“Kevin, at the end of the day, I believe that this mandate was the wrong choice for the PUD and our community and wholly unnecessary. Ultimately it was your decision that put your work force in a compromising position, boxed in a corner and forced to make a choice they never should have been forced to make.”
Kurt Anderson,
former PUD Lineman
T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the district…
Jefferson County Public Utility District employees and contractors got unwelcome surprises in their stockings this year—ultimatums, coercion, pink slips. The holiday mood around our little utility is far from merry and bright. Management’s extreme position on vaccine mandates has cost our PUD precious staff, loyal contractors and a great deal of good will, both inside the facility and out. As the winter storm season threatens, remaining linemen are concerned about power restoration and public safety.
Speaking under condition of anonymity, former and current line crew expressed deep frustration with management, this policy and its execution, particularly the dismissal of three* of their team at the worst possible time of year. “We have terminated quality hands for speaking their minds and/or not complying with the mandate.”
Fewer men will have to cover more work, which will impose unnecessary hazards on remaining linemen. They fear it will impact response time for outages.
In-house staff runs lean and the PUD relies on full-time contracted high-voltage crews to help handle all of our needs. Titan, the largest of these, was not interested in complying with the mandates. Now they will have to be replaced. Sources describe “a scramble to get line contractors” because the mandate is so unpopular “and not desired by the absolute majority.” The list of contractors who aren’t submitting their “attestation letters” is long indeed. Documents obtained by the Free Press show that half of the PUD’s subs have refused to comply with the new mandate.
When the prospect of mandating Covid vaccines for all PUD employees was first publicly raised at the Oct. 4th commissioners meeting, numerous customer/owners wrote and Zoomed in to express their concerns, both for the employees and what it could mean for our service needs. As reported by the Free Press days later, not one of those concerns was addressed.
That article detailed how our PUD was exceeding what was required by Inslee’s mandate and recommended by WAPUDA (Washington Public Utility District Association). It also asked why two out of three elected PUD commissioners abrogated responsibility for such a significant policy decision. Commissioners Jeff Randall (District 1) and Ken Collins (District 2) avoided concerns raised by ratepayers, Citizen Advisory Board members and staff by cutting the discussion short. They sidestepped their policy role by directing General Manager Kevin Streett to make the call instead.
At the Dec. 14 meeting I asked how many PUDs in this state are following the hard line that ours has taken with the mandates, and how many are not mandating jabs at all? No one cared to respond to those questions. A week later, excavation contractor Marty Kithcart reached out to the Free Press, happy to answer those queries: Not one other Washington PUD is mandating jabs for jobs. Not one.

Portion of JeffPUD “attestation” letter sent to contractors – Vaccination Requirement
Kithcart and a buddy canvassed all state PUDs plus many others around the country, and they couldn’t find a single PUD enforcing these mandates. Why should any of the contractors mold their company policies to satisfy the demands of one small utility? GM Streett has claimed we implemented the mandate to be “compliant” with state orders. Why are no other PUDs afraid to be out of compliance? Don’t expect an answer.
The backlash from this mandate zealotry has potential to do real damage. It appears there were inconsistencies in the offering of weekly testing as an option. Some employees and contractors were given religious exemptions, others were told they could “not be granted accommodation.” Unfair labor practices would further expose the utility to litigation. Just about every day we hear of another huge employer walking back the mandates for whatever reasons—GM, 3M, Verizon, Amtrak, Cleveland Clinic, Advent Health and (last week) Boeing. Will those who were coerced to accept the jab to keep their job come after their employers? Who could blame them if they did?
The screen shot below shows the PUD’s roster of electrical staff before the mandate was announced by GM Streett in October. Even at that time the utility was short-staffed, advertising for additional Journeymen Linemen to fill out needed crews. “We’ve had a job posting for a lineman for almost 2 years unfilled,” one employee said. “We had three local linemen let go at a time when it is a struggle to find them.”

October 8, 2021 screen shot from PUD website showing electrical employees before mandates were announced. Employees in red have either walked or been terminated for refusing experimental injections.
A veteran lineman responds to his termination
Someone high up the food chain decided that “terminations” were going to be re-labeled “separations” for Build Back Better times. Sounds softer, gentler. Separation is way better than divorce, right? Long-time lineman Kurt Anderson’s lengthy response to his termination is as raw as it is well-considered.
“Kevin Streett’s premise to go forward with a vaccine policy was quote ‘to be in compliance’ with Washington State Department of Transportation’s own policy. I believe this to be a false premise.”
