Death by Injection?
Why half of America—including healthcare professionals—are refusing the experimental Covid-19 shots
Part Two
“Gene based vaccines have never been used on humans before.
So what we’re witnessing now are human experiments… Auto-immune disease can be triggered by these gene-based vaccines… all have rather severe side effects…
You have to be very, very careful that the vaccine is not killing the elderly with pre-existing conditions instead of protecting them.”
Sucharit Bhakdi, MD,
award-winning virologist and most cited microbiologist in German academic history
In Part One of this series, we looked at the mass casualties occurring where Covid-19 vaccine campaigns are underway—injuries and deaths that are being ignored, downplayed or denied outright in a tightly-controlled narrative.
Since last week, total reports to VAERS of deaths from the experimental injections increased from 2,050 to 2,249. Reports of adverse events increased from 44,606 to 50,861 There has been a 6000% increase in reported vaccine deaths in 1st quarter 2021 as compared to 1st quarter 2020.
What is going on with these experimental shots?
As previously described, debilitating side affects often follow these injections. Common reactions include headaches, body aches and fatigue. Pain and weakness in the legs is a frequent refrain. People tell of muscle and joint pain, dizziness, chills and nausea, and brain fog that impairs their ability to think. Delirium and confusion often accompanies the brain fog.
Impairment is often so severe that a person is unable to function for days, weeks, or even longer. People frequently report that they just haven’t “felt right” since their shots. The clouded thinking or body aches just won’t go away.
Redefining vaccine damage as ‘the vaccine is working’
These reactions are so common, pharma cannot deny them. So now injurious effects are being spun by the media as not only “normal”, but positive. Adverse reactions are proof that the vaccine is “working”.
What is actually taking place? One clue comes from a paper analyzing data from Pfizer’s early vaccine trials. It reveals that in the week following vaccination, lymphocyte counts drop precipitously.
Lymphocytes, or white blood cells, are the body’s defense against unwanted invaders. Without active lymphocytes we cannot mount an immune response to a SARS-CoV-2 virus or any other opportunistic pathogen. As seen in Pfizer’s graph, lymphocytes are nearly wiped out for at least several days following mRNA injection.
According to the study, “Vaccine RNA can be modified by incorporating 1-methylpseudouridine, which dampens innate immune sensing and increases mRNA translation in vivo. The BNT162b1 vaccine candidate that is currently investigated clinically incorporates such nucleoside-modified mRNA.”
Dr. Rob Rennebohm, MD, explains, “This means that the vaccine manufacturers have deliberately added a substance (1-methylpseudouridine) that dampens innate immune sensing. Innate immune sensing is the first line of defense against all types of infection.”
The populations most at risk if they lose immune function are the very groups who were excluded from pharma’s trials, now being urged to get their shots first—the elderly and immune-compromised.
But immune suppression may be a negligible issue when compared to other problems caused by these experimental injections. Serious reactions have included anaphylaxis, Bell’s Palsy, seizures, strokes, transverse myelitis, heart attacks, and as discussed in Part One, miscarriages.
What else may be contributing to these adverse events?
PEG, syncytin-homologous proteins, pathogenic priming
To start with, the mRNA in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s shots are “pegalated”—encapsulated with nanoparticles of polyethylene glycol (PEG). These PEG nanolipids act as a delivery system for the mRNA.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Vice-President and Chief Scientific Officer at Pfizer Global R&D, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former chair of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Health Committee, warn, “70% of people develop antibodies against this substance – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination.”
It is estimated that as many as 7% of Americans have high enough levels of antibodies to PEG that exposure can cause anaphylactic shock. Indeed, anaphylaxis has occurred so frequently following vaccination, the risk from PEG in these shots has been acknowledged by the FDA.
