“The welfare of the people, in particular,
has always been the alibi of tyrants,
and it provides the further advantage of giving
the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
— Albert Camus
What a year 2021 was for health disinformation, driving a top-down medical apartheid. Week after week, the Covid reports from health officer Dr. Allison Berry reinforced pharma’s false narrative that we are at war with a dreaded virus which can only be defeated if we comply with health officials’ increasingly draconian edicts and dutifully offer ourselves up to the vaccine gods. Our commissioners, Berry’s bosses, look on in rapt attention as she spins her webs of delusion.
The attempt to paint the refuseniks (still a solid 30% of Americans) with the blame brush has backfired badly, with even The Atlantic acknowledging the turning tide: “The Pandemic of the Vaccinated Is Here.”
The “permanent emergency” public health bureaucracy is wearing thin the patience of many, including the formerly compliant… workers who tolerated the mask or took the first jab to keep their job, employers who had neither training nor desire to become enforcers of these measures.
But that hasn’t deterred spin doctor Berry from her single-minded mission of keeping our citizenry in fear and stigmatizing those refusing to follow her dubious “health measures”. Whether it’s falsifying data on the percentage of unvaxxed in our hospital, denying local injuries and deaths from the experimental injections, or her most recent fear-mongering about Omicron, it’s not possible to narrow her disinformation to just ten statements.
This is only a start. Four of us (see Contributors key at bottom) have selected these Top Ten Disinformation Statements to welcome the New Year. Drum roll, please…
BERRY on the severity of COVID-19 illness in children versus risk from inoculation:
“Kids are much, much more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19 than any vanishingly small potential risk from the vaccine.”
(11-08-21 BOCC meeting)
“At this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is uncommon among children.” – American Academy of Pediatrics [source]
Why this degree of hyperbolic fear-mongering when the data from the most ardent pushers of the jab campaign disagree with Allison Berry and her ephemeral “we” advisors? After all, the “vaccine” rollout in the 5 to11 year olds had not even begun here on the peninsula when this statement was made, and we were on the country’s leading edge of that rollout.
As reported in the journal Toxicology Reports only seven weeks prior:
“Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term (a few months), had samples not representative of the total population, and for adolescents/children, had poor predictive power because of their small size. Further, the clinical trials did not address changes in biomarkers that could serve as early warning indicators of elevated predisposition to serious diseases. Most importantly, the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades.”
How can anyone claim a “vanishingly small potential risk from the vaccine” when even FDA committee members who approved the jab for kids acknowledge its safety profile is unknown and this rollout is the real trial? “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it.” (10-26-2021 FDA meeting on Pfizer’s Covid vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11) The clinical trial for Pfizer’s childrens jab and post-surveillance myocarditis studies won’t be completed until 2023, and 2024-27, respectively. [source]
Where does the spin doctor get her information? Perhaps the better question is, from where does the spin doctor get her direction? (AH)
BERRY on effective treatments for Covid-19:
“Ivermectin… has shown NO efficacy in preventing or treating COVID-19…. Nothing else has succeeded [at treating COVID-19] until these most recent [Merck] pills and monoclonal antibodies.”
(11-22-21 BOCC Meeting)
- 40 robust peer-reviewed ivermectin COVID-19 studies show a 70% improvement over the control group, with the most significant improvements from prophylaxis.
- 52 peer-reviewed studies on the effects of Vitamin D on COVID-19 suggest that the vitamin (which around 42% of Americans are deficient in) can improve COVID-19 outcomes by 44%.
- A 38% improvement was found in 194 COVID-19 hydroxychloroquine studies, with the most significant positive effects coming from early treatment (65% improvement).
Other drugs and supplements, including, but not limited to, fluvoxamine, quercetin, zinc, and bromhexine, have also shown positive results, though fewer studies have been completed with these treatments. The most effective treatment protocols include a combination of several drugs.

Click on image to hear cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough’s testimony to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, 3-23-21
In March of 2021, leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who developed the McCullough Protocol for COVID-19 treatment, testified to the Texas Senate that up to 85% of COVID-19 deaths in the United States could have been prevented had there been more focus on treating sick patients with drugs known to be safe and extremely effective. “Covid-19 has always been a very treatable illness.”
Dr. Pierre Kory, cofounder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, has also testified to the effectiveness of these treatments, including ivermectin: “It basically obliterates transmission of this virus…. It is proving to be an immensely powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. It is critical for its use in this disease.”
