by Brett Nunn | Jan 20, 2022 | General
Three months have passed in my efforts to make a change locally. As I mentioned in a previous article, I was concerned with Washington State mandating Covid-19 shots for any child attending public school. California had mandated this policy so Washington couldn’t be far behind. I brought these concerns to the Port Townsend School Board through public comment at their meetings and through email.
Have I made any progress? It’s hard to tell. The school board members are not required to answer questions during public comment periods.
At the first meeting I attended in October, I listed all the government actions taken against us during Covid that we had not said no to. I told the school board we needed to start saying no, and we needed to start with any Covid-19 shot being required for children to attend public schools.
At a second meeting in November, I mentioned an October 25th NBC News poll revealing that, of all parents with children under the age of twelve, only 27% will have their children get the shot as soon as it is available. I then asked the school board what they planned to do if 70% of Port Townsend families remove their children from the school system in the fall of 2022?
I was unable to attend in person in December, but sent an email to the school board listing the twenty-five states that have made masks optional in their schools without sacrificing the health of the students. Why isn’t Washington State on that list? I also let them know that in the Washington State Prison System, the Covid shot is not required for incarcerated individuals. I finally asked them to read the following short statement from Dr. Robert Malone MD., MS., Before You Inject Your Child:
Before you inject your child – a decision that is irreversible – I wanted to let you know the scientific facts about this genetic vaccine, which is based on the mRNA vaccine technology I created.
There are three main issues parents need to understand before they take this irrevocable decision:
The first is that a viral gene will be injected into your children’s cells. This gene forces your child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins often cause permanent damage in children’s critical organs, including
- Their brain and nervous system
- Their heart and blood vessels, including blood clots
- Their reproductive system, and
- This vaccine can trigger fundamental changes to their immune system
The most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable.
- You can’t fix the lesions within their brain
- You can’t repair heart tissue scarring
- You can’t repair a genetically reset immune system, and
- This vaccine can cause reproductive damage that could affect future generations of your family
The second thing you need to know about is the fact that this novel technology has not been adequately tested.
- We need at least 5 years of testing/research before we can really understand the risks
- Harms and risks from new medicines often become revealed many years later
Ask yourself if you want your own child to be part of the most radical medical experiment in human history.
One final point: the reason they’re giving you to vaccinate your child is a lie.
- Your children represent no danger to their parents or grandparents
- It’s actually the opposite. Their immunity, after getting COVID, is critical to save your family if not the world from this disease
In summary: there is no benefit for your children or your family to be vaccinating your children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine that as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Robert Malone is not the lone voice on this issue. The Global Covid Summit, convened by the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists has issued a declaration signed by 16,000 physicians and scientists stating in no uncertain terms that “Healthy Children Shall Not Be Subject To Forced Vaccinations.”
At the January 6th meeting I told the school board if there was a Covid shot requirement next year, I would be forced to pull my child out of the school system and I would be encouraging everyone one else I know to do the same. Parents should not be forced to choose between their child’s health or public school.
I told them that I came to these meetings knowing that what I ask is impossible because there is too much money involved, but I am still here asking because we are talking about our future, our children.
Since then I have learned that under just two programs, Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief, (ESSER), and Governors Emergency Education Relief, (GEER), Washington State will eventually receive $2,604,821,223—that’s 2.6 billion with a B—dollars in taxpayer funds from the Federal Government.
The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is allowed to skim 10% off the top for three things: learning recovery, reserve, and administration of the program. Port Townsend High School alone will eventually receive over $5.2 million in taxpayer dollars to operate during government declared emergency conditions.
As you can imagine there are strings attached, and just in case you didn’t notice, the disbursement of the funds is scheduled to run through the year 2024. If schools do not follow the many Covid-related proclamations of the federal government and our governor, the funds will simply be withheld from their monthly apportionments (bureaucratic term for the money needed for school operations), until they do cooperate.
The legal authority for this comes from reporting requirements in the applications filled out by school districts in order to apply for the funds, and a new section of Washington Administrative code conveniently added over the holidays without public notice or consent.

Checklist required for schools to receive U.S. Department of Education funds (see page 7)
No one has summed up what looks a lot like strong-arm tactics deployed by the Governor and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OPSI) better than Informed Choice Washington, an organization of parents, families, medical professionals, and educators who are trying to shine some light on this subject. Here is what they have to say:
“This new OSPI rule is intended to undermine the school boards and districts that read the full body of science on the DOH’s approach to COVID-19, listened to the concerns of parents, teachers, and staff, and decided to operate their schools in a manner that provided the overall best environment for everyone. The new rule is intended to silence dissenting actions and dissenting opinions. Health is not the motivation for OSPI— securing and retaining all of the federal money flooding to schools is the motivation. That federal money is tied with COVID-19 masking, testing, tracking, isolating, and vaccinating strings.”
Indeed, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Chris Reykdal, has stated that he is all in on the jab mandate and that this will be a state level decision, not a district-by-district choice. Knowing all of this it is hard not to believe that school boards have been intentionally removed from the decision-making process by the state bureaucracy. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be asking our school board members to refuse this money rather than risk the health of even just one child in our community.
Back at the January 6th meeting I also told the school board I could try and reason with them that the shot clearly doesn’t stop the spread of Covid. Why would three shots be required in less than a year if this was effective?
I could give them the data showing that children suffer far more from the side effects of the shot than from the symptoms of the disease.
I could urge them to look up the list of young athletes that have been injured or died from heart attacks shortly after taking the shot.
Instead, I wanted to appeal to them as a parent who just knows that this is wrong and has to stop. I pointed out that if there was the slightest doubt in their minds that this specific shot might not be safe and effective, then they had the moral obligation to protect the children of this community and carry this message up the chain of command to State Superintendent Reykdal and say no. I have heard nothing from any of the board members. One of them waved to me from a coffee shop window as I walked by.
