An Undeniable, Unavoidable Stark Choice Faces Voters

by | Oct 23, 2020 | General | 1 comment

After weeks of listening to the talking points from the mouths of our national leaders on the left, I sent this message to the Senators and Congressman representing Jefferson County, Washington at the federal level. 

“Instead of congratulations for running a successful campaign that offers any viable alternative to the Trump Presidency, I am contacting you to register my shock and dismay with the leaders of the Democratic Party clearly signaling to the electorate that they will refuse to accept the results of the upcoming election if it is not in their favor. Joe Biden threatens the American population with continued rioting if the Republican candidate is re-elected, and through the Transition Integrity Project we learn that Democratic Leaders continue to war game for a coup to remove the president. This is not a Democratic Party I recognize or can support. Please tell me you will stand for the rule of law in the coming months. Please make an immediate public statement to your constituents that you support free and fair elections and will condemn any rioting that demands a duly elected candidate must go because a violent mob says he is illegitimate.” 

I have heard nothing of any substance in return from Senator Murray, Senator Cantwell, or Congressman Kilmer. I am not surprised. They are busy people.

I have struggled lately to explain to my kind, intelligent and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend why I am astounded at the general lack of interest in the recent revelations surrounding the most monumental criminal conspiracy in the history of American politics. I hear their dismay when they described how rude it was for a Presidential candidate to be interrupted in a debate, but no one seems to be able to grasp that for the last four years there has been an active and ongoing effort at the highest levels inside and outside of our Federal Government to overthrow a duly elected president. People I speak to admit to little more than just wanting to move on. I am left to think that a crime in progress, perpetrated on the American people by officials in their government, is too much for them to comprehend. They seem to think if we just pretend not to notice, all this trouble will go away, and will never happen again.

Some have described this action as a “Soft Coup”, but after researching the origins of this term I think Phil D’Agostino, writing for The American Thinker back in December of 2019, defines what we are experiencing in far better terms.

“As evidenced by the statements of many current players behinds the scenes who have been actively trying to fundamentally transform America, it would seem that in the 20th Century, it was determined by those committed to the transformation, that the people of the USA would never willfully throw away their freedoms and embrace some form of Marxian socialism. Therefore, in order to effect this change, there needed to be an internal use of the system itself to subvert it through legislation and regulations to become a de facto state of Marxian socialism without ever calling it such, nor voting for such.” 

D’Agostino continues: “Ever since, there have been bureaucrats and presidents who have worked against the will of the majority in order to ‘overthrow’ the duly elected government and replace it with their own view of what the US government ‘should’ look like. It is a war, not a coup. They are relentless, indefatigable. They will never stop.“

He goes on to say we might think this is just about Trump, but it is not.

Any person, “Who embraces the ideals of small government, personal freedom of choice, personal property rights, and the ability to defend our ownership of what we’ve created or accumulated, will be the next target. A relative handful of people would superimpose their views as a minority onto the will of the majority because they believe themselves to be smarter, better, more correct.”

So, for my kind, intelligent, and thoughtful friends in Port Townsend this is what has been pre-eminent in my thoughts over the last few weeks. I ask that you consider the undeniable truth that is there for all of us to see if we wish to do so and ask yourself, Do you want to be ruled by people who are sure they are smarter, better, more correct and know what you need better than you do? Or do you prefer the original intent of what was given to us so many years ago, government of the people, by the people, for the people? The choice between the two has never been more stark. 


A Concerened Citizen of Port Townsend

The author asked that we protect her identity and we agreed. She fears retaliation for expressing her views and sharing research she has conducted in an honest effort to understand the turmoil surrounding her. Having experienced retaliation ourselves for articles published on this site, we appreciate and have sympathy for her fears.

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1 Comment

  1. Saltherring

    Excellent article, “Concerned Citizen”, and very true in all respects. Also, I fully understand your desire to remain anonymous, given the creepy Marxist political environment in Port Townsend.

    Washington citizens should also extend a large measure of hostility to state and local politicians, as well as their media sock puppets, who made little or no attempt to stop the burning, looting and violence towards police officers during the Seattle riots, preferring instead to call them “peaceful Protests”.


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