New Wrinkle in Jefferson County’s “Fourth” COVID Death

by | Jun 2, 2021 | General | 42 comments

A Jefferson County woman in her mid-60s tragically died in Seattle “after a prolonged hospitalization for respiratory failure due to COVID pneumonia” contracted out-of-state the week following her second experimental gene therapy (“vaccine”) shot. The woman also suffered from “serious underlying health conditions including a lymphatic malignancy that required ongoing chemotherapy and immunosuppressing medications,” according to Jefferson County Public Health Officer Dr. Tom Locke.

Despite the proximity to her vaccine shot, her multiple serious comorbidities, and all events surrounding her demise having occurred out-of-county, this sad passing is being headlined as “the fourth to die from COVID-19 in Jefferson County”. Like the previous three such deaths, there is serious room for doubt given special CDC instructions “that COVID-19 be recorded as the primary cause of death even if the decedent had other chronic comorbidities”.

Contrary to recent undercounting claims by debunked forecasters, Jefferson County’s own experience with doubtful COVID deaths is a microcosm of national overcounting concerns. The CDC data shows 95% of deaths “with” COVID had an average of 3 extra comorbidities and contributing causes (nearly half having flu or pneumonia), despite only COVID being blamed.

That’s even assuming most of these deaths ever had COVID in the first place, which is uncertain given 90% false positives seen with PCR testing using typical 40+ Cycle Thresholds. (Note Jefferson County uses an absurdly-high 45 Ct.)

The new wrinkle in this fourth-claimed county death is its close association with a second vaccination less than a week before her infection. The CDC received 10,262 reports of such vaccine breakthroughs through April, which it considers “a substantial undercount”.

Beyond breakthroughs, a May 20 Harvard study found SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins circulating throughout body plasma for 2 weeks immediately following mRNA vaccination. Virginia researchers “found that exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone was enough to induce COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs”, eerily similar to the COVID pneumonia blamed for this fourth county death.

Such a process might explain some of the many reports of high-risk elderly dying after vaccination, such as 14 nursing home patients “dropping like flies”, and 32 dying in an a New York nursing home, and  23 frail elderly patients dying in Norway shortly after receiving vaccine.

Dr. Locke acknowledges that “most vaccinations, including the new COVID vaccines, are ineffective in those who are profoundly immunosuppressed.” Moreover, according to Peter Doshi, associate editor of the British Medical Journal, since the immunocompromised and frail elderly were not “enrolled into vaccine trials in sufficient numbers to determine whether case numbers are reduced in this group, there can be little basis for assuming any benefit”.

Given the 4,863 VAERS-reported deaths associated with COVID vaccines through May 24, and given they are “ineffective” and have no demonstrated benefit for profoundly immunosuppressed patients such as the decedent, it’s strange that Dr. Locke says “she was appropriately vaccinated”.

Also not included in the vaccine trials were children and adolescents, yet they are likewise being pushed toward risky vaccinations from which they can expect negligible benefit. Lancet shows the Number Needed to Vaccinate to prevent one COVID case is between 76 and 117 for the various vaccines, while the CDC estimates Infection Fatality Ratio of 0.002% under age 18. That means it takes 5 million vaccine doses to save a single young life, while risking many more young deaths in the process – a recklessly dangerous gamble.

Health officials promoting these vaccines in schools need to take care lest the next COVID-related death in Jefferson County might be a child dying days after receiving the vaccine.

Stephen Schumacher

Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.

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  1. Joan Best

    Your distress with the crude and imprecise data collection and manner in which the resulting data is used to intimidate and cojole people into getting the vaccine is understandable. I appreciate your recent recognition that the data collection methods and state and CDC interpretation of the data is beyond the control of Dr. Locke and other local public health officials. I also appreciate that Dr. Locke has recently become more informative and less defensive in his statements. His statement on the conditions surrounding the death of this latest Jefferson Co. COVID victim was facially neutral but filled with all the details needed for you to point out the deficiencies in the data collection system and to rightly question whether this woman’s death should be attributed to COVID.
    However, as a 86 year old woman, in my opinion it was reasonable for her to get the second dose of the vaccination. I signed up for mine the minute is was available last January and got the second on February 7. By March I was feeling much more in control of my life as a result. The data shows that most of my fellow “senior citizens” did the same. By providing the details concerning this woman’s severely compromised health unrelated to COVID Dr. Locke allowed people reading about this additional COVID death to evaluate and probably discount its applicability to themselves. As crude and slipshod as it is, the data does reveal that mass vaccinations have worked to reduce the number of deaths from COVID.
    I think you are wrong to advise against vaccinating children. In 1943 my brothers and I, living in Bremerton during the War, had a series of infections that kept us in quarantine for almost a year: chickenpox, measles and German measles, whooping cough, mumps, and scarlet fever. In Silverdale, in the early 1950s, the fear of getting polio put a damper on summer fun. Believe me, vaccines have saved many lives and saved many more from a life of poor health. My children and grandchildren and now great-grandchildren are saved from this experience. I am grateful for the world-wide effort to develop vaccines against COVID in such a short time, and for the public isolation response during 2020/21 to limit the spread of the disease while waiting for an effective vaccination.

  2. Annette Huenke

    Joan, it is difficult to square your initial admission that “the crude and imprecise data collection and manner in which the resulting data is [being] used to intimidate and cajole people into getting the vaccine” with your ensuing commentary.

    The use of intimidation and cajoling to coerce a terribly, arguably purposely, frightened populace into accepting a novel, experimental gene therapy that is still in clinical trial phases is hardly responsible policy — it is indecent, if not criminal, behavior.

