The Jefferson County Board of Health on September 16 unanimously adopted a resolution “declaring health misinformation a public health crisis.” They urge all “to use reliable sources of data that follows the preponderance of evidence” because “there are some people in our community who are discouraging vaccinations and are therefore causing more cases and more deaths by spreading virus and pandemic misinformation that is not supported by the valid scientific data provided by reliable professional experts.”

Board of Health 9/16/21 Zoom meeting screen capture (minutes not yet available)
As indicated by its preamble, this local resolution is part of a coordinated campaign spearheaded by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who is “urging all Americans to help slow the spread of health misinformation, … a serious threat to public health. … Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole-of-society effort.” Hence similar such resolutions are sprouting up at health boards around the country, but face varying degrees of opposition and “failed to find more than two votes of support” at the Jefferson Hospital Commission.
On their face, these resolutions are just bully-pulpit exhortations with no force of law, but seem designed to have multiple effects. Rhetoric such as “slow the spread of health misinformation … causing more cases and more deaths” creates a false equivalency between free speech and contagious pathogens, casting disagreement as a dangerous disease vector that must be eradicated. Such fearmongering could be used to sidestep Constitutional prohibitions against “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press” by pretending opposing viewpoints are like “falsely shouting fire in a theatre.”
Webster’s dictionary defines “misinformation” as “incorrect or misleading information,” which these resolutions redefine by dispensing with the concept of truth, replacing it with “data provided by reliable professional experts.” In other words, truth is what the health bureaucrats say it is, based on whatever experts and data they say are reliable, disregarding other data regardless of its validity.
This is Newspeak right out of George Orwell’s prophetic novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four”, except the existing word “misinformation” is distorted instead of defining new jargon like “crimethink”. Health authorities have likewise recently redefined longstanding medical terms like “cases” (no longer requiring symptoms, just a positive test), “pandemic” (removing severity and high mortality criteria), “herd immunity” (excluding naturally-acquired immunity), and “vaccination” (only needing to produce some protection, not prevention nor immunity).
The “preponderance of evidence …provided by reliable professional experts” called for in these “misinformation” redefinitions is skewed by discounting dissenting experts threatened by legal intimidation, social media deplatforming, and outright censorship. YouTube announced “we’ve removed over 1M videos related to dangerous coronavirus information”, following the lead of a White House that brags of “flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation” and promoting universal bans from all online platforms “for providing misinformation out there”… not caring that such actions violate the Constitution’s First Amendment and their own oaths of office.

Publicly and privately, our county health board has itself campaigned this past year against so-called misinformation, one member imploring the Leader to suppress letters containing “misinformation spread by deniers of good science”.
But who is actually spreading misinformation… outside skeptics, or the board’s own Health Officer Dr. Allison Berry? Her responses to public comment the past two months have been revealing.
Public Comment #1 – 8/19/21
On August 19, at Berry’s first Jefferson Board of Health meeting, I delivered the following public comment, verbally and by email:
Dr. Berry, welcome to Jefferson County.
Your new masking order states: “Masks along with vaccination remain the most effective methods we have to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Both are safe and highly effective at preventing transmission.”
But if the COVID vax is so safe, why is it linked with more deaths than all other vaccines combined throughout VAERS’ 30 year history?
If the vax is so highly effective, why are masks needed? Why does new CDC data show “vaccinated individuals infected with delta may be able to transmit the virus as easily as those who are unvaccinated”?
If the unvaxxed are to blame, then why are 90% vaxxed Iceland and Israel having the same problems?
Why is Israel’s Prime Minister tweeting “Non-immunization for a third time leaves senior citizens in mortal danger. Get vaccinated now”?
How would it feel to be told that those jabbed twice are no longer even considered to be vaccinated?
How can you promote and mandate a barely-tested highly-dangerous leaky gene therapy that depends on boosters twice a year because it loses half effectiveness over 10 weeks and all effectiveness over 6 months?
Now the Leader reports you saying “More than 85% … of cases are unvaccinated people”, but that’s counting cases dating back to February 1 when few were vaxxed, counting the vaccinated as unvaccinated prior to 2 weeks after their second shot, and counting vaxxed cases using a much lower PCR Cycle Threshold than unvaxxed cases. By contrast, Britain and Israel report 60% of their current cases are vaccinated.