While the CDC downplays the risk, they advise that:
“COVID-19 vaccination locations should have at least 3 doses [emphasis theirs] of epinephrine available at all times, and the ability to quickly obtain additional doses to replace supplies after epinephrine is administered to a patient. People with a history of anaphylaxis who carry an epinephrine autoinjector could be reminded to bring it to their vaccination appointment.” [source]
VAERS data currently shows 2,578 reports of anaphylaxis immediately following injection. Anaphylaxis is just the immediate, potentially fatal reaction from this delivery system. Pegalated mRNA can also cause serious long-range consequences, says neuroscientist Dr. Chris Shaw:
“The mRNA lipid-coated PEG-construct—by Moderna’s own study—does not stay localized, but spreads throughout the body, including the brain. Found in animal studies in bone marrow, brain, lymph nodes, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, etc. Doctors are saying that the vaccine does NOT cross the blood-brain barrier, but that is NOT true. …If it reaches the brain there will be an autoimmune response that will cause inflammation. That is characteristic to virtually all neuro-degenerative diseases—Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, etc.” [source]
Next, there is a total absence of data regarding reproductive impacts. Before the vaccines were even granted emergency use authorization, experts expressed concern that the spike proteins the mRNA packages are designed to generate could cause miscarriages and infertility. Not a single study, however, was done on pregnant women.
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg explains that the syncytin-homologous protein produced by the mRNA vaccine can cause antibodies against syncytin-1, the protein essential for the formation of placentas:
“There is one gene which is part of our genome that is regulating the placenta growing in the uterus… This protein is very similar to proteins that have been described in the spike cell of the coronavirus… It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.”
Pfizer and Moderna’s own materials acknowledge that there is zero safety data on pregnant women and on reproductive impacts. Here is how the CDC spins that absence of data:
“There are currently limited data on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people… If you are pregnant, you may choose to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. There is currently no evidence that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems.”
The CDC implies that because no data exists on reproductive issues for this new biotechnology, we can trust it won’t be a problem. Having “no evidence”—because pharma excluded pregnant women from their trials and didn’t do research on infertility—now conveys safety.
The UK government issued guidance that “pregnant women should not routinely have this vaccine… In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.” [emphasis theirs] However, an expectant mother “should be reassured that the vaccine does not contain live SARS-CoV-2 virus and therefore cannot cause COVID-19 infection in her or in her baby.” This reassurance is another red herring. It does not address the spike protein issue experts warned about.
Many miscarriages immediately following the shots, as noted in Part One, are already being reported in the US. And data shows a 366% increase in UK miscarriages in the first six weeks of their rollout.
That pregnant women would choose to be part of this experiment, risking the lives of their unborn babies, is testimony to how effective the propaganda has been.
Will long-term or even permanent infertility also result? That is yet another unknown in this global experiment.
But perhaps the greatest risk of all—an impact yet to come—are phenomena known as Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and pathogenic priming.
All attempts to develop coronavirus vaccines in the past were unsuccessful because of these phenomena. In animal trials, the vaccines provoked development of antibodies as intended, but when the animals were exposed later to the virus—called a challenge—an exaggerated immune response killed the animals. The body develops hypersensitivity to the virus and mounts an out-of-control systemic autoimmune response, attacking its own cells and organs. In a trial for a SARS-CoV-1 vaccine using ferrets, when the animals were challenged later by the wild virus, every ferret died. This challenge, coming into contact with the wild virus, could happen days, months or years after vaccination.
Scientists, including high-profile vaccinologists, warned about this potentially lethal autoimmune response long before Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials began. In the Warp Speed rush to a #CovidVaccine, pharma claimed that this dilemma which has stopped development of coronavirus vaccines for the last twenty years had now been solved. They offered no proof of that assertion. It was simply announced as fact.
“I was shocked to see that the FDA is rolling this [injection] out with prioritization of people in nursing homes. Absolutely shocked. Because that’s where the highest severe coronavirus disease enhancement and pathogenic priming is going to take place. It’s almost a certainty that we’re going to see mass casualties from this as a result of pathogenic priming.” – Senior Research Scientist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler [source]
Prior to Europe’s vaccine rollout, Dr. Yeadon, along with Dr. Wodarg, filed a petition to halt the Phase III clinical trials of the Pfizer mRNA injection until they were restructured to address these critical safety concerns.