    Has Dr. Locke become more informative? If so, I would expect him to acknowledge that the shots may have contributed to the woman’s death if he wanted to provide ‘all the details needed’ for proper informed consent. On the contrary, he has been and continues to be loathe to ascribe any possible negative outcomes from the shots, aside from euphemistic references to ‘breakthrough’ (aka vaccine failure) cases. The jabs are not preventing infection nor transmission.

    The declaration that the shots left you “feeling much more in control” of your life simply affirms that you’d been scared to (and of) death. Your belief in government assurances that you would be safely protected set your mind at ease. That belief comforted you, but is not related in any way to actual outcomes of the jab rollout. This short video uses data collected by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) to demonstrate the skyrocketing death rates post-vaccination occurring around the globe.

    What this synthetic pathogen does inside the body over time is not yet known, but the animal studies conducted with mRNA products over the last 20 years suggest that it will not end well. That anyone could read and absorb the contents of Stephen’s next-to-last paragraph and conclude that we should include children in this unholy experiment boggles the mind.

    My parents and their siblings, I and my ten siblings and dozens of cousins all had those common childhood infections in the early-mid 1900’s — measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis and chicken pox. They were inconvenient and for some, unpleasant, but we came out the other side with lifelong immunity and robust immune systems. The use of quarantine for common childhood illnesses was far from universal and likely a bad idea. We were outside playing in the sunshine through most of them. This vaxxed vs unvaxxed study published last year unequivocally shows that unvaccinated children are healthier by every measure.

    I urge you to get hold of a copy of “Dissolving Illusions — Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” for a comprehensive backgrounding of those childhood infections, including polio and smallpox, and the myriad influences on their contemporary stories and the telling of them.

  3. Dawne Stanton Nock

    I simply want to compliment both Joan and Annette for respectful, well-though out dialogue of opposing viewpoints. This highlights why receiving the vaccine should be voluntary only and in no way coerced.

    I’m about 15 years younger than you, Joan, and had a similar childhood experience with having typical childhood diseases for the time except for polio as the vaccine arrived in our small rural Pennsylvania town by the time I was in elementary school (if memory serves). My Dad was a local family physician and it was an exciting time as we all knew older children who had contracted polio.

    This said, I am far more in agreement with Annette while my Dad, now 89, is far more in agreement with you, Joan. He and his younger wife locked down when COVID hit and remained locked down. They missed visiting my younger brother in his severe illness, death, and memorial service, while my husband and I, after the initial few weeks, went about our lives as normally as possible within the constraints of various governmental edicts. My Dad was thrilled to get the vaccine and did it ASAP yet my husband and I do not want it at this point in time. It is a new technology and experimental only.

    To Annette’s point, our fear or lack of fear of COVID informs to a significant degree our anxiousness or lack thereof to receive the vaccine.

  4. Les Walden

    I to was raised in the Post WWII era. I had meseals of various kinds, The neighbor kids got the mumps, but I didn’t and my Mom did. Whenever I had flu like systms my Father would make me put on my PJ’s, get into bed with extra covers and drink a home remedy of water, lemon juice, whiskey and a cinamin stick and drink it as fast as I could. I was then bundled up to make me break sweat. The systems sometimes went away in a few hours and always by the next morning. I still use that remedey.and it still works. I’ve had three Monday nights where I had the chills and a slight rise in temperture that lasted about two hours on the first Monday. The next week was the same thing, only weaker lasting about an hour. The third week nothing. The fourth week the tempereture and chills were lighter, lasting abut a half and hour. All were about 7pm on a Monday. I firmly believe the virus was trying to get atached, but was beat off by my natural antibodies. I’m 77 and not afraid of dying (That’s another strory.) I will not put a save us all serum in my body. My body beat it so far and will continue to beat it. I don’t normally wear a mask as being in a Army Company that surely had nukes and maybe chemical and biological warheads I know the masks aren’t that good. I will wear one to go into a business becuase of the Covid Serum Stormtroopers will enforce severe penalties on busineses, who have fought hard to remain in business. Also it makes the citisens who do wear them for protection, feel safe.

  5. Joan Best

    Just to clarify. Both “good” and “bad” data has been produced during this COVID pandemic. It is my studied impression that the scientists who have designed, created and tested the vaccines have been very careful [with a few well publicized boo-boos] and been checked and crosschecked before approval for general distribution. This is good data, to be trusted. [Which is not the same as saying that the method was the best choice, I don’t know one way or the other, but it sure got the job done in record time.] On the other hand the data about number of deaths, positive/negative test results, attributing individuals to their home address county rather than where they were exposed and other information gathered by medical personnel on the fly was irresponsibly gathered and given far too much weight for political purposes, resulting in bad, often unreliable data resulting in questionable lockdowns and other public health edicts. I find these errors forgivable. The political leaders had little experience and were learning on the fly.

    In December 2019, when the first mention of a potential pandemic went public and the first cases in the US occurred less than 100 miles from PT, I decided to lay low. COVID is a very unpleasant disease. I don’t fear death but if I can I will choose a peaceful passing. I did not find the solitude difficult. I find the masks annoying but readily use them for my own protection, when I needed it, and now for those around me when I am out, for their peace of mind. It seems such a small gesture to de the neighborly thing. I suspect that there will continue to be people getting COVID and some will die from it and most of them will be unvaccinated. That is where free choice comes in. I chose to be vaccinated and believe, should I get infected it will be a mild case because of the vaccine, so I am not bothered by the unmasked. I also believe that businesses and schools and such have the right to required their employees and students to be vaccinated just as schools do now for other diseases for which vaccines have been developed. I also believe that those that chose not to be vaccinated have the right not to be and to publish all of their reasons and data to prove their view, but they do not have the right to not take the public health precautions of masks, etc while they are still mandated because unmasked people trigger stress in others. Within a month or so there should be herd immunity here and the mandate will be removed and no one will be expected to wear masks. Just hang in there folks.