On Wednesday, January 12th the Washington State Board of Health held a public meeting where they began the first deliberations in the process of adding Covid shot mandates to the list of vaccines required for attending public schools in Washington State. Seventy-five hundred (7,500) individuals signed up to make a public comment before the list was closed. Due to time and technical difficulties, only a small fraction were able to speak. No one I heard supported the mandate. There are so many more of us than there are of them. Start saying no.
Speak up by contacting the Washington State Board of Health at to let them know how you feel. The next Port Townsend School Board meeting is Thursday, January 20th at 5:30 p.m. School board members can be reached at

by Ana Wolpin | Jan 15, 2022 | General
“By the time weekly boosters are mandated,
symptoms will be reduced to a mildly ticklish nose
& a vague feeling of being conned.”
comment below a YouTube video
I’ve just recovered from the Omicron variant of Covid. Because common Covid tests do not determine which variant a person has contracted, my supposition that I had Omicron is based on my symptoms and experience. That, and the CDC’s data tracker showing that as of early January more than 95% of reported Covid cases were due to the Omicron variant.
Health officer Dr. Allison Berry mirrors that pronouncement:
“At this point, in our community, it is reasonable to assume that if you are diagnosed with COVID-19 that it is most likely Omicron. That is far and away the majority variant that we are seeing in our region at this time.”
Based on reports from cases in the US, South Africa and UK, there are eight common symptoms of Omicron:
- Scratchy throat
- Lower back pain
- Runny nose/congestion
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Sneezing
- Night sweats
- Body aches
Sounds like a glorified cold, doesn’t it? A flu at worst.
That’s because none of the scary deep lung issues we’ve seen with other versions of Covid occur with Omicron. “Study suggests omicron symptoms more mild due to less lung damage”:
”A consortium of researchers from America and Japan released a study last month revealing Omicron causes less damaging effects on the lungs, nose and throat.” This variant results in a lower viral burden in upper respiratory systems, “making its viral load and replication in those tracts milder and thus less damaging.”
The reality of what some are calling Omicold is so upsetting to pharma’s narrative, our health officer has had to spin a new version of her danger requires compliance tale in order to maintain her twin objectives: keeping her subjects in terror of the virus and demonizing the unvaxxed.
Unvaxxed now means un-boosted, says her latest narrative, and unless you keep topping up your shots, you will “overwhelm” our hospital, and quite possibly die. Boosted means you’re bulletproof and helping our hospital system.
Spin doctor Berry embellished her fanciful story during one of her recent Board of County Commissioner soliloquys:

“What we know about the Omicron variant is that it is incredibly infectious, it’s very, very transmissible, and it is a little bit less severe than the Delta variant…
The Omicron variant, if you are unvaccinated, is actually more severe than the original COVID virus. It is not the cold, it is not the flu. It can be very severe if you are not vaccinated. The good news when it comes to the Omicron variant is that if you are vaccinated we are seeing very, very low rates of severe disease. So the vaccines hold up really well at preventing hospitalization, at preventing death, the things that we want it to do. So if you are vaccinated, the probability that this will feel like a bad cold or the flu is high, which is important to know, because if you have the symptoms of having a cold, you need to get tested, because if you are vaccinated, that’s what Omicron would feel like. But if you are unvaccinated, it can still be incredibly severe, it can still lead to hospitalization and death, and given how transmissible it is, we are very likely to see an overwhelming of our hospital system again, just because of how transmissible it is and just the large enough proportion of our population—both in Jefferson and in our region as a whole—who are not vaccinated. So that can overwhelm our hospital systems even with a minimally less severe virus.
The other key thing to know is we are seeing a lot of reinfection. So if your only protection is prior infection, we’re seeing a lot of reinfection with Omicron and we are seeing a lot of breakthrough infection. So whereas a couple months ago if you were fully vaccinated you could feel pretty confident that you were unlikely to contract or spread COVID-19, that is no longer true. If you just have completed your series and not gotten your booster, then it is still very possible for you to contract and spread COVID-19. So the key thing to minimize that risk of spread to others is to get that booster.
The boosters are working really well. We’re seeing about 70% efficacy against any COVID-19 disease at all. So it’s a really key method for our community to reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 and giving it to others. So, long story short, if you’re vaccinated, you’ve done a really important thing, you are still less likely to get COVID, and you are much less likely to get hospitalized or die, but the really key step to take now is to get the booster, to make you less likely to get COVID and to give it to others. And if you are unvaccinated, the Omicron variant is not a cold, it’s not the flu, it can be incredibly severe, it can cause you to get hospitalized or die, and that can overwhelm our system. And so we are really encouraging anyone who has not yet gotten vaccinated to do so.”
Berry’s incessant fear-mongering and finger-wagging at the non-compliant to get the shot continues. Never mind that sources inside our hospital tell us that two-thirds of those hospitalized are jabbed. According to our health officer, only if you’ve obeyed her and kept up on your shots will Omicron be no more than a pesky cold. If not, you’re in for an “incredibly severe” ride. This flight of fancy—where the inconsiderate unvaxxed are clogging up hospitals with worse-than-the-original-virus! Omicron and dying, while the dutiful fully-fully-fully vaxxed and boosted have smooth sailing—bears no resemblance to reality.
As Stephen Schumacher commented at the Jan. 10th Board of County Commissioners meeting:
“Good news! The Omicold variant is sweeping the country with mild cold symptoms and zero death so far nationwide, bestowing robust natural immunity wherever it goes, obviating any rationale for getting on the vaccine booster crazy train… some have called it God’s vaccine.”
Not a single verified U.S. Omicron death
The truth is that not a single person in the U.S. has died from the Omicron variant. Not one American fatality has been verified, vaxxed or unvaxxed, despite it being “incredibly infectious”, causing an historic spike in cases around the world. No Omicron deaths have occurred among even those in their nineties who have four, five or six co-morbidities.
