The Clallam County lawsuit against Health Officer Allison Berry’s restaurant/bar vaccine mandate orders was settled February 2, but these unfounded and discriminatory mandates will “continue for at least several weeks.”
Berry inflicted her mandates back on September 2, 2021 with zero warning before a holiday weekend based on false pretexts, and they’ve chugged along endlessly for no good reason ever since. Jefferson and Clallam were the first counties in the state to be nailed with these onerous restrictions, the order ironically landing a month after CDC Director Walensky admitted that the jabs cannot prevent transmission.
The hearing date for the lawsuit (covered at length here) has been repeatedly kicked down the road by the defendants. Did Berry finally agree to lift the mandates to avoid facing legal discovery into the dark political processes and duplicity behind her evidence-free orders?
Like so many of the globe’s newly-minted medical emperors, she points her magic wand toward some — always arbitrary — date in the future when she can feel assured it could be “safe” to allow unjabbed citizens to enter the doors of our restaurants and pubs. We’re being asked to believe that we’re still in danger from unvaxxed diners today, but she has some special knowing that we won’t be in 3-4 weeks time.
While our localities remain lulled in la-la land limbo, the rest of the world is moving on, with Iowa’s Governor announcing yesterday, “We cannot continue to suspend duly enacted laws and treat COVID-19 as a public health emergency indefinitely,” joining “nearly half of U.S. states [that] have already discontinued their public health proclamations, and several more are set to expire in February if they aren’t renewed.”
Berry also failed to get the memo that data-sensitive nations around the world have been dropping restrictions like hot potatoes the past few days, with Denmark “reclassifying COVID as an endemic disease [that] circulates freely but is recognized as posing less of a threat”, and Israel significantly abolishing all its vaccine passports for restaurants because they “create false assurances” and “are not reducing infections in closed spaces.”
More exciting news: after nascent efforts in Australia and worldwide, the trucker freedom movement has firmly caught fire in Canada! Here’s a heartening report from the Ottawa convoy front lines, where even local police are pitching in to bring hot food to support the truckers:
Things got rolling Sunday, January 23, when the anti-vaccine mandate truck convoy started in northern British Columbia and ended with 500,000 people and 50,000+ trucks descending on the Canadian capital city Ottawa.
Millions of Canadians all across the country came out in sub-zero temperatures and even snowstorms, lining overpasses and highways with signs, flags and food in support of the convoy. As tens of thousands of trucks headed to Ottawa, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau left the capitol and went into hiding to nurse an Omicold that easily evaded his double jab plus booster shot.

Canadians come out in the snow to line highways and overpasses with signs supporting the truckers.
A new poll shows 54 percent of Canadians want an end to all mandates. It’s time to “remove restrictions and let Canadians manage their own level of risk,” say the majority of citizens. In Saskatchewan, 62 percent of citizens polled say they want mandates lifted. The premier of that province — acknowledging the failure of the shots to prevent transmission, saying the unvaccinated pose no greater risk than the vaccinated — has announced that proof of vaccination requirements will be scrapped by the end of the month.
But Trudeau, avoiding a requested meeting with representatives of the largest convoy in global history, instead released a video from his “undisclosed location” through controlled media, calling the massive groundswell a “small fringe minority.” He remains in hiding, while the mainswamp media in Canada and the U.S. try to either ignore the convoys or paint the millions participating as radical extremists.
By February, farmers in tractors were joining in. When the mayor of Ottawa tried to get semis towed off the streets, all the towing companies said they had COVID; when tow truck drivers did show up, they joined the protest.
Farmers Join Trucker Freedom Convoy and Break Through Police Barricades [VIDEO]
Here’s a fun video of all these groups joining in the protest:
Not all truckers can get to Ottawa and the protests are too big to fit in a single city, so they are now sweeping throughout Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, and the rest of Canada:
But what about the U.S.? Yep, it’s happening here too, with big convoys planned from California to Washington, DC. But never fear, on Wednesday Facebook and their fellow social-media monopolies moved to deplatform American truckers from organizing their peaceful protests… “Censorship at its finest!”
…which coincided with Facebook stock losing 25% of its value:
And now there are rumblings that a small convoy may be rolling from Port Angeles to Port Townsend this Saturday, Feb. 5 at 11am, with a larger event maybe hitting Olympia in March:
As the wheels fall off the totalitarian cart in spectacular display for all to see, the rubber is hitting the road with authentic principled gusto from the working people who have had enough. WE ARE DONE.
Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE from a convoy attorney:
It’s Friday, February 4, and I’m speaking to you from the hotel at the center of the truckers freedom convoy in downtown Ottawa. Over the past year, the federal government in Canada under Prime Minister Trudeau has taken away Canadians’ constitutional charter rights to travel freely, has taken away truckers rights to travel, their mobility rights, their ability to make a living under the constitution for those who have chosen to remain unvaccinated.
This afternoon the chief of the city police for Ottawa made announcements that are disturbing and should trouble Canadians and tips around the world who support this trucker protest for freedom. The police chief essentially announced an assault on the protestors; he announced that very specific measures that we normally only see instituted in oppressive regimes around the world would be initiated; he effectively announced that he is taking away Canadian charter rights of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression. We are being censored. Please get this out to the world.
No real surprise here, either. Tremendous pressure has been brought to bear on Go Fund Me to freeze the donations. They’ve already distributed $1million, but clearly the same forces reported on above have twisted the GFM arm enough for them to cry uncle — “To ensure GoFundMe remains a trusted platform.” Right.
Here’s the link to seek a refund if you’ve made a donation:
Update on both updates: from the lead trucker, co-organizer Chris Barber: “everybody stay calm. We are fine. This is probably going to work out even better than before…” is the new preferred portal for donating to the truckers’ freedom convoy, and has already raised over $1 milion in 12 hours! Beware though that it can be slow going getting through to make a donation due to Denial-of-Service bot attacks and the massive surge in traffic… see:
EXCELLENT update! Thank you and Let’s Go Dingleberry! No vax, no mask! Just quercetin, zinc, vitamins C&D, Lysine, and lactoferrin, which is not only MUCH more effective than the dangerous “vaccines”, but are healthy to take. This regimen should also ensure that we’re long past ever having colds, flus, or other respiratory viral illnesses again. Dingleberry can go pound sand! She should have her license revoked!
To Q Wayle: You’ve made my day. You have used my favorite new word….dingleberry. I thought I was the only one using that term of endearment, but you and I must have thought it up at the same time – great minds on the same wave-length, eh!
I fear our area will be the among the last to drop these restrictions, because it is populated by a fearful, elderly, liberal, electorate majority who will support taking away freedom from others if will reduce their PERCIEVED risk of illness or death. (Even if It actually doesn’t reduce real risk at all.)
In their worldview, peace of mind in their last years is worth ruining the lives of the young and the working class.
This is a difficult moral position for these individuals to take, so they rely on Dr. Berry to distort reality and then make appeals to her authority to justify their paranoid desires.
Dr. Berry is just the manifestation of their worldview. We vet our anger at Dr. Berry, (not unjustly) but she is just doing the bidding of this selfish majority. Your neighbors and mine.
Mr. Opalko is sooo wrong. I am “the elderly” and I do not wear a mask, I refuse to get the jab and have many friends the same. It is my offspring who are fearful and are hurting THEIR young. I cannot see my doctor and was cornered by three hospital guards for not wearing mask. I have been thrown out of grocery stores for no mask. I am in great pain, need have cancer checkup but cannot get help tho I pay large payments to Kaiser every month .. I am scared they will jab me and kill me. I support a free world…for every human being! 82 year old handicapped widow. California
Chris, To be clear I did not say all, I said a majority. If only we had a majority like you Dr. Berry would not be in power! There are some like you and I who refuse to go along, but the majority do and most of the residents here are retired. I pass restaurants full of retirees. It would be easy for them to refuse to go along with the discrimination and boycott the restaurants but they do not. They willingly comply and most support the restrictions. I agree there are young people as well who support the restrictions because of fear, but many more are negatively impacted by them.
From Vancouver Island here – The draconian measures for what has turned out to be much like a common cold virus (Omicron) are unbelievable. The govt tyranny despite this now being common knowledge, even more unbelievable. I hope no one here is forced to go into a nursing home and lose their rights to self-determination regarding jabs.
To Chris. I agree with you that it is not just the ‘elderly’ in fear in Sequim. I fit in the elderly category quite nicely and I have refused to wear a mask since the get-go. Continually shocked at younger generation wearing masks and even putting masks on their small children!!
To John Opalko. I too have these same thoughts every time I go in stores in Sequim. Masked people afraid of their own shadow. But it’s also younger adults as well. The thing that really makes my heart sink is able-bodied men wearing masks. God help us.
GREAT reporting PTFP – You are fast becoming my favorite go-to reading material.
I will happily join the Port to Port convoy tomorrow! Thank you!