“In my just shy of 7 years at the PUD when I have worked on state right of ways or projects I have not encountered any state workers in close proximity to the job site. If I was still employed by the PUD and should a situation arise where I encountered a state employee/s on the job site I do believe I could follow the CDC guidelines to achieve safe distancing…. If I could not maintain social distancing while working aloft, I would stay on the ground in a support role…. we have survived almost two whole years with the initial covid safety policy in place and I feel safe with it as it is.”
Terminating a long-time unvaxxed employee in a hard-to-fill critical position under the premise that he could be a safety hazard to a vaxxed state worker is beyond foolhardy for an already-understaffed small county utility. The premise doesn’t even hold water. Anderson has done his own research; his statements about the jab are factual:
“I would like to point out that as history plays out on covid-19 vaccines there is very little difference between a fully vaccinated person and a non vaccinated person, BOTH can get covid, BOTH can spread covid, BOTH can survive covid and BOTH can die from covid. The shot was not meant to stop the spread of covid, only to lessen the severity of symptoms and raise an individual’s chance of survival should they contract covid, secondarily to relieve pressure on hospitals.”
He goes on to highlight the indefensible posture assumed by authorities in the face of the spectacular failure of the jab policies, seen within his own workplace:
“One only has to look to the PUD roster to see this truth, after being fully vaccinated a PUD employee contracted covid. The fully vaccinated coworkers of this individual were allowed to continue working regular and overtime hours, the unvaccinated coworkers were sent home on unpaid time off for 10 days quarantine with the requirement to complete a covid test as directed by the county health department, option to use PTO [paid time off] allowed. Some online training classes were set up to help offset the unpaid time off.”
So vaxxed workers who are just as likely to contract and transmit Covid as the unvaxxed are given a free pass, while the “non-compliant” must quarantine and lose pay. The official response is to double down, forcing a punitive, duplicitous “solution” onto those who had nothing to do with the outbreak from the beginning.
“When speaking with many of my fellow PUD employees, regardless of their vaccine status, most felt the mandate was unprecedented and wrong… I believe many voices fell on deaf ears and the ones most affected were never heard at all.”
Anderson’s full letter to the PUD in response to his termination is here.
Losing half of the PUD’s contractors, too

Landmark Excavation crew at PUD’s Landes Street project
Marty Kithcart has operated Landmark Excavation for over 30 years. For almost 5 years, he’s provided trenching and other infrastructure services and support for the PUD and its larger contracted outfits like Titan. And like Titan and other contractors who refused to go along with the mandates, Kithcart was just “separated” by our PUD—while he had two open contracts, and had purchased water main materials for the project that was awarded to him. He has three employees. They and their families depend on local work near where they live. He declined other work to honor those contracts.
Streett broke the PUD’s contracts even though Landmark had bid them in good faith prior to the mandate. The PUD told him they will reimburse him for those materials, but that’s small comfort for the four men who just lost these jobs. Will GM Streett replace them with a more “compliant” crew, one which perhaps uses religious exemptions? Or medical exemptions? How are those workers safe to be around, but Kithcart’s are not?
How many other contracts did the PUD breach midstream? It’s unlikely Landmark is the only one.
When Kithcart asked Streett about exemptions, he got a firm “no.” Then he bumped into another contractor who told him they got a religious exemption. Kithcart was told that his crew was not allowed into the PUD yard where contractor supplies are kept if everybody wasn’t jabbed. He contacted his District 2 Commissioner Collins to look for his reasoning for moving forward with this policy.
Collins eventually called to tell him if he had one “vaccinated” worker, that one man could access the yard and his company could continue to be a contractor. Then Kithcart was told by Operations Director Scott Bancroft that if everybody wasn’t jabbed, they can’t work on PUD projects. GM Streett told Kithcart the PUD would sever ties come December 20th. Mirroring the constantly shifting directives coming from the feds, even local authorities seem to be making it up as they go along, depending on the rolling ratio of compliance-to-pushback.
Kithcart told the Free Press that he’s shocked and angered that the PUD would take this singular and unpopular step at this most important time of year.
“This is the season of giving. How could they treat loyal employees and contractors this way? All of these workers get called out in the middle of the night in the worst kind of weather. Without complaint, we put our heads down and get the job done. We all help out where help is needed. For twenty months we’ve worked side by side with other crews without a problem, now all of a sudden we’re a threat?”
