Port Townsend Free Press is going quiet for several months. The editor, Jim Scarantino, as in 2019, has to get to work on business responsibilities here and on the East Coast. Due to the COVID lockdowns, there’s a significant backlog needing attention. Plus, he’s going to to be doing a little traveling and enjoying those states within driving distance where one can dine and drink inside a bar and restaurant.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to our humble effort at citizen journalism during 2020: Brett Nunn, Craig Durgan, Gabrielle Guthrie, Gene Farr, Z Cerveney, Steve Schumacher, T.J, Kalas and our “Concerned Citizen of Port Townsend,” whose incisive commentaries we agreed to publish anonymously because she feared retaliation. Your articles were widely read. You made a real contribution to the dialogue in Jefferson County.
And thanks enormously to our readers–those who openly followed our work by commenting, sharing our stuff, or “liking” or “following” on Facebook–and the many more who regularly read our work but don’t want others in Port Townsend to know. Thanks for letting us know you’re out there. Our numbers soared this past year, and it was all because of all of you.
The lawsuit Jim Scarantino filed against Jefferson County for the way it censors and stifles speech in its on-line public forum, its official Facebook page, is proceeding, regardless of other commitments.
See you in a bit. Thanks for your understanding.
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.
Thank you for your continued vigilance against the dark side, who, due to election thievery and other criminal behavior, have stolen our constitution and our republic from us. May God help us, as He is all we have left.
Light shined on the FWPDA is appreciated. The light going out is unexpected. The ongoing FWPDA/City mismanagement will give lip service with little motivation for real change to a largely ignorant public. One less will question. Guess we are left with news lite locally. Half the info and no offensive digging deeper. Many can take no time away from issues covered by the Free Press. On and on it goes. It is a long road. I for one stay on it.
No worries, we’ll keep the lights on for you Jim. But please hurry back!
Thanks for having been here, Jim, for all the work you and others have done (especially about the Cherry St. debacle) and we look forward to your return – hopefully not to a smoking ash pile, but democRats run the joint so who knows?
I have really appreciated your work here.
I liked it best that when pointing out human foibles or errors in judgment, you avoided incendiary language.
All the best to you, Jim.
Since I first discovered you just short of a year ago, your email was the very first to be opened as soon as it popped up in my rather large scroll of mail. I will miss those posts greatly. The mass of people here are in for a big wake up call and your words, I believe, will be “heard” by more folks. So hopefully this will not be for too long of a furlough.
All the Best…Wish I was leaving the state for awhile as well.
Thanks for a “different look” at the news that has to do with Port Townsend. Keep at it as the citizenry has been “drinking the Koo-Aid” too long with without reality. I look forward to seeing you back on line in the future. Have a good trip and enjoy our great country.