by the Editors | Dec 31, 2021 | Health
“The welfare of the people, in particular,
has always been the alibi of tyrants,
and it provides the further advantage of giving
the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
— Albert Camus
What a year 2021 was for health disinformation, driving a top-down medical apartheid. Week after week, the Covid reports from health officer Dr. Allison Berry reinforced pharma’s false narrative that we are at war with a dreaded virus which can only be defeated if we comply with health officials’ increasingly draconian edicts and dutifully offer ourselves up to the vaccine gods. Our commissioners, Berry’s bosses, look on in rapt attention as she spins her webs of delusion.
The attempt to paint the refuseniks (still a solid 30% of Americans) with the blame brush has backfired badly, with even The Atlantic acknowledging the turning tide: “The Pandemic of the Vaccinated Is Here.”
The “permanent emergency” public health bureaucracy is wearing thin the patience of many, including the formerly compliant… workers who tolerated the mask or took the first jab to keep their job, employers who had neither training nor desire to become enforcers of these measures.
But that hasn’t deterred spin doctor Berry from her single-minded mission of keeping our citizenry in fear and stigmatizing those refusing to follow her dubious “health measures”. Whether it’s falsifying data on the percentage of unvaxxed in our hospital, denying local injuries and deaths from the experimental injections, or her most recent fear-mongering about Omicron, it’s not possible to narrow her disinformation to just ten statements.
This is only a start. Four of us (see Contributors key at bottom) have selected these Top Ten Disinformation Statements to welcome the New Year. Drum roll, please…

BERRY on the severity of COVID-19 illness in children versus risk from inoculation:
“Kids are much, much more likely to get severely ill from COVID-19 than any vanishingly small potential risk from the vaccine.”
(11-08-21 BOCC meeting)
“At this time, it appears that severe illness due to COVID-19 is uncommon among children.” – American Academy of Pediatrics [source]
Why this degree of hyperbolic fear-mongering when the data from the most ardent pushers of the jab campaign disagree with Allison Berry and her ephemeral “we” advisors? After all, the “vaccine” rollout in the 5 to11 year olds had not even begun here on the peninsula when this statement was made, and we were on the country’s leading edge of that rollout.
As reported in the journal Toxicology Reports only seven weeks prior:
“Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term (a few months), had samples not representative of the total population, and for adolescents/children, had poor predictive power because of their small size. Further, the clinical trials did not address changes in biomarkers that could serve as early warning indicators of elevated predisposition to serious diseases. Most importantly, the clinical trials did not address long-term effects that, if serious, would be borne by children/adolescents for potentially decades.”
How can anyone claim a “vanishingly small potential risk from the vaccine” when even FDA committee members who approved the jab for kids acknowledge its safety profile is unknown and this rollout is the real trial? “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it.” (10-26-2021 FDA meeting on Pfizer’s Covid vaccines for kids ages 5 to 11) The clinical trial for Pfizer’s childrens jab and post-surveillance myocarditis studies won’t be completed until 2023, and 2024-27, respectively. [source]
Where does the spin doctor get her information? Perhaps the better question is, from where does the spin doctor get her direction? (AH)

BERRY on effective treatments for Covid-19:
“Ivermectin… has shown NO efficacy in preventing or treating COVID-19…. Nothing else has succeeded [at treating COVID-19] until these most recent [Merck] pills and monoclonal antibodies.”
(11-22-21 BOCC Meeting)
- 40 robust peer-reviewed ivermectin COVID-19 studies show a 70% improvement over the control group, with the most significant improvements from prophylaxis.
- 52 peer-reviewed studies on the effects of Vitamin D on COVID-19 suggest that the vitamin (which around 42% of Americans are deficient in) can improve COVID-19 outcomes by 44%.
- A 38% improvement was found in 194 COVID-19 hydroxychloroquine studies, with the most significant positive effects coming from early treatment (65% improvement).
Other drugs and supplements, including, but not limited to, fluvoxamine, quercetin, zinc, and bromhexine, have also shown positive results, though fewer studies have been completed with these treatments. The most effective treatment protocols include a combination of several drugs.

Click on image to hear cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough’s testimony to the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services, 3-23-21
In March of 2021, leading cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, who developed the McCullough Protocol for COVID-19 treatment, testified to the Texas Senate that up to 85% of COVID-19 deaths in the United States could have been prevented had there been more focus on treating sick patients with drugs known to be safe and extremely effective. “Covid-19 has always been a very treatable illness.”
Dr. Pierre Kory, cofounder of the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance, has also testified to the effectiveness of these treatments, including ivermectin: “It basically obliterates transmission of this virus…. It is proving to be an immensely powerful antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. It is critical for its use in this disease.”
McCullough and Kory are among many doctors and scientists who have spoken out about the suppression of effective treatments. Without that suppression, the experimental injections would likely not have been granted Emergency Use Authorization. (KG)

BERRY on local cases of myocarditis from the shots:
“There has been only one case of myocarditis reported in Jefferson County, and it was a mild case.”
(12-14-21 Peninsula Daily News)
The Free Press reported on the formerly-healthy 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who suffered two separate heart attacks in two different hospitals just days after her second Pfizer shot. (“Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax”) Her Cardiology Progress Notes documented our story.

If there has been only one case of myocarditis caused by the shots here in Jefferson County (unlikely), it certainly was not a mild one.
After her first heart attack at Jefferson Healthcare, “The [ER] doctor said he didn’t know how I was still alive.” The cardiologist at St. Michael in Silverdale told her following the second heart attack that her heart looked like that of an 80-year-old.
Her ultimate diagnosis, as shown in the hospital cardiology notes, was Acute myopericarditis with elevated troponin. That means severe myocarditis compounded by severe pericarditis—acute inflammation of both the heart muscle and the sac lining the heart—nothing mild about it.
Either Berry is not being told about the adverse reactions following shots in the counties she is charged with overseeing… or she is lying outright. (AW)

BERRY on the recent rise of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19:
“Cases are up 43 percent in the country. Hospitalizations are up 23 percent and deaths are actually up 32 percent.”
(12-13-21 BOCC meeting*)
Contrary to Berry’s baseless claim that hospitalizations across the country were up 23 percent, they were falling precipitously since Thanksgiving:

Below is a screen shot from the CDC’s “Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)” page as of 12/30/2021:

This chart indicates that, at the time of Berry’s Dec. 13 report, the mortality rates were lower than the prior two weeks’ numbers. Deaths are “actually up 32 percent?” Show us your evidence, Dr. Berry. This is a fraudulent claim until proven otherwise. (AH)

BERRY on why Jefferson County is “surviving this”:
“That we’re vaccinated, that we have so many people wearing masks and that we have these safety measures in place…
That’s why we’re surviving this.”
(12-13-21 BOCC Meeting)
- Data shows that in many cases, there is no pronounced relationship between the percentage of people vaccinated and the number of COVID-19 cases. In fact, some countries with the highest vaccination rates simultaneously dealt with the world’s highest case rates. The latest WHO COVID-19 Update continues to show that relatively unvaccinated Africa makes up a disproportionately small share of global COVID-19 cases and deaths.
- There is considerable doubt around the ability of face masks (especially homemade, cloth masks) to prevent the spread of COVID-19. (see #2)
- Jefferson, Clallam and King are the only counties in the state with the proof of vaccination requirement for restaurants and bars, and data from the Washington State Department of Health does not support the claim that these passports are helping. Out of Washington’s 39 counties, with 1st being the lowest case and hospitalization rates, the counties under Berry’s edicts rank among the worst:
Jefferson ranks 27th, Clallam 36th and King 38th
for 7-day COVID-19 Case Rate
Jefferson ranks 28th, Clallam 29th and King 15th
for 7-day Hospitalization Rate (KG)

