Two surviving spouses have come forward to describe their beloved mates’ deaths following Pfizer injections.
Our last reporting on heart damage from the shots focused on the increasing incidence in young people. Those mounting injuries and deaths are underscored by the local tragedy of a 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who recently suffered two life-threatening heart attacks just days after injection. The formerly healthy, active woman we called Laura is now living at great risk with acute myopericarditis. (See Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax.)
The two deaths reported here were among the earliest recipients of the mRNA shots, considered to be at high risk for the Covid-19 virus because of their age. Unlike previous contacts who have shared death and injury stories, both spouses have given permission to use their names and photos.
Paula Joanne Larson, 79
On February 18, 2021, Dean and Paula Larson of Port Ludlow both took their first Pfizer shot. Less than two weeks later, on the morning of March 3rd, normally cheerful Paula felt so unwell she told Dean, “I can’t eat. I’m going back to bed.” Minutes later, she called him for help. When Dean reached his wife, he found her fallen beside the bed, unable to get up. “All of a sudden her whole body started shaking and she stopped breathing,” he said.
Dean immediately called 911. A team of five paramedics arrived within ten minutes. “They worked on her for 35 or 40 minutes,” but couldn’t revive her. The doctor who signed Paula’s death certificate attributed her sudden demise to “heart failure.”
No one involved in this unexpected death asked about Paula’s vaccination status or even considered that the shot she had received just 13 days prior might have been the cause of her heart failure. In the heady early rollout of this experimental injection which the media and our health department incessantly promote as safe and effective, it never occurred to Dean or anyone else at the scene that the shot could be responsible.
It wasn’t until Dean had an appointment later that month with his primary care physician that a possible relationship between the shot and Paula’s death was first discussed. Unlike the majority of doctors we’ve heard stories about who insist that post-injection injuries and deaths have nothing to do with the shots—always “coincidences”—this independent physician had been doing his own research. He’d uncovered the same risks and patterns of injury being denied and covered up that the Free Press has been documenting since the rollout began.
Paula and Dean had been his patients for many years. Paula was diabetic, but otherwise healthy. Based on her medical history and what their doctor had uncovered through his research, he was concerned that the shot was responsible for her cardiac event.
“He really researched everything. He showed me articles online, how this was happening all over the world,” said Dean. “He showed me the situation in various states and countries.”
His doctor expressed frustration with the lack of autopsies being done to determine cause of death during this vaccine rollout. “That’s a problem with the medical industry,” Dean’s doctor told him.
Mayo-trained Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole agrees. Coroners are routinely refusing to conduct autopsies on those who have died following Covid vaccination, even when M.D.s order them:
“How can we do science if we’re not looking? When you do an autopsy, you get all the tissue… and you get all the answers, too.… They’re saying: Don’t autopsy that. It wasn’t the vaccine. Don’t look here… Is this science anymore? NO.”
As reported in an earlier article, it was a German report that gave us the “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2”. The researchers discovered that every single organ of the deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins as a result of the vaccine.
Dr. Cole, whose pathology lab is one of the largest in Idaho, has been sharing his findings from tissue samples and other imaging taken post-vax. In presentations at conferences like the White Coat Summit, he displays slides showing the serious damage to heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, testes, ovaries and more following mRNA injection.

In this 2-minute video Dr. Cole explains heart damage from spike protein inflammation:
“Here on the right side with the red arrows, that’s the sac that lines the heart. That’s inflammation surrounding that heart, and that’s going to cause swelling and pressure on the heart. On the left-hand side, those blue arrows, that’s the muscle, the wall of the heart. And all that white that you see on the left-hand side where the blue arrows are, that’s inflammation swelling the heart.”
“There’s no such thing as ‘mild‘ myocarditis,” says Dr. Cole. “When the heart is inflamed, that is a serious condition for a long time.”
Our second story is more complex, involving a pre-existing heart condition and far more time elapsed between the shots and heart failure.