The Leader paraphrased you saying “Masks are vital because there are only a few tools available to stem the spread of COVID-19: vaccines, masking, and lockdowns.” But the sad experience of the past year had proven this trifecta to be pitifully ineffective and horribly damaging to our nation’s well-being, yet you are still pushing these failed nostrums as the only game in town.
Really… useless masks, phony vaccines, and deadly lockdowns… is that all you’ve got?!? What a feeble bag of tricks you are peddling. Why not promote things that might actually help, such as:
(1) Building permanent natural herd immunity;
(2) Early treatment of symptomatic COVID cases with Ivermectin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, zinc, etc., which many frontline doctors has found to be extremely effective;
(3) Focusing on protecting the vulnerable instead of harmfully quarantining, testing, and contact-tracing the healthy;
(4) Campaigning to reduce obesity, which is the major COVID risk factor among the young;
(5) And especially, improving general natural good health, since basically only those with multiple comorbidities have much to fear from COVID.
You must know in your hearts that natural immunity is the only way forward, not this failed so-called vaccine. Please reconsider participating in the evil push to force this experimental treatment on infants, pregnant and nursing mothers, schoolchildren, the naturally immune, and all those who know it will do them more harm than good. Thank you. |
In her off-the-cuff response, Berry dismissed both Annette Huenke’s and my public comments as “just a slurry of outright falsehoods, which is dangerous”:

Unfortunately I think both of these commentators really demonstrate the danger of vaccine misinformation. That was just a slurry of outright falsehoods, which is dangerous. So I think it is important for us to touch base on the sheer volume of data that is available about the safety of this vaccine, about the safety and effectiveness of masks. If you are looking on how to access that data, you don’t have to actually email me to get it, it is publicly available on the Washington State Department of Health website and publicly available on the CDC’s website.
These are some of the most tested vaccines we have ever seen. Hundreds of millions of people have received them over the past year, and we have been monitoring their safety throughout that time. You can look at that entire amount of data if you like. I encourage you to look at it if you have questions. There is a lot of it available; you can look at it yourself, and it’s freely available on the CDC and Washington Department of Health websites.
There’s also a massive amount of data that wearing a mask reduces transmission by 80%. Getting vaccinated dramatically reduces your risk of both contracting and transmitting the virus. Nothing is 100%, and that’s why the masks come in. The masks aren’t 100%, but they reduce your risk by 80%. The vaccines are not 100% when they are faced with Delta variant; we’re looking at reduced risk of about 85%. So those two things together are the best tools you have to protect yourself and keep yourself safe.
I think it’s just also important to touch base on the massive amount of data we have on the safety of these vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding parents. That’s probably the most key things I want you to know. |
Public Comment #2 – 9/16/21
Given Berry’s unsupported allegation that my previous comment was a “slurry of outright falsehoods,” I took the time to provide the Board of Health detailed sources for every one of my previous statements, then delivered the following public comment at their September 16 meeting:
At last month’s Board of Health meeting, Health Officer Berry carelessly waved away public comments, calling them “just a slurry of outright falsehoods, which is dangerous.”
To the contrary, I’ve provided detailed sources below for every single one of my statements in last month’s public comment, so Berry can criticize them individually if she chooses. I ask Berry to withdraw her wild, baseless, and provocative slander directed at me and other commentators.
Berry then made a serious of dubious statements herself. She claimed there’s a “massive amount of data we have on the safety of these vaccines in pregnancy and breastfeeding parents”. But the reality according to the CDC is that “Pregnant women were not specifically included in pre-authorization clinical trials of COVID-19 vaccines” and that 1,524 premature fetal deaths have been reported in connection with these so-called vaccines.
Berry also claimed “wearing a mask reduces transmission by 80%”. I’m not sure where she got this number, but I was able to find a popular article titled “Face masks may reduce COVID-19 spread by 85%, WHO-backed study suggests”, which was sourced to a complicated Lancet meta-analysis that made no such claim, but was summarized by WHO as follows:
“A systematic review of observational studies … suggested that N95 or similar respirators might be associated with greater reduction in risk than medical or 12– 16-layer cotton masks. However, these studies had important limitations (recall bias, limited information about the situations when respirators were used and limited ability to measure exposures), and very few studies included in the review evaluated the transmission risk of COVID-19.”