BERRY on frontline workers:
“What we don’t talk about is that 750,000 Americans died of COVID and that is actually part of our workforce shortage. Those are disproportionately frontline workers. And so, we lost a ton of bus drivers, we lost a ton of truck drivers and health care workers and grocery store workers, and they have died.”
(11-15-21 BOCC Meeting)
These statements are hard to reconcile with CDC data showing that 95% of CV deaths have an average of 4 other serious comorbidities contributing to their deaths… therefore occuring “disproportionately” in nursing homes or among those in their 90s like recent Clallam Covid deaths, not any kind of workforce loss, especially not “frontline”!
By contrast, on April 28, 2020 the United Food & Commercial Workers union reported just 72 deaths among its 1,270,000 frontline workers over the two-month period of the initial CV flare-up, a “proportionate” rate to those sheltering in place. (Note these moderate frontline fatalities were largely before shoppers or workers began wearing masks.)
But if Berry is so concerned about losing these frontline workers, why is she intent on getting them fired and deprived of their livelihood when their deeply-held beliefs diverge from her vaccination priority? (SS)

BERRY on natural versus synthetic immunity:
“What we see is that immunity through a prior infection is more variable compared to immunity due to vaccination. The other thing that we know is immunity from prior infection fades. So it goes away over time.”
(11-15-21 BOCC meeting)
The inverse of Berry’s statement is true. Vaccine failure has led to talk of endless boosters. Conversely, “people who develop Covid have complete and durable immunity,” says Dr. Peter McCullough in Senate testimony. “Complete and durable. You can’t beat natural immunity.”
- Natural immunity is long-lasting and robust, according to data from well over 100 studies.
- This peer-reviewed study “showed that infection by SARS-CoV-2 could lead to 55 different antibodies: 5 from the spike, 50 from the other viral proteins. There are 50 ways to be immune that do not involve the spike protein…” [source]
- “Waning of vaccine protection against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection…is a concern,” says this recent peer-reviewed NEJM study.
Like her predecessor Dr. Tom Locke, Berry continues to deceive the public with intentional misuse of the term “immunity.” The new gene therapies never claimed to provide immunity. They were designed to lessen severe disease—the ongoing clinical trial endpoint was milder symptoms once infected. (AH)

BERRY on hospitalization rates for very young children:
“The other key thing to know is that the highest age range that gets hospitalized for COVID-19 is actually kids 0 to 4.”
(11-08-21 BOCC meeting)
Children that young have never been in the “highest age range” for hospitalization for COVID-19, nor are they now, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):
- “The available data indicate that COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death is uncommon in children.”
- “Among states reporting, children ranged from 1.8%-4.1% of their total cumulated hospitalizations, and 0.1%-1.8% of all their child COVID-19 cases resulted in hospitalization.” [source]

Covid hospitalizations as a percent of cases, by age.
Bar at far left is 0 to 4 year olds. Highest age range for hospitalizations?
The CDC mirrors the AAP’s position, directly the opposite of Berry’s claim: “Rates of COVID-19-associated hospitalizations are also lower in children of all ages compared to adults.” (AH)

BERRY on masks:
“There’s also a massive amount of data that wearing a mask reduces transmission by 80%. … they reduce your risk by 80%.”
(8-19-21 BOCC meeting)
- WHO’s latest guidance shows “only limited and inconsistent scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of masking healthy people in the community to prevent infection with respiratory viruses.”
- Large randomized controlled trials “found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2.” (source]
- The systematic review “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses” found masks offered “little or no difference to the prevention of influenza-like illness.”
- Aerosol viruses freely “pass through gaps between the face and the surgical mask.” [source]
So where is Berry’s “massive amount of data”? Cue the crickets noise. She has been asked repeatedly to provide any specific sources justifying her claims, and all she does is hand-wave away questions and tell people to “look at that entire amount of data … freely available on the CDC and WA DoH websites.”
Berry is echoing a 37-second propaganda video and tweet from CDC director Rochelle Walensky making the same 80% claim. The video ends with a non-specific link to CDC.GOV/CORONAVIRUS, which offers no information on this mask claim. The only CDC-noted study about masks achieving “upwards of 80% blockage” has a “minimum detectable droplet size” much bigger than the aerosol SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Berry and Walensky should know they are making a category error by trumpeting that masks “reduce your risk by 80%” and “prevent the spread of COVID-19 by reducing your chance of infection by more than 80%”, justified only by an experiment showing blockage of droplets. They are “trying to quantify the real-world impact of masks based on a laboratory study that did not measure it.”
Of course, that’s assuming Berry has any knowledge of this lone study on the CDC website having any connection to her 80% claim (hardly “a massive amount of data”) and is not just parroting simplistic catch phrases promulgated by her higher-ups. (SS)

BERRY on U.S. deaths from the Covid jab:
“There have been on the order of less than 20 deaths associated with those severe clots related to the J&J vaccine. And that’s it. No one else has died from their COVID-19 vaccine. I believe it’s 11 nationwide.”
(11-15-21 BOCC meeting)
- 1,223 deaths are reported in Pfizer’s own trial data from post-vax surveillance in the first 90 days of the rollout. When the FDA did not comply with a FOIA request for Pfizer’s documents hidden from the public, a lawsuit forced their release, revealing 42,086 adverse events and 1,223 deaths after their shot alone in the first 3 months. (source)(source)
- 20,000+ deaths have been reported to VAERS, the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
- In July, a whistleblower inside the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) revealed that their data showed 48,465 people died shortly after receiving their injections.
- 150,000+ deaths have been estimated in analyses by nine separate researchers: “Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccine“
- Since the vax rollout began there have been 200,000+ excess deaths, based on CDC Deaths from All Causes data. (see article above)
Aside from Berry’s claim making no sense (<20 deaths by clotting from the J&J vax alone, but total of 11 nationwide from all manufacturers?), it is perhaps the most absurd lie told by the CDC and—as required in her parroting role—by our public health officer. One has only to read a few dozen VAERS reports, many from medical personnel, to ask how any public health official could make such a ludicrous statement. Is she suggesting that Pfizer falsified their own data to show more deaths after their experimental mRNA shot than actual?

Or that of the more than 20,000 deaths reported to VAERS after the shots—many of them anaphylaxis and heart failure within hours of injection—all but eleven are coincidences or fake reports?

Eleven vax fatalities in the entire country? We have reported on multiple deaths denied, covered up, and/or re-labeled in our little county alone.
Is our health officer delusional? A pathological liar? Or simply a programmed repeater of disinformation from higher up the food chain? (AW)
CONTRIBUTORS (the Editors plus one!):
AH – Annette Huenke
SS – Stephen Schumacher
AW – Ana Wolpin
KG – Kincaid Gould
*Correction: The original version cited 12-29-21 instead of 12-13-21 as the date of Berry’s #7 quote.
by Gateway Poplar Alliance | Dec 28, 2021 | General
In early October 2021 the Leader reported that the Lombardy poplars along Sims Way were to be cut down. Subsequently we have learned that a three-pronged project is underway moving at precipitous speed. It was initiated in August 2021, receiving approval from the Port Townsend City Council, the Port of Port Townsend, and Public Utility District commissioners.
In November these agencies went to the County requesting infrastructure grant money. Their piecemeal plan ignores the visions and intentions adopted and recorded in numerous public documents. Furthermore this fragmentation appears to skirt the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), which requires public review to avoid vague and ambiguous planning, unknown impacts and consequences.
Known as the Sims Way Project, the plan proposes to cut about 150 poplars along the right of way (ROW), the Port on the south side and Kah Tai on the north; to underground the electric line used as a backup located between the poplars and the Port’s fence line; and to expand the boat yard by placing the fence closer to the highway ROW. The phone line most visible from the road and the madronas close to Haines Street intersection have not yet been mentioned.
In fact, many parts of this project are yet unknown, such as the massive vaults amongst the poplars, the CenturyLink phone lines, the fiber optic vault, the two storm water drains at the Haines Street signal, the two fire hydrants with water lines, and the Port stormwater swales. The proposed plan supplies no options either in expense or design, ignoring any more affordable or common-sense alternatives.
The Leader’s “Guest Viewpoint” printed December 15 opens, “Occasionally we’re forced to walk hastily through a doorway when we’re not ready or willing.” We infer that the City, Port, and PUD managers have launched a proposal they really didn’t want but felt forced to do, not knowing precisely what further steps will be necessary. This “leap before you look” process shows major deficiencies in the system that pushed forth the Sims Way Project.