Well, it’s about time this happened. I always thought there would be a revolt, but worldwide? WOW!!!!!! I also am one of the “old people”, I’m 78.. I do wear a mask if the business requires it as I understand that Dr. Bury (not a typo) and her stormtroopers wouldn’t go after me, They would go after the business because that’s where the money is. I bought my mask in 2019 and washed it twice. Nobody said it had to be clean. I have tested negative and have been in and out of the ER a lot for a couple of years. I don’t wear a mask upon entering the hospital as I just say “no,no,no, and no to their sign. The person at the desk gives me a new mask and takes my temperature, slaps a “patient” tag on me and away I go to where I was headed. They don’t seem very concerned up there any more. I also agree that Jefferson and Clallam Counties will probably be the last in the world to change. We can deal with that too. Until it ends, keep the faith. We were born free let’s keep it that way. The revolution has begun!
I’ve tested the waters at many restaurants in the area. I’ve found many that have marched lockstep with Berry and the County council. Even after the unlawful mandates expire I will still refuse to set foot in their fascist establishments. Screw them.
However, I have been to numerous Speak-Easies which refused to comply with the madness and still treated people as people. These establishments I will continue to honor with my money.
Reward the just and don’t forget the courage they have shown when standing up to tyranny.
Let the opposite be said of the cucks and fascists. Let them rot.
February 5 Update: “due to donor feedback, we are simplifying the process. We will automatically refund all contributions directly — donors do not need to submit a request.”
Trudeau’s handlers have him releasing statements while in hiding, over state-controlled media, in the same fashion as Big Brother in Orwell’s “1984”. He has been reduced to a digital talking head, reading scripts designed to portray the peaceful protesters as evil and dangerous.
In his latest disembodied broadcast, Trudeau said the demonstrators were stealing food from the homeless and defacing a cherished war memorial in Ottawa. According to statements from organizers and many on-the-ground reports, they have been feeding the homeless and guarding the war memorial around the clock (I’ve seen footage of it decorated with flowers), aware of planted agents provocateurs posing as demonstrators.
Are false flag operations in motion to discredit the peaceful peoples’ movement? Videos of suspicious activities are circulating through alternative media; one recently filmed a group of special “police” in tactical gear transferring boxes from a Budget truck into a downtown Ottawa bank building. Another showed similar crews with a pallet of canisters and buckets labeled “toxic explosives” and “corrosive substances”.
And “on Friday, the Ottawa Police Service announced they are pairing with several federal intelligence agencies and other law enforcement divisions to launch enhanced intelligence operations and investigations that will target individuals who are participating in the Canadian Truckers For Freedom Convoy.”
Partnering with U.S. agencies including DHS and FBI, “the Canadian government is turning to drastic measures in an attempt to crush the grassroots uprising.” Along with an authoritarian crackdown to preempt “the arrival of thousands more protesters who are expected to join the protest in Ottawa over the weekend,” Ottawa police “may seek military assistance.”
I just got off the net and not a word about this. They’re trying to bury this; Biden came out with a statement that says get your children vaxxed. Other than that, nothing about this rebellion. I guess if they think they can bury their heads in the sand it will go away. Good luck with that. The people are fed up with this. It’s time for people to step up and die free rather than submit to what we’ve been going through the last few years.
Thank you for this coverage of the settlement (which is a bummer that the settlement allowed for an arbitrary date and no discovery) in Clallam. Wonder if it will apply to Jefferson County as well whenever her crystal ball tells her it is time to end apartheid. Also, thank you for the coverage in Canada. So great to see these things happening. And it is soooo cold. Hoping for truth, justice, freedom and peace. Thank you PTFP, Annette, Ana and Stephen for all you are doing to keep truth alive and well.
Biden was ordered, by SCOTUS, to restore the Remain In Mexico policy and secure the border. He thumbs his nose at them since he owns the DOJ. If our “leader” can thumb his nose at our Constitution, we can thumb our noses to Dr. Dingleberry and “JUST SAY NO”. Take down the mask signs and resume life, whether she likes it or not. Her UNCONSTITUTIONAL mandates are not legally binding anyway, so WTF are we submissively pleading with her. Run her out of town on a rail, as they say. Tell her to pound sand.
The Arabs learned, over 2300 years ago, that covering the face dehumanizes us and makes us submissive and obedient. I see that it is working as expected on Clallam and Jefferson County folks.
Please, let’s not disparage or marginalize people who choose to wear masks. Our goal here is Freedom. Freedom to be vaccinated or not, freedom to wear a mask or not, freedom to speak our beliefs and opinions, all without penalty or insult.
Thank you thank you free press for Being….
Strong Truth Warriors
Your voices are getting heard louder and louder!
The Darkness is being uncovered by the Light….
Thou shalt have No Fear..