McCullough and Kory are among many doctors and scientists who have spoken out about the suppression of effective treatments. Without that suppression, the experimental injections would likely not have been granted Emergency Use Authorization. (KG)
BERRY on local cases of myocarditis from the shots:
“There has been only one case of myocarditis reported in Jefferson County, and it was a mild case.”
(12-14-21 Peninsula Daily News)
The Free Press reported on the formerly-healthy 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who suffered two separate heart attacks in two different hospitals just days after her second Pfizer shot. (“Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax”) Her Cardiology Progress Notes documented our story.
If there has been only one case of myocarditis caused by the shots here in Jefferson County (unlikely), it certainly was not a mild one.
After her first heart attack at Jefferson Healthcare, “The [ER] doctor said he didn’t know how I was still alive.” The cardiologist at St. Michael in Silverdale told her following the second heart attack that her heart looked like that of an 80-year-old.
Her ultimate diagnosis, as shown in the hospital cardiology notes, was Acute myopericarditis with elevated troponin. That means severe myocarditis compounded by severe pericarditis—acute inflammation of both the heart muscle and the sac lining the heart—nothing mild about it.
Either Berry is not being told about the adverse reactions following shots in the counties she is charged with overseeing… or she is lying outright. (AW)
BERRY on the recent rise of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19:
“Cases are up 43 percent in the country. Hospitalizations are up 23 percent and deaths are actually up 32 percent.”
(12-13-21 BOCC meeting*)
Contrary to Berry’s baseless claim that hospitalizations across the country were up 23 percent, they were falling precipitously since Thanksgiving:
Below is a screen shot from the CDC’s “Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” page as of 12/30/2021:
This chart indicates that, at the time of Berry’s Dec. 13 report, the mortality rates were lower than the prior two weeks’ numbers. Deaths are “actually up 32 percent?” Show us your evidence, Dr. Berry. This is a fraudulent claim until proven otherwise. (AH)
BERRY on why Jefferson County is “surviving this”:
“That we’re vaccinated, that we have so many people wearing masks and that we have these safety measures in place…
That’s why we’re surviving this.”
(12-13-21 BOCC Meeting)
- Data shows that in many cases, there is no pronounced relationship between the percentage of people vaccinated and the number of COVID-19 cases. In fact, some countries with the highest vaccination rates simultaneously dealt with the world’s highest case rates. The latest WHO COVID-19 Update continues to show that relatively unvaccinated Africa makes up a disproportionately small share of global COVID-19 cases and deaths.
- There is considerable doubt around the ability of face masks (especially homemade, cloth masks) to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (see #2)
- Jefferson, Clallam and King are the only counties in the state with the proof of vaccination requirement for restaurants and bars, and data from the Washington State Department of Health does not support the claim that these passports are helping. Out of Washington’s 39 counties, with 1st being the lowest case and hospitalization rates, the counties under Berry’s edicts rank among the worst:
Jefferson ranks 27th, Clallam 36th and King 38th
for 7-day COVID-19 Case Rate
Jefferson ranks 28th, Clallam 29th and King 15th
for 7-day Hospitalization Rate (KG)
BERRY on frontline workers:
“What we don’t talk about is that 750,000 Americans died of COVID and that is actually part of our workforce shortage. Those are disproportionately frontline workers. And so, we lost a ton of bus drivers, we lost a ton of truck drivers and health care workers and grocery store workers, and they have died.”
(11-15-21 BOCC Meeting)
These statements are hard to reconcile with CDC data showing that 95% of CV deaths have an average of 4 other serious comorbidities contributing to their deaths… therefore occuring “disproportionately” in nursing homes or among those in their 90s like recent Clallam Covid deaths, not any kind of workforce loss, especially not “frontline”!
By contrast, on April 28, 2020 the United Food & Commercial Workers union reported just 72 deaths among its 1,270,000 frontline workers over the two-month period of the initial CV flare-up, a “proportionate” rate to those sheltering in place. (Note these moderate frontline fatalities were largely before shoppers or workers began wearing masks.)
But if Berry is so concerned about losing these frontline workers, why is she intent on getting them fired and deprived of their livelihood when their deeply-held beliefs diverge from her vaccination priority? (SS)
BERRY on natural versus synthetic immunity:
“What we see is that immunity through a prior infection is more variable compared to immunity due to vaccination. The other thing that we know is immunity from prior infection fades. So it goes away over time.”
(11-15-21 BOCC meeting)
The inverse of Berry’s statement is true. Vaccine failure has led to talk of endless boosters. Conversely, “people who develop Covid have complete and durable immunity,” says Dr. Peter McCullough in Senate testimony. “Complete and durable. You can’t beat natural immunity.”