PUD Concept
Misleading concept from the PUD. The poplars on the left along the Kah Tai Park right of way are to be cut down also.
The proposed project does not operate in isolation. Instead it will alter the entire viewscape in the section of the Gateway Development Plan known as the Flats. Rather than entering a Victorian Seaport and Arts Community (the golden eggs of prosperity announced to tourists at the entrance to town), the PUD concept depicts instead a 21st century vision of streamlined sterility and linear convenience… the same boring monoscape used for strip malls throughout the United States.
The above concept view reflects a paucity of understanding of the essence of this community: its inspiration and investment for architecture, policies, advertising and volunteering, with development guided by years of public process in defense of the historic and cultural legacy and habitat. Numerous plans adopted over the years reflect this effort, founded in pride of place, knowledge of the ecology and stewarding of the beauty and history of this community.
The managers, all new to their jobs, have sketched some steps for the project. The tree cutting will begin soon — no one will say when. At some time ditching will begin, but it will involve all manner of pipes and lines that are already in place. In the future, after the poplars are cut, the managers will choose 10 people as “professional stakeholders” to decide on a new landscape design that precludes replanting Lombardy poplars, justified by mostly bogus information.
These managers are either unaware of or hold little regard for the years of community meetings, committees, and surveys providing the vision and guidance for what we value about this place. They have conceived how Sims Way across the Flats will look in the future — stripped, paved and planted to formula store specifications.
Someone has decided that the park-side poplars, planted and replanted over almost one hundred years, will be taken and not replanted, regardless of the trees’ resiliency, spectrum of ages, and numerous functions unaccounted for. The poplar roots may have caused two slight bumps along the north Kah Tai walkway. How the city decided those two bumps would get priority over all the patched, potholed, and neglected residential streets in town is unknown.
The argument of native and non-native is bogus, the city tree list is all non-native.
It claims poplars take up water and root space from the firs – more likely the poplars act as a windbreak for the fir and pines planted in dredge spoils, needing the sheltering from the salty environment. That their root systems are in the way for ditching and will die if some roots are cut belies the existing southside underground utilities located amongst the poplars and madrones: the trees tower over vaults for electric and fiber optic lines, water and sewer lines, fire hydrants and deep ditching along the foundation of the brew pub — the poplars live.
From the managers’ viewpoint, first, patronizing and then bewildering:
“They have a history, are a majestic statement about who we are to anyone coming into Port Townsend, and are loved by many, us included. For years—decades in fact—those who knew about this fast-growing species embedded the need to find an eventual replacement into planning documents.”
Their confusion is embarrassing. There is no embedded, fixed or implied replacement such as interpreted by the managers. These documents with vision statements took years and broad public support to create. They offer guidance for the future that does not destroy our heritage. And if you doubt that, then bring us into a public process.
The Landscape
The poplars mixed with madrones and needled trees are impressive across the viewscape, once a tidal estuary. From the adopted Gateway Development Plan: “All development should maintain and enhance existing plantings and trees located parallel to, and set back from, Sims Way and provide a backdrop for the buildings along the Gateway Corridor.” And, “Most importantly, the Gateway Development Plan sets out a community-wide vision that the City and Washington State Department of Transportation will use in the design, permitting and funding of new roadside improvements along SR 20.”

The Lombardy poplars along with madrones are a part of our history and have important attributes including a complex relationship with mycorrhizal fungi in the soil. This symbiotic relationship sequesters heavy metals in the trees and fungus filaments keeping heavy metals from the bay waters. These functions must be taken into consideration when designing for the future landscape and the aesthetics of the Gateway corridor.
Photo: Larry Eifert
The View
The view from the top of the S curve, the poplar tunnel, is eye-catching; verticality, seasonal color along with the caprice of light and wind pandering to the leaves is stunning. These trees are able to thrive in poor soils; no need for expensive soil amendments or irrigation. They break up the prevailing on-shore breeze, filtering dust and fumes, and do not fall over in big storms. In fact, they provide extensive natural services as well as beauty unlike the tiny urban clones proposed to replace them.
There are multiple poplar-lined corridors, layered from the Port, along the lagoon, and threading the golf course all the way to F Street and beyond, throughout the Quimper Peninsula. Does the City plan to log out all of them?

“Primarily native to North America, the poplar species has been well categorised under different name heads, namely: Aspen, Cottonwood, and the Balsam Poplar species. The name Populus has its foundation derived back to the Roman Times, where there was a predilection to plant the poplar trees around the public meetings areas.”
Photo: Julie Jaman
The Functions
The Flats, once a series of tidal wetlands and ponds, was filled with nutrient-poor dredge spoils in the mid-twentieth century, over 200,000 yards dug from the marina. That’s why the firs and pines are struggling. The poplars and madrones are some of the few tree species that can tolerate and thrive in such soils. They also help buffer the firs and pines from the salty wind. The Gateway Plan states the poplars should be thinned and replanted when they wear out or fall down, an explicit path to why we still have them. But regular maintenance hasn’t happened in years and they sure need a cleaning up. They, like all trees and public landscapes, need tending; a regular inspection and limb pruning as needed every few years along with encouraging young seedlings to replace any trees that must come down.
“Poplars are some of the fastest-growing trees in the world. They can tolerate the worst conditions and are heavily favored by wildlife. In places where land has been degraded or is falling apart, the poplars can rebuild. They produce tremendous amounts of biomass, feed unbelievable numbers of insects, birds, and mammals, and suck tons of carbon out of the sky like gigantic outstretched vacuums.” (source)

Poplars provide good bird habitat; dense and complicated foliage for gleaning insects and nesting sites. This photo shows a poplar with one of 50 American Bushtits flashing through.
Photo: Nancy Cherry Eifert, Oct 2021
Community Input
This very small town brings lots of love and support for both the historic and modern boat culture. Much of the “…marine-related manufacturing, assembly, haul out and repair activities..” and industrial lighting are polluting. But it is the Port’s responsibility to capture pollutants: volatile organic compounds caused by welding, sanding, painting, and varnishing. It is not the community’s responsibility to relinquish its unique landscape to make way for industrial growth.
Further, the Lombardy poplars provide some needed services including the uptake of heavy metals from the road and the Port stormwater. The poplars function as air and chemical filtration as well as carbon capture.
About the yard lighting: LED lights on high poles cast glow and glare into the night sky and across large spaces disrupting creatures’ night habitat and lighting the windows of residents on the hillsides -a “high end” view.
“Uptown was where the merchants, sea captains, and professionals of Port Townsend built their homes… overlooking the port and the buildings of Downtown.” The poplars help to block such intrusive lighting. There should be a thorough review and plan for the lighting: placement, intensity/lumens, color, height, and hooding. Light pollution on land or at sea, can be dealt with in a cost-effective and safe way. Shielding lights with blinds, using warmer lights (more red hues) and installing motion-triggered lights can reduce seabirds’ attraction to their harmful glow.