    • Ana Wolpin

      “It is my studied impression that the scientists who have designed, created and tested the vaccines have been very careful [with a few well publicized boo-boos] and been checked and crosschecked before approval for general distribution. This is good data, to be trusted.”

      One’s “studied impression” on the data all depends on the sources being studied, who you place your trust in (see Alby Baker’s comment), and your willingness to dig for research which is consistently marginalized and censored by the pharma/medical/industrial complex.

      The story the media told, exemplified by the quote above, was little more than a fairy tale. British Medical Journal Senior Editor Peter Doshi challenged both the design of pharma’s initial trials and the way data was manipulated to make people think that there was an amazing 95% efficacy. Critical animal trials were skipped. The short human trials did not evaluate whether hospitalizations, ICU cases, or deaths were reduced, and were “not designed to assess whether the vaccines can interrupt viral transmission.” And months after Emergency Use Authorization was granted, when raw data from those trials was finally obtained, Doshi calculated a 19% relative risk reduction (RRR) from data sets that had not been disclosed—”far below the 50% effectiveness threshold for authorization set by regulators” (see my earlier article).

      Other scientists you do not see in the mainstream press explain that RRR is not even the right metric to focus on, that the more meaningful calculation is ABSOLUTE risk reduction (ARR). From three physicians in the Lancet medical journal describing “the elephant (not) in the room”: “ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs: 1·3% for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, 1·2% for the Moderna–NIH, 1·2% for the J&J, and 0·84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines… With the use of only RRRs, and omitting ARRs, reporting bias is introduced, which affects the interpretation of vaccine efficacy.” An ACTUAL risk reduction of one or two percent has been sold as 95% efficacy. Read “How Industry Deceives With Statistics”:

      Likewise, rather than being “checked and crosschecked before approval,” the safety data on these shots has been woefully lacking. Not only were the people considered most at-risk from the virus either excluded from or under-represented in the trials—elderly, immune-compromised, those with co-morbities, vulnerable ethnic populations—no pregnant women or children were allowed to participate (again, see my earlier articles). Nor were the potential issues with this new mRNA technology that had been identified by independent scientists long before the brief trials were conducted—like pathogenic priming and infertility—even studied. After avoiding doing any research on fertility issues, the CDC then misled the public with a recommendation that the shot was safe for pregnant women by saying that “There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems.” No evidence because the trials were never done is being equated with safety.

      Cover-ups of adverse events from early trials have also surfaced. And now, FDA documents reveal that in the recent trials on children, 86% suffered adverse reactions ranging from mild to serious. The cover-ups, manipulation of data and outright lies have been so egregious that there are efforts underway for a “Nuremberg Two”. More than 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity.

  6. Ana Wolpin

    This pronouncement of another death from Covid immediately following the experimental injection fits the pattern playing out all over the world. In nearly every country that has rolled out these shots, where death counts had been declining, deaths started rising precipitously following vaccination campaigns. (See the first link in Annette Huenke’s comment above; more than 80 countries’ stats are graphed.) And in most cases, as with Dr. Locke calling this a death from the virus, authorities are attributing fatalities to Covid rather than the shot which is responsible. As confirmed in the Harvard study Stephen cites above, a person tests positive for the virus post-vaccination not because they “caught Covid before the vaccine could start working,” but because spike proteins were created, circulating in the body as a result of the shot. This helps explain the rash of deaths in nursing homes that Stephen mentions. Recent research shows that the spike protein is responsible for damage to the vascular system, causing strokes, heart inflammation, clotting issues and more. Dr. Byram Bridle, Associate Professor on Viral Immunology at the University of Guelph in Canada says, “The spike protein is a pathogen itself… it’s a toxin. It can cause damage in our body if it gets into circulation.”

    Unlike conventional vaccines, mRNA injections do not remain localized. “What has been discovered by the scientific community is the spike protein on its own is almost entirely responsible for damage to the cardiovascular system if it gets into circulation… The spike protein gets into the blood, circulates through the blood in individuals over several days post-vaccination. It accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, the bone marrow, the liver, the adrenal glands… in quite high concentrations in the ovaries… it can cross the blood-brain barrier and cause damage to the brain.”

    Covid shots have already caused more US deaths in five months than all other vaccines combined in decades of VAERS reports. While our CDC and other regulatory agencies are not investigating the deaths and adverse reactions being reported, the Norwegian Medicines Agency did. They investigated initial deaths of the frail elderly following injection. Norway, like most countries, shows skyrocketing death rates since their vaccine rollout. Their investigation found that the shot was a likely cause of death in many cases. “People with a very short life expectancy have little to gain from being vaccinated [their report] said, noting a genuine risk that the time of death will be brought forward and that they will experience adverse reactions to the vaccine in the last days of their life.”

    Like Annette, Dawne, and Les, along with every kid I went to school with, I had those childhood illnesses that, after a week of inconvenience, built strong immune systems. Vaccinating for those illnesses has been shown to create a cascade of chronic injury. But this new injection is orders of magnitude more dangerous. To be injecting our children who have zero risk of death from Covid with this experimental concoction which was never adequately studied (this mass campaign is the real trial) is criminal. America’s Frontline Doctors has filed a petition for a temporary restraining order against the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, specifically in reference to the use of this experimental vaccine on our children. “HHS, the FDA and the CDC are ignoring the science and they are putting the lives of our children on the line. Thousands of doctors and physician groups across the world are demanding the vaccine rollout be stopped. We doctors won’t stand for children being offered something they do not need and of whom some unknown percentage will suffer.”