By contrast to this weak evidence, WHO spotlighted “a large randomized community-based trial in which 4862 healthy participants were divided into a group wearing medical/surgical masks and a control group found no difference in infection with SARS-CoV-2.” |
Here are excerpts from Berry’s rambling response to my second public comment:

Just to be clear, the vaccines are safe, they are effective, and masks work! And that’s based on a massive preponderance of evidence, and that’s why we use phrases like that, because it’s not one study that makes those kinds of decisions. We would never make that big of a decision based on one study; that would be irresponsible.
This data is widely available. No one’s hiding it. You can access it directly from CDC’s website, you can access it from our website. You can access it from the NIH, they’re all publicly available. The Lancet, the New England Journal of Medicine, have all made their Covid-19 research free and open and in public. The University of Washington has done a fantastic job of what’s called literature reports, where they actually summarize all of the evidence that has come out that week, and they’ve been doing it since the beginning of the pandemic. I have read them all. So if you want to catch up on a year-and-a-half of Covid-19 research, that’s a really good place to find it. That is how we make our decisions.
But if you want to do research, you need to really do research, you need to read all of that. And then once you have seen all of that, then you can make a meaningful decision on public policy. Pulling out an individual study that your friend links to you because it said something that seems different than what all the experts are saying is not doing research. You need to really read all of the data, because that is what we do. And if you don’t want to read all of that data, that is okay. That’s why people like me exist. I do that research and make recommendations based on all that data. And I’m not the only one, of course! I have colleagues across the state who do this same job, who have come to the same conclusion. I have colleagues across the country, I know the folks at the CDC, we are all working on the same thing, and we have all come to the same conclusion.
The challenge is I think, where it really starts to be truly misinformation and disinformation as opposed to just confusion, is mostly in the misuse of the VAERS database. The VAERS database is a publicly accessible database where anyone, any person, you don’t have to be a doctor, you can be any citizen, can submit a possible vaccine related event.
You don’t have to prove it, and you don’t have to be a doctor to do it. Unfortunately VAERS has been misused. Some people are putting in things that they just don’t know, and it’s never been vetted, but there are groups that have started putting in false information into VAERS, and then going back around and saying, “I found it in a public database. See, you’re hiding it!’ And that’s a real thing that’s happening unfortunately by some members of the anti-vaccine contingent. And that is usually where that “data”, quote-unquote, is coming from.
But there is no evidence of fetal deaths, of premature births, or of any pediatric complications related to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines. I think it is really important to clarify that.
We know that this vaccine is safe in pregnancy, and we know that Covid-19 is very much not. There are ICUs throughout the south that are filling up with pregnant women. We are seeing a dramatic rises of stillbirths and premature births related to women who got Covid-19. That’s not happening because of vaccines. We are seeing stillbirths and premature births due to Covid-19. And so, spreading misinformation which scares pregnant women is dangerous and hurts women and their children. |
Berry’s second response is a fertile field for rebuttal. Her mischaracterization of the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporing System is absurd, spreading unsubstantiated disinformation that Pharma-friendly CDC blithely allows a widespread conspiracy to file a felonious flood of false VAERS reports. That’s contradicted by a careful University of London study that found 72% of VAERS reports came from health service employees and refuted those like Berry who “imputed that VAERS was a breeding-ground for anti-vaccine misinformation”.
Public Comment #3 – 9/20/21
Given Berry’s claims that experts “have all come to the same conclusion” as her and there’s “no evidence … of any pediatric complications related to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines,” I felt the need to specifically refute her misinformation on these points in my September 20 public comment to the Jefferson Board of County Commissioners, who also sit on our county health board:
You’re probably sick of hearing from cherry-picking non-experts like me, so here’s two minutes from Nobel-prize-candidate mRNA vaccine inventor Dr. Robert Malone:
[Transcript of video clip from 21:54 to 24:00]
Q: Have you heard about the women who are having excessive periods [after mRNA vaccination]? What do think about that?
Malone: Yes, I think it can be explained by the effects of spike.
Q: Spike creates blood clotting, coagulation…
Malone: And micro-coagulation, and contraction of micro-vasculature, and it damages vascular endothelium [the interface between the blood stream and vessel wall], which is going to compromise oxygenation of blood flow in placental tissues.