The trees provide some separation for pedestrians from the toxic fumes and dust of the boat yard and they help to infiltrate stormwater. The trees provide a semi-screened view of the tattered silver and blue tarps and big, white tents in the work yard; tree services to help keep the Port in good stead with the community.
This is what the Port Director promises the people of Quilcene about the Herb Beck Marina Planning. And this is what we want for the Sims Way Project proposal.
“With imagination as our limit, there are a few key principles that must be considered before the plan is recommended to the Commission.”
- The plan must have broad community support and must be aligned with the community’s vision for the future.
- The plan must be consistent with and help to implement the mission and purpose of the Port.
- The plan must meet the Port’s triple-bottom line (a common mantra for organizations). That is: It must balance the economic, environmental and social consequences of the proposed actions.
“A key question is: Does each element have to be profitable? I don’t believe it does. However, the plan as a whole should be financially sustainable for… [the Port]… so the vision imagined in the plan remains viable for future generations.”
This three-in-one plan needs a SEPA process to provide the community an opportunity for in-depth review, confirmation of data, consideration of new information and a selection of alternative solutions including landscape design options not yet considered. Port particulars about chemical fumes, dust, lighting and stormwater are clearly needed. PUD particulars need to include costs for options, i.e. taller poles and other mechanical adjustments that are less expensive than undergrounding. City particulars should include clarity about infrastructure project priorities and scheduling regular tree maintenance. Consider if the trees were not removed, the electric wire was put on higher poles, the Port fence was moved closer to the trees, then what level of service is needed alongside the boatyard and park ROWs?
“The Gateway Corridor includes many of the natural elements that give Port Townsend its character. Because the alteration of the natural environment will continue as more development occurs, it is important to restore a landscape that is in concert with the natural environment. Recognizing topographical opportunities and retaining existing vegetation are beginning points for good design.”
Look in the adopted Gateway Development Plan, the Comprehensive Plan, the Vision 2020, the Non-motorized Trails Plan, The Formula Store Ordinance, the Trees for Port Townsend project, the Kah Tai Park project, Parks, Recreation and Tree Functional Plan. Over the years the community has supplied vision and guidance for our small town aesthetics as we proceed into the future.
These three agencies, managers, council and commissioners, should not ditch years of community involvement in favor of a concept idea that belies the overarching visions and guidelines honed to cradle the legacy worthy of one of the loveliest historic seaports in the country. A course correction is needed before the saws come out.

The following organizations are seeking an open public process to
add essential information about the project and respecting the tradition
of community inclusion:
Representatives from these three groups wrote letters to the Port, the City and PUD with documentation and concerns about the project proposal and the absence of meaningful public process.
by Annette Huenke | Dec 23, 2021 | General
“Kevin, at the end of the day, I believe that this mandate was the wrong choice for the PUD and our community and wholly unnecessary. Ultimately it was your decision that put your work force in a compromising position, boxed in a corner and forced to make a choice they never should have been forced to make.”
Kurt Anderson,
former PUD Lineman
T’was the night before Christmas, and all through the district…
Jefferson County Public Utility District employees and contractors got unwelcome surprises in their stockings this year—ultimatums, coercion, pink slips. The holiday mood around our little utility is far from merry and bright. Management’s extreme position on vaccine mandates has cost our PUD precious staff, loyal contractors and a great deal of good will, both inside the facility and out. As the winter storm season threatens, remaining linemen are concerned about power restoration and public safety.
Speaking under condition of anonymity, former and current line crew expressed deep frustration with management, this policy and its execution, particularly the dismissal of three* of their team at the worst possible time of year. “We have terminated quality hands for speaking their minds and/or not complying with the mandate.”
Fewer men will have to cover more work, which will impose unnecessary hazards on remaining linemen. They fear it will impact response time for outages.
In-house staff runs lean and the PUD relies on full-time contracted high-voltage crews to help handle all of our needs. Titan, the largest of these, was not interested in complying with the mandates. Now they will have to be replaced. Sources describe “a scramble to get line contractors” because the mandate is so unpopular “and not desired by the absolute majority.” The list of contractors who aren’t submitting their “attestation letters” is long indeed. Documents obtained by the Free Press show that half of the PUD’s subs have refused to comply with the new mandate.
When the prospect of mandating Covid vaccines for all PUD employees was first publicly raised at the Oct. 4th commissioners meeting, numerous customer/owners wrote and Zoomed in to express their concerns, both for the employees and what it could mean for our service needs. As reported by the Free Press days later, not one of those concerns was addressed.
That article detailed how our PUD was exceeding what was required by Inslee’s mandate and recommended by WAPUDA (Washington Public Utility District Association). It also asked why two out of three elected PUD commissioners abrogated responsibility for such a significant policy decision. Commissioners Jeff Randall (District 1) and Ken Collins (District 2) avoided concerns raised by ratepayers, Citizen Advisory Board members and staff by cutting the discussion short. They sidestepped their policy role by directing General Manager Kevin Streett to make the call instead.
At the Dec. 14 meeting I asked how many PUDs in this state are following the hard line that ours has taken with the mandates, and how many are not mandating jabs at all? No one cared to respond to those questions. A week later, excavation contractor Marty Kithcart reached out to the Free Press, happy to answer those queries: Not one other Washington PUD is mandating jabs for jobs. Not one.

Portion of JeffPUD “attestation” letter sent to contractors – Vaccination Requirement
Kithcart and a buddy canvassed all state PUDs plus many others around the country, and they couldn’t find a single PUD enforcing these mandates. Why should any of the contractors mold their company policies to satisfy the demands of one small utility? GM Streett has claimed we implemented the mandate to be “compliant” with state orders. Why are no other PUDs afraid to be out of compliance? Don’t expect an answer.
The backlash from this mandate zealotry has potential to do real damage. It appears there were inconsistencies in the offering of weekly testing as an option. Some employees and contractors were given religious exemptions, others were told they could “not be granted accommodation.” Unfair labor practices would further expose the utility to litigation. Just about every day we hear of another huge employer walking back the mandates for whatever reasons—GM, 3M, Verizon, Amtrak, Cleveland Clinic, Advent Health and (last week) Boeing. Will those who were coerced to accept the jab to keep their job come after their employers? Who could blame them if they did?
The screen shot below shows the PUD’s roster of electrical staff before the mandate was announced by GM Streett in October. Even at that time the utility was short-staffed, advertising for additional Journeymen Linemen to fill out needed crews. “We’ve had a job posting for a lineman for almost 2 years unfilled,” one employee said. “We had three local linemen let go at a time when it is a struggle to find them.”