James Makinson, 68
Just-retired chef Jim was “in great health—active and strong,” according to his wife Michele. He was delighted to have the time after retirement to focus on projects around their property in Kingston. He ate a healthy diet, didn’t drink, and had only one medical issue, a heart arrhythmia that led to getting a Pacemaker two years ago. The device was faulty, not functioning at all when the experimental mRNA shots were rolled out. Jim decided to wait until after he got the jabs to have it replaced.
He got his first Pfizer shot in January and the second in mid-February. Then, at the beginning of March, Jim got his new Pacemaker, one of the best available. “The surgeon [who replaced the faulty one] said his heart was in great shape,” Michele told me. “He said Jim had another 20 or 30 years,”
It wasn’t until July that something seemed off to Michele. “His skin tone changed; it was gray.”

The photo above was taken three weeks before Jim died.
Then in early August, he began sweating profusely. On the morning of August 8th, Michele found him laying on his side in bed, unresponsive. He had died in the night.
“I’m totally haunted by his death happening so unexpectedly,” Michele wrote. “What a shock.”
Like the Larsons’ doctor, Michele had also been doing research on the experimental injections. She herself had suffered from adverse reactions following her Pfizer shots. Echoing stories we have heard from others, an old injury was reactivated after the jabs. By June, she began to have painful arthritis in her hips. Her hip pain progressed so rapidly that by July she needed walking sticks. As doctors and scientists have warned, damage from the toxic spike proteins produced by the shots may be far worse over time than the immediate reactions so many are reporting.
While the couple resided in Kingston, Michele has commuted to Jefferson County for work and continues to use health practitioners here. With help from a Port Townsend acupuncture clinic for her adverse reactions, as well as beneficial supplements, her issues have diminished but have not resolved.
Jim was not so lucky. His unexpected death, six months after the Pfizer shots, didn’t make sense to Michele. With a new Pacemaker and no other health issues, why did he suddenly die in his sleep? Michele’s primary care physician insisted the shots had nothing to do with it. So Michele took it upon herself to get an autopsy. She paid $3500 to find out what caused her husband’s death.
It took three months to get the results. The autopsy confirmed Jim’s overall good health and concluded that he had suffered a heart attack: “This 68-year-old man, James Makinson, died from an acute myocardial infarction.” It identified atherosclerosis and an “enlarged heart” as the culprits. The Pacemaker was intact and functioning.
Could his Pacemaker have caused this? Older-style devices have been known to cause heart failure. But they do not cause the heart to enlarge or the arteries to narrow. According to his surgeon, Jim’s heart was not enlarged when the device was implanted five months before his death. With no cardiac issues other than arrhythmia, and that function restored by his new Pacemaker, the surgeon foresaw decades of solid performance ahead for Jim’s heart.
Did the shots cause his enlarged heart and artery constriction? As described by Dr. Cole above, evidence is mounting that the spike proteins generated by the mRNA shots are causing severe inflammation in blood vessels and organs—especially the heart—leading to clotting, swelling, scarring and irreversible heart damage.
The slides below show heart tissue damage due to inflammation. “That’s scars starting to form, and that scar [remains],” says Dr. Cole. “It messes up conduction pathways, can cause chronic heart failure over time.”

These slides from Dr. Ryan Cole show inflamed heart tissue leading to scarring:
“Heart doesn’t heal with new heart cells, it heals with scar. On the left-hand side, all those blue dots, that’s inflammation and all the pink, those are the fibers of the heart… All that blue-grey, that’s scar healing.”
The recent study featured at the American Heart Association’s annual conference found that risk of heart attacks and other coronary problems more than doubled within months after mRNA injections. The abstract noted: “At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose.” How far out they persist is still unknown. This global experiment is still fresh; the worldwide Phase 3 clinical trials foisted on the masses won’t conclude until 2023.
While a heart attack occurring months after the shots does not offer as clear an association as those within days like Laura’s or Paula’s, many doctors and scientists are warning that the toxic spike proteins can continue to damage organs and blood vessels over months, possibly years. They say that the real fallout from this unprecedented medical experiment will likely not be determined for some time.