  7. Craig E Durgan

    Just remember, all the vaccines have been given emergency use approval. They have not been actually approved for general use. This is because there is no long term data on the vaccine. So, I do not blame anyone for not wanting to get the vaccine.

  8. Saltherring

    Jefferson County commissioners and health officials continue in their quest to ensure this county remains the most backward county in the most backward state in the union. While Safeway and QFC stores in neighboring Clallam and Kitsap counties drop their mask mandates, Jefferson County grocery stores are being forced to require that shoppers wear masks, proving masks are all about politics and control over people’s lives and nothing to do with health and science.

    This only gives us more reason to shop where sanity and reason persist, which it seems, is anywhere but Communist Jefferson County.

    • drkottaway

      Wow, I am so grateful that people are still wearing masks, because if I catch covid-19 or another pneumonia, on top of the one I currently have, I will probably die. I don’t like being on oxygen, it’s a pain, but it’s WAY worse to not be on it and struggling for breath. Since we are now the oldest county in the state with many frail folks, and the vaccines do not take in 1 in 20 people, maybe that factors in to caution in removing the mask update. I am happy the commissioners and health officials are helping with the damaged, like me, and the frail elders in our community.

  9. alby baker

    Great discussion& exchange — thanks Jim for providing one forum that will not be censored. You know when the censors arrive, as they have in droves over the last 15months, getting in the way of honest & free discourse of ideas — our nation & world are in deepest trouble.

    The pharmaceutical/vaccine industry has a stunning history of criminal malfeasance & abuses — with untold physical & financial consequences, and billions paid out in fines & lawsuits, which covers only a tip of that iceberg. So now comes along their latest “experimental” products with no liability whatsoever, aimed at global populations, chockfull of synthetic genetic altering materials & spike proteins — and folks are willing to give big pharma the benefit of the doubt? Man, that’s some marketing, to a completely terrorized population.

    Given all the unknowns — what is “informed consent”? Check the Nuremberg Codes for answers to those very grave & historical concerns.

    If citizens would have armed themselves with just a tiny bit of research outside the MSM & political/”official” bullhorns — and let us not forget that both are paid subsidiaries of the medical industrial complex — this entire global narrative & scheme would have collapsed months ago.

    Pfizer — 4.7 billions in fines for false claims, drug & medical equipment safety violations, off-label promotion, corrupt practices, kickbacks, and bribery.

    Moderna — has never brought a vaccine to market since its founding, despite fielding 9+ vaccine candidates, none of which made it through phase 3 clinical trials.

    J&J — named in hundreds of thousands of lawsuits for toxic and/or dangerous products, including drugs, shampoos, medical equipment, and asbestos-contaminated baby powder.

    AstraZeneca — suspended by two dozen Euorpean countries due to severe, lethal adverse reactions, like blood clots.

    “The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)

    Please folks — do the diligence of your own independent study.

    Thanks again Jim.
    alby baker

  10. Gary Novak

    My Fellow Citizens, I strongly support your efforts to keep Republican voters from getting vaccinated.

  11. drkottaway

    I picked up a copy of “The Home Medical Library” at a garage sale. Before antibiotics, from 1912. The section on strep A and scarlet fever is very interesting. On the rash: “As the rash fades, scaling of the skin begins in large flakes and continues from ten days to as many weeks, usually terminating by the end of the sixth to eighth week.” The author talks about complications: deafness, damage to heart valves, permanent joint damage. The conclusion: Outlook: The average death rate of scarlet fever is about ten per cent. It is very fatal in children about a year old, and most of the deaths occur in those at different times and in different epidemics. In 1904-5, in many parts of the United States, the disease was very prevalent and correspondingly mild, and deaths were rare.” My point is that antibiotics were new and experimental when they came out. Sulfa was the first one. It was considered a miracle but some people refused it. Someone put sulfa in a DMSO solution and some children died, not from the sulfa but from the DMSO. The FDA was started because of those deaths. I have multiple concerns about people refusing the covid 19 vaccine. I don’t want to be around them or unvaccinated children because I just got my fourth pneumonia, this time from patients taking their masks off in the exam room before I came in the room, and I am now disabled from family medicine and on oxygen. It is unclear if I will get off oxygen and it wasn’t covid-19. I take pneumonia very seriously. The risks of a vaccine, even a new one, must be balanced against the risk of not only ourselves dying, but also our risk of killing others in our community. And yes, I have gotten both my vaccines.

  12. drkottaway

    I sent a comment, is it still being moderated or did it get lost?

  13. drkottaway

    Ok, that cracks me up. There are some very very far left folks who are refusing the vaccine as well. I wonder if plagues help our species have less, um, I can’t think of a diplomatic term. People With Very Strong And NonMainStream Opinions and Ideas that Do Not Test Well With Science. PWVSANMSOIDNTWWSes…..That group may be thinned a bit. Or if the antivaccers are right, the rest of us will croak and they will have at each other.

  14. Les Walden

    Let’s get one thing straight . I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I’m an Independant voter. I wish both parties would stop all this bickering and start working for the people who voted for them. Whether you mask or don’t mask, take shots or not take shots, they are your free right to do as you wish. ideally, you should seperate the county on what you believe and stay apart from each other. That’s not going to happen now or even in the future. So, live with it. I don’t say you should wear or not wear a mask, be vacinated or any other scheme that comes along. I’m just saying that I have earned the right to uphold my right to do as I wish and have signed my vow to protect the Constitution of The United States.I will proceed to make my own decisions and if anyone doesn’t like it, too bad. Maybe I’ll die today, tomorrow or next year. I choose to try to have a normal life for whatever time is left for me. If you feel safer, by all means wear a mask, get your shots. Then you should be “bullet proof” and you can stop worriying because the only people left will be that way too. However, STOP TELLING ME WHAT i SHOULD DO!