- Natural immunity is long-lasting and robust, according to data from well over 100 studies.
- This peer-reviewed study “showed that infection by SARS-CoV-2 could lead to 55 different antibodies: 5 from the spike, 50 from the other viral proteins. There are 50 ways to be immune that do not involve the spike protein…” [source]
- “Waning of vaccine protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection…is a concern,” says this recent peer-reviewed NEJM study.
Like her predecessor Dr. Tom Locke, Berry continues to deceive the public with intentional misuse of the term “immunity.” The new gene therapies never claimed to provide immunity. They were designed to lessen severe disease—the ongoing clinical trial endpoint was milder symptoms once infected. (AH)
BERRY on hospitalization rates for very young children:
“The other key thing to know is that the highest age range that gets hospitalized for COVID-19 is actually kids 0 to 4.”
(11-08-21 BOCC meeting)
Children that young have never been in the “highest age range” for hospitalization for COVID-19, nor are they now, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):
- “The available data indicate that COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.”
- “Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.8%-4.1% of their total cumulated hospitalizations, and 0.1%-1.8% of all their child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization.” [source]

Covid hospitalizations as a percent of cases, by age.
Bar at far left is 0 to 4 year olds. Highest age range for hospitalizations?
The CDC mirrors the AAP’s position, directly the opposite of Berry’s claim: “Rates of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations are also lower in children of all ages compared to adults.” (AH)
BERRY on masks:
“There’s also a massive amount of data that wearing a mask reduces transmission by 80%. … they reduce your risk by 80%.”
(8-19-21 BOCC meeting)
- WHO’s latest guidance shows “only limited and inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses.”
- Large randomized controlled trials “found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2.” (source]
- The systematic review “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses” found masks offered “little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness.”
- Aerosol viruses freely “pass through gaps between the face and the surgical mask.” [source]
So where is Berry’s “massive amount of data”? Cue the crickets noise. She has been asked repeatedly to provide any specific sources justifying her claims, and all she does is hand-wave away questions and tell people to “look at that entire amount of data … freely available on the CDC and WA DoH websites.”
Berry is echoing a 37-second propaganda video and tweet from CDC director Rochelle Walensky making the same 80% claim. The video ends with a non-specific link to CDC.GOV/CORONAVIRUS, which offers no information on this mask claim. The only CDC-noted study about masks achieving “upwards of 80% blockage” has a “minimum detectable droplet size” much bigger than the aerosol SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Berry and Walensky should know they are making a category error by trumpeting that masks “reduce your risk by 80%” and “prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing your chance of infection by more than 80%”, justified only by an experiment showing blockage of droplets. They are “trying to quantify the real-world impact of masks based on a laboratory study that did not measure it.”
Of course, that’s assuming Berry has any knowledge of this lone study on the CDC website having any connection to her 80% claim (hardly “a massive amount of data”) and is not just parroting simplistic catch phrases promulgated by her higher-ups. (SS)
BERRY on U.S. deaths from the Covid jab:
“There have been on the order of less than 20 deaths associated with those severe clots related to the J&J vaccine. And that’s it. No one else has died from their COVID-19 vaccine. I believe it’s 11 nationwide.”
(11-15-21 BOCC meeting)
- 1,223 deaths are reported in Pfizer’s own trial data from post-vax surveillance in the first 90 days of the rollout. When the FDA did not comply with a FOIA request for Pfizer’s documents hidden from the public, a lawsuit forced their release, revealing 42,086 adverse events and 1,223 deaths after their shot alone in the first 3 months. (source)(source)
- 20,000+ deaths have been reported to VAERS, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- In July, a whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) revealed that their data showed 48,465 people died shortly after receiving their injections.
- 150,000+ deaths have been estimated in analyses by nine separate researchers: “Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccine“
- Since the vax rollout began there have been 200,000+ excess deaths, based on CDC Deaths from All Causes data. (see article above)
Aside from Berry’s claim making no sense (<20 deaths by clotting from the J&J vax alone, but total of 11 nationwide from all manufacturers?), it is perhaps the most absurd lie told by the CDC and—as required in her parroting role—by our public health officer. One has only to read a few dozen VAERS reports, many from medical personnel, to ask how any public health official could make such a ludicrous statement. Is she suggesting that Pfizer falsified their own data to show more deaths after their experimental mRNA shot than actual?