While the pharma-controlled media have beaten the bushes to find a poster child in support of their desperate narrative, the report that “the first American to die of the Omicron variant was an unvaccinated Texas man,” was swiftly debunked as yet another grasping at straws. The man did not die FROM the virus, he tested positive for Omicron and died WITH it.

4-minute video putting a sharp point on the media’s lockstep with the pharma agenda to convince the public that being unvaxxed means risking death.
Where have we heard that before?
But how can drunk-on-power health authorities keep the public on the vaccine booster crazy train if the vast majority of Covid cases are now akin to a cold or flu?
Berry tells us that data out of the U.K. shows that:
“Omicron is 20% less severe than the Delta variant, but you have to remember that the Delta variant was 50% more severe than the original COVID virus. So the Omicron variant, if you are unvaccinated, is actually more severe than the original COVID virus.”
Think about those mental gymnastics. A virus that no one has died from, which generally presents as a cold, is now “actually more severe” than one that has caused tens to hundreds of thousands of deaths, depending on the narrative you subscribe to. (Even CDC Director Rochelle Walensky is now admitting that Covid death numbers have been grossly inflated by the “dying WITH Covid” sleight of hand: “The overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, occurred in people who had at least 4 co-morbidities,” she said.)
Yes, Omicron is “very, very transmissible.” On Jan. 11, FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock told a Senate committee, “It’s hard to process what’s actually happening right now, which is, most people are going to get COVID.”
That is actually good news for creating herd or community immunity because highly infectious Omicron is generally benign. Just like the common cold. It is typically described as being a bit worse than a cold, but less than a flu. And once you’ve had it, chances are you’ve got strong immunity to all Covid variants going forward.
In the Express article “Over 70s Ten Times Less Likely to Die from Covid than Last Year,” U.K. Professor Anthony Brooks, who compiled research based on National Health Statistics reports, says Covid no longer poses a threat to “the vast majority of people.”

“Infected individuals are at dramatically less risk of becoming seriously ill or dying than a year ago… Omicron is about 4-fold less dangerous – it’s like nature’s vaccine.” [source]
Boosters failing against Omicron
As for the “boosters are working really well” claim, that’s more Berry pie in the sky.
According to the CEO of BioNTech, Pfizer’s partner in the ubiquitous Pfizer-BNT162b2 jab, “3 vaccine doses are not enough to stop the new COVID variant.” In a late December story in Euronews, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin warned that:
“We must be aware that even triple-vaccinated are likely to transmit the disease… It is obvious we are far from 95 per cent effectiveness that we obtained against the initial virus.”
As a result, BioNTech is “already designing a coronavirus vaccine adapted to the new variant.”
They know the third shot isn’t working, the existing vax does a poor job recognizing Omicron, and at best boosters offer only a month or two of limited protection. That presents pharma with a stellar opportunity to rake in more profits experimenting on a mandated populace, liability free, with yet another new shot. The Omicron-specific vaccine is expected to be ready by March. But until then, Berry and her ilk are pushing a near-useless third shot designed for the original strain.
Pharma’s motto is that when a product isn’t working—as evidenced by infection rates rising in tandem with vaccination rates—no need to pause. Just push more doses.
One need only to look at Israel, which recently began administering it’s fourth shot—booster number two. Infections continue to rise in that medical apartheid state despite one of the most vaccinated populations on the planet. Citing “waning immunity a few months after the third shot,” the Pfizer-shackled Israeli government foresees endless boosters, shots administered closer and closer together. Scientists have long known that approach will lead to disaster.
Immune system fatigue and NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy
“Some scientists warned that the plan could backfire,” says a Dec. 28th NY Times article about Israel, “because too many shots might cause a sort of immune system fatigue, compromising the body’s ability to fight the coronavirus.” This problem of immune system fatigue has been long-recognized in vaccinology. There are “concerns that a fourth shot in less than a year could actually weaken immunity.”
Preliminary studies on Israel’s 4th dose show the second booster is already disappointing. “We were hoping for better results,” says Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit at Sheba Medical Center Professor Gili Regev-Yochay. Regev shares the concern that vaccination every few months is not sustainable. “If these results bring us back to antibodies level of approximately four months ago, then it means we will need to get vaccinated every four months, and that’s not the goal.”
On January 11, the World Health Organization issued a statement acknowledging problems with existing vaccines and variants like Omicron: “a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable.”
But uber-vaxxed Israel seems committed to careening down the tracks on a runaway train they can’t stop. Health officer Berry is following suit.
In stark contrast to Berry’s disinformation that the triple vaccinated have greater protection than the unvaxxed, new data from Denmark, Canada, Iceland and the U.K. show the opposite. In “Has Covid vaccine efficacy turned negative?” journalist Alex Berenson says, “Data from highly vaccinated countries suggests strongly that the answer is yes; vaccinated people are at higher risk of infection from Omicron.”
“We already know vaccine protection against earlier variants of Sars-Cov-2 falls sharply within months of the second dose, as the vaccine-generated antibodies fade.
“But the new data go a step further, showing that previously vaccinated people are actually more likely to contract Omicron.
“The government of Ontario has reported exactly the same pattern. So have Danish researchers, in a paper two weeks ago, when they found protection against Omicron turned negative three months after the second dose.”

DANISH STUDY: Vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Delta and Omicron variants, shown separately for the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.
Negative effectiveness does not mean a person’s protection wears off, though that happens, too. It means that unboosted Covid vaccines make you more vulnerable by suppressing your immune system, accelerating infection and transmission. If vaccinated people don’t get boosted every few months, they will be at greater risk for infection than if they were never vaccinated.
The research out of Denmark shows that compared to the Delta variant, Omicron is far more likely to infect people who are fully vaccinated and boosted than those who are unvaccinated. The study looked at 11,937 Danish households during the month of December 2021. It revealed that to keep the virus at bay vaccinated people will need injections every 30 days. “Why are we encouraging people to get ‘vaccinated’ or ‘boosted’ with a ‘vaccine’ that within a few weeks probably increases their risk of becoming infected with the newly dominant variant of Sars-Cov-2?” asks Berenson.
