Chapman Funded Almost Completely by Lobbyists, PACs From Outside District

by | Oct 5, 2020 | General | 1 comment

Over 95% of Michael Chapman’s campaign funds come from lobbyists and PACs representing groups and business from outside his district, according to his latest filings with the Public Disclosure Commission. Of his $103,000 campaign war chest for reelection to the House of Representatives for the the 24th Legislative District, only $2,703 comes from individuals who live in his district.  Not a penny of Chapman’s campaign funds came from Brinnon, Quilcene, Port Ludlow, Forks, McCleary, Elma, or Hoquiam. Only 5 individuals from Port Townsend have contributed to his re-election.

Of his top 45 donors, only one, the Jamestown S’Klallam tribe, is in his district.

Over 23% of his funds came from out of state.

PDC breakdown of Chapman contributions. The blue represents business contributions. Individual contributions are shown in green.

61% of Chapman’s money came from Political Action Committees, 28% from businesses and 6.6% from unions.

Chevron, Microsoft, Enterprise, Weyerhaeuser, Boeing, Amazon, and BSNF Railways (Warren Buffett) gave the legal limit, as did PACs for alcohol interests, auto dealers, and casinos.

Seattle accounts for the largest number of donors and highest amount of donations to Chapman’s campaign, with Olympia coming next.

Chevron alone gave more money to Chapman than he has received combined from individuals in Port Angeles ($503), Sequim ($700) and Port Townsend ($700), the three largest communities on the north end of the Olympic Peninsula. Only two people in Aberdeen and Ocean Shores have given him anything.

As of his last filing, Chapman has spent only $6,000 on his re-election.

Sue Forde

Chapman’s opponent, Sue Forde, has raised just under half of Chapman’s total. According to her most recent PDC filings, of her $46,000, about $30,000 has come from individuals, $14,500 from Republican party groups, ($10,500 from the state organization and the balance from LD 24 GOP county and local groups) and $1,100 from businesses. She has reported expenditures of just under $12,000.

PDC breakdown of Forde contributions. Green for individuals, purple for PACs.

All her funds came from within the district except for six contributions totaling about $2,700, the reverse of Chapman’s campaign which has raised only $2,700 from within the district. Forde has only one donation from Seattle.

[Correction: As originally posted, the article stated that 97% of Rep. Chapman’s funds came from lobbyists and PACs outside his district. The precise figure is 95.44%. I had missed the address on one corporate donor and caught the error when I checked my figures again after publication.]


Jim Scarantino

Jim Scarantino was the editor and founder of Port Townsend Free Press. He is happy in his new role as just a contributor writing on topics of concern to him. He spent the first 25 years of his professional life as a trial attorney, with a specialty in litigating complex construction disputes, involving everything from massive electrical power generation plants in Puerto Rico to ethanol production and interstate highway projects in New Mexico. For his second career, he launched an online investigative news website that broke several national stories. He is also the author of three crime novels. He resides in Jefferson County. See our "About" page for more information.

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1 Comment

  1. RitaHubbard

    Well that secures my decision on who to vote for.


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