The Politics of Alarmism

by | May 20, 2021 | General | 9 comments

Why are we constantly being hammered with climate alarmism, Covid alarmism and racial alarmism?

The journalist and social commentator H. L. Mencken explained it decades ago: “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” Or paraphrasing President Obama’s chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, “Don’t let a good crisis go to waste, even if you have to invent one.” Of course, the solutions proposed are always more massive government intervention and scrapping our capitalist economic system.

What do Climate Activists Want?

It certainly is not about saving the environment. It is about forcing us to accept a socialist system. Here are a few examples of what key climate alarmists have said.

Maurice Strong, who spearheaded the United Nations 1992 Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro where the unveiling of Agenda 21 kicked off the original climate crisis campaign linking dire environmental dangers to Western prosperity has said: “In order to save the planet, isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse?  Isn’t it our responsibility to bring about an economic collapse?”  

Christine Stewart, Canada’s former minister of the environment said: “No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits. … Climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.” 

Tim Wirth, former U.S. undersecretary of state for global affairs under Bill Clinton and the person most responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol, said: “We’ve got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”

“Climate justice” campaigner for Friends of the Earth, Emma Brindal, said bluntly, “A climate change response must have at its heart a redistribution of wealth and resources.” Not protecting earth from manmade carbon-dioxide emissions or natural and manmade climate change, but redistributing wealth and resources, presumably according to formulas self-appointed ruling elites like herself decide are “socially just.”

Ottmar Edenhofer, lead author of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report summed up the situation quite clearly. He advised: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth.”

Or as U.N. climate chief (executive secretary of UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Christiana Figueres candidly remarked, the true aim of the recent Paris climate conference (2014) was “to change the [capitalist] economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”

Chief of Staff for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Saikat Chakrabarti said in 2019:  “The interesting thing about the Green New Deal is it wasn’t originally a climate thing at all … Do you guys think this is a climate thing? Because we really think of it as a how do-you-change-the-entire-economy thing.”

Prominent climate activist and meteorologist Eric Holthaus admitted in 2020 that climate change activism is not about climate science, but really about “justice.” 

President Biden is trying to sell the UN plan for worldwide socialist government “Build Back Better”.  This is the same old UN Agenda 21 plan being marketed with a new name. 

Comprehensive coverage of climate facts is found in the book, Climate Change Reconsidered, by the Heartland Institute.  All the alarmist deceptions and lies are exposed 

What have the proponents of bigger government done in response to the Covid “crisis”? 

The Democrat governors and Democrat mayors have used the Covid problem as an excuse to take more control over the people they govern while making special allowances for their major donors.  Democrats in the US Congress got the federal government to provide massively more welfare that encourages people to not work, and funds to pay for the debts they incurred paying for ill-advised programs. The sending of senior citizen Covid cases back to the nursing homes by the New York governor looks as if he was channeling Chairman Mao’s cultural revolution to get rid of the elderly and more conservative population. 

We also see that teachers unions are demanding that socialist policies be implemented before the teachers will go back to work. They ignore the fact that children have minimal risk of serious problems or death due to the virus as well as that most teachers and parents are in an age group that is not likely to be seriously affected.

What are the Black Lives Matter and other organizations promoting?

The Black Lives Matter organization and their supporters are promoting Marxism.  Since the original Marxist class warfare model (workers vs. capitalists) did not sell in the USA, they are using a different class warfare model – blacks vs. whites. This new brand of Marxism is also being presented with the title “Critical Race Theory” in order to obscure its Communistic – Marxist intent. How can causing division and stirring up hatred ever lead to a positive outcome?

If the BLM organization and others really cared about poor black people, they would work to eliminate the black on black violence and inner city crime that disproportionately victimizes black Americans and deprives them of safety in every aspect of their lives. If the BLM organization and others really cared about poor black people they would promote better education options in black communities and stable, strong families. As the late Walter Williams wrote, “marriage, stable families, education and hard work…are immeasurably more important” to black success than divisive identity politics or politicians’ skin color.

In Conclusion

If you agree that these alarmists and their fellow travelers in the media are pushing our country in the wrong direction, then you must become active in spreading the truth and countering their false narratives. You must provide verbal and written testimony to our County Commissioners, City Council members, school boards, the print media and wherever else you see misinformation being presented.  You must run for public office or actively work to get kindred souls elected to government positions.

Gene Farr

Gene Farr spent a long career in the fields of mathematics, computers and aerospace engineering. For nearly ten years he has volunteered his time as an algebra tutor for the Chimacum schools and Port Hadlock library. He is the treasurer of the Jefferson County Republican Party.

