Aiding and Abetting Biden Crimes

by | Oct 30, 2020 | General | 1 comment

As voters, are we complicit to a crime if a candidate has become compromised beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet we continue to support his campaign in an effort to secure his ascension to higher office?

Pulitzer Prize winning author David Mamet states in his book, The Secret Knowledge, “In order to continue advancing their illogical arguments, modern liberals have to pretend not to know things.”  This election season there could be plenty of reasons why the voters might appear to not know things. For instance, the over the top censorship demonstrated by Twitter, Google and Facebook over the last several weeks.

If this sounds like a conspiracy theory then perhaps a review of the events of October 27th might clarify the issue. During a Senate hearing on that day the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, perjured himself while testifying under oath. He stated that Twitter was now allowing users to access the astounding story in the New York Post outlining the Biden family’s successful efforts to extract millions of dollars from foreign governments in exchange for access to a Vice President who could become a future President.

More than a curious few immediately attempted to verify Mr. Dorsey’s claims, only to discover that Twitter continued to block the New York Post expose’. Is Mr. Dorsey pretending not to know things?

This example leads me to believe that social media platforms are allowing users to see and hear only what they want them to see and hear, and that would be Joe Biden’s statement from the final presidential debate. When asked by his opponent why he had received 3.5 million dollars in a wire transfer from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow, Joe Biden replied “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever in my life.”

After testimony early last week from Tony Bobulinsky, the man hired by the Biden family to manage Biden Inc.’s overseas business ventures, I think I can comprehend the truth in that statement.

Records revealed by Mr. Bobulinsky show the former vice president did not take a single penny from a foreign government; indeed his family received millions from several foreign governments, Ukraine, Russia, China, to name a few. His son was used as the bagman so Vice President Biden could maintain, “plausible deniability”, the favored phrase of political elites when explaining how they get away with so much.

Why should it matter what a politician does to earn a few extra bucks?  After all the Vice President makes a measly $230,700 annually, has complimentary gold plated health care, unlimited use of government limousines, jets, and helicopters, free rent at the Vice-Presidential Mansion, free office space in the White House with only eighty staffers, round the clock Secret Service protection, a government pension upon retirement, and a bust of his likeness will be carved from marble and enshrined in the Senate wing of the Capitol Building. With such a paltry compensation package one would definitely need a second job to make ends meet.

Sarcasm aside, we are just a few days away from an election and this is what has become clear to me: China owns most of the factories that produce everything Americans need or want. China owns our debt. China owns Hollywood, and now, considering Joe Biden’s statement from the first debate, “I am the Democratic Party”, China owns the DNC.

So I ask again, should we search out the truth and cast our vote knowing all there is to know, or should we pretend not to know and risk becoming complicit in the election of a candidate compromised by Communist China?



A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend

The author asked that we protect her identity and we agreed. She fears retaliation for expressing her views and sharing research she has conducted in an honest effort to understand the turmoil surrounding her. Having experienced retaliation ourselves for articles published on this site, we appreciate and have sympathy for her fears.

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