“These are all good people at heart,” Kithcart says of the GM and commissioners, “so why didn’t they think this through? I look for people in need and do what I can to make their life a little better. This is going the wrong way. How it is that the commissioners didn’t give serious consideration to what other PUDs are doing? How could they throw away all these long relationships with really good people?”
Kithcart was heartbroken by the firing of lineman Kurt Anderson. “You’ll never meet a nicer guy. He was so competent at his job.”

Landmark Excavation crew at PUD’s Landes Street project
With the winter storm season approaching, and crushed Christmas and New Year’s plans for families devastated by unemployed breadwinners, he’s most concerned for those who have lost their jobs, and the many customer/owners for whom an extended power outage could prove fatal.
Kithcart’s wife, Sarah, was also just fired from her job of nearly 8 years as a Medical Assistant with Dr. Dimitri Kuznetsov, for declining the jab. Kuznetsov’s clinic was subsumed by Jefferson Healthcare a while back. Another Medical Assistant in the office, a 9-year veteran, then quit because Sarah was fired. Both their days were spent providing maintenance urological care. Many of their patients will now have to turn to Jefferson Healthcare for these services. Think about that the next time you hear news reports about overwhelmed hospitals. The healthcare system is undergoing a controlled demolition.
The Kithcarts will be having a more solemn Christmas than usual, but they’re far more worried about what all this is doing to our community.
When is Coercion not Coercion?

Wikipedia definition of coercion
Another question I raised at the Dec. 14 meeting was how many employees did not want to receive the Covid jabs, but relented in order to keep their jobs?
PUD counsel, Joel Paisner, spoke up:
“Before staff weighs in, I just wanted to say that some of that information is really confidential to the employee and I don’t think it would be appropriate to comment on the individual status of each employee… I’ll just say that… it’s a matter of opinion whether it was coercion or not, it’s not a factual matter.”
I asked for the total number of employees who took an unwanted jab to keep their job, not for personal details. Paisner’s red-herring response sounded awfully similar to health officer Allison Berry’s well-practiced sidesteps from providing evidence when asked for it.
Coercion is a matter of opinion, not a factual matter? In Kurt Anderson’s opinion, coercion is very much a factual matter. His letter continues to address GM Streett:
“In the October 4 meeting you stated you had spoken with a lot of your staff…”
“I was never asked how I felt about any of this ahead of your decision and I believe there are other PUD employees who were also left out… The injustice of what happened to them is shameful. When they were faced with the many challenges listed above, this group of employees choose [sic], against their will and got vaccinated to retain their job. This is defined as COERCION…”
Jefferson County residents voted to purchase this electric utility from Puget Sound Energy to gain local control of our power, and to provide living-wage jobs which also fortify the tax base. That control is in the hands of our elected PUD commissioners (BOC) who determine policy that the General Manager is charged to carry out. In the case of this Covid policy, two out of three commissioners not only shirked their responsibility to determine sensitive policy, they’ve made the situation worse because of a hiring policy they passed two years ago.
Despite arguments that we need as broad a pool of applicants as possible for difficult-to-fill positions like linemen, the BOC enacted policy restricting employment to Jefferson County residents only. Streett has now terminated specialized experienced local workers. Our county pool for these highly-skilled jobs is exhausted and even if there were lineman available elsewhere, policy prohibits hiring staff outside Jefferson County unless they relocate. New hires who may have been willing to commute, from Port Angeles or Kitsap for example, must move here for employment.
We’ve already seen how difficult it is to procure trained linemen. Do you think a lineman with a good job and no mandate is likely to jump ship for a PUD with the most onerous policy in the state, where housing is in short supply?
Or will we be hiring out-of-county contractors to replace the local workers we just fired? Will both of these ill-advised policies now have to be rescinded (further exposing the PUD to legal action) in order to keep the lights and heat on?
District 1 Commissioner Jeff Randall’s seat is up for election next autumn. Talk is that he will have an opponent. The fallout from his support for the disastrous mandate policy will be verdant pasture for a challenger.
About as far away as you can get from JeffCo on this continent, Gainesville, Florida attorney Jeff Childers successfully challenged and won an injunction to shut down a “vaccinate or terminate” policy that the city was attempting to enforce. The director of their utility begged them not to do it, arguing that he “couldn’t guarantee safe and efficient operation of the utility if I lose that many people.” Like our PUD, the city charged ahead. The presiding judge sided with the utility and 250 other plaintiffs in the case, and stopped the mandate in its tracks.