Jim’s untimely death may be a harbinger of delayed reactions to the shots that we are just beginning to see.
Another example of such a delay happened to a healthy 72-year-old Port Townsend man who I spoke with recently. He received both Pfizer shots in March, and he, too, is now facing medical issues that didn’t start manifesting until this autumn.
“I had an EKG in October 2019, which was 100% normal. A subsequent EKG during 2021 after having received the Pfizer jab flagged a rhythmic irregularity.”
Six months after his shots, he began experiencing palpitations and neuropathy. His doctor decided to take another look at his heart.
“In the fall of 2021, an Echo-Cardiogram (ECG) was ordered, which revealed an enlargement of the right ventricular heart muscle. No prior indication of that outcome.”
He had no heart issues before the shots and now his ventricular muscle is enlarged. He feels its affects. “The association with the Pfizer jab is circumstantial, but in my opinion, it definitely seems related.”
Paula and Jim were both elderly, their deaths easily dismissed by skeptics as casualties that happen due to age. But even in the young, post-vax injury and death is being normalized. Since our last reporting, heart damage from the shots in young people has continued to rise, most shockingly in pro athletes in peak physical condition.
The number of athletes collapsing and dying post-vax has climbed to 335 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 190 Dead, After Covid Shots. Prior to the vaccine rollout it was a rare occurrence for one of these uber-healthy competitors to suddenly collapse on the field, let alone die. As seen in the graph below, the incidence of these adverse events has grown with each passing month since the shots were rolled out.
The website linked above provides a regularly-updated month-by-month compilation of every athlete reported to collapse, with all information known about their vax-associated injuries/deaths. Most have suffered cardiac arrest, but injuries also include blood clots (or thrombosis), stroke, irregular heartbeat, and neuropathy. More than half of these athletes, including teenagers, have died. Those deaths include a 12-year-old Italian female tennis player, a 13-year-old male football player in Nevada, a 15-year-old male German goalkeeper, a 12-year-old male basketball player in Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old male hockey player in the Netherlands, and most recently a 15-year-old male wrestler and football player in Ohio.
Nearly unheard of pre-2021, since this mRNA experiment began, youthful heart issues and deaths are becoming commonplace.
Even more damning than the new report showing heart attack risk doubling post-vaccination and the growing list of athletes collapsing, are Pfizer documents just obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) was formed specifically to “obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.” On August 27, 2021, four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, this nonprofit organization (comprised of public health and medical professionals, scientists and journalists) submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file.
When no response was forthcoming, on September 16th PHMPT sued the FDA for the information. The lawsuit “asked that this information be disclosed in 108 days – the same amount of time it took for the FDA to review and license Pfizer’s vaccine.”
In a response that beggars belief, the FDA first requested until 2076 to release this data—not to analyze it, but to simply release it. Then in a brief last week, the FDA extended that time line to 2096, a 75-year delay. They disclosed that the documents they ostensibly reviewed before approving the shots amount to 451,000 pages.
An initial 12,000 pages have been released by court order. Within those pages are the results of the first three months of Pfizer mRNA vaccine trials.
Pfizer’s internal adverse events data from December 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021 reveal:
- Of 42,086 adverse event cases in that initial 3-month period, 13,104—31%—either died or had a long-term, permanent side effect following injection from which they hadn’t recovered.
- In that group of 42,086, there were 1,223 deaths.
- Of 274 pregnant women who reported adverse events, 75 of them—27%—were significant, including miscarriages and stillbirths.
- Of 133 breastfeeding mothers, 13% of their babies had an adverse event from exposure to the injection through breastmilk.
- 34 children under the age of 12 inadvertently received the injection (that age group was not supposed to be included in the trials). 24 of those 34 children—70.6%—had serious side effects, 13 of them “unresolved”.
“This is irrefutable evidence from Pfizer themselves that this shot is dangerous,” says Alberta doctor Daniel Nagase who presents the above trial data in an interview with the Canadian Western Standard.
