There Will Be No Healing

by | Nov 13, 2020 | General | 8 comments

I’m not conceding this election AT ALL. Unless you can show me evidence of President Dewey and President Gore, you will understand that the media does not choose our president for us. They called those elections, too. They both flipped.

But that’s not what I want to talk about. What I want to say is that No, we will not be holding hands and singing kumbaya. There will be no “healing and restoration.” I will not be playing hashtag “unity” and hashtag “community goodwill.”

I have just spent the last four years being demonized and disrespected by immature bullies who did not get what they wanted and used that as permission to call me uneducated, deplorable, brainwashed, hateful, a racist, a bigot, and other assorted names.

I’ve just spent 7 months practically locked down in my home over a complete lie. I’ve now barely got an income and I’ve watched far too many small businesses die. I’ve seen people lose their homes. I’ve watched people overdose on drugs and struggle with mental health and suicide issues and I’ve suffered tone deaf public officials and local leadership that just doesn’t care.

I’m not interested in forgiveness, instead I’m ready to see some people go to prison. What has been done to us is a human rights violation.

Don’t even get me started about “the church” at large. Some of the most vicious attacks have come from that direction, from the tolerance teams and the woke ones. I sure sucked some sour grapes today (November 7) reading those very same people trying to claim, NOW we need to pray for our leaders, we all just need to be more Christ-like!

No. Your authority is completely revoked. If I need to be more Christ-like, He’ll tell me.

I’ve grown up, I’ve learned a few things and I’ve gained some self respect. I will never again compromise my beliefs or my values just to help other people feel better. Relationships with people are no longer important to me and I won’t waste one moment investing in them. I’d rather be alone.

It’s a good place to be.

[Originally published November 7, 2020 at insanitybytes blog]

Gabrielle Guthrie

Gabrielle Guthrie is long time resident of Jefferson County

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  1. Pat Durbin

    You are not alone.

  2. Craig E Durgan

    Well said!

  3. Marie

    To Gabrielle: You are definitely NOT alone. Your wonderful article has just been posted to a Gab group with thousands of members. Gab is under attack these days so occasionally it is slow or off-line.

    • Hannah

      Wonderful to read your article Gabrielle. I share your viewpoints! Hannah

  4. Dave

    A thoughtful and well written cri de coeur.

    Yet one wonders if the admittedly uncivil behavior of the antagonists merits a return of the same.

    It needn’t be a love fest, but can’t we at least be civil to each other?

    At tiny bit frosty perhaps, but still civil?

  5. Babsie

    You have said very well what millions of Americans feel. My God has taught me to forgive those who have harmed us,, but,,,trying to destroy our country by every means possible over the last 4 years was the last straw. I will not forget nor will I forgive! I pray for the crazies but I will not forgive

  6. Les

    It’s time for the Senate and House to get back to the real purpose of their jobs. taking care of the people and remember the reason they’re there,


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