  15. Ana Wolpin

    For anyone interested in actual data, rather than the relentless fear-mongering about a virus that has barely touched anyone in our community, today’s update of VAERS reports, representing as little as 1% of actual injury and death from the Covid shots, shows nearly 300,000 adverse events and 5,165 deaths. That is an increase of over 750 deaths just since last week.

    To put those 750+ fatalities reported from the shot in ONE WEEK in perspective (which may actually reflect 75,000 deaths) – vaccine deaths reported to VAERS prior to Covid have averaged about 250 a YEAR. The death count from this experiment will soon surpass the total of all vaccines COMBINED over the 30 years that VAERS has existed.

    Clearly anyone who still thinks this shot is “safe and effective” has been hopelessly brainwashed by the mainstream disinformation narrative. Trust the media? Take a look at the recent disinfo about the freedom march in London last weekend: NBC News headline: “London anti-lockdown protests draws hundreds.” Yahoo News, same headline., exact same headline. “Hundreds of protesters marched through London against Covid-19 restrictions in the U.K., as well as the country’s vaccine rollout and the possibility of introducing vaccine passports.” Alternative outlets reported the reality: “Biggest LONDON FREEDOM MARCH Yet! Where’s The MSM? Nowhere to be Found….” This 3-minute video (censored by youtube for showing actual footage) offers a glimpse of what that march really looked like… at a minimum hundreds of thousands marching in streams that stretched for miles. Some estimates put the attendance at a million. When more than a million marched in Berlin (see my previous article), the MSM reported 17,000 protestors. Now the desperation to downplay public opinion has the mouthpieces for the global controllers trying to dismiss hundreds of thousands as simply “hundreds”.

    The power structure behind this mass injection program grows more and more desperate, misrepresenting and censoring not only reports of massive pushback, but even removing posts of data copied straight from government websites. As casualties mount, as Anthony Fauci is exposed for collusion with pharma, cover ups, and lies, as evidence shows that the spike proteins from the shot do not stay localized but are circulating in the body, responsible for the massive incidence in death and injury (there are 951 reports of pneumonia and related illnesses from the shots:, more and more doctors and scientists are demanding that this dangerous experiment be stopped now. Like the petition described in my earlier comment from America’s Frontline Doctors and the call for an immediate halt to Covid vaccination programs from the international Doctors for Covid Ethics, UK doctors and nurses have recently put out a similar demand.

    The unethical intent by the fearful to use our children who have zero risk from the virus as human shields is especially chilling. For a measured, thoughtful discussion between pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas and Bernadette Pajer from Informed Choice Washington, check out the small video titled “Bernadette Pajer” underneath the full show of “Against the Wind with Dr. Paul – Episode 9” here:

    I add my thanks to the PT Free Press for offering the only outlet in our area showing journalistic integrity, allowing actual science to be shared and supporting these conversations.

  16. Annette Huenke

    Yes, indeed — deep gratitude to you, Jim, for offering this extraordinarily rare opportunity for the free exchange of information. The degree of censorship is unprecedented in our lifetimes. Lies are afraid of the truth. Truth is never afraid of lies. I really appreciate your time and effort in creating and administering this site.

  17. Les Walden

    Keep up the good work Jim. You’re like a man who lifts the rock after dark and sends the cockroaches when the light hits them. Am I worring about the Covid DamnPanic in a way, yes. I worry about telling citizens where they can go, what they must wear or carry to travel, to not question the corrupt politicians, big industries and the loss of their Constitutional Rights, Federal help for veterans who have been injured mentally and physically.that have to live a life of Hell after they’ve been through Hell serving this country while the power brokers family never had to serve. These are just some of the things I worry about day in and day out with this country circling the drain.

    • Saltherring

      Yes, I will join in thanking Jim and other PT Free Press contributors for speaking out for logic and reason in a community whose statist/collectivist “leaders” use misinformation and fear as a way of controlling their fellow travelers.

  18. drkottaway

    “I have earned the right to uphold my right to do as I wish” yeah but I hope the hell the cops arrest you if you drive on the wrong side of the road and run stop lights. There is a balance between “individual rights” and public safety. Let’s be clear: this is an epidemic with millions of people dying. Public safety should trump running around unvaccinated and without a mask. If you run around unvaccinated without a mask, I don’t want you within a mile of me, thanks.

  19. Les Walden

    Excuse me, but we’ve only had four people in Jefferson County and at least two of them had existing problems. If you want to be protected, as you think you are, go live in the woods or high on a mountain. You staying away from me for a mile is a good idea. Perhaps you should increase the mileage to say 100 miles and maybe you’ll be happy. In the meantime I’m still not buying this magical elixer and I’m not willing to give up my freedom and will defend the Constitution of the United States. The reason a lot of people are dying world wide is that they are over populating areas and don’t have the infastructure to keep them well. As with all animales it’s called thining the herd natularly. That’s why we have a lower death rate.

  20. Annette Huenke

    One of the most significant reveals of the 2020/21 epidemic* is the stultification of the mainstream medical mind. Now completely unwilling or unable to consider research that doesn’t fit official narratives, the majority of the professional medical class occupy a neo-world of their own construction. Unaware that they’ve been propagandized to their entire careers by a deeply corrupt pharmaceutical cabal which includes the alphabet agencies charged with their oversight, they’ve been rendered incapable of critical thought.

    This devolution of science — ideally a course of ongoing inquiry aware of its limitations, to scientism — a worldview of medical mandarins who regularly decree when and where science is ‘settled,’ has been exposed as a stunningly successful mind-control project.