More and more doctors and scientists, all censored by the mainstream, are voicing these kinds of warnings. One of the most recent is Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.
Vanden Bossche, a Belgian virologist and vaccine developer who has worked for both GAVI and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, adds another concern into the mix. “The key question”, he says in an interview, is “why does nobody seem to bother about viral immune escape?” He makes the case that this global campaign is a ticking time bomb, warning that “mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of a pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants,”
What is a “leaky” vaccine?
Efficacy has previously always been measured according to how well a vaccine 1) prevents disease transmission, and 2) prevents infection. These shots do neither. People who get these injections can still get infected and can still transmit the virus to others. That is what is meant by a “leaky” vaccine.
UK Column News, March 19, 2021
Pharma’s minimal safety trials were only designed to demonstrate a lower rate of infection among the vaccinated. As stated by Peter Doshi in the British Medical Journal, as well as NOT preventing infection and NOT stopping transmission, there is also no proof that getting the shot reduces hospitalizations or deaths.
A growing concern is the number of fully vaccinated individuals contracting Covid-19 more than 14 days—and sometimes months—after their second shot. Called “breakthrough cases,” there couldn’t be clearer evidence that this experimental injection is “leaky” and does not prevent infection.
“I was shocked,” said Florida physical therapist Hannah Rewerts when she contracted the virus more than two months after her shots. “I don’t think the public is aware that it [getting the Covid injections] doesn’t mean you’re not getting the virus, and it doesn’t mean you’re not getting sick.” Among dozens in Central Florida who have contracted Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated are three others in Rewerts’ family. “One of my family members actually went to the hospital,” she said. “I mean, that’s pretty severe enough to be concerned about the vaccine.”
The real level of harm from this new, rushed technology won’t be known for years. Not only don’t we know the true safety profile of these injections, the primary criteria for claiming a vaccine is effective have not been met. And despite attempts to censor bad press about adverse reactions, the flood of personal stories on social media has been impossible to contain.
That may be why the catchphrases used to manipulate public perception have quietly shifted. Rather than the traditional “safe and effective” assurance, there’s a new spin:
“The benefits outweigh the risks.”
Do they? What ARE the benefits?
In a March 6 interview with Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mexican actor/director/producer Eugenio Derbez asks that very question: “[if] you still can get infected and you can still spread it… what is the main aim of the vaccines?” Dr. Fauci replies, “The main purpose of the vaccine is to prevent you from getting sick, going to the hospital and maybe dying.” He explains that because it does not stop transmission, that is “why we say… that people who were vaccinated should wear a mask when they’re near people who might be vulnerable to infection.”
Promises that once you get your shot you can take off your mask and get back to normal life without fear of infecting others or of contracting Covid yourself—or that some magic percentage of people vaccinated will create herd immunity—are pure disinformation. Social memes such as “I got the #CovidVaccine to protect myself, my family, and my community!” are nothing more than clever propaganda devised by pharma to get shots in arms.
Intentionally suppressing “innate immune sensing” is the opposite of protection, weakening rather than enhancing your immune response. Risking pathogenic priming is playing Russian roulette with a loaded gun. If you only have reduced symptoms when you contract the virus but can still spread it to others, you are a potential agent of infection, not protection. And if the vaccines are driving the creation of new, even more deadly variants—as previously seen with polio mass vaccination programs—the consequences could be catastrophic.
Feel-good memes are a brilliant marketing strategy—they appeal to people’s innate desire to be good citizens and help others. But they do not reflect the actual science. You not only can still be infected following vaccination and spread Covid-19 to your family and your community—if Vanden Bossche is correct you could become a superspreader of ever-more virulent strains.
The one thing this injection might do—reduce severity of symptoms if you contract the virus—can be achieved far more safely by taking supplements like vitamin C, zinc, vitamin D3, and quercetin. Hundreds of studies demonstrating remarkable success with inexpensive and benign treatments have also been systematically suppressed.