“If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated,” writes Steve Kirsch. “That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means.”
German government data is “showing that vaccinated people are 8X more likely to develop Omicron than unvaccinated people,” says Kirsch. “This is not surprising, since a paper from Germany showed the same thing: the more you vaccinate, the worse it gets.”
Data out of England corroborates this effect. A negative relative risk reduction for Covid infection after vaccination is most pronounced in the 40-49 year-old range, at minus (-) 140%. But every age group is in the negative.

Kirsch concludes, “The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.”
“In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier variants, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative… you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.”
These repeated shots are not only likely to weaken your immune system. They compound the build-up of dangerous spike proteins wreaking havoc in the body. Heart attacks, strokes, clotting… we’ve been documenting the fallout from the toxic spikes for nearly a year.
Are the boosters more deadly than Omicron?
What is the risk/benefit of vaxxing for Omicron? Comparing deaths from the variant with fatalities from the jab is an obvious place to start a risk/benefit analysis.
Contrary to Berry’s if you’re not vaxxed it can cause you to die threat, the Omicron virus is not proving fatal. Risk of death from the variant to date is effectively zero. But deaths from the boosters are piling up. Lack of efficacy and even negative vaccine effectiveness pale in significance to potential damage from the shots themselves.
One of the many fatalities from vax-induced myocarditis (heart inflammation) came after 26-year-old Joseph Keating’s third jab on Nov. 8, 2021. The young South Dakota man died just four days after his Pfizer booster.

An autopsy confirmed the vax was responsible: “myocarditis in the left ventricle due to the recent Pfizer COVID-19 booster vaccine.” From what we know about spike protein damage to the heart (occurring disproportionately in young males), chances are that his cardiac injury began developing over the first two shots and the booster was the final straw.
According to his mother, a critical care nurse of 35 years:
“When the pathologist looked at the 22 segments of Joseph’s heart, it showed the vaccine inflamed and attacked his entire heart. There was so much damage… It was full multi-focal myocarditis, and it wasn’t just affecting one part of his heart, it was attacking his whole septum and ventricles.”
The CDC—which, like Berry, has swept this kind of devastating heart damage under the rug—has not investigated his death.
Berry and her fellow vaccine damage deniers would have you believe that most injuries and deaths following injection are coincidences. In one of her most incredible disinformation statements yet, she told us that since the rollout began a year ago there have been only ELEVEN deaths from all Covid shots across the U.S.: “I believe it’s 11 nationwide.” (“TOP TEN 2021 Spin Doctor Disinformation Statements”)
Here’s just a small sampling of deaths within a few days, some within hours of the jab, reported in the VAERS database. All occurred in the last few months, following the third shot, either Pfizer or Moderna boosters. (Few are in the younger age range where we are seeing increasing vax-related deaths, because most in that demographic have not yet had boosters.)
- 66-year-old Wisconsin woman dead of a heart attack the day after her Dec. 16th Moderna booster.
“My mother received the booster shot and approximately 24 hours later passed away from a massive heart attack. she had no known or pre diagnosed heart conditions that we are aware of.” [VAERS report 1962279]
- 75-year-old Michigan man with atrial fibrillation and hypertension dead less than two hours after his Oct. 25th Moderna booster.
“This spontaneous case was reported by a physician. Reporter stated that patient did not had [sic] covid-19. Patient was very active, biked 12 miles a day and roller skated 3-4 hours a day, 3 days a week, with no cardiac symptoms. Patient was not overweight.” [VAERS report 1983864]
- Washington woman with a history of seizures, only 22, dead less than 24 hours after her Dec. 16th Moderna booster.
“The family reported that the decedent was reported to have received a Covid19 booster vaccination on 12/16/21 at approximately 1500 Hours. Her sisters related that the decedent began to suffer from chills, body aches, and head ache around 21-2200h. The decedent was last known to be alive at approximately 0900H on 12/17/2021.” [VAERS report 1968418]
- Two days after his Nov. 1st Moderna booster, Wisconsin man, 50, dead from severe heart attack.
“11/1/21 received moderna booster and first flu shot ever 11/2 headache, didn”t feel well 11/3 pain in right leg – collapsed at md and couldn”t be revived. Mother describes him as healthy and no underlying conditions though clot earlier this year and pt using asa. We are told md ruled death heart attack as a result of pulmonary embolism.” [VAERS report 1857987]
- 33-year-old New York man found unresponsive the day after his Nov. 24th Pfizer booster.
Reported by pharmacist: “Patient and mother came in Wednesday 11.24.21 afternoon for Covid booster. Mother reported to pharmacy on Friday 11.26.21 (department closed Thursday 11.25.21) that patient had started feeling “unwell” (fever/tiredness) late 11.24.21 / early 11.25.21. Mother reported didn’t think much of it but that her son (patient) was going to rest. Mother reported that later in the day son went into the bathroom and was in there for some time. She could not get the door open. Upon opening the door, son was found unresponsive. Attempts to revive son were unsuccessful.” [VAERS report 1909570]
- 57-year-old Louisiana woman with no pre-existing conditions, hospitalized after her husband called 911 the day after her Oct. 25th Moderna booster.
Finding her pulseless, medics performed CPR. Hospital notes show “EKG indicated pulseless cardiac arrhythmia treated with cardio-conversion X3, intubated heart.” She died two days later. [VAERS report 1869372]
- 74-year-old Utah man with high blood pressure had his third Moderna shot on Dec. 1st, dead two days later.
“Left Arm pain all the way into the neck area, fever, chills, and shortness of breath. He died 2 days later unexpectedly.” [VAERS report 1932871]
- 28-year-old Texas woman with no prior medical history, dead from cardiac arrest two weeks after Oct. 1st Pfizer booster.
“Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Patient previously received the first dose of BNT162B2, intramuscularly on 03Jan2021 (lot number: EL0142) at 27-year-old, and the second dose intramuscularly on 23Jan2021 (lot number: EL9262) at 27-year-old for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient experienced cardiac arrest on 15Oct2021. Unwitnessed at home. When found, patient passed away already without any signs of calling 911 or rescue. No treatment received. An autopsy was performed and results were not provided.” [VAERS report 1839201]
- 58-year-old Ohio man “received booster shot of Moderna covid vaccine on 11/5/2021,” lost consciousness that evening.
He was “found unresponsive and asystolic,” given CPR, “taken to hospital via squad where resuscitative efforts were continued by ambulance staff and hospital staff.” He was pronounced dead the next morning. [VAERS report 1869769]
- 77-year-old woman in Arizona got her third Pfizer shot on Oct. 28th, had fatal heart attack two days later.
“Cardiac arrest due to suspected myocardial infarction <36 hours after receiving Covid-19 booster shot. Had previously recieved second dose of Moderna Covid vaccine on 2/24/21 without complication.” [VAERS report 1933614]
- Four days after his Moderna booster shot on Dec. 23rd, 57-year-old man in Virginia dead from a heart attack.
“Had cardiac arrest walking to car without exertion. Ventricular fibrillation. CPR at scene with multiple shocks and Epinephrine. Transferred to medical center where resuscitation continued but was unsuccessfull. Previously healthy without ongoing medical problems or medications. Non smoker. No illicit drugs. No history of hypertension. No family history of sudden death or Aneurysms.” [VAERS report 1988711]
- 56-year-old California woman with no preexisting conditions in fatal cardiac arrest just hours after her Dec. 20th Pfizer booster.
“Family heard the patient scream and complained of sudden and severe onset headache and hearing loss in the right ear, followed by a seizure and cardiac arrest. She was brought to hospital where she was resuscitated and found to have a large subarachnoid hemorrhage. She was transferred to hospital, a stroke center but it was determined that that she was already brain-dead. Family denied any family history of brain aneurysm or subarachnoid hemorrhage and also denied the patient have any history of high blood pressure or any other significant medical problems.” [VAERS report 1967509]
Coincidences or a bit of Russian roulette?
While the mainstream media works overtime to find and hype a single death from the Omicron virus, the millions of injuries and possibly hundreds of thousands of deaths from the experimental injections don’t make the news. Now and then a story that can’t be ignored—like the shots causing myocarditis in young people—is permitted in order to broadcast pharma’s spin assuring the public that it is “rare” and “mild”, two of Berry’s favorite terms to dismiss tragic outcomes.
A few local Omicron anecdotes
I am in that dreaded “high risk” demographic based on age, but have no co-morbidities… a healthy oldster who will never willfully take the dangerous experimental injection. My symptoms were that of a mild cold. So mild, in fact, that it didn’t occur to me that I possibly had Covid. What got my attention after some days of congestion, vague body aches and low energy was significant lower back pain. Then I realized it wasn’t a cold, it was an Omicold. Were it not for that back pain which I couldn’t make sense of, I’d never have known I was dealing with Covid.
Three days of ivermectin and upping zinc, vitamin C and D3, and all symptoms were gone. Was it the ivermectin that kicked it or had it just run its course? I’ll never know, but there was no down side in using a medication that has successfully treated millions for Covid worldwide. Contrary to Berry’s disinformation, and snide statements from County Commissioner Greg Brotherton insinuating that it’s not fit for human use, 75 peer-reviewed studies comparing treatment and control groups show it to have an average success rate of 70% (some trials found 96% and 100%).
Brotherton, who had “a very mild case of Covid over the winter break,” said ”I was not tempted at all… to go out to the barn and get our ivermectin, because that stuff is like horse de-wormer.” Media propaganda along with Berry’s disinformation has captured nearly all of our electeds.
My cold symptoms had been negligible, hardly noteworthy. But in fairness, my experience was worse than a common cold because of the back pain.
Others—from young and healthy to aging with health conditions, from unvaxxed to fully vaxxed—describe their encounters with the Omicron variant. All were in the last few weeks:
- An unvaxxed teenage girl in Hadlock, 16, came down with with chills, body aches, a headache and was “super tired”. A home test kit diagnosed her Covid-positive. She was down for three days, dosing with vitamins C and D and zinc, and by day four had recovered.
- Her father, also unvaxxed and in his 50s, caught it from her. He had a bit of a cough and felt pressure in his chest and also tested positive at home. He, too, dosed up on vitamins C and D and zinc. The following day he felt fine, but was hit harder on day three—he felt weak, “super tired”, had chills and body aches, a cough, a “pressure headache”. He continued dosing with his supplements and by the next day felt fine but had a bit of residual cough. He said, “It was a cakewalk compared to colds and flus I’ve had throughout my life.”
- His two other unvaxxed children also caught it. One son, 23, had similar symptoms to his daughter: headache, sore throat, body aches, some chills, fatigue. Like his sister, he was down for three days and then felt fine.
- It “barely grazed” his 14-year-old boy who recovered in two days. He had “a momentary sore throat,” was a little achy and had a slight headache. No chills or fatigue. Both sons were dosed with the same C, D, and zinc protocols he’d used.
- A 65-year-old fully vaxxed Port Townsend man didn’t test, but thinks Omicron hit him recently. He had “a runny nose, headache and absolute fatigue.” After a hot bath, many naps, “a lot of zinc, vitamin C and D3,” he was fine the next day.
- A 22-year-old Port Townsend woman, unvaxxed, had a cough, body aches, and a high fever. She upped her vitamins C and D and felt fine after about seven days.
- After developing a cough and an unusual symptom—his skin hurt—a 50-year-old Clallam man already in ill health tested positive. He is unvaxxed on medical advice, high risk because of serious heart issues. A friend brought him a Covid kit put together by a local physician which included ivermectin. He used the kit, “took it easy” and recovered in a couple of days.