    However, a sizable percentage of the populace has recognized this farce for what it is, and are striving to take matters of their personal health and well-being under their own control. This is problematic for those who, despite medical error being the third leading cause of death (one could argue second, given the cancer industry’s nefarious meddling) arrogantly don the mantle of godly beings moving in our midsts. In fact, prescribing of crime cartel-patented drugs and biologics undergirds their practices. People are gradually waking up to this reality, now shaking their heads at how seriously this priest class takes itself.

    I give. They’ve worn me down. No use offering any more peer-reviewed research and randomized controlled trials, when it’s obvious that programmed, closed minds will not even look at the actual science. Instead, conjecture offered as fact — utterly, apparently unproblematically, absent bona fide evidence — is the medical norm. Hollering into the void is over for me.

    I am ever more thankful that I chose to forgo bringing a new being into this earthly realm. Given the global elite’s outspoken plans and all the blue-pilled zombies merrily goose-stepping into ‘the great reset,’ the future has never looked more bleak. A hearty thank you and gratitude to those of you who look behind the Orwellian curtain.

    *The WHO shifted the goal post of what defines a pandemic in 2009 (swine flu scare) making such a declaration easier, and again in 2020 — a cynical, politically-motivated move to grease the skids for the charade we’re living through this very moment.

    • Les Walden

      WELL SAID ANNETTE!!!!!!!!

      • Annette Huenke

        Thank you, Les. I’ve appreciated your outside-the-box perspective. You remind me of that meme with the black sheep pushing its way uphill, saying “excuse me, excuse me, excuse me”
        against all the white ones plummeting off the cliff. Grateful to be sharing that path with you 🙂

  21. Gary Novak

    If the antivax crowd is wrong more people will die. If the vaccinated people are wrong at least fewer folks will get the flu. Antivaxers bet their lives and those around them on their amateur interpretation of medical research or something they’ve learned on a fringe website. Sad.

    • Ana Wolpin

      What is sad, Gary, is how easily you have been duped by propaganda designed to turn people against one another.

      For years we have been watching this country being torn apart with racial cards, gender issues, political divides (like your earlier sarcastic taunt about Republicans), and now the ultimate threat — portraying healthy people as deadly virus carriers who must be shunned if they do not comply with global controllers’ directives.

      DIVIDE AND CONQUER, most notably through trauma, is the oldest control mechanism in the world. The current iteration is straight out of the playbook of Nazi Germany. The Jews were “unclean”, the German populace was told. The Nazi pamphlet, “The Jew as World Parasite” describes them as filthy: “the product of the inbreeding of asocial, criminal, sick, degenerate, and rejected elements of every possible race in the ancient world.” And the Good Germans, like you and other commenters here, were propagandized tools in the ethnic cleansing that resulted from that government narrative. Now the lie being broadcast is that anyone who has not been injected with this experimental gene therapy is an asymptomatic carrier who could kill you just by being in close proximity. Turns out there is zero proof of that, no science exists to support that assertion, but it’s a story that has brilliantly been employed to divide us, creating fear of HEALTHY people, and pressuring everyone to get these shots.

      The irony today is that evidence is mounting that it’s the people who get the shot who are dangerous to those who don’t, not vice versa. They are shedding/transmitting something that is causing adverse reactions in the unvaccinated. So now we have the division going both ways — those who don’t get the shot may be harmed by those who do, and those who get the shot think the unvaxxed are agents of death. Despite the fact, as Les points out, that a vaccination is supposed to give you protection. The cognitive dissonance here is stunning.

      Fear of a virus has been weaponized to induce world-wide trauma which shuts down critical thinking. I and others have been researching this crisis intensively since the virus was first declared and the global fear narrative launched. Our perspectives that you denigrate as “amateur interpretation of medical research or something they’ve learned on a fringe website” are coming from tens of thousands of doctors and scientists whose numbers continue growing as the casualties mount. They are physicians who generally support vaccinations watching a cover-up of injury and death of epic proportions; fully vaxxed nurses horrified at post-injection emergencies they are seeing in hospitals and nursing homes which are not being reported; scientists like an award-winning virologist and the most cited microbiologist in German academic history, a former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer Global R&D in the UK, a former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, and a Belgian vaccine developer who worked for GAVI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. They include organizations like Children’s Health Defense and Informed Consent Action Network whose teams of researchers are providing fully-documented information vetted by scientists and attorneys; impeccable independent sources for honest journalism like The HighWire; and groups like Doctors for Covid Ethics, Informed Choice Washington, and America’s Frontline Doctors. The most recent alarm sounded is from a Canadian doctor who worked under a government grant on developing a Covid vaccine: “We made a big mistake. We never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by vaccinating people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.” Far from being an anti-vaxxer, he enthusiastically worked on this new technology. These are the voices you attempt to dismiss with pejoratives like “anti-vaxxers”. Likewise, your parroting of the mainstream narrative that independent websites are “fringe”.

      Every one of these voices are being censored, and those who leak through face character assassination and loss of livelihood. You assert that “If the vaccinated people are wrong at least fewer folks will get the flu.” If what was at stake here is fewer cases of flu, none of us would be having this conversation. Actually, what these tens of thousands of doctors and scientists are saying is that if the vaccinated people are wrong, we are in very deep trouble indeed — facing “A Coming Covid Catastrophe” in the words of one expert vaccine developer. We can only hope these experts, not you, are wrong.

      Anyone who is not questioning why the controllers of this narrative are so desperate to censor and vilify experts who call for an end to this experiment is an unwitting tool of a globalist cabal bent on destroying our humanity. Just as the Good Germans played right into the hands and agenda of the Third Reich, our community, along with the entire world, is being Divided and Conquered. Our older generation, most especially, should know better. That long-time local residents like you are participating in this divisiveness is saddest of all.

