The specter of totalitarianism has revived the Port Townsend Free Press. A new team is stepping up to keep this exercise of First Amendment rights and free thinking alive.
The Jefferson County Board of Health has declared that “misinformation” is a public health crisis. In Congress, several Democrats have introduced legislation to give government the power to punish “misinformation.” Social media behemoths are coordinating with the federal government to deplatform individuals who express views those in power want suppressed.
Shades of Communist China. Or Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain, where police monitor social media and arrest those who honestly express their views and share facts and information uncomfortable to the ruling class.
The subject matter immediately at issue concerns COVID, its origins, vaccines, COVID’s toll, and the toll of lockdowns and mandates. But our Board of Health does not limit itself to COVID. It has declared that systemic racism—whatever that is—is a public health emergency. It has been flirting with declaring climate change—whatever that is—a public health emergency. A couple years back health concerns were even used as an excuse to try to impose a higher property tax to fund politically-connected groups engaged in housing activism.
The powers of the Board of Health and the Public Health Officer are nearly dictatorial when a public health emergency is declared. There are no brakes in the laws creating these powers. We are seeing declarations of “health emergencies” being abused to advance political and ideological agendas. I would submit that the latest round of extraordinary mandates and penalties are equally about submission and purging those who think for themselves as they are about fighting a virus. That is a a subject for future articles here… and they will be coming.
The Board of Health’s crisis, and that of government health authorities, is that they have squandered the credibility they once possessed almost without question. But instead of acting to regain that credibility, they are now resorting to force and coercion and nudging us towards totalitarianism.
Other nations and states have taken different approaches than we’ve seen in Washington and Jefferson County. Some of those places have had better results with less collateral damage. In other cases, without the heavy hand of draconian mandates, their COVID experience is no worse than ours. Is that misinformation, or just inconvenient facts that show our local leaders may have been wrong and caused unnecessary harm?
Government declarations of what constitutes “misinformation” are a big step towards censorship and the onset of a Dark Age where open, informed and robust investigation and debate is suppressed.
Enter the second-generation Port Townsend Free Press.
A trio of individuals with long histories in this community approached me and asked to continue this project. The Board of Health’s totalitarian actions prompted me to agree. These individuals are non-partisan. They have been active participants in the social and economic life of Port Townsend for decades. They are also very smart and very good writers.
They are:
Ana Wolpin: Ana’s professional and personal pursuits in Jefferson County have included publishing, business development, marketing, graphic design and community service. She was first General Manager of the Food Co-op, past president of the Jefferson County Economic Development Council, former Port Townsend City Council member, founding board member of Habitat for Humanity of East Jefferson County, co-founder of the Port Townsend Peace Movement and co-organizer of Smart Meter Objectors Group (SMOG). Currently she researches, and, weather permitting, gardens.
Annette Huenke: Annette studied International Relations at the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to heading west, she was a manager for an Auckland-based international publisher of peer-reviewed drug information journals. In 1992 she moved to Port Townsend, opening Ancestral Spirits Gallery in 1993. She is past vice president of the Jeff Co EDC and board member of The Boiler Room. She researches, writes and wanders the forests around PT.
Stephen Schumacher: Stephen graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader’s original online newspaper and programs shipboard stability software used by naval architects.
Ana, Annette and Stephen have written excellent articles for the PT Free Press. They are tenacious researchers. Their work here, so far, has been focused on COVID, but PT Free Press will continue to be a publication of general interest. They have discussed with me some exciting ideas for broadening the community’s participation in this forum. I am persuaded of their integrity and commitment to honoring the original spirit of this project: “Resist the dominant paradigm, speak truth to power, celebrate diversity.” They will continue to tell the stories not being told and present news and views you are not going to get anywhere else.
I will contribute articles occasionally, but my interests and time are being claimed by other endeavors.
Thank you for supporting us the past 3.5 years. Please give the new team the same support and encouragement. They will continue to use our existing email alert network but will establish a new Facebook page as I will be leaving Facebook entirely. Look for “The New Port Townsend Free Press” FB page and be sure to “like” or “follow” their work.
Happy trails,
Jim Scarantino, Founder and former editor, Port Townsend Free Press
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.
Thank you Annette, Ana And Stephen for stepping up during this time of double-think, censoring and outright media lying. We so need a voice that can begin to shed a light on the fear and blame that divides our once inclusive community. The following is a short quote from the late Indian activist, humanitarian, artist and poet, John Trudell.