Q: Great, so is that going to be good for pregnancy?
Malone: No, it’s not going to be good for pregnancy, and it could explain the dysmenorrhea [menstrual pain] in part, some of the heavy flow dysmenorrhea is often a sign of premature abortion. In theory, there’s a large study going, but at this stage, even I have lost faith in the government’s ability to execute a well-controlled clinical trial.
Q: But they’ve just said, all pregnant women should go ahead and get it.
Malone: I know… I don’t understand it. I object to it. I object to this crazy push to vaccinate all the kids. For me, I kind of like to pick my battles. And I’m putting my whole career on the line here. If you read that Atlantic piece, my buddy Stan Gromkowski reprimanding me with an F-bomb in print that I’m blowing my chance for the Nobel Prize. As far as I’m concerned, this is a hill worth fighting for. And the position that I care about, that I hope I can bend the arc of history just a little bit with, is the children and the reproductive integrity…
Q: …of the human race.
Malone: I think that’s something worth fighting for. |
Note that this courageous, thoughtful world-class expert contradicts Dr. Berry’s assertions at the last two health board meetings about “no evidence of fetal deaths, of premature births, or of any pediatric complications related to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines. … we know that this vaccine is safe in pregnancy.”
Berry is pushing dangerous misinformation here.
The video you just saw belies Berry’s claim that “all the experts are saying” and “have all come to the same conclusion” as her. These are just some of the many easily-disproven sweeping false statements I’ve heard Berry tell you, hand-waving sources, basically saying: Trust me, I’m the expert, I’ll do your thinking for you.
Don’t take her word for it… trust but verify. Fact check the fact-checkers.
I’ve provided sources and quotes for every statement made to you, and welcome correction for any specific mistakes, but Berry and you have no basis for just lazily labeling my and others’ input “misinformation”. |
Just this one example of Berry pretending there’s zero risk “to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines” spotlights the danger in blindly trusting Jefferson County’s new self-proclaimed health expert. Not only do actual world-renowned experts like Dr. Robert Malone refute Berry’s claims, the CDC’s own data shows these shots associated with a high level of spontaneous abortions and stillbirths.

Increased miscarriage rates post-vaccination are being noted worldwide. Since Berry claims to “have read them all,” she should know about New England Journal of Medicine data showing pregnant women suffering an 82% spontaneous abortion rate when given Covid vaccinations during their first and second trimesters, losing 104 out of 127 babies.
Yet in the face of clear evidence, Berry authoritatively promotes the transparent falsehood that there is literally “NO evidence … of ANY pediatric complications related to pregnant moms receiving the vaccines.” This is not how science works, but this is how the cult of scientism works.
Jefferson County’s new resolution labels these inconvenient truths as health misinformation because we are now in a time where any information potentially “discouraging vaccinations” is verboten. Every pronouncement Berry happens to make is the only message allowed regardless of evidence to the contrary. So declares the Jefferson County Board of Health by official resolution.
Stephen Schumacher
Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.
Indeed, it is Berry that is spewing misinformation– parroting the “official” misinformation. After obsessing on Covid for the past 18 months, to the tune of 1200 hrs of reading, I agree with the author that Berry is the one with misinformation. Cloth masks are less than 1% efficient in reducing Covid spread and N95 masks only 11%.
Medical/surgical masks compared to no masks We included nine trials (of which eight were cluster-RCTs) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness (two trials with healthcare workers and seven in the community). There is low certainty evidence from nine trials (3507 participants) that wearing a mask may make little or no difference to the outcome of influenza-like illness (ILI) compared to not wearing a mask (risk ratio (RR) 0.99, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.82 to 1.18. There is moderate certainty evidence that wearing a mask probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza compared to not wearing a mask (RR 0.91, 95% CI 0.66 to 1.26; 6 trials; 3005 participants).
Early use of Hydroxychloroquine+zinc+vitaminC+vitaminD, as well as Ivermectin, are among the least expensive and most effective medicines against Covid. (I use quercetin in place of prescription-only hydroxychloroquine)
BUT, these effective meds are being suppressed by the AMA and FDA so most hospitals and clinics will not prescribe it. WHY? The efficacy data are irrefutable. Purportedly a province in India with 280 million people, where Ivermectin was distributed a couple of months ago, is claiming to be Covid-free. Why is this being denied to us? So Big Pharma and the health industry can get obscene profits?