- An entire Port Townsend family all came down with Omicron Covid around Christmas. The family matriarch, 83, double vaxxed but not boosted, tested positive after three days of fever and extreme exhaustion. Her doctor prescribed steroids which she began taking on day four. The fever was already gone by that time and her exhaustion started diminishing within four hours of starting the steroids. It took another three days (a week total) for her to get back to normal, though normal now includes atrial fibrillation that manifested after her shots.
- Her Port Townsend daughter, 52 and unvaxxed, had “a bad headache,” cough, fever, body aches and fatigue. She upped her zinc, quercetin, and vitamins C and D. Her symptoms resolved within a week.
- An unvaxxed Port Townsend man, 50, had a low fever, headache, fatigue and body aches. He increased his supplements slightly and felt fine by the week’s end.
- An unvaxxed 63-year-old Port Townsend man “had a slightly scratchy throat” earlier this week, “followed by occasional mild runny nose, infrequent coughing, slight congested feeling in my head, itchiness around my eyes, some night sweats, maybe a little achiness, along with an odd fatigue and distractedness.” It was mild and intermittent. The symptoms have been resolving with little more than citrus fruit and juices.
Sounds like our typical bout with winter bugs, eh? Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine professor Dr. Marty Makary says,
“Think of this season as a bad flu season. There’s a very common respiratory pathogen called Omicron, and it causes infection which causes discomfort. And you’re out like you would be for influenza. It affects everybody differently and it’s ubiquitous… Omicron infection may actually be nature’s vaccine.”
Nature’s vaccine, God’s vaccine
The best news isn’t that another experimental shot will save us as spin doctor Berry would like you to believe. It’s that, as Stephen Schumacher said, cold and flu-like Omicron is “bestowing robust natural immunity wherever it goes.” While mRNA injections provide a single rapidly-fading line of defense against just a specific spike protein, natural infections create broad-based immunity against the entire virus.
One peer-reviewed study we’ve reported on found that while the spike protein generated by the vaccine can create five different antibodies, “infection by SARS-CoV-2 could lead to 55 different antibodies: 5 from the spike, 50 from the other viral proteins.” Scientist James Lyons-Weiler reports that with natural infections, “there are 50 ways to be immune that do not involve the spike protein.” The immune system will recognize many more pathogens, mount a response to a broad range of viruses, not just the signature spike of a specific virus.
A new study by scientists at the Africa Health Research Institute observed just that in comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed individuals who contracted Omicron. They “found that those who were infected with the Omicron variant”—but not the vaxxed subjects—”developed an enhanced immunity to COVID’s Delta variant.”
The robust, broad and durable immunity afforded through natural infection has always been far more protective than any vaccine. Johns Hopkins Medical professor Makary says,
“The data on natural immunity are now overwhelming. It turns out the hypothesis that our public health leaders had that vaccinated immunity is better and stronger than natural immunity was wrong. They got it backwards. And now we’ve got data from Israel showing that natural immunity is 27 times more effective than vaccinated immunity. And that supports 15 other studies.” [source]
Nonetheless, a full year into her divisive vax campaign, health officer Berry refuses to recognize the strong and likely superior immunity in the Covid recovered. Nor has she allowed for proof of a negative Covid test to be used for entry to restaurants and pubs in lieu of vaccination.
Despite the irrefutable evidence that the vaxxed carry and transmit as high a viral load as the unvaxxed—and regardless of the failure of her draconian policies to demonstrate reduced infection rates in Jefferson and Clallam counties (we’re at the bottom of 39 counties – see “Safest Counties Now Are Those With Least Restrictions”)—the obedient are rewarded with special privileges. A vaxxed person just as likely to spread Covid as an unvaxxed is permitted to enter local restaurants, but a Covid-recovered resident who built the best possible immunity from fighting the virus and has no use for an experimental shot cannot dine in county eateries.
How any thinking person could justify Berry’s dictates as being about public health is a head scratcher.
Omicron is seen by many experts as a blessing. In the report “Omicron May Provide Natural Immunity With Mild Symptoms,” Dr. Omar Hamada, an emergency room doctor and former U.S. Army Special Forces lieutenant colonel, says, “This may be actually something good in terms of getting people immune without necessarily having to depend on a vaccine that’s not incredibly effective.”
“Though we’re seeing an uptick in number of people affected, the severity of disease seems to be minimal, so it shouldn’t really cause much of a problem. And in fact it may actually provide more immunity if the infectivity is greater, but the virulence or severity is less.”
“If you believe in a God, this looks an awful lot like a Christmas present,” says vaccinologist Dr. Robert Malone, one of the co-inventors of mRNA technology.
“The good news with Omicron is very low disease, highly infectious. It looks an awful lot to the experienced vaccinologist like a live-attenuated virus vaccine that you might design for purpose. This is about as good as we could possibly want right now in terms of outcomes.” [source]
The Berry Covid cult has been sold the lie that they are only truly safe among their own kind—which currently means fully vaxxed and boosted. Anyone else in their restaurants, bars, theaters, entertainment venues and other gathering places could infect and kill them with a noxious but invisible virus the non-compliant are presumably shedding all around them. Sticking with their fellow Covidian vaxxers and shunning the unvaxxed will protect them, they believe. That mass delusional psychosis has claimed a good portion of our community.

Click for 29-minute video of interview with Dr. Mark McDonald, author of “UNITED STATES OF FEAR—How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis”
The hysteria plays out throughout social media, which like local newspapers, censors comments that question the group-think. A recent NextDoor post exemplifies the mass psychosis:
If the story being told outside the mainstream media is true, how will the deluded masses reconcile that they’ve been hoodwinked and hypnotized? Science is actually showing that –
– the vaxxed are no more “protected” than the unvaxxed;
– they carry and transmit as much of an infectious viral load as the unvaxxed;
– their repeated vaccinations have likely increased, not reduced, their risk of infection;
– their blind trust in authorities has destroyed businesses and livelihoods, torn apart families and communities, compromised their own and their loved ones’ health, and saddest of all, traumatized an entire generation of children.