      • Gary Novak

        Ana, I knew you when you were cool. What happened? Right now, where there are vaccinations and other precautions, cases are going down. In places like Haiti and India where they don’t have access to preventive measures, cases are going up in a devastating way. I know you are a sincere person but those are the facts. Nature bats last.

        • Ana Wolpin

          I guess I don’t believe that disinformation spun by the MSM to keep public fear ramped up and divide us is “cool”.

          If your question is sincere, I would direct you to the 5-minute video Annette Huenke linked in her first comment—Impact of Covid Vaccinations on Mortality:

          It is based on national data from more than 80 countries and exemplifies information being censored by the MSM because it undermines the globalists’ narrative. It shows that “where there are vaccinations and other precautions, cases are going down” is pure media spin. This video hasn’t been censored by youtube yet, but if it does get pulled for “violating community guidelines,” go to the alternate site link Annette gives in her comment.

          Take a look at India’s graph at 1:47. Prior to the vaccine rollout, Covid deaths in India were steadily declining because effective treatments like Ivermectin were successfully treating cases. Then, as in most countries that launched mass vaccination campaigns, deaths skyrocketed directly in concert with the rollouts. The authorities of course deny that this sudden rise in deaths has any connection to the shots, and trot out a new variant or blame those damned anti-vaxxers for being responsible.

          A good article exploring the rash of new cases and deaths following India’s vaccine rollout is here:

          Another article reveals:
          “A group of 29 doctors, researchers, and healthcare professionals have written to India’s health minister and those on the committee for the Covid-19 vaccines expressing their worry over the lack of data on adverse events after immunisation (AEFIs) and deaths related to the vaccine.”

          Just as Dr. Locke called the likely vaccine death discussed in Stephen’s article above a death from Covid, authorities around the world are denying the shots are responsible, straining to blame new variants or the vaccine refuseniks for spikes in mortality post-vaccination. But there are now more than 20 mechanisms identified for how/why the shots are causing so much injury and death. The latest revelation, as described in previous comments, is that the toxic spike proteins are pathogens themselves, and do not remain localized, but can wreak havoc throughout the body, (That is especially true for fragile people with already-weak immune systems, but we are also seeing brain clots and damage to vascular systems even in healthy teens now that authorization has been given to include them in this experiment.)

          What happened in Haiti? Through April, even throughout May, before a single vaccine had been administered, Haiti had one of the lowest death rates from Covid in the world:
          That country’s rejection of the global narrative brought media attention, admonishing their refusal to jump on the vaccine bandwagon. Suddenly, after 16 months of life as usual, cases surge… Suspicious? I don’t know, but you can bet you’re not getting the truth from the media. Let’s see what happens when their rollout begins.

  22. Les Walden

    So, what’s the problem. All of us who don’t get a vacination will die. The ones who got the shot will survive, as they’re bullet proof. They’ll then live in a utopia of people who are willing to live without the rights so many people have died for. The rest of us will be dead. If I would have gone to Viet Nam instead of Germany, I would have stood a good chance of dying back in 1965. Does death scare me? No the loss of our Constitutional rights does. So be happy with your vacination and leave the rest of us alone. We’ll all probably gonng to die off and you and otherers who think it’s a good thing shoulld be their Utopia. Which brings me back to…. So, what’s your problem?

  23. Joan Best

    Jim, I join in the others expressing gratitude for this safe place to exchange information and ideas. I am also grateful for the work and time Ana and others have devoted to presenting the data and rationalization for the anti-vaccine position. I have a much better sense of their position now and appreciate the sincere concern for the community that led them to spend so much time and effort presenting their evidence.
    I understand your despair, Annette. The history of science is replete with popes and kings and “scientists” in power rejecting new ideas and information until the new ideas have garnered enough in-your-face evidence and data to overthrow the old orthodoxy. The one that got to me in my first college biology class in 1953 at Western Washington University was the dogma: man differs from all other creatures in that only man uses tools. I knew this to be untrue from observation. I’d spent most of my childhood in the local woods and waterways and seen seagulls garnering a meal by systematically dropping clams on roads and rocky shores, birds and ants building complicated nests from found and manipulated material. I would answer test questions this way. The answer you believe to be the true and correct one is: Only man uses tools. However, this is not true, followed by one or more of many examples. It was several decades and the work of a non-credentialed woman observer/data keeper, Jane Goodall, backed by her credentialed mentor Dr. Louis Leakey, before the scientific community acknowledged tool-making animals. Even then the powers that be required that she get a PhD after the fact before her data would be published and acknowledged.
    I suspect there is still a lot to be learned about the effect of vaccines. We will have many millions who have been vaccinated and many millions who have not. Hopefully, honest data development over the coming decades will give us real answers to the questions raised here.
    I do think the ways and the whys of how Dr. Locke used his considerable powers during this pandemic crisis in Jefferson County need to be explored in depth in a few months when everything is open again. Public Health needs more oversight and community developed guidelines.

    • Ana Wolpin

      Many thanks, Joan, for such a thoughtful post. It’s a breath of fresh air to see that in this community which has become increasingly divisive over this last year plus, there are still open minds and hearts.

    • Annette Huenke

      Joan, I am impressed and heartened by your open mind and willingness to re-evaluate your position based on more information. Rare indeed, and so very welcome.

      I can’t be defined by the moniker ‘anti-vax.’ I am vaccine-risk aware, I support uncompromised science, informed consent and medical freedom, and I know that product liability should apply to biologics (vaccines) just as it does to every other manufactured product. If a child car seat contributed to the deaths of five children, it would be taken off the market and there would be a slew of lawsuits.