What will the other 439,000 pages reveal over the next 75 years?
In 1976, trials of a new Swine flu vaccine were halted in nine states after three people died. At 32 deaths, the program was dismantled nationwide. Pfizer’s own reports documenting 1,223 deaths over three months following the Covid mRNA injection were released to the FDA and other regulatory agencies on April 30, 2021. Incontrovertible proof of its dangers were known last spring, but not shared with the public. Rather than put an immediate halt to this travesty, the FDA then approved the shots for 5 to 11 year-olds in a unanimous vote (with one abstention), and are now going after the 6 month to 5 year-olds.
In 1976, there was no shortage of corruption in government, regulatory agencies and media. Over the last half century pharma’s capture of these groups—along with medical schools and the health-care industry—is complete.
In October 2021, after supposedly having access to the damning Pfizer data we are only beginning to get glimpses of, and after many hours of cautionary “these shots are dangerous, don’t do this to the kids” testimony—the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted to approve the jabs for our children.
They ignored testimony like that of Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, who asked: “Why are kids dropping like flies after getting vaccinated? Why didn’t the highly unusual causes of deaths in these kids raise any red flags? How can a kid who was in the Pfizer 12-15-year-old trial be paralyzed and not have that reported in the trial report to the FDA? Why are there no autopsies for death after vaccination? How many Americans have to die before you pull the plug?… Of the over 1,200 comments that have been posted against the vaccines in kids, I found only one in favor.” (4:23:12)
Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose testified: “Within eight weeks of the Covid-19 rollout for 12 to 15-year-olds, there were nineteen times the expected cases of myocarditis reported over background rates in this age group… What will happen in children aged 5 to 11? Where is the safety data?” (4:30:00)
Most of the 18 “experts” on the committee who voted to inflict this shot on our children have deep industry ties. One of them summed up the committee’s attitude before the vote: “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it.” (6:34:46)
How have we come to this? Over these nearly fifty years, propaganda techniques have been perfected to create what Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet calls “mass formation”—a kind of mass hypnosis/psychosis. Advances in propaganda delivery through new technologies, combined with total media control, have enabled pharma to create false narratives that completely saturate public perception and eliminate critical thinking.
But for those breaking free of the hive mind, it’s getting increasingly hard to trust our industry-captured regulatory agencies, our local health authorities who parrot their lies, and our politicians who rubber-stamp their edicts.
Arriving in Port Townsend in 1975 in Sherpa, her Ford van, Ana Wolpin has watched a sweetly funky, diverse and tolerant community increasingly gentrify and polarize. After almost half a century engaged in local business, city politics, county organizations and community projects, she joined with fellow editors to revive the Free Press and bear witness to extraordinary times. For a short sketch of Ana's history in Jefferson County, see “About the Free Press."
And they want to make it a law you have to take this. I had an adverse reaction to the flu shot when I was 21 and intuitively I knew it was the flu vaccine that got me super sick. I had never taken the flu shot before and I haven’t since. I was 21 and I haven’t had the flu since. I’m 45 now, when someone tells me I’ve got the flu I always ask did you get the flu shot. They all say yes and my doctor said if I didn’t I’d be a goner. lmao, they are basically getting the fearful types to inject themselves with the virus…it doesn’t make any sense to me…. vaccines kill people, just ask India and Africa they banned Ill Gates and his vaccines… if you want to be scared and afraid go ahead but don’t force it on my rights… its like playing Russian roulette…
Excellent reporting Ana. Thank you to the families for sharing the stories. Have these cases been reported in VAERS?
While correlation is not causation, we should not be ignoring the signal. The signal in VAERS is clear, and unquestionably underreported. The mechanism of action for the spike proteins to cause such events is also clear. We also know that the injections create more spike proteins in the body than a COVID-19 infection does.
Continued mandates, promotion, and administration of these injections is reckless. One cannot claim to be oblivious of the potential consequences of injection at this point. The crime has moved to manslaughter in the first degree:
“RCW 9A.32.060
Manslaughter in the first degree.