Or that of the more than 20,000 deaths reported to VAERS after the shots—many of them anaphylaxis and heart failure within hours of injection—all but eleven are coincidences or fake reports?
Eleven vax fatalities in the entire country? We have reported on multiple deaths denied, covered up, and/or re-labeled in our little county alone.
Is our health officer delusional? A pathological liar? Or simply a programmed repeater of disinformation from higher up the food chain? (AW)
CONTRIBUTORS (the Editors plus one!):
AH – Annette Huenke
SS – Stephen Schumacher
AW – Ana Wolpin
KG – Kincaid Gould
*Correction: The original version cited 12-29-21 instead of 12-13-21 as the date of Berry’s #7 quote.
First, CONGRATULATIONS on bringing the FACTS to light! Thank you so much. I once managed 2 weekly papers, so I have experience in delivering accuracy. Credibility is everything. Bending in the direction of the biggest wind is the latest trend, even when that wind isn’t blowing. Independence matters for the small papers left publishing these days, and that goes to the heart of the goings on of any community starting with the truth. I recall a personal situation with a particular advertiser wanting monthly stories to up the business. That ended when they threatened to pull their advertising, farewell my lovely. We did not fall apart as they desired because it was about the news, people, and the community, not the hype of some jacked up parrots hiding their ignorance behind a shield of lies. So, forgive the lack of editorial prows here, it’s late and I’ll use that for now, but little papers, beware of the real boogey man that will gobble up that little bit of independence. Tick tock….tick tock. Find the courage to report as the Port Townsend Free Press. I do hope the excellent reporting is recognized and awarded as it does deserve the spotlight.
Cheers for an enlightened 2022. May the force be with you always!
The fact that BERRY is an outright liar is mind boggling to me but her equal partners in this crime against we the people is even worse, the hospital and doctors are not reporting accurately to VAERS. Is it any wonder that most people refuse to go to this hospital and don’t trust the doctors. It’s simply pathetic that such sacred trusts are broken all for the sake of one big lie. We need to all get way more involved at the local level and place honest commissioners as our representatives. People who will fight the fight for us against this corruption.
Whats better? Allowing our God given innate immune system to perceive/adapt to all viruses/microbes with its intricate barrier/systems, elegant immune response/memory….Or
Inject genetic material straight into the bloodstream so our bodies becomes a toxin producing genetically modified factory.
This jab wasn’t brought in for Covid…. Covid was brought in for the depopulation, sterilization jab!!
We are watching an engineered global genocide agenda being rolled out with planned economic collapse, mass poisoning of humanity through 5G, chemtrails, pesticides, pharmacological run off, micro plastics,
Heavy metals/medicines….
FDA has approved over 80,000 chemicals in our food, medicines… 86 of the worse ones used in our childhood vax program
Main stream media is a big lie terrorizing the citizens of the world with psychological trauma!!
The system is designed to grow its power by removing yours!
In the Bible it says 365 times Have No Fear,
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit…
All we have to do is stand up And NOT COMPLY
Mandates are not laws, they are guidelines…
Our country was founded on civil disobedience.
If Germ theory was totally true- none of us would be alive to believe it!!
Fear is a reaction
Courage is a decision
Many thanks to this free press for standing up against tyranny
We stand alone but together
You are either defending freedom or cheering on tyranny!!
Viruses come and go
Loss of freedom is forever
“Berry droppings,” very creative. Well done everyone.
I agree WELL DONE PTFP ! Love your play on words Berry Droppings, etc.
THANK YOU for all your research and great reporting!
Individuals, according to the law, are innocent until proven guilty. Can that be said for official government policy? I am not going to try and list all of the lies and misdirection’s government has led us in and through, but suffice it to say that it is hard to think of one problem that we face that hasn’t been caused by legislation or a lack thereof. So unlike individuals we must assume that government and officials like Dr. Berry are guilty until they prove themselves innocent.
There lies the problem from Fauci down to Berry, have you ever heard them justify their health decisions with peer reviewed evidence??? Have you ever seen any them in a moderated debate as a way to inform the public??? They basically give us opinions and then those opinions are formed into mandates by a BOCC that just blindly follows.
When Dr. Berry has been allowed the power to deny Port Townsend citizens the right to dine in town they live in or deny folks their livelihood by forming mandates, isn’t it time that the public started demanding scientific proof for such decisions? Government MUST prove themselves innocent to the people they are supposedly serving. We, the citizens of Port Townsend, should not be separated and denied work based on opinion, we must demand proof and proof based in substantiated in peer reviewed science.