Turns out, as censored doctors and scientists have said all along, that it’s the Covid-recovered—especially the unvaxxed—who are safest to be around. The Omicron invasion may be our best hope of creating community immunity for bridging a way out of this mess.
“In these trying times of distrust and division,
let us remember the one thing that unites
us all, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed:
neither will ever be fully vaxxed.”
comment below a YouTube video
by Jim Scarantino | Jan 11, 2022 | General
Get Out of Clallam and Jefferson Counties if you’re worried about OMG! Omicron! Counties with the least restrictions seem to be doing the best during the Omicron “surge.” Clallam County, struggling under Dr. Allison Berry’s exclusion of the unvaccinated from dining and drinking establishments and a strict masking requirement for indoor public spaces, has one of the highest rates in the state. The Wild East, those counties where they look at you funny if you wear a mask into a bar, are beating not only Clallam, but also Jefferson County in the 14-day Covid rate matchup.
The Stats Tell the Tale
Clallam County’s 14-day case rate stands, as of this writing, at 1808. That makes it one of the highest rate counties in the state, according to the latest Washington Department of Health data.

Rates per 100,000 Population of Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths by County
Only King, Pierce, Snohomish, and Thurston County are experiencing a higher rate of positive cases. King County, which like Jefferson and Clallam also bars the unvaccinated from dining or drinking establishments (but allows negative test exemption), has the highest 14-day rate in the state, at 2209.
All those draconian Dr. Berry orders, the burden on restaurant staff, the loss of business for food and drink service businesses, the societal divisions and stresses don’t seem to be making much difference—at least not in the right direction.
Ferry County, where just about no one wears masks and where a vaccine passport requirement would earn the Public Health Officer a ride out of town on a rail, has a 14-day rate of only 594. Other “Wild East” counties also show rates lower than Clallam: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Clark, Columbia, Cowlitz, Douglas, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lewis, Lewis, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Skamania, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, even Yakima. On the western edge of the state, Grays Harbor, Island, Pacific, San Juan, Kitsap (where Jefferson and Clallam’s unvaxxed go to dine out), Mason and Wahkiakum are doing better than Berry’s locked-down Clallam.
I have been traveling around Washington since June 2020 reporting here on how most of the state is getting along just fine and is operating close to normal. But when you re-enter Berryland, you feel the curtain coming down. The restrictions are supposed to but are not producing superior public health results to what we are seeing in counties where the Public Health Officers and Board of Health are not imposing a kind of medical apartheid on the populace.
What of Jefferson you ask? Jefferson County is also ruled by Berry’s dictates and is doing no better than much of the state. Jefferson’s 14-day rate, as of this writing, was 1010. This is worse than 16 counties (all of them “Red” conservative counties with loose Covid rules and enforcement). Berry’s proof-of-vaccine requirement is not paying the health dividends that would justify the damage it is doing to businesses and community spirit.
But if you’re really, really, really terrified of OMG! Omicron!—I mean if you’re terrified it is going to kill you—where, oh where can you hide?
The answer is: just about anywhere. Only Yakima and King County are showing any deaths. Yakima has a whopping 7-day death rate of 0.4 and King’s death rate, despite having the highest case rate, is only 0.1. The marginal death rate is dropping so fast statewide it is pulling down the cumulative death rate for the entire period of the pandemic. That’s what weeks of zero will do.
And if you are still scared silly, take solace in this week’s admission by the Director of the CDC that throughout the pandemic “the overwhelming number of deaths, over 75%, were among people who had at least four comorbidities,” something we’ve been pointing out here for a long time. Fatalities occurred in people who were already very, very ill in several ways. Dr. Scott Atlas, the Robert Wesson Senior Fellow in health care policy at Stanford University, reports that two-third of deaths reported as Covid deaths were in people with six comorbidities.
Clallam County recently reported a Covid-related death. Whether the death was contributed to by the virus or whether the person died from other causes while also having Covid we don’t know. This sad event apparently has not made it yet to the DOH’s data base. The fact that Clallam has had a Covid-related death while counties without Berry’s proof-of-vaccine order have not further undermines the case for her extreme order.
So, relax. Your chances of dying from OMG! Omicron! are pretty much a big goose egg, the number you will find in DOH’s latest table on death rates in Washington counties.
by Jim Scarantino | Jan 6, 2022 | General
Did They Learn Anything? With the trashed-out Cherry Street Project nowhere near housing its first human occupant, Port Townsend City Council has gone big, very big. Last month they approved the purchase of 14.4 acres next to the first traffic circle at the entrance to the city. They envision an entire neighborhood of subsidized housing. It may have shops. It may have apartments. It may have row homes and townhouses. It may have a plaza. Michelle Sandoval said at a December City Council meeting that she would “love” a plaza, preferably with a Hispanic name.
Plaza Sandoval perhaps?
The former mayor may not get a monument-to-me anytime soon. The City still lacks over $4.2 million for the infrastructure that would open to development all 14.4 acres and perhaps be a meaningful step to extending city utilities to the Glen Cove industrial area. Construction of anything, if Cherry Street is any indication, is a long, long way off. They don’t even know what they will build or who will build it.
But there’s no need to wait to honor Sandoval and her decades of influence over the city’s regulations, taxes and vision—a combination of policies that have contributed greatly to the current housing crisis. There is an edifice available right now that could bear her name. She played a leading role in its entry into our fair town. She was its chief advocate. I’m speaking of the ill-fated, tax dollars-suck of a building called the Carmel House—the heart of the Cherry Street Project. Henceforth, so we not forget, let us recognize this shabby but iconic memorial to ineptitude and dysfunction as Casa Sandoval. In its current state it goes well with the deteriorated condition of most Port Townsend streets, another Sandoval legacy that took years to achieve and will be with taxpayers for many years to come.

