The Board of Health needs to look in the mirror.
They have declared “systemic racism” a public health emergency. Do they realize that they are that system?
The Board of Health is a composite of Port Townsend’s political and economic elite. Only one of of its members does not have a city mailing address. They represent what passes for our local ruling class.
If there is “systemic racism” they are to blame. They run the show. They make the laws and regulations. They have set the narrative and governed the society they now condemn as sick.
In their resolution, passed October 15, 2020, with only one dissenting vote and a minor edit, they commit themselves to healing themselves. The resolution is really all about them, anyway. It is their ritual self debasement. Maybe they need redemption. Maybe they just want to show how virtuous they can be in a Mandala Center for Change acting-out-sort-of-way. Over a year ago they had suggested putting the whole Board of Health through one of Racism Central’s cultish indoctrination workshops. The Mandala Center is where you go in Port Townsend to become a racist, or hone your pre-existing racism, and emerge with a complicating symptom of tedious self-righteousness. I hope to be writing more about that down the line.
That’s from the Board of Health’s systemic racism declaration. The treatment will require more than a few weeks at a re-education camp. Of course, taxpayers will be paying for their therapy sessions while the Board of Health continues to ignore Jefferson County’s real health crises: joblessness, poverty, addiction, depression, despair and suicide.
The Board of Health already has before it a simple first step towards correcting its racist ways. But they won’t take it.
They endorsed Black Genocide and chose to honor an organization created to control, reduce and eventually exterminate Black Americans.
I wrote in June about their decision to celebrate a full century of Planned Parenthood’s work, including its racist and eugenicist origins. (“Black Lives Don’t Matter: Systemic Racism in the Jefferson County Public Health Department“) For most of its history Planned Parenthood was led by Margaret Sanger, whom everyone who is not lying to themselves knows was an avowed racist. Heck, she was a popular speaker at gatherings of the Ku Klux Klan. She wrote openly of how Black people were at the bottom of the evolutionary ladder. She is still the organization’s spiritual and intellectual inspiration. Their highest award is today named after the woman who warned White women that Black men could not help but be rapists because it was in their primitive nature.
Our racist Board of Health members effectively held up her work and writings and said, “Right on! You go, girl!”
Does this make them racist? Yup. We don’t want to toss that word around as recklessly as CNN does. But seriously, nobody made them celebrate Sanger’s work. They chose to bake the cake for her ugly baby’s 100th birthday.
More and more Black Americans are condemning Planned Parenthood and Sanger’s deplorable beliefs. I wrote about that in the article linked in the preceding paragraph. Since then, new, louder and more prominent Black voices have spoken against the implementation of Sanger’s planned Black Genocide through her institutional offspring. The latest voice joining that chorus is Kanye West who spoke on a podcast to Josh Rogan’s almost 20 million followers. “We’re in a genocide,” West declared as he called out Planned Parenthood’s program to kill Black babies.
“Let me talk about Planned Parenthood. There’s the last figure I saw is there were 210,000 deaths that’s due to COVID in America. And everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on … With abortion culture, there are 1,000 Black children aborted a day,” he said. “So, more Black children have died in the past, since February, than people have died of COVID, and everyone wears a mask,” he continued. “So, it’s a matter of where are we turning a blind eye to?”
Dear Board of Health, remember, ALL Black lives matter. Your silence is violence.
Of course, the Board of Health may not be hearing Kanye West or other Black voices saying that abortion is killing them at numbers greater than those killed in the North American slave trade. Why? Because, to quote Joe Biden, “they ain’t Black.”
If you want to see real racism, look at how White liberals react to Black conservatives. They ignore them. Or they ridicule and attack them to deter others from jumping off the intellectual plantation.
That’s what you will hear from Black conservatives who have been on the receiving end of White liberal racism. Larry Elder’s, “Uncle Tom” documentary tells their story. It is eye opening for it shows (1) the rich intellectual, philosophical and political diversity of Black America that is ignored by establishment media; (2) the brilliance, eloquence and determination of conservative Black Americans; and (3) the sordid truth that liberal America is in fact the source of any systemic racism that exists in this nation. The photo at the top shows Elder with some of the scholars and activists featured in his film. These are your therapists, dear Board of Health.
“I will not pretend to be a victim in this country,” says Candace Owens in the film. “I know that makes many people on the Left uncomfortable.”
We hear that getting uncomfortable is the first step for Whites to shake off their White supremacy. Hey, Board of Health, this may be something you really need to hear. If you have the courage to listen.
“At their core, the White liberal is the ultimate narcissist,” says Owens. “It’s the people who adopt animals for the purpose of saying, ‘I adopted an animal.’ Like, to them we are these pathetic, cute little playthings that they can then take to their friends and say, ‘Look at this person that I helped.'”
Uncomfortable yet? Here’s more self-awareness therapy for the Board of Health:
It is the Democrat Party, the party of every member of the Board of Health, that spread slavery across the country and provoked a bloody Civil War to preserve it. Like they chose to embrace Sanger, they have chosen to give their loyalty to this party. The party of the Board of the Health lynched Blacks, burned their homes and blocked them from participating in American democracy and prosperity for over a hundred years after Appomattox. The Board of Health belongs to the party of the Klan and Jim Crow. Democrats are responsible for the 1994 federal crime bill authored by Joe Biden, a friend to segregationists throughout his Senate career. This legislation, passed by a Democrat Congress and signed by a Democrat President sent a generation of Black Americans to prison when White Americans committing equivalent crimes got probation as punishment. The Board of Health is of the party that creates and maintains urban plantations of despair wherever it has monopoly power over city politics.
The Board of Health says it wants to change the way it thinks about Black Americans and racism. They don’t need a reeducation camp. They can all watch Elder’s “Uncle Tom” and take their first step on the path to healing what’s wrong with them.
And they can revoke their celebration and endorsement of the racist legacy of Planned Parenthood. Easy peazy, if the will is there.
Cheaper than a brainwashing session at the Mandala Center ($150 for an online workshop), Elder’s excellent, critically-acclaimed documentary is available on DVD for only $17. I am ordering a copy for the Board of Health. They can pass it around and begin to purge themselves of the systemic racism they believe they have helped graft onto this county of wonderful, kind, people. I really hope the Board of Health members will watch Elder’s video. It would be racist not to.
Lesson 1. Here is an out take from the film that convicts White liberals for what they are doing to Black Americans. “I can change a bigot faster than I can change a patronizing liberal,” says Robert L. Woodson at the beginning and its gets more and more uncomfortable for White liberals from there. But that’s good, right?
Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.