Many Blessings
These days, I don’t wear a mask when I go to stores. When an employee tells me to put the mask on, I ask them “What law am I breaking?” The answer usually is “The governor said so.” They are informed that the governor is not a king, emperor, or dictator, and cannot issue edicts or decrees to the public. This is the duty of the legislature, and they have not done so.
Ever since this Pandemic and the ensuing mandates and restrictions became a major part of our lives I have said I can’t wait to get back to “normal”, whatever that is these days. Seems to me that the new “normal” is insanity. We’re told to wear a mask that doesn’t seem to do anything, take a vaccine that doesn’t protect us from getting the virus, told that you can sit at a restaurant table without wearing a mask and be “safe” but if you get up for any reason you must be masked. Like the virus only lives at certain elevations? It’s nutz! Now people are being de-platformed/censored for having the audacity to question the orthodoxy of the “health experts”, thought police much?
In this world you get what you put up with.
I’ve offten wondered about that sitting down and standing up thing. Maybe the virus only comes so low. It makes you wish you were one of the little people. Also shouldn’t kids be vaccinated when they are at the height of entering the danger zone. I really wonder about things like this. It keeps me awake at nights.
It should be plain to everyone, that this is NOT about public health, but about POLITICS and public OBEDIENCE.
The Arabs learned over 2300 years ago, that covering the face dehumanizes us and makes the wearer submissive and obedient.
I thought DingleBerry was sued and the mandates rescinded, yet the sheeple keep wearing them and the signs demanding them remain. Am I mistaken? If not, we need a CLASS ACTION lawsuit to restore sanity in Jefferson and Clallam counties. Any lawyers reading this? Initiate it and we will follow, it will be a win-win for the attorneys and the public.
Q. Wayle- the ruling was a sham. Mandates rescinded only on conditions Berry sets. See the PDN article below.
Vaccine-card mandate set to end March 11
Legal settlement has conditions
“The restriction will be lifted on or before March 11 under certain conditions, according to a settlement agreement finalized Friday afternoon between the six Clallam County restaurant owners on one side and the county and Berry on the other.”
To justify these restrictions you have to believe that the unvaccinated eating in restaurants would be a major contributing factor to ICU admissions in the county. Something for which there is no evidence – only Dr. Berry’s tingling Spidey sense.
Somehow Dr. Berry knows the effect that unvaccinated diners would have on ICU admissions, but can’t seem to figure out the actual source of current ICU admissions and eliminate those. Her superpowers seem to be quite limited.
Her nonsensical orders have as much effect on the “case rates” and ICU admissions as they do on the tides. The case rates will go down and the tide will go out and Dr. Berry’s orders will have had the same effect on both. If she claims victory on one, she might as well claim victory on the other. Perhaps it is her orders that make the sun rise every morning as well.
From the PDN article: “She (Dr. Berry) said after that date, restaurant and bar owners can continue to require proof of vaccination but don’t have to.” Sure they can, if they would like to be sued into bankruptcy. No business can require you to share your private health care information in order to enter. Dr. Berry’s legal advice is as bad as her public health advice. And the reporter for the Peninsula Daily News (Paul Gottlieb) is inept for not asking Dr. Berry how a business could continue to ask a customer for health records in order to enter.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” We are way behind in our payments in Jefferson County and Washington State and our Liberty is being repossessed.
Only PTFP and its readers are making payments.
When I was sworn in before the Army, I lost certain freedoms that took over my life. But, upon my indoctrination there was one thing we swore to. That was to protect the Constitution of the United States against all foes foreign or domestic. There never was a discharge from that. If I had been there when they stormed the Capitol, the first one through the door would have been killed and possibly the second one before they got me. We are not that kind of country that this takes place in. Dr. Berry would like to see us forget why American was founded and how many people have died securing our rights. Make no mistake, this is a fight for our rights, that we have to live with no matter how things turn out. In this case it is our right to wear a mask or not go into a business that requires a mask or “social distancing”. It is the business who should decide if you need a mask and will require you to come in. We are the land of the free, don’t let them take your freedom away from you by elements that want you to become a slave that follows all the orders from people who want to take that freedom away from you. Remember, nothing is free and you may have to pay for it one way or another or lose it.
Indeed! Never again! I, too, support our Constitution 100%. Thank you for your service and answer.
Thank you for your insight. I totally agree. And STILL no mention of therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine+zinc & Ivermectin+zinc. WHY??? Why only VAX. We all know the an$wer.
Sincere thanks for the detailed explanation.
Please read this from Dr. Malone.
So since being let go from Jefferson County PUD for not getting the JAB, I have been following Canada’s Freedom Convoy, So Proud of their integrity and peaceful protest demonstrations, Hopefully this will affect change globally for all who desire to live as free men and women.