JeffCo PUD customer/owners may not be so blessed. Successful lawsuits against our little public utility may haunt ratepayers for a very long time, even as extended outages amid staffing shortages bedevil us this winter.
- Errata: GM Streett stated at the Jan. 4 meeting that only two line crew were lost due to the mandate.
Annette Huenke studied International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to heading west, she was a manager for an Auckland-based international publisher of peer-reviewed drug information journals. In 1992 she moved to Port Townsend, opening Ancestral Spirits Gallery in 1993. She is past vice president of the Jeff Co EDC and board member of The Boiler Room. She researches, writes and wanders the forests around PT.
Thank you to the brave men and women who are standing up to these authoritarian mandates at great personal cost. You are fighting for all of us.
Annette: Has anyone started a fundraiser to help these individuals through this time?
To the co-workers who remain: If there was ever a time to show solidarity to your co-workers, now is the time. Never-ending boosters are on the way. If you do not stand up now, all together, you will be fired one by one when you eventually refuse a booster or some other arbitrary and capricious mandate. Nonaction on your part empowers the tyrants. We each must choose to either fight the battle that is in front of us or accept defeat.
Grateful for your thoughtful encouragement to co-workers, John. You are so right — those who stand up to these totalitarian diktats are fighting for all of us. This report was news to me as much as it is to our readers, I’ve barely had time to absorb it myself. Will provide updates on crowd funding as I learn of it. Of course (-; anyone out there can ignite that fire…
We are told, on a daily basis, about “cases and hospitalization” but what is left out are the lives that are dramatically altered, some forever, by government mandates. Business losses, loss of income, foreclosures, drug overdoses, suicides and and the stress of carrying the burden of constant fear, effect so many of us but go unnoticed. Have you ever asked yourself why are these stories never brought to public mainstream attention? Is this really all about a virus or is it about government overreach? Should we, with the recommendations of medical experts, be deciding what is best for ourselves and our neighbors or should it be politicians that make the decision for us, usually at the cost of personal freedom?
Thanks Annette for telling a story from our community that would never be mentioned in the local press.
Wow!! — extraordinary article — with great thanks to Annette and the PTFP, and especially our PUD employees & contractors willing to courageously step up with very personal accounts.
So sorry to hear, and blessings for those workers & businesses, as well their families that have taken such unreasonable & heartless, if not totally avoidable hits. One can only wonder what the heck is going on, and why? Much of what has unfolded feels purposefully antagonistic & alienating.
When the mandate saga was underway, i was one of the voices writing our Board & GM, forwarding also some essential studies & comparatives — in hopes for a more humane & practical approach. Crickets from both Collins & Streett. While i’ve had a series of exchanges with our district’s representative, Jeff Randall, his responses continuously sidestep the data & issues, offering only that he’s “comfortable” with his sources & choices.
On several occasions, i sent Jeff the recent initial FOIA release of Pfizer documents, along with several analyses, one of which is also linked below.
Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Records Reports:
For a third time, i asked Jeff if he’d read the documents — yes or no? That simple question has thus far been avoided.
For the most part, our PUD’s BOC has become a wall — not unlike the BOH, BOCC, and the PT city council. All these have put themselves out of reach, within their own closeted fiefdoms — exclusionary, except for parroting industry & political narratives. It seems most all our own reps have been coopted from further up the food chain. Who & what then are they representing?
Reminds of the smart meter debacle a few years back, when our PUD was caught redhanded, about to fly that excessively wrong-headed & costly deployment under the radar of public awareness.
Gratitudes for the PTFP, as well local voices telling it like it is.
I am a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Board (CAB) for the PUD. We were never consulted regarding this change in policy. In fact, our comments were essentially blocked. If I had been asked, I would have opposed it. This is bad policy. I have to question Kevin Streett’s decision making process as well as that of Commissioners Randall and Collins.
Thank you Annette for a well written article, I truly hope in the near future that this will affect positive change at the PUD.
Thank you kindly, Kurt. My gratitude goes to you. Without your courage and willingness to hold the line, there would have been no article. I am deeply concerned about our little utility, and I too hope that exposure of crucial information like this, which some would prefer was kept from public scrutiny, leads to righting the ship. The customer/owners deserve to know how vulnerable we are because of ill-advised policies.