      This blanket indemnity is being given to pharma corporations with rap sheets a mile long (Pfizer and J&J). Moderna, fiscally sponsored by the NIH and the Gates Foundation, has never brought a product to market. Yet its top officers have already made millions of dollars on this venture. Why is it so difficult to get people to ‘follow the money?’

      Have you heard any of the stories from people so damaged from these jabs that they can no longer work? They have children and spouses and a mortgage to pay, and they’re completely out of luck.

      I can so relate to your early awareness about non-human animals using tools. I had similar observations at a very young age, and have been frustrated forever by the imposition of a failed model of human exceptionalism.

      I also appreciate your suggestion that Public Health needs more oversight and community involvement. That unelected bureaucrats are making life-and-death decisions for all of us at this most basic level — what you will or will not inject in your body, downsides be damned — is beyond concerning.

      I’d be happy to drop by my copy of ‘Dissolving Illusions,’ if you’d care to read it. I bet we’d have an illuminating chat 🙂

  24. Ben Montalbano

    You can not think coherently and believe at the same time and yet many folks that I know have been so frightened by the Covid crisis du jour, that they make the personal decision to follow the recommendations of an authority figure. It is a fact that All Cause Mortality has not changed in the US since 2008 and that includes 2020. It is also a fact that your chances of surviving a Covid viral episode is from almost 100% to 97% depending on your state of health and age. Furthermore it is a fact that the vaccines are experimental and unauthorized plus there are medical reports that show that inexpensive treatments are available but not discussed openly.

    We have been shamed, blamed, badgered, and terrorized to conform to government sanctions. We are ruled over by our elected (and appointed) officials but never asked our opinions nor allowed to hear a debate from all voices on what might be done to protect the most vulnerable. Information has been vigorously censored so that only one voice is heard. All of this has lead to vast amounts of folks that would rather believe and follow an authority rather than using their coherent minds. This is what fear does, it causes us to react rather than critically think and when we react to our fears we tend to seek security from those who want us to follow and following always has a price.

    This has never been about a virus, this is about control and how to further divide the masses. As Mr. Kissinger has said “Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” and Winston Churchill “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Both of these quotes are telling us something about what the Ruling Class, like the World Economic Forum, has in mind. Please try to put your fears aside and open your mind to all possibilities before you just follow. This is critical thinking. Also consider the fact that the United States is a concept and concepts can be changed. Democracy doesn’t mean we just vote it means we participate and influence how we are to be governed. It is up to us to stop our quarreling and to come together and demand what is best for all not just the rich. We are being lead into a New Normal and only a unified voice can stop it.

    • Les Walden

      AMEN, Ben !!!!!

  25. drkottaway

    For all the anti-vaccine stuff, the Delta variant is still killing way more people and unvaccinated people, than any version of the covid-19 vaccine. And I took an oath to First do no harm. What about my community? Why are YOU willing to harm others by not getting vaccinated? Unless you are staying completely isolated so that you cannot contract the virus nor give it to anyone else: if that is the case, thank you.

    First do no harm.

    That is part of the Hippocratic Oath and yes we did it at the end of medical school. “I will prescribe regimen for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgement and never do harm to anyone.”

    This is a pandemic. People are dying. A lot of people. I am not ok with people saying personal freedom, we don’t want to wear masks, we don’t want the vaccine. I take the oath to first do no harm: what about those people? They are putting their personal freedom first and do not care if they harm me. I don’t like them. Please don’t kill me. Please don’t kill my son or daughter or future daughter in law.

    You can have your personal freedom not to wear a mask or get a vaccine: in your house. I don’t think you should be allowed off your property if you won’t put doing no harm to others first during a pandemic. Stay in your house. Don’t come out. It is selfish to put yourself and your personal freedom in front of multiple peoples’ lives. You can order from Amazon and order groceries and ok, you can associate with other selfish unimmunized unmasked people, but not the rest of us. Your personal freedom has a high chance of killing me. I am immunized but my immune system doesn’t work and I am already on oxygen. I don’t want to be around you. Stay away from me.

    I think it is time for my community to give back to me and all the other first responders: medical, police, fire, grocery store, hospital, all the essential workers. Give back: either get immunized and masked or stay in your house.

    Thank you.

    • Annette Huenke

      Katie, I’m so sorry to hear of your continuing health problems.

      You were my primary care doc for some years in the early 2000’s. I remember somewhere around 2005 you were very ill for many months, enough that you were not working. I’d had a few colon hydrotherapy sessions that significantly improved my vision (first time in my life) and got me off OTC decongestants — miraculous for someone with decades-long asthma/allergic rhinitis issues. You rejected that my health improvements were the result of that therapy, and you were repulsed that I recommended it for your own health woes. I left your care to find practitioners with a more holistic bent.

      Back in 2005 or so when you were so sick, I don’t recall you blaming your poor health on people not wearing masks or vaccinating. You weren’t masking up yourself. You say that you are immunized but your immune system doesn’t work. Have you ever considered the volume of aluminum, polysorbate-80, mercury from thimerosal and other toxins you’ve taken on board with all the shots you’ve gotten over the decades may have something to do with that? You may want to seek help from a functional medicine doctor. Detox instead of adding more toxins to your body.

      Suggesting that others are responsible for your immune system is a slippery slope. It’s a bit like blaming others for ones’ obesity or diabetes. Given the colossal failure of the ‘vaccine’ program in the most ‘vaccinated’ countries on earth — Israel, Iceland, Gibraltar and the Seychelles — you have every bit as much, if not more, to fear from the jabbed as the unjabbed. The products aren’t preventing infection or transmission, or hospitalization or death — period. With the level of fear you’re projecting, it makes a lot more sense for you to stay home where you feel more safe. Elevated cortisol levels resulting from stress will only damage your health further. Let the healthy move on with their lives.

      I wish you healing and peace of mind.


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