A request, then an answer to the question posed in the article:
I am relatively new to the area, and admittedly not knowledgeable about how this county’s government works. It would be very helpful to me and I am guessing to others to know: Who appointed Dr. Berry as Health Officer? How long is her appointment? What mechanisms are available to voters to remove her from office? How are members of the Board of Health appointed/elected? Could someone more knowledgeable than me please help me understand how Dr. Berry gained this power?
To the question: Is our health officer (A) delusional? (B) A pathological liar? Or (C) simply a programmed repeater of disinformation from higher up the food chain?
The answer is (D) all of the above.
Washington State Public Health RCWs and WACs
The county Public Health Officer is a powerful political appointee that has more control over local residents than the governor. In the past, constitutional and cultural constraints prevented these officials from seizing power and destroying their constituents lives and livelihoods. With those constraints removed, these officials can easily claim power based on vague and badly written RCWs and even worse WACs. My understanding is that the local Board of Health (BOH) appoints the public Health Officer. The Jefferson County BOH is comprised of elected officials and two appointees.
Link to a list of LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS, BOARDS, OFFICERS—REGULATIONS: http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=70.05
Link to RCW for setting up the local Board of Health (BOH) for Jefferson County. At a minimum the BOH would consist of the 3 county commissioners. http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=70.05.030
… In counties without a home rule charter, the board of county commissioners shall constitute the local board of health, unless the county is part of a health district pursuant to chapter 70.46 RCW. The jurisdiction of the local board of health shall be coextensive with the boundaries of said county. The board of county commissioners may, at its discretion, adopt an ordinance expanding the size and composition of the board of health to include elected officials from cities and towns and persons other than elected officials as members so long as persons other than elected officials do not constitute a majority. An ordinance adopted under this section shall include provisions for the appointment, term, and compensation, or reimbursement of expenses.
If the local board of health or other official responsible for appointing a local health officer under RCW 70.05.050 refuses or neglects to appoint a local health officer after a vacancy exists, the secretary of health may appoint a local health officer and fix the compensation. (RCW 70.05.080 Local health officer—Failure to appoint—Procedure.)
For a good summary of the powers Berry claims for the local Public Health Officer, see her vaxx-pass PUBLIC HEALTH ORDER— September 02, 2021:
In this document she cites some of the more alarming WACs like RCW 43.20.050 that includes language like “Adopt rules for the imposition and use of isolation and quarantine”. Yikes!!!
Source if links didn’t paste correctly: https://gab.com/Remnant601/posts/107551123545521194
First, I smelled Berry. Then I stepped in it. I am still trying to scrape her BS off my shoes– it’s getting deep. Was she elected? Appointed? How can we get rid of her? She is clearly a puppet of Fauci and adheres to the LYING talking points they send her. She completely lacks critical thinking ability or independent thought, and was likely a D student in medical school. Most of the readers here know more about Covid than she does– or is LYING about. Ignorance or corruption– either way she needs to go.
Doc, Berry’s quote, I only wear a mask when the store requires it as these “officials” might fine the business as I don’t have any money go after. I have also worn the same mask since 2019 and washed it twice back then after this b.s. started. As for the poiitics try reading “None Dare Call It Conspiracy”, It’s probably out of print but is available in used book stores. The one quote that I remember was made by FDR that basically said that no mistakes happen in politics because it was thought out before it happened. It also said who was actually running this world. Would you believe the Super Rich Families? The book came out in the late 70’s or early 80’s and is a small soft cover read. This guy was ahead of his time. My personal introduction to what we are seeing now is that I was in the Army in 1965 at ammo renovation school when one of the instructors told us that the army had weapons that would kill any enemy and leave our troops unaffected. When I got to Germany, after being cleared for Secret I found out that I didn’t have enough clearance to go into our X Area. If I did, I could be shot by the armed guard. As the company was a S.A.D.S. unit we all thought we had nukes. Now I wonder what is available now?
6:34:46 – “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it” FDA meeting on Pfizer’s Covid vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11 — 10/26/2021. Time Stamp quote found at 6:34:46 mark from YouTube link given.
Thanks… the link in the story has been updated with the timestamp you provided!
Berry may believe her absurd statements. There are many physicians and scientists who convince themselves that their rigged data are valid. I had the misfortune of working with these Berry types. They are skilled in avoiding challenges to their mental gymnastics. The cute country doctor segment during the BOCC meeting provides a challenge-free format for the Public Health Officer. This is totally inappropriate for a public meeting because there is no actual dialog with the person who wields considerable authority. Three minute public comments are not an appropriate tool for dealing with the government malfeasance or misfeasance related to Covid related mandates and recommendations.