(1) A person is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when:
(a) He or she recklessly causes the death of another person; or
(b) He or she intentionally and unlawfully kills an unborn quick child by inflicting any injury upon the mother of such child.
(2) Manslaughter in the first degree is a class A felony.”
John, I asked both surviving spouses about VAERS reports and neither of these likely vax deaths were reported. As I have noted in past articles, they rarely are. In my article about Laura’s severe heart damage, I wrote:
“None of the personnel at either hospital reported the vaccine injury to VAERS, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System. While at JHC, Laura had been pointed to the VAERS website and told that she could file a report if she wanted to. The medical team in Silverdale confirmed it was her ‘choice’ to report her vaccine injury.”
That article was picked up by Clark County Today and a reader at that site just commented on their own inability to file a VAERS report despite contacting a CDC agent for help:
“Exactly what happened to me when I reported my side effects too, when I told my adverse reactions to a CDC agent! I live in a rural area with very poor internet abilities. I was never able to get the CDC VAERS form to work as I didn’t have enough data strength to support it.”
John, thank you for your comments. I think you are entirely correct. At this point in time, continued pushing of the fake vaxxine by our medical professionals is reckless endangerment and manslaughter. Not only are they pushing the fake vaxxine bioweapon, they are also actively SUPPRESSING proven treatment options. That is another possible count of manslaughter or even murder. In India, charges were filed against a top World Health Organization official who spoke against Ivermectin during a covid 19 outbreak, thus leading to thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of deaths. For example, Drs. Tyson and Fareed have treated over 7000 covid patients in their clinics in Southern California. Dr. Tyson recently stated in an interview they now have a 100% success rate if treatment begins in the first 7 days. If treatment is started after 7 days, it goes to 99%. So WHY do our local fake newspapers sport headlines announcing more and more “covid deaths”? As Dr. Peter Mccullough, one of the worlds top covid 19 treatment specialists, recently said: “The only people dying now of covid 19 are those who are denied treatment.” So the crimes continue around the world and right here in Jefferson and Clallam counties. Not since World War Two have we seen instances where single individuals were involved with such large scale mass murders.
Here is a link describing the charges filed against the Indian WHO official for suppressing the proven and life saving drug Ivermectin:
It is tragic and totally avoidable if these closet communist authoritarians would admit the truth and facts. Alas, their megalomaniac attitudes continue to oppress our God-given and Constitutional rights with their totalitarianism.
Our appointed health officer should be indicted for her lies, her Kafkaesque actions, and her unacceptable overreach – not to mention malfeasance with her patently illegal mandates that have no legal basis except King Inslee’s illegal order, neither of which has done anything to stem the number of positive tests.
Note, what they call “cases” are nothing more than positive tests by unreliable test materials. The number of false positives is stunning and criminal in their reporting as noted in a previous article on the PTFP solely to maintain their iron fist population control..
If they continue with their oppressive actions there WILL be a massive push-back and perhaps even violence under the current communist administration trying to pass as Democrats. Watch for more illegal mandates with each iteration of the mutations and the fear mongering govt plays in order to maintain absolute power and control.
My deepest condolences to both families and their friends.
We have a choice, we can blindly believe the opinions being voiced by our local health official as expressed in the Port Townsend Leader or the Peninsula Daily News, or we can use our ability to critically think by using the documented facts like in this excellent article by Ana Wolpin.
Please note that when our local health official is quoted she never references her “opinion” with documented facts. She doesn’t want us to think critically, she just wants us to follow her opinion. This is very apparent from the top, Dr. Fauci, down to Dr. Berry. They suggest, “Follow but please don’t think for yourself because we know what is best for you”. The difference between following opinion or making your own informed decision can only be made with official or peer reviewed facts and that difference can result in our very life or death. True investigative reporting is alive and well in our small but vibrant on-line paper, The Port Townsend Free Press.
Hopefully people will understand that forced vaccinations, lockdowns and mandates are not something that can be dictated by our government. Freedom is something that has to be protected, nurtured and expanded.