Dr. Berry only knows what her handlers want her to know. MDs rarely go home after a long day at the clinic to read about all the Covid studies. Instead, if anything, they rely on their inbred JAMA and NEJM journals, published by the same bunch that feeds us misinformation at the behest of politicians, Dr. Berry is no different. She just regurgitates the “official line” and lacks the wherewithal to research the truth. In fairness, it is INCREDIBLY time-consuming because of all the MISinformation intertwined with truthful information.
Excellent article that effectively counters the Jefferson County Health Department’s lies that they are using to intimidate and force unnecessary controls upon not only the fools who simply obey their leftist masters, but also upon those who have informed themselves and reject the twisted, falsified disinformation offered by various levels of our government.
And great comment, BE, highlighting test results and indisputable facts, few of which we receive from Biden, Inslee, Fauci and others who seek to grind their heels into our necks.
Although I agree with your contention, BE, that Big Pharma and the health industry are growing obscenely rich from this ‘pandemic’, I will (again) contend there must be other reasons why the thoroughly corrupt and evil Biden regime is so forcible in its attempts to compel the American people to take these fraudulent and unnecessary vaccines. What is in them? I suggest we begin the inquiry by questioning the thoroughly wicked de-populationist Bill Gates.
The “other reasons” you mention, Saltherring, is likely the power the politicians feel from suspending Constitutional rights, and all this is a distraction to obfuscate their thrust toward the New World Order, where the Middle Class is virtually eliminated, reducing us to the poor labor class and the elite ruling class, with our needs addressed by a U.N.-like bureaucracy, much like the EU. The corporate/government butt-kissing is resulting in corporate fascism, where big corporations do what the government can’t, and vice versa. Gov’t gets power, corporations get favorable legislature, and we, The People, get royally screwed.
I think it is the synergism between the current government, corporate America, and the greedy health care industry that is behind this suppression of effective medications and the prolonging of the pandemic.
Great article. Really well done.
If Dr. Berry didn’t have the power over the our commissioners and ultimately the citizens of our county, I would just quickly dismiss her arrogant diatribe as biased and misguided. She seemed ready to dismiss all studies that refute her position not with other studies which support her position but by openly smirking at the presenter and then claiming that only she has the credentials to read and interpret scientific studies. This is simply elitist. She obviously wants all to follow her mandates without question, because she is the only authority that has the right and ability to interpret scientific studies.
“Beware of the man or women that says I know.” You and I are ultimately responsible for who and what we are. To abdicate that responsibility without doing your own research is blind trust. For the commissioners to close down our community, put local businesses at risk and then mandate that folks must take an experimental gene altering injection without vetting the science is tyrannical at worse and seriously misguided a least. Port Townsend has become a community of followers who have forgotten that liberty and freedom are human rights we are all born with, not privileges granted by authoritative government officials.
Ben, this will only end when enough people have had ENOUGH and refuse to comply. As long as it is a handful, we will be crushed. But remember– these arrogant miscreants work for US, and we have far more power than we are exercising.
Thank you for exposing the thought processes of the people who believe they have the expertise to demand specific medical treatments for the residents of their realm. It wasn’t that long ago my neighbors were travelling to King or Kitsap County for medical care and second opinions from specialists. Now a family practice physician with a Masters of Public Health degree is a main source of approved medical and scientific information.
Misinformation is any question or statement not approved by this politically appointed Public Health Officer. Greg Brotherton accused me of “yelling fire in a crowded theater” for calmly informing the BOCC that definitions of pandemic and vaccine were changed in the Covid era, and that Anthony Fauci has a terrible reputation for his role in the AIDS crisis. Both my claims are well known and easily proven – no scientific papers or expertise required.
“This is not America
Little piece of you
The little piece in me
Will die (this is not a miracle)
For this is not America.
” In other words, truth is what the health bureaucrats say it is, based on whatever experts and data they say are reliable, disregarding other data regardless of its validity. “…..It’s like Biden said, “we choose truth over facts”.
So now government agencies will decide what is “acceptable information” and what is “misinformation”. How is that any different from what the CCP and Russian governments do?
Those who have had the vacks cannot let themselves be open minded- it is too late for them to change and could be considered cruel to try to enlighten those poor souls. For them to rationally consider alternate facts is to assign themselves as at risk in the future with no possible remedy.