Someone with Berry’s formal education knew, or should have known, that her data was selected to hide vaxx injuries and breakthrough infection trends. Did any of her cutesy presentations clearly define the vaxxed / unvaxxed designations? Did she ever present any visuals with moving or rolling averages to reveal possible changing trends in hospitalizations and deaths among different populations? Although there were public comments on these topics, there was never any forum to directly force Berry to justify her actions.
This lack of meaningful civic discourse enables Covid tyranny. Emails and three minute (or less) public comments are opinion statements – NOT a meaningful exchange of ideas by persons dedicated to the well-being of a community. Berry’s “expert” scientific opinion is being promoted by the very same flawed process that installed the derelict Cherry Street building in a prominent location in Port Townsend.
Does Berry receive a copy of this information? If not why? I’d like to hear her answers to our Fact Checkers!! Love this paper. TY for keeping us well informed!!!
So I’m just a very common man that has the same ideals as most individuals that walk the face of this earth. Those ideals and words I believe can be seen in the declaration of independence and can apply to all peoples especially at this juncture in time.
We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
In light of such Truths will our nation and all peoples far and wide stand up for rights and freedoms and right the wrongs that have been forced upon us? I truly would like to believe so.
The old saying ‘Follow the Money” should be used on Dr. Berry and anyone else that’s pushing these poisons. I would be surprised if her and others have kept a accounting of any money they might have gotten. Someone’s financing all of this and it may be all under the table. I’m not accusing anyone as it’s just a thought to be activated by someone with more experience in these matters (finance) than I. The Fed. must have someone.
By follow the money, you could take a look at who is a major stockholders in these pillmakers and spreaders. Those outfits are making billions and I don’t doubt that individuals like Berry, Biden and Inslee are probably on the list.
Moderna. Pfizer. J&J. The Health industry. That is where the money is going. Berry is just a stupid shill trying to promote her career.
Although hospitals and health care facilities are clearly financially incentivized by the federal government, and in fact required by the CDC, to record those who test Covid-positive at the time of death as a Covid death, regardless of the actual cause of death, I doubt that greed/corruption is what’s happening here with our local leaders. Remember that Dr. Berry has credentials from Johns Hopkins University – one of the data control centers of the pandemic. Likely, she is in contact with and parroting her former instructors and colleagues there, as much as she has fallen in lockstep with Dr. Anthony “La science, C’est Moi” Fauci and the hysterics of Rochelle Walensky at the CDC.
To me, Berry, the Commissioners, the City Council, most of the population of Port Townsend etc etc, have been completely brainwashed by cults of personality stationed in government institutions and the media which are in turn financed (now here’s where we follow the $$) by Big Pharma, Bill Gates. Drs. Robert Malone, Peter McCullough, Mark McDonald, and others speak of mass formation psychosis, a clinical diagnosis introduced by Mattias Desmet, professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University, Belgium. Our fellow citizens, now fully addicted to fear, have given themselves fully over to this psychosis like cult members, sacrificing everyone’s liberties to feed their addiction. You could almost feel sorry for them. Almost.
The work Ana, Annette, Stephen, Kincaid and others have done here is astonishing. I am so unbelievably grateful to you and PTFP for gathering these data and sources and keeping the truth front and center. It’s not likely to sway those who are fully committed members of the Covid Fear Cult — the cognitive dissonance is just too much and the pull of the cult here is too strong — but for those who are on the fence, who are still capable of curiosity and receiving new information, reports like these are invaluable.
I feel the tide is shifting, ever so slightly, ever so slowly, in favor of Team Reality. It will take longer in places like these, where the woke cult holds sway (and remember, I’m a former Democrat who still identifies a true, classic liberal) but I have hope that 2022 will see the balance tipping toward sanity. And we have a real opportunity to vote these idiots out.
Thanks PTFP & commons — a privilege to have access to the reporting & commentaries.
A “health” officer, appropriately busted once again. Berry Berry, quite contrary, how do you bloody well sleep at night?
Not an issue, apparently. A division of soulless sorts inhabiting soulless institutions, the Berry type bureaucrat has become ubiquitous throughout the land. We’ve witnessed legions upon ranks marching in digital linguistic lockstep, an aggregating archetype in the Age of Algorithm. We hear the ever-bad news & ever-worse stats, 24/7, from the talking-head media. Ditto with academics, politicians, & ”experts”. Exact same phrases on speed dial — not a single creative soliloquy in the bunch. A very strange typology of tragic greek/geek chorus on every channel.