Well said. Too many people have died fighting for those freedoms. I also think that’s the reason behind all the murders, suicides, beatings, theft and drug addiction. The Fed in their infinite wisdom, shut down all the centers to help them and the people with mental problems.
Thank you Ana. The Free Press is our hope for getting the truth out. I am thoroughly convinced there has been no follow through with recording of adverse events including death in our county due to the shots. Ana wrote in spring of 2021 about my aunt who died before she could get her second pfizer jab. I repeatedly asked doctors and the hospital board if they had reported her death to VAERS. Eventually, I got a response saying I should probably report it to VAERS. Thats it.
I asked them to please make sure people were reporting any adverse events post drive through shots by making sure they at least signed up for the APP before leaving shot site. There was no response or change of action. It is as though these health care organizations who drone on and on about saving lives do not really care if your loved one dies or is injured.
My condolences to the families and victims of these experimental Jabs. I also appreciate the bravery in coming out with your stories. It is not easy but so important. Thank you.
To underscore the lack of adverse events reporting in JeffCo, of the dozens of local injuries and deaths that have been shared with me, only TWO were reported to VAERS:
That’s it. Beth and a healthcare professional who knows how to navigate the system. The only adverse event Berry and our health department have acknowledged is “Laura’s” tragic injury, which was not reported to VAERS. That admission is only because they have been forced to by multiple citizens publicly demanding a response after we reported it in the Free Press. And then Berry lied, saying it was a mild case of myocarditis, when we have documents proving it was both acute myocarditis AND acute pericarditis.
They vehemently deny and cover up damage from the shots while hyping cases—which doesn’t mean a person is necessarily sick or infectious, just that they had a potentially false-positive test.
I just read an article on the net about New York’s latest surge. Oddly, it’s all about people who have been vaccinated. There’s not a word about the unvaccinated people. That should tell them something, but it won’t..
Ana, youir observations and experience with the lack of VAERS reporting is typical of what we have seen for many months now. What that means is that there are at least HUNDREDS….if not THOUSANDS of adverse effects in Jefferson and Clallam county from the injections, with many people not even being aware that their strange, unusual or new symptoms have anything to do with the injections. In addition, there have no doubt been more unreported deaths. Since the injections were designed to worsen and enhance natural underlying conditions and those too are covered up or denied, it is difficult to tell. But based on what have have seen and heard, and Jefferson and Clallam counties population of about 100,000, the death rate should be many times what you have reported on. 10? 20? 30? More? We now see the injections can kill MONTHS later by worsening or creating natural appearing conditions. Sadly, we can expect nothing but more reports in the future. Thank you again for your excellent reporting.
Another profound telling — thanks Ana, and everyone within the community of PTFP.
These stand alone articles hardly necessitate additional comment…. except perhaps one — the premeditated evil is incomprehensible to our human hearts, while simultaneously we must.
Such is the rollout of the vaxx, accompanied by vast “adverse” consequences, as every day the PTB ups the ante — not only with their brainwash/hogwash, but the marathon running need to cover tracks, alongside myriad mad hatter attempts to obscure the obvious fallout, incessantly pointing elsewhere.
Sudden heart conditions & worse for our children & youths are now also part of the ever-developing “new normal”.
“Eastport-South Manor Central School District (ESM) in Suffolk County, New York sent out an email to all parents informing them about the new physician in their district. The new hiring was part of the new regulations regarding Sudden Cardiac Arrest of students Grades K- 12.”
A concerned parent wrote —
“I find it disturbing that they are now bringing on the new medical staff who specialize in sudden cardiac arrest. Considering we are seeing a lot of adolescents and athletes dying days after getting their COVID shots, it seems they are preparing for this.”
Closer to home —
“The City of Vancouver [B.C.] approved a motion earlier this month that will place 1,000 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), as well as first aid supplies, throughout the city.
