Evergreen Fitness is Open for Business

by | Jan 6, 2021 | Local Businesses | 2 comments

“Let’s do this!” says Michelle West, owner of Evergreen Fitness in the Glen Cove area south of Port Townsend. “Starting 5:30 a.m. Monday January 11, we are open.”

Under the guidelines for fitness establishments announced by Governor Inslee on January 5, Evergreen Fitness may have up to 22 people at a time in its cavernous, multi-level facility. The rules require 500 square feet for each athlete (yes, if you’re 82 years old and you’re in the gym, you are an athlete). Also, exercise classes will be permitted to resume in groups of no more than five people. Just dropping by is not permitted. Members must make appointments to get the blood flowing again and start working off those extra COVID lock-down pounds. Each session may last up to 45 minutes.

West was already launching the “Jefferson County Health and Fitness Challenge” on January 11. That will be an eight-week program, with Zoom meetings, personal attention from a NASM accredited trainer, weekly challenges, and instructional materials. Participants may also enroll in beginner or intermediate guided walks or a special fitness assessment with two fitness routines customized for their home equipment. Registration starts at $39.

As part of the challenge, participants can win 20% of the fees collected, with 5% awarded to first and second runners-up.

Reopening means six employees getting back to work. In addition to its sprawling main floor with free weights, work-out equipment and cardio machines, Evergreen has an upstairs exercise floor and two sizable studios. Its large size will allow it to take full benefit of the Governor’s provisions for reopening.

And there’s a massage studio and tanning rooms that have remained in business the whole time, in compliance with the Governor’s guidelines. The juice bar will also reopen.

“I’m so grateful,” says West, “to members who jumped with us through all the changing hoops and rules and continued to be supportive and encouraging.”

No one has lost time off their contracts. West is extending all existing contracts to add on the days when the gym was closed. Evergreen is accepting new members.

For more information, call 360-302-1132 or click evergreenfitness.net. Members may begin reserving their workout and class time by logging on to myiclubonline.com. Spots in the gym areas may be reserved up to ten days in advance and up to eight days in advance for classes. The classes will include live senior group fitness leaders and virtual Les Mills instructors. Reservations may be made now.

West has been resourceful in keeping her business alive. It has been hard. She’s seen membership renewals drop and revenues plummet. She’s kept her building dark and cold and taken other steps in her business and personal life to save money. But she’s kept busy, promoting health and fitness and keeping members updated with regular email communications. She has worked closely with local government and health authorities to seek clarification on sometimes vague guidelines and bring her facility into compliance with all that is required of her. She has talked with many members personally to encourage them, not just to be patient, but also to take care of themselves and not let their health suffer.

Just as she’s encouraged members, they’ve also encouraged her. Now with the clouds lifting, the lights will be coming on in Evergreen Fitness.


Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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  1. Rita

    So happy Evergreen Fitness is surviving! Keep the faith!

    • Michelle

      Rita, THANK YOU!!! I’m excited to be holding the Jeff Co Health & Fitness Challenge too! Encourage your friends to join in there is still time to do so at: evergreenfitness.net/challenge Hurray!!


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