Excellent article. Thank you for taking the time to write the article and making your public comments at the Board of Health meetings.
Dr. Berry seems to be saying that no one is qualified to have an opinion on these matters without reading every published study AND having her ‘discernment’ to be able to filter out the ‘wrong’ studies to determine the ‘preponderance of the evidence’. If you haven’t or don’t want to do that, well then just listen to her. Of course you can trust Dr. Berry, she works for the government – how could she be wrong?
Yet my feeling is that many, in this county at least, believe her.
I am convinced that at this point what we are seeing is the world’s new religion. Covid-19 is the devil, science is God, and scientists are the high priests. Believers proselytize their theology of science despite the fact that most of them could not even solve a simple high-school algebra or physics problem.
“I’m getting tired of stupid.” -Sheila Westerman, Jefferson County Board of Health, as quoted in the Port Townsend Leader
If that comment is not the epitome of arrogance, I certainly do not know what would be. As all too many of us know, such attitudes are quite typical of Port Townsend and Jefferson County officials when referring to the unwashed masses who comprise the citizenry, and especially those who have the audacity to believe there ever could be such a thing as free speech or the right to form one’s own opinions separate from an all-powerful and all-controlling government.
And if we need any more proof of our local officials’ arrogance and distain for our personal liberties, look no further than the September 29th Leader’s page 10 story, “Resolution against COVID misinformation falls flat with hospital board commissioners.” After reading this, my suspicions were confirmed that we are no longer living in the same America I grew up in. When elected and appointed officials begin to refer to my rights to freedom of movement and freedom of choice as “privileges” to be dispensed at the discretion of government despots, we have certainly lost our country.
Do you trust your government? Would you trust them with your family ? Many have died because they did, mort recenttly the folks trying to get out of Iraq. I have signed the paper to protect the Constituion with free speach and freedom of the press. I will die to protect it, So bring some fire power with you when you want to take away anything in that document.
In he Army, I went through Ammo Renevation training. One trainer told me at that time (1965) they had chemical warfare ammo that could attack any army in the world and leave our troops safe. When I went to Germany (some of you must remember the Cold War) we knew that if the enemy came we would be overrun in about fifteen minutes. My company was a SADS, Special Ammonion Direct Support. We would be supporting a Sheriden missile comany. Every one in our Company had to have a Secret Clearance except our Tech Team. To get into their compound, past the wire and armed guard you had to have a higher clearance. We felt we had to have nukes. Now, I remember what that trainer said and wonder what we did haveand what we have now.
If you want protecion, get a military grade mask. It worksll rRecenty I met a guy at the hospital who did the Navy equivelent to my job. We both had a laugh at the masks that are supostobly be so good but, that are so inefective.
There is one other thiing that hasn’t come up. Why do they want this other than money? The answer is Global Warming, and who is causing that humans. Think about it The world’s population went wild after WWII and now we have the War Babys on a world wide scale.. How many people smoke and where doesi tgo? How many more cars,trucks trains and planes are made and where does thier gases go? Huge forests are being destroyed. There are more chemicals in the water and land. The waters have been turned into a big garbage dump of everything from plastic to very bad chemicals. Now, what is the easiest thing to make the coolling start? Answer, reduce the worlds population. COVID is merely a tool. Do the rich get richer? They always do, as theres no limit to their greed. The big question is who finances these shots and new twists on COVID?,.Read this paragraph and think about it.
“The big question is who finances these shots and new twists on COVID?” ….. President Biden assures US that the vaccine shots are free! A quick look at Pfizers profits for 2021 proves that is a lie.
This is the same “board of health” that refers to the boosters as “FDA approved”. They are no such thing. They are authorized under the EUA, but not FDA-approved. These words matter in terms of the FDA and in terms of liability and the ability of recipients to seek recourse for vaccine injury following these injections. Misuse of the word approved: Actual CDC announcement:
Appreciate you highlighting this government disinformation, Lorna. I’ve raised this point with the BOCC several times, and for that was accused of “spreading dangerous misinformation.” A well-known local government watchdog on the zoom call went so far as to call me a liar and a few other defaming names. He was thanked for his comment.
Only if we obey. The time may be at hand where civil disobedience, en masse, is the only thing they will hear.