October 8, 2021 screen shot from PUD website showing electrical employees before mandates were announced. Employees in red have either walked or been terminated for refusing experimental injections.
A veteran lineman responds to his termination
Someone high up the food chain decided that “terminations” were going to be re-labeled “separations” for Build Back Better times. Sounds softer, gentler. Separation is way better than divorce, right? Long-time lineman Kurt Anderson’s lengthy response to his termination is as raw as it is well-considered.
“Kevin Streett’s premise to go forward with a vaccine policy was quote ‘to be in compliance’ with Washington State Department of Transportation’s own policy. I believe this to be a false premise.”
“In my just shy of 7 years at the PUD when I have worked on state right of ways or projects I have not encountered any state workers in close proximity to the job site. If I was still employed by the PUD and should a situation arise where I encountered a state employee/s on the job site I do believe I could follow the CDC guidelines to achieve safe distancing…. If I could not maintain social distancing while working aloft, I would stay on the ground in a support role…. we have survived almost two whole years with the initial covid safety policy in place and I feel safe with it as it is.”
Terminating a long-time unvaxxed employee in a hard-to-fill critical position under the premise that he could be a safety hazard to a vaxxed state worker is beyond foolhardy for an already-understaffed small county utility. The premise doesn’t even hold water. Anderson has done his own research; his statements about the jab are factual:
“I would like to point out that as history plays out on covid-19 vaccines there is very little difference between a fully vaccinated person and a non vaccinated person, BOTH can get covid, BOTH can spread covid, BOTH can survive covid and BOTH can die from covid. The shot was not meant to stop the spread of covid, only to lessen the severity of symptoms and raise an individual’s chance of survival should they contract covid, secondarily to relieve pressure on hospitals.”
He goes on to highlight the indefensible posture assumed by authorities in the face of the spectacular failure of the jab policies, seen within his own workplace:
“One only has to look to the PUD roster to see this truth, after being fully vaccinated a PUD employee contracted covid. The fully vaccinated coworkers of this individual were allowed to continue working regular and overtime hours, the unvaccinated coworkers were sent home on unpaid time off for 10 days quarantine with the requirement to complete a covid test as directed by the county health department, option to use PTO [paid time off] allowed. Some online training classes were set up to help offset the unpaid time off.”
So vaxxed workers who are just as likely to contract and transmit Covid as the unvaxxed are given a free pass, while the “non-compliant” must quarantine and lose pay. The official response is to double down, forcing a punitive, duplicitous “solution” onto those who had nothing to do with the outbreak from the beginning.
“When speaking with many of my fellow PUD employees, regardless of their vaccine status, most felt the mandate was unprecedented and wrong… I believe many voices fell on deaf ears and the ones most affected were never heard at all.”
Anderson’s full letter to the PUD in response to his termination is here.
Losing half of the PUD’s contractors, too

Landmark Excavation crew at PUD’s Landes Street project
Marty Kithcart has operated Landmark Excavation for over 30 years. For almost 5 years, he’s provided trenching and other infrastructure services and support for the PUD and its larger contracted outfits like Titan. And like Titan and other contractors who refused to go along with the mandates, Kithcart was just “separated” by our PUD—while he had two open contracts, and had purchased water main materials for the project that was awarded to him. He has three employees. They and their families depend on local work near where they live. He declined other work to honor those contracts.
Streett broke the PUD’s contracts even though Landmark had bid them in good faith prior to the mandate. The PUD told him they will reimburse him for those materials, but that’s small comfort for the four men who just lost these jobs. Will GM Streett replace them with a more “compliant” crew, one which perhaps uses religious exemptions? Or medical exemptions? How are those workers safe to be around, but Kithcart’s are not?
How many other contracts did the PUD breach midstream? It’s unlikely Landmark is the only one.
When Kithcart asked Streett about exemptions, he got a firm “no.” Then he bumped into another contractor who told him they got a religious exemption. Kithcart was told that his crew was not allowed into the PUD yard where contractor supplies are kept if everybody wasn’t jabbed. He contacted his District 2 Commissioner Collins to look for his reasoning for moving forward with this policy.
Collins eventually called to tell him if he had one “vaccinated” worker, that one man could access the yard and his company could continue to be a contractor. Then Kithcart was told by Operations Director Scott Bancroft that if everybody wasn’t jabbed, they can’t work on PUD projects. GM Streett told Kithcart the PUD would sever ties come December 20th. Mirroring the constantly shifting directives coming from the feds, even local authorities seem to be making it up as they go along, depending on the rolling ratio of compliance-to-pushback.
Kithcart told the Free Press that he’s shocked and angered that the PUD would take this singular and unpopular step at this most important time of year.
“This is the season of giving. How could they treat loyal employees and contractors this way? All of these workers get called out in the middle of the night in the worst kind of weather. Without complaint, we put our heads down and get the job done. We all help out where help is needed. For twenty months we’ve worked side by side with other crews without a problem, now all of a sudden we’re a threat?”
“These are all good people at heart,” Kithcart says of the GM and commissioners, “so why didn’t they think this through? I look for people in need and do what I can to make their life a little better. This is going the wrong way. How it is that the commissioners didn’t give serious consideration to what other PUDs are doing? How could they throw away all these long relationships with really good people?”
Kithcart was heartbroken by the firing of lineman Kurt Anderson. “You’ll never meet a nicer guy. He was so competent at his job.”

Landmark Excavation crew at PUD’s Landes Street project
With the winter storm season approaching, and crushed Christmas and New Year’s plans for families devastated by unemployed breadwinners, he’s most concerned for those who have lost their jobs, and the many customer/owners for whom an extended power outage could prove fatal.
Kithcart’s wife, Sarah, was also just fired from her job of nearly 8 years as a Medical Assistant with Dr. Dimitri Kuznetsov, for declining the jab. Kuznetsov’s clinic was subsumed by Jefferson Healthcare a while back. Another Medical Assistant in the office, a 9-year veteran, then quit because Sarah was fired. Both their days were spent providing maintenance urological care. Many of their patients will now have to turn to Jefferson Healthcare for these services. Think about that the next time you hear news reports about overwhelmed hospitals. The healthcare system is undergoing a controlled demolition.
The Kithcarts will be having a more solemn Christmas than usual, but they’re far more worried about what all this is doing to our community.
When is Coercion not Coercion?
Another question I raised at the Dec. 14 meeting was how many employees did not want to receive the Covid jabs, but relented in order to keep their jobs?
PUD counsel, Joel Paisner, spoke up:
“Before staff weighs in, I just wanted to say that some of that information is really confidential to the employee and I don’t think it would be appropriate to comment on the individual status of each employee… I’ll just say that… it’s a matter of opinion whether it was coercion or not, it’s not a factual matter.”
I asked for the total number of employees who took an unwanted jab to keep their job, not for personal details. Paisner’s red-herring response sounded awfully similar to health officer Allison Berry’s well-practiced sidesteps from providing evidence when asked for it.
Coercion is a matter of opinion, not a factual matter? In Kurt Anderson’s opinion, coercion is very much a factual matter. His letter continues to address GM Streett:
“In the October 4 meeting you stated you had spoken with a lot of your staff…”
“I was never asked how I felt about any of this ahead of your decision and I believe there are other PUD employees who were also left out… The injustice of what happened to them is shameful. When they were faced with the many challenges listed above, this group of employees choose [sic], against their will and got vaccinated to retain their job. This is defined as COERCION…”
Jefferson County residents voted to purchase this electric utility from Puget Sound Energy to gain local control of our power, and to provide living-wage jobs which also fortify the tax base. That control is in the hands of our elected PUD commissioners (BOC) who determine policy that the General Manager is charged to carry out. In the case of this Covid policy, two out of three commissioners not only shirked their responsibility to determine sensitive policy, they’ve made the situation worse because of a hiring policy they passed two years ago.
Despite arguments that we need as broad a pool of applicants as possible for difficult-to-fill positions like linemen, the BOC enacted policy restricting employment to Jefferson County residents only. Streett has now terminated specialized experienced local workers. Our county pool for these highly-skilled jobs is exhausted and even if there were lineman available elsewhere, policy prohibits hiring staff outside Jefferson County unless they relocate. New hires who may have been willing to commute, from Port Angeles or Kitsap for example, must move here for employment.
We’ve already seen how difficult it is to procure trained linemen. Do you think a lineman with a good job and no mandate is likely to jump ship for a PUD with the most onerous policy in the state, where housing is in short supply?
Or will we be hiring out-of-county contractors to replace the local workers we just fired? Will both of these ill-advised policies now have to be rescinded (further exposing the PUD to legal action) in order to keep the lights and heat on?
District 1 Commissioner Jeff Randall’s seat is up for election next autumn. Talk is that he will have an opponent. The fallout from his support for the disastrous mandate policy will be verdant pasture for a challenger.
About as far away as you can get from JeffCo on this continent, Gainesville, Florida attorney Jeff Childers successfully challenged and won an injunction to shut down a “vaccinate or terminate” policy that the city was attempting to enforce. The director of their utility begged them not to do it, arguing that he “couldn’t guarantee safe and efficient operation of the utility if I lose that many people.” Like our PUD, the city charged ahead. The presiding judge sided with the utility and 250 other plaintiffs in the case, and stopped the mandate in its tracks.
JeffCo PUD customer/owners may not be so blessed. Successful lawsuits against our little public utility may haunt ratepayers for a very long time, even as extended outages amid staffing shortages bedevil us this winter.
- Errata: GM Streett stated at the Jan. 4 meeting that only two line crew were lost due to the mandate.
by Ana Wolpin | Dec 18, 2021 | General
Two surviving spouses have come forward to describe their beloved mates’ deaths following Pfizer injections.
Our last reporting on heart damage from the shots focused on the increasing incidence in young people. Those mounting injuries and deaths are underscored by the local tragedy of a 27-year-old Port Townsend woman who recently suffered two life-threatening heart attacks just days after injection. The formerly healthy, active woman we called Laura is now living at great risk with acute myopericarditis. (See Young Heart Damaged by Pfizer Vax.)
The two deaths reported here were among the earliest recipients of the mRNA shots, considered to be at high risk for the Covid-19 virus because of their age. Unlike previous contacts who have shared death and injury stories, both spouses have given permission to use their names and photos.
Paula Joanne Larson, 79