Never before has a “vaccine” been sold to the public with so great a risk… so little benefit… and so much pressure.
The fearful are motivated with carrots and intimidated with sticks — we will only be able to open up society after 80% or more are “fully vaccinated”. And then, it’s only those with a vaccine passport who will be able to freely engage in travel, school, concerts and sporting events, hospitality services, traditional retail activities, and work.
Family members who are taken in by the mainstream narrative are issuing ultimatums: get the shot or you can never visit me, your grandkids, your mother/father, or fill-in-the-blank, again. People steeped in the relentless messaging then parrot that propaganda… like the cartoonist in this week’s Port Townsend Leader who is “so ready” to get her shots and concludes, “The real work starts when we have to convince our loved ones to get the vaccine. If we don’t we’ll never hit herd immunity.”
That is fiction from the myth makers. The greater a portion of the public harboring a leaky vaccine, the LESS possible it will be to achieve herd immunity. The only ones in society who will be contributing to herd immunity are people who had the virus and developed natural immunity. Carriers of a leaky vaccine will be unprotected from infection, just experience lesser symptoms, and will still be able to transmit the virus. Worst case, they will also be driving the development of more virulent strains. The more people who get the shot, the LOWER our herd immunity.
But we are being told the inverse. It is the healthy people refusing to submit to this dangerous experiment who are being portrayed as Typhoid Marys, putting lives at risk by simply breathing. The irony is that it’s the vaccinated who are likely to be carrying infections without showing symptoms, spreading the virus, and, according to Vanden Bossche, driving a “tsunami of morbidity and lethality that is now threatening us.”
Sara Beltrán Ponce, the doctor who tragically miscarried days after her second shot (see Part One) enthusiastically trusted that the #CovidVaccine would protect her and her unborn baby. Hashtag slogans and internet memes are part of a comprehensive campaign of social engineering, broadcast by media and the medical-government-pharma complex day in and day out to indoctrinate us.
Had Dr. Ponce looked outside that spin machine—Pfizer’s and Moderna’s own materials acknowledge that there is not a shred of data to establish safety in pregnancy—she would have likely reached the same conclusion as her peers who are refusing the shot.
Global pushback
Over one million citizens from Germany and surrounds rally for health freedom in Berlin, August 1, 2020
As damage mounts, so do calls for an immediate halt to this global experiment.
Demonstrations all over the world are protesting government overreach and top-down medical tyranny, which is demanding compliance with disastrous lockdowns and coercing citizens to accept experimental injections. In the US, those citizens challenging the narrative are being demonized as “Covid deniers”, anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists, selfish granny killers, and even “domestic terrorists”.
As many world governments grow increasingly authoritarian, they use the fear of Covid to eliminate freedoms and criminalize dissent. Citizen pushback is typically ignored, downplayed or vilified by the mainstream press.
The Berlin rally for health freedom pictured above is a classic example. Independent reporting describes a peaceful gathering of “concerned citizens, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, doctors, lawyers, business owners… the official numbers from the police were 800,000 to 1.3 million, with 2-3 million people in the general vicinity.” Mainstream media reported “roughly 17,000 protestors”—”anti-vaccine groups and some far-right and neo-Nazi organizations” dispersed by police.
These mischaracterizations are no surprise. What IS shocking is the censorship and/or discrediting of highly credentialed, distinguished scientists and medical professionals, in a wholesale dismissal of valid scientific inquiry and the refusal to allow respectful open debate.
In December 2020, the petition filed by Drs. Yeadon and Wodarg to stop Covid vaccine trials addressed four concerns: 1) ADE/pathogenic priming; 2) fertility issues from syncytin-homologous proteins; 3) PEG causing allergic, potentially fatal anaphylactic reactions; and 4) lack of long-term data.