Sandoval may be moving on after 20 years of elected power and influence, but taxpayers still have to pay off the $1.4 million indebtedness she and her City Council yes-people incurred. Sandoval the real estate broker will be showing houses in the neighborhood as taxpayers eat the costs of crunching and removing Casa Sandoval. They will be paying the extra charges for toxic materials mitigation inside the same building Sandoval the real estate expert led the charge to buy without ever requesting an inspection.
A Demonstration Project
Mayor Sandoval touted the Cherry Street effort as “a demonstration project.” That was early in the game, back in 2017, when taxpayers were told it would cost only a couple hundred grand and be finished and occupied in the Fall of that year. Projected costs have climbed into the millions. Almost five years later Casa Sandoval remains empty and suffers from vandalism and neglect. It has blighted the neighborhood and is now a safety hazard. Lawyers and insurers would call it “an attractive nuisance.” Kids easily get in there, where city inspectors have found holes in floors and walls large enough someone can fall through. Sometimes people who get into Casa Sandoval launch refrigerators out windows to see if they might fly.

So just what did Mayor Sandoval’s “demonstration project” demonstrate? Are the city councilors who got PT into the Casa Sandoval mess any smarter for the experience? Nope. They have no regrets and proudly declare that if they had it to do over, they wouldn’t do any thing differently.
Denial and Delusion
It’s the December 6, 2021 City Council business meeting. Council is being briefed (click for video) on the possibility of acquiring what is known as the 14.4 acre Evans Vista property. The state Department of Commerce will give them money, more than $1.3 million. With this land, they can do so much more than rehab a modest 70-year old building. They can build an entire neighborhood of affordable and workforce housing. But there’s still that unfinished Cherry Street Project hanging around, what Ariel Speser in her last days on council called “the elephant in the room.”
David Faber, now PT’s mayor, took the white elephant by its ivory tusks.
“I wouldn’t change a single thing about what we did,” David Faber proclaimed. “I am nervous,” he said, about “again” getting “the city significantly involved in a project that doesn’t necessarily have a perfectly clear end project yet—given the status of the Cherry Street project and so forth.” He did not want to get the city involved “in a long-term dragged-out morass.”
But, he would do Cherry Street all over again, the same way, no changes, no regrets.
Pamela Adams, who was in her last month of service on council and who strongly supported the Cherry Street debacle, stood with Faber and declared, “I don’t regret having trucked that, barged that over there.” (Casa Sandoval was barged across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and trucked from a landing next to the Pourhouse to its present hillside above the golf course.)
Ariel Speser, in one of her last meetings, acknowledged, “It is hard to think about this without thinking about the Cherry Street Project.” Ya think? She went on to dismiss the debacle. Failure, she suggested, was to be expected. “It is very rare that you have a successful housing project on the first try.” Since when? Is that a rule-of-thumb for private homebuilders as well as politicians?
Michelle Sandoval was “nervous” but “excited” about getting into another big “affordable” housing project. “We took a risk,” on Cherry Street, she said, “and we got a lot of grief.” (Oy, such a price to pay for wasting millions of dollars and five years in the midst of a housing emergency.) Everybody makes mistakes, she pleaded as if that excused the utter negligence demonstrated by City Council in buying a building without inspection, without a realistic construction estimate, without anyone to do the work—without any plan. This next project, she recognized, is much, much bigger. “It is going to be incredibly expensive.” Buckle up, taxpayers. Like duct tape, your money will be used to fix everything.
But everyone was relieved that “this time,” unlike the implicit “last time,” the city was doing “due diligence.” What exactly is this confidence-inspiring “due diligence” that washes away all sins and failures? Except for confirming compatibility with city zoning, conducting a cultural resources assessment, and snagging enough state funds to pay the asking price, there’s….nothing. The city has merely bought raw land with someone else’s money. It has no plans, no artist conceptions, no number or type of buildings, no street or landscaping schematics, no feasibility study to determine if the units once built can actually be offered and maintained as “affordable” and workforce housing–that magical and all-critical accomplishment known as “penciling out.” There’s no organization that can be held responsible for getting it done (or not), no builder willing and qualified to take on something so big, no reliable statement of projected costs. No money to build the thing.
Just like the Cherry Street Project.
A week after the 12/6/21 discussion, Council voted unanimously to purchase the Evans Vista property for about $1.3 million without any idea of what to do with it.
I will be writing more on the Evans Vista project. It is huge in scope and “incredibly expensive,” as Sandoval admits. This will probably be the largest project ever undertaken by the city. Let me now address those who will say that by doing this I’m trying to stop affordable housing, just as they criticized me for following, predicting and exposing the failures of the Cherry Street Project—er, Casa Sandoval. Port Townsend desperately needs affordable and workforce housing. Casa Sandoval has provided no housing whatsoever. It has absorbed resources and land and been a huge opportunity lost. Barging that building to PT was one of the stupidest things any elected body has done. The result is that the city’s largest housing project has accomplished nothing positive.
It could have been otherwise. That land where the vandalized hulk sits could have been, for instance, a terraced hillside of manufactured homes. Going simple and small, incrementally, being hard-headed, bird-dogging costs and saving money instead of indulging in a grandiose, wasteful gesture—a guilt offering for years of making PT exclusive and expensive—would have helped this city and a good number of workers who can’t afford to live here.
Because it came from the state, money for purchase of the Evans Vista property was free in the eyes of City Council. But that is how they have treated the tax dollars wasted on Casa Sandoval. Every dollar wasted is a dollar that could have but did not accomplish something beneficial.
That old adage about “those who fail to learn the lessons of the past are condemned to repeat them” rings out. City Council appears to have learned nothing. I asked the rhetorical question previously about what Casa Sandoval has demonstrated. Now I propose an answer: it has demonstrated that the City of Port Townsend is very bad at the business of building affordable housing. The cliquish, virtue-signalling, peer pressure-regulated proceedings of City Council have not produced sound decisions. There’s little reason to conclude that things will change under Mayor David “No Regrets” Faber.
The public needs to keep an eagle eye on what happens with the Evans Vista property. We’ll be here, and so will Casa Sandoval.