On February 18, 2021, Dean and Paula Larson of Port Ludlow both took their first Pfizer shot. Less than two weeks later, on the morning of March 3rd, normally cheerful Paula felt so unwell she told Dean, “I can’t eat. I’m going back to bed.” Minutes later, she called him for help. When Dean reached his wife, he found her fallen beside the bed, unable to get up. “All of a sudden her whole body started shaking and she stopped breathing,” he said.
Dean immediately called 911. A team of five paramedics arrived within ten minutes. “They worked on her for 35 or 40 minutes,” but couldn’t revive her. The doctor who signed Paula’s death certificate attributed her sudden demise to “heart failure.”
No one involved in this unexpected death asked about Paula’s vaccination status or even considered that the shot she had received just 13 days prior might have been the cause of her heart failure. In the heady early rollout of this experimental injection which the media and our health department incessantly promote as safe and effective, it never occurred to Dean or anyone else at the scene that the shot could be responsible.
It wasn’t until Dean had an appointment later that month with his primary care physician that a possible relationship between the shot and Paula’s death was first discussed. Unlike the majority of doctors we’ve heard stories about who insist that post-injection injuries and deaths have nothing to do with the shots—always “coincidences”—this independent physician had been doing his own research. He’d uncovered the same risks and patterns of injury being denied and covered up that the Free Press has been documenting since the rollout began.
Paula and Dean had been his patients for many years. Paula was diabetic, but otherwise healthy. Based on her medical history and what their doctor had uncovered through his research, he was concerned that the shot was responsible for her cardiac event.
“He really researched everything. He showed me articles online, how this was happening all over the world,” said Dean. “He showed me the situation in various states and countries.”
His doctor expressed frustration with the lack of autopsies being done to determine cause of death during this vaccine rollout. “That’s a problem with the medical industry,” Dean’s doctor told him.
Mayo-trained Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole agrees. Coroners are routinely refusing to conduct autopsies on those who have died following Covid vaccination, even when M.D.s order them:
“How can we do science if we’re not looking? When you do an autopsy, you get all the tissue… and you get all the answers, too.… They’re saying: Don’t autopsy that. It wasn’t the vaccine. Don’t look here… Is this science anymore? NO.”
As reported in an earlier article, it was a German report that gave us the “First case of postmortem study in a patient vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2”. The researchers discovered that every single organ of the deceased person’s body had become infested with spike proteins as a result of the vaccine.
Dr. Cole, whose pathology lab is one of the largest in Idaho, has been sharing his findings from tissue samples and other imaging taken post-vax. In presentations at conferences like the White Coat Summit, he displays slides showing the serious damage to heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, brain, testes, ovaries and more following mRNA injection.

In this 2-minute video Dr. Cole explains heart damage from spike protein inflammation:
“Here on the right side with the red arrows, that’s the sac that lines the heart. That’s inflammation surrounding that heart, and that’s going to cause swelling and pressure on the heart. On the left-hand side, those blue arrows, that’s the muscle, the wall of the heart. And all that white that you see on the left-hand side where the blue arrows are, that’s inflammation swelling the heart.”
“There’s no such thing as ‘mild‘ myocarditis,” says Dr. Cole. “When the heart is inflamed, that is a serious condition for a long time.”
Our second story is more complex, involving a pre-existing heart condition and far more time elapsed between the shots and heart failure.
James Makinson, 68

Just-retired chef Jim was “in great health—active and strong,” according to his wife Michele. He was delighted to have the time after retirement to focus on projects around their property in Kingston. He ate a healthy diet, didn’t drink, and had only one medical issue, a heart arrhythmia that led to getting a Pacemaker two years ago. The device was faulty, not functioning at all when the experimental mRNA shots were rolled out. Jim decided to wait until after he got the jabs to have it replaced.
He got his first Pfizer shot in January and the second in mid-February. Then, at the beginning of March, Jim got his new Pacemaker, one of the best available. “The surgeon [who replaced the faulty one] said his heart was in great shape,” Michele told me. “He said Jim had another 20 or 30 years,”
It wasn’t until July that something seemed off to Michele. “His skin tone changed; it was gray.”

The photo above was taken three weeks before Jim died.
Then in early August, he began sweating profusely. On the morning of August 8th, Michele found him laying on his side in bed, unresponsive. He had died in the night.
“I’m totally haunted by his death happening so unexpectedly,” Michele wrote. “What a shock.”
Like the Larsons’ doctor, Michele had also been doing research on the experimental injections. She herself had suffered from adverse reactions following her Pfizer shots. Echoing stories we have heard from others, an old injury was reactivated after the jabs. By June, she began to have painful arthritis in her hips. Her hip pain progressed so rapidly that by July she needed walking sticks. As doctors and scientists have warned, damage from the toxic spike proteins produced by the shots may be far worse over time than the immediate reactions so many are reporting.
While the couple resided in Kingston, Michele has commuted to Jefferson County for work and continues to use health practitioners here. With help from a Port Townsend acupuncture clinic for her adverse reactions, as well as beneficial supplements, her issues have diminished but have not resolved.
Jim was not so lucky. His unexpected death, six months after the Pfizer shots, didn’t make sense to Michele. With a new Pacemaker and no other health issues, why did he suddenly die in his sleep? Michele’s primary care physician insisted the shots had nothing to do with it. So Michele took it upon herself to get an autopsy. She paid $3500 to find out what caused her husband’s death.
It took three months to get the results. The autopsy confirmed Jim’s overall good health and concluded that he had suffered a heart attack: “This 68-year-old man, James Makinson, died from an acute myocardial infarction.” It identified atherosclerosis and an “enlarged heart” as the culprits. The Pacemaker was intact and functioning.
Could his Pacemaker have caused this? Older-style devices have been known to cause heart failure. But they do not cause the heart to enlarge or the arteries to narrow. According to his surgeon, Jim’s heart was not enlarged when the device was implanted five months before his death. With no cardiac issues other than arrhythmia, and that function restored by his new Pacemaker, the surgeon foresaw decades of solid performance ahead for Jim’s heart.
Did the shots cause his enlarged heart and artery constriction? As described by Dr. Cole above, evidence is mounting that the spike proteins generated by the mRNA shots are causing severe inflammation in blood vessels and organs—especially the heart—leading to clotting, swelling, scarring and irreversible heart damage.
The slides below show heart tissue damage due to inflammation. “That’s scars starting to form, and that scar [remains],” says Dr. Cole. “It messes up conduction pathways, can cause chronic heart failure over time.”