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  1. Ben Montalbano

    The very worse time to make a life decision is when you are in the throes of fear. Fear doesn’t allow us to think critically because clouded minds are not free to explore the roots and causes of the situation we are involved in. We become mentally myopic. Fear pushes us to react rather than act in a way that removes our fear based thoughts and then allows us to think and act coherently. It has been and still is the objective of government sanctioned “news” to keep us divided with opposing views and in a constant state of fear and anxiety. What do we then do with this constant barrage of fear? We seek security and where better to find security than in the very system that is causing our fear. We follow rather than acting responsibly.

  2. Jim

    One small thing we can all do immediately and daily is to stop referring to the Chinese Communist Party’s Wuhan virus as “covid” – the latter term was jammed down the throat of the WHO leftists early last year by the CCP under threat of withdrawing hundreds of millions of dollars from that gang of socialist parasites masquerading as the guardian of world health. It’s properly referred to as the “CCP Wuhan Virus”, period, and the world needs to demand compensation from the communists who inflicted it on us by releasing it from that virus lab.

    Put the blame where it belongs, starting there, then moving on to placing other blame where it belongs, like the fake Russian conspiracy the DNC flogged for four years to persecute a President, ginned up by their own candidate and party. And so on with all the falsehoods.

  3. Sutton Griggs

    Conservatives invented and perfected the politics of alarmism, Eugene. Please don’t pretend otherwise.

    From “reefer madness” to “Freedom Fries”, conservatism in the USA has made alarmism politics the gold standard of campaign finance.

    Thanks for the reminder that when it comes to politics in the USA, conservatives are ever
    screeching and howling about any and everything that questions so-called “Christian” values, while essentially operating as the de facto publicity arm of the Dept of Commerce.

    More and more, conservatism also includes the very politics it claims to abhor. Liz Chaney just got “cancel cultured” bigtime. Ted Cruz, Mitch McConnell, Jim Jordan, Lindsey Graham, all of them claiming to be victims and whining and crying like toddlers with skinned knees.

    Conservatives and conservatism have become an embarrassment. Written pieces such as this one, are so much pablum; in a world where we need investigative reporting articulated by truly thoughtful intelligent big picture kind of people, are a waste of everyone’s time. ‘Better leave the writing to Scarantino; otherwise, the site attracts mouth-breathers addicted to the very alarmism inveighed against, above.

    • John Opalko

      Sutton, I have never heard a conservative claim that the world was going to end in 12 years, but I have heard a Socialist member of Congress do so repeatedly.

      I have also seen in friends and family, the negative mental health effects of the constant fear mongering by Democrat officials and liberal media.

      Your reply does not directly address the main points of the article.

      • John Opalko

        … Fear mongering regarding Covid-19.

    • Jim

      “I’m going to pause here, I’m going to lose the script and I’m going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom,” Walensky said, appearing to grow emotional. “We have so much to look forward to. So much promise and potential of where we are and so much reason for hope. But right now I’m scared.” – Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), March 30th 2021

      She’s afraid of losing power and money taken from taxpaying Americans by force, period, just like St. Anthony of Fauci, the Failure.

    • Gene Farr

      Thanks for proving that the information I provided was correct!

      If there was anything that was incorrect or untruthful in my presentation, you could have countered my statements. By attacking Republicans and me, that is clear evidence that I was not only truthful but also was right on target.

  4. Les Walden

    I remember having three strange things over four weeks. The first week I had the chills followed by a small rise in my temp. (not enough to get out the thrermometer). In two hours it was gone. The next week a repeat of the same thing only lasting about an hour. The third week, nothing. The fourth week, another attactk.lasting about half an hour. Since then, nothing. I have not had a shot and am not getting one, as I believe my built up natural antibodies took care of it and will keep on doing it. I also have read that these shots not only will kill that virus, they will kill the natural antibodies. One odd thing was each instance ocurred on a Monday nght at home. This only makes me feel as though I might have come into contact with someone who would have tested positive. I’ve always tested negative and due to other medical problems have been tested many times. I’m almost on a first name basis with ICU. I always wear a mask in businesses, not to protect anyone, but to keep the watchdogs from fining them or shutting them down. I believe it’s not an accident that it started in Communist China. They would start it amoung thier own people because they don’t value llife as we do. In the 1970’s I read the book ‘None Dare It Conspiracy”. In it, FDR made the statement that in polictics, nothing happens by mistake as it has been thought over from every angle so there are none. I would suggest you get the book or keep FDR’s statement in mind. We are in times where our Constitutional Rights are in attack.

  5. Susan

    from G. Edward Griffin and his Freedom Force Int. site
    “…by preserving individual rights, THAT IS the greater good tor the greater number…If you focus on the greater good for the greater number and ignore the individual, then you destroy both. You cannot achieve it any other way…

    *an important thought for this point in time—-


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