The only reprieve is turning the damn tube off. As the savvy Amish intel has it — “we never got covid ‘cause we never watch tv”.
The dirty lies, diversions, & misdirects are so thin they have to be incessantly rinsed, repeated, & fluffed. When asked for supporting research & evidence to corroborate pronouncements, their only recourse is to double-down on the narrative on hand. When that doesn’t elicit proper socio-political distancing from the citizenry, then annoyed ad hominems get trundled out by the truckload.
When all else fails, insult intelligence.
Further up the food-chain schtick by a matter of degrees, with such as your globalist bidens, faucis, & gateses, etc — that “two weeks to flatten the curve” carrot morphed into the expected stick — as populations were irremediably reduced to recalcitrant schoolchildren, admonished to just do what they’re told…. or else.
A lot of “or else” comin’ down these days, locally too. In one way saddening, in extremis. In another gladdening as well, as global pushback has become the new normal — thank the graces & everyone.
Governments lie, steal, and kill, they always have — ask any remaining original “american”. Constitutions are as meaningless as treaties to the political & billionaire classes and their minions — current americans are beginning to see behind the mask & curtain is all. The Berry types are saturated throughout global institutions — how else could the PTB have pulled off what they did in apparent short order over the last two years?
Humankind has been excessively susceptible to the manipulations & predations of evil, particularly in its ideological guises — it is past due to correct that horrific record.
Given the one-trick pony programming cum echo-chamber, these shallow entities hold approaching-zero capacity for pursuit of real data & perspective, proper exchanges & debate, let alone self-reflection and course-corrections — as the encoded agendas being served disallow those functions. The easier defensive modality is an emerald city moat & wall, though there’s quite the vacuum right behind that.
To paraphrase an ancient cautionary — by their snarky/snaky works & tricks you shall know them.
The type seems to be locked-in and locked-down for the duration. Wish we had a magic trick to make them all disappear. Poof.
Barring that, since these rabbit-hole bureaucrats own the NWO wonderland/chessboard, as well most all the one-eyed king’s men, one might do worse by folding up shop and stepping off the board of these “reality” purveyors.
Wise words —
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”― Buckminster Fuller
Meanwhile, all along the watch tower —
“There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief….
there’s too much confusion, i can’t get no relief.”
Yep, the dark white knight has been talking backwards awhile, but rather plain as day these days. Personally, i see an awakening antidote in this bizarre bifurcation process.
I hope everyone reading this realizes that these Draconian mandates and lies, that conflict with evidence, reason, and science, will continue indefinitely as the elite use Covid to implement the Great Reset, whereby the middle class is eliminated and neo-feudal times return globally.
The only way to stop it is to dig in our heels. Take your kids out of schools that demand vaccinations or masks. Home school them. Find a way. Form small groups of home-schooled kids where the moms that must work still can. Go into stores, restaurants without masks; leave only if a store manager orders you to leave. Make noise as you comply so that everyone knows what’s going on.
Read up on Covid prevention. Quercetin+zinc+vitaminsC&D taken together reduce the risk of Covid and its severity if infected. There are other, non-prescription supplements to help. Lysine and lactoferrin are but two. Educate yourselves and stop being afraid. Be angry instead. Tell Berry and Brandon, NO MORE!
I just saw a segment on OAN where the UK reports almost a MILLION deaths and SERIOUS (total disability) adverse reactions from the vaccines, and vaccinated people are 286% more likely to die than unvaccinated. An Indiana insurance company reports that deaths among 18-64 year olds are up 40%. And these halfwits want to force this crap on our CHILDREN? Over my dead body!!!!
AJ, this could be the reason behind it: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/01/no_author/mass-formation-psychosis-billions-of-people-affected-by-this-dont-realize-it-dr-robert-malone/ and https://www.swfinstitute.org/news/90470/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis
Q. Wayle- Definitely- I referenced mass formation psychosis and Malone, Desmet in my post. I’m a big fan! This interview just posted today: https://rumble.com/vrxr3n-tpc-653-dr.-mattias-desmet-dr.-robert-malone-dr.-peter-mccullough-mass-form.html
I cringe whenever I read the recommendations from ms cyanococcus. And I hope and pray that parents are wise enough to keep their children away from this toxic and dangerous shot. The evidence is out there. She is either naive, ignorant, ill informed, paid off or just plain evil. It makes my blood boil God protect these innocent ones who cannot protect themselves. Thank you for another article well done.