I heard this morning that last night the Shot Card Nazis showed up at a local resturant without shot cards. The owner told them they couldn’t come in beause it’s not allowed. They turned and walked away. Obviously what’s good for us, isn’t good for them.
Multiple levels of our government have made no secret that they have declared war against 50% of the American people, those who have refused to poison their bodies with fake, marginally-tested, non-approved Covid ‘vaccinations’. Daily, our government officials and their media sock puppets spin their latest lies and demand we comply with their lockdowns, insipid mask edicts and every word out of the Fauci Fascist’s mouth. It has come to the point that I cannot believe a word that originates with any level of government…on any subject…in this country.
During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s we often heard of an emerging ‘credibility gap’, where government sources of information were were said to be increasing devoid of honest and factual content. If that is not the current standing of Biden’s, Inslee’s and Jefferson County’s political capital, then I’m Richard Nixon.
The point I am trying to make is, if you cannot trust your government or its crooked media to tell the truth, where do you turn? To whatever source you can find on the internet that claims to offer objective, researched and reasoned reporting. In this case Gateway Pundit and test reports from Nigeria.
Can We, The People, declare these politicians to be causing a county-wide bullshit crisis?
Stephen, Annette, Ana, Brett, and of course, Jim:
Enormous gratitude for speaking truth to power during this time of mass hysteria. Please know that many are reading, watching, and standing in solidarity with you. Some are afraid for their livelihoods and remain in the shadows, but this sanctimonious community would be shocked to know how many of us work, congregate and play alongside them as fellow liberals and progressives without paying dues to the Covid cult.
We are critical thinkers who read medical studies and seek out professional, credible sources who reject, through dogged, fact-checked and peer-reviewed documentation that is being censored by social and mainstream media, the dangerous misinformation promulgated by bureaucrats – from Fauci and Walensky to Inslee, all the way down to Locke and Berry. We recognize that this campaign is not about public health- not for a disease that has a 99%+ survival rate, holds a 1-5% chance of hospitalization, and laughably boasts an leaky injection that has not been proven either safe or effective. This is an obedience test and Port Townsend, you’ve passed with flying colors. Keep submitting to your every-six-months jabs, of which you have zero idea what the medium and long-term effects are and ignore the short-term effects, including permanent heart damage, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, and death. Keep relinquishing your bodily autonomy and your Constitutional rights because you have become slaves to the fearful rhetoric.
Those of us who refuse forced vaccination will keep fighting and yes, it is your rights we are fighting for. You claim the shot, masks, and lockdowns are about what’s best for the community at large (psst, no, they are not, have not and will never be about or benefit public health- the evidence is right there, available to you if you can get past your fear and disbelief that everything you’ve absorbed and believed and practiced these past 20 months is wrong wrong wrong). Meanwhile you are succumbing to mandates that have done more harm to our children, our brothers and sisters of color, our poor, those without shelter, our small business owners, our economy, and our future than ten back-to-back Trump administrations. I was shattered when Trump won in 2016. I never imagined that far worse awaited, and it would be at the hands of those I had once considered my political tribe.
Local and far-flung liberals alike have bought into the mainstream media narrative that those speaking out against vaccine mandates and/or are questioning the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are Trump-loving, MAGA-hat wearing red state conservatives. Or hippy-dippy anti-vaxxers. Perhaps because they cannot handle the cognitive dissonance that there are multitudes like me, members of my family, and friends who are (were, now) lifelong Democrats, liberals in the true sense of the word. All caught up on our vaccinations, until this – this lie bigger than anything a gaggle of Deep State fantasists could conjure.
And we vote. Many of us have now become one issue voters: the preservation of our constitutional freedoms. And we will vote in any candidate, from county commissioner to state rep to governor to president, who vows to dismantle vaccine mandates at every level and restore our freedom of choice. We no longer care what letter follows a candidate’s name. We don’t care what their positions are on voting rights, taxation, abortion, gun control, climate change, social justice. There is one issue and one issue only: release from tyranny. We have never been more afraid for our and our country’s future than we are now- watching this country and the world cave from fear, lies, deception, corruption. Know, too, that many of us who have taken the jab to preserve our jobs are even angrier: vaccine mandates may work in the short term to boost the stats and make the vaccine cultists congratulate themselves with smug pats on the back. The blue afterglow will turn a nightmarish red in the midterms. Enjoy your hollow victories now. If the jab hasn’t turned your brains to jelly in a couple of years, your collective political heads will explode when you realize what you have unleashed. You’ve just destroyed your own party. A party we were once proud to call our own. Now we are politically homeless, but we will align ourselves with those who understand this is the greatest threat we have ever faced.