In February 2021, an Urgent Open Letter from Doctors and Scientists to the European Medicines Agency regarding COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Concerns went even further. Doctors for Covid Ethics published a call for adherence to international codes prohibiting human medical experimentation. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is lead signatory of an international group of 12 prominent experts and 80 endorsers with specialties ranging from immunology and virology to genetics to medical ethics.
The letter questions “whether cardinal issues regarding the safety of the vaccines were adequately addressed prior to their approval” by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It expresses concerns about what is occurring in care homes, and notes a “wide range of side effects” reported following vaccination of previously healthy younger individuals.
They conclude that “the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines by the EMA was premature and reckless, and that the administration of the vaccines constituted and still does constitute ‘human experimentation’, which was and still is in violation of the Nuremberg Code.” They implore EU regulators to halt Covid vaccinations unless significant safety issues are addressed.
In the U.S., physician-scientist Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, has joined the growing list of alarmed professionals, calling out a “clear and present danger.” In a letter to FDA officials, pharma executives and media he says, “it is untenable for you and your colleagues to be ignoring these deaths and vaccine complications without lifting a finger to do anything — simply this: These complications are mounting and CDC and FDA’s surveillance systems are missing the signal.”
The “signal” Noorchashm is speaking of is the death of vaccine recipients—some of them high-profile celebrities—who were vaccinated despite being already infected with Covid-19: “Benjamin Goodman, J. Barton Williams, Kassidi Lyn Kurill, Marvin Hagler, Hank Aaron, Larry King… these are Americans being harmed and ignored … by you and our public health system.”
Is the body’s manufacturing of spike proteins, engineered by the shot, triggering autoimmune attacks? Is this the pathogenic priming phenomenon that killed animals in earlier coronavirus vaccine trials? Many doctors and scientists censored by the mainstream press think so.
“If you are already immune, if you’ve already been infected, your risk goes way up of adverse events and death,” says Dr. Paul Thomas on his weekly podcast Against the Wind: Doctors and Science Under Fire. “It’s the most reckless thing I’ve ever seen in medical history.”
International pioneer in women’s health Dr. Christiane Northrup agrees: “All it does is make people THINK they’re safe… Don’t let yourself get trampled by the lemmings headed for the cliff.”
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche has also published an urgent appeal— Open Letter to the WHO: Immediately Halt All Covid-19 Mass Vaccinations. His March 6th letter asserts that, “We are currently turning vaccine recipients into asymptomatic carriers who are shedding infectious variants….[W]e’ll very soon be confronted with a super-infectious virus that completely resists our most precious defense mechanism: the human immune system.”
Calling this experiment a “colossal blunder,” vaccinologist Vanden Bossche does not mince words: “Immediate cancelation of all ongoing mass Covid-19 vaccination campaigns should now become THE most acute health emergency of international concern.”
These dire warnings are from eminent scientists and doctors so concerned about the gravity of this experiment that they are willing to risk reputations and careers. They know they will be censored and targeted for challenging the narrative. And while their voices rarely make it past the gatekeepers controlling that narrative, half of Americans can still sense that something isn’t right here.
The federal government has now earmarked $1.5 BILLION for an ad campaign to convince “vaccine skeptics” to get their shots. In a major PR blitz, our tax dollars “will use TV, radio, and digital means to target young Americans, people of color, and Republicans who may be more likely to be hesitant or ambivalent about getting vaccinated.”
If those who are speaking out against all odds are correct, the fate of humankind rests not on our compliance, but on our refusal to participate. The most caring choice to protect ourselves, family, friends and community is to just say no.
There is a vast gulf between two camps: those who believe that lockdowns “save lives,” and those aware that these measures have had little if any impact on the spread of Covid and have caused far more death and destruction than the virus… those who believe the shots are our path to freedom, and those who agree with the doctors and scientists saying that this global medical experiment has to stop now.
The former trust mainstream propaganda; the latter do not. The former think that the powerful interests behind the narrative have our well-being at heart, are leading us with science, are telling us the truth. The latter, like CNA James Develon see the mounting wreckage and understand that we are being lied to.
The injection question just may pose the most critical choice of our lifetime.