Jefferson County’s “Third” Covid Death

by | Apr 22, 2021 | General | 7 comments

Front-page health coverage by The Port Townsend and Jefferson County Leader returns this week with news that, “The third fatality to coronavirus in the county late last week happened at Jefferson Healthcare – the first coronavirus death at the facility.  The patient had been critically ill, Locke said, but the coronavirus caused the man’s death.  The resident, a man in his 60s, passed away Saturday. ‘COVID was, we believe, the cause of death.  Had it not been for the COVID infection, that person would have likely survived,’ Locke said.” [“Locke” is Dr. Thomas Locke, Jefferson County’s Public Health Officer.]

That may be, but there’s room for doubt in the case of this already “critically ill” patient, given special CDC instructions “that COVID-19 be recorded as the primary cause of death even if the decedent had other chronic comorbidities. These special instructions exclusive to COVID-19 skewed death certificate results, effectively reclassifying many deaths from a variety of causes, now classified as COVID-19 deaths.”

Even if COVID-19 was the culprit here, this should actually be considered just the first COVID-19 death in the county, given that the other two supposed deaths were a 90+-year-old in hospice and an 80-year-old suffering from surgery complications in Seattle, who was infected in a hospital wide outbreak and hadn’t been near Jefferson County for two months. See “Jefferson County Still May Have No Deaths from Covid.”  Port Townsend Free Press, 1/14/21.

The Leader article continued to say that “The death comes amid a week marked by a steady increase of coronavirus cases nationwide…. In Jefferson County, health officials said the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases rose by 11 over the weekend.  Of the 11 new cases, six females and five males tested positive for the coronavirus. The total countywide number of positive COVID-19 tests in Jefferson County Monday was pegged at 374.”

This reporting confuses cases of the disease COVID-19 with positive test results for the virus SARS-CoV-2.  Detection of a virus does not constitute a “case” of a disease in lieu of any symptoms, otherwise anyone testing positive for the HIV virus would also count as a full-blown case of AIDS.  Moreover, given Jeffco’s unreasonably-high 45 Cycle Threshold for its PCR testing, most of these positive test results may well be false positives. See, Is Jefferson County Health Department Overstating Covid Case Numbers?” Port Townsend Free Press, 1/25/21.

[Editor’s Note: Our condolences to the family of the deceased. As this death and other deaths being counted as “Covid deaths” are being used to justify restricting the lives and liberties of others it is appropriate to raise questions about whether it is, in fact, a death caused by Covid, and whether it should serve to bolster arguments for extending lockdowns and masking mandates.]

Stephen Schumacher

Stephen Schumacher graduated with honors in Mathematics from Harvard College and programmed funds transfer systems between Wall Street banks and the Federal Reserve before moving to Port Townsend in 1983. He has served as an officer for various community organizations such as the Food Co-op, Jefferson Land Trust, and the Northwest Nutritional Foods Association in the early 1990s. He co-created The Port Townsend Leader's original online newspaper and programs ship stability software used by naval architects.

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  1. Annette Huenke

    Thank you for this excellent synopsis, Stephen. The Leader dedicated a lot of ink to that propaganda piece. If it bleeds, it leads.

    “COVID was, we believe, the cause of death. Had it not been for the COVID infection, that person would have likely survived,’ Locke said.”

    Purely speculative pronouncements such as “we believe” and “would have likely survived” are apparently reserved for public health officials only. Use similar conjecture about someone dying minutes, hours or a couple of days after the vaccine and you’ll be slandered as anti-science and censored out of existence. The medical milieu is rife with this sort of double standard.

    Dr. Locke goes further, crediting today’s death rate being lower than a year ago “mainly due to the vaccination of older people and others at high risk.” More deceptive speculation, completely lacking in proof. It may be that the virus is taking the typical viral trajectory, exhausting available hosts, most of whom have little or no symptoms whatsoever. We may have reached natural herd immunity. Winter respiratory illnesses generally fade away this time of year.

    The article boasts a coming “vaccination clinic for 16 and 17 year olds — called “Teen Spirit”… to give the Pfizer medicine to teens.” So when we give a yet-to-be-approved, totally experimental product — one that could impact cellular biology for the rest of one’s life — to teenagers, it’s called ‘medicine?’ The mRNA technology rushed out by Pfizer and Moderna did not even conclude animal studies. Do these youngsters (or anybody, for that matter) understand that they are part of a massive, poorly-controlled clinical trial?

    Locke refers to those who have taken one J&J or both mRNA jabs as “fully immunized,” which certainly suggests that the vaccines provide immunity, an outcome Locke has claimed in the past. None of the trials were designed to show that, nor that they prevent transmission, reduce serious disease or save lives. The endpoints were reduction of symptoms.