These slides from Dr. Ryan Cole show inflamed heart tissue leading to scarring:
“Heart doesn’t heal with new heart cells, it heals with scar. On the left-hand side, all those blue dots, that’s inflammation and all the pink, those are the fibers of the heart… All that blue-grey, that’s scar healing.”
The recent study featured at the American Heart Association’s annual conference found that risk of heart attacks and other coronary problems more than doubled within months after mRNA injections. The abstract noted: “At the time of this report, these changes persist for at least 2.5 months post second dose.” How far out they persist is still unknown. This global experiment is still fresh; the worldwide Phase 3 clinical trials foisted on the masses won’t conclude until 2023.
While a heart attack occurring months after the shots does not offer as clear an association as those within days like Laura’s or Paula’s, many doctors and scientists are warning that the toxic spike proteins can continue to damage organs and blood vessels over months, possibly years. They say that the real fallout from this unprecedented medical experiment will likely not be determined for some time.
Jim’s untimely death may be a harbinger of delayed reactions to the shots that we are just beginning to see.
Another example of such a delay happened to a healthy 72-year-old Port Townsend man who I spoke with recently. He received both Pfizer shots in March, and he, too, is now facing medical issues that didn’t start manifesting until this autumn.
“I had an EKG in October 2019, which was 100% normal. A subsequent EKG during 2021 after having received the Pfizer jab flagged a rhythmic irregularity.”
Six months after his shots, he began experiencing palpitations and neuropathy. His doctor decided to take another look at his heart.
“In the fall of 2021, an Echo-Cardiogram (ECG) was ordered, which revealed an enlargement of the right ventricular heart muscle. No prior indication of that outcome.”
He had no heart issues before the shots and now his ventricular muscle is enlarged. He feels its affects. “The association with the Pfizer jab is circumstantial, but in my opinion, it definitely seems related.”
Paula and Jim were both elderly, their deaths easily dismissed by skeptics as casualties that happen due to age. But even in the young, post-vax injury and death is being normalized. Since our last reporting, heart damage from the shots in young people has continued to rise, most shockingly in pro athletes in peak physical condition.
The number of athletes collapsing and dying post-vax has climbed to 335 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 190 Dead, After Covid Shots. Prior to the vaccine rollout it was a rare occurrence for one of these uber-healthy competitors to suddenly collapse on the field, let alone die. As seen in the graph below, the incidence of these adverse events has grown with each passing month since the shots were rolled out.

