wonder. If you buy a 70’s book called “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, the author was ahead of his time. Now, we are living it.
Why in the world was the lawsuit against the tyrannical mouthpiece of our health department settled out of court?????!!!!! Is there ever going to be an “arbitrary date” on which she will drop them???? She’s a wicked controlling person who has no real intention of setting aside her power of mandates. Any effort gained has been lost…..tell me….what has been gained after all that effort……..”Ok, maybe one day soon when I feel like it and you ask me ‘pretty please’, I MAY reverse the mandate….IF you settle out of court right now.” Am I missing something here?????
Great gratitudes PTFP! — once again for on-the-job watch-dogging, & terrific journalist efforts, the savvy comments as well. Our local commons herein remain healthy & intact.
I’ve been moved to grateful tears on numerous occasions by the simple humanity of the convoys and their communities. It’s been humbling to witness the generative energies of courage, love, support, and unity — precise & precious examples of what our world needs, how we might proceed similarly.
The stirring images from all across canada: the delightful trucker interviews & anecdotes; the children’s remarkable faces & responses; everywhere those lovely bright streaming maple leafs; the lord’s prayer recited at profound moments. Folks of all walks & beliefs standing ground as one — against globalist tyranny, unfolding intensively worldwide.
Amidst this sparkling beauty & unity have been many invocations of patriotism & religious belief — such that i’m also gravely reminded how often ideologies have become weaponized. The endless inhumane justifications for division, exploitation, war, slavery. genocide, the incessant plundering of Earth — often in the name of country & god. Under the banners of “Manifest Destiny”, and centuries earlier, “The Doctrine of Discovery”, “Dominion over the Earth”.
I pray that as we stand our ground, we remember whose original ground we literally stand upon, now in defense — the graveyard lands & cultures of the first peoples here, as well the enslavements of others brought to build on top of that holocaust — which overran, thence devastating all of “the new world”, north & south. Have we conveniently looked the other way?
There is only one Earth, we are all humans, and there is so much more than just “us” amidst the totality of Life. Now we find ourselves up against the executioner’s wall (longtime coming) — much of it self-imposed — in the stark light & mirrors of repeating history. Impelled finally to make choices, changing our human-centric ways — while our planet is on its lips from catastrophic ecologic & habitat disruptions/extractions — a suicidal folly otherwise known as “economics”, and “resources”.
Currently, there is a most severe awakening out of millennia-long disconnects & slumber, where humanKIND must become conscious with every forward breath. We must not, cannot continue as before. If we don’t change, what does?
The humanity, the humanness, the humaneness of our allies & friends up north is lighting possible pathways into a future. Considering all that we’re having to leave behind of profound aberration, what might that look like?
While awaking & imagining, let us never forget the myriad ideologically driven holocausts & tyrannies our species has served… right up till this moment.
If the experts are right, we are ripe for a civil war. The trucker blockade is the start of the lines forming. Someone needs to back down and it’s not the people. Small time governments are overstepping their bounds. This situation could get messy real fast if it continues.
Here are four good reasons to question the two party (bi-polar) system:
“Four Senate Republicans failed to show up to vote on an amendment that would have defunded President Joe Biden’s remaining vaccine mandates, thus ensuring its failure.”