    No, the jabs aren’t providing immunity. We can look forward to a spectacle of obfuscation around vaccine failure, which has recently been euphemistically rebranded as ‘vaccine breakthrough.’ More can be learned about the vaccines’ risks and concerns here:

  2. herepog2

    Israel is proving to be quite a lab for vaccine studies:

    “The Israeli People Committee’s April Report on the lethal impact of vaccinations”


    The Israeli People Committee (IPC), a civilian body made of leading Israeli health experts, has published its April report into the Pfizer vaccine’s side effects.* The findings are catastrophic on every possible level.

    Their verdict is that “there has never been a vaccine that has harmed as many people.” The report is long and detailed. I will outline just some of the most devastating findings presented in the report.

  3. Ana Wolpin

    Thank you, Stephen. JeffCo’s chief medical officer continues his fear narrative based on an absence of information, spurious data, and total speculation. Some questions:

    • What was this man hospitalized for? Did he have any respiratory symptoms at all, or was his Covid classification based on the bogus PCR test?
    In March 2021 another court ruling confirmed the findings of the 2020 Portuguese court, this time in Austria. The Vienna tribunal found: “A PCR test conveys nothing with regards to whether a person is sick or infected.”

    • Had this man in his 60’s gotten his Covid shot(s)? Of the 11 new “cases” who “tested positive”, had any of them already been vaccinated?
    Dr. Harvey Risch, a Yale public health professor says, “Clinicians have been telling me that more than half of the new Covid cases that they’re treating are people who have been vaccinated.’

    • How much money does our hospital receive for a Covid death? What is the federal compensation to our health department for each “case”?
    One chart showing a state-by-state breakdown of federal aid lists a $58,000 payout per case in Washington state. If that is true, the 378 county cases claimed to date have generated $21,924,000 in federal compensation.

    In a county that appears to have seen little serious illness and zero deaths—but no end to the local fear campaign—from a virus which has proven to have a 99.9+% recovery rate, how curious that as more of the community gets the shots, Covid “cases” are rising.

  4. Jim

    There’s less money in chalking up an imminent death to “regular” causes. I find it fascinating that the Chicom Wuhan Virus has resulted in total deaths from all causes being almost the same year-over-year, rather than spiking the totals – could that be because heart attack and cancer are now “secondary causes” leading to more of our grandchildrens’ tax dollar burden into the system thanks to the WuFlu?

  5. Les Walden

    I’m 77 years old and one of the 21 thousands who has had many negaive tests, as i’ve been in and out of the hospital many times as a patient since all this started. I’ve not had a shot, nor am I getting one. The fact that the testing was rushed through and sold as the “save all” makes me suspicious. Add to that, the covid started in China and that makes me very suspious, Just what happened, or the reason, we’ll never know. However there are couple of things that do bother me. Top of the list is the fact that “Big Business” hasn’t suffered. Small businesses have been taken out of business heavily. Take a look around Jefferson,Clatsop and Kitsap counties. I seriously doubt if this situation will change. Through conditioning. the population is being taught to rely on TV and the Computer to keep us at home and not question anything. That is only part of it. i hope everyone likes wearting a mask from now on and maintaining “Social Distancing”. As things are going, it will be mandated into law amoung other restricted things. Years ago science fiction writers predicted this new world. Now we’re starting to live it. You should remember the joke that why do doctors have a practice. There’s a reason for it and not a funny one.

    • Ana Wolpin

      Thank you, Les, for your profound commentary on what those of us who haven’t been mesmerized by the covid cult-makers and their vast global myth-making machine are witnessing. The brainwashing is staggering; it has truly become a dystopian landscape in our little county. So sorry to hear that you have had to endure many so-called “tests”—an unnecessarily invasive procedure that doesn’t identify infectiousness—just to receive the medical care you need. What people are being subjected to is an abomination. Especially the children. And now these criminals are running trials injecting dangerous experimental biotech on babies as young as six months old. Under 20 years of age the risk from this virus, according to the CDC, is 0.003%—basically zero. The complicit media, as ever, covers up the horrific outcomes already surfacing, like reports of a two-year-old who died from blood clots after the first shot. And 12-year-old Maddie:

  6. Les Walden

    Thank you Ana. In this time where we’re told where and when to wear masks, have “Social Distancing”, Being told what businesses may operate at normal, Being sold a magic elixir as the cure all, Also beiing told what normal games, gathereings and keeping friends from your own home without being a relative from your home. I will answer to that great man, Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death.”


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