Athlete collapses and deaths chart to December 15, 2021.
The website linked above provides a regularly-updated month-by-month compilation of every athlete reported to collapse, with all information known about their vax-associated injuries/deaths. Most have suffered cardiac arrest, but injuries also include blood clots (or thrombosis), stroke, irregular heartbeat, and neuropathy. More than half of these athletes, including teenagers, have died. Those deaths include a 12-year-old Italian female tennis player, a 13-year-old male football player in Nevada, a 15-year-old male German goalkeeper, a 12-year-old male basketball player in Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old male hockey player in the Netherlands, and most recently a 15-year-old male wrestler and football player in Ohio.
Nearly unheard of pre-2021, since this mRNA experiment began, youthful heart issues and deaths are becoming commonplace.
Even more damning than the new report showing heart attack risk doubling post-vaccination and the growing list of athletes collapsing, are Pfizer documents just obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) was formed specifically to “obtain and disseminate the data relied upon by the FDA to license COVID-19 vaccines.” On August 27, 2021, four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, this nonprofit organization (comprised of public health and medical professionals, scientists and journalists) submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file.
When no response was forthcoming, on September 16th PHMPT sued the FDA for the information. The lawsuit “asked that this information be disclosed in 108 days – the same amount of time it took for the FDA to review and license Pfizer’s vaccine.”
In a response that beggars belief, the FDA first requested until 2076 to release this data—not to analyze it, but to simply release it. Then in a brief last week, the FDA extended that time line to 2096, a 75-year delay. They disclosed that the documents they ostensibly reviewed before approving the shots amount to 451,000 pages.
An initial 12,000 pages have been released by court order. Within those pages are the results of the first three months of Pfizer mRNA vaccine trials.
Pfizer’s internal adverse events data from December 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021 reveal:
- Of 42,086 adverse event cases in that initial 3-month period, 13,104—31%—either died or had a long-term, permanent side effect following injection from which they hadn’t recovered.
- In that group of 42,086, there were 1,223 deaths.
- Of 274 pregnant women who reported adverse events, 75 of them—27%—were significant, including miscarriages and stillbirths.
- Of 133 breastfeeding mothers, 13% of their babies had an adverse event from exposure to the injection through breastmilk.
- 34 children under the age of 12 inadvertently received the injection (that age group was not supposed to be included in the trials). 24 of those 34 children—70.6%—had serious side effects, 13 of them “unresolved”.
“This is irrefutable evidence from Pfizer themselves that this shot is dangerous,” says Alberta doctor Daniel Nagase who presents the above trial data in an interview with the Canadian Western Standard.
What will the other 439,000 pages reveal over the next 75 years?
In 1976, trials of a new Swine flu vaccine were halted in nine states after three people died. At 32 deaths, the program was dismantled nationwide. Pfizer’s own reports documenting 1,223 deaths over three months following the Covid mRNA injection were released to the FDA and other regulatory agencies on April 30, 2021. Incontrovertible proof of its dangers were known last spring, but not shared with the public. Rather than put an immediate halt to this travesty, the FDA then approved the shots for 5 to 11 year-olds in a unanimous vote (with one abstention), and are now going after the 6 month to 5 year-olds.
In 1976, there was no shortage of corruption in government, regulatory agencies and media. Over the last half century pharma’s capture of these groups—along with medical schools and the health-care industry—is complete.
In October 2021, after supposedly having access to the damning Pfizer data we are only beginning to get glimpses of, and after many hours of cautionary “these shots are dangerous, don’t do this to the kids” testimony—the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee voted to approve the jabs for our children.
They ignored testimony like that of Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, who asked: “Why are kids dropping like flies after getting vaccinated? Why didn’t the highly unusual causes of deaths in these kids raise any red flags? How can a kid who was in the Pfizer 12-15-year-old trial be paralyzed and not have that reported in the trial report to the FDA? Why are there no autopsies for death after vaccination? How many Americans have to die before you pull the plug?… Of the over 1,200 comments that have been posted against the vaccines in kids, I found only one in favor.” (4:23:12)
Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose testified: “Within eight weeks of the Covid-19 rollout for 12 to 15-year-olds, there were nineteen times the expected cases of myocarditis reported over background rates in this age group… What will happen in children aged 5 to 11? Where is the safety data?” (4:30:00)
Most of the 18 “experts” on the committee who voted to inflict this shot on our children have deep industry ties. One of them summed up the committee’s attitude before the vote: “We are never going to learn how safe this vaccine is until we start giving it.” (6:34:46)
How have we come to this? Over these nearly fifty years, propaganda techniques have been perfected to create what Belgian psychologist Dr. Mattias Desmet calls “mass formation”—a kind of mass hypnosis/psychosis. Advances in propaganda delivery through new technologies, combined with total media control, have enabled pharma to create false narratives that completely saturate public perception and eliminate critical thinking.
But for those breaking free of the hive mind, it’s getting increasingly hard to trust our industry-captured regulatory agencies, our local health authorities who parrot their lies, and our politicians who rubber-stamp their edicts.
by Jim Scarantino | Dec 16, 2021 | General
A year ago, Jammi Lee Oxford killed herself. On December 17, 2020 she took her life at Morro Bay, California, in the same spot where her mother had committed suicide before her. Jammi had been living in a Chrysler minivan at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds. She fled in terror after her name had been attached to an anonymous letter to the county commissioners. In that letter, she attempted to notify the commissioners about dangerous conditions at the homeless/squatters camp and open-air drug market. Even though the letter had been submitted anonymously, her name (appearing in the email address) was blurted out when it was read aloud during the public comment section of the meeting.
She had wanted the commissioners to know about a drug dealer operating at the Fairgrounds. She reported that the dealer and his associates were “harassing and bullying” others. “Is there anyone out there?” she asked in a plea for help.
At the next meeting she said there was no point trying to hide her identity since her request for anonymity had not been honored. Now she told the commissioners she was fleeing in fear of the drug dealer she had attempted to report to them. “I have nothing more to lose,” she wrote. She related troubling misconduct by this person, whom she called “Brian.” She said he had managed to gain control over the supplies from the Food Bank and had used that control to gain power over people dependent on that food. He had designated himself “camp cook.” She suggested she had been punished, had fallen out of disfavor and had been denied food. “I have gone to bed hungry. He has shown me how cruel he can be.” She told the commissioners that she had been warned he had hired someone to “take care of” her. She said she didn’t run from people, but she was running now in fear for her life.
“Please, I express my concerns in desperate need of this safe place to be without my life being in jeopardy,” she closed.
That is Jammi Lee Oxford in the photo at the head of this article.
Jammi’s daughter is Kristan Sigler. She was recently promoted to E5, Petty Officer Second Class, in the United States Navy. She reached out to ask if the woman I mentioned in a September 9, 2020 story might have been her mother. She was. I remembered the scared, sensitive, fragile woman who told me she just wanted a place to be safe. She was soft spoken, courteous, and damaged. It was obvious to me she had been homeless for a long time and likely had some serious substance abuse issues. I talked to Jammi a second time, when she was drinking straight liquor in the early afternoon. But so were many of the others in cars and tents at the Fairgrounds that bright, sunny August day.
A man who identified himself as Brian told me that for that night’s dinner he was making steak “for everyone.” That apparently included one of his dogs. It ran by with a large steak in its teeth. This man acted like he was in charge and spoke of plans for a larger encampment. At the time, the homeless and transients were limited, with only one or two exceptions, to a single line of tents and run-down vehicles against the fence that separated the Fairgrounds from the apartments on the next property. He waved his hand over the grassy field. “We want five acres,” he told me. And he explained how “we” (he purported to speak for others) effectively became squatters when “we” decided to exploit the Governor’s no-eviction order and stop paying the minimal camp fees they had been paying up to then. He also explained how many of them, like himself, had incomes, such as SSI and veteran’s and retirement benefits. They just weren’t going to be spending any of it on compensating the Fairgrounds for living there and using the bathrooms with endless hot water and showers, the waste hauling service and the electricity they were tapping into through very, very long extension cords snaking across the field.
Ms. Sigler says that her mother fled the Fairgrounds in terror. A severe downward spiral began when her identity as the letter writer was revealed. Jammi asked Kristan to get her a gun. She thought that because her daughter was in the Navy she would have access to a weapon she could give her mother.
Jammi had addiction problems and struggled with mental illness, Ms. Sigler says. She had suffered much abuse and trauma. The shock and terror that hit Jammi when her name was revealed despite signing her letter “Anonymous”… well, it just made everything worse. County Commissioner Greg Brotherton in the meeting when her second letter was read apologized for previously “outing” her, but the damage had been done.
Kristan Sigler will be visiting Port Townsend on the anniversary of Jammi’s death to spend some time at the Fairgrounds. Jammi had sought safety there. It was her last known place of more than itinerant residence before the terror descended and took hold of her life.
The commissioners should have listened to Jammi. The Fairgrounds became a very dangerous place. Twelve days after Jammi committed suicide in Morro Bay, a young woman was found dead outside her RV by the Fairgrounds employee who usually managed families and retirees spending vacation time in the grassy field. There were at least half a dozen other near-death overdoses handled by Port Townsend police and emergency medical personnel. Michael McCutcheon, then a Dove House employee, on Memorial Day weekend 2021 saved a woman from dying when he applied Narcan. One of the dealers who set up operations there—several relocated to the Wild West of the Fairgrounds—would use Narcan on addicts who OD’d in the tents and RVs.

One Port Townsend police officer on social media reported that he had been called out to the Fairgrounds at least a hundred times. Police records for incidents at the Fairgrounds cover nearly a thousand pages. I reported on some of these incidents in “Fairgrounds Police Log.” That story was published the same day Jammi killed herself.
There were assaults, thefts, fights, mental health crises every week. Neighbors were harassed, stalked and some were assaulted. Crime spiked in surrounding blocks. Neighbors lived in fear. One couple watched as a drunken Fairgrounds squatter fought and injured a police officer in their driveway.
The Fairgrounds is county property under lease to the Fairgrounds Association. Jammi’s wasn’t the only letter to the commissioners pleading with them to act. Others who lived in the tents and RVs wrote and called them regularly. Neighbors wrote them almost every week. The commissioners would wring their hands and talk about “meeting with both sides.” But they did nothing to stop the unfolding tragedy on property they ultimately control. They dumped all the problems on Port Townsend police. An overdose death didn’t shock them into action.
If you listen to the 9/8/20 commissioners’ meeting, where commissioner Brotherton apologized to Jammi for “outing” her, you will see that they were rather nonchalant about conditions at the Fairgrounds. They believed the problem would go away when the weather changed. Commissioner Kate Dean was more upset about a pro law enforcement “Back the Blue” event. In none of their meetings where the Fairgrounds was discussed will you find them spurred to act to end the drug dealing, violence and slow suicides underway on land under their jurisdiction. They could have moved in and cleaned things up, seen that the dealers were kicked out, imposed controls on who went in and out and what behaviors would not be tolerated, and provided round-the-clock security.
As it was, the Fairgrounds became the shopping market for local addicts. The woman who almost died (had not McCutcheon saved her) had come to the Fairgrounds from Seattle—a drug tourist who almost ended her travels here. One of the most notorious dealers—someone other than the man Jammi reported to the commissioners—went so far as to declare himself to police as the Fairgrounds camp leader.
Jefferson County Commissioners should have listened to Jammi and acted. They could have prevented a lot of pain and suffering. And death.
Jammi Lee Oxford was born on Christmas day. She would have been 44 this year.
Other Port Townsend Free Press coverage of the squatters/homeless camp and open-air drug market at the Fairgrounds:
Lines Form in Battle for Future of Fairgrounds, 9/8/20
Transient/Homeless Village Grows at Fairgrounds, 10/29/20
Squatters Camp Grows at Fairgrounds, 12/1/20
A Grim Existence at the Fairgrounds, 12/9/20
Fairgrounds “Wild West” Spurs Neighbors to Demand Action, 8/2/21