AJ, It’s nice to hear the voice of a liberal who is not a leftist. Thank you for speaking up. Good points throughout. It reminds me of the good old days when liberals and conservatives agreed on most aspects of life in America.
Please consider the possibility that the amount of propaganda and deception we are seeing with Covid pales in comparison to the propaganda and deception used against Trump. (In fact Covid was used against Trump so it is just a subset of all that was done against Trump.) Just as the left stoked irrational fear of Covid, they also stoked intense hatred against Trump using the same bludgeons; main stream media, deep state actors, big tech censorship of opposition.
Very good points regarding President Trump. I am fully convinced that if I compiled a list of some of the good things Mr. Trump did during his presidency, without naming him, most liberals would probably agree these were good things…until they heard whose administration they happened under. Some examples:
Lower taxes for all Americans
Lowest unemployment on record for Blacks, Hispanics and women
Far lower energy prices than during the previous administration
Stronger military
Far fewer military deaths than during the previous three presidential terms
Unsurpassed economic and job growth during his entire term
Demanding rich European countries to pay their fair (and agreed upon) share for NATO defense
100% American energy independence
Becoming the largest exporter of energy in the world
Demanding that China comply with honest trade agreements-with some success
Attempting…with some degree of success…to bring North Korea to the bargaining table
Demanding North Korea stop threatening her neighbors (and Hawaii) with missiles (with great success)
Moving the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, something that had been promised by all presidents since it was agreed to by GHW Bush
Making every attempt to build the wall on our southern border-despite being stonewalled by both parties in congress
Brokering a new (and more honest trade agreement) with Canada and Mexico
Getting out of the disastrous and unfair (for America) Paris Climate Agreements
Removing us from the equally disastrous (and very expensive) Iran nuclear agreement that cost us billions with nothing in return
Allowing military veterans to access better healthcare
Trying to keep Americans from having to fund the butchery of Planned Parenthood
Unfortunately, congressional Democrats spent four years engaging in various, unfounded and illegal witch hunts, which forced Mr. Trump to spend more time defending himself than doing even more good things for the country.
Also unfortunate is that Mr. Trump’s second term was stolen from him-and us-by election thievery, a fact that has caused the USA to greatly suffer under the ‘leadership’ of an imposter so corrupt and incompetent that it is almost impossible for me to comprehend.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Read the book “Behold A Pale Horse”. It’s all coming true from a man thaat was involved in top secret govenment things that he said was happening. The deeper you get into the book, the scarier it gets. The author was killed to shut him up. He was a patriot who tried to defend the Constitution and our rights to make decisions. It’s all there for you to read. As you read on his warnings are coming true. God help us all.
John O.
Here are just a few clips from the Leaders LTE’s in the last few months.
“After so much time with so much information available it is becoming quite clear that many if not most unvaccinated people are not listening and if they are they are listening to lies being spread by Fox News to increase ratings with Trump supporters.”
“A mix of mostly right wing Trump supporters and new age types who think we can all heal ourselves if we just build our immune systems have adopted personal freedom as their rationale. ”
“As has been shown the virus is still very much here because Trump supporters bought the whole “freedom” excuse. Anti-vaxers are just Trump supporters marching for their leader. ”
There is an old saying that goes something like “You never let a serious crisis go to waste.”
My favorite quote is by the great American Patrick Henry , Give me liberty or give me death. If things keep going like they have been, I’ll have to die fighting this Herd of Marx followers that are still standing. Of corse theyll have to get someone show them the way becaus most of them because they can’t think for themselves and haven’t read the Constitution that gives us the right to live as we wish and have a freedom of speech and to think as we wish. The sheep will go to the slaughter believing that COVID wasn’t developed to save the herd, but to thin it.
Correction: Our Creator endowed us with our rights including free speech. The constitution created a government for the express purpose of SECURING our rights. The Constitution does not grant us our rights. – neither does the CDC or Inslee or the Jefferson County Board of Health.