Re: The VAERS data. People should be informed that less than 1% of adverse events from vaccinations are reported to VAERS, ergo every figure on that page officially MUST be multiplied by 100 in order to come close to the actual figure. Ergo there have been 2,062,200 deaths from the jabs in these united States of America. People need to start throwing that figure in her face!
On January 12m at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.
To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DjusY10WTj-EyQyDTdyxsw
You can also dial-in using your phone for listen mode: Call in: +1(253)215-8782 (not toll-free) Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396
Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA
Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan 7.
* Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following the refusal to voluntary comply [sic] with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, and vaccination (WAC-246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.
* Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.
Thank you for your concern about the upcoming WABOH meeting, Q. Wayle. The meeting agenda has been grossly misunderstood. Referenced WACs already allow for quarantine etc, since 2003. The following is a letter sent by Informed Choice WA co-founder Bernadette Pajer to the state board today, followed by a url for ICWA’s clarifying blast from this morning. I urge everyone who intends to comment to read this carefully first. Thank you all for your diligence.
Hi BOH staff,
There is massive public interest in the Board of Health activities right now, with many individuals and groups being alerted to the Jan. 12 meeting. These individuals and groups are very new to the work of the BOH, and when they read the agenda items, they are taking them at face value and therefore misinterpreting what the items mean.
They are looking at Item #9 and seeing:
Rules Hearing Continuance– Communicable and Other Certain Diseases, Chapter 246-100 WAC – Testimony Will Be Taken
– Possible Action
When they search for Chapter 246-100 WAC and read that entire section of code, they are becoming alarmed, believing COVID-19 is being added to all sections. I am hearing from several sources that people are checking “oppose” to item #9 when they register for the meeting because they believe they are opposing COVID-19 quarantine etc. [this item actually refers to the WAC codes regarding HIV and is updating language to match the law that passed in 2020 https://sboh.wa.gov/Rulemaking/CurrentRulesandActivity/CommunicableandCertainOtherDiseasesSTDModernization
They are looking at Item #11 and seeing:
Rulemaking Petition – Chapter 246-105 WAC, Immunization Criteria, Child Care and School Entry
—Possible Action
When they search for that chapter, they find the immunization code, and they believe the Rulemaking Petition intends to add COVID-19 shots to the schedule — they have no clue that the petition is the one filed by Xavier Figueroa on behalf of Informed Choice WA, asking for a new rule to prohibit adding EUA products, and licensed products that lack completed Phase 3 trial studies, to the school schedule.
I am hearing from several sources that even legislators are sharing social media posts saying to oppose item #11 because it adds C-19 shots to the schedule. You will no doubt receive public comments from individuals saying they oppose item #11 but who would be supporting it if they knew what it actually was.
We (ICWA) have posted information on our website and sent emails to our membership, but the medical-freedom movement in WA has exploded over the past year, and the majority of those now active are not yet on our email list.
We encourage you to update your agenda with more detailed explanations of your items in order to better inform the public. We also hope you take into consideration that opposition to item #9 and #11 may be coming from those who do not understand them.
Thank you,
Bernadette Pajer
This blast may make it easier to understand: https://tinyurl.com/3nh92zn9
Thank you for the clarification, Annette.
6 minute video
Anyone know a Constitutional lawyer??!
Maybe these laws will make wine out of berry juice?!
This is maddening! Why can’t Dr. Alison Berry get the FACTS straight?
I will be happily rejecting vaccination across the board for myself and my FAMILY.
Thank you PT FREE Press for keeping us safe & informed.
This is more info about the concentration camps: Does Washington State’s Department of Health plan to put us in Quarantine Camps? – YouTube
Does this link work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iszHSV5Y2P4
I just developed a new vaccine in my garage. It prevents colds. A few side effects have been reported– deaths, strokes, unstoppable diarrhea, 2-3 weeks of pain and insomnia, and cancer within 3 years. I want to test it on Dr. DingleBerry and her children.
And there it is. Wow. Thank you Stephen for spelling this out so clearly. Wow. She has been using misinformation for two years to terrify our town and shut down businesses and constitutional rights. She needs to be fired immediately. And the county commissioners should be held accountable for their unending blind support for this spin doctor. Thank you so much for all the work you all put into this information. A tedious job of going over the meetings and digging for the evidence, which clearly does not support Berry’s false claims. Over and over. It was so hard to listen to and I am impressed you all went through it again to get the truth out. Thank you so much.