So glad to see there is intelligent life in this county which seems like a test area for this nonsense. Glad to hear you standing up for your rights. Your life is more important than any job. Your blood may boil but at least it won’t coagulate. Great article. Thank you
I just had a friend stop over and I showed this to him. He must have read about one paragraph and wouldn’t go any farther. In the insueing discussion I mentioned the athletes who have dropped dead. He told me that he hadn’t heard anything on TV news about anything and he watches all the sports events. He also said that he had to wear a mask in the military, working in the papermill and in private business reconditioning cars. I’ve known him for over 50 years. We walked to school together and are fairly close. He doesn’t read history, only tech magazines and manuals. To me, he’s drinking the Kool Ade and doesn’t realize his danger.
Thank you for the detailed article about the Jefferson County Public Utility District Covid vaccine mandate. Since the mandate does not appear to benefit either the workers or utility customers, it most likely serves another entity – a malevolent presence that has captured other governments and public institutions.
The first step in defeating this destructive force is to acknowledge it exists. Next take actions to protect its intended victims from harm. My focus is on providing warmth if the PUD fails and early treatment against illness if the health system refuses aid. I have no interest in preserving failed institutions.
Thank you Annette. Another deeply important article. This is so wrong. We need to use our voting power to get the tyrannical out. We desperately need lawyers willing to be brave and stand up to these Nuremberg Code violations amongst many other violations and hold the Jefferson County government (puppets) accountable. Randall and Collins should be deeply ashamed of their inability to lead and putting our PUD in danger. Thank you to Dan Toepper.
Keep hammering.
Thank you Annette for doing such a wonderful story. I believe most of all the public around here want to do the right thing, the rest just don’t truly understand what makes a good community. Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but it’s not treating your employees like crap and taking their job at Christmas and putting the rest of our community at risk. Try helping someone you don’t even know and don’t look for anything in return. Try it some time Jeff!! Thanks again Annette, you do know what community is!!
Marty and Sarah, as with Kurt, my gratitude goes out to you. You had the courage to stand for what you knew to be right and to speak truth to power. Rare qualities in these inverted times when unquestioning compliance has been elevated to exalted virtue. You and Kurt made the telling of this important story possible. Thank you.
The last few days i’ve been particularly grateful for the blessings we have… as well for another sterling batch of comments to go with PTFP’s admirable investigative journalism.
Institutions, local to international, are entering a staged hyper-fail & “reset” mode, part of the vision & intent of that global “malevolent presence” MJ referenced. I concur with his/her spot-on assessments, which reside at the epicenter of our collective human crisis:
“The first step in defeating this destructive force is to acknowledge it exists”.
The PTB have long planned serial demolitions of the economic system, specifically its main driving engines — smaller & independent businesses. It’s apparent after watching our own PUD’s history of “missteps” during the last 5-6years, accruing more swiftly of late — plainly similar forces & intent are afoot therein.
Ditto with the BOH, BOCC, PT city council, the Port, etc. Barely a hint remains of “public process”, let alone legal legitimacy — these fiefdoms hold forth by executive mandate, just as farther up the political food chain. Out of touch and out of reach do not bode well.
To continue preserving the facade of these bureaucratic/technocratic operating systems only prolongs human suffering, disconnects & disempowerments, at multiple levels. “Voting” the system merely extends its malignancy, and our dependency on it. Perhaps it’s time to abandon that derelict, steer our own way with a purpose.
In aggregate, our distractedness, denial & duplicity have left us far too vulnerable to manipulations. It was never the intent of the authoritarians & “experts” to serve, let alone save our collective bacon. It’s a do-over for which every person holds innate responsibility.
Even as the PTB lose control of their narratives, alongside significant portions of the populations they would oppress — this is a final call, now that we are all up against the wall.
Right here, for whatever reasons, much dark design & behavior exploded into view within the initial weeks of covid/2019. During 7 decades, i’d never seen anything like it… but history is one long account of similar dramatic changes & divisions.
The PTB could never have attained what they did so quickly without their minions in place ahead of events, most everyplace. And why specifically in our region? As Stephanie clear-headedly observed —
“So glad to see there is intelligent life in this county which seems like a test area for this nonsense.”
And nonsense it is, until we stand together, and never again allow our natural power & responsibilities to be given/stolen away.
Have no idea who to credit this to, but it’s a keeper.
“Just tested positive for sovereignty…
Symptoms include:
Critical thinking
Bodily autonomy
Speaking your truth
The gift of discernment
Standing up against tyranny
Advocating for your children
Socially distancing from the system”