“We have high hopes about this program and believe it will make a positive impact when it comes to the willingness of bystanders to respond during emergencies,” said Ty Speer, CEO of St. John Ambulance B.C. & Yukon in the news release.”
CDC Monitoring 8 Cases of Heart Inflammation in 5- to 11-Year-Olds Who Got Pfizer Vaccine.
“On the same day the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said it was aware of eight cases of heart inflammation in 5- to 11-year-olds vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID vaccine, Pfizer and BioNTech announced they would seek full approval for their Comirnaty COVID vaccine for children 12 through 15.”
“In a Dec. 17 conference call with investors and analysts, Kathrin Jansen, Pfizer’s head of vaccine research, said if the revised strategy works, “we would have a consistent three-dose vaccine approach for all ages.”
The trial enrolled children with or without prior evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection, despite more than 140 studies showing natural immunity derived from previous SARS-CoV-2 infection is long-lasting, robust and durable.
The companies also are testing a third dose in 5- to 11-year-olds and a third dose for adolescents between 12 and 17.
The most recent data from the People’s Vaccine Alliance reveal Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna are making combined profits of $65,000 every minute, or $93.5 million a day.
In its Q3 financial statement, Pfizer forecasts $36 billion in vaccine revenue for 2021, although gross profit from the revenue is split 50/50 with BioNTech.
During a February earnings call, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla assured investors that as initial demand for its COVID vaccine subsides, the company could make significant profits by charging higher prices and implementing routine booster doses for new variants of the virus.
During the Barclays Global Health Conferencein March, CFO Frank D’Amelio said the company doesn’t see vaccination as a one-time event, but “as something that’s going to continue for the foreseeable future.”
As initially referenced, the coldly calculated rollout of a vast money-making/killing machine is beyond comprehension. And yet we are impelled to do so, as well try to somehow remedy it.
Thank you for the detailed reporting. In addition, there is very powerful and significant new evidence for the lethal nature of the injections.
An eminent pathologist in Germany, Dr. Burkhardt, was asked by families to perform autopsies on 17 individuals who had died after taking the injections. Some were a full 6 months after the shots. The in depth investigation revealed the shocking fact that in 16 out of the 17 individuals who had died, Dr. Burkhardt found that all their major organ systems had been damaged by an autoimmune reaction to the injection. Once their own organs had begun producing the deadly spike protein, their own killer lymphocytes attacked their own tissues and organs. The injections caused their immune systems to attack their own organs. He believed this caused or significantly contributed to all the deaths.
Here are direct links to interviews with Dr. Bhakdi and Dr. Burkhardt revealing these shocking facts.
Dr. Bhakdi interviewing Dr. Burkhardt
Pathology conference with Dr. Burkhard:
More than ever, it is clear that the REAL biological weapon system is NOT just covid 19: the real killer is the fake vaccine, the injections.
Just a revised personal estimate, but I think the true number of deaths from the injections could be in the hundreds here in Jefferson and Clallam counties. Over time, with more boosters, it could go in to the thousands. But we’ll never really know for sure because they will just blend in with natural deaths. The counties no doubt keep death statistics? Perhaps that would be a good story? Other places around the world have reported a full 30 to 40% increase in the overall death rate from all causes? The average daily death rate? THAT would make for a chilling investigation here in Jefferson and Clallam county.
Here is a link describing the charges filed against the Indian WHO official for suppressing the proven and life saving drug Ivermectin:
I’d like to see posters and advertisements appear all over Jefferson and Clallam counties: “Wow: fearless, world class, in depth, life saving, professional journalism right here in Port Townsend! THE PORT TOWNSEND FREE PRESS. If you are not reading THE FREE PRESS, you are not reading the news!”
Ditto here for our father in March of last year. EVERYONE was in denial. Scum suckers @ Pfizers. Blasted them and after numerous calls to their HQ in Montreal, they phoned for an interview. Karma is a b*tch and they will get theirs. Our father was in great shape and exercised daily yet the local hack of a doctor blamed it on heart failure. Really ? How many years did you go to school to reach this conclusion ? Avoid till more is known.