Voters don’t change the system
the system changes them…
into believers of political promises
as a way of avoiding the reality
no matter how they vote
or who they vote for
they end up deeper in debt
and with less individual liberties
as a legacy to their children
so political promises
becomes their drug
and in a need for validation
they start pushing that drug
more thought caught in believing
then thought freed by thinking
— John Trudell,
Yes, thank you for stopping up to the plate, Ana, Annette, and Stephen. I was so very disappointed when I read that Jim was stepping away and hoped someone would carry on the important task of providing a forum for a free exchange of ideas in lopsided PT. I, too, am very interested in the truth about COVID (and other topics) which is difficult to discern. My husband and I have come to some conclusions that definitely buck the mainstream, but these conclusions have given us the strength of knowledge to resist the culture both locally and elsewhere. Thank you.
If you are “looking for truth about Covid”, Dawn, the last places you should look should be the Marxist media or virtually any level of government, and especially fake president Biden and “Doctor” Fauci.
As for local restaurant restrictions for unvaccinated “criminals” like me, the Jefferson/Clallam health Gestapo ignores business owners and the public at large, while allowing a small minority of paranoid Port Townsend leftists decide who should eat and who shouldn’t. History will prove that the present Covid “vaccinations” are worthless, but by then the thinking, reasoning element of our population will have already been placed in concentration camps or worse.
Think it can’t happen? It’s already happening in Australia, New Zealand and Great Britain.
I am grateful to learn that Ana, Annette and Stephen have made the decision to accept the stewardship of the Port Townsend Free Press in these continuing challenging times! Having this intelligent, well versed and community committed trio steering the ship that speaks truth to power is significant and impressive. Thank you, Ana, Annette and Stephen!
Jim: Thank you for starting and nursing this forum. You got it strong enough so it can stand on its own # feet and attract a wonderful trio of good minds to nurture it through its childhood. A couple of years went by before I discovered PTFP and happily joined in the conversation a year or so ago. I have really, really missed PTFP this last few months. Something would catch my attention, I’d have an internal discussion and want to share in a place where actual dialogue happens, in other words, PTFP. I am so happy it is back. You will be hearing from me soon.
What great news and a nice surprise! Thanks to all of you for stepping up and stepping in – looking forward to the future of press freedom in PT once again.
This is very good news. There is a real need for alternative views in this blinkered town. I for one have appreciated the honest and thoroughly researched writing of the Free Press. I expect there might be others in the community who will participate too, but it takes a brave person to come forward in a time when even our President asks us to be angry with each other. Some may want to write anonymously and I hope they will be welcomed if their work is sound. People with active business interests and writing and research skills may want to share, but cannot alienate their customers–and neighbors. But the word must out. Those who can, must speak out. We are flirting with dangerous times. A hearty thanks to all of you!
This is great news. Please let is know how we may help. Please know that many of us are not on Facebook, and given Facebook’s censorship I hope that you will seek out other forums for discussions.
This is oh so good news!
Hey now, ben, how rare & wonderful — the ever-pertinent JT.
Seen these on ytube?
dna ancestors talk in boulder col.
John Trudell – Descendant Now Ancestor
John Trudell on Becoming Human
First discovered whilst reading “in the spirit of crazy horse”, by peter matthiessen.
Ever read jack forbes classic — “columbus and other cannibals”?, about “wetiko”? It sure popped big time over the last couple years.
Alby, Found John many years ago first through his music, Graffiti Man. Met him soon after. He had a clear and beautiful way of expressing himself.
Thanks for the two book recommendations, I will check them out.
Ben — just ordered “grafitti man” from jt’s website. Sorry jesse ed davis passed beforehand — would have enjoyed that collaboration.
Got both those books here at my place. Always have extra copies available of the jack forbes’ work to offer around. “Crazy horse” you’re welcome to borrow.
lemme know.
Both those y-tube clips are right up the alley, timely as eternity.
Welcome back PTFP !!!!!! I have missed you and your quest for truth. I agree this country’s freedom is being assaulted. I signed the piece of paper that said I would defend the Constitution of the United States, defend it against all enemies foreign or domestic not politicians. That piece of paper was for as long as I live. At any rate, keep up the good work and don’t fold under the pressures you’re probably going to endure. Our country’s freedoms are under fire.
P/S if you